[HN Gopher] Show HN: I wrote a comprehensive book on web applica...
       Show HN: I wrote a comprehensive book on web application deployment
       Author : strzibny
       Score  : 227 points
       Date   : 2021-12-13 16:05 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (deploymentfromscratch.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (deploymentfromscratch.com)
       | password4321 wrote:
       | Does it cover minimum viable Rails deployments?
       | I want to know how to push only pre-configured dependencies
       | without Docker. So no build tools in production, just pre-built
       | binaries. (Specifically not building gems on the production
       | server.)
         | strzibny wrote:
         | I cover what most people do which is either using build tools
         | on a production server or building containers without them. I
         | understand where you are coming from, but I don't talk
         | _specifically_ about this.
         | Basically you need to build your .so files beforehand and then
         | copy them over. If you use the same system as your target you
         | can just copy gems' files around.
         | A good approach (which we did at Red Hat) is to repackage gems
         | as RPMs and then install them as other system packages. But
         | it's a lot of work. Fedora has a whole default Rails stack
         | packaged, though.
       | u-rate wrote:
       | Hi Josef, the book looks super interesting! Do you offer discount
       | for broke college students? :)
         | strzibny wrote:
         | Please DM me on Twitter https://twitter.com/strzibnyj
       | vich wrote:
       | I am just starting the process of migrating away from Heroku, so
       | this is perfect timing. As a full stack dev, I've always done the
       | bare minimum with deployment as I never found the process
       | particularly enjoyable. In the past, I would always just copy-
       | paste build configurations from past projects, or some online
       | resources, and wouldn't spend much time digging into the details
       | or really understanding the ins and outs of the build & deploy
       | process.
       | Needless to say, I'm looking forward to this book.
         | strzibny wrote:
         | Thank you! I think that understanding things better makes it
         | more enjoyable, actually.
         | If you'll have any feedback for me or questions down the line,
         | just send me a DM.
       | notyourday wrote:
       | Really? Rails, Python, and co deployment needs a book?! This is a
       | perfect illustration of the sad state of basic skills of
       | developers.
       | * Super old school. rsync over ssh. ssh to restart the process.
       | * Old school. "cap production deploy"
       | * New school. Build a container. Run it.
         | burnished wrote:
         | Sorry, the knowledge-pods of those under 40 were defective, we
         | just weren't born knowing everything we needed to know (unlike
         | previous generations).
           | errcorrectcode wrote:
           | Responding low with ageism isn't good. ):
           | However, I will take all of your knowledge-pods. Resistance
           | is futile. :)
       | copperx wrote:
       | I really like the way the book looks. Can you share details about
       | how you wrote it / typesetted it?
         | strzibny wrote:
         | I started with Markdown and gitbook initially (the old version
         | of gitbook), and then switched to Pandoc & XeLaTex engine with
         | the mixture of Markdown and LaTex. I only did the "cat" and
         | "ref" boxes in LaTex, everything else is Markdown.
         | I also use some Ruby for preprocessing (when building other
         | formats), previews, etc. Someone submitted my post on that to
         | HN a while ago so there is some discussion here:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28594863
       | mcguire wrote:
       | Comprehensive?
       | " _Deploy Ruby, Python, PostgreSQL, and Redis._ "
         | strzibny wrote:
         | Comprehensive means going from networking to configuring NGINX
         | as a load balancer. And everything in-between.
         | But to provide more value I chose certain language runtimes and
         | databases, because writing only in general is not as useful and
         | tangible. What it means is that a chapter on application
         | servers goes through some options you want to look for, and
         | after that discusses configuration of Puma and Gunicorn as
         | examples.
         | So if you are running Node.js, I don't have (currently)
         | specific configuration directives listed, but you would know
         | what to look for.
         | I might add more to the current list, but obviously I can never
         | cover everything.
         | [deleted]
       | __blockcipher__ wrote:
       | This might just be paranoia but a couple of the early comments on
       | this thread feel very astro-turfy. For example:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=vich (hasn't commented
       | since aug 2020)
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=matthieuchabert (hasn't
       | commented for 10 months)
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=vivty is slightly sketchy
       | as well but not super cut and dry
         | abc03 wrote:
         | I bought the book but I haven't managed to go through it yet.
         | What I can tell is that some real work went into the book. I
         | don't intend to deploy things myself as I use Heroku and Cloud
         | 66 but sometimes one still has to understand how things work.
         | cyral wrote:
         | I posted a personal project on reddit around a year ago that
         | got highly upvoted and someone made a similar post with a bunch
         | of "strange" comments that must be evidence of me astroturfing.
         | I have to admit they were strange accounts, some who haven't
         | commented in over a year, but I wasn't using any alt accounts
         | or anything sketchy. Sometimes people just don't comment unless
         | it's something they really like or are knowledgeable about, or
         | maybe something else, I am not sure and couldn't explain it
         | when it happened to me.
         | nawgz wrote:
         | Show HN has a major problem with that these days. The comments
         | that are just like "perfect timing! I have never seen a
         | resource for this and I'm just learning it now" are really
         | facile, no one actually interacts with people selling you
         | things like this, and it's contrasted starkly with the one
         | comment giving feedback on the page which is that it has no
         | content at all unless you buy it.
         | I find it very hard to believe the ratio of happy purchasers
         | already seeing value vs. questioners about what this really is
         | being 5:1 or more. Sad to see.
           | jaw wrote:
           | > no one actually interacts with people selling you things
           | like this
           | There's a whole successful social network (Goodreads) built
           | on people's desire to talk about books, frequently in the
           | form of effusive praise. I think being able to trace the
           | product to a single individual (e.g. a book's author) helps
           | make it particularly appealing to leave that sort of
           | feedback: we know it feels great to hear that someone values
           | a thing you've created, and we like the idea of giving that
           | pleasure to the creators of things we like.
             | errcorrectcode wrote:
             | I had the impression Goodreads was a link-farming
             | book/warez site. Is it something real or apparent
             | competing-with-the-Jones', Chef de Claque toxic positivity,
             | whether human or bot?
               | jaw wrote:
               | I and many people I've met irl through book clubs etc use
               | it; I find reading my friends' reviews interesting and
               | I've gotten good recommendations through it.
               | If you're just looking at the top reviews for a book it's
               | more questionable; they tend toward the extremes:
               | enraptured encomiums about how beautiful and important
               | and bold the book is, or insult-laden rants where the
               | book is a whipping post for the reviewer to show off what
               | a biting sense of humor they have.
           | strzibny wrote:
           | I specifically waited with SHOW HN until I had some customers
           | and good feedback hoping some of them hang out on HN as well.
           | I swear nothing was solicited. I just posted it myself and
           | waited. No Twitter, no mailing lists, nada.
         | matthieuchabert wrote:
         | I'm not a frequent contributor to HN (except when I build a
         | product and want to show it on HN). I genuinely commented
         | because I like the book and saw this thread on HN.
         | I never talked to the author, I only follow him on Twitter.
           | __blockcipher__ wrote:
           | Thanks. I'm glad to know it's not what it appeared at first
           | glance. And apologies if I drew any unwanted attention to
           | your account.
         | d4mi3n wrote:
         | Aside: Is HN so fragile that it requires end-users to police
         | anomalous activity? Given the age and influence of the platform
         | I'd assume dang and co. who moderate and maintain the board are
         | old hands at staying on top of manipulation of the platform.
         | Could any mods comment on this? _Should_ we be keeping an eye
         | out and calling out odd activity? It'd be nice to avoid posts
         | like __blockcipher__'s; while well intentioned I could see such
         | commentary having a chilling effect on discourse.
           | __blockcipher__ wrote:
           | Not sure if you saw it but another user pointed out that
           | there's already a section in the guidelines about it:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29542871
           | > Please don't post insinuations about astroturfing,
           | shilling, brigading, foreign agents and the like. It degrades
           | discussion and is usually mistaken. If you're worried about
           | abuse, email hn@ycombinator.com and we'll look at the data.
           | That guideline makes sense to me. I was previously unaware of
           | it [the guideline] but the justification is sound, doubly so
           | because it turned out the comments were genuine* :) My
           | apologies.
           | * Albeit at least one user presumably found the post via
           | Twitter from following the author which is a little bit of a
           | grey area
             | d4mi3n wrote:
             | I was unaware of it as well, thanks for calling it out. I
             | don't think you were wrong to call out your suspicions, I
             | was just unaware of what controls or processes were in
             | place (if any) to prevent the need for users to police
             | stuff.
         | jmuguy wrote:
         | I suppose if the author asked a few folks to leave positive
         | comments on the post thats not too crazy. I'd do the same thing
         | if I was trying to promote something. I think I'd draw the line
         | at something more programmatic, like some gray hat creating
         | sock puppet accounts.
           | jrochkind1 wrote:
           | The HN guidelines[1] say:
           | > Don't solicit upvotes, comments, or submissions. Users
           | should vote and comment when they run across something they
           | personally find interesting--not for promotion.
           | I believe that means that asking people to leave positive
           | comments on a post is something the guidelines ask you not to
           | do.
           | But I would agree that, for instance, just posting on your
           | social media "I posted this on HN, check out the comments" by
           | itself should probably be fine, and might result in the same
           | behavior, it's kind of a fuzzy line.
           | Please don't actually ask people to leave positive comments
           | though. Or post something that you hope people read-between-
           | the-lines the same way.
           | [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
             | powvans wrote:
             | The same guidelines that you linked also say:
             | > Please don't post insinuations about astroturfing,
             | shilling, brigading, foreign agents and the like. It
             | degrades discussion and is usually mistaken. If you're
             | worried about abuse, email hn@ycombinator.com and we'll
             | look at the data.
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | true!
           | __blockcipher__ wrote:
           | They should disclose that, though. Otherwise the feedback is
           | indistinguishable from astroturfing.
           | Pretty much everything about this guy rubs me the wrong way.
           | The usual cheesy testimonials / vague promises of content
           | which never really gets previewed, the obvious astroturfing,
           | which he continues to respond to as if they're organic
           | genuine comments, etc. Just leaves a really bad taste in my
           | mouth.
             | strzibny wrote:
             | I am really sorry you feel that way. It's all pure feedback
             | from people I don't know. All organic. And I am replying,
             | because I promised I will be around for discussion.
             | Testimonials, podcasts appearances, and comments here were
             | _not_ solicited. People just did that on their own.
             | Jeremy from Software Engineering Radio actually really
             | bought the alpha version, and his invitation to the podcast
             | was out of the blue. Jason didn't buy my book (I think) but
             | wanted to talk about it. Juan sent me his testimonial
             | himself. And I wasn't their friend beforehand either.
             | > never really gets previewed
             | I linked two previews, one is a full chapter. I also have
             | like 8 readable screens of good quality on the book page.
               | __blockcipher__ wrote:
               | Thanks for the explanation. Sorry for the false alarm. My
               | spidey senses started tingling but I should have held
               | back a bit.
               | As you mentioned, I was flat-out wrong about the
               | previews. Not sure if I scrolled straight past that
               | section or what.
               | Wishing you the best with your book. And FWIW I like the
               | bash-based approach; I agree with the philosophy of
               | peeling away the abstraction layers.
               | strzibny wrote:
               | No problem, I know where you are coming from. I regularly
               | get spammed with "we are not PH" and "we are on HN" posts
               | from people I don't even know, and the hard truth is that
               | for lot of these "marketers" it actually works in the
               | end.
               | Thank you!
               | simonebrunozzi wrote:
               | Thanks for your straightforward reply.
               | The comments could have been seen as odd, but your
               | openness suggests it was just a coincidence.
               | Also, congrats on writing a full book!
               | strzibny wrote:
               | Thank you!
             | lmarcos wrote:
             | On the other side, I find your comment, and all the other
             | comments that originated from yours, very distracting to
             | the point that I didn't care anymore about the book itself
             | but only about writing this (annoying and distracting)
             | comment.
             | [deleted]
             | alexanderjchun wrote:
             | This is why I never look at the comments on ProductHunt.
           | strzibny wrote:
           | Hi, I haven't asked anybody. But I did wait with SHOW HN
           | until I sold something and had good reviews and feedback.
       | msie wrote:
       | I wished there was coverage of Apache http but otherwise a very
       | interesting book!
         | strzibny wrote:
         | I chose NGINX because it's what I use and have a good
         | performance. I am curious, why are you interested in Apache in
         | particular? Is that what you run now?
           | msie wrote:
           | My organization only uses Apache because everyone there knows
           | it.
             | strzibny wrote:
             | Got it, thanks.
       | pelagicAustral wrote:
       | Looks very promising OP. As a Rails developer I've been looking
       | for something like this for a while. I'm getting a copy soon as
       | hit my pad later on.
         | strzibny wrote:
         | Thanks a lot!
           | pelagicAustral wrote:
           | Done! thank you very much for this resource.
       | M4R5H4LL wrote:
       | Page red flagged and blocked by BitDefender.
         | strzibny wrote:
         | Oh shoot. It's just a static page hosted on Netlify, wonder why
         | is that.
           | nefitty wrote:
           | Is that in the book?
             | strzibny wrote:
             | I don't use Bitdefender. I think it has some issue with how
             | Netlify delivers content (sesing other Netlify issue with
             | it). Likely a false positive, though.
               | nefitty wrote:
               | Cool. Hopefully I didn't come off as mocking. I should
               | have clarified that I meant that general type of false-
               | positive flagging problem. I favorited the post if that
               | tells you anything lol
               | I'm excited to dive in!
               | strzibny wrote:
               | Actually it was a good joke, I laughed reading it.
               | And thanks!
           | wrycoder wrote:
           | I'd be interested in knowing the reason, once you find it.
           | Thanks for the book!
             | M4R5H4LL wrote:
             | No specifics - just got this page
             | Web Protection by Bitdefender Dangerous page blocked for
             | your protection https://deploymentfromscratch.com/
             | Dangerous pages attempt to install software that can harm
             | the device, gather personal information or operate without
             | your consent.
             | TAKE ME BACK TO SAFETY I understand the risks, take me
             | there anyway If you know this page is not dangerous, you
             | can add it to your Exceptions list. Be aware that you will
             | not be warned about any threats existing on this pag
       | jalino23 wrote:
       | deployment is always the one Ive struggled with. there so much
       | tutorial about building a webapp and almost always all of them
       | assumes you can deploy. and I could not find dedicated resources
       | for deployment. thank you so much for this!
         | strzibny wrote:
         | I actually think there are many resources online, but nothing
         | that takes you from the beginning to the end. So unless you
         | know what to search for, you won't find it.
         | This is especially true for security. How do you know things
         | are secure once your deployment works?
       | matthieuchabert wrote:
       | I'm currently reading this book and I am very impressed by the
       | work done by the author.
       | It goes in depth on many subjects like provisioning,
       | configuration and deployment. For a beginner like me it's
       | perfect.
       | Highly recommend for web developers who wants to understand
       | better how a server works under the hood and how to deploy it.
         | strzibny wrote:
         | Thanks a lot for your kind words :). DM me if you hit any
         | roadblocks!
       | benburton wrote:
       | I'd love to give this a read from someone with a lot of
       | experience in the source material, but given a $50 pricetag for a
       | book I don't need to read I'm not into it. Who are your editors?
       | strzibny wrote:
       | Hi fellow readers of HN,
       | I am Josef, a full-stack developer, a formal Ruby Linux packager
       | at Red Hat, and an author of Deployment from Scratch (which is
       | this post about!).
       | After working at Red Hat and technically leading a start-up (of
       | which I was the primary production engineer), I decided to write
       | down a resource I felt was missing on the market:
       | A book that gives you the confidence to deploy your first
       | application focused on fundamental, transferable, and long-
       | lasting skills rather than tools of the day:
       | * You'll learn about networking, Linux, systemd, deployment
       | strategies, web servers, application servers, databases, and
       | containers.
       | * You'll be able to deploy Rails or Django applications (or
       | anything really) together with production PostgreSQL and Redis
       | databases. All automated with just a few lines of Bash.
       | What's unique about this book:
       | * It's a comprehensive book where things are designed to work
       | together. I take readers from general networking knowledge to
       | databases and containers. It's for beginners, but I am not
       | skipping anything, not even SELinux.
       | * There are no abstractions, just Bash. I believe in learning the
       | actual thing rather than an abstraction. Abstractions are great
       | once you know what they are abstracting.
       | * Everything is done on Enterprise Linux with full SELinux
       | support. While I have happy readers using Ubuntu, I thought the
       | market doesn't have a good CentOS/Rocky/RHEL book.
       | There are three scripted demonstrations, cheatsheets, and a
       | security checklist, apart from the book content. The
       | demonstrations include:
       | * A git-push deployment of a database-backed Ruby on Rails
       | application with Encrypted Credentials and Action Cable
       | * A self-sufficient PostgreSQL cluster with automatic system
       | upgrades, log rotation, and TLS
       | With these demonstrations, you can be up and running quickly and
       | also save a lot of money on Heroku :)
       | Stats so far:
       | * Took me more than 3 years to write (1+ year of fulltime
       | billable time)
       | * Built a mailing list of more than 600 interested people
       | * Sold 366 copies
       | * 22 readers gave the book 5-star rating
       | The table of contents and the first small chapter:
       | https://deploymentfromscratch.com/previews/intro.pdf
       | A special SHOW HN preview of the Web Servers chapter:
       | https://deploymentfromscratch.com/previews/show_hn_preview.p...
       | Buy on Gumroad: https://gum.co/deploymentfromscratch
       | I am around to answer any questions.
       | Josef
       | p.s. You can use "showhn" discount code at checkout for 20% off
       | as a thank you to this community that put my posts several times
       | on the HN frontpage ;)
         | anonymous532 wrote:
         | Not interested in this book, but maybe you find my opinion of
         | any value:
         | Your website comes off as hustle to get money without content:
         | * The first section where you describe your product, you avoid
         | all that the product is, making me think you don't actually
         | have content which you want to show off(the book image is
         | digital with no mention of it being an ebook, the description
         | is about me and tehnologies, no preview, no list of concrete
         | things I learn)
         | * In the next section you continue marketing a dream instead of
         | the actual content, then you sell reviews, a story and others'
         | opinion. Again, I conclude that you don't want me to form my
         | own opinion of potentially bad content.
         | * "What I'll get" is meta content, things I should see after
         | being sold the content. At that point I clicked off the website
         | thinking it's a scam.
         | Before commenting this I went one more time to make sure I
         | didn't miss anything and discovered that you actually do have
         | chapters content and preview, just past the point where I
         | clicked off.
           | rmbyrro wrote:
           | I happened to have a quite different view.
           | It was clear to me the content I was supposed to get.
           | The only reason I didn't purchase is because the value
           | proposition "save time managing your own side-project/startup
           | deployment" is not smart, to me at least.
           | I decided to pay and outsource most of these things away in
           | order to focus on differentiating software, marketing/sales
           | and peace of mind.
           | Edit: I also think the "start a career in SRE" is quite a
           | long stretch.
             | strzibny wrote:
             | Thanks for your feedback.
             | > the value proposition "save time managing your own side-
             | project/startup deployment" is not smart
             | I would say it's not right for all. But it's 100% true
             | (from my readers) that people learn self-hosting to cut
             | costs. That part of the page targets these people.
             | > I decided to pay and outsource most of these things away
             | in order to focus on differentiating software,
             | marketing/sales and peace of mind
             | I want to say that the saving angle is only one of the
             | reasons pointed out. If you want to know how things work
             | and don't care about saving, it's still worth to learn it.
             | I think you are not the target audience, though, since you
             | want to focus on other aspects of the business which you
             | probably enjoy more. :)
             | > I also think the "start a career in SRE" is quite a long
             | stretch
             | The book shows you lot of Linux content you can find in
             | RHCSA and RHCE exams. If you would really learn what's in
             | it, you can be hired on spot for a junior role.
               | rmbyrro wrote:
               | Those are fair points, I agree this is subjective. That's
               | why I said _" to me at least"_.
               | I've done this kind of work in the past and would
               | certainly enjoy learning more. Your book was inviting. I
               | just won't have the time at this moment. Need to focus
               | elsewhere, as I said.
               | When thinking about business, the initial scale is quite
               | small and managed services are cheap (and a variable
               | cost) compared to the time I'd spend on self-managed
               | (high upfront, fixed cost).
           | strzibny wrote:
           | Thanks a lot for your feedback. Happy you found the time to
           | write it.
           | I agree I should clarify it's an ebook sooner in text. And I
           | want to redo the chapters. But I get a lot of conflicting
           | feedback so hard to know what's right.
           | The page has a good conversion, though. So something is
           | working.
         | RomanPushkin wrote:
         | I'd recommend educative platform for your book (as a course).
         | I wrote my own book about Ruby for beginners
         | https://leanpub.com/rubyisforfun, and converted it to a course,
         | which is quite fun https://www.educative.io/courses/handbook-
         | ruby-developers
         | Released 1-2 weeks ago, but it looks to me like a promising
         | future - the new format of books that are more interactive.
         | Website allows to run snippets, do interactive assessments, and
         | so on.
         | The reading and learning is much more convenient.
           | strzibny wrote:
           | Thanks for the tip. I am thinking about a course, but spent
           | so much time on the book I unsure if I could make it in a
           | reasonable time :)
         | no_circuit wrote:
         | Based on the table of contents and the preview pages it looks
         | like it has some pretty good content. Made me think of "the
         | missing manual" book series.
         | I just don't think small startups or side-projects should spend
         | so much time getting all the configuration and moving parts
         | right compared to just Docker+Terraform+(IaaS of choice). Then
         | if one is on a tight budget, then just run Docker Compose on a
         | single host, or run on a computer at home being proxied by
         | Cloudflare free account. If able to spend more, then use the
         | IaaS managed services like for containers and databases.
         | I guess I feel that setting people up to deploy with bespoke
         | Bash scripts is borderline irresponsible since they won't be
         | easily, or automatically, updated in case there are any other
         | issues, unlike something like Terraform. I can't tell that
         | easily however because there is no architectural diagram to
         | help understand what the book leads up to as how one should
         | deploy things.
         | However it seems more like it would be a better guide as "Linux
         | Servers from Scratch"? That would be something which would be
         | good reading for someone new to tech. Before moving onto higher
         | abstractions. Or being used as the from scratch guide on how to
         | customize container images by more experienced programmers, but
         | those missing the Linux admin fundamentals.
           | rmbyrro wrote:
           | > I just don't think small startups or side-projects should
           | spend so much time getting all the configuration and moving
           | parts right compared to just Docker+Terraform+(IaaS of
           | choice).
           | Hype aside, I'd add serverless. One can build a lot of stuff
           | with very little hassle on top of AWS Lambda, API Gateway,
           | DynamoDB and S3.
           | strzibny wrote:
           | I really believe that what I put into the book should be a
           | knowledge a person deploying production application should
           | have.
           | > I just don't think small startups or side-projects should
           | spend so much time getting all the configuration and moving
           | parts right compared to just Docker+Terraform+(IaaS of
           | choice).
           | It's the opposite actually! I show you how to avoid a lot of
           | indirection and have a deploy script in 200 lines of Bash
           | that you understand in an afternoon.
           | If you choose to use Docker, I have a full chapter of
           | building containers, doing Docker networking, running
           | containers with the Docker engine or with Podman like any
           | other systemd service.
           | You can then write a small Bash script to install Docker and
           | deploy your container or write an abstraction in a tool like
           | Ansible. That's your choice and I think I present good
           | arguments for both.
           | > deploy with bespoke Bash scripts is borderline
           | irresponsible
           | Only like 5% of the book spends time talking about how to
           | glue everything with Bash. Most is networking, permissions,
           | configuration. The idea is to see how things are done with
           | the most basic building block which is a shell.
           | The thing is shell code is how you interact with your
           | operating system unless you are using C API. It's what most
           | deployment tools use under the hood, not to mention that many
           | tools are basically Bash (ruby-install, chruby) or based
           | around executing it (Dockerfile).
           | > However it seems more like it would be a better guide as
           | "Linux Servers from Scratch"?
           | I already renamed the book twice :). Not anymore, please ;).
           | Most people actually told me they don't care for the name at
           | all. Yes, there is a lot of Linux, but I named it after the
           | intent. The intent is to deploy at the end. The fact that
           | most of the deployment is configuration is implementation
           | detail.
             | no_circuit wrote:
             | Fair enough. :-) Like I said, my impression is that the
             | content seems good! What I can't tell, without reading it,
             | is what the end state of the dev/ops architecture would be
             | along with its maintenance requirements, to understand if
             | it would be a good complete resource to refer to beginners
             | in tech I can't assist myself.
         | pezzana wrote:
         | > Took me more than 3 years to write (1+ year of fulltime
         | billable time)
         | It shows - very polished. Have you described your process for
         | writing the book anywhere? Given the quality of the landing
         | page and samples, I'd also be interested in that.
       | padthai wrote:
       | I am working through the book right now. It touches a lot of
       | things, albeit superficially, to get you up and running. I have
       | done plenty of deployments in the past so I do not need half of
       | the book, but it has been helpful to put into context holes in my
       | education (SELinux, Systemd, firewalls, etc.)
       | @strzibny, it would be great if you can put some curated links or
       | references at the end of the book so the reader know where to go
       | if they want to go deeper in that particular topic. It would
       | really improve the value that some of us get from the book.
         | strzibny wrote:
         | Thanks a lot for your review. I'll think about it. Is there a
         | topic/chapter specifically you want to dive deeper?
       | sireat wrote:
       | From the testimonial on the page:
       | 4 CPU cores, 16 GB of RAM, and automated backups for barely EUR15
       | a month.
       | Where can you get a VPS for so cheap, I do not think even Hetzner
       | goes that low?
         | juanse wrote:
         | I wrote that, and I did it without being paid or having any
         | affiliation. Just a happy customer.
         | This is the service I use: https://www.netcup.eu, and by the
         | way I recommended it too.
         | dewey wrote:
         | OVH/Kimsufi: KS-4 - https://www.kimsufi.com/en/servers.xml
       | vivty wrote:
       | As someone new to deployment this book was a great read. I learnt
       | a breadth of new techniques (ssh, security (e.g. fail2ban,
       | selinux, permissions), bash commands, dns and configuration of a
       | vps) and i also liked, that the author gave advice on which tools
       | could be helpful (e.g. Ansible).
       | The book however does not go into detail on these tools (ansible,
       | terraform), its goal is to teach the basics of deploying an app
       | on a linux vps.
         | strzibny wrote:
         | Thanks for a nice review. The book is already long as it is, so
         | I only provide some general ideas behind these tools. The path
         | forward might be very different from person to person. Some
         | will want to convert the Bash code to Ansible and some are
         | already running Kubernetes clusters at work :)
       | caffeine wrote:
       | Book looks like it would have been very useful when starting out!
       | I had to glean this information by watching more experienced devs
       | and then bumping through different tutorials, and some of it
       | (like security) is still hard to come by.
       | kingcharles wrote:
       | What is a good alternative to this book for Windows / ASP.NET /
       | Azure?
       | (don't judge me!)
         | strzibny wrote:
         | Do people actually deploy on Windows?
         | (It's a joke, but as a Red Hat guy I yet have to see it in real
         | life to believe it.)
         | My last Windows was XP, but I actually use Azure at work right
         | now. If you want to mostly do cloudy things (use clouds for
         | more than simple VMs), you might want to look into
         | certifications[0].
         | [0] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
         | us/learn/certifications/browse...
       | turtlebits wrote:
       | For a book on deployment, I feel there is too much content on
       | setting up a server. Would have like to see pros and cons of
       | differing ways to deploy.
       | Also, for taking apps to production, there should definitely be a
       | part on high availability.
         | strzibny wrote:
         | I talk about some of it (like push vs pull approach to server
         | configuration, containers or not, single server or not), but
         | most likely not to the extend you are probably thinking of.
         | As for high availability I discuss whether it's worth it or not
         | in the Scaling chapter. I also show how to use NGINX as a load
         | balancer. I currently don't have HA content written for PG and
         | Redis, but there are planned (as a free update).
           | errcorrectcode wrote:
           | Nginx, in 2021, really?
           | Envoy stomps it.
           | https://www.loggly.com/blog/benchmarking-5-popular-load-
           | bala...
           | Also, what about caching, a-la at the top varnish,
           | redis/memcache in the middle, and database tuning in the BE?
             | e12e wrote:
             | Interesting about the total requests, but the article does
             | not test.. balancing load? In a perfect world, 1 lb in
             | front of 4 app servers should be able to serve 4x the
             | requests as 1 lb in front of 1 app server.
             | So I'd imagine 4x nginx back-end servers, and a baseline
             | hitting 1 nginx directly?
             | That, and the fact that the nginx config is shorter, and
             | the performance not terrible (though terrible next to envoy
             | in this test admittedly) - does mean nginx shouldn't be
             | ruled out.
         | errcorrectcode wrote:
         | Without addressing deployment canaries, exponential
         | deployments, exponential rollbacks, traffic steering, API load
         | duplication to staging, IaaS/PaaS, 12factor apps, HA, scaling,
         | fault injection, hot backups, cold (and tested) backups,
         | DR/BCP, configuration management, CI/CD, monitoring,
         | troubleshooting the entire stack, and SLAs, it doesn't seem to
         | me like a professional-enough treatment to celebrate.
           | andkon wrote:
           | Also it would be nice if this book could do all the deploying
           | for me.
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