[HN Gopher] AWS Support able to access any S3 object due to perm...
       AWS Support able to access any S3 object due to permission change
       Author : zdw
       Score  : 396 points
       Date   : 2021-12-23 05:02 UTC (17 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (twitter.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (twitter.com)
       | grenran wrote:
       | You do know that they can probably get access to your data
       | through an internal backdoor if they really wanted to right?
         | motoboi wrote:
         | Yeah. I don't think ls and has support to IAM yet.
         | bspammer wrote:
         | No I don't believe an average support agent can do this.
         | qwertyuiop_ wrote:
         | This ^
       | L0g4n wrote:
       | Such concerns specifically led to my decision of only uploading
       | sensitive data to S3 with client side encryption. Since the aws
       | cli tool only supports server side encryption with keys stored on
       | amazon servers (where the non-default managed keys cost like 1
       | USD per month), I decided to simply symmetrically encrypt the
       | backup of my syncthing data volume with AES256 using gnupg and
       | only then pushing it to the S3 bucket.
         | the_arun wrote:
         | I wish AWS official clients did this automaically by default.
         | Customers could opt out from encryption if it is public data.
         | When an aws account is created it also creates a default CMk
         | (specific to that aws account) for entire service which
         | customers could change if they want.
         | geek_at wrote:
         | this should be the default user behaviour for any cloud
         | storage. Don't put unencrypted (company) data on a cloud
         | infrastructure you don't have full control over.
         | Also reminds me of the (hyped?) "outrage" when a former
         | facebook developer stated that they used to have a "default
         | password" that allowed fb devs to log into every account and
         | the media were like "omg they could have logged in and seen
         | your photos". I mean... yeah they're the developers they could
         | always do that even without the password
           | unethical_ban wrote:
           | What does "full control in the cloud" mean to you? It sounds
           | like that's an oxymoron in your opinion, but correct me if
           | I'm wrong.
           | I get the idea, but also realize this is fundamentally
           | incompatible with using the range of services at AWS. Fringe-
           | future tech aside, you need unencrypted data to process it
           | and use it. AWS isn't just S3, it's lambda, it's hosting and
           | data science and databases.
           | Having just read the tweet, as weird as it is to give AWS the
           | benefit of the doubt, I agree with others in that thread. If
           | you KMS encrypt your data, then the engineers will likely
           | only have the ability to see encrypted data. My guess is that
           | there are processes and monitoring in place to ensure this is
           | only used as a break-glass.
           | Have you ever dealt with automation of AWS resources? There
           | are definitely issues where, by putting incorrect permissions
           | on a KMS key or an S3 bucket, not even root can get your data
           | back. This is likely what this is for. Customers would rather
           | have a non-removable AWS break-glass than their own root
           | account.
           | krisoft wrote:
           | > yeah they're the developers they could always do that even
           | without the password
           | Not really. Obviously facebook the company can always access
           | your data. Weather or not an individual developer can do the
           | same, which developers can do it, how they can do it, and
           | under what level of supervision this would be is a design
           | choice.
           | It is possible to design a system with very high level of
           | security and ones with none too. As with any design
           | considerations it has trade-offs. A super secure system might
           | introduce dev and operational frictions which the company
           | might deem unnacceptable. But even with that consideration
           | the question is a lot more complicated than a simple "yeah
           | they're the developers".
             | zelon88 wrote:
             | Just assume every engineer has access to everything. From a
             | client perspective that's how you have to treat it.
             | There are so many zero days in regular consumer software,
             | just imagine how many are in closed source public facing
             | Amazon services.
             | Now multiply that by 100 to get the number of zero days
             | that probably exist in Amazon's closed source dev only back
             | end environment.
               | withinboredom wrote:
               | Not at amazon, but I've def written internal-only-and-
               | never-used-outside-of-team-type-tools that has obvious
               | security issues, just to let non-devs get things done.
               | krisoft wrote:
               | > Just assume every engineer has access to everything.
               | Wise rule to live by. I would certainly advise everyone
               | to assume that.
               | On the other hand geek_at was talking about a slightly
               | different thing. They were talking about how the media
               | criticised FB for having too lax controls on private
               | information. geek_at even called it an "outrage".
               | We can and should absolutely ask platforms to do better
               | while at the same time playing it safe ourselves with the
               | data we control. There is no contradiction there.
               | There is an other layer in which it feels we are talking
               | by each other. You mention zero days, and yes those are a
               | thing and yes an insider is in an excellent position to
               | find them and exploit them. Finding them and patching
               | them is a good idea for sure. (For many reasons.) But the
               | FB thing mentioned wasn't about an exploited zero day. It
               | was a company sanctified system and associated work
               | practices. We can demand that a company develop better
               | practices (where not every engineer needs this high of a
               | level of access to do their job) without expecting them
               | to find and patch every single vulnerability.
             | oneplane wrote:
             | Sadly, "yeah, they are the developers" applies far more
             | often than any other scenario.
             | Unless a business is heavily regulated and checked for
             | compliance, the burden and friction introduced by developer
             | access controls to the data of the software they write is
             | anecdotally not seen as a positive investment in any
             | company I've seen the internals of.
           | brodouevencode wrote:
           | It should be the default behavior in places where it makes
           | sense - customer PII data, financials, etc. I'm not going
           | through the headache of implementing encryption for otherwise
           | public images.
           | Maybe AWS should have another object storage product that's
           | specific to sensitive material. I know that would flip Corey
           | Quinn's lid because it would be yet another AWS product (h/t
           | to him for actually have a valuable twitter post and not just
           | snark) but I honestly don't care - I'd rather have extra
           | level of confidence. For this there would be absolutely no
           | data access.
           | Tangentially, I wonder if this role has been deployed to
           | GovCloud?
             | joombaga wrote:
             | Last I checked it had not been deployed to GovCloud.
         | xvector wrote:
         | Yeah, if you aren't using E2EE cloud storage you're doing it
         | wrong.
         | chakerb wrote:
         | Cloudstore[1] can do something similar automatically.
         | [1] https://github.com/infor-cloud/cloud-store
           | L0g4n wrote:
           | Just skimmed it, looks useful, with mentioning keypair I'm
           | assuming they use RSA keys or something similar. Why the
           | choice for asymmetric encryption?
             | guitarbill wrote:
             | The code says it uses the public key for
             | uploading/encryption, and the private key for
             | downloading/decryption. It's useful to be able to split
             | writing and reading with cryptographic guarantees, for
             | security or organisational purposes. E.g. if a client only
             | has the public key and should it be compromised, it can't
             | read the data. Or it allows you to have less strict access
             | controls on uploading clients.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | Is there a managed service that does this? A Dropbox-like UX
         | that client-side encrypts everything and then persists it on S3
         | or the like. I don't want to fiddle with it myself but I'd pay
         | for that kind of service
           | thebean11 wrote:
           | rclone can do it on the fly (no need to store the encrypted
           | version on upload or download) which simplifies the process
           | purplesnowflake wrote:
           | https://www.skiff.org/
       | rvz wrote:
       | So its completely Amazon's storage then? Given that and it's not
       | your computer, so it also not your storage (even it is
       | encrypted)?
       | If all of the above is true, is it time to panic? Perhaps maybe
       | that why the cloud is somewhat of a scam anyways?
         | exdsq wrote:
         | I do wonder if the push for cloud native development is just an
         | inbound sales technique by Amazon/Microsoft/Google
         | midasuni wrote:
         | I think you're a little harsh describing it as a scam, but yes
         | you have to be aware of who you are trusting and what the risks
         | and failure when using this type of service, including the
         | security risks.
         | Of course there are also risks with self hosting, depending on
         | your competence and the service.
         | I have a Vm on the cloud I use for running nightly nmaps
         | against my network range, when that breaks it's not the end of
         | the world, if the VM provider hikes the price, or goes bust, I
         | can migrate it in an hour by running a script, thetr no
         | sensitive information on there, it makes perfect sense to run
         | on a VM.
         | Would I entrust my journalist's files when they are
         | investigating corruption in Amazon? No.
       | deanCommie wrote:
       | Reverted 22 hours ago:
       | https://github.com/z0ph/MAMIP/commit/b6f696cebc7b9a4f71dd34c...
         | StreamBright wrote:
         | Wow I was not aware of this existed. Thanks a million!
       | ryanschneider wrote:
       | I'm honestly surprised no one has mentioned log4j in this thread
       | yet. What if this change was part of an outside attack?
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | There's no reason to believe that to be the case.
         | gunapologist99 wrote:
         | That's an excellent point, especially since AWS has a big Java
         | presence.
       | joelbondurant0 wrote:
       | harshaw wrote:
       | I guess taking some risks as I am not really authorized to use
       | social media, but at AWS there is a sauron like focus on not
       | letting internal engineers view customer data. On my service we
       | don't even have tools to do it and the security controls are very
       | tight and getting tighter all the time. It's a big fucking deal,
       | if not the biggest fucking deal, besides KTLO.
       | Posting to get ahead of some of the comment here on security
       | posture.
         | jonahbenton wrote:
         | I thought this was true at the engineering level, but
         | "authorized" cross customer data sharing- where there is some
         | debate at what's customer data vs what's platform data- at the
         | business level seems...rampant? Just curious for more
         | perspective on posture.
         | d0gsg0w00f wrote:
         | The first premise when using a vendor is trust. If you don't
         | trust them then don't use them. So far, AWS has proven to be
         | trustworthy in my opinion. From what little I've seen about
         | their operations they seem to give a damn and you have to
         | assume that iceberg goes deep.
         | If you don't trust them, don't use them. Provide evidence to
         | your leadership of malicious intent and provide an alternative
         | and they'll back you.
         | Executives make decisions based on a small amount of evidence
         | and go with their gut from there. So far AWS has a good
         | reputation but if they're not careful the mood could change
         | quickly. I don't think something like this shows any malice and
         | I have to just assume any cloud provider _can_ access all of my
         | data but chooses not to in order to preserve their reputation
         | which ultimately generates more revenue long term than any
         | single piece of data.
         | Why would AWS risk breaking the money printer?
           | stingraycharles wrote:
           | This seems very binary / black-and-white to me - it's not
           | "you either trust them or don't". I may trust AWS to keep the
           | cloud running, but I may not want to trust all their stuff
           | with access to my private data.
           | If a provider puts themselves in a position that they're
           | entirely unable to access my data, or it being extremely
           | difficult, that would actually increase my trust in them.
           | If having all customer's private S3 data being accessible by
           | all AWS support is happening due to a wrong checkbox being
           | selected, it definitely hints at a bigger problem and erodes
           | my trust in that vendor.
           | And how they respond to this incident could restore that
           | trust, or continue to erode it even further.
             | judge2020 wrote:
             | > If a provider puts themselves in a position that they're
             | entirely unable to access my data, or it being extremely
             | difficult, that would actually increase my trust in them.
             | This is never possible if you're using KMS / server side
             | encryption or no encryption at all. Your data on these
             | services is always visible if they were to try to read it,
             | whether that be forging KMS requests to decrypt data or
             | passively snapshotting VM memory for inspection.
             | Technically this might be solved via recent datacenter CPU
             | security improvements but there will always be flaws and
             | 0-days that people with money and a will can use to bypass
             | these protections.
             | Use rclone with encryption for S3 and consider anything
             | else potentially visible.
               | stingraycharles wrote:
               | Of course, that's why I said "extremely difficult" --
               | it's never completely impossible. I was thinking about
               | Apple, who made iCloud reasonably e2e encrypted: of
               | course, they can still push malicious updates targeting
               | specific devices, but that needs to be a deliberate
               | action by the organization, not a single rogue employee.
               | It's not entirely unlikely that AWS was hacked / socially
               | engineered in order to get this privilege in there,
               | perhaps because some specific s3 buckets were being
               | targeted.
               | As an organization, you need to have a high enough level
               | of protection that these things are just not possible.
               | So maybe this whole idea of managed IAM policies being
               | installed in all customers' accounts is just a
               | fundamentally bad idea, and should just be given on a
               | case by case basis.
         | dmead wrote:
         | KTLO?
           | aaronmdjones wrote:
           | Keeping the Lights On.
           | go_blue_13 wrote:
           | LMGTFY
         | alpha_squared wrote:
         | While I recognize that's the ideal goal, and most appropriate,
         | I think there may be gaps in practice. My team just discovered
         | yesterday that a Kinesis Firehose Stream can still deliver to
         | an S3 bucket that lacks a bucket policy and whose ACLs disable
         | any access to it at all. That diminished my confidence a little
         | bit that all teams are perfectly in compliance of the overall
         | goal.
           | tempnow987 wrote:
           | Can you post the permissions for the IAM role, we could
           | probably help you troubleshoot. I've NEVER heard of anything
           | even close to this ever.
           | schlarpc wrote:
           | Kinesis Firehose uses an IAM role to deliver data, so
           | delivery within the same account does not necessarily depend
           | on permissions on the bucket. Removing s3:* permissions from
           | that IAM role or adding an explicit deny statement to the
           | bucket policy would stop the flow of data.
           | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/firehose/latest/dev/controlling-.
           | ..
           | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_p.
           | ..
           | orf wrote:
           | No it can't. The role you assigned to firehose has permission
           | to write to the bucket.
         | WFHRenaissance wrote:
         | It was like this at Facebook as well.
           | benlivengood wrote:
           | When I was at Facebook (2018-2020) there were in fact few
           | permission barriers (click through the screen warning you to
           | follow the rules, and that's at the UI level not to mention
           | pulling stuff directly from Tao through the old PHP
           | interfaces still laying around, or just building a user
           | context from scratch), but plenty of auditing and automated
           | detection.
             | ummonk wrote:
             | I always did wonder how good the detection systems would be
             | at catching people who access private data directly from
             | Tao.
               | WFHRenaissance wrote:
               | I've heard stories of same day firings, but never saw it
               | myself. Maybe it was a myth put forth to dissuade the
               | curious.
           | a1000regrets wrote:
           | I have had friends who worked at Facebook brag about how easy
           | it is for them to read anyone's messenger chat.
             | [deleted]
           | nevir wrote:
           | And at Google
       | twosugars wrote:
       | When I worked in aws, this is primarily used to check for
       | permissions of an object. I know how dumb customers can be, for
       | the most part this is used to see why a customer cannot delete a
       | bucket or object those sort of things. I don't remember having
       | ability to see actual customers data only metadata is accessible.
       | Edit: Based on what I know, I'm pretty sure support will not be
       | able see any of the customers data.
         | Lorkki wrote:
         | > I know how dumb customers can be
         | Maybe a more constructive way to look at this would be that
         | people simply do "dumb" things. In customer support where you
         | only see those moments, it might not always seem that way, but
         | dealing with people's simple mistakes is also educating them to
         | do better next time.
           | antihero wrote:
           | People can be ignorant, lazy, not give a shit about the work
           | they are doing, have poor learning ability and or skills, and
           | cross their fingers, mashing buttons, hoping everything just
           | works, and then expect everyone else around them to help them
           | out of their screw ups.
           | If you've ever worked in CS, or known anyone that works in
           | CS, you know that there are an absolute fucking shitload of
           | these people. Often in roles they are unqualified for and
           | with privileges and power no sane person would ever give
           | them.
             | staticassertion wrote:
             | That's true. It's also true that AWS's IAM system is pretty
             | complex and not incredibly well designed. AWS internally
             | makes mistakes with it with some regularity.
         | StreamBright wrote:
         | > I know how dumb customers can be
         | Or how broken is the tooling for IAM + S3 + other services (for
         | example Athena and Glue).
         | Several times I had to explain to support that we do not want
         | s3:* anywhere in our infra because they insisted that is the
         | easiest solution so they do not need to waste their precious
         | (paid by us) time on figuring out which exact permission is
         | missing that I as a customer have no way of figuring out.
         | Many of us working on cloud infra for 10+ years and we still
         | struggle some times to set up especially new services.
         | I really like how you conclude that this is somehow the
         | customer's fault. I find it entertaining how the decent support
         | staff of amazon admits that the tooling is subpar, because they
         | got a different system internally to check out why S3 throwing
         | a 403. As a customer we do not have anything just the API.
         | And no, this is not because the customers are dumb. I can't
         | wait the moment when AWS has to actually compete with other
         | cloud providers because this arrogance has to go.
           | time0ut wrote:
           | This. The tooling and error messaging around IAM is
           | inconsistent and lacking. I've even seen AWS support be
           | completely wrong about why IAM is denying something, so I am
           | guessing their internal tooling isn't much better.
             | isbvhodnvemrwvn wrote:
             | I caught on the fact that they have much more finely
             | grained logging than the users do (e.g. underlying specific
             | access denied errors which are covered by a generic one
             | users get), and sometimes report what they see there, with
             | no consideration on the effect on the users. You can
             | sometimes get some details on how the services work
             | underneath.
             | It happened several times with Glue mentioned by the user
             | two replies above (usually schema registry which requires
             | *s in resource element of the policies to work).
         | fivea wrote:
         | > I know how dumb customers can be (...)
         | This sort of personal attack is unwarranted and extremely
         | unfair. AWS is renowned for it's byzantine and ever-changing
         | and expanding nature, to the point it's outright practically
         | impossible to know extremely basic things such as what are you
         | paying for and how much you are paying.
           | twosugars wrote:
           | Not a personal attack definitely.
           | go_blue_13 wrote:
           | the sensitivity is unreal...in what world is this a personal
           | attack?
         | trzmiel4 wrote:
         | > I know how dumb customers can be
         | I find this insulting as a customer. Is AWS usually
         | contemptuous of its customers?
         | I don't think I've ever called my customer "dumb", and working
         | as a consultant I've seen all kinds of interesting things.
         | People make mistakes. They're always in a hurry. They may have
         | a hard time understanding ambiguous, complex or incomplete
         | documentation. The interface may be confusing and lead them to
         | bad solutions. Come on, support is there to help.
         | Take it easy, shall we?
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | >I find this insulting as a customer. Is AWS usually
           | contemptuous of its customers?
           | Oh come off it. We've all seen the idiotic things that
           | "users" can do. Someone complains something isn't working.
           | Then you go through the steps to see what they have done, and
           | you think "why would you ever do that?" We've all been there,
           | and if you haven't been there then you just haven't had much
           | interaction with "users".
           | "Take it easy, shall we?"
             | dastbe wrote:
             | because it's a complex product, and having empathy for
             | customers is far more helpful than having contempt.
           | cgio wrote:
           | As a customer, I don't take it as an insult, we all _can_ (as
           | per gp) be dumb on occasion, without actually being dumb in
           | general. On the other hand, the comment did not offer much
           | assurance with regards to the topic at hand either.
           | shepardrtc wrote:
           | > working as a consultant I've seen all kinds of interesting
           | things.
           | You shouldn't compare consulting vs tech support. Especially
           | when your billing rate is noticeably higher.
             | robertlagrant wrote:
             | And tech support have to deal with the really dumb,
             | annoying questions.
             | (I'm not tech support; I'm one of the ones asking said
             | questions of them.)
           | twosugars wrote:
           | You sound like never worked in support area.
             | grumple wrote:
             | I've had many AWS support engineers (and higher engineers)
             | look at things in our env and say "I've never seen that
             | before" and have no clue what was happening. It's a two way
             | street. Everybody can't know everything. And remember that
             | many devs in the real world have much broader domains than
             | AWS engineers - I have to know every nuance about 30 AWS
             | services, as well as my own applications and my own domain.
             | An AWS engineer would be limited to having a deep
             | understanding of one or a few services, and has internal
             | experts on individual services to reach out to when they
             | don't have some information. But sometimes even AWS devs
             | might not be aware of a little line in the Lambda docs like
             | "Background processes or callbacks that were initiated by
             | your Lambda function and did not complete when the function
             | ended resume if Lambda reuses the execution environment.
             | Make sure that any background processes or callbacks in
             | your code are complete before the code exits." [1] There
             | are gotchas like this with every service, and missing a
             | single line within the novella of docs AWS provides for
             | each service is not a significant failing. There are also
             | issues and concerns that are completely undocumented and
             | are only learned with experience.
             | As a developer for a SaaS, I have to spend some time on
             | support every day, including for devs who have refused to
             | read our documentation for a particular service we provide
             | (and the only one these devs use). It's frustrating, I
             | know. You should assume that the developers who are your
             | customers are unlikely to be stupid, and are instead just
             | not informed about something or haven't read the docs
             | (maybe they didn't know where to look, or like many, they
             | are too busy to justify spending a day reading the docs for
             | lambda). Best thing to do is direct them to the relevant
             | parts of the documentation and do your best to help those
             | people.
             | 1. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtimes-
             | contex...
           | KaiserPro wrote:
           | I am not an expert in AWS, but I have been using it for far
           | too many years and am intimate with a number of workarounds
           | for common problems(fuck you cloudformation).
           | But, I have sent off helpdesk requests for things that turn
           | out to be me being very stupid.
           | duxup wrote:
           | He knows how dumb they CAN be, not necessarily all or you.
           | Everyone who works with customers knows how dumb they can be
           | and how much extra work goes into supporting them.
       | aborsy wrote:
       | I have been looking into this lately for a company that wanted to
       | host important data on AWS S3. I couldn't find conclusive
       | information in public domain.
       | It's hard to decipher the AWS Data Privacy policy:
       | https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/data-privacy-faq/
       | In section Who Owns Customer Content, it's implied that AWS
       | doesn't access customers' data:
       | "As a customer, you maintain ownership of your content, and you
       | select which AWS services can process, store, and host your
       | content. We do not access or use your content for any purpose
       | without your agreement. We never use customer content or derive
       | information from it for marketing or advertising."
       | Here, the statement is we don't access customer's data without
       | customer's agreement. But customers do agree with ToS in which
       | different statements might be included.
       | In another place it's mentioned, if governments request, AWS will
       | comply. Considering that governments obviously request access
       | from cloud providers, and obviously require them not to disclose
       | the backdoor, I came to the conclusion that governments have
       | unconditional access to data held in data centers of companies
       | such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft.
       | As for non-government access, there are claims that Amazon uses
       | data or metadata to launch competing products. If I recall
       | correctly, AWS may collect some data presumably to maintain and
       | secure the platform and fight abuse. The counter argument is
       | that, AWS will not risk a profitable business; but AWS is too big
       | to be easily impacted and might act on good opportunities.
       | It would be great if people working in AWS or similar platforms
       | could chime in.
         | luckylion wrote:
         | > AWS doesn't access customers' data
         | Amazon's product people also don't look at third party seller
         | statistics to decide which products to sell themselves. Until
         | they got caught doing just that.
         | To assume that they don't look at data feels naive.
         | A German super market chain with online ambitions has a rule
         | that nothing touching their pipeline can be hosted on AWS. Want
         | to sell them SaaS? You can't run your nodes on AWS. I consider
         | that to be reasonable.
           | pixiemaster wrote:
           | They started the Schwarz Group Cloud (Stackit), 8000
           | developers and yet not a single production ready service yet.
             | darkwater wrote:
             | So, is this fake? https://www.stackit.de/en/cloud/products-
             | services/
               | pixiemaster wrote:
               | no, definitly not. but Lidl don't run a single production
               | service on it yet.
               | darkwater wrote:
               | I guess you have inside information but my naive
               | assumption, reading the website doc and guessing how this
               | things work, is that Scwarz group created it on top of
               | their already existing self-service infrastructure, they
               | "just" opened to external customers. Or did they create
               | it from scratch?
             | the_monocle wrote:
             | where do you got that 8000 developer number from? Sounds
             | like a lot
           | z3j4e wrote:
           | > A German super market chain
           | Which one? I would like to support non-AWS-companies.
             | detaro wrote:
             | Lidl
           | jen20 wrote:
           | AFAIK Walmart has that rule too.
             | geoduck14 wrote:
             | They do have that rule. And my previous company boasted
             | that they signed a contract with us even though we used
             | AWS. It was a pretty big deal, IMHO.
             | e1g wrote:
             | Yes, they do - we pitched to them, and they said for our
             | talks to continue we'd need to use another cloud (at least
             | for their tenancy).
           | helsinkiandrew wrote:
           | Are you referring to third party seller sales on the
           | amazon.com websites?
           | That's completely different and separate issue from AWS
           | customer data (for example someone running e-commerce
           | software on a linux VM).
           | 3rd party seller sales pay Amazon commission on each sale -
           | deciding which products are selling well is just a matter of
           | Amazon doing a SQL call on their own sales database (much
           | like a physical retailer may see what brands/products are
           | selling well)
             | lvs wrote:
             | (S)he's just saying that Amazon's claims about their
             | business practices can't be audited by anyone and are
             | therefore unenforceable except by lawsuit on a timescale of
             | years.
           | openplatypus wrote:
           | That's great. It is heart-warming to hear some businesses are
           | taking this threat seriously.
           | We built are service in similar vain. Nothing can reside
           | under authority on non-EU entity, and nothing can be hosted
           | on servers owned by non-EU entity. This effectively removed
           | AWS, Azure, GCP and Alibaba.
           | And still, we had plenty of choice.
           | We specifically picked "boring" cloud provider. No thrills
           | cloud vendor which has core business in building
           | infrastructure rather than snooping on customers.
             | gbrayut wrote:
             | Curious on your thoughts about the "Sovereign Cloud"
             | features discussed at
             | https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-
             | security/new...
             | Would having a 3rd party host the services in the EU meet
             | your requirements? Or having data residency restrictions
             | with strict key management, EU based support, and access
             | transparency/approvals?
             | IMO Google is also taking this seriously, but I am
             | genuinely curious if any off the above would meet your
             | requirements.
         | Spooky23 wrote:
         | When you think about risks it's productive to understand what
         | could happen vs what may.
         | I was a stakeholder in an early cloud negotiation back in
         | 2010-11, and one of the key issues was the support personnel.
         | Ultimately, they have access to your data.
       | [deleted]
       | _3u10 wrote:
       | It's their servers, they can do whatever they want with them.
       | What are you going to do about it they have physical access, you
       | have an API key.
       | Suggestion, if you want to secure your data don't put it on other
       | peoples computers, and for fucks sake don't store your crypto
       | keys on someone else's computer.
         | deanCommie wrote:
         | A very shortsighted take. Sure, yes "they" can do whatever they
         | want.
         | But even in the world you are imagining where AWS is peeking at
         | customer's data willy-nilly, I have to imagine you don't
         | believe that every tech support representative should have
         | default access to every AWS customer's storage data, do you?
         | Even a dishonest unethical company that created backdoors for
         | its employees would surely gate their backdoors.
         | This change (a mistaken one that was rolled back immediately)
         | would have given the keys through the _front_ door to
         | presumably thousand low-level employees.
         | BTW, AWS spends a long time talking about how _verifiably_ they
         | do not have access to customer data. If you 're interested in
         | crypto (otherwise not sure why you are referencing it here),
         | this kind of thing should be right up your alley:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J8REvs7zaY
           | _3u10 wrote:
           | AWS has regions in China, they verifiably DO have access to
           | your data.
           | They also have regions in the US where they verifiably DO
           | have access to your data.
           | Both points of access are verifiable by their compliance with
           | the law in those countries ensuring that the government can
           | access that data.
           | If you use their CA or EU locations it's conceivable that
           | they've developed separate software that actually protects
           | your data but I would hazard a guess that they use the same
           | backdoored software there once it has been sufficiently beta
           | tested in us-east-1
         | 878654Tom wrote:
         | That is a really false statement. This is why contracts,
         | audits,... exists and they define what each party can and can't
         | do. When in violation this could result in huge fines, loss of
         | business,...
         | You can also securely storage your data on other servers by
         | using client-side encryption.
         | Not every business/person has the means or knowledge to have
         | their own datacenter.
           | xbmcuser wrote:
           | Sorry a small startup does not have the resources to go
           | against behmouts like Amazon, Microsoft or Alphabet in US
           | courts if that is your defence it is worthless.
           | _3u10 wrote:
           | Amazon has many cases where they've been found to have
           | violated contracts, laws, etc.
           | The rest of the points save for keeping the keys on your own
           | hardware is orthogonal to whether Amazon with physical access
           | to your data could access it.
           | I think we are both in agreement that in most cases the data
           | isn't worth accessing which is the real world protection most
           | data on Amazon has.
           | comboy wrote:
           | > You can also securely storage your data on other servers by
           | using client-side encryption.
           | Hey but you have audits, contracts, why would you need that?
           | You are effectively saying the same thing that parent comment
           | is. You're just offering a more practical solution.
             | 878654Tom wrote:
             | There are many reasons to do client-side encryption, some
             | of them are that you want to storage the data on multiple
             | storage providers but with the same key.
             | A national law of the country explicitly tells the company
             | to do so, or a company you are in contract with asks of you
             | to do so. The key that S3 can provide is not good enough
             | for your internal usage,...
             | Stop looking at everything pure technically because that is
             | not how the real world works.
           | usr1106 wrote:
           | > When in violation this could result in huge fines, loss of
           | business,...
           | The stress is on could. AWS is too big to be allowed to fail.
           | Has Facebook seen such severe consequences because of known
           | misconduct? And AWS is in a much more critical role for many
           | businesses.
             | 878654Tom wrote:
             | This will probably end in nothing, that is true.
             | But it could impact them if there came an issue out of it
             | (someone can prove that AWS downloaded some of their
             | files). AWS doesn't want to go in the news that they look
             | at their customer data as that would impact the decisions
             | of future and current deals of hosting their data on AWS.
             | I've worked for some big financial institutions and the
             | longest part of the contract with AWS was all lawyers going
             | over what is happening with the data, how AWS has access to
             | it and especially how it doesn't have access to it.
       | helsinkiandrew wrote:
       | I'm not sure what the hoo hah is about.
       | All that's changed is that this role is now visible in IAMS and
       | any API calls by Amazon support tools will be logged in AWS
       | CloudTrail - I don't think AWS have any more access now than they
       | did before.
       | It's obvious to anyone who has had problems with any AWS services
       | (lambda functions that couldn't be deleted, non properly
       | propagating/operational services) that support has access to them
       | via their tools.
       | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/using-ser...
         | gonzo41 wrote:
         | But can it override and explicit wildcard deny modification
         | policy in a Bucket!
           | gunapologist99 wrote:
           | Yes. As I wrote in
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29663566, service
           | accounts are not constrained by customer bucket policies. In
           | fact, not even SCP's are restricted by service-linked roles:
           | "SCPs do not affect any service-linked role. Service-linked
           | roles enable other AWS services to integrate with AWS
           | Organizations and can't be restricted by SCPs."
           | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/o.
           | ..
         | skywhopper wrote:
         | The policy in question had "s3:GetObject" permission to "*"
         | added for a few hours. And CloudTrail logging doesn't capture
         | GetObject API requests by default. This role is specifically
         | for metadata only access. Yes, service teams have behind-the-
         | scenes escalation tools for bugs on the backend, but the more
         | numerous front-line support staff should only be able to view
         | metadata. The GetObject permission would have let them view
         | actual potentially sensitive data.
           | tills13 wrote:
           | You really shouldn't be storing "potentially sensitive data"
           | in a bucket unencrypted, though.
             | throwaway984393 wrote:
             | The problem is nobody who is getting upset about this had
             | any reasonable expectations to begin with. They're just now
             | realizing they might need to protect their data against
             | attackers inside AWS, and now they're caught with their
             | pants down, so cue the hand-wringing.
       | rronalddas wrote:
       | KMS Encrypted objects shouldn't be affected though
         | hericium wrote:
         | Aren't KMS keys created by Amazon?
           | raffraffraff wrote:
           | There are three types of S3 server side encryption:
           | - SSE-KMS
           | - SSE-S3
           | - SSE-C
           | Without having an AWS support person test each type and
           | report back, one must assume that the only bulletproof s3
           | encryption methods are client-side (where you handle
           | encryption and decryption yourself and they just store the
           | blob) and SSE-C (where AWS don't _store_ your keys, you send
           | them in every bucket API request). But even that latter
           | method has other caveats:
           | - What does the S3 service log? Who can access those logs?
           | - Where does TLS for your S3 https request get terminated?
           | Who can view the traffic?
           | I'm assuming that this isn't just a regional issue, and that
           | any AWS Support person globally could access buckets in any
           | region. If so, then that's a big deal. If you're in Europe
           | and your bank or healthcare provider is an AWS customer, how
           | much trouble could you cause them (and by extension, AWS)
           | right now?
           | Furthermore, with the antiwork movement and backlash amongst
           | employees for their treatment of warehouse workers, one
           | cannot guarantee that an AWS worker wouldn't do something to
           | hurt the company.
           | Amazon need to head this of with a very thorough explanation
           | of what happened and what was exposed directly and
           | indirectly.
             | llarsson wrote:
             | > SSE-C (where AWS don't store your keys, you send them in
             | every bucket API request)
             | Since this is symmetrical encryption we're talking about,
             | let's just be completely aware that the technical
             | possibility to also store the encryption key definitely
             | exists. It would violate the terms of service, of course.
             | For those who don't know how SSE-C works, it's that you
             | send both the unencrypted data and a key in a request. AWS
             | will encrypt the data with the key, and store it encrypted.
             | To get your data back, you supply the same key in your
             | subsequent request. AWS will decrypt the data using the
             | key, and send the unencrypted data back to you.
             | During both those times when you gave AWS your key, you
             | entirely trust that they will not also happen to store it
             | for their own use.
             | lmilcin wrote:
             | > Without having an AWS support person test each type and
             | report back, one must assume that the only bulletproof s3
             | encryption methods are client-side
             | It is normal practice to have a 3rd party access to your
             | technical infrastructure (for example for purpose of
             | support/maintenance). I was once contracted to maintain
             | database for another company. You sign NDAs, you sign
             | penalties, you sign your children to slavery and the right
             | of first night with your wife. You know, standard business
             | practice.
             | But if you care enough that you would not have contracted
             | 3rd party access to the data, client-side is the only
             | solution assuming the client is under your sole control.
           | RKearney wrote:
           | Yes but this role did not add the necessary privileges for it
           | to use customer KMS keys. You can't get an S3 object that's
           | encrypted with a KMS key if you don't also have permission to
           | decrypt with that key.
           | Of course Amazon could just give themselves access to decrypt
           | with your KMS keys too, but that didn't happen here.
         | cateof wrote:
         | Objects encrypted with S3-managed encryption keys (SSE-S3) are
         | affected, as these keys are set up with a non-configurable
         | resource policy granting the S3 service decryption permissions.
       | ptcrash wrote:
       | Okay, opinions up front: I don't think this is worthy of
       | "declaring a security incident. Having some experience working
       | behind the scenes, just because this policy was changes this way
       | doesn't mean "All AWS Support personnel had unrequited access to
       | your S3 objects." To me, this reads as Twitter inflammatory
       | nonsense. Here's why:
       | * KMS Encrypted objects would not be accessible because the
       | support personnel would need permission policies that grant
       | `kms:decrypot` permissions to encrypted objects. The only way
       | this could wind up happening is if you are granting the AWS
       | Support principal access in the KMS Key Policy.
       | * Objects with a default-deny bucket policy could not have been
       | circumvented with the support team's escalated privilege. So if
       | you have a policy that looks something like this, that data was
       | not exposed:
       | {                 "Action": "Deny",            "NotPrincipal":
       | [...]
       | }
       | * Internal Checks. AWS has a lot of protections and checks in
       | place to prevent their support personnel from accessing metadata
       | about S3 objects. They don't have tools to fetch the actual
       | objects unless your really high up the food-chain. Think like,
       | people with a legal or security related reason to need to review
       | data.
       | Nevertheless, I'll share some nuggets of wisdom I've accrued over
       | the years, in a hopes to save y'all some time:
       | If you have an NDA with AWS, I'd recommend reaching out to your
       | TAM and asking them about what the potential exposure was; and
       | make sure to ask about the internal access control mechanisms.
       | But everyone who's concerned and DIDN'T set up data access
       | logging already: 1) Consider turning that on to trace potential
       | disclosures in the future. 2) Open up a case with Premium Support
       | under the CloudTrail, state that you have a security incident and
       | you need to retrieve data events for the time of 2021-12-23 to
       | 2021-12-22. If granted to you, save that sucker in S3 and query
       | it for requests coming from `support.amazonaws.com` in Athena.
       | [0]
       | Hopefully this helps some of y'all.
       | [0] https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-
       | center/analy...
         | ealexhudson wrote:
         | "Declaring an incident" means there's something to investigate,
         | it didn't mean anything bad has happened: it's detection of a
         | non-conformity. The output of the incident would look similar
         | to what you wrote.
         | Any time the wrong permissions are assigned and confidentiality
         | is potentially breached, I think you have to have an incident.
         | Arguably in some jurisdictions, it's a legal requirement to
         | ensure you have a near miss not an actual breach.
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | Exactly. This is something we'll be reviewing in our monthly
           | security review at work, discussing what the impact was,
           | _why_ we were not impacted, and any action items we want to
           | take.
           | Declaring an incident doesn't mean sending out a breach
           | report or anything particularly dramatic, though I can see
           | how as an outsider it may sound that way.
           | ptcrash wrote:
           | That's enlightening; thanks. Hopefully the steps forward for
           | determining scope and affected objects is easy
           | politelemon wrote:
           | This is partially right. The best way to think of an incident
           | is that it has negatively impacted Confidentiality,
           | Integrity, or Availability (the CIA triad).
           | An incident _does_ mean something bad has happened, and
           | requires action. An example of an action can be to
           | investigate the impact, or to shut something down, or to
           | patch something.
         | gunapologist99 wrote:
         | > * Objects with a default-deny bucket policy could not have
         | been circumvented with the support team's escalated privilege.
         | So if you have a policy that looks something like this, that
         | data was not exposed
         | Service accounts are not constrained by customer bucket
         | policies. In fact, not even SCP's are restricted by service-
         | linked roles:
         | "SCPs do not affect any service-linked role. Service-linked
         | roles enable other AWS services to integrate with AWS
         | Organizations and can't be restricted by SCPs."
         | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/o...
         | Animats wrote:
         | Sure it is. AWS now needs to go on record as to 1) why they did
         | this, 2) how much of this access was used, 3) who is able to
         | use it, and 4) whether this was done at the behest of some
         | government.
         | jcims wrote:
         | > * KMS Encrypted objects would not be accessible because the
         | support personnel would need permission policies that grant
         | `kms:decrypot` permissions to encrypted objects.
         | This is only true if you are using SSE-KMS *and* are
         | creating/managing the CMKs used to encrypt objects. If you're
         | using SSE-S3 or SSE-KMS with the default AWS S3 key (aws/s3)
         | there is no key policy to manage.
         | Of course SSE-C or 100% customer-managed crypto would be immune
         | as well, but under different mechanics.
         | > Objects with a default-deny bucket policy could not have been
         | circumvented with the support team's escalated privilege.
         | I would wager this is done for a vanishingly small percentage
         | of buckets used in production. Less than one percent for sure.
         | The general point you're making seems to be that if you had a
         | comprehensive, defense-in-depth security strategy for your
         | cloud computing environment then this would have had no effect,
         | and i do agree with that. I just think that in reality this
         | would have provided access to wide swaths of customer data.
         | aborsy wrote:
         | AWS uses envelope encryption. Data encryption (for example
         | bucket-level) keys are generated and managed outside KMS for
         | some time/services to minimize calls to KMS that can be
         | expensive.
         | Thus, I imagine with AWS-managed KMS keys, in some cases
         | permission to KMS service is not needed to access data.
         | KMS-CMKs are better in this respect, can be controlled and
         | audited.
       (page generated 2021-12-23 23:01 UTC)