[HN Gopher] OpenDrop: An open Apple AirDrop implementation writt...
       OpenDrop: An open Apple AirDrop implementation written in Python
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 307 points
       Date   : 2022-01-02 13:00 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | btown wrote:
       | > OpenDrop automatically sets DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to look for the
       | Homebrew version. You may need to update the variable yourself if
       | you install the libraries differently.
       | FYI for those thinking of doing this, and who would implement it
       | as looking in /usr/local - make sure you also search in
       | /opt/homebrew as this is now the default for Homebrew
       | installations on Apple Silicon based Macs.
       | https://docs.brew.sh/Installation
       | https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/jw9guu/why_did_homeb...
       | vinnymac wrote:
       | I would be interested in an overview and comparison of all the
       | available options to solve this kind of problem. Here is a list
       | of some services I've used successfully in the past.
       | SnapDrop
       | - Site: https://snapdrop.net/
       | - Source: https://github.com/RobinLinus/snapdrop
       | ShareDrop
       | - Site: https://www.sharedrop.io/
       | - Source: https://github.com/szimek/sharedrop
       | FilePizza
       | - Site: https://file.pizza/
       | - Source: https://github.com/kern/filepizza
       | Wormhole
       | - Site: https://wormhole.app/
       | - Source: Closed (for now)
         | teawrecks wrote:
         | Doesn't look like any of those are airdrop compatible.
           | hansel_der wrote:
           | thx for the clarification
         | Gadiguibou wrote:
         | You can also take a look at the following:
         | Croc:
         | - Site: https://schollz.com/blog/croc6/
         | - Source: https://github.com/schollz/croc
         | Magic Wormhole:
         | - Source: https://github.com/magic-wormhole/magic-wormhole
         | Send (A fork of Mozilla's Send):
         | - Site: https://send.vis.ee/
         | - Source: https://github.com/timvisee/send
         | - CLI: https://gitlab.com/timvisee/ffsend
         | I've personally used Snapdrop and Croc before and they're both
         | very nice
           | rektide wrote:
           | Note, none of these options seem to include device-to-device
           | discovery/rendezvous.
           | AirDrop's use of wireless technology to discover (bluetooth)
           | & connect (wifi) devices remains a great frontier few have
           | explored or tapped. Sad.
         | Retr0id wrote:
         | The original WebWormhole, from before its name got stolen and
         | productized, is still available and open source:
         | https://webwormhole.io/
         | https://github.com/saljam/webwormhole
         | minhmeoke wrote:
         | Another option (also not Airdrop compatible) is
         | https://github.com/akovacs/uploadserver which is a Rust
         | (Rocket) web server that you can run on a local machine. Open a
         | browser and navigate to the machine's IP address at port 8000
         | to upload/download files from the web form.
         | Disclaimer: I know the author.
           | fragmede wrote:
           | Batteries included. Run:                   python3 -m
           | http.server
           | and go to port 8000.
             | ipsum2 wrote:
             | You can't upload, but if its just download (on a single
             | thread) this is pretty good.
         | adidevsoft wrote:
       | taf2 wrote:
       | I wonder if this could work with circuit python to drop updated
       | programs ...
       | stevenhubertron wrote:
       | Could this act as a dead drop? Just have this running on a Pi
       | Zero in a public place as a way to covertly transfer info?
       | matthewfcarlson wrote:
       | Make me want to setup a raspberry pi in a public place and just
       | see what sort of things people send to it.
         | bellyfullofbac wrote:
         | This was a thing: https://piratebox.cc/start : open WiFi
         | network that's not connected to the Internet, but it had a
         | forum software. I even bought a simple router and got it
         | installed, but I sadly never set it up in public. A friend who
         | was involved with a local hangout got interested in the idea of
         | an "Internet" where you had to physically go to the location to
         | access the content, although I don't think he set it up there
         | either.
         | matthewfcarlson wrote:
         | Or the reverse of that where it sends a random meme to anyone
         | walking by.
           | patentatt wrote:
           | Oh no, a thousand marketers just had the idea of
           | automatically airdropping advertisements to passers-by. You
           | could even structure it as a lottery-esque type of thing,
           | only giving out good coupons or discounts to random
           | individuals at random intervals, prompting people to loiter
           | and wait for theirs.
             | tinus_hn wrote:
             | The default is to only accept transfers from people that
             | are in your address book.
               | fosefx wrote:
               | If I understood their paper[1] correctly you can just use
               | a popular phone number that a person walking by is likely
               | to have in their contacts, like an emergency line number.
               | My mobile telco's SIM comes with a couple of contacts on
               | it like their customer support line. I don't know
               | anything about AirDrop, but I assume this will work.
               | [1]: https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21/p
               | resentat...
               | lxgr wrote:
               | As far as I understand the protocol, you'd need a
               | certificate signed by Apple in order to be able to
               | masquerade as that contact in somebody's contact list,
               | and Apple only signs these after phone number or email
               | confirmation.
             | bellyfullofbac wrote:
             | Hah, make it give out cryptocoins, and take the idea of
             | peasants waiting for royalty to make it rain money to the
             | 21st century, where it all happens digitally/using a
             | smartphone.
             | Did kings and emperors even do that in the old times?
           | [deleted]
           | BeFlatXIII wrote:
           | Before the pandemic, one of my friends used to have a hobby
           | of going to bars and conventions and AirDropping pictures of
           | ducks to strangers who left their AirDrop turned on.
             | copperx wrote:
             | Was it really ducks, or was it an autocorrection?
         | k_bx wrote:
         | wild guess: dickpics
       | donkarma wrote:
       | Wonder if there's anything like this for the iWatch and Android.
       | jkepler wrote:
       | As a Debian and Android user, can anyone help me understand how
       | AirDrop and this python implementation differ from or are similar
       | to Syncthing and/or Firefox Send? Is it basicly the same idea?
         | lelandbatey wrote:
         | Syncthing and Firefox send both incorporate a 3rd party
         | publicly available server which both parties contact over the
         | general internet.
         | Airdrop is done direct device to direct device, without
         | intermediate, over wifi.
       | 1cvmask wrote:
       | Is there a particular reason they chose GPL 3 over an MIT
       | license?
         | infinityplus1 wrote:
         | There is "Open" in its name. Author probably doesn't want
         | anyone to create more closed source software using it.
         | barefeg wrote:
         | Why is this downvoted?
           | switch007 wrote:
           | Asking "is there a particular reason" comes off as quite
           | bitchy and dismissive.
           | hk__2 wrote:
           | Maybe because that's not the place where to ask that
           | question. OP should open an issue on the project to ask them
           | instead of the HN community (who probably don't know better).
           | atoav wrote:
           | Also: The creator probably _has_ a reason why they chose the
           | license. This comment pretents to be a question, when in fact
           | it just expresses unhappieness with that license choice.
           | If you are curious why they chose the license, why not ask
           | them?
           | newaccount74 wrote:
           | Presumably because the merits of GPL vs MIT are discussed so
           | often on HN that people don't want any more of that.
       | mrtksn wrote:
       | AirDrop is brilliant but it fails silently, no error messages -
       | nothing. At best, it says that it was cancelled.
       | Does anyone knows how to debug it?
       | I also wonder, why this type of file transfer isn't the industry
       | standart. It's so straightforward(when it works), why would
       | anyone transfer files in any other way? Okay, maybe a transfer
       | history can also be useful.
         | jbverschoor wrote:
         | Also my experience.. Super unreliable. It works, as long as you
         | don't touch your phone/laptop, and don't have _any_ network
         | hickups.
         | Still, it's the only thing that works
           | cormacrelf wrote:
           | I thought it multiplexed over Wifi, Wifi Direct and
           | bluetooth? So much for that.
           | supreme_berry wrote:
           | When I was traveling from Sharm El Sheikh through Sinai to
           | Israel in the bus I've transferred 40GB of photos and videos
           | to my friends on iPhone 6S. Imagine this on Android 5 years
           | ago - they (Google) only managed to copy AirDrop with same
           | functionality (wifi + bluetooh) only in 2020 with Nearby
           | Share.
             | edf13 wrote:
             | Yes - similar story... I had to use it at airport security
             | in south east asia when I needed my hotel booking to get
             | through... my colleague was able to airdrop it to me even
             | though we had no cell or wifi connectivity
             | xorcist wrote:
             | Not sure if that's a real question, how you would have
             | copied files 5+ years ago between phones? Support for USB
             | host mode was introduced with Android 4, released in 2011,
             | but would have required the use of an OTG cable so that
             | would likely not have been an option.
             | Popular Android file managers at the time had file transfer
             | capabilities so that was probably the quickest. The
             | advantage is that they used normal file transfer protocols
             | which were available everywhere so the other party didn't
             | require any special support.
             | However a decade ago all phones had SD cards, because their
             | internal memory storage was so small so you needed them
             | should you wish to use the camera beyond any trivial
             | amount. So just copying that way would probably have been
             | what most people did.
             | unixhero wrote:
             | Why not just use a cable and copy the files? Oh wait you
             | can't do that on an iPhone. You don't have the freedom to.
               | mrtksn wrote:
               | Of course you can use a cable, but they are unreliable.
               | They tend to break, corrode, get dirty, disappear, have
               | incomparable ends(one side USB-A, the other one micro
               | USB, lightning - whatever) that one of the devices don't
               | accept.
               | They are also bulky and the transfer speeds are slow.
               | Airdrop can transfer gigabytes of data in minutes, which
               | is only possible with the latest wired interfaces that
               | only the newest devices have and not all support file
               | transfers.
               | iPhones tend to last 3-5 years or even more and iPhones
               | from different generations can transfer each other files
               | through AirDrop. Not everyone has the money to update
               | their phone each year and many who can update think it's
               | wasteful to do so that they can use the latest wired file
               | transfer method.
               | supreme_berry wrote:
               | You recommend buying 5-10m cable and connect people on
               | different seats in the bus/plane/pool/whatever? Which
               | century is this?
               | vmception wrote:
               | Android users are carrying around data transfer cables?
               | Hey guys, get a load of this!
               | jkepler wrote:
               | Uh, I'm on Android ans I use Syncthing, not a cable.
               | infamia wrote:
               | " Android users are carrying around data transfer cables?
               | Hey guys, get a load of this!"
               | ...says the guy with a huge dongle in his pocket.
               | vmception wrote:
               | I would love to see this caricature of ios users, what
               | dongle do you imagine we carry and what purpose does said
               | dongle serve?
               | marderfarker2 wrote:
               | infamia wrote:
               | I was mostly thinking about Macs at the time I made the
               | joke, because very often an iOS user is also a Mac user.
               | Where I work, Mac users always have to carry around
               | dongles.
               | vmception wrote:
               | ah I see. with regard to Macs, I skipped from the 2015
               | macbook model to the 2021 macbook model and I probably
               | would have held out longer and therefore never needed a
               | dongle, but I digress.
               | back to iOS. no dongles for me there either. my
               | headphones have been wireless for almost a decade, and
               | the charging ports are pretty ubiquitous.
               | laichzeit0 wrote:
               | Really depends. Our company is entirely Mac. Everything
               | "just works" wirelessly. Like AirPlay for conference
               | rooms, my external monitor is USB-C, etc. No dongles
               | necessary. It's only when going to other clients where I
               | need to carry around dongles because they don't support
               | AirPlay or their Wifi network requires several days
               | advanced notice and a urine test before you can get
               | access.
               | bee_rider wrote:
               | I think it is the other way around -- almost always a Mac
               | user will be an iOS user, but there are plenty of iPhone
               | users without Macs. At least in the US. iPhones seem to
               | be around 50%-ish of sales in recent years, while Macs
               | are not as popular, somewhere around 15%.
               | https://9to5mac.com/2021/07/13/mac-market-share-q2-2021/
               | https://www.phonearena.com/news/apple-iphone-record-
               | sales-us...
               | Of course, there are lots of competing estimates for this
               | sort of thing, but the numbers are so far apart that I
               | don't think it matters too much.
               | Personally, I have an iPhone because I'm completely
               | uninterested in cellphones and just want something that I
               | don't have to think about too much/will be supported for
               | a while. My computers all run Linux, because computers
               | are cool, and fun to tinker with. Maybe someone who grew
               | up in the era where cellphones weren't so useless will
               | have a different perspective, though.
               | WRT dongles -- I dunno. Some of the popular Macbook
               | models don't have HDMI ports, right? That seems pretty
               | annoying. But my ZenBook lacks a headphone jack! The
               | moral of the story is I guess that OEMs just want to fill
               | our pockets with dongles. Or maybe selling replacement
               | dongles is the solution to the post Moore's law era,
               | since we don't have to replace our PCs anymore.
               | Tagbert wrote:
               | " ...says the guy with a huge dongle in his pocket"
               | No, just happy to see you
         | GeekyBear wrote:
         | > Does anyone knows how to debug it?
         | Toggle Airplane mode on and off.
         | Bluetooth is problematic on every platform. Restarting it is
         | the usual fix.
         | mrfusion wrote:
         | A major failure point for me is devices simply not showing up
         | as available.
           | tgv wrote:
           | I've got an MBP that doesn't show up, and never has, but it
           | sees the rest. Any other macbook or iphone I've tried AirDrop
           | with just works, but not my MBP.
             | notreallyserio wrote:
             | I've had trouble with airdrop from phone to mbp when the
             | mbp was on VPN. I don't know how airdrop works but I'm
             | guessing the fact the VPN takes over DNS (and blocks
             | requests to all other nameservers) has something to do with
             | it.
             | Who knows though. Apple's engineers love writing software
             | that doesn't produce useful logs.
               | tgv wrote:
               | They do love clogging the logs with useless messages,
               | though, as anyone who's opened Console can testify.
             | reaperducer wrote:
             | I've had similar experiences.
             | iOS devices always show up, no problem.
             | Macs at home only do occasionally. Until the latest macOS
             | update, my MacBook Pro would only show up if I opened an
             | AirDrop Finder window.
             | But when I was in the office, my work group of about 15
             | people would AirDrop files back-and-forth to one another
             | all day long, without a hiccup.
             | It is a mysterious beast.
         | Wowfunhappy wrote:
         | > I also wonder, why this type of file transfer isn't the
         | industry standart.
         | I would assume because it's _technically_ complicated, using
         | multiple protocols under the hood. That 's fine if you control
         | all the hardware on every supported device, but not great for
         | building interoperability.
         | Bluetooth file transfer is a standard that works, but it's
         | slooooooooow!
         | Traubenfuchs wrote:
         | It's brilliant until a pair of devices enters a state where the
         | target does not receive airdrop notifications anymore, while
         | the source is stuck on ,,waiting", which can only be resolved
         | by restarting the devices.
           | elondaits wrote:
           | When AirDrop doesn't work I just turn Bluetooth off and on on
           | the device. That's usually enough.
         | fragmede wrote:
         | The furthest I got was, on macOS, I restarted the daemon with
         | `sudo launchctl stop com.apple.sharingd` followed by _start_.
         | This however didn 't fix it for my case, and I was not able to
         | find any deeper debugging steps on my iPhone. Perhaps rebooting
         | the phone would have helped.
         | emsy wrote:
         | This is true for most Apple protocols in my experience. I'm
         | supposed to be able to control my Homepod from my watch with a
         | tap but it never works. Sometimes I can't use the Homepod for
         | minutes until it shows up. iMessage regularly fails to show the
         | blue name for contacts, FaceTime is randomly unavailable for
         | certain contacts, Airpods randomly disconnect, Airdrop rarely
         | works. Tethering is also kind of spotty. The watch Walkie-
         | Talkie function is terrible, dropping bits of the message. How
         | they even implemented a working TCP/IP stack is beyond me. Lo
         | and behold the most reliable "protocol" is HomeKit, but even
         | that is randomly unable to persist name changes.
           | quitit wrote:
           | I find a lot of the grief with these protocols is driven by
           | which wifi router is in use. When using the old Apple wifi
           | routers I never had trouble with homekit, airdrop, handoff,
           | airplay or any of the zeroconfig network stuff: as soon as I
           | switched to other brands the issues would pop up (including
           | ones that oddly seem to persist even after disconnecting from
           | wifi - but then disappear when using a different user account
           | on the same machine).
           | Because of this I feel Apple could do a hugely better job in
           | all of their wireless protocols, as it stands the only truly
           | stable networking appears to be between two iphones.
           | FabHK wrote:
           | Many "just works" things on the local network start failing
           | for me when I'm using a VPN. Maybe check whether that's the
           | reason. But yes, generally the reliability is so-so. Also,
           | the feature to use Apple Watch to unlock the Mac or iPhone
           | works mostly, at best.
             | emsy wrote:
             | I don't use a VPN and I don't think it's my network because
             | I don't have any problems with "old" protocols (UPNP,
             | samba, RDP/VNC, SSH, everything on top of HTTP). I wonder
             | what Apple's protocols do that makes them so error prone.
             | If it was one or two of those I'd say it's a bad department
             | but the amount of errors suggests a deeper problem in the
             | way Apple develops these things.
           | Uupis wrote:
           | My experience suggests that this is true for most Apple
           | _products_. It either works the way Apple has decided it
           | should work, or it fails silently and mysteriously.
           | tomcam wrote:
           | I bought 4 HomePods and they are easily the buggiest product
           | I've bought non 30 years of buying almost everything Apple
           | makes. Disgusting.
           | macNchz wrote:
           | I've encountered many of these as well and have always
           | assumed this was somehow the result of trying to make
           | everything "just work", wherein providing detailed user
           | feedback or error messages would be some kind of admission
           | that it hadn't "just worked".
             | spicybright wrote:
             | It either "just works" or "just doesn't work"
         | aaaaaaaaaaab wrote:
         | sudo killall bluetoothd
         | This fixes if the error is on the Mac side. On iOS you have to
         | reboot the device.
           | ink404 wrote:
           | Toggling bt/airplane mode can work for iOS instead
       | _V_ wrote:
       | I went from MacOS to Linux recently so I was going through
       | similar projects and there is one _important caveat_ : You have
       | to have WIFI adapter that supports special mode (active monitor
       | mode with frame injection).
       | Without compatible wifi adapter this will not work unfortunately
       | :-(
       | quyleanh wrote:
       | Is there any Airdrop alternative for Android - Android and
       | Android - Windows devices in the same network?
         | grishka wrote:
         | For Android-Android, there's Google's nearby share. It's built
         | into GSF so every single Android phone out there has it out of
         | the box.
         | I reverse engineered enough of its protocol to be able to
         | transfer a file from my phone to my computer over LAN. I really
         | need to do a writeup on this stuff, and also finish my macOS
         | app to be actually usable.
         | adidevsoft wrote:
       | Simplicitas wrote:
       | BTW, is there one to share between iOS and Android?
         | bilal4hmed wrote:
         | I tend to use snapdrop.net when everyone is on the same network
         | otherwise https://www.sharedrop.io/ works well too
           | derwiki wrote:
           | Corporate policy blocks Airdrop and removable media, so
           | Sharedrop is my preferred method of transfer.
         | adidevsoft wrote:
         | Disclaimer: We built it. Airdrop like functionality for all
         | platforms.
         | Checkout https://quickit.adidevsoft.com
           | kitotik wrote:
           | This looks like a nice tool, but the killer feature of
           | AirDrop is not requiring a local network. The p2p nature of
           | it is why it's so nice to use.
         | javajosh wrote:
         | Syncthing
           | Shish2k wrote:
           | Syncthing is great software... but it isn't in the same genre
           | of "send a random one-off file to a person physically close
           | to you with no advanced setup"
         | tosh wrote:
         | (not exactly the same but when you control both devices:)
         | Taildrop
         | https://tailscale.com/kb/1106/taildrop/
       | samwillis wrote:
       | I believe AirDrop is a a great example of how Apples vertical
       | integration and full ownership of software and hardware really
       | thrives. It may not offer interoperability with other platforms,
       | but that's because other platforms don't have the control needed
       | to implement the same level of integration of hardware and
       | software needed.
       | Without the direct low level control of the radio hardware they
       | would not have been able to integrate both Bluetooth and WiFi in
       | the way that AirDrop does.
       | I hope one day standards for this type of functionality appear so
       | that other platforms can implement it. Ideally apple would
       | contribute their tech to create the standard but that's probably
       | wishful thinking.
         | emsy wrote:
         | Airdrop is a good example that a easy to use but unreliable
         | technology will beat a hard to use but reliable solution.
         | Airdrop sucks, but even my mom can use it.
         | smoldesu wrote:
         | > but that's because other platforms don't have the control
         | needed to implement the same level of integration of hardware
         | and software needed.
         | I seriously doubt this is the case. We're in a thread where
         | people are posting dozens of implementations that work
         | perfectly fine on other hardware.
         | > Without the direct low level control of the radio hardware
         | they would not have been able to integrate both Bluetooth and
         | WiFi in the way that AirDrop does.
         | This... is also not necessarily true? Android lets you send
         | arbitrary data through WiFi Direct and Bluetooth alike, I'd
         | really like to see a detailed breakdown that explains how that
         | modulation isn't possible on standard hardware/software stacks
         | though.
           | kiwijamo wrote:
           | Does WiFi Direct et al even work? I've tried a couple of time
           | to share stuff using a wireless methid from my android device
           | to other Android devices and have never managed to do this
           | successfully. What's the magic trick for doing this Android
           | to Android?
         | djxfade wrote:
         | AirDrop works perfectly fine on a Hackintosh given you have
         | compatible Bluetooth and WiFi hardware.
         | quitit wrote:
         | They historically have opened source similar protocols, e.g.
         | they open sourced rendezvous. But generally there would need to
         | be an interoperability reason for them to do so. AirDrop seems
         | like a good candidate for this.
         | nijave wrote:
         | Windows has a lot of integrated solutions like that. I think
         | Linux is the main outlier where there's nearly infinite ways to
         | configure the whole OS and each component has at least 2-3
         | software alternatives (init systems, desktop environments,
         | network management components)
         | dividuum wrote:
         | > I believe AirDrop is a a great example of how Apples vertical
         | integration and full ownership of software and hardware really
         | thrives.
         | I guess you don't have two iDevices then? Airdropping something
         | constantly and randomly doesn't work with no popup on the other
         | side. It's totally embarrasing given that they have control
         | over soft and hardware. I'm puzzled how it's even possible to
         | screw this up so badly and leaving it like this for years.
           | samwillis wrote:
           | No I do, and the 95% of the time it works makes up for the 5%
           | of the time it doesn't.
       | bredren wrote:
       | It would be great to be able to drop .epub files to my main
       | machine.
       | Then have those automatically converted into .mobi format by
       | calibre, and finally sent on to my kindle.
       | I suppose I could set up something to just watch for new epubs in
       | downloads though.
       | sys_64738 wrote:
       | Does Air Drop use bluetooth or is it network facing? I always
       | worry about yet another attack vector being opened up. Usually
       | any new usability feature like this is designed with security
       | from the ground up which is a misnomer for riddled with unexposed
       | security holes. I always recall the promotion of JAVA as being
       | the security standard bearer but look where that ended up. The
       | best way to secure an unwanted feature is to disable it
       | permanently.
         | supreme_berry wrote:
         | AirDrop never was hacked. It uses bluetooth and wifi to
         | auth/search/transfer. It doesn't require any existing network
         | so it works in the desert or in the middle of the ocean.
           | fragmede wrote:
           | That's slicing it rather finely. After transfer is complete,
           | the host device opens the transferred data. When combined
           | with CVE-2016-4657 on an unpatched device, they allow an
           | attacker to gain control of the victim's device after they
           | accept the airdrop. We can call that a Webkit vulnerability
           | instead of Airdrop (because it is), but end of the day,
           | Airdrop is another route for attackers to gain access to your
           | system. You can choose to enable it if you deem it useful
           | enough, but it would be naive to blindly believe "it's fine".
           | Now, the victim has to accept the Airdrop payload, and
           | Airdrop has limited range, so it's not as scary as the
           | Pegasus iMessage exploit which was totally remote, but I
           | wouldn't bet my life on the Airdrop code having zero bugs.
           | jamesgeck0 wrote:
           | AirDrop has had several vulnerabilities. Some of them were
           | reported by the same group of security researchers who
           | developed OpenDrop.
           | ADWL, the underlying protocol, had a zero-day that allowed
           | pwning every iOS device in radio range with no user
           | interaction.
           | https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2020/12/an-ios-
           | zero-c...
             | nojito wrote:
             | Were any of them actively exploited?
         | nojito wrote:
         | Bluetooth to start the handshake than a protected adhoc WiFI
         | network between the two devices.
       (page generated 2022-01-02 23:00 UTC)