[HN Gopher] Show HN: SlikSafe - A decentralized, end-to-end encr...
       Show HN: SlikSafe - A decentralized, end-to-end encrypted
       alternative to Dropbox
       Hey folks,  We are the team behind Slik.  Over the past year, we
       have been hacking on SlikSafe [1] a Dropbox alternative where all
       your data is first encrypted on your own device and then stored on
       decentralized storage.  Some features we're most excited about are
       -                 - multi-device data sync,       - auto-backups
       via desktop apps,       - search your docs by name or contents with
       end-to-end encryption,       - easy sharing via email, QR-code or
       private-link,       - Password-less login using MetaMask/Phantom
       We leverage storage providers IPFS and Storj for global redundancy,
       reliability, and immutability.  You can use our web app [2] and
       macOS app [3] today. Our desktop app for Windows is currently in
       beta, and will be launched in early Jan.  You can read our
       WhitePaper [4] for the technical implementation, or see a quick
       demo [5] of the product.  Would love to hear what you think.
       Arpit, Charvi  [1] SlikSafe: https://www.sliksafe.com  [2] Web app:
       https://app.sliksafe.com  [3] macOS app:
       https://sliksafe.com/downloads  [4] WhitePaper:
       https://sliksafe.com/whitepaper.pdf  [5] Demo video:
       Author : arpitagarwal
       Score  : 224 points
       Date   : 2021-12-21 13:33 UTC (9 hours ago)
       | seltzered_ wrote:
       | How does this compare to solutions like git-annex, where multiple
       | 'remotes' can be defined (whether it's dropbox, gdrive, ipfs,
       | etc.) and you can track the availability of a given file across
       | the remotes?
       | no_time wrote:
       | >Pay with Solana for lifetime storage (ten years)
       | So which one is it then?
       | daqhris wrote:
       | I saw "password less login" on your homepage, then a smile took
       | over my facial expression. Your product is innovative, that's an
       | advantage over potential competitors with bigger teams and
       | wallets. Another great plus is that you have a walk-through video
       | ready for onboarding new users and visually guiding curious web
       | explorers. Wish you get plenty of success and keep building
       | SlikSafe!
       | akvadrako wrote:
       | An e2e Dropbox alternative would be great. Though for it to
       | actually count as a Dropbox alternative (to me) it would need:
       | 1) a Linux app       2) an Android app       3) on-demand
       | syncing, aka "smart sync"
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Those are some great requests. Thank you!
         | We currently have a macOS app available and are targeting
         | January for a Windows launch and a Linux launch soon after. We
         | also have an iOS and Android app with a few beta users, and
         | will release it around Jan/Feb'22.
         | Slik's desktop apps have the ability to automatically detect
         | changes in your local connected folder and sync those changes.
         | About On-demand syncing - we built Slik in a way that, once
         | backed up, no files are required on your local machine. This
         | doesn't prevent you from searching through all your files, and
         | you can selectively download files based on your need.
         | However, I have added an item on our roadmap that would
         | selectively download folders for offline syncing and faster
         | access. Thanks again!
           | mNovak wrote:
           | The other half of what I'd consider "smart sync" is delta
           | sync -- basically only uploading the bit of a file (or other
           | reasonable small chunk) which has changed. Dropbox does this
           | well, and is very useful if you're only making a small change
           | to a GB file. Last I checked, this has not yet been handled
           | well with encryption. Even worse if you try to do a naive
           | e2ee cloudstore by e.g. putting an encrypted volume on
           | dropbox.
         | smoldesu wrote:
         | Are you looking for Syncthing? https://syncthing.net/
           | willis936 wrote:
           | I am looking for syncthing but with an iOS app.
             | dividuum wrote:
             | There's https://www.mobiussync.com/
             | derbOac wrote:
             | Has iOS just not been implemented yet or is there a
             | technical hurdle?
               | anderspitman wrote:
               | There was a propriety implementation a few years ago
               | (written in Rust of all things), but I think it's dead.
               | I think the bigger problem is that both iOS and Android
               | are doing everything they can to deprecate the concept of
               | a filesystem. Android has a history of killing filesystem
               | features, receiving tons of developer backlash, and then
               | hacking in workarounds with reduced performance. I think
               | the writing is on the wall.
               | In my experience, porting general purpose tools to
               | Android is a nightmare.
               | Hopefully something like pinephone gets good enough
               | before things are too bad.
               | hagbard_c wrote:
               | As long as Android has a Linux kernel running in the
               | background there will be filesystem access. If Google
               | ends up switching to Fuchsia this might change but we're
               | not there yet. General purpose tools seem to run just
               | fine on Android for the most without the need for much
               | porting as can be seen by glancing through the list of
               | patches [1] needed to build a host of packages for
               | Termux.
               | [1] https://github.com/termux/termux-
               | packages/tree/master/packag...
               | anderspitman wrote:
               | Not trying to come across as argumentative, but have you
               | personally worked on porting something to Android? Termux
               | actually illustrates my point. That situation is an
               | absolute mess[0].
               | [0]: https://www.xda-developers.com/termux-terminal-
               | linux-google-...
           | akvadrako wrote:
           | Syncthing doesn't do smart sync. The library of stuff I want
           | available is larger than can fit on my phone.
             | Joeri wrote:
             | I have multiple top-level syncthing folders to work around
             | that. Different machines get different sets of folders.
             | t0astbread wrote:
             | Syncthing has ignore files which can be used to selectively
             | not sync certain files or folders per device. I'm not
             | familiar with Dropbox's smart sync, so if it's like a
             | transparent on-demand sync then no, Syncthing doesn't have
             | that.
             | Maybe it's possible to implement that as an extra app
             | though, without even touching Syncthing. Android seems to
             | have some concept of virtual file systems provided by apps
             | so perhaps one could on-demand un-ignore files then block
             | until they're available. (But yeah, that's definitely more
             | than a quick hack.)
               | spicybright wrote:
               | The syncthing ignore file works exactly like picking what
               | folders to sync in drop box, just in a text file instead.
               | (and the ability to use file globs if you want)
               | akvadrako wrote:
               | That isn't a usable UI on Android.
               | In Dropbox, if I want a file I haven't synced yet, I just
               | browse to it and open it. I can also mark folders as
               | available offline.
               | howdydoo wrote:
               | Does Syncthing support manual on-demand downloading? What
               | I'd really like is a way to browse files and download
               | only what I need without eagerly syncing everything all
               | the time.
               | I'm using Seafile for that now, but I don't like that it
               | needs hosting and I'd love to switch to something P2P and
               | get rid of the server.
               | rhamzeh wrote:
               | It's no longer maintained I think but probably still
               | works: they did have Syncthing Lite which functions like
               | a traditional client -
               | https://f-droid.org/packages/net.syncthing.lite -
               | https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-lite
               | howdydoo wrote:
               | Interesting thanks. So the protocol supports it, but the
               | official app doesn't expose functionality shaped the way
               | I want. I'll have to see if I can get that lite app
               | running on PC somehow.
         | hagbard_c wrote:
         | Nextcloud does this, you need to install an extension (they
         | call it "app") [1] to enable e2e encryption. It offers all
         | features you require.
         | [1] https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/end_to_end_encryption
           | akvadrako wrote:
           | Nextcloud syncing is terrible because it's based on WebDAV.
           | It's slow, especially with lots of files. And it's not
           | reliable.
             | hagbard_c wrote:
             | Speed leaves something to be desired but I have not had
             | problems with reliability. I've used it - and Owncloud
             | before that - for almost 10 years without losing any files.
             | Which problems are you seeing?
         | [deleted]
       | coolspot wrote:
       | E2E encrypted Dropbox is a Dropbox with EncFS:
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/EncFS
       | Also, mega.nz
       | neximo64 wrote:
       | Looks good until I saw it was on IPFS, which isn't 'forever'. How
       | can you guarantee it will be there for lifetime storage?
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | To ensure lifetime availability of data, we provide redundancy
         | using Filecoin and Storj.
       | olah_1 wrote:
       | Most important thing with this type of product is the options for
       | account recovery. Anything exist around that?
       | aarondevera wrote:
       | Very cool, congrats on launch-- love the use of IPFS and
       | blockchain here
       | temp8964 wrote:
       | Who are the targeted users of this? If I want full control of my
       | data, shouldn't I just use a self hosted solution?
         | noxer wrote:
         | I think its supposed to be the off-site backup use case. If you
         | can self-host in a different location you probably dont need
         | it.
         | On the other hand you can use any other service and encrypt
         | your data first if you just need an off-site backup.
       | jeroenhd wrote:
       | So, how does this compare to a solution like Bittorrent Sync?
       | And, perhaps more interestingly, why would this become popular
       | where BT Sync failed to live up to the hype?
       | Furthermore, storage can be paid for by crypto. Does this mean
       | the storage is linked to some kind of cryptocurrency, or is there
       | some kind of central payment system that converts crypto into
       | actual value in the system?
         | nijave wrote:
         | It seems btsync (Resilio) has had minimal development over the
         | last few years. I used to be a huge fan but had to stop using
         | it since I kept hitting weird SQLite errors and all support
         | channels seemed dead
         | newman314 wrote:
         | BTW this has now been renamed to Resilio Sync.
         | I still use Resilio but am looking for an alternative since
         | development seems pretty dead at this point (no updates for
         | months).
           | rspoerri wrote:
           | syncthing
             | XorNot wrote:
             | Definitely syncthing - it's incredible. I have all my files
             | managed with it, bare git repositories managed with it, a
             | common shared folder with my partner, my android phone auto
             | uploads photos etc.
             | It all truly just works and it works well.
             | apetrovic wrote:
             | Another vote for syncthing. I have Synology home NAS,
             | Syncthing in Docker on NAS, Tailscale on both Synology and
             | my laptop so the IP address of the server is always the
             | same, and it works way better than either Dropbox, OneDrive
             | or Synology's own SynologyDrive.
               | aborsy wrote:
               | What's wrong with Synology Drive?
               | It's working just fine for me.
             | Joeri wrote:
             | I've used syncthing for years now to keep a bunch of large
             | folders with millions of files synced between multiple
             | computers running windows, linux and macos. Works really
             | well and it is light on system resources.
           | deluxeroyale wrote:
           | Same here. No updates for over q year. In constant worry that
           | the next OS update (iOS, DSM and MacOS) will break resilio
           | sync and with that my files.
       | Arubis wrote:
       | I currently use Keybase for this purpose, and while it's not
       | entirely dead yet (slow-but-present maintenance at
       | https://github.com/keybase/client/issues/24636#issuecomment-...),
       | the writing's been on the wall since Zoom acquihired them. If I
       | can figure out how this works, I'll be happy to give you my
       | money.
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Hey Arubis, I was pretty bummed about that acquihire too, but
         | was inspired to build Slik. Please feel free to read through
         | our WhitePaper (https://sliksafe.com/whitepaper.pdf), to learn
         | how the technology works. We've tried to keep it simple and
         | short.
         | If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at
         | arpit@sliksafe.com. Happy to support your use case.
       | mmastrac wrote:
       | Interesting approach, but if it's decentralized, can I fully
       | self-host? I feel like this term doesn't really apply when you
       | have a centralized provider.
       | If you have a solution we should be trusting, I would avoid
       | "buzzword bingo" and just be straightforward with your customers.
       | guico wrote:
       | Congrats on the launch, looks really slick!
       | I'm trying to decode the trend for decentralized services. If you
       | have a sec:
       | Q1: In your case, why did you opt for decentralized storage?
       | Q2: Which benefits do I get as a consumer that I wouldn't if this
       | was encoded, but centralized with a lot of redundance?
       | Don't take me the wrong way, really trying to understand where
       | this is all going.
       | Cheers
       | spicybright wrote:
       | Don't see how it's better than syncthing, which is free. I don't
       | want a company whose incentive is to make profit to have control
       | over the software.
       | gtsop wrote:
       | I haven't really understood how the "decentralized" comes into
       | place. My notion of decentralization is the existence of multiple
       | instances managed by unrelated people, such that the service
       | keeps going if one actor falls down. From what I see here, the
       | decentralization lies in the fact that the central service stores
       | the data across multiple servers. So it's not technically
       | speaking a lie, but i would say it is a bit missleading.
       | Edit: If this is/was a trully decentralized tool (which would
       | imply some sort of open source code to host it) i would be stoked
         | api wrote:
         | The most common canonical definitions in regard to network
         | connectivity graphs are:
         | Centralized: most of the data and compute lives in one place
         | and is controlled by one entity. This is standard issue SaaS,
         | etc.
         | Federated: anyone can run a server and the servers can talk to
         | each other somehow and either propagate messages or replicate
         | data, but still centralized from the client point of view since
         | each client connects to one or more servers. While anyone could
         | run a server it often requires a lot of administration
         | overhead, storage, and often "peering" permission from at least
         | one other server.
         | Decentralized: clients _are_ servers and everything connects in
         | some kind of mesh graph.
         | It's not a binary thing, more of a gradual shift. Bitcoin for
         | instance is somewhere between federated and fully
         | decentralized. Technically anyone can run a node and they
         | connect in a full mesh, but most users don't use it like this
         | and the cost of running a node is at least "annoying" for most
         | people (a lot of bandwidth and storage).
         | Centralized systems are the easiest to engineer by far but come
         | with the obvious downsides of single point of failure, moral
         | hazard, censorship, lock-in, latency issues if you are not near
         | the servers, etc.
         | Federated used to be very very common. Classical e-mail,
         | Usenet, FidoNET, UUCP networks, etc. are all federated systems.
         | The old school file server with mirrors paradigm is also a
         | simple from of federated network. It declined in popularity
         | when all the old systems fell victim to spam but is rising
         | again in the form of things like Mastodon.
         | There are not very many fully decentralized systems in common
         | use. The most well known is probably the BitTorrent magnet
         | network. Fully decentralized systems that are secure, robust,
         | fast, and light on resources are incredibly difficult to
         | engineer.
         | Edit: if you look deeper it gets more complicated though.
         | Google, Facebook, and most of the other "hyperscalers" are
         | federated systems under the hood but this is all hidden from
         | the user. They are still "logically centralized" though.
         | It's possible to further break things down by _what_ is
         | decentralized. You can have decentralized or centralized
         | compute, storage, trust, control /administration, and so on.
           | pcthrowaway wrote:
           | The third point is peer-to-peer in my understanding.
           | Decentralized to me means that there isn't an entity who has
           | custody/control over information propagated by the network
           | and ability to control access to it
             | api wrote:
             | You're referring to decentralization of trust, while peer
             | to peer means decentralization of compute and storage.
             | You can have a system that is decentralized in one way but
             | not another. A peer to peer system where every object must
             | be signed by a centralized authority has decentralized
             | compute/storage and centralized trust. The Apple ecosystem
             | is probably the best example of that. Apple has to sign or
             | notarize most things but these things are then sprayed
             | across a huge diaspora of machines.
             | A physically and computationally centralized repository of
             | objects that anyone can create is the opposite. GitHub is a
             | good example of that.
             | The BitTorrent magnet network and most cryptocurrencies are
             | examples of systems that are decentralized in both
             | respects.
             | Eliminating all forms of centralization without making huge
             | sacrifices in areas like security or efficiency is really
             | hard. I would say it's an unsolved problem since even if
             | you try really hard centralization tends to creep in...
             | e.g. how proof of work economies of scale create
             | centralized mining cartels in cryptocurrencies. PoW is also
             | very expensive, making it inefficient but moving that
             | inefficiency "out of band" and hiding it in an externality.
             | Decentralization is a big rabbit hole.
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Great points gtsop! We have a very similar understanding of
         | decentralization. My co-founder and I are passionately working
         | on making sure that we eventually reach that goal where Slik
         | keep going, even if any one actor falls down.
         | Here were our goals when we started this out -
         | - Prove and implement the encryption technology [completed],
         | - Switch over from centralized storage to decentralized storage
         | [completed],
         | The above two goals help us achieve a working solution that
         | users can start adopting.
         | Next few near-term goals are -                 - Switch over
         | from centralized compute to decentralized compute,            -
         | Make the code open-source so that the technology can be
         | extended, forked, etc as the community needs.
         | Hope that gives you a reason to be stoked! :)
           | djrogers wrote:
           | > My co-founder and I are passionately working on making sure
           | that we eventually reach that goal
           | Isn't it a bit sketch to be calling it decentralized if
           | that's merely a goal though?
             | snappythrowaway wrote:
             | - Switch over from centralized storage to decentralized
             | storage [completed],
             | kind of looks like they are already there?
             | breakfastduck wrote:
             | as they've outlined the storage is decentralized the
             | compute is not. I don't think its an unfair sales pitch -
             | they clearly are heading down the right path.
               | alkonaut wrote:
               | > the storage is decentralized the compute is not.
               | How does that work? Are people sharing storage? I.e. is
               | it truly using "p2p storage" even if the transfers (at
               | this point) are centralized?
           | gtsop wrote:
           | Thanks for the detail, yes now I really look forward to that
           | :)
             | arpitagarwal wrote:
             | super! :)
         | EVa5I7bHFq9mnYK wrote:
         | I understand it this way. Say, you are a nuclear terrorist and
         | store atomic bomb schematics in S3. The FBI learns about that
         | and tells Bezos (or whoever is Amazon CEO these days) to delete
         | your files or go to jail. Bezos obliges. That's the centralized
         | service.
         | Now if you store your atomic bomb schematics in Storj, FBI
         | can't delete it because it's distributed across thousands of
         | computers whose owners don't even know what they are storing.
         | tata71 wrote:
         | Distributed. Federated.
         | austincheney wrote:
         | The terms are not well understood. Allow me to over simplify
         | this into 3 buckets:
         | * centralized - a single funnel by which all traffic is
         | managed, such as a web server
         | * federated - various disparate nodes comprising a centrally
         | managed/governed network. This is blockchain and IPFS where the
         | network is an application layer protocol. The more appropriate
         | description is pseudo-decentralized or semi-autonomous. It is
         | not centralized but it is also not fully decentralized.
         | * decentralized - disparate nodes communicating directly using
         | agreed upon conventions. There is no centrally managed network.
         | Think in terms of snail mail, IPv6, or phone numbers. This
         | could be as simple as people using an agreed upon application
         | to abstract away the transmission concerns but that application
         | does not route traffic through a third party server.
         | The greatest misconception, or rather abuse of the term
         | _decentralized_ , I am seeing on HN is confusing it with a
         | federated scheme. Federated schemes are not decentralized. Web3
         | is not decentralized. They are distributed.
         | In some cases the abuse of these terms is accidental, but it
         | seems in many cases it is intentional. I suspect some large
         | organizations, yes I am looking at you Facebook and Andreesen-
         | Horowitz, are fearing functional obsolescence, either in their
         | investments or their properties, in the near future and so are
         | attempting to validate their existence by muddying the waters.
         | By functional obsolescence I mean what would you need Facebook
         | for if you can directly transmit media, or micropayments,
         | between friends and family without some sinister third party
         | destroying your privacy. The commercial web has become very
         | hostile to its users, so pending a proper convenient end-user
         | application, there is little incentive to continue using the
         | web.
         | sam0x17 wrote:
         | Another piece of it, I think, is the lack of a central
         | authority that can censor and/or pry into your content. With
         | any well-implemented zero-knowledge solution, this should be
         | the case.
         | Is that maybe a bit misleading? Probably, but a lot of people
         | who search for decentralized are looking for something "off
         | grid" in the sense of no one is watching vs "off grid" in the
         | sense of roll your own grid.
         | [deleted]
         | systemvoltage wrote:
         | Isn't git decentralized?
           | exdsq wrote:
           | In theory, but who uses something other than either Github or
           | Gitlab?
           | Obviously I know some people do, but I've yet to work on a
           | project that doesn't just stick with the one.
             | systemvoltage wrote:
             | I believe everyone here is talking past each other.
             | Decentralization doesn't just mean hosting. My copy of git
             | repo is equally as valid as yours. Or, the master branch is
             | nothing special, any branch is equally as important. In
             | that way, it is decentralized.
             | But, as you're saying, rightfully, hosting of the remote
             | repository is in the hands of Github. So its not
             | decentralized.
             | These discussions tend to be like the ones involving
             | 'conciousness'. Until a clear definition of the term is
             | agreed upon, it is impossible to talk about it. Going
             | around measuring with a yard stick requires that the stick
             | is calibrated to a yard and everyone agrees it is a yard.
             | May be you can do some probabilistic measurement (consensus
             | of people whether something is decentralized or not), but
             | it's pretty useless.
             | glutamate wrote:
             | Interesting that when given a choice, people choose
             | centralised over decentralised.
               | volkk wrote:
               | i think this is mostly because of the maturity/popularity
               | of the tooling, not the underlying aspect of
               | centralization. if there was a just as slick, widespread
               | and useful decentralized alternative, i would be on that
               | instead.
               | stavros wrote:
               | That's because of economies of scale. It's much
               | cheaper/easier to do something when it's the _only_ thing
               | you do. It 's why we have professions, rather than each
               | of us doing a bit of everything.
             | miohtama wrote:
             | Sqlite
             | https://www.sqlite.org/whynotgit.html
         | cle wrote:
         | Decentralized in this case means you don't trust a single
         | entity to control your access to your data.
           | gtsop wrote:
           | Not sure I understand. Should you trust Silk in this case?
           | Wouldn't any issue with this company mean unavailability to
           | everyone's data? Maybe i have missunderstood the producy
           | LinuxBender wrote:
           | My own interpretation of the definition of decentralized as
           | it pertains to technology would also imply there is not a
           | single super-node you have to boot-strap from. One should be
           | able to host their own boot-strapping cluster of nodes so
           | that if a company goes out of business their nodes will
           | continue to work, software updates not withstanding.
           | Not depending on a single node to me sounds more like
           | distributed _like Tor_ or clustered _like Ceph_ or in some
           | cases federated like Mastadon or Matrix.
       | [deleted]
       | no_circuit wrote:
       | I'm always interested in the business model of a company before
       | using their products.
       | Storj is mentioned as a part of the tech platform. Is the goal of
       | eventually open sourcing Slik essentially is what is described as
       | an open source partner in the Storj whitepaper executive summary
       | [1]? Relevant part here:
       | > Bridging Open Source and Decentralization
       | > In addition to being open source, our new V3 network also
       | financially empowers open source companies by enabling them to
       | generate revenue every time their users store data on the cloud.
       | This supports the open source companies interested in monetizing
       | their product's use in cloud, while also helping Storj grow
       | adoption of its platform within the innovative open source
       | community.
       | > The new program is enabled by the network through connectors
       | built in conjunction with each open source partner. The
       | connectors track data usage either by storage bucket or by user.
       | When data flows through one of these connectors, the open source
       | company is given credit for the usage and a percentage of the
       | revenue generated flows back to the corresponding project.
       | Partners also earn revenue for bandwidth usage on the network.
       | Storj pays out on average per month [2]:
       | > Egress Bandwidth $20/TB > Repair Egress Bandwidth $10/TB > Disk
       | Space $1.50/TB > Audit Bandwidth $10/TB
       | How much is Slik going to charge to use the app? It almost seems
       | like it the app should be free, or even get paid to use it, if
       | all we are doing is providing the resources for the paying Storj
       | customers.
       | [1] https://www.storj.io/whitepaper [2] https://www.storj.io/node
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Those are some great points, no_circuit. We have multiple
         | storage pricing plans, however, none of them give out $'s to
         | users, because that would be counterproductive for the team at
         | this point.
         | There are parts of the system like the multi-device sync,
         | encryption, cross-platform support, etc. that would need to be
         | factored in. However, reducing $/TB is an area that we plan to
         | explore when all other systems are stable and our unit-
         | economics is net positive.
       | cab404 wrote:
       | so, it's like syncthing, but closed source and "blockchain!"?
       | trompetenaccoun wrote:
       | The website and demo look cool, I like your clean and simple
       | design. The supposed whitepaper however doesn't go into any
       | details at all. It says in addition to Storj the files are also
       | stored directly on "the blockchain". What blockchain? It's not
       | even named. There are no technical details on the encryption
       | process or anything else either.
       | I'd love to like this because imo decentralized private storage
       | is an important issue that urgently needs solutions. But how can
       | you convince people this is better than trusting dropbox when you
       | don't even tell them how it works? And how do you guarantee
       | lifetime storage through a small one time payment? Surely Storj
       | disk space providers aren't going to host files for free.
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | That's some great feedback, trompetenaccoun. Slik's file
         | storage is powered by Storj and Filecoin. About encryption,
         | would love to hear what part you find missing in the 3
         | protocols for backups, sharing, and multi-device support,
         | mentioned in our WhitePaper.
         | We're constantly improving our WhitePaper to provide as much
         | clarity as possible about our systems and algorithms.
         | We had set lifetime storage for 10 years, and have clarified it
         | on our website to prevent it from being misleading. Thanks a
         | lot for your inputs! :)
         | [deleted]
       | aloukissas wrote:
       | This is pretty interesting. A while back I was in the early
       | engineering team that built something with similar
       | characteristics (Maginatics > sold to EMC/Dell). It was a cloud
       | (S3, others) distributed file system with variable-length chunks,
       | per-chunk encrypted, with strong deduplication and focus on
       | metadata operation optimization. We were primary storage (vs
       | backup), making it a lot more challenging (performance, app
       | compatibility, real-time collaboration, etc). The demo is pretty
       | interesting, definitely need to read the whitepaper.
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Looking forward to your feedback!
       | beedrillzzzzz wrote:
       | Hey congrats, the product looks great! Love to see the rise of
       | e2ee tools.
       | Why did you all decide to go with Storj, a fairly centralized
       | distributed storage aggregator, rather than a decentralized
       | storage network like Filecoin or Sia/Skynet?
       | Who pays for the storage on Storj? For a tool to be
       | decentralized, the user needs a means to pay a node directly and
       | the ability to seamlessly move between providers, ie
       | interchangeable and zero lock-in. Does Storj allow crypto
       | payments and this type of mobility?
       | Also noticed the app runs on Firebase/Google, are there plans to
       | move away from this?
         | antoniuschan99 wrote:
         | What I'm getting with Web3 is essentially FileCoin or Sia is
         | like an API layer where Companies (DApps?) can build on top of.
         | It looks like this may be an existential threat to the current
         | Tech Giants since their data is centralized whereas these new
         | DApps are not.
         | Looks like they use FileCoin and Storj
           | beedrillzzzzz wrote:
           | Yep, but the important part is that
           | 1. Users pay for their own storage, as directly as possible,
           | otherwise they are not in control.
           | 2. Any centralized APIs are fully interchangeable, ideally
           | you can literally select a different gateway in the app, and
           | keep working all within 5 seconds.
         | dreadlordbone wrote:
         | How would Storj be centralized when its node operators have a
         | much lower barrier to entry compared to Filecoin?
           | beedrillzzzzz wrote:
           | Yep I agree, among other things, Filecoin's ridiculous
           | minimum specs definitely reduce the network's
           | decentralization - really not a fan of this.
           | With Storj I cannot say I have run a node but the first
           | (required) step is literally registering an account and
           | providing all your personal details on the Storj website, if
           | there is an advanced way around this, its not easy to find in
           | the documentation.
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Thanks for the great questions!
         | Reliability, performance, and a scalable infrastructure were
         | strong selling points of Storj for us, and hence, we decided to
         | go with them to provide a more seamless experience in terms of
         | data upload and fetch. We also use Filecoin for immutability of
         | user data, and as another layer of global redundancy.
         | Currently, we pay for storage/egress to Storj. Users can pay
         | using dollars/crypto on our platform and we convert it to
         | relevant Storj tokens to pay for storage. It is not automated
         | yet, but yes we plan to automate it soon. Also, Storj does
         | accept Storj tokens as payments.
         | About interchangeability, we plan to provide the migration
         | functionality on our end to users.
         | We started with Firebase/Google because it was easy to setup.
         | However, our team has been experimenting with different
         | blockchains to sync the different file-ids and file-hashes.
         | This would provide even more dApp developers to develop apps on
         | top of Slik. We have a potential fit, and expect that to be
         | integrated in H1'2022.
           | beedrillzzzzz wrote:
           | Thanks for the reply.
           | As many other comments suggest, I think it would be great to
           | provide clear documentation to users that they can:
           | 1. Run the entire app themselves, with their own
           | chain/storage nodes etc - its the only way to really
           | guarantee/prove the software is decentralized.
           | 2. Access your data from both any centralized providers (such
           | as yourself) or a local instance, ideally its so transparent
           | you can literally select a different gateway in the app and
           | keep working all within 5 seconds.
           | This is the bare minimum I would personally require before
           | adopting a "decentralized" software tool.
           | Looks like you all are taking an incremental approach and not
           | quite there, its a tough problem to solve but I wish you
           | luck!
       | mmmmkay wrote:
       | shouldn't this be open sourced?
       | _1tan wrote:
       | That is sick, gonna play around with it!
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Awesome! Looking forward to supporting your use case. Feel free
         | to request any feature, would be excited to integrate it. :)
       | applgo443 wrote:
       | This is such a cool demo!
       | pharmakom wrote:
       | What happens if I lose my private keys?
       | cookiengineer wrote:
       | How is the blockchain structured? Is it shrinkable?
       | In theory, each user would only have a directory of paths and
       | hashes, and everything else would be accessible via ipfs,
       | correct?
       | What kind of encryption are you running? First of all, if there's
       | a simple password like recovery mechanism, it's never post-
       | quantum. Second, if you are refering to the _hashing_ mechanism
       | (merkle trees) in ipfs; I would still have my doubts about the
       | claims.
       | So what kind of Lattice based encryption mechanisms are you
       | running? How do you preserve hash maps to user filesystems, if
       | the data itself is encrypted? If the data itself is encrypted
       | (which it should be), then - by concept - your whole blockchain
       | doesn't make sense because you can literally reuse zero bytes in
       | the whole system.
       | Either that or you would have to implement a key chain where
       | other users can see my private pics, and have a system that
       | allows multiple keys to access the same data blocks.
       | So, from your statements in the "whitepaper" I'd argue that this
       | is a paradoxon, and probably bullshit. Either it's not encrypted
       | at all (more likely) or you don't use a blockchain. If you do
       | both, you have no idea what a blockchain's advantages are, which
       | would make me even less likely to trust your product or vision.
         | edf13 wrote:
         | Most of this is on their website and/or WP...
         | They don't store files on the blockchain, they don't claim to
         | have their own blockchain.
           | detaro wrote:
           | > _They don't store files on the blockchain,_
           | From the whitepaper:
           | > _As an extra layer of protection, all your encrypted files
           | are also stored on an immutable blockchain_
           | (Yes, that's probably "just" incompetence on the part of the
           | whitepaper author, but if you can't even get a competent
           | author for your whitepaper...)
       | cdnsteve wrote:
       | How could this be integrated with the Chia project with proof of
       | space? The problem with Chia is storage is filled up with useless
       | data, if you could use your photos or other long term data that
       | would create something great.
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | That sounds like a great idea, cdnsteve. Slik can very easily
         | be integrated with any backend, and we have explored more than
         | 5 different storage backends for the SlikSafe app. Though the
         | current storage backends work pretty well, I'd be happy to
         | connect with the Chia project team.
         | Do you know anyone in their team? and if so, could you connect
         | me with them? Thank you!
       | pketh wrote:
       | seems v cool and I hope y'all are successful (although I
       | personally prefer to pay for things with regular $s). After
       | reading the marketing site though I'm unclear on whether
       | decentralized storage in this context is the same as a
       | CDN(content delivery network)?
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Thanks for the support pketh! We forgot to mention on our
         | current landing page that you can also pay with $ or your
         | favorite currency using our Stripe integration. We'll update
         | that on our website shortly! :)
         | We're using Storj and IPFS as the only storage layer behind
         | user data, not as a CDN.
       | cabalamat wrote:
       | Will there be a Linux version?
       | jsight wrote:
       | Isn't it impossible to really delete something from ipfs? I'd
       | think that would make this dangerous, as any security flaw would
       | be impossible to fix retroactively. Everything before the flaw
       | would be compromised and can't be reencrypted safely.
       | If a passphrase was lost, the security of every past file would
       | be at risk.
       | This is what has kept me from approaches like this in the past.
         | Saris wrote:
         | Yes, that's one reason I'm really not sold on storing private
         | data on IPFS and similar services.
           | [deleted]
         | mrharrison wrote:
         | You can unpin it, and it will eventually be removed from other
         | non pinned sources.
           | sodality2 wrote:
           | >it will eventually be removed from other non pinned sources
           | Hopefully, though, they unpin it.
         | exo762 wrote:
         | Can you really delete anything from NSA servers? Or from
         | Internet in general?
         | For me the problem with IPFS is - it is just not interesting
         | enough. It's not a storage solution, it is distribution and
         | caching mechanism. You can't really upload to IPFS, you can
         | only publish via IPFS - the same way you publish via HTTP.
           | bananabernhard wrote:
           | I am quite confident that the NSA does not have a complete
           | image of the encrypted data in my self-hosted Nextcloud
           | instance. With IPFS they wouldn't even have to do anything,
           | if they sometime in the future were able to break the
           | encryption.
             | sam0x17 wrote:
             | Yeah there's actually powerpoints from the snowden leaks
             | showing how much they ingest per month and how much of that
             | they keep, etc.
               | trompetenaccoun wrote:
               | So how much do they keep?
               | exdsq wrote:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_641A
               | I looked at this briefly for a security module for my MSc
               | and from what I vaguely recall they were tapping roughly
               | half of all data going through AT&T on the West coast
       | norswap wrote:
       | How are files stored ultimately? Something like Arweave or
       | Filecoin?
         | charvimittal wrote:
         | We currently use Filecoin and Storj for file storage.
           | thesausageking wrote:
           | Can the user chose which network their content is stored on?
           | Are you planning to add support for Sia at some point?
       | gregwebs wrote:
       | Have you looked at the use cases of small businesses? Dropbox
       | being able to decrypt their files can be problematic in some
       | cases.
       | The IPFS-based ransomware protection feature seems not quite
       | right in this context. Storing encrypted data in public could be
       | a negative for some as mentioned elsewhere. Instead, users often
       | need to retain an immutable version history which would also
       | provide similar protection.
       | rdbell wrote:
       | This looks amazing dude. Great work. I hope you guys do well.
       | ketzu wrote:
       | After skimming the whitepaper and the storj website, I am not
       | sure which parts are actually provided by Sliksafe.
       | The website tells me I can pay by solana (or even by credit
       | card!), but there seems to be no indication of how much I
       | actually would have to pay.
       | The claims are also not exactly thought out:
       | > No Backdoors > > Since all your files are encrypted on your
       | device, there is no way for us at Slik Safe to access them ever.
       | Even if we wanted, we could never access them.
       | That does not follow from the provided info. Simply leaking the
       | keys in some form would already be enought as a backdoor, as the
       | data is obviously not only stored locally.
       | There seems to be a lot of metadata on sliks side, or is it using
       | some form of encrypted search?
       | Reminds me of "the good ol time" while working on distributed
       | storage, getting annoyed about the filecoin whitepaper and its
       | inaccuracies and missing references (which of course got much
       | much further than our small research project)!
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | > I am not sure which parts are actually provided by Sliksafe.
         | The full end-to-end encrypted backup and sharing experience is
         | provided by Slik. We use Storj only for storing the encrypted
         | blobs, or simply as a replacement of S3.
         | > The website tells me I can pay by solana (or even by credit
         | card!), but there seems to be no indication of how much I
         | actually would have to pay.
         | Our detailed pricing page is currently available within our
         | web/desktop apps. You can pay - 0.1 SOL for 10 GB lifetime
         | storage (10 years), or                 - $4.99/mo for 500GB
         | storage, and so on..
         | > That does not follow from the provided info. Simply leaking
         | the keys in some form would already be enough as a backdoor, as
         | the data is obviously not only stored locally.
         | This is similar to the problem of leaving your device
         | accidentally open, which unfortunately is a much harder problem
         | to solve. However, we do provide a way for you to remotely wipe
         | a device in case of unauthorized access.
         | > There seems to be a lot of metadata on sliks side, or is it
         | using some form of encrypted search?
         | All your metadata is encrypted on your device before it is
         | backed up to Slik. We provide client side search experience so
         | that Slik is unaware of even the keywords that the user is
         | searching for.
       | turrini wrote:
         | moralestapia wrote:
         | Lol, you got me there for a second.
         | noahtallen wrote:
         | For those who might not get the reference:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8863
         | teluride5 wrote:
         | That's all true, though I suppose the same could be said of
         | Dropbox
           | NoGravitas wrote:
         | jalada wrote:
         | Very good.
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | I'm going to start a start-up to build Decentralized bicycles,
       | and use them for a start-up for Decentralized food delivery, and
       | deliver Decentralized meal kits for Decentralized diet plans.
       | Then I can go to a Decentralized gym and Decentralize my sweat,
       | and later take a Decentralized dump in a Decentralized toilet,
       | look down, and marvel at the wonder of modern technological
       | innovation.
       | woofcat wrote:
       | If you are offering a Web App doesn't that imply that you're
       | storing a set of Encryption Keys? If you are does that not allow
       | you to access any files stored with Slik?
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Great question - we just keep the encrypting keys on the user's
         | device and in-memory. The keys are encrypted using the user's
         | seed phrase that is only known to the user, and not to Slik.
         | Feel free to read more implementation details in our WhitePaper
         | - https://sliksafe.com/whitepaper.pdf
           | hedora wrote:
           | How do you prevent yourselves from serving a version of the
           | web app that sends the user's seed phrase to yourself?
           | (A malicious employee could do such a thing, or you could be
           | legally obligated to do so in order to continue operating in
           | certain jurisdictions.)
             | spiderice wrote:
             | How is this problem specific to web apps?
             | How do you prevent yourself from serving a compromised
             | iOS/Android/Mac/Windows app? Same answer.
               | hedora wrote:
               | Well, for traditional Linux desktop apps, the
               | distribution audits the code + ships the binaries.
               | For app store based distribution, the developers can set
               | up a deterministic build, and end users can verify the
               | checksum of the package matches the developer's published
               | source code (signal supports this).
               | sroussey wrote:
               | So the distribution is the one that alters the code and
               | same issue.
               | progval wrote:
               | The distribution can alter your browser/kernel/...'s code
               | anyway. So you are not adding a compromise vector by
               | using one more package provided by the distribution, as
               | opposed to getting the package from a third-party.
               | edoceo wrote:
               | Isn't this a promise of open source? User doesn't have to
               | get a binary from someone, they could, build from source
               | (given experience+time)
               | hedora wrote:
               | Even for closed source apps, reverse engineering efforts
               | (for sufficiently popular binaries) often find backdoors.
               | This sort of auditing only works because each end user
               | gets the same binary blob. (And if not, there's a
               | reasonably high likelihood of detection.)
               | [deleted]
               | Strom wrote:
               | The problem with web apps is that the user doesn't really
               | have any control over updates. With a regular app you can
               | verify a version and stick to it. The web version can
               | change at any point with no notice.
               | Additionally, a regular app can be signed by a key from
               | the developers that you can verify. With a web app you
               | don't even know if it comes from the developers or if
               | you're being MITM-ed because someone managed to get a SSL
               | certificate for your domain. The certificate isn't the
               | only angle of attack either, your CDN or hosting provider
               | might be hacked. Yes the CDN that hosts the regular app
               | can also be hacked, but that will only work against brand
               | new users, because existing users can already know the
               | signing key and the hacked binary won't have the correct
               | signature.
         | Comevius wrote:
         | According to their whitepaper the encryption keys stay on the
         | device and can be only recovered with a seed phrase which Slik
         | has no access to, allegedly. There is no source code to verify
         | the details, but they use AES-GCM. That either requires
         | hardware support or a technique called bitslicing to be secure,
         | but it runs on the client, which is fine. The confidentiality
         | of the data however might not be protected because the storage
         | can see the access pattern of the chunks. This is not even
         | theoretical, keyword recovery can be trivial because of a
         | search protocol.
           | arpitagarwal wrote:
           | We could definitely expand on the search protocol in our
           | WhitePaper, thanks for the input! However, we provide client
           | side search and not server side search, thus, our servers
           | have no idea of what the user is searching.
           | The keywords (along with other file metadata) are also
           | encrypted using the user's key, so analyzing access patterns
           | of the chunks, would not be possible for us.
             | Comevius wrote:
             | Client-side search is secure if the client downloads all
             | the metadata, and then nothing else based on the result.
             | The access pattern is simply which and how many encrypted
             | chunks are selected. If they are selected based on a search
             | result there could be a statistical correlation.
             | Not that every leakage is critical, for example if you
             | write chunks when the user uploads a file the client just
             | leaked that an upload happened, it also leaked how much
             | data was written. Depending on the use case this might not
             | lead to sensitive information leakage. It however might,
             | for example if a hospital has an app that let's you
             | download information about your disease an adversary could
             | leak which disease you have without compromising the
             | encryption.
             | The most advanced technique of hiding which chunks are
             | accessed, or whether they are written or read is called
             | ORAM. ORAM makes chunk accesses indistinguishable, however
             | this technique has a logarithmic overhead, it fails to hide
             | how many chunks are accessed, and it is also hard to design
             | a search protocol on top of it that does not create
             | patterns in the ORAM accesses, which can be also analyzed.
             | A practical solution is a search protocol that tries to
             | decouple the results from the accesses.
             | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356077294_Access_P
             | a...
             | This paper is just an idea, I'm designing a different
             | protocol that is more efficient, but requires persistent
             | client cache, which is just becoming a reality for web
             | clients.
             | CodeWriter23 wrote:
             | > thus, our servers have no idea of what the user is
             | searching.
             | Until you all are coerced by some legal authority to code a
             | passphrase intercept into the client ala ProtonMail, right?
             | arpitagarwal wrote:
             | To explain this in detail -
             | The encrypted file metadata (and the search indices) are
             | downloaded at once. It is then decrypted using the user's
             | key on device. The user then performs a client side search
             | to get the relevant file-ids. The file-ids are then used to
             | retrieve retrieve the file from the decentralized storage.
       | clircle wrote:
       | What is the difference betweek Slik and SyncThing?
       | whoisninja wrote:
       | how's it decentralized if 70% of eth nodes are hosted and their
       | software keeps hard forking(backward incompatible)
       | you're just relying more middle-man but giving false sense of p2p
       | network to the end-user
       | no bueno
         | miohtama wrote:
         | This is an offtopic comment, as there is nothing about Ethereum
         | here, and this person seems to have a grudge against Ethereum
         | based on his comment history.
           | whoisninja wrote:
           | why does website says this: Login with your Phantom or
           | MetaMask wallet directly into the app
           | MetaMask is ethereum non-sense
           | whoisninja wrote:
           | this is what your profile says: Researching and programming
           | decentralised finance. The code is the law. #defi #solidity
           | #python #vyper #opensource #infosec. Gibraltar
           | i know what you doing in gibraltar, SEC might be interested
           | to know
       | throwaway02394 wrote:
       | Congrats on the launch! Your implementation of sharing from the
       | whitepaper scares me. The second that the private key travels
       | anywhere it's no longer safe in my opinion. This is why Signal
       | uses the double ratchet and 1password has their own sharing.
       | Unless I missed something.
         | Comevius wrote:
         | The whitepaper has no details about an authenticated key
         | exchange like Signal does with X3DH, it just assumes that it
         | already happened, but then the rest of their protocol does not
         | offer any post-compromise security.
         | arpitagarwal wrote:
         | Great point! We integrated the QR-code and link based sharing
         | into the app to provide a seamless experience for users.
         | However, we also have an email sharing solution already
         | integrated into the app which uses public-key cryptography.
         | This is protected from accidental leaks as you correctly
         | pointed out.
         | Thanks for the feedback, we would update our WhitePaper with
         | the details from above, and also indicate that to users in the
         | UI - so that it scares people less! ;)
       | billpg wrote:
       | I don't need that. I can just set up an SFTP server and rsync my
       | files to it.
         | LikeAnElephant wrote:
         | There's the standard Hacker News response I was looking for
           | baggachipz wrote:
           | You can almost set your watch to it.
             | wussboy wrote:
             | I don't need that. I rsync my watch with nist.gov
       | yupyup54133 wrote:
       | > SlikSafe - A decentralized, end-to-end encrypted alternative to
       | Dropbox
       | but
       | > https://firestore.googleapis.com/google.firestore.v1.Firesto...
       | This does not pass the sniff test.
       | nathias wrote:
       | Very cool, is it using arweave?
         | miohtama wrote:
         | Arweave is not practical, because it is truly immutable and
         | permanent. Updating files is super expensive as all prior
         | copies are kept if I have understood correctly.
         | charvimittal wrote:
         | We are using FileCoin and Storj for storage. :)
           | nathias wrote:
           | Nice, have you considered making storage free up to a point
           | like web3.storage with filecoin plus?
             | arpitagarwal wrote:
             | Yes, to start out, we're providing 2GB of free storage.
             | Beyond that our costs are inclusive of multi-device sync,
             | egress, and storage.
       | purpleidea wrote:
       | Where's the source code? If it's not under a libre license, then
       | it doesn't matter that you are decentralized, control is still
       | centralized in your developer team.
       | goodpoint wrote:
       | Syncthing seems provide all the features of Silk and has been
       | around for many years.
       | The main difference is that it uses your devices for storage and
       | never touches somebody's else storage space.
       | And you don't have to pay or use cryptocurrencies.
         | charvimittal wrote:
         | Hey, great points here.
         | Our focus is on developing a more consumer-friendly solution
         | like Dropbox which has capabilities like search and
         | collaboration so that anyone can privately store their
         | sensitive data :)
         | Also, we have options to pay in crypto or through credit card.
       (page generated 2021-12-21 23:00 UTC)