[HN Gopher] Gobolinux : Redefining Linux filesystem hierarchy
       Gobolinux : Redefining Linux filesystem hierarchy
       Author : cassepipe
       Score  : 218 points
       Date   : 2021-12-28 15:50 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (gobolinux.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (gobolinux.org)
       | rwoerz wrote:
       | I hope that they will refrain from "optimizing" the new structure
       | in every major release... Looking at you, Windows!
         | DHowett wrote:
         | I'm struggling to figure out exactly which directory structure
         | Windows has changed every major release -- are you referring to
         | when "Documents and Settings" was renamed to "Users" with the
         | release of Windows Vista in 2006? Or perhaps you are talking
         | about when they added "Program Files (x86)" with the
         | introduction of 64-bit support in Windows XP, dating back to
         | 2001...
         | I believe it used to default to installing Windows NT to
         | C:\WINNT... but that was almost certainly longer ago than
         | you're suggesting. To be fair, the Desktop also used to live at
         | C:\WINDOWS\Desktop, but there are some pretty good reasons why
         | it doesn't any longer.
           | dark-star wrote:
           | In Win9x, it was c:\windows\desktop etc., before windows
           | became multi-user, when it moved to
           | c:\windows\profiles\xxx\desktop and later to
           | C:\Users\xxx\Desktop. But only on US installations, in
           | international versions it was c:\benutzer\xxx\desktop or
           | whatever the translation of "users" was. That is until
           | windows 7 (I think) when they moved to the English name for
           | all systems, and had the UI (Explorer) translate it, which
           | led to strange issues that Explorer shows
           | "C:\Benutzer\x\Desktop" while the command prompt shows
           | "C:\Users\x\Desktop"
           | On some versions it was also "C:\Documents and
           | Settings\\...", it is so convoluted that even I don't
           | remember all the specifics, but yes, it was a total mess,
           | especially on non-english installations
           | MadcapJake wrote:
           | When did ProgramData and AppData become a thing? Is there a
           | guide somewhere about what should be placed in each folder?
           | Local, LocalLow, Roaming? Seems like there are several
           | competing conventions.
             | wbkang wrote:
             | ProgramData is the global application storage. AppData has
             | been there since at least XP. Local is intended to be
             | specific to this computer whereas roaming is something that
             | is user specific that can be available across machines.
             | The closest thing I can find is this
             | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
             | us/windows/win32/shell/knownfo...
               | jopsen wrote:
               | Compared to the XDG directory specification that MSDN
               | link is garbage.
               | Just my personal opinion.
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | Sometime before 2008 (and, since the change isn't the kind
             | MS tends to do during a major OS version lifecycle,
             | probably with or prior to the release of Vista in 2007)
             | though the documentation on it (not just when it happened,
             | but how to use them best) seems to be well-obscured. But
             | here's a post originally from 2008 covering Windows Vista
             | which is the least-bad coverage of ProgramData/AppData I
             | can find:
             | https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-blog-
             | archive/...
             | (My personal recollection is that it is much earlier, at
             | least back to XP, but I could be wrong, so I'll go with
             | what I can find documented.)
       | egberts1 wrote:
       | Mmmmm.
       | Only beef I have is the CamelCase of GoboLinux CLIs.
       | We all can do without shifting the shift keys as much as
       | possible.
       | Unless the ultimate goal is for 100% GUI mouse-click operation,
       | which it does not appear to be.
       | I sense a tinge of hostility toward typists in general.
         | GordonS wrote:
         | It's PascalCase, rather than camelCase, but I still agree with
         | your point - capitalisation in a Linux file system just
         | feels... weird!
           | pxc wrote:
           | I like initial caps for directory names and lowercase for
           | filenames, which Linux desktop users are already accustomed
           | to in their home folders.
           | Caps leading command names is not great with case-sensitive
           | filenames imo.
       | r3trohack3r wrote:
       | This is a neat idea - and not without precedent.
       | Installing each package into it's own directory, and maintaining
       | symlinks into that directory structure, was an approach explored
       | for large system installations in the 90s and 00s.
       | NIST depot, Xheir, CMU, and Nix all did this in varying ways. The
       | advantage of this approach was that packages could be installed
       | once on an NFS, scoped by version/configuration, and mounted into
       | the filesystem of every work station on a campus. The
       | workstations then just needed to maintain references to the files
       | on the NFS for their particular software configurations. There is
       | also some interesting exploration of composable configuration
       | templates that allow workstations to inherit and extend a
       | particular configuration (i.e. the physics department might have
       | a base template).
       | Nix is easily the most successful in this space. It even uses
       | something similar to the NFS approach! It can maintain a remote
       | cache of observed configurations to pull from instead of redoing
       | work.
       | Reading these LISA papers is a lot of fun. If you work in system
       | administration (i.e. maintaining an Artifactory instance for your
       | company) and have a day to spare - I'd very much recommend
       | reading them, starting with the Nix paper!
       | To get you started:
       | Nix - https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa-04/nix-safe-and-
       | polic...
       | Depot Lite - https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa-viii/depot-
       | lite-mecha...
         | rackjack wrote:
         | What is a LISA paper?
           | dsr_ wrote:
           | Large Installations Systems Administration, a now defunct
           | conference.
             | rackjack wrote:
             | Thanks.
         | pxc wrote:
         | Nix is great! But GoboLinux is actually a few years older than
         | Nix, isn't it? First release in 2003. :)
         | Interestingly, GoboLinux Runners are basically the same concept
         | as NixOS' FHSUserEnvs, where user namespaces are used to mount
         | a subset of the existing shared libraries and other
         | dependencies to make them visible (and the only ones visible)
         | to a running program in a compatible way. This spares them some
         | of the filesystem overhead of running a full OS container with
         | its own package manager. So there's a bit of further
         | convergence there, too.
         | I love the cleanliness and legibility of the GoboLinux file
         | hierarchy, and I think the simple, Mac-ish app bundling
         | approach it takes is something many users might like and prefer
         | over the rough edges of Nix or the complexity of Flatpak.
         | A GoboLinux-like presentation could be great for a stable,
         | impure NixOS downstream some day.
         | Thanks for the link to the Depot Lite paper! I'd never heard of
         | it.
         | chris_wot wrote:
         | That's kind of funny, because Microsoft do something similar
         | with WinSxS. Only worse.
         | What they do is store packages in the winsxs folder. They then
         | do an NTFS hard link to where the component is installed,
         | usually system32.
         | If you ever used Vista and Windows 7 and started to run out of
         | disk space over time, that's because Microsoft never used to
         | remove the old components after they were updated. In Windows
         | 7, the initial plan after SP1 was to allow people to use a
         | special switch on DISM.exe to remove old service pack files.
         | Microsoft removed the idea of service packs and instead did
         | continuous patching with rollups. It seems to taken them quite
         | some time before they twigged to the fact that the old updates
         | were using up a lot of disk space, because a _long_ time later
         | (almost at the end of the Windows 7 lifecycle) they added a
         | Windows update to the disk cleanup wizard. Even worse, it would
         | only remove the components after you rebooted but before you
         | could login to Windows. If you ran it, it could sometimes take
         | literally hours to get the computer to finish removing files
         | from the component store.
         | dark-star wrote:
         | Wait, when did we come to the point where "working in system
         | administration" is considered synonymous to "maintaining an
         | Artifactory instance"?
           | dagw wrote:
           | About 3-5 years ago, give or take.
       | bachmeier wrote:
       | Long ago (maybe 15 years) I tried Gobolinux and thought it was a
       | better approach for the typical Linux convert from Windows. I
       | believe it was the lack of software, relative to Debian, Ubuntu,
       | or Fedora, that kept me from running it.
       | usrbinbash wrote:
       | This is actually a neat idea, and I am saying that as the
       | archetypical, grumpy _" I like my sys the way it is, thank you
       | very much!"_ - kinda guy.
       | A lot of the directory structure of POSIX systems is completely
       | obsolete in the 21st century. The difference between sbin and
       | bin? Historical, for the most part, and irrelevant in the age of
       | rescue systems.
       | One question that is nagging at my mind with this: What if two
       | programs require the same lib, how is this resolved?
       | Because, when I install progA, the lib is symlinked into the
       | index, so when I now install progB, the lib is installed again if
       | I understood correctly. Storage is irrelevant, the pkg manager
       | sees there is a symlink, so it stays in place, all is well.
       | But now I remove progA, so what happens? progB is still present,
       | still requires the lib, it is also still installed, but now the
       | symlink, which refered to /Programs/progA/libs/thelib.so is
       | broken. How is this situation handled?
         | potatoalienof13 wrote:
         | As far as I can tell, the package manager handles dependencies,
         | like most other package managers. Packages can declare
         | dependencies on other packages, and the package manager
         | installs each dependency only once globally.
           | lelanthran wrote:
           | I think GP was asking what happens when you remove a package
           | that has thelib.so as a dependency. Is thelib.so removed?
           | Does the previous existing thelib.so used as a replacement?
             | pxc wrote:
             | With any normal package manager, no. You don't remove a
             | package that has _any_ remaining  'reverse dependencies'
             | (a.k.a 'dependents'). Removing only one of many dependent
             | packages just has no effect on the dependency.
               | usrbinbash wrote:
               | But if BOTH packA & packB come with the same libs, one of
               | them HAS TO get symlinked in the system index. And they
               | do not depend on one another, as each has to bring the
               | same lib to the system, so logically, they can both be
               | removed without breaking a dependency.
               | But since there can be only ne symlink to the library
               | (because the lib is searched by name in the index) the
               | question remains: How is the package manager handling
               | this for Gobolinux?
               | duped wrote:
               | This seems completely backwards, is it not that packA and
               | packB have symlinks to the system index?
               | pxc wrote:
               | I think it may not be handled automatically.
               | Looks like you could use                 find
               | /System/Index | RemoveBroken
               | and then you'd have to use SymlinkProgram to enable
               | another provider of the shared libraries.
               | In a way this is inside-out from what Nix and Guix do,
               | where their equivalent of the System Index (the Nix/Guix
               | store) is the build target, and everything all symlinks
               | point to that. That makes this kind of thing a little
               | easier to deal with, at some other costs.
         | codedokode wrote:
         | Sbin and bin separation actually causes problems with
         | portability. A certain bluetooth-related utility wants to run
         | iptables command [1] which can usually be found in `/sbin`. But
         | `/sbin` is not in the PATH so they have hardcoded
         | `/sbin/iptables` into the source. Now distributions that have
         | iptables in `/usr/sbin` have to patch the program.
         | So it would be better if either there were no `/sbin` or if it
         | was always in the PATH.
         | [1] https://github.com/blueman-
         | project/blueman/blob/fcef83a01c80...
           | thorawy88 wrote:
         | codedokode wrote:
         | They have separate directories for libraries under /Program, so
         | I guess the library gets installed into a separate directory
         | only once.
         | infogulch wrote:
         | I think libs are installed in /Programs too, and everything is
         | versioned, and all libraries are linked to a central
         | /System/Index/lib directory, which is referenced by ld by
         | default: ( See https://gobolinux.org/at_a_glance.html )
         | ~] ls -l /System/Index/lib         libgtk.so           ->
         | /Programs/GTK+/1.2.10/lib/libgtk-1.2.so.0.9.1
         | libgtk-1.2.so.0     ->
         | /Programs/GTK+/1.2.10/lib/libgtk-1.2.so.0.9.1
         | libgtk-1.2.so.0.9.1 ->
         | /Programs/GTK+/1.2.10/lib/libgtk-1.2.so.0.9.1
         | Also:                   ~] cat /etc/ld.so.conf
         | /System/Index/lib
         | I guess it's up to the package manager or application to
         | reference the version of the library at the correct
         | specificity. And then it's up to the package manager to GC libs
         | that aren't referenced anymore.
         | Personally I think it would have been interesting to version
         | the system index itself, like
         | /System/Index/Current|1.0|myappenv|etc/lib|bin|etc, and each
         | app is chrooted into their own system index by default.
           | usrbinbash wrote:
           | I understand how and where they are installed.
           | The question is, when 2 packages, pkgA & pkgB bring in the
           | same library, call it "thelib.so" into the system, logically,
           | only 1 of them can be refered to by the symlink in
           | System/Index/lib.
           | So we have both
           | /Programs/pkgA/1.0/lib/thelib.so
           | /Programs/pkgB/1.0/lib/thelib.so
           | And lets say the symlink points to the file of pkgA:
           | /System/Index/lib/thelib.so  ->
           | /Programs/pkgA/1.0/lib/thelib.so
           | What happens now if I remove pkgA? If nothing changes, the
           | symlink would be dangling, and pkgB would no longer function
           | because the libraries are looked up in the index.
           | My question is: how is the pkg management system resolving
           | this?
             | infogulch wrote:
             | Ah so basically how does it track dependencies? Good
             | question. Browsing the wiki it looks like its basically
             | manual :/ but I could be mistaken.
             | https://github.com/gobolinux/Documentation/wiki/Removing-
             | pro...
             | https://github.com/gobolinux/Documentation/wiki/Understandi
             | n...
             | infogulch wrote:
             | I explained it because your example makes me think you
             | don't understand how and where packages are installed.
             | Libraries are installed independently, but your example
             | looks like the library thelib.so is installed inside pkgA
             | which is only related to thelib.so because pkgA is the
             | first package that depends on thelib.so, but this is
             | incorrect, instead you'd have:
             | /System/Index/lib/thelib.so  ->
             | /Programs/thelib/1.0/thelib.so
             | And /Programs/pkgA/lib/thelib.so would never exist at all.
         | oneplane wrote:
         | I think they just intend to duplicate everything, but I'm not
         | sure. One of the biggest issues with 'improved' systems is that
         | even when they are actually a whole lot better, it makes it
         | nearly impossible to reason about the system or the state of
         | the system using filesystem primitives or other first
         | principles.
         | Take journals in systemd for example, they are better than
         | plaintext log files in some cases, but now you are stuck with a
         | format that needs to be interpreted and parsed before it is
         | useful.
         | That doesn't mean improvements shouldn't be done, but every
         | step that is a big change often also makes it impossible to do
         | some basic things that used to be possible for decades. This is
         | similar to analog radio (i.e. only requiring a diode, tunable
         | capacitor and a coil to receive audio! - no power supply
         | needed!) vs. DAB. DAB has a lot of improvements over the base
         | feature, as well as a whole lot of new features. But it is no
         | longer possible to simply receive the radio waves and get
         | audio.
         | In a way you lose simplicity to gain sophistication. Sometimes
         | we get sophisticated simplicity where a complex problem was
         | solved in a very neat and elegant way that can be reasoned
         | about with ease, but most times it isn't the case and that
         | makes me (and a whole lot of other people it seems) wonder how
         | we can get the improvement without losing the simplicity.
         | For the very simple "the filesystem is the database" concept,
         | this might actually be possible, all we really get is a well-
         | known structure and versioning with symlinks, similar to the
         | alternatives system used in Debian. But then we get /Programs
         | which is capitalised which looks nice but mixed capitalisation
         | seems too much of a "they are doing it, thus so are we" thing,
         | while on a filesystem level there isn't any gain. Same with
         | spaces in names or dashes. For visual representation that is
         | nice, but everything else it sucks.
         | I would take out the capitalisation and add some sort of
         | unionfs/aufs/overlayfs hooking (symlink into a bundled
         | filesystem would be one way) so from the system's perspective
         | it's still a single filesystem tree but you add the option to
         | get all those newfangled distribution methods in there as well.
         | The problem we still haven't solved is versioning, but since it
         | is arbitrary at this point /programs (or just call it /apps)
         | could just contain <shortname>/<versionstring> for the
         | application name and then version of the application. If you
         | then dump in a version that comes from a docker image, flatpak,
         | some weird weine-dxvk-steam construction or something else you
         | symlink it in as a <versionstring> and then it's no longer the
         | problem of the distro.
         | There is still the issue of partitioning off parts of the
         | system you don't want to be touched or want to have safe; a RO-
         | snapshot plus user-overrides could work, but you might end up
         | with a huge RO-snapshot that needs to be entirely replaced, and
         | then a billion override mounts on top of that...
         | As simple as Gobolinux presents it, this only seems to be
         | useful for a single distro with a single distribution point,
         | which is no longer where we are. Even FreeBSD is past that and
         | that's not even Linux.
           | codedokode wrote:
           | The problem is not with capitalisation, the problem is that
           | Linux filesystems are case-sensitive and require you to type
           | the name with exact case.
             | bayindirh wrote:
             | I don't honestly understand why a case sensitive file
             | system is a problem. I think a case insensitive system is
             | counterintuitive.
               | codedokode wrote:
               | Because case insensitive filesystem doesn't require you
               | to press Shift key when typing a command. Typing `ls
               | /Program` requires one keypress more than `ls /program`.
               | Also, it is easier to remember just a name rather than
               | remember how exactly it is spelled.
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | I think the utility of a real case-sensitive file system
               | cannot be nullified with an "I need to press shift!"
               | argument.
               | Apple's APFS will create the folder as "Programs" if you
               | use "mkdir Programs", and will give you an error when you
               | try to create "programs". You can navigate with any case
               | combination, but it just plays along like the
               | capitalization you entered is present. It feels like a
               | hack tbh.
               | Another thing I noticed that I never notice that I'm
               | pressing shift while capitalizing. It's not a deal-
               | breaker issue for me (while this might sound like "it
               | works for me", I'm sure that I'm not alone in that).
               | Case insensitive systems created a lot of problems down
               | the road. Esp. due to popularity of Windows. Program
               | porting is a pain, using macOS with real case-sensitive
               | mode is again a pain for some scenarios. It also
               | encourages sloppy programming practices and "I don't case
               | as long as it works" ism.
               | greiskul wrote:
               | If you are manually typing a command, then the shell
               | could do this work instead of the file system, right?
               | That's what the shell is for, to be the bridge between
               | humans and the computer right. In a perfect system, you
               | would type ls /p, and one of the suggestions of the tab
               | completion would be /Program.
               | bayindirh wrote:
               | Bash normally doesn't do that, but there are a lot of
               | options available for both Bash and ZSH, which can do
               | much more than just "case insensitive matching".
               | rickbad68 wrote:
               | A case sensitive filesystem doesn't require you to hit
               | shift either if you just call the directory "programs".
               | Also, there are many ways to save your pinky from moving
               | the huge distance to the shift-key other than an
               | arbitrary restriction on all file names in the file
               | system..
             | pxc wrote:
             | I personally find the combination of case-sensitive
             | filesystems with case-sensitive or smart-cased
             | autocompletions pretty comfy.
             | Most shells can be configured to behave that way, and Fish
             | works that way by default.
         | actinium226 wrote:
         | Perhaps a new concept of a "symlink with backups" could be
         | introduced.
         | You install ProgA and the lib is symlinked into the index You
         | install ProgB and the index's symlink to ProgA's lib gets some
         | information added to it along the lines of "if the symlink to
         | ProgA/lib is broken, try ProgB/lib"
         | Then when you uninstall ProbA the fallback symlink is
         | activated.
         | At some point you would want to clean up the dangling primary
         | link but maybe the best time to do it is immedately. i.e. the
         | first time the primary fails you make the backup the new
         | primary and now there's no backup, i.e. it looks the way it
         | would look if you had only ever installed ProgB.
           | pjc50 wrote:
           | This is roughly what Debian "alternatives" does, although
           | it's not used for libraries.
           | function_seven wrote:
           | Why not use hard links instead? Both ProgA and ProgB will
           | have their own links to the same inode. Either one can delete
           | their own link, but the library will still exist unless all
           | programs using it delete their links.
         | [deleted]
         | saghm wrote:
         | I think for shared libraries, the convention is to have the
         | major version number of the API in the name (e.g. foo.so,
         | foo2.so) and then to put any ABI changes as a trailing
         | extension (e.g. foo.so.2, foo.so.3, foo2.so.2, foo2.so.3). It's
         | kind of a hack, but it makes sure that you can link
         | unambiguously to one if you need it.
         | EDIT: didn't realize you were talking about Gobo specifically;
         | not sure how they deal with this, but theoretically a similar
         | strategy seems like it could work
         | duped wrote:
         | I'd rather progA and progB package their own local versions of
         | thelib.so unless they explicitly request to use a shared
         | version globally.
         | Shared libraries actually being shared is the exception and not
         | the rule
           | bern4444 wrote:
           | This is very similar to how npm works. Each installed package
           | has its own dependencies installed that are kept separate
           | from other packages even if another package has the same
           | dependency.
           | For all the hate of npm and node_modules it's wonderful to
           | have this isolation
       | syntax-rules wrote:
       | This is a really excellent way to manage packages in a system, I
       | ran lots of systems a long time ago this way because of Dan
       | Bernstein https://cr.yp.to/slashpackage/management.html
       | pshirshov wrote:
       | It would be nice if they mix it with Nix. It makes little sense
       | _not_ to use Nix, despite its numerous shortcomings.
       | transfire wrote:
       | Gobo was ahead of its time, in a way. Unfortunately mainstream
       | distros have yet to really learn its lessons.
       | W0lf wrote:
       | I think this approach is very similar to how Android is handling
       | the different apps where each gets installed into its own
       | dedicated path directory. (I may be wrong though, cant remember
       | since the last time I've looked into the AOSP)
       | justaguy37 wrote:
       | Can the package system be installed within another distro, much
       | like Nix is able to be run without NixOS?
       | [deleted]
       | GekkePrutser wrote:
       | Cool, sounds a bit like how NixOS does things.
       | It's not for me I think (nor is Nix), but that's the nice thing
       | about Linux, everyone can do things their own way. I mostly use
       | FreeBSD anyway.
         | Ericson2314 wrote:
         | We'll get you with NixOS/kFreeBSD someday :D
           | pxc wrote:
           | It hurts me how close we could be to a single, cross-platform
           | module system for Nix.
           | It's theoretically closer than ever, thanks to stuff like
           | nix-processmgmt and Initware for the BSDs, but it feels like
           | something that keeps coming close only to fade away :'(
           | But Nix can absolutely do it, and it could be so extremely
           | good!
       | cassepipe wrote:
       | A response to inevitable critiques :
       | https://gobolinux.org/doc/articles/clueless.html
         | conexions wrote:
         | In my mind the principal reason for the current hierarchy is
         | read/write usage. With /etc and /usr it is possible after
         | installation and configuration to set one or both as Read Only.
         | With /var and /home you have the directories that should be
         | Read/Write on a running system. This allows you to mount each
         | of those directories on a different partition with different
         | settings or even different filesystems depending on how you
         | want to optimize/secure your application.
         | Now admittedly actually doing this is pretty rare in these
         | days, but I still like having the option. I believe he does
         | address this talking about "union mounts" and "overlay
         | filesystems". I'm really not too familiar with either or how
         | production ready they are, but it may address my concerns.
           | laurent92 wrote:
           | > Now admittedly actually doing this is pretty rare in these
           | day
           | It's pretty frequent! When Atlassian launched their Cloud
           | offerings in 2013, they installed Confluence and Jira on
           | their own servers (1.5GB each), one per customer, and set
           | /bin and /etc as read-only.
           | Then they mounted /etc and /bin from the network. 1.5GB saved
           | per instance!
           | So it makes sense not because you can set them as read-only,
           | but because you can mount them separately.
         | DarylZero wrote:
         | The obvious critique in 2021+ is "GoboLinux is a great concept
         | but doesn't Nix make it obsolete?"
           | bantunes wrote:
           | I was going to reply saying Gobo came first, but they're both
           | from 2003!
             | DarylZero wrote:
             | I thought Gobo came first. I remember installing it ~2003.
             | Didn't hear about Nix until years later and when I did it
             | reminded of that old Gobo install.
           | carlhjerpe wrote:
           | GoboLinux uses patchelf just like Nix but you don't have to
           | learn the convoluted undebuggable mess of Nixlang (I run
           | NixOS on all my machines, it's a love-hate relationship)
             | nusaru wrote:
             | I've only tried Nix once or twice, and I'm left wondering:
             | why don't they use a scripting language? Is part of the
             | appeal that the Nix language is a functional language?
               | danieldk wrote:
               | _why don 't they use a scripting language_
               | Reproducibility. You need a pure (side effect-free)
               | language to ensure that a package expression always
               | evaluates to the same value [1]. If you have a non-pure
               | language, external factors (e.g. environment variables or
               | a server returning a different response) can
               | influence/change what a package expression evaluates to.
               | [1] That said, Nix was not completely free of side-
               | effects either. Though this is one of the issues that Nix
               | Flakes attempt to solve.
               | junon wrote:
               | Lua fits that bill perfectly.
               | CyberShadow wrote:
               | You can use pretty much any Turing complete language to
               | achieve this constraint, as long as its inputs and
               | execution are deterministic. The language itself doesn't
               | have to be purely functional.
               | soraminazuki wrote:
               | It's mostly about using the right tool for the right job.
               | The Nix language is used for large scale configuration,
               | not scripting. Anything that requires scripting is
               | offloaded to Bash. As a result of that, Nix resembles
               | JSON but with variables and lambdas to make writing
               | complex configurations easier. The competitor of the Nix
               | language is not Bash or Python, it's JSON and YAML.
               | stelonix wrote:
               | A friend uses YAML in that way. Each entry is valid JS
               | code. The result is you have a mixed declarative-
               | imperative configuration language. It's very powerful and
               | I have found a few uses too. The best part is that the
               | evaluator is at most 30 lines of code.
               | ImprobableTruth wrote:
               | ... and how do you ensure that it's execution is
               | deterministic?
               | CyberShadow wrote:
               | Most programming languages are already generally
               | deterministic.
               | Pick any programming language. Now, remove access to I/O
               | (except standard input and output), networking, time,
               | random number generators, threads, OS syscalls, etc.
               | Given an input, the program will always generate the same
               | output, i.e. it is deterministic. However, the program is
               | still allowed to have global mutable state; the state is
               | just encapsulated to the program's memory and execution
               | time.
               | A trivial example is Brainfuck. It is most certainly not
               | a functional programming language, but it is
               | deterministic.
               | Filligree wrote:
               | The obvious choice is Haskell. It's a pity they didn't
               | use that.
               | renox wrote:
               | Given that the alternative of Nix use a Lisp instead I'm
               | not that sure of the 'obviousness' here..
               | otabdeveloper4 wrote:
               | The Nix language is just JSON + lambda functions +
               | variables. And nothing more. If you know modern
               | JavaScript then you already know the Nix language.
               | The problem is Nixpkgs, the largest Nix program. Nix-the-
               | language doesn't lend itself too well to programming in
               | the large. It's a bit like writing a large JavaScript SPA
               | without frameworks or strict coding standards.
               | darau1 wrote:
               | > tried Nix once or twice
               | me too. I broke my system a bunch of times, and
               | eventually just gave up. I remembered the other day that
               | I have a _lot_ of programs installed with it that I don
               | 't even want to think about updating. rofi changed it's
               | configuration file format recently, and that was tied up
               | in nix. I am too lazy to fight with it for now, so I've
               | just disabled my config file. It bothers me every time I
               | use it.
               | carlhjerpe wrote:
               | NixOS is the only system I'm yet to break, and I've been
               | using it at home for 2 years and at work full-time for a
               | couple months.
               | If the system evaluates it'll most likely work, if it
               | doesn't you roll back a generation.
               | I have an Ubuntu container around if I quickly wanna mess
               | with something.
               | darau1 wrote:
               | I'm positive it works. My problem was that figuring out
               | why something went wrong was too time consuming, or
               | difficult. I'm sure I could figure it out, but the
               | problem again is time.
               | pxc wrote:
               | As a longtime Nix user with very little prior FP
               | experience (1/4 of one course in college doing a few
               | exercises in Haskell), I think the Nix language is
               | actually very well-suited to task.
               | The biggest difficulty comes from the fact that it is a
               | dynamic, weakly-typed language, which can lead error
               | messages in configuration to point you toward library
               | code rather than your config file. This is a pitfall
               | shared by many of the languages that are commonly
               | suggested as replacements or alternatives.
               | There's been work to solve this by adding gradual typing
               | (like in Typescript) to Nix, whose most promising
               | iteration atm is (imo) a Nix-like language called Nickel,
               | which is almost ready for preview by the community.
               | The other, more minor, issue is tooling, which is being
               | addressed by emerging LSP work for Nix.
               | (Scripting is done in Nixpkgs, mostly via Bash.)
               | The beauty of Nixlang, imo, is that for simple use cases
               | it really feels like a dead simple configuration
               | language, which is only possible with a declarative
               | language.
               | The functional character and Nix's laziness were
               | important in the early design of Nix. The latter may
               | still give Nix some nice performance characteristics. But
               | since the initial Nix design, Nix has become eager in
               | some places, and Guix is implemented as a lazy DSL
               | embedded in an eager language, so I guess we could
               | implement something like Nix on top of an eager scripting
               | language.
               | Imperative scripting languages might not be as well
               | suited for the kinds of overrides that Nixpkgs and NixOS
               | use, afaict. But imo aside from its novelty, the Nix
               | language is nice to use because it's really simple and
               | totally declarative, which is what you expect from a
               | configuration language.
               | rekado wrote:
               | I don't know what people consider "eager" in Guix. In the
               | `package` DSL all input fields are thunked, so they are
               | not eagerly resolved. You don't need all values of your
               | language to have lazy semantics --- delaying evaluation
               | of some values is enough. Just because Guile Scheme is no
               | lazily evaluated by default does not mean that "Guix is
               | eager" is a useful statement.
               | pxc wrote:
               | Thanks for the correction!
               | > You don't need all values of your language to have lazy
               | semantics
               | Once upon a time (no longer, I think), Nix was 'maximally
               | lazy', so I think historically at least, there has been a
               | question of how essential laziness is to the design of
               | package managers in the functional paradigm. Since then I
               | guess we've seen what you describe (some targeted
               | laziness) is all that's required in both DSLs.
               | I've edited my comment above to better reflect Guix's
               | design and stop spreading the 'Guix is eager' meme. :)
               | ratorx wrote:
               | I'm a fan of the NixOS module style typing. It feels like
               | the right compromise for something like Nix. Domain
               | specific type system is also helpful for documentation.
               | E.g. in NixOS, the types and the docs live together and
               | benefit each other. Giving that better support in the
               | language and building editor tooling around it seems like
               | the way to go.
               | There's an open RFC/PR to bring NixOS style modules to
               | Nixpkgs for package management (with derivations being
               | the primitive).
               | carlhjerpe wrote:
               | So everything has to be pure and side-effect free, I'm
               | not into the history and when you're not doing too much
               | Voodoo it looks like what you'd want a configuration file
               | to look like.
               | But the downside is that debugging is impossble.
               | Guix uses guile, which is a Lisp so we could accomplish
               | the same with other languages.
             | pshirshov wrote:
             | The purpose of Nix is reliable declarative configuration.
             | Gobo seems to be significantly less declarative than Nix.
               | carlhjerpe wrote:
               | Who are you to define the purpose of Nix? Many people use
               | Nix as an imperative package manager too. So no, the
               | purpose of Nix is not reliable declarative configuration,
               | it's more than that.
               | Here's the paper from Eelco Dolstra (founder of the Nix
               | project) https://edolstra.github.io/pubs/nspfssd-
               | lisa2004-final.pdf
               | I don't see him mentioning configuration an awful lot in
               | there, it seems to be mostly about dependencies and
               | multiple versions of things.
             | pxc wrote:
             | But where's the _sport_ in debugging an error message
             | within 300 lines of the cause?
           | jiggunjer wrote:
           | Or docker.
             | carlhjerpe wrote:
             | Why is it that AppImages, snaps, flatpaks, Nix and every
             | distro package manager is replaced by docker?
             | Could it be that docker is missing something, maybe the
             | Dockerfile isn't easily reproducible? Maybe the ephemeral
             | status of all containers is quite some effort to work with?
             | Maybe it's just not the one true answer to the question of
             | software packaging.
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | Identifying your dependencies is hard. The easy solution
               | is not to care: develop on a machine, and ship the entire
               | machine! That way, software with the Works On My Machine
               | seal of approval can be pushed to production without
               | trouble!
               | I love Docker for the simplicity it offers, but the
               | gigabytes of storage wasted on yet another slightly
               | different version of Debian every time I pull a container
               | irks me to no end. Sadly, it's the only way some software
               | is distributed.
               | goodpoint wrote:
               | Please tell me this is satire.
               | jeroenhd wrote:
               | First part is, second part isn't :)
               | piaste wrote:
               | > Why is it that AppImages, snaps, flatpaks, Nix and
               | every distro package manager is replaced by docker?
               | Where are you seeing distros using docker for
               | containerization? If anything, I'd say Flatpak is the one
               | you're most likely to find installed in a 2021
               | workstation linux.
               | Docker's killing features are the same as they always
               | were: usability and ecosystem. 'docker run thingamajig'
               | is simple and DockerHub is very likely to have
               | thingamajig in its repos.
               | Of the ones you listed, I'd say flatpak is the only one
               | that compares favorably to Docker on both aspects
               | ('flatpak install thingamajig'). And since flatpak is
               | more designed for desktop applications, it's actually the
               | one gaining ground. Docker or other containerd-based
               | solutions should remain the preferred choice for servers,
               | since they're designed for that.
               | Nix is vastly less user friendly. Snaps, last I checked,
               | still don't have an open-source repository
               | implementation, meaning that Canonical has absolute
               | control over them. I don't know much about AppImage, but
               | AFAICT it's just a file format and not a full package
               | manager.
             | codedokode wrote:
             | Docker (in my opinion) is a poor solution for distributing
             | apps. It resembles a quick hack rather than a solid,
             | scalable, future-proof solution. The problem is: you need
             | to deploy an application with all required libraries with
             | specific versions and build options. Obviously, a proper
             | solution would be a package manager which would read the
             | declarative, non-executable configuration file and install
             | or build necessary dependencies.
             | Another problem is that you want to run an application on
             | differen platforms, not only Linux. Again the proper
             | solution would be to write a cross-paltform application and
             | install it using a cross-platform package manager.
             | Docker doesn't offer a proper solution; instead it suggests
             | that you create a virtual machine, install a whole
             | operating system (without a kernel) there and then write a
             | bash script that will download and build dependencies. As
             | docker image configuration file is an executable script, it
             | means that it cannot be processed with automated tools; it
             | can only be read by a human.
             | Also, docker requires a daemon running as a root. This
             | increases potential attack surface.
             | Docker is not good for desktop applications because it
             | doesn't have portals which can restrict access to DBus,
             | audio daemons, file system etc.
           | cxr wrote:
           | Previously:
           | > > _How does GoboLinux compare to Nix & Guix these days? Why
           | would one use the former vs the latter?_
           | > _This blogpost has a comparison of Gobolinux and Nix:_
           | > _http://sandervanderburg.blogs_
           | <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13189792>
             | k__ wrote:
             | TL;DR NixOS uses hashes based on all dependencies that go
             | into a package build and GoboLinux uses version numbers.
             | Which makes Gobo easier to use, but less secure.
             | egberts1 wrote:
             | SanderVanderburg.blogs is down.
           | pxc wrote:
           | GoboLinux is more impure and more compatible with processes
           | that people are used to. Imo it will take an impure,
           | downstream distro of NixOS to really make GoboLinux
           | 'obsolete'. Something where, in a pinch, you can just
           | ./configure && make
           | without grokking Nix, and have it work. Or where you can
           | install Linuxbrew and Pkgsrc and have them just work, as
           | additional, non-sandboxed escape hatches.
           | And such a downstream system could benefit from mimicking
           | GoboLinux in a few ways, imo.
       | marcodiego wrote:
       | Cool! I thought it was no longer maintained. Although it
       | influenced the distro landscape much less than it could, things
       | have changed enough so that I have mostly a "don't care" feeling
       | about gobolinux.
       | Most end users rarely interact directly with the filesystem, so a
       | different hierarchy won't impact many people. Installing up-to-
       | date packages that do not threaten the stability of your system
       | is easy with flatpaks/snaps; it is even possible to install GNOME
       | Software add-ons to handle them. If you want to install "system-
       | software" that is not possible with snaps or flatpaks, there's
       | always Nix, Guix or homebrew. All that without considering
       | AppImages, of course.
       | So... gobolinux is a great idea. But it fixes problems that are
       | much smaller today.
       | codedokode wrote:
       | Starting directory names with capital letter is not a good idea.
       | While that might look nice, it requires more keypresses when
       | typing it in the terminal. So /apps or /soft would be better than
       | /Programs.
       | It is convenient in case-insensitive filesystems like those used
       | in Windows or Mac, but not in Linux. By the way it would be
       | better if Linux also switched to case-insensitive filesystem, or
       | even a filesystem where similar looking characters from different
       | alphabets are considered the same. So that A is always A no
       | matter what alphabet is used.
       | Also I don't like the way they hide classic directories like
       | /bin. Instead, they should just not create these directories;
       | well-written programs should not require their presence.
         | forty wrote:
         | Case insensitivity is a mess as soon as you start looking
         | outside of ASCII.
           | codedokode wrote:
           | But I don't think that it is an unsolvable task. If you
           | simply use Unicode-aware version of "to lowercase" function,
           | it will be better than what we have today. But of course
           | there is a place for improvement (dealing with accented
           | letters in European languages, dealing with combining
           | characters, different alphabets like Hiragana/Katakana etc).
             | forty wrote:
             | Hum... I think simpler is better, and having each letter be
             | what they are only seems much simpler than having to guess
             | if the file system is going to decide my new file name is
             | equivalent to another existing file name and overide it
             | rather than creating a new one (for example).
               | codedokode wrote:
               | It is "simple" for a programmer who doesn't want to learn
               | Unicode and prefers working with bytes instead of
               | letters, but inconvenient for a user. More keypresses,
               | easier to make a mistake when typing.
               | I cannot imagine a situation where you need two files
               | whose names differ only in case.
               | forty wrote:
               | Since it's relevant and funny, I'll quote the famous rant
               | of Linus Torvalds on the topic (it was because of issues
               | it caused with Git, but I assume it still means it's
               | unlikely Linux will ever follow this path ^^)
               | "The true horrors of HFS+ are not in how it's not a great
               | filesystem, but in how it's actively designed to be a bad
               | filesystem by people who thought they had good ideas.
               | The case insensitivity is just a horribly bad idea, and
               | Apple could have pushed fixing it. They didn't. Instead,
               | they doubled down on a bad idea, and actively extended it
               | - very very badly - to unicode. And it's not even UTF-8,
               | it's UCS2 I think.              Ok, so NTFS did some of
               | the same. But apple really took it to the next level with
               | HFS+.              There's some excuse for case
               | insensitivity in a legacy model ("We didn't know
               | better"). But people who think unicode equivalency
               | comparisons are a good idea in a filesystem shouldn't be
               | allowed to play in that space. Give them some paste, and
               | let them sit in a corner eating it. They'll be happy, and
               | they won't be messing up your system.              And
               | then picking NFD normalization - and making it visible,
               | and actively converting correct unicode into that
               | absolutely horrible format, that's just inexcusable. Even
               | the people who think normalization is a good thing admit
               | that NFD is a bad format, and certainly not for data
               | exchange. It's not even "paste-eater" quality thinking.
               | It's actually actively corrupting user data. By design.
               | Christ.              And Apple let these monkeys work on
               | their filesystem? Seriously?"
           | akho wrote:
           | Case-insensitive ASCII filenames are best filenames.
           | Also, please, no whitespace in filenames. Allowing linebreaks
           | is just insane.
             | forty wrote:
             | I wouldn't mind but there are a bunch of people in this
             | world who have no idea what those ASCII symbols even mean,
             | and who might prefer using symbols they understand ^^
         | tambourine_man wrote:
         | I think bash autocomplete can be configured to be case
         | insensitive
         | potatoalienof13 wrote:
         | The response by one of the devs to the first problem is "In
         | fact, the concerns on typing-friendliness always comes up in
         | discussions about the GoboLinux tree. To that, I can only
         | respond that, in a properly configured shell like the one that
         | comes by default with GoboLinux, typing /Programs takes the
         | exact same number of keystrokes as typing /usr: slash,
         | lowercase p, Tab." [0]
         | The response to your second problem is that not all programs
         | are well written, and they cannot afford to patch every poorly-
         | written program.
         | [0] https://gobolinux.org/doc/articles/clueless.html
           | michael-ax wrote:
           | in other words, they haven't thought to make the damn name
           | and case-sensitivity preferences configurable. how odd is
           | that.
           | klysm wrote:
           | I don't want to have to reconfigure a shell when it could
           | just be lowercase.
             | pxc wrote:
             | I hear you, but I also think tab completion is one of the
             | basic amenities we should expect shell users to avail
             | themselves of in 2021. And distro-makers can even pre-
             | configure them for their users. I can understand why a
             | distro maker might not be interested in accommodating users
             | who don't want to use decent tab completion with smart
             | casing.
         | asperous wrote:
         | From the faq it sounds like the purpose is to differentiate the
         | gobolinux top level folders from the hidden compatibility
         | folders, which makes sense to me.
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