[HN Gopher] Ask HN: How to connect with fellow developers given ...
       Ask HN: How to connect with fellow developers given few physical
       Hello!  I've been studying Computer Science for a few years, but
       due to changing my major as well as a lot of online classes I
       haven't been able to meet many fellow developers in my university,
       especially not those who share my interests within the field. And
       as far as I know, there aren't many physical community gatherings
       happening close to where I live.  I would like to change that.  So:
       those of you who have managed to successfully connect with other
       developers online, how did you do it?  If anyone would like to chat
       or learn together, just send me a message here or email me at:
       erikpl (at) duck (dot) com. These days, my learning is focused on C
       (related to a compiler course) and video streaming (work-related).
       Author : erikpl
       Score  : 30 points
       Date   : 2022-01-04 12:24 UTC (1 days ago)
       | eatonphil wrote:
       | I host a small Discord for devs hacking on cool tech through my
       | company (for an invite go to https://discord.multiprocess.io).
       | Folks here interested in compilers/databases/emulators/big
       | data/ML are welcome to join, introduce yourself and hang out.
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | Sorry to be "that guy", but why Discord and not Matrix?
           | generalizations wrote:
           | Easier to use?
           | eatonphil wrote:
           | I wanted to pick the least FOSS-friendly platform around!
           | Just kidding.
           | I don't really know what to say. I think Discord is more
           | mature than Matrix, though it's great as an IRC(-bridge)
           | client. You're welcome to start your own community on Matrix
           | if you'd like!
       | definataly wrote:
       | I found lunchclub.com useful for this.
       | _williamkennedy wrote:
       | For me, I found a server on Discord that I liked. There is one
       | for almost every programming niche at this stage.
       | Introducing yourself on the channel can get you going so to speak
       | and then go slowly from there. Helping people, having fun etc..
       | Shadonototra wrote:
       | join IRC servers, Discord servers, contribute to open source, be
       | active in suggestion discussions
       | internet is a richer world than IRL, flawed with social codes,
       | unfair physical comparisons, wealth gap issues etc
       | on the internet, you are just another random user, it's beautiful
       | the only time it's ugly, is when people censor you because you
       | speak the truth and it goes against their agenda..
       | but this is the same stuff IRL, the advantage of the internet is
       | you can create a new life, it's a matter of a click
       | embrace the internet, contribute, and eradicate the censors by
       | pissing them off
       | dave84 wrote:
       | I have great fun on small discords, join the community for a
       | software library you use, a game engine, an open source project,
       | a topic, e.g emulator development. The smaller the better
       | usually.
       | simonw wrote:
       | Finding the right Slacks and Discords will definitely help form
       | more intimate relationships, but I've also been gaining a huge
       | amount of value during the pandemic from the software engineering
       | community on Twitter.
       | omarhaneef wrote:
       | Online meetups. One video chat with voice = 200 smart comments on
       | IRC (that was the old slack)
       | Go to meetup and sign up for whatever topics you are interested
       | in. Almost all the meetings are going to be on zoom these days.
       | chana_masala wrote:
       | How did you get a Duck Duck Go email address?
         | taterbase wrote:
         | https://spreadprivacy.com/introducing-email-protection-beta/
       | verdverm wrote:
       | Slack, discord, and similar chatty places. It's very niche, so
       | joining several is helpful.
         | whalesalad wrote:
         | Can you recommend any specific communities on Slack/Discord?
           | kroltan wrote:
           | GameDevNetwork is a pretty chill one for game development.
           | Lots of new people but also some big industry people there.
           | https://gdn.gg/
           | nathanaldensr wrote:
           | For the .NET ecosystem (and also related topics), there is
           | the excellent and very active C# Discord server.
           | https://discord.gg/csharp
           | You can find me on there as NathanAldenSr#2130.
           | andrewxdiamond wrote:
           | The CodingBlocks podcast has a great slack community!
           | https://www.codingblocks.net/slack/
           | crummy wrote:
           | In Aus/NZ, there's View Source and DevANZ (both Slack).
         | juice_bus wrote:
         | Quite a few active channels on IRC (Libera.chat) as well!
       (page generated 2022-01-05 23:01 UTC)