[HN Gopher] JavaScript for Impatient Programmers
       JavaScript for Impatient Programmers
       Author : arkj
       Score  : 144 points
       Date   : 2021-12-24 12:54 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (exploringjs.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (exploringjs.com)
       | armchairhacker wrote:
       | My "real" advice for impatient programmers: just start
       | programming, and every time you encounter a problem google it.
       | Don't know how to setup node.js? Google should lead you to `npm
       | init` or a starter. Getting some weird syntax error? Google it.
       | Once you learn the basics, want to do X? Google it and determine
       | a) how to do X, or b) if X can't be done / is bad practice.
       | Just by diving head-first into whatever you're trying to
       | accomplish (or a toy project if you just want to learn),
       | eventually you'll start to get the hand of syntax, libraries, and
       | general programming style. But read articles every once in a
       | while on best practices so you aren't learning the "wrong" way to
       | do things.
       | The big drawback is that there are a _lot_ of Google results that
       | are outdated, novice, or flat-out wrong. You have to really learn
       | how to do research on the internet. But this is a skill you
       | should learn because you can apply it to _anything_. My general
       | advice: consult official docs whenever possible; Stack Overflow
       | is reliable but check the answer 's comments to see if it's
       | outdated; use Reddit to compare X vs. Y; try to avoid long wordy
       | articles on bloated sites, generally the better the writer = the
       | better the article and more likely it's accurate.
         | divbzero wrote:
         | Another great source for up-to-date info on getting started are
         | tutorials from official docs. Most mature projects will on
         | them.
         | yummypaint wrote:
         | I spent the last week doing exactly this after going over a
         | decade without making a web page and having never done anything
         | java related. The key thing for me was finding an existing
         | website i liked that was hosted on github pages and used that
         | as a template/example to see how things fit together. The
         | learning curve at the very beginning was brutal, but once you
         | get a few toeholds and can iterate things quickly start falling
         | into place. The problem with the textbook approach is you don't
         | know what you can skip until you already know it.
           | 2muchcoffeeman wrote:
           | The problem with this is that sometimes a good tutorial gives
           | you insight on how they do things in the language/framework
           | way.
           | If I pick up something new and just try to piece things
           | together using a sample project or whatever, I tend to think
           | in ways from the most familiar language I work in.
           | Also without familiarity, you can't judge if the sample you
           | picked is super opinionated or does things in a weird way.
           | pwdisswordfish9 wrote:
           | Most stuff getting slung around, as the parent mentions, is
           | rooted in the kind of development that relies on NPM-adjacent
           | tooling. The two things you mention (Java and modern Web
           | development, especially something modelled after another
           | thing found on GitHub Pages) tend to be miles apart in this
           | decade. Where does Java come in to it?
         | yawaworht1978 wrote:
         | How much time would you say is fast enough to build a full
         | front end and back end login/authentication system in nodeJS
         | with any db ? I mean including throttling, pwd reset, forgot
         | email/pwd, 2fa, confirmation email etc? Most of the tutorials
         | are notoriously outdated and won't work bc dependencies, but I
         | have build one such app.
         | For someone who knows the J's basics , I mean
           | armchairhacker wrote:
           | It depends on what exactly your app is because you might be
           | able to use existing solutions.
           | But my recommendation is Firebase or Supabase. These tools
           | were basically designed for this type of webapp. I know a
           | team of junior devs who created a production-app in a few
           | weeks with Firebase. Firebase handles authentication, the
           | database REST endpoint, and various other common webapp
           | functionality, so that stuff is seriously achievable in
           | hours. In Supabase "signup", "login", "login with provider",
           | "send reset email" are all single JS functions.
           | jbay808 wrote:
           | Yeah, I tried this approach and got as far as authentication.
           | At that point Google would only tell me what _not_ to do.
         | rockbruno wrote:
         | > every time you encounter a problem google it.
         | One "patience" problem I have is that problems are usually much
         | more complex than they appear. Node is giving you some random
         | dependency error? It's because you need to install X. But to
         | install X you need to install Y. But to install Y you need to
         | install Z. But Z requires some specific node version. But that
         | specific node version will break A, and to not break A you need
         | to install B which requires you to disable your Mac's SIP so
         | that it can work with X. If I sniff that I problem will lead me
         | to a hole like this I get so annoyed that I start avoiding that
         | specific platform as much as I can.
         | Software is so fragmented nowadays that even setting up
         | something simple requires you to handle tons of difference
         | pieces for no good reason. Monopoly aside, this is one reason I
         | like Apple having full control of iOS development.
           | armchairhacker wrote:
           | Yes, node.js and JavaScript transpile issues in particular
           | are super annoying. But idk if any book would help you with
           | this either.
           | I recently discovered Vite (with pnpm) and so far I haven't
           | had _any_ annoying JS /npm/engine issues, so that would be my
           | recommendation. Generally to setup something I either a) run
           | `<build-tool> init`, b) "create new project" in IntelliJ, or
           | c) clone a medium-sized project on GitHub, then remove the
           | code and leave the configuration files.
         | dpweb wrote:
         | I like Google, or better Stack overflow, when you're at your
         | desk writing code. Books (preferably paper books), to browse in
         | free moments when not working.
         | I used to keep a paper copy of "JavaScript pocket reference" on
         | me, and pull it out on the train, or just sitting around at
         | night, to help get the concepts.
         | tyingq wrote:
         | I'm the type that likes to learn from some real, existing
         | codebase. This is frustrating in the JS space, as you would
         | have to have the right version of a bunch of stuff to do that,
         | and how to use it. Libraries, packers, packagers, frameworks,
         | minifiers, and so on.
         | Other languages have some of that sprawl, but none quite to the
         | same level, and none with the same pace of change.
         | If you learn like me, my advice would be to have a list of
         | potential candidate projects to learn from and move on to the
         | next one when the tool and dependency hell proves too much.
           | davidmurdoch wrote:
           | I find that generally true of every other language except JS.
           | You run `npm i` and all correct dependencies are installed.
             | tyingq wrote:
             | Was not my experience. The system npm was either too new or
             | too old for the codebase I picked (can't remember). So
             | uninstalled, installed a different one, then some unfixable
             | issue with something called fsevents, other issues
             | regarding "peer dependencies", etc. Similar issues with the
             | second one I tried.
             | The third project I went with went much better, though it
             | was still difficult to learn things (even if they are
             | working) as every project seems to choose different
             | build/deploy tools.
               | davidmurdoch wrote:
               | Sometimes I forget about npm v7-8 (the latest versions).
               | They're "backwards compatible" if you consider "breaks
               | everything" a form of backwards compatibility.
               | So maybe you're right. Perhaps everything is terrible
               | everywhere.
         | wruza wrote:
         | I always found this way too clumsy, because you learn X but
         | accidentally miss Y, and X becomes your tool of choice at
         | places where it doesn't really fits best or at all.
         | Javascript traditionally had NO good language guides, and this
         | one looks pretty like the one you _should_ read in advance.
         | Other resources are either more library reference-like, very
         | situative or for unclear standard, not exhaustive, or just
         | stupid and wrong. I've read a language guide A to Z for every
         | PL I used in my life (a bunch), and can say by skimming through
         | few rough /key topics that it is definitely a good one. No
         | offense, but my advice is to not apply your advice _when_ there
         | is a good guide. You'll save both your own time and the one's
         | who will come after.
           | Lamad123 wrote:
           | Start with _Javascrip, the Good Parts_.
         | jmnicolas wrote:
         | The problem with this method is that you don't know what you
         | don't know.
           | DonHopkins wrote:
           | Which is better than thinking you know what you don't know.
           | The most important thing impatient programmers need to learn
           | is TO NOT BE IMPATIENT, not how to learn a programming
           | language in X minutes.
           | Learning patience will help you in all aspects of life.
           | Do you really want to share the road with somebody who
           | learned to drive in 5 minutes, and doesn't have the patience
           | not to speed, tailgate, run stop signs, red lights, and pass
           | you on the right by driving on the sidewalk?
           | More "real" advice: Read LOTS of other people's code.
           | Need to use a library? Then first read the documentation,
           | then read the source code, so you actually understand what it
           | can do, how it does it, that it's not magic, what its
           | limitations are, how to use it, and if you actually need it.
           | I've been working on learning and reading the D3 data
           | visualization library for several years, bit by bit. It's a
           | wonderful library, there's a whole lot to it, the code is
           | brilliant and expertly written, and I've learned a LOT about
           | JavaScript programming in general by reading different parts
           | of it again and again.
           | https://github.com/d3/d3
           | Mike Bostock: 10 Years of Open-Source Visualization: Did I
           | learn anything from D3.js? Let's see...
           | https://observablehq.com/@mbostock/10-years-of-open-
           | source-v...
           | >In honor of D3 1.0's tin anniversary, I thought I'd reflect
           | on lessons learned. This isn't intended to be too
           | comprehensive or serious -- just a handful of observations as
           | I look ahead to the next ten years. But I hope a nugget or
           | two will interest you, too.
           | HN discussion:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26240339
             | post-it wrote:
             | > Need to use a library? Then first read the documentation,
             | then read the source code, so you actually understand what
             | it can do, how it does it, that it's not magic, what its
             | limitations are, how to use it, and if you actually need
             | it.
             | That's the opposite of thread OP's advice. If you need to
             | use a library and you're impatient, find the closest
             | example to what you want to do and then hack away at it
             | until it does what you want.
               | DonHopkins wrote:
               | It's an elaboration of his advice, not the opposite.
               | Please be patient enough to read all of the OP's advice:
               | >But read articles every once in a while on best
               | practices so you aren't learning the "wrong" way to do
               | things.
               | >The big drawback is that there are a lot of Google
               | results that are outdated, novice, or flat-out wrong.
               | >My general advice: consult official docs whenever
               | possible
               | After you read the official docs, and decide you actually
               | want to use a library for something that's not trivial,
               | one-off, or throw-away, it will benefit you to actually
               | read the source code itself, which is by definition not
               | out-of-date and incomplete, like so many of the articles
               | about the library you can find by googling and reading
               | stack overflow.
               | In my book, hacking away at using a library until it does
               | what you want involves reading the source code in the
               | developer tools by setting breakpoints and browsing the
               | call stack, function definitions, local variables, and
               | data structures, while the code is alive and running.
               | Once you've done that, it's a lot more interesting and
               | easier to then read the entire source code on github
               | front to back, to learn the library well, because you
               | will have a lot more context about how it's actually used
               | and fits together, its dynamic runtime behavior, and the
               | shape and texture of its objects and data structures.
           | vaiso wrote:
           | Agreed, this is how you end up with people hard-coding
           | hundreds of iterations because they don't know what arrays or
           | loops are. I think it's better to learn top-down and bottom-
           | up simultaneously, by building your own projects as well as
           | taking a more structured fundamentals course.
         | smoldesu wrote:
         | I think this strategy works for just about every language _but_
         | Javascript. Last week I was trying to learn JS with this method
         | and it sucked, almost exclusively because there is so much
         | content to sift through that it 's difficult to separate the
         | wheat from the chaff. Reading the documentation, while not
         | particularly glorious, is the most time-efficient method of
         | learning a language in my experience.
         | Lamad123 wrote:
         | You cannot just google your way through it. There are times
         | when you don't even know what to google. I remember as an early
         | beginner being stuck with something that had to do with
         | closures. I had no idea what was going on and didn't know what
         | to google and when I asked questions on stackoverflow and
         | reddit please started saying things about decorators and
         | whatnot!!! It is only when I sat down and went through some
         | kinds of structured tutorials that I knew what had stomped me.
         | Sometimes, you ight just have to be aware of some problems even
         | if you'd don't understand them properly but you are aware of
         | their existence and what they are called.
         | Waterluvian wrote:
         | 100%
         | And the most important advice, in my opinion, is to expect to
         | write a LOT of garbage code that you replace almost
         | immediately. It's not like pouring concrete. You're not wasting
         | your time or code. It's a learning process and once you've
         | written it, you've absorbed all the good and bad lessons from
         | it.
         | I struggled a lot with paralysis where I refused to even begin
         | a project until I could see the "right way" to get to the
         | finish line. But now I just do a tiny little bit of design (for
         | toys and personal projects) and then dive in.
         | There's no better way to deeply understand why a certain
         | concept is important than doing it wrong and suffering the
         | consequences.
       | ryannevius wrote:
       | A resource I commonly turn to when I'm feeling impatient is Learn
       | X in Y Minutes: https://learnxinyminutes.com/
         | DonHopkins wrote:
         | That's a great resource, but not a miracle cure for ignorance
         | or magic pill for knowledge and skill.
         | If you're actually serious about learning to program, then it's
         | going to take more than a few minutes of your life to learn.
         | But if you can't stomach investing more than a few minutes in
         | learning to program in JavaScript or any other programming
         | language, then you should really find something else do to with
         | your extremely limited time.
         | Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years, by Peter Norvig:
         | https://norvig.com/21-days.html
         | The last time I posted a link to this important essay,
         | impatient people who weren't very serious about investing any
         | time in learning or reading simply and immediately responded to
         | the title, but didn't bother to actually follow the link or
         | read and respond to any of Peter Norvig's brilliant essay (and
         | probably didn't even know who he was), so here is an excerpt.
         | >Researchers (Bloom (1985), Bryan & Harter (1899), Hayes
         | (1989), Simmon & Chase (1973)) have shown it takes about ten
         | years to develop expertise in any of a wide variety of areas,
         | including chess playing, music composition, telegraph
         | operation, painting, piano playing, swimming, tennis, and
         | research in neuropsychology and topology. The key is
         | deliberative practice: not just doing it again and again, but
         | challenging yourself with a task that is just beyond your
         | current ability, trying it, analyzing your performance while
         | and after doing it, and correcting any mistakes. Then repeat.
         | And repeat again. There appear to be no real shortcuts: even
         | Mozart, who was a musical prodigy at age 4, took 13 more years
         | before he began to produce world-class music. In another genre,
         | the Beatles seemed to burst onto the scene with a string of #1
         | hits and an appearance on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. But
         | they had been playing small clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg
         | since 1957, and while they had mass appeal early on, their
         | first great critical success, Sgt. Peppers, was released in
         | 1967.
         | This essay is a classic that's been discussed on HN numerous
         | times:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27411276
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20543495
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16574248
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5519158
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3439772
           | ai_ia wrote:
           | This essay, which has helped fixing my initial mindset a lot,
           | is directed for complete beginners.
           | The website OP mentions is for someone who already knows how
           | to program well in one or more language and want to take a
           | quick look at another language syntax.
             | DonHopkins wrote:
             | Titles like "Learn X in Y minutes" fool impatient people
             | who don't take the time to follow links or read more than
             | titles into believing the incorrect notion that it's
             | possible to do what the title promises. They never get
             | around to reading the actual articles or disclaimers that
             | it actually takes a long time and a lot of practice to
             | become proficient or even competent in a programming
             | language.
             | Then they think they can learn programming languages by
             | reading Twitter instead of writing code, and claim on their
             | resumes they know languages they've only read a few blog
             | posts about.
             | Those are the same people who complain that they hate Lisp
             | by parroting tweets that it has "too many parenthesis",
             | even though other languages have much more complex syntax,
             | much less powerful and more limited and difficult to use
             | macros and meta-programming facilities (like C macros and
             | C++ templates), that force you to use an ugly mish-mash of
             | even more inconsistent punctuation line noise like
             | brackets, braces, escapes, quotes, backquotes, obscure
             | operator precedence and ad-hoc parsing rules, and a myriad
             | of other hard-to-learn punctuation that makes the code much
             | less readable than Lisp, without realizing that there is
             | actually a point to Lisp's clean simple parenthetical
             | syntax.
             | There's also a long sad history of impatient people not
             | wanting to bother learning JavaScript, but believing that
             | they can simply learn JQuery or React or some other popular
             | "silver bullet" library instead:
             | Can you get away with learning jQuery only instead of
             | JavaScript?
             | https://www.quora.com/Can-you-get-away-with-learning-
             | jQuery-...
             | Should I learn jQuery first or Javascript?
             | https://www.quora.com/Should-I-learn-jQuery-first-or-
             | Javascr...
             | Is it necessary to learn JavaScript before learning jQuery?
             | [duplicate]
             | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3183545/is-it-
             | necessary-...
             | Why You Should Learn jQuery Before JavaScript
             | https://learn.onemonth.com/why-you-should-learn-jquery-
             | befor...
             | Why Beginners Should not Learn JavaScript through jQuery
             | https://www.codementor.io/javascript/tutorial/learn-
             | jquery-j...
             | Do I need to know JavaScript in order to learn jQuery?
             | https://www.quora.com/Do-I-need-to-know-JavaScript-in-
             | order-...
             | How is it possible to learn jQuery without first knowing
             | JavaScript?
             | https://www.quora.com/How-is-it-possible-to-learn-jQuery-
             | wit...
             | Can I learn React.js if I don't know JavaScript?
             | https://oprearocks.medium.com/can-i-learn-react-js-if-i-
             | dont...
             | Do we need to fully know JavaScript to study React?
             | https://www.quora.com/Do-we-need-to-fully-know-JavaScript-
             | to...
       | Lamad123 wrote:
       | I bet even the patient wouldn't put up with that gigantic list..
       | 45 "chapters" is kinda too much!
       | justinpage wrote:
       | Another resource to consider for Modern JavaScript:
       | https://javascript.info/
       | Juju_z wrote:
       | I like how clean this guide is. Are there any similar guides for
       | Python as a quick reference?
       | giantrobot wrote:
       | My biggest hurdle with JavaScript was getting things to happen in
       | order. Functions can be unexpectedly colorful[0] and contortions
       | and boilerplate is needed to deal with that. What was unintuitive
       | to me was a lot of interactions with the DOM are asynchronous
       | without being explicit about it. So you've got to chain a bunch
       | of asynchronous calls together to make sure a sequence of events
       | occur. Most other languages make this sort of asynchronous
       | callback hell explicit.
       | Once you understand this aspect of the language it's an annoying
       | (to me) idiosyncrasy but manageable. Before you understand it
       | there's a lot of pouring over poorly written tutorials that gloss
       | over it like it should be obvious.
       | [0] https://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2015/02/01/what-color-
       | is-...
         | eckmLJE wrote:
         | If you were developing in JS in 2015 this hurdle is
         | understandable.
         | simlevesque wrote:
         | Do you have an example of a DOM operation that is async ?
       | Madmallard wrote:
       | >For impatient programmers >45 modules
       | mrkentutbabi wrote:
       | I really don't understand why people hate JS so much. I myself a
       | primarily a JS dev, and now a TS dev. TS made the experience so
       | much so much better. JS is like pretty much a programming
       | language for average software engineer like me. Sure, JS build
       | system is a pain. I am the go to build system guy for almost
       | every company I've been with, I worked with Grunt, Gulp, Webpack
       | 1,2,3,4 and etc and yes I hate it, but other than that it works
       | really well. If you don't touch frontend you can pretty much
       | forget build system entirely. npm init is so easy.
       | Async is easy as well. I really don't understand the hate, what
       | am I missing? Maybe I'm too dumb for other programming languages.
       | I did try various languages from Java, Elixir, Haskell, Rust, Go,
       | Ruby, Python and JS is simply the best in productivity,
       | expressiveness, ease of use and performance balance.
       | As long as you don't code in a clusterfuck way, it is so easy to
       | write JS and compose JS functions. Just use functions everywhere,
       | no need class. JS is very readable.
       | Like, seriously, Python has Python2 vs Python3 package and
       | build/deployment problem. Haskell is difficult and the tooling is
       | abysmal. Rust is difficult and too much choices to just write
       | this and that. Ruby has no tpe system and slower than JS. Python
       | is also slower, no good async, and its type system is not
       | expressive as TS. Go's type system isn't expressive enough. Java
       | type system is too much and JVM is complicated. Scala is
       | complicated.
       | JS/TS is:
       | - simple/easy to use
       | - pays the bills (you can go anywhere and find jobs as JS/TS dev
       | in almost every company in the world)
       | - everywhere, like from IoT to robotics to game development to
       | server to frontend to regular scripts
       | - easy programming language to do Leetcode style interview as
       | well
       | - if you wanna do Option/Maybe style error handling like
       | Haskell/Rust/Go you can do that with TS, just wrap try catch and
       | return the error with neverthrow library. This makes TS
       | programming bliss!!! I freaking love it
       | If you don't want to care about setting up NodeJS + TS, now you
       | have Deno, who's pretty much out of the box everything just
       | works.
       | JS/TS is such a super boring language it feels like cheating your
       | way out of software engineering. It is a language made for dumb
       | people like me, maybe that's why it has no appeal for hardcore
       | programmers.
       | I owe to JS/TS on changing my life and giving me a good living.
       | Like, seriously I don't understand the hate...
         | ratorx wrote:
         | I don't like JS and try to avoid it wherever possible. I have
         | written some, but I'm not an expert by any means.
         | My problems with JS/TS:
         | Simple to start, but hard to program robustly and defensively.
         | Due to the lack of typing, a lot of the codebases I've seen end
         | up with extensive input validation code, which often uses fancy
         | tricks that are hard to parse (unless you already know them).
         | Typescript helps with this, but it is not the same as a proper
         | type system because it is optional. Usually I run into runtime
         | problems due to type errors with library code which doesn't
         | have types (or has the wrong ones).
         | The core language is filled with weird edge cases in coercion.
         | jsfuck.com and https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat are
         | examples. This doesn't affect my day-to-day code, but it's
         | equivalent to C undefined behaviour for me. A bunch of hidden
         | rules that I don't really want to extensively learn and
         | understand, but which will bite me when writing anything
         | moderately complex. '===' is good, but I think it's really easy
         | to miss the extra equals, especially if you write code in other
         | languages a lot.
         | Lack of standard library (in Nodejs). For quick things, I find
         | Python a lot better. The scant JS standard library has been
         | widely criticised. This is a contributing factor to the
         | absolute explosion in the dependency graph whenever you start
         | pulling in a lot of the common dependencies. IMO, Go and Rust
         | both do a better job despite having comparably easy package
         | mangers.
         | Although some JS code is easy to read, I've seen lots of
         | examples of overuse of functional indirection. Maybe it's
         | something I will start recognising the patterns once I've come
         | across them more, I end up ragequitting JS codebases much more
         | often than other languages. Despite its flaws, Go in a good
         | editor is an absolute joy to understand new codebases.
         | I've found a combination of Python, Go and Rust to be the ideal
         | combination. Each has its flaws, but for any specific use case,
         | I can pick one I'd rather use than JS.
         | bigyikes wrote:
         | I think a lot of JS haters haven't spent much time with modern
         | JS. That's how it was for me, at least. I would laugh at JS
         | wat-isms and think back to the old days of jQuery spaghetti.
         | Python was my favorite language.
         | Now I'm a full time JS/TS developer and I love the language.
         | It's a dream to use. The syntax is concise and logical, the
         | ecosystem is vibrant, and the barrier to entry is low. I wish
         | there was more JS in the scientific, CV, and ML spaces --
         | Python is still superior here, imo -- but otherwise JS is my go
         | to. It's no wonder we see the rise of Electron apps - the
         | developer experience is just so much better.
           | dgdbebbd wrote:
           | Right, you need some historical context to understand the
           | situation. 10 years ago JS was a shitty language with a far
           | worse ecosystem. It deserved the hate it got. Then ES6 came
           | along 6 years ago or so and added tons of super valuable
           | language features. Suddenly you don't have to deal with the
           | hoisting semantics of var or worrying about what 'this' is
           | all the time. It was so nice that people started using Babel
           | to use the new features ASAP. Then a couple years later, once
           | everyone has a transpiler in their build process without a
           | second thought (this used to be controversial!), TypeScript
           | comes along and provides another huge leap in how pleasant
           | the language is to use.
           | Now it's a pretty nice ecosystem, but it used to be pretty
           | bad. Not everyone's biases have caught up yet.
         | hpen wrote:
         | I have done JS for several years and TS more recently. I think
         | TS really fixes a lot of the issues that arise while building
         | large systems in NodejS. But I think people are right to hate
         | on the dependency nightmare that is npm. I could complain about
         | several other things but really they apply to most popular
         | dynamic languages...
         | mattlondon wrote:
         | Broadly agree - JavaScript and typescript especially are an
         | absolute joy and delight to code with.
         | I use TS professionally, and it is my go-to choice for personal
         | projects too.
         | Deno and vscode have brought an extra dimension of awesomeness
         | - I personally never liked using npm (and therefore node) and
         | try to avoid it.
         | seumars wrote:
         | I believe the JS criticism is more about the culture and
         | ecosystem than the language itself. In short: Most if not all
         | JS devs are more interested in playing with specific tools and
         | APIs rather than dealing with and/or implementing programming
         | patterns and principles. In the last decade "small modules"
         | skyrocketed the popularity of NPM and a lot of people pushed
         | the idea of "don't reinvent the wheel just 'npm install'
         | everything" and sadly it stuck. Basically all JS-related
         | discourse reduces down to "use X instead of Y!". It started
         | with packages, then libraries, then frameworks, and now meta-
         | frameworks - hell even meta-meta-frameworks if you count the
         | people raving about Blitz. It's like that period when young
         | devs couldn't tell the difference between jQuery and JS but way
         | worse. So yes, in a way you are in fact cheating your way out
         | of software engineering by installing neverthrow or whatever. I
         | mean the language is already pretty damn high-level already.
         | robocat wrote:
         | > Async is easy as well.
         | An off-topic question: how do modern development practices
         | using async code avoid race conditions and intermittent
         | heisenbugs?
           | hpen wrote:
           | I like async. It's is easy to reason about. In what paradigm
           | are race conditions avoided completely? I know Rust avoids
           | "Data Races" but not race conditions as far as I'm aware.
       | Nullinker wrote:
       | Very nice and comprehensive resource. I don't consider myself
       | impatient but appreciate the high information density and the
       | ability to quickly skip past the parts that I already know and
       | actually learned a few new things.
         | jmnicolas wrote:
         | If I was impatient to learn JS I would gasp at the number of
         | chapters (45)!
         | ropeladder wrote:
         | Agreed. This looks like something I will be coming back to.
         | Rules of thumb, recommendations, and reasons for their
         | recommendations -- I'm in heaven. Too few resources hit the
         | sweet spot between introduction and arcana.
       | underdeserver wrote:
       | > Impatient
       | > Table of contents takes 15 minutes to read
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