[HN Gopher] No code reviews by default
       No code reviews by default
       Author : signa11
       Score  : 88 points
       Date   : 2022-01-04 09:16 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.raycast.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.raycast.com)
       | eyelidlessness wrote:
       | In my experience, code reviews promote trust. They make changes a
       | collaboration and a conversation, where reviewers and
       | implementor(s) bring different intuitions and concerns, and help
       | expand understanding of risks and goals. Sure, a lot of that can
       | happen before any code is written, but it's inherently more
       | abstract.
       | Code reviews aren't just about code, and probably shouldn't be
       | framed that way.
       | blank_dan wrote:
       | If your code is unimportant then so are your bugs that get into
       | production. So I guess I agree. Don't waste time writing,
       | testing, reviewing unimportant code.
       | DaveEM wrote:
       | This is an interesting read and I'm glad to see that the closing
       | paragraphs emphasize the need for each team to evaluate their own
       | needs. That said, for me it all comes down to the definition of
       | "best product" in this statement:
       | "They all want to build the best product in the shortest time
       | possible"
       | From my perspective, the "product" is not limited to what
       | customers see or the code itself. It's the set of outcomes from
       | the code being written and executed. For example... Do other
       | engineers understand the code? Can they support it efficiently?
       | Does it fail gracefully? What is the impact of failures? Are
       | failures automatically detected? Does it lead to security
       | breaches? Did the code author learn things they could do better
       | that they didn't know to ask about? Did other engineers learn
       | from reading the code or asking questions? Are customer
       | requirements satisfied? How much is customers' trust impacted by
       | failures, bugs, and feature that don't meet requirements? How big
       | is your cloud provider bill? Etc...
       | If the priority is quickly delivering and iterating on features
       | that satisfy customers' needs AND engineers will be supporting
       | their own code, then the "No Code Review by Default" approach has
       | its merits. In fact, I have personally found this approach to
       | work well on constrained, isolated pilot projects where the
       | priority is to unblock key scenarios for a limited set of
       | customers and/or learn about customer needs before building a the
       | "real" solution.
       | For anything else, I would suggest following the author's own
       | advice: "ask yourself if the circumstances of others apply to
       | you".
       | revskill wrote:
       | Code review in real world means peer review, it's the PEER part
       | that matters, not the CODE part.
       | I do think collaboration matters here, not about trust or code.
       | Good software comes from good collaboration.
       | alkonaut wrote:
       | Sounds nice but perhaps a best fit if you are 1) a small team 2)
       | people know and trust each other already 3) people are all and
       | equally comfortable asking for reviews (disturbing others,
       | essentially). 4) the code has a priority on feature progress
       | rather than stability and correctness.
       | The situation can be very different in any of those aspects and
       | mandatory review can still be a good idea. Are you building code
       | that runs on surgery equipment together with 4 people you just
       | met? I think you should probably have a formal review process. Or
       | are you iterating towards an MVP for some webapp with a few
       | people you consider friends? Lgtm just deploy to prod.
       | integrate-this wrote:
       | This is a great way to end up in a situation where you have to
       | re-write entire modules whenever you need to update old code...
       | which is kinda where our teams tend to end up anyway so I guess
       | it's not _that_ awful?
       | brokencode wrote:
       | I think this would work really well for a small and experienced
       | team, though where I work, we have a lot of developers fresh out
       | of college, and I would be pretty nervous setting them loose
       | without close review of their work.
         | skeeter2020 wrote:
         | Especially because a HUGE benefit of code reviews is exposure
         | and knowledge transfer. For us it's a key area where anyone can
         | get insight into the how and why, plus control their
         | participation from requester/reviewer to passive observer. It's
         | actually a pretty poor place to catch bugs introduced by new,
         | junior devs.
         | klabb3 wrote:
         | The idea is not that everyone has to be omnipotent, it's that
         | you trust people enough to send for review and ask for help
         | _when appropriate_ , instead of always. I.e. when you're new to
         | the code base or language.
           | brokencode wrote:
           | I don't think I've ever reviewed code from a new hire that
           | didn't have multiple problems or style issues that needed to
           | be addressed. That's also actually true for code from most
           | experienced devs too. And it's rare for my code to get
           | through code review with no issues found. So bottom line, I
           | just don't think this would work for most teams and
           | developers.
             | ReleaseCandidat wrote:
             | > I just don't think this would work for most teams and
             | developers.
             | Most teams and developers don't do code reviews because the
             | only person that could do code reviews would be the
             | developer himself.
               | brokencode wrote:
               | Do you mean to say that most developers work alone, so
               | don't have anybody to review their code? That's probably
               | true for hobby projects and the like, but companies
               | rarely have teams of one working on anything.
       | PeterWhittaker wrote:
       | We're very small (3 full time devs, a mostly full time tester, a
       | part time student, and another student temporarily full time),
       | and the three full timers are pretty seasoned, so this may not
       | apply universally, but....
       | We don't review code as a matter of course. But if anyone of us
       | writes code that doesn't pass our personal smell test, or that we
       | think it won't pass someone else's smell test, or <insert
       | criteria here>, screens are being shared and ideas tossed about.
       | We almost always <solve the problem we were having|create a
       | better solution|decide to accept the debt and open an issue until
       | we have a better way>, in pretty short order.
       | So it's sort of JIT/OnDemand code reviews. Kinda.
       | Puts wrote:
       | This can not be posted too many times.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8
       | Linus Torvalds talk on Google about how GIT is more a way of
       | working then a piece of software. Everybody commits upwards in a
       | tree of trust. If you do it this way you get automatic code
       | reviews and in any team someone should be responsible for the
       | "product" anyway and highest up in the hierarchy.
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | It's a great example of how Linus has a massive blind spot for
         | the failings of the git model. He's "sorry" they use Perforce.
         | Git is "better than everything else out there" but he doesn't
         | mention Perforce. And yet, the Perforce model is the one that
         | got Google to be one of the fastest-moving organizations on the
         | planet, with the biggest code base.
           | [deleted]
           | nix0n wrote:
           | > the Perforce model
           | I've used both Git and SVN enough to understand how a VCS
           | might change how an organization creates code, but I've never
           | used Perforce. What is "the Perforce model"?
             | jeffbee wrote:
             | In Perforce the concepts are different. You have a client,
             | with a view that includes a subset of the repo, and you
             | have changelists which incorporates your related edits.
             | When done with a changelist, you submit it to trunk,
             | usually, because while you can branch a Perforce repo, you
             | mostly don't need to.
             | Basically all the stuff in the first half of the talk where
             | he whines about stepping on toes, conflicting with other
             | people, politics, special write access groups, are all non-
             | issues that do not sound familiar to Perforce users. If two
             | people are using Perforce they can both work on changes to
             | the same files taken from the main branch (trunk) and
             | submit them separately without conflict or even awareness
             | of the other person. As a bonus this is all dramatically
             | faster in Perforce than in git for large repos.
             | In this talk Linus demonstrates that he believes git is a
             | state-of-the-art SCM system, without being familiar with
             | the actual state of the art.
       | tus666 wrote:
       | He mentions "trust" a lot.
       | Is that why we do code reviews, because we don't trust each
       | other? I find this attitude problematic. We do code reviews
       | because humans make mistakes. Requirements can be misinterpreted.
       | Different work in progress can be in conflict with each other.
       | Reviews are a good way to learn from each other and keep abreast
       | of what work is occurring outside your own bubble. Not doing code
       | reviews because of "trust" kind of misses the point.
       | I find even just cursory and brief code reviews are beneficial
       | and often pick up on issues. It also creates a more collaborative
       | team and gives me a reason to communicate with devs I might not
       | otherwise communicate with, even if that is just a brief comment
       | on a PR.
       | Rejected.
         | alecbz wrote:
         | Yeah, IMO this is like a publisher saying "we don't have
         | editors: we trust our authors". The intended ethos of editors
         | and code review is that mistakes and imperfections are the
         | norm, and you need a second pair of eyes to iron them out.
         | That said, I do sometimes encounter individuals or cultures
         | that seem to view code review more as a mechanism for catching
         | abnormal/unexpected mistakes than as a normal part of the
         | process of writing code.
         | globalise83 wrote:
         | Trust but verify
         | snarf21 wrote:
         | I think it is trust in the trust and verify sense. Meaning, we
         | trust each other to do our best but let us verify that we are
         | all on the same page and aren't breaking things or doing
         | something harmful.
         | sanderjd wrote:
         | Yes, catching mistakes (which everyone makes) and bidirectional
         | communication are the points of code reviews, it's not a lack
         | of trust.
         | ljm wrote:
         | If something hit production and caused a major fuck-up because
         | there was no peer review process, then in all the places I've
         | worked at the first action item in the post-mortem would be "we
         | should introduce peer review." Otherwise someone would ask how
         | we could ensure it wouldn't happen again, and no one would be
         | able to say "because we trust them," and leave it at that. It
         | would sound more like "I trust you will never make that mistake
         | again," which sounds more like a threat. You also can't go to
         | your clients and say "sorry, we let our team deploy stuff
         | without reviewing because we trust them... so please continue
         | to deal with our avoidable problems."
         | Thing is, I've lead my fair share of teams and I trust my team-
         | mates and colleagues implicitly. It makes for a strong team.
         | But we still do code review (peer review) because we want to
         | build software that works well and support each other. We're
         | not in the job to simply deploy code to prod as quickly as
         | possible.
         | I'd also add that I think any software engineer should try and
         | have the experience of working in a highly regulated field,
         | like healthcare. It's hard to get an appreciation for why these
         | things exist until you realise you're held to a much higher
         | level of accountability because your oopsie moments can have
         | much larger consequences. For me, it's been hard to go back to
         | my old, cavalier attitude after that.
           | jolux wrote:
           | Causing a major fuck-up in production is probably also a sign
           | that you need better release validation and deployment
           | practices.
             | jaredsohn wrote:
             | For many developers, people merge their branches directly
             | to production so the pull request review is where that
             | checking happens.
               | jolux wrote:
               | Sure, I mostly meant automated processes. They won't
               | always save you from yourself but doing blue-green,
               | having an extensive test suite, etc, are all things that
               | will help reduce the risk of a bad deployment.
               | watwut wrote:
               | Ok, but many companies don't use such ridiculous process.
               | kcb wrote:
               | It's not as ridiculous as it sounds as long as the
               | testing and verification happens as part of the PR.
               | dtech wrote:
               | iirc Google does it, it's not ridiculous at all. You need
               | a lot of automated tests and canary deployment to pull it
               | off though.
           | alkonaut wrote:
           | Exactly. I want my code peer reviewed partly _because_ it
           | makes it clear and formal that while we succeed as a team we
           | also fail as a team. It's much easier to talk about failures
           | when a failure doesn't have a single person attached to it.
           | rdw wrote:
           | This post sounds like wisdom, but after looking at it hard,
           | it seems that the point is no more than "peer review
           | processes are popular". Not to say that code review is bad in
           | any way (I do it at my current role), but, this argument for
           | them is not very good.
           | One downside of code review is reduced velocity. There are
           | teams out there who use code review so effectively that they
           | never ship big fuck-ups to production. They never have to
           | tell clients that they have bad practices. Instead, they
           | struggle to get clients because they pay much more per line
           | of code shipped and therefore don't deliver as good of a
           | value as their competitors.
           | This where the argument needs to be: whether and how to have
           | code reviews be a net positive.
             | ljm wrote:
             | Ultimately I think it's down to where you want to pay for
             | that decision (for want of a better term), or where to put
             | the bottleneck. I think that putting the bottleneck in
             | production (which would block all work unrelated to a fix
             | if a catastrophic fuckup took place) might as well be a
             | hedge against the possibility of things fucking up so badly
             | in a given timeframe. You could also make code review a
             | bottleneck, but I haven't seen that work well in practice
             | compared to putting it at QA or as part of a release
             | process (unless you combine them in a continuous delivery
             | workflow).
             | I can see how that equation balances in favour of no code
             | review when it's in the context of a startup that is
             | probably still figuring out how to make money, especially
             | with a subscription based app launcher. As far as
             | prototyping and early stage iterations go, you're probably
             | just seeing what works and reviewing the code isn't so
             | important at that point. There would still be one or two
             | things you'd ask someone to check, e.g. security related
             | stuff.
             | I think you make a good point though: what makes an
             | effective code review process? I don't think there's a
             | single answer to that because it depends on the
             | circumstances.
             | I would at least say that it goes better if it's treated as
             | a priority and issues are raised and dealt with promptly,
             | rather than leaving it as a chore you eventually get around
             | to. And you would have to see value in it beyond it being a
             | sanity check, as others in this thread have described
             | (knowledge transfer, for example).
           | [deleted]
         | watwut wrote:
         | The best code I have seen was on projects without code review.
         | And projects with it were more mess - they were surface
         | consistent but overall hard to comprehend.
         | The deciding factor was ownership and accountability tho - you
         | maintained own code and if you done it crappily, you knew.
         | The code review is related to assumption that everyone can
         | change everything - meaning all in all inconsistent mess. It is
         | also related to unfortunate assumption that code review is how
         | people learn system. They don't, unless they are original
         | author. The rest of then knows pieces of it only.
           | sanderjd wrote:
           | This is the exact opposite of my experience.
           | devanl wrote:
           | I agree that code review is not a great medium to disseminate
           | information about the codebase, but assigning individual
           | ownership and accountability doesn't make the need to share
           | information go away.
           | Ownership and accountability are workable as long as the same
           | person sticks around long enough to fix all their mistakes.
           | If that person leaves, the code becomes orphaned and it's up
           | to one of their teammates to find out where the skeletons are
           | buried.
             | watwut wrote:
             | No it does not. But it also leads to one-two clear person
             | you know to ask. It also leads to same person explaining
             | same thing multiple times. So as long as he cares just a
             | little, the explanation will improve.
             | And the person doing explanation actually understand the
             | whole part. That is big one too - you are not explained
             | bits of it by someone who knows only small parts of it. And
             | the system was not changed by third party without the
             | person who explains having at least vague idea it was
             | changed.
             | > Ownership and accountability are workable as long as the
             | same person sticks around long enough to fix all their
             | mistakes. If that person leaves, the code becomes orphaned
             | and it's up to one of their teammates to find out where the
             | skeletons are buried.
             | That is actually exactly the same without clear areas.
             | Except everyone is new all the time.
             | If you have high turnover, this aspect will be bad matter
             | what.
             | And it is not that bad with responsibility either. Old
             | person does explains things to new person. Taking over,
             | when you are working consistently in same area is not that
             | hard, actually. Some parts you conclude to be mess, but
             | usually not whole of it.
             | ---------
             | And imo, quality and knowledge heavily depends on other
             | parts of team. Analysis and testing. Both, if work
             | reasonably well are massive resource for knowing how the
             | hell the system is supposed to work.
             | And once you have reliable source for requirements, that is
             | not developers, then deciphering the code is much easier.
               | devanl wrote:
               | In my mind at least, the issue with relying on on
               | ownership, especially in a smaller team with limited
               | resources, is that the owner isn't just the person who
               | authoritatively understands that subsystem. The owner
               | ends up being assigned _all_ of the work on that
               | subsystem because it's "their responsibility".
               | As a result, any work that's assigned to someone else
               | will only interact with at the interfaces / boundaries.
               | And of course, that's sort of the intention with
               | modularity / loose coupling - it's not necessary to learn
               | the gory details of the XYZ subsystem's implementation,
               | only its API. Knowing the details is certainly valuable,
               | but there's no baseline impetus to get the owner to
               | explain the details.
               | Taking over from someone who's ceding responsibility, but
               | staying at the company, I agree that's manageable. But
               | sometimes people get laid off suddenly (or perhaps get
               | hit by a bus, etc) and there's no chance to get the one
               | person who has it all in their head to explain it to you.
               | You mentioned high turnover, but if anything, a place
               | with high turnover has less information locked up in a
               | single person's head. If Alice who's worked at the
               | company for 25 years and has always owned the code
               | leaves, you're going to have a much harder time getting
               | all of the tribal knowledge out of her head on two weeks
               | notice compared to Bob who only made it 6 months.
               | To me, the value of code review is that even at its
               | worst, someone other than the author is forced to look at
               | the code. No process can force a reviewer to take an
               | active interest in a particular subsystem, but at least
               | we can make them look at pieces of it and see if it gets
               | them curious enough to ask further questions of the
               | author and better understand the system.
               | For myself, knowing that someone else will have to
               | understand my code, even through the limited lens of a
               | code review, makes me more diligent about making sure
               | that the code is clean and the pull request has enough
               | context that someone playing code archeologist will be
               | able to make sense of it, even if I'm not walking them
               | through it in real time. I will admit that this is not a
               | universal thing - I've worked with coworkers where no
               | matter what process is in place, they won't do the basic
               | courtesy of reading their own changelists to see that
               | they accidentally committed random junk files from their
               | local machine.
               | I agree that good documentation around requirements is
               | valuable. I find pull requests / code reviews are a great
               | opportunity to highlight how the code relates to specific
               | requirements, since the focus is narrower.
         | marcosdumay wrote:
         | A formal review step where you accept or reject the code, yes,
         | is always there because of lack of trust.
         | Informal reviews can have a lot of different shapes, and
         | provide a lot of different benefits. But anything that is a
         | stop-the-process activity is there because you expect quality
         | problems from the earlier steps.
         | (That said, no good developer trusts oneself. So if you don't
         | have anything on your process that makes you trustworthy, lack
         | of trust is the correct approach.)
         | xmlninja wrote:
         | I trust you with my life but do I also trust you with my money
         | and my wife?
         | actually_a_dog wrote:
         | Absolutely. I take issue with all 3 of his main points. You
         | covered the first point well, so, I'll take the last 2.
         | > Pull requests don't prevent bugs. Reviewing code is hard! You
         | can catch obvious mistakes, but you won't have consistent in-
         | depth scrutiny. Many issues reveal themselves only after
         | extensive use, which doesn't happen during code reviews. We
         | rely on fast iterations with user feedback.
         | So many things I can say about this. "Fast iterations with user
         | feedback" are great, until you introduce a security bug that
         | you find out about because someone exploits it. Catching
         | "obvious" mistakes alone has significant value. Since he
         | acknowledges that code reviews catch _some_ bugs, this
         | criticism seems to be that they don 't catch _all_ bugs. To
         | that, I say: show me a practice which _does_ catch all bugs,
         | and I 'll show you why it doesn't. Even the most rigorous
         | development process doesn't prevent _all_ bugs. [0] This just
         | doesn 't sound like a fair criticism to me.
         | > Pull requests slow down. Code reviews aren't high priority
         | for engineers. They have to make time to clean up their review
         | queue. In reality, PRs are an afterthought and not what you
         | want to spend your time on as an engineer.
         | This is largely a culture problem. Code review _should_ be a
         | high priority for engineers. Maybe it 's not the _highest_
         | priority, but, it 's fair to expect one could get a decent
         | review on a PR that isn't too large in, say, 1-2 days or less.
         | If you have PRs sitting in review for weeks at a time on a
         | regular basis[1], one of two things is happening: either
         | engineers aren't properly prioritizing code review, or your PRs
         | are too large and/or have too many dependencies.
         | Which brings me to the second thing you can do, which is make
         | PRs that are as small and simple as possible, but no more.
         | Minimize dependencies to help make your PRs understandable.
         | And, it should be fairly obvious, but the fewer lines of code
         | (including config changes) you have in your PR, the easier it
         | will be to review, so, the faster it will get done.
         | Code review is also a great opportunity to learn and teach.
         | Every senior+ engineer should be reviewing code frequently,
         | IMO.
         | Finally, yes, code reviews will slow you down if your basis for
         | comparison is just "engineers merge code when they think it's
         | ready." That's intentional, and good. The cost is more than
         | paid for by better code quality, leading to fewer instances of
         | "here's a PR to fix the issues with my previous PR."
         | ---
         | [0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29801451
         | [1]: I've only had this happen once or twice in my career so
         | far. In each case, it was because the code _surrounding_ the
         | code I was working on was not stable and kept changing. These
         | were clearly exceptional instances.
         | erpellan wrote:
         | That final, 1 word sentence is one of the major problems of
         | PRs. An engineer might spend several hours really thinking
         | through a problem, talking with colleagues, whiteboarding
         | options and coming up with a workable solution that addresses
         | all the obvious issues and a bunch of non-obvious ones.
         | Only for a drive-by take-down by someone with none of the
         | context. It's a totally asymmetric investment of time. Even
         | helpful review comments might only take a minute to write but a
         | day to incorporate.
           | kps wrote:
           | > Only for a drive-by take-down by someone with none of the
           | context.
           | Then write it down. If the code reviewer can't follow what's
           | going on, what hope is there for the new hire looking at it
           | six months from now?
             | ipaddr wrote:
             | Because looking through 6 month old prs are what new hires
             | are doing to learn the codebase?
               | yxhuvud wrote:
               | Sure. If they are good and have a decent grasp of using
               | version control then will look at the history of a
               | certain piece of code if they don't understand why it is
               | the way it is. I do it often, even when I'm no longer a
               | new hire.
               | detaro wrote:
               | Not necessarily looking through PRs, but presumably they
               | need to work with actual code in your code base that was
               | merged at some point, unless your product is growing so
               | fast that new people just write new code all the time?
               | (Same applies for not-new coworkers that now need to
               | touch that code area anyways)
               | fragmede wrote:
               | Running through `git blame` and looking at the commit
               | message, the PR, and the PR comments is a very
               | _practical_ way to learn about a codebase! Beyond some
               | high level code organization stuff that exists in a
               | readme, learning a codebase is really about getting a
               | history lesson of how the product evolved, the company
               | pivoted, and the team re-org 'd.
               | It'll be 6-months if you're lucky. Try figuring out why
               | there's a particular "if" clause, one or two or four
               | years later. Software maintenance, especially when the
               | original author has moved onto another
               | team/organization/company/career, is a frustrating art of
               | almost remembered stories and hoping that you can figure
               | out Chesterton's fence, lest it become Chesterton's
               | barbed wire. The worst is when you fix a small bug with
               | code and introduce an even bigger big in the process.
               | lalaithion wrote:
               | That is one of the things I do to learn new codebases.
           | sanderjd wrote:
           | Is this a common practice? I've never worked under a code
           | review process where the accept / reject decision was being
           | made by "drive-by" reviews from "someone with none of the
           | context". It has always been team members with a lot of
           | context reviewing each others' code.
           | detaro wrote:
           | > _Only for a drive-by take-down by someone with none of the
           | context_
           | If that's a regular problem that's a culture problem.
           | Starting with "if you've been talking with colleagues about
           | your problem, why is someone with no context reviewing the
           | result?", people not investing time in reviews, people doing
           | "take-downs" instead of asking questions if they don't
           | understand things, hold up merge for non-urgent concerns ...
           | > _Even helpful review comments might only take a minute to
           | write but a day to incorporate._
           | Either the feedback is worth the investment of the day of
           | time, then no problem, otherwise it's not that important and
           | doesn't need to be done (or depending on what it is can be
           | done later or ...)
           | dromtrund wrote:
           | > drive-by take-down by someone with none of the context.
           | If this is an issue in your workday, you should bring it up
           | with management or the individual rejecter. If someone has
           | the authority to kill PRs, they should also be required to
           | put in the effort to understand it and/or be available for
           | discussion at an earlier stage of the development process.
           | PRs shouldn't ever be rejected without mutual agreement -
           | neither internally in an organization, or in an open source
           | project.
         | physicsguy wrote:
         | I require PRs with code review on projects I am an admin on
         | because I don't trust myself. I sure as hell don't trust other
         | people!
         | AnimalMuppet wrote:
         | It's worse than that. I don't trust _me_. You shouldn 't
         | either. _I_ need the review.
         | mumblemumble wrote:
         | We (at least should) also do code reviews in order to make sure
         | everyone understands the code.
         | On my team, the majority of code review comments are not
         | discussing potential bugs, they're making sure everybody knows
         | how the new thing works, why it was designed that way,
         | implementation tradeoffs, etc. All that discussion is extremely
         | valuable over the long run. For example, it means that nobody
         | has to pay attention to email while they're on vacation in case
         | something goes pear-shaped with a module they implemented.
         | That said, I 100% agree with the article's concluding paragraph
         | about YMMV. Raycast is operating in an entirely different
         | business domain from the one I'm in. It sounds like the reasons
         | why Raycast likes their way of doing things don't really apply
         | to us, and I don't think the reasons why we like our way of
         | doing things don't really apply to Raycast.
       | brunojppb wrote:
       | Early in my career I was like "cool, I can just merge this to
       | master". Now after working in several projects and in several
       | small and large teams, I am like "Gez, I can't merge this
       | straight to master. I need a second pair of eyes on this"
       | jolux wrote:
       | 1. Let's separate the idea of code review from the GitHub Pull
       | Request feature. They are often coupled, but they don't need to
       | be. You could easily have a policy and a workflow that requires
       | reviews, but doesn't care whether they happen before or after a
       | merge. I'm pretty sure this is how things work at Etsy, and I
       | know there to be a diversity of code review practices more
       | broadly in high-performing engineering organizations.
       | 2. Of course code reviews don't catch _all_ bugs. This is the
       | same argument that is frequently used to reject static type
       | systems and memory safety. The purpose of code review is to
       | ensure that _more_ bugs are caught, the kinds of bugs that can be
       | caught through code review. It also helps ensure that a high
       | level of code quality is maintained, and that at least two people
       | understand how a change works, which is good for team cohesion
       | and resilience.
       | siva7 wrote:
       | He basically described the classic subversion workflow using git.
       | I feel like people rediscover subpar approaches using
       | technologies which intended to evolve those approaches into a
       | better workflow
       | mixedCase wrote:
       | I'm glad this works better for them, or at least they feel that
       | it does. I'd also bet that they're either a small minority of
       | teams that jell so well that they manage to scale a codebase
       | without it turning into a disgustingly inconsistent mess; or that
       | indeed their codebase qualifies as such or is still too small for
       | the effects to be very visible.
       | Code reviews are not a tool intended mainly to catch bugs. Types,
       | automated tests and manual tests are going to do the bulk of your
       | bug-catching after all. Code reviews' more relevant purpose is to
       | act as QA for _the code itself_ far more than it is to verify if
       | the code achieves what it sets out to do. This is in service of
       | both maintainability (which impacts your ability to make future
       | changes and staff retention) as well as performance (by
       | introducing the chance for another dev to detect suboptimal
       | approaches).
       | Once your teams grow, code piles up, and static analysis can't
       | cover all your bases, either your team corroborates the code that
       | you write matches/defines group standards; or each developer's
       | careful design accumulates as "organic growth" carefully duct
       | taped together to barely work.
       | And just to state the obvious, code reviews are merely _a_ tool
       | to achieve this. Pair programming is another.
         | commandlinefan wrote:
         | > Code reviews are not a tool intended mainly to catch bugs
         | Well, not to detract from your point (I agree), but what little
         | research has been done in this area suggests that code reviews
         | are actually one of the _best_ ways to catch bugs:
         | https://kevin.burke.dev/kevin/the-best-ways-to-find-bugs-in-...
         | whoomp12342 wrote:
         | IMO code reviews are a tool for mentorship and keeping
         | architecture in line
           | ipaddr wrote:
           | They can also be used for bullying, micromanaging and other
           | social constructs
             | xboxnolifes wrote:
             | something, something, quote about all tools being able to
             | be misused.
       | geuis wrote:
       | Absolutely not. This is a recipe for disaster and a terrible
       | example to set for any upcoming engineers that haven't had much
       | industry experience yet.
       | Code reviews help me be more confident in my own work. Even if
       | 90% of the time it's fine, there's always that 10% where a second
       | pair of eyes catches a mistake or offers a suggestion that makes
       | the code even better.
         | watwut wrote:
         | > there's always that 10% where a second pair of eyes catches a
         | mistake or offers a suggestion that makes the code even better.
         | Testing is pretty awesome process to find bugs.
           | Clubber wrote:
           | QA departments are expensive. Execs in their infinite wisdom
           | opted to dump that task on developers who earn 3x as much as
           | QA people. Synergies!
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | > who earn 3x as much as QA people
             | And never learned how to properly test software... Or earn
             | 10x as much and consider it not a priority.
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | > offers a suggestion that makes the code even better
         | plus, software engineering is a team sport, so if something
         | _works_ but is _opaque_ , that's a fine thing to point out in a
         | review, otherwise one runs the risk of being The "Foo
         | Component" Owner(tm) and that's usually no fun and is for sure
         | not healthy for any reasonably sized org
         | I am also a monster fan of the "Apply Suggestion" button in
         | GitLab, which allows me to meet the reviewer half-way by even
         | doing the legwork for the suggested change. If they agree, push
         | button and we're back on track. It's suboptimal for any process
         | that requires/encourages signed commits, but damn handy
         | otherwise
         | klabb3 wrote:
         | Meh. If 90% of the time it's a mindless ritual there is
         | probably a better way to achieve the same goal. Code reviews
         | are a huge time sink, especially for unimportant style- and
         | naming nits.
         | Code review as mentoring can be great, if it's a directed 1:1
         | effort. Usually, it is not.
           | LaserDiscMan wrote:
           | As well as a time sink, code review can be detrimental if
           | it's used as a KPI gaming mechanism or for passive aggressive
           | one-upmanship.
           | watwut wrote:
           | Hours long discussion about whether to call it "thing" or
           | "thingId". True story.
           | marcinzm wrote:
           | >Code reviews are a huge time sink, especially for
           | unimportant style- and naming nits.
           | This isn't a problem with code reviews, this is a problem
           | with your team's processes that code review has highlighted.
           | These problems will show up in others ways if not during code
           | reviews since clearly there's strong disagreement on coding
           | styles and conventions. So go and fix or implement the style
           | guides, linters and so on.
           | This is like saying that the way to fix fevers is to get rid
           | of thermometers.
             | tuyiown wrote:
             | > So go and fix or implement the style guides
             | How do you make this converge across dev without endless
             | debate or resentment ?
             | > linters and so on.
             | What happens when a rule has to change ? update the entire
             | codebase impacting everyone with conflicts ? tolerate
             | divergence existing code ?
             | Talking about thermometers, are you actually tracking
             | fevers, or merely minor bad breath ?
       | atomashpolskiy wrote:
       | The problem is not with code reviews but with how adversarial
       | they have become. Instead of making the best attempt to
       | comprehend and embrace the author's style and intention and
       | finding compelling arguments for the question "why this code is
       | probably fine and should be merged as-is?" people nit on all
       | kinds of stuff, mostly highly subjective. Along the way they
       | don't actually catch that many problems or bugs but instead new
       | problems and bugs are introduced while implementing their nits. I
       | agree with other posters in this thread that most people can't
       | code review for crap and have very perverted idea about code
       | review aims and goals.
       | curious_cat_163 wrote:
       | Code reviews help. However, it is unclear to me if PRs are the
       | best way to do them. I often find a walkthrough on a screen share
       | a lot more helpful to receive/give feedback. It also ends up
       | saving time. The downside of this approach is that it has to be
       | synchronous.
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | Most small tech companies probably operate in this manner. We do,
       | too. The practice is that devs _do_ want a second pair of eyes on
       | the code since they want other people to detect flaws in their
       | assumptions or choices before there is pain.
       | If I'm doing something trivial, I might just push to `master`.
       | For instance, I don't run tests on a `README.md` change.
       | Interesting to encode it explicitly, though. Strong culture
       | choice, for sure. And probably well suited to their product since
       | they are probably all dogfooding `master` and pushing only
       | periodic tags off it.
       | cdaringe wrote:
       | > Pull requests don't prevent bugs Pull requests find bugs on
       | every software and hardware team I have ever participated in. I
       | cannot imagine living without this process. PRs increase
       | knowledge and awareness of features. I fully concede that it is
       | discouraging in some circumstances, but those tend to be the
       | exception, not the rule. Most often it's discouraging around a
       | core set of individuals who bring more dogmatism and policing to
       | PRs, which aren't entirely welcome. Power to this team, but
       | either they've discovered the holy grail, or they will be
       | compensating for this in some other internal process, certainly
       | not user feedback.
         | geoah wrote:
         | Couldn't agree more. I'm fairly certain that I'm a better coder
         | and team member than I used to be because I was part of both
         | ends of many many PRs.
       | Someone1234 wrote:
       | When my code has been code reviewed I've had bugs found,
       | improvements made, and edge cases brought up. I genuinely believe
       | my code is better for having been reviewed, and I work harder on
       | the quality of my code because it is going to get reviewed.
       | Now, code reviews aren't a panacea, there's an awful lot of bike-
       | shedding going on (in particular whenever interfaces are
       | reviewed) but they're a net positive in my view. It isn't about
       | trust, it is about creating a quality product, along with
       | postmortems (an under-utilized philosophy) and automated tooling
       | (inc. testing, validators, etc).
       | that_guy_iain wrote:
       | > Pull requests don't prevent bugs.
       | I remember once I was giving a talk on code review and I said
       | that code review doesn't prevent bugs and people were shaking
       | their heads. Everyone hangs on to this one thing, but if you look
       | at the majority of pull requests that have been approved you'll
       | see a lack of comments about pontential bugs. Also, if you do see
       | a comment about bugs they'll often be disregarded. This drives me
       | up the wall when I've previously pointed out bugs and they've
       | been found to be actual bugs and had to be fixed.
       | I think the biggest problem with code reviews is it often becomes
       | adversarial and people want to come out on top. I've had it more
       | than once that someone has suggested another way of doing
       | something, when I asked what the benefit of that way was or what
       | was the downside of the way I was doing it no answer was forth
       | coming however I was expected to implement their way. This
       | becomes enraging when you point out flaws in their way but they
       | can't find any benefit of their way.
       | As well as, often people just don't want to do the extra work.
       | You point about a bunch of small improvements. It's a pain.
       | You end up with people asking for code style changes even tho
       | there is a code style and the changes they're asking for aren't
       | in those guidelines-
       | In my opinion, code review is a massive waste of time that is
       | often done purely as cargo cult. People know it's a good thing to
       | do but people have no idea how to code review and what is and
       | what is not benefical during code review.
         | baskethead wrote:
         | It sounds like your company has a shitty culture. I've never
         | had issues with code reviews in the companies I worked at. One
         | company was particularly rigorous, where we had to print it ou
         | on paper, and a room of engineers would go over things line by
         | line. But that also had the best engineered software I had seen
         | in my career.
         | Any issues of style should be in the style guide. Anything not
         | in the style guide can be ignored. Or the style guide should be
         | updated.
         | There should be a distinction between opinion and technical
         | problems. If you suggest a change that is opinion-based, then
         | it can be taken or ignored. I never comment on suggestions,
         | because it's a waste of my time and theirs. If you are
         | suggesting a chance that is a technical problem, then that
         | should be changed. If the person doesn't want to make the
         | change for the technical problem, then that's a culture problem
         | in the team or company.
         | curious_cat_163 wrote:
         | > I think the biggest problem with code reviews is it often
         | becomes adversarial and people want to come out on top.
         | Is that really a problem with code reviews? Or, is that a
         | cultural issue for a given team?
         | zzzeek wrote:
         | > I remember once I was giving a talk on code review and I said
         | that code review doesn't prevent bugs and people were shaking
         | their heads. Everyone hangs on to this one thing, but if you
         | look at the majority of pull requests that have been approved
         | you'll see a lack of comments about pontential bugs.
         | that's because the UX for github PRs sucks. Use Gerrit instead.
         | It's not as pretty but it's super productive.
         | > I think the biggest problem with code reviews is it often
         | becomes adversarial and people want to come out on top. I've
         | had it more than once that someone has suggested another way of
         | doing something, when I asked what the benefit of that way was
         | or what was the downside of the way I was doing it no answer
         | was forth coming however I was expected to implement their way.
         | This becomes enraging when you point out flaws in their way but
         | they can't find any benefit of their way.
         | that's not a problem caused by code review, it's caused by
         | people who don't know how to work with others (or otherwise
         | simply refuse to). to the degree that the code review process
         | shines a light on this, that's good news, because that's a
         | people problem that should be fixed.
         | > As well as, often people just don't want to do the extra
         | work. You point about a bunch of small improvements. It's a
         | pain.
         | when you look at a code review and you see problems in what's
         | there, catching them in the code review is great, because that
         | means less chance of having to fix it later.
         | if you see a code review and nothing's wrong with it, you just
         | approve it. sometimes you can note things as "nits", meaning,
         | fine for now but maybe next time do it this way.
         | > You end up with people asking for code style changes even tho
         | there is a code style and the changes they're asking for aren't
         | in those guidelines-
         | syntactical style and formatting should be automated, if not
         | with tooling that actually rearranges the code in that way
         | (e.g. [black](https://github.com/psf/black) for Python) then at
         | least including well tuned linter rules. We use black, my own
         | zimports tool for sorting imports, flake8 with four or five
         | plugins as well as "black check", so we spend exactly zero time
         | dealing with anything to do with style or code formatting,
         | including having to even type any of it. if people are fighting
         | over code style then there need to be tools that lock all of
         | that down so there's no disagreements.
         | > People know it's a good thing to do but people have no idea
         | how to code review and what is and what is not benefical during
         | code review.
         | I work on the Openstack project and that is where I learned to
         | do code review with Gerrit, it is completely essential for
         | large projects and is an enormous productivity enhancement.
         | Decades ago before CVS was even invented, the notion of using
         | source control seemed crazy to me. That position was obviously
         | insane, even though we were stuck using Visual Source Safe at
         | the time. That's how it feels to me to be doing a real project
         | today without code review and formatting tooling in place. Like
         | even for myself, if working alone, for a large project with
         | lots of changes I still use a code review tool, just to review
         | _myself_.
           | that_guy_iain wrote:
           | > that's because the UX for github PRs sucks. Use Gerrit
           | instead. It's not as pretty but it's super productive.
           | That won't affect the quality of what people find and comment
           | about.
           | > that's not a problem caused by code review, it's caused by
           | people who don't know how to work with others (or otherwise
           | simply refuse to). to the degree that the code review process
           | shines a light on this, that's good news, because that's a
           | people problem that should be fixed.
           | You say that like fixing people is an easy thing to do. It's
           | the hardest thing to do. And the fact I've seen this at so
           | many companies/teams leads me to believe that it's an
           | extremely common thing.
           | > when you look at a code review and you see problems in
           | what's there, catching them in the code review is great,
           | because that means less chance of having to fix it later. >
           | if you see a code review and nothing's wrong with it, you
           | just approve it. sometimes you can note things as "nits",
           | meaning, fine for now but maybe next time do it this way.
           | Yea... Those aren't getting done at 9/10 companies. They're
           | getting ignored.
           | > syntactical style and formatting should be automated, if
           | not with tooling that actually rearranges the code in that
           | way (e.g. [black](https://github.com/psf/black) for Python)
           | then at least including well tuned linter rules. We use
           | black, my own zimports tool for sorting imports, flake8 with
           | four or five plugins as well as "black check", so we spend
           | exactly zero time dealing with anything to do with style or
           | code formatting, including having to even type any of it. if
           | people are fighting over code style then there need to be
           | tools that lock all of that down so there's no disagreements.
           | Yea, we have those, I still get asked for stupid ass code
           | style changes at every company for the last 8-years. Why?
           | Because people can spot them and understand them. But can't
           | code review for shit. They can't understand the idioms for
           | the programming language, they can't understand how certain
           | paradims work, they don't pay attention to root causes of
           | bugs, they don't know how to design a database, they don't
           | pay attention to performance, etc. I would say 80% of the
           | industry can't code review for crap. And that is the biggest
           | problem and because they can't do that all the other problems
           | are just symptons.
           | > I work on the Openstack project and that is where I learned
           | to do code review with Gerrit, it is completely essential for
           | large projects and is an enormous productivity enhancement.
           | Decades ago before CVS was even invented, the notion of using
           | source control seemed crazy to me. That position was
           | obviously insane, even though we were stuck using Visual
           | Source Safe at the time. That's how it feels to me to be
           | doing a real project today without code review and formatting
           | tooling in place. Like even for myself, if working alone, for
           | a large project with lots of changes I still use a code
           | review tool, just to review myself.
           | This doesn't dispute or refute my point. It merely says in
           | some cases it's used well. It doesn't remove the fact that
           | majority of the time it's cargo cult and the majority of
           | people who code review can't code review for crap or the fact
           | that a high percentage of people just skim code review.
       | azov wrote:
       | Coming up next: "We don't use source control. Git just slows us
       | down. Our engineers don't want to spend time writing commit
       | messages when they can be writing features instead. We keep all
       | our code in a shared folder and we _trust_ our team members to
       | not mess it up!"
       | Well, this can be done. Lots of software was written before code
       | reviews or source control existed. But I'm not longing for that
       | time.
       | codeptualize wrote:
       | Good CR's are great, bad CR's are an incredible waste of time and
       | you might as well not do them at all.
       | We had a similar system where you trust people to know when you
       | can skip the CR, worked great. We also ranked CR comments on
       | importance, focussed on preventing issues, and avoid subjective
       | discussions as much as possible. It meant CR's were mostly about
       | bug catching, sometimes constructive conversations weighing pro's
       | and cons, and other times making suggestions that may or may not
       | be applied.
       | It's so much nicer than a dogmatic nitpicking CR culture that
       | completely forgets about what's valuable and not. Maybe it's my
       | relative small sample size but I feel they always go together.
       | windows2020 wrote:
       | I've seen a number of flavors of code reviews in practice:
       | * Superficial - Omission of optional lagging comma       * Valid
       | in context - Quadratic logic on small finite set       * Ensure
       | intention - Task not completed/completed with adverse effects
       | Each takes progressively more effort, skill and context
       | knowledge. There's a constant battle between resiliency and
       | efficiency. There also tends to be a gradient of skill involved.
       | Context is king when it comes to an opinion on this.
       | simonbarker87 wrote:
       | I can see their point of view but it sounds like they focus on
       | the downsides of code review and not the benefits.
       | Code reviews increases awareness of changes, helps with
       | desiloing, gives junior devs a chance to see how others write
       | code in their own time, reduces chance of mistakes, encourages
       | collaboration.
       | To stop the endless ping ponging back and forth I advocate for
       | Must/Should/Could in all code reviews. So long as everyone gets
       | it, it massively speeds up code review and increases team
       | happiness around the process.
       | https://careerswitchtocoding.com/blog/moscow-the-best-code-r...
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | > we trigger an internal release every night which includes all
       | changes that got committed during the day [...] This allows us to
       | test new changes within 24 hours. [...] This workflow helps us to
       | consistently ship updates every other week.
       | Every merge to _main_ should ship immediately. If it doesn 't,
       | you still don't have enough trust. Waiting 24 hours to test is
       | just arbitrarily slowing you down. If you test 3x a day, you
       | debug 3x faster, meaning you ship 3x faster. Test immediately,
       | revert immediately, re-run tests on every merge.
       | larsrc wrote:
       | Apart from the other reasons for code reviews already mentioned,
       | there's this: an inexperienced developer (in a particular area)
       | may not _know_ when a code review is appropriate. A change that
       | looks innocent may have wider consequences than expected. Code
       | reviews spread knowledge, and knowledge is the true output of
       | software engineering.
       | [deleted]
       | pxllh wrote:
       | I always really enjoy reading both the Raycast and Linear
       | engineering blogs because they've really got a great approach to
       | empowering distributed teams, and giving engineers the autonomy
       | to work well.
       | I can't necessarily say this approach would work everywhere but
       | it's nice to see companies critiquing and challenging
       | methodologies.
       | tombert wrote:
       | I think I largely agree with this article.
       | When I worked for Apple, we had a strict "all code needs to be
       | reviewed" policy, which I had no problem with. Then, after being
       | there for about 1.5 years, I make a PR, ask two different people
       | to approve it, which they do, and it gets merged. A week later,
       | the code is released, it looks like my code caused a fairly major
       | bug.
       | My manager's manager and my manager had a meeting with me, and
       | told me that this was unacceptable. I ask "what exactly was I
       | supposed to do differently? Clearly this bug was sneaky enough to
       | where two other people also didn't see it." Their response was
       | "the code needs to work, you wrote the code, the code was sloppy.
       | This is your fault." Apparently they took the bug pretty
       | seriously, since it was actually mentioned in my yearly review.
       | This is fine, I probably should have tested the code a bit
       | better, but it always annoyed me that my "sloppy" code managed to
       | pass code review [1], and yet I'm the only one to get in trouble
       | over it. If the PRs aren't catching bugs and I still am going to
       | get in trouble, then I'm failing to see why I should bother
       | waiting an hour for someone to look through it. Instead, why not
       | make it so we can merge quickly, test it quickly, and revert it
       | if something breaks?
       | [1] Obviously I'm biased here, but I honestly think that in this
       | particular case I was pretty easily the least-liked person on the
       | team, and it was easier to throw me under the bus than anything
       | else.
         | igetspam wrote:
         | You had shitty management.
           | tombert wrote:
           | No argument here. I should probably have switched teams,
           | since some of my friends who are still at Apple seem to have
           | had a better experience.
         | dsjoerg wrote:
         | > test it quickly
         | Yes, in your scenario the lack of testing stands out as the
         | major opportunity for improvement. If a bug is so important
         | that it's mentioned in a performance review, then it's
         | important enough that there should be tests that would have
         | caught it. Automated preferably, or manual if necessary.
         | And everyone involved with the software, from you on up and
         | sideways, should be calling for this testing. It's clearly
         | important / worthwhile!
         | baskethead wrote:
         | I don't know what your point is. You would have gotten in
         | trouble whether or not code reviews were present. If you're
         | saying that code reviews should not be default, then the entire
         | blame would rest on your shoulders anyway. Are you saying you
         | wish you got in less trouble at Apple and the code reviewers
         | should have gotten in more trouble for missing YOUR bug?
           | tombert wrote:
           | > Are you saying you wish you got in less trouble at Apple
           | and the code reviewers should have gotten in more trouble for
           | missing YOUR bug?
           | If "my" bug was a result of sloppy code, my PR should have
           | been rejected.
           | I don't really think anyone should get in trouble for a code
           | bug (at least in a majority of cases), but yes, if this bug
           | was obvious enough for me to be in trouble for not catching
           | it, then the people approving the PR should share
           | responsibility for it.
       | pearjuice wrote:
       | Code reviews make sure the other party at least thinks a bit
       | about the code they write. "Someone is going to look at this,
       | let's at least tidy it up or not be cobbled together
       | underperforming spaghetti". Sure, you can trust your co-workers
       | but do you trust them enough that they have that thought every
       | day of the year?
         | foxbarrington wrote:
         | Agreed. It's amazing how code magically gets better when you
         | know someone else will be reading it.
       | jsiaajdsdaa wrote:
       | My current company (dinosaur insurance company) has a one
       | developer per service mapping right now and it is absolute HEAVEN
       | on Earth.
       | The best services rise to the top, and the other ones are
       | refactored until they are ready to be consumed.
       | system16 wrote:
       | I guess it depends a lot on the company's dev culture or team
       | dynamic.
       | In my current company, our code reviews are essentially a second
       | set of eyes by a peer. When things are "flagged" in code review
       | it's never confrontational. Mainly they provide insight for those
       | who haven't worked on the code base as long as to "why" things
       | are the way they are, and it can open up discussions for
       | improvements (or at least things to ponder for the backlog.) The
       | odd time neat language or platform tricks are also learned.
       | I've worked in other places though where code reviews are done by
       | rockstars or ninjas just looking for a reason to criticize or
       | find fault with another's code so they can stroke their own ego.
       | And if their code is ever questioned, expect a tantrum. Toxic
       | environments like these say more about the company and people
       | there than code reviews though.
       | Looking forward to the follow-up "no QA by default".
       | notmyfuture wrote:
       | For a small team of capable engineers, working on something that
       | has low consequence for any single change failing plus a strong
       | business motivation to move fast: sure, do without code reviews
       | if you want.
       | There is no universal "best practise" for building software,
       | there is just whatever works best for your context. Practices
       | can, and should change as your business context does. There are
       | some things that are net beneficial for a team in the majority of
       | situations though, I'd consider code reviews one of these things
       | and make that the default.
       | alexhf wrote:
       | I wish this talked about the engineering time lost when a bad PR
       | makes it to production. Fixing those may eliminate any time gains
       | from skipping code review. Also, this violates security
       | compliance standards (e.g. SOC2).
       | arnvald wrote:
       | Previous discussion (from June 2021):
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27606066
       | anthonyskipper wrote:
       | Luckily Raycast work in an unregulated industry. In a lot of
       | regulated industries this would not be an option as 4-eye reviews
       | are a mandatory policy requirement.
       | I also don't know how smart it is to brag about, seems like just
       | asking for something to go wrong.
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | There is a Russian proverb I heard used very early on in my
       | career that has really stuck with me over the years:
       | "Trust, but verify"
       | I think a lot of other commenters nailed the trust equation in
       | more verbose terms. I would add that in some industries or for
       | certain customers, a 2+ person code review rule is _mandatory_
       | for compliance, regardless of any perceptions around how mundane
       | the changeset might be.
       | dan-robertson wrote:
       | I'm curious how they avoid pushing changes that break the build.
       | Maybe they have some other reason that this doesn't happen or is
       | hard but having a large number of people trying to collaborate on
       | a constantly broken repo is not a recipe for productivity.
       | I also wonder if there are typically 0 reviews or typically 1 --
       | that is, are people even reading their own changes before they
       | push them.
         | ReleaseCandidat wrote:
         | > I'm curious how they avoid pushing changes that break the
         | build.
         | By not pushing changes that break the build. In other words:
         | that does not work if you can't test (actually test, not just
         | try to build) your code before pushing it to main.
           | AlfeG wrote:
           | Is there anyone on the planet, that always run all tests
           | locally even for last second minor change that definitely
           | will not break a build?
           | Especially funny for distributed around globe teams. When You
           | spent half a day fixing a build issue from the "night"
           | workers. Have eat a lot of this.
       | yupper32 wrote:
       | > Pull requests don't prevent bugs.
       | Is this some anti-vax satire?
       | Of course pull requests (code reviews) reduce bugs. And of course
       | some slip through. It doesn't need to be 100% to be useful.
         | canyonero wrote:
         | Yeah -- I LOLed at this one because I've caught at least
         | hundreds, maybe thousands of bugs during review on pull
         | requests.
         | It's weird and silly to expect prevention with tool that is not
         | designed to prevent. Peer review (and the PR model) exists as
         | quality control tool for many different aspects of someone
         | else's work.
         | Abroszka wrote:
         | I haven't seen any research that supports either. I wouldn't be
         | surprised to learn that code review does nothing other than
         | share knowledge, or to learn that it reduces bugs by 50%. I
         | just honestly have no idea, I do code reviews, because we do
         | code reviews.
         | In fact I have seen alarmingly little research about code
         | management. Code review, standup, agile, etc. does any of it do
         | anything useful? I only came across anecdotal evidence which
         | can be dismissed.
           | buttersbrian wrote:
           | I think pull requests are synonymous with code-reviews here.
           | I think it is unquestionable that code-reviews catch bugs.
           | Its value as a use of time is another question.
             | Abroszka wrote:
             | > I think it is unquestionable that code-reviews catch
             | bugs.
             | Yes, it does catch some, but does it catch more than no
             | code review? There is no point in catching bugs if it also
             | creates bugs to catch.
               | yupper32 wrote:
               | Sorry, are you saying that it's possible that code
               | reviews cause more bugs than they solve?
               | That's absurd...
               | Abroszka wrote:
               | Why would it be absurd? If there is a process to reduce
               | risks, then people take more risks. I have been guilty of
               | submitting code review when I'm not 100% sure it's
               | perfect, just because I know that there is a code review
               | process. So this definitely exists, not sure how common
               | it is though.
               | deckard1 wrote:
               | Also, the trick to code reviews is to leave in a few low-
               | hanging obvious bike sheds. The reviewers will tell you
               | what color to paint them. Done.
               | I'm being slightly sarcastic. But not sarcastic to the
               | point that I haven't done just that. Just as the nail
               | that sticks out gets hammered, the code that is _too_
               | perfect gets increased scrutiny.
               | Verdex wrote:
               | Perhaps unlikely. Or really surprising. But not absurd.
               | Imagine some reviewer who rejects all code reviews that
               | don't have some recognizable pattern in them from the
               | gang of four book. Fully complete and working code gets
               | hacked up last minute to accommodate this person who has
               | more seniority than sense.
               | Or ... maybe someone who always want there to be a single
               | return in every function. Or heck, someone who demands
               | that you always do early return. Either way they demand
               | that some carefully crafted code is swapped over to the
               | equivalent dual. And during that transformation a mistake
               | is make that nobody notices.
               | I think the point is that the science way to indicate
               | that code reviews work is to actually do the experiment.
               | Instead of just saying, "why that's absurd that a code
               | review could cause more defects."
               | I mean isn't that how hand washing got introduced into
               | medicine? "Hey everyone, let's try washing our hands!"
               | "Why, the hands of a gentleman are always clean. It's
               | absurd to suggest that we should wash our hands."
               | buttersbrian wrote:
               | If it catches ANY bugs it is objectively better than no
               | PR/code-review from a bug standpoint. Unless you're
               | arguing that pr/code-review creates more bugs than it
               | solves?
               | Again, I think the question is value. Is a dev's time
               | best used in code-review vs. something else? It's almost
               | certainly the case that time is better spent elsewhere
               | depending on the develop and needs or the organization.
               | munchbunny wrote:
               | I think the question is the same one as "do bike helmets
               | reduce bike injuries?" I.e. without code reviews, is
               | everyone more careful? I can't think of any proper
               | academic research that answers the question.
               | In my anecdotal experience, there is at least one class
               | of bugs that code reviews are good at catching that a
               | large expenditure of self-review effort often doesn't
               | catch: security bugs.
               | Abroszka wrote:
               | > If it catches ANY bugs it is objectively better than no
               | PR/code-review from a bug standpoint.
               | No, that's false. That's only true if you also assume
               | that people write the same quality code whether there is
               | a code review process or not. Which might or might not be
               | true, no idea.
               | cunac wrote:
               | if anything I would think that person would write same
               | code but without PR would lost the opportunity of having
               | better quality. People are blind to own mistakes. I can't
               | count how many times I would stare at a code not seeing
               | something and other person would spot problem almost
               | immediately.
           | dovetailed wrote:
       | przemelek wrote:
       | I used to love code reviews when I worked for Motorola in 2004,
       | it was doing wonders, we observed showing up "phantom developer"
       | where mix of inputs from different people was causing new look on
       | code. Those were Fagan-like code inspections. A lot of paperwork
       | (we were doing formal reviews on paper, with one person in role
       | of reader), but it was working. This whole paperwork was forcing
       | people to follow rules and it seemed to work (but was sometimes
       | very painful). Latter in other companies I found out that code
       | reviews are in most cases bullshit placeholders, and in many
       | cases are only for making some developers feeling more important,
       | or other devs not loosing contact with code. I saw most stupid
       | things in code moved to position of examples how to write code
       | only because of code reviews... Good code reviews are doing
       | wonders, but as I can see without very strong culture in dev
       | teams and whole company those code reviews don't add anything
       | useful. And this strong culture is difficult. From observations
       | it seems that this is easier to build in team culture to work
       | with "master/main only" without branches and code reviews, than
       | to build culture of code reviews which are working. From my
       | observations most of comments in code reviews are variations on
       | "I would code it in different way", or "why you are doing it in
       | this way/I don't like your variable name" of course usually
       | written in less direct way. Last year problems with Log4J2 showed
       | that even in OpenSource peer reviews don't help. Good developers
       | let to introduce to one of most used libraries something what
       | never should be introduced there. For sure variable names were
       | nice, but somehow whole "why we are adding this" was lost,
       | because devs were looking only for some easy to spot things.
       | So.... yep, good code reviews are important, but my guess is that
       | most of code reviews are only to make some devs happier that they
       | still know what happens in code, and that variables are named in
       | acceptable by them ways....
       | micromacrofoot wrote:
       | Good luck getting any sort of security certification without
       | reviews. This works fine for small companies, but once you start
       | getting customers at a certain scale it will be a dealbreaker.
       | Run without reviews as long as you can, it feels great!
       | zzzeek wrote:
       | so they didn't like github PRs so...they ditched code review
       | altogether? how strange and sad. there's lots of tools that can
       | be used for code reviews that don't have any bearing on whether
       | or not you also use github for source control.
       | We at the SQLAlchemy org actually have Gerrit integrated with
       | Github PRs so you can use both UXes for the same patch at once,
       | and other orgs do this too.
       | canyonero wrote:
       | I could see this working well for teams that are engineering led
       | and where customers don't expect a ton from the software. If
       | you're trying to ship fast and get to market quickly, then fine,
       | skip the tests, skip the code review.
       | Once you have lots of engineers shipping many different apps and
       | need to work within and across teams. This system is not going to
       | be fun. When a nasty bug ships and you're responsible, you'll
       | wonder "should I have requested review for that one?" When one of
       | your colleagues ships a few bugs that force you to paged during
       | your on-call. This system is likely to erode trust on both ends.
       | IMO, a no code-reviews model is going to stunt junior engineers
       | career growth as they will not be performing what is common
       | practice on software engineering teams. It's also going to keep
       | out many other stakeholders who may wanna weigh in on the
       | software you're delivering, be it UX, Accessibility, Security,
       | Documentation, Product experts. Pull requests keep others on your
       | team in the loop and educated.
       | I agree that this model gives you the advantage of speed, but I
       | don't think it builds trust. I trust my colleagues and we do pull
       | requests. I don't feel like I'm missing trust because I can't
       | push to `main`. Code reviews have very little to do with trust.
       | They serve as a communication tool and serve a tool to give the
       | best possible experience for customers and provide an opportunity
       | for alignment with our colleagues.
       | sbeckeriv wrote:
       | The only thing I agree with from this "Make your own rules". I
       | feel like it is click bait otherwise. Reading this I would apply
       | for a job here personally.
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