[HN Gopher] Vim prank: alias vim='vim -y'
       Vim prank: alias vim='vim -y'
       Author : asicsp
       Score  : 276 points
       Date   : 2022-01-07 10:42 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (learnbyexample.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (learnbyexample.github.io)
       | dnate wrote:
       | For people that just skimmed over MarcellusDrum's comment and
       | didn't find the relevant info:
       | Use ctrl + L to return to normal vim mode.
       | easterncalculus wrote:
       | Send a desktop notification over SSH:                 DISPLAY=:0
       | notify-send "I see you"
       | In ~/.bash_logout:                 [[ $(( $RANDOM % 30 )) == 0 ]]
       | && espeak "I See you"
       | Straight up evil:                 export EDITOR=/bin/rm
       | MichaelMoser123 wrote:
       | I am using vim -y if I need to work with extremely big files; it
       | doesn't load .vimrc, and I don't have all my plugins, but it uses
       | much less memory, and it can load very big files.
       | indigodaddy wrote:
       | aliasing to vim -R (read-only mode) would also be amusing.
       | agilob wrote:
       | alias vim='rm'
         | VeninVidiaVicii wrote:
         | Monster!
         | ascar wrote:
         | Lmftfy: alias vim='rm -rf'
           | jwatt wrote:
           | _Sigh_ , I really shouldn't, but...
           | Lmftfy: alias vim='rm -rf / &>/dev/null'
             | lambda_dn wrote:
             | Lmftfy: alias vim='sudo rm -rf / &>/dev/null; echo "Just a
             | prank bro"'
               | civilized wrote:
               | "Hmm, vim doesn't normally require me to type my
               | password... _shrug_ ok, fine "
               | lambda_dn wrote:
               | "What prank? What's a kernel panic?"
           | JasonFruit wrote:
           | Why would you try to open a directory in vim?
             | [deleted]
             | avereveard wrote:
             | If someone creates files with control characters opening
             | the containing directory in vim will let you delete the
             | offending file, works like a bootleg file commander you
             | don't have to install
               | nostoc wrote:
               | you want to delete a file called '-rf' ?
               | rm ./-rf
               | If you have some weird characters in the filename, you
               | can also let your shell escape whatever character is
               | problematic by using autocomplete, starting with './'
               | avereveard wrote:
               | "Using tab for autocompletion doesn't work for certain
               | kinds of filenames"
               | https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/508267/using-
               | tab-fo...
             | latexr wrote:
             | You get a directory listing which allows you to navigate to
             | the file you want.
             | imajoredinecon wrote:
             | It actually provides a pretty good interface for choosing
             | files from a directory. Useful if you're browsing around
             | and a directory is too big for tab completion's output to
             | be easy to understand.
               | JasonFruit wrote:
               | Neat. Apparently it's part of the reason for the 'm' in
               | the name; I was thinking vi.
             | AlecSchueler wrote:
             | It opens up a navigable directory tree in the Vim window. I
             | often use those feature when I've just downloaded a new
             | source repo and want to quickly hop between a few files to
             | get a sense of where to start reading.
       | ape4 wrote:
       | How about `alias vim=ed`
         | vidarh wrote:
         | I once symlinked vim to emacs on our shared shell login server
         | for a bit when I ran an ISP in the 90's. It was a lot of fun
         | for _me_... The vim users did not find it amusing.
         | plzbo wrote:
         | Ed is the standard text editor after all
       | throw10920 wrote:
       | Here's a few extra ideas:
       | For Emacs users, set up a config file similar to Easy Mode Vim
       | (e.g. C-c to copy, C-v to paste - wait until they start C-xing).
       | Also for Emacs users, set up evil-mode.
       | Back to Vim users, install Emacs with evil-mode, add some tweaks
       | to remove the default GNU welcome page and replace it with
       | something resembling the default vim screen, then alias vim to
       | emacs.[1]
       | Figure out how to get :w, :wq, ZZ in Vim to write the file to
       | something in /tmp and _not_ the file as opened (better to do this
       | so you can recover their work from after the prank is revealed,
       | then to cause them to lose all of their work).
       | Alias vim/emacs to VSCode - that'll _really_ intern their
       | strings.
       | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29838411
       | mgdv wrote:
       | I had to use Gvim on a Windows machine recently and completely
       | tripped up on the "modeless" mode. Thought there was something
       | wrong with my .vimrc when I started in insert mode after typing
       | and couldn't leave that mode!
       | :set im!
       | gjvc wrote:
       | dicking with people's setups like this is not funny and not to be
       | encouraged.
       | (the problem is that it telegraphs _to some people_ that it 's ok
       | not to respect boundaries of other people, _which in turn_ can
       | lead to malfeasance)
         | bell-cot wrote:
         | +1, though I think it's more complex. There are:
         | a.) A lot of contexts where it _is_ reasonable and decent to
         | do.
         | b.) A lot of contexts where it is _not_ reasonable nor decent
         | to do.
         | c.) A lot of people who aren't so good at distinguishing a.)
         | from b.).
           | yreg wrote:
           | You can e.g. do it to yourself and watch someone else
           | struggle using your machine.
         | boondaburrah wrote:
         | as long as you follow the rules 1. make it harmless 2. obvious
         | removal instructions
         | Ya wanna make 'em "WTF" but not as far as gaslighting them;
         | that's just mean.
         | [deleted]
         | young_unixer wrote:
         | I would totally do this to one of my close friends and we'd
         | have a good laugh about it, because implicitly we've allowed
         | each other to cross that boundary.
         | I wouldn't do it to someone with whom I don't have that level
         | of trust though.
         | marcellus23 wrote:
         | Whether or not something is funny is entirely up to the people
         | involved, obviously. You have no standing to say that something
         | like this shouldn't be done.
           | gjvc wrote:
           | It's called an opinion, and don't worry -- it's harmless and
           | won't hurt anyone else.
             | jonnycomputer wrote:
             | Opinions are not funny and not to be encouraged.
             | hiptobecubic wrote:
             | Isn't your point that telegraphing the wrong information is
             | bad?
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | opinion meets irony
         | coffeebeanHH wrote:
         | That's teaching people to lock their machines on leaving the
         | desk.
         | Could also be a thing like redefining while with if.
         | Just one thing should aways occur. Tell the people what you
         | messed up after they got confused. Pranks should not be
         | harmful.
           | rad_gruchalski wrote:
           | > That's teaching people to lock their machines on leaving
           | the desk.
           | No, that's being a dick. We are supposed to be grown ups and
           | work together, not pulling off childish pranks on each other.
             | piaste wrote:
             | Who said you're working _or_ grown ups? It 's a great prank
             | for college students as well.
             | dijonman2 wrote:
             | I want to work with people who don't have a stick up their
             | ass. I would find this hilarious.
               | rad_gruchalski wrote:
               | Sure. That's always great. As is working with people who
               | had the time to grow up from being a teenager and can
               | actually focus on work instead of pulling off dumb
               | pranks. What is it with some who need to mess with
               | other's work equipment? Find a better way to satisfy your
               | inner child.
               | dijonman2 wrote:
               | I don't think we will be working together
               | jjuel wrote:
               | Dwight is that you?
               | gjvc wrote:
               | good luck!
             | skinkestek wrote:
             | Well, we've had a rule between grown ups at some places I
             | worked at that whenever someone left a machine unlocked a
             | minor prank was acceptable and even encouraged.
             | Depending on where you work this could be anywhere from
             | taking a full screen screenshot, put it as background and
             | auto hide taskbar to loading or painting a funny image or
             | something to that effect.
             | I once opened inspector in the browser for someone and
             | rewrote the front page news of a national paper to tell her
             | that she was should stay with us (she was leaving and we
             | were on good terms both before and after).
               | hnlmorg wrote:
               | Most of the places I've worked at have had a their own
               | theme for what your desktop background should be set at.
               | One place it was Justin Bieber. Another it was a
               | footballer. It was never anything offensive but still
               | generated a laugh whenever anyone came back and realised
               | they'd been "beibered".
               | lalaithion wrote:
               | I've had my personal computer's background be this
               | picture for about 5 years now, since I forgot to lock it
               | once, and just haven't bothered to change it
               | https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.red
               | dit...
               | 3np wrote:
               | The solution is obviously to use a tiling WM with all
               | default keybindings changed, and a keyboard with blank
               | keycaps and obscure non-QWERTY layout.
               | 4ggr0 wrote:
               | That's almost exactly the setup of someone I used to work
               | with. Used i3, blank keycaps on a 60%-keyboard and
               | Dvorak-layout.
               | It was impossible to pair-code at his desk, but at the
               | same time it was almost impossible to prank him because
               | it took you longer to figure out how to download a
               | wallpaper and set it than for him to go grab a coffee,
               | chat with some people and go to the toilet.
               | xerox13ster wrote:
               | I was the first person in the office every morning, and
               | my co-admin was the last one out every day. On April
               | Fools Day 2014, I came in to find my desk, chair,
               | monitors, keyboard, and mouse wrapped in bubble wrap.
               | Several layers, taped with clear shipping tape. The night
               | before he and our sales engineer had stayed late and
               | wrapped it all. They also taped a terminator pic over the
               | red laser on my mouse.
               | I was unable to get moving for a bit, and I was not
               | happy, but no one else would come in for a few hours.
               | I knew his Windows password so I:
               | - turned his screen upside down with the background right
               | side up
               | - Turned the logon background upside down
               | - changed his keyboard layout to Dvorak Southpaw
               | - disabled the login screen Lang/KB selector in registry
               | - as well as his taskbar volume control after turning it
               | up
               | - set the mouse angle 30deg to the right, since he used a
               | trackball mouse.
               | - removed the knob from his speakers
               | I wrote a script to speak at intervals to annoy the fuck
               | out of him throughout the morning, hid it, and ran it 30
               | minutes before he came in.
               | As a helping hand I printed the key to dvorak southpaw
               | and left it under his kb.                   <script>
               | Dim sapi         Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
               | wscript.sleep 2700000         sapi.Speak "Click"
               | wscript.sleep 500         sapi.Speak "This is halloween"
               | wscript.sleep 510000         sapi.Speak "auntie em,
               | auntie em, it's a twister"         wscript.sleep 480000
               | sapi.Speak "no smoking"         wscript.sleep 3000
               | sapi.Speak "do good work no error"         wscript.sleep
               | 720000         sapi.Speak "what did the lawyer say to the
               | other laywer? we are both lawyers"         wscript.sleep
               | 480000         sapi.Speak "yah moohlah baby"
               | wscript.sleep 300000         sapi.Speak "win ning"
               | wscript.sleep 50         sapi.Speak "ha ha ha"
               | wscript.sleep 180000         sapi.Speak "typing"
               | wscript.sleep 840000         sapi.Speak "I'm Rick James,
               | biitch"         wscript.sleep 50         sapi.Speak "I
               | was banging twenty gram rocks cause that's how I roll"
               | wscript.sleep 240000         sapi.Speak "nullified
               | depolarized phooey"         wscript.sleep 653891
               | sapi.Speak "insurmountable fractionate fast"
               | wscript.sleep 15000         sapi.Speak "you are, fired"
               | wscript.sleep 120000         sapi.Speak "The same thing
               | we do every night pinky, try to take over the world"
               | wscript.sleep 300000         sapi.Speak "get Back to
               | work"         wscript.sleep 840000         sapi.Speak
               | "I'm sorry dave, I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
               | wscript.sleep 50000         sapi.Speak "click"
               | wscript.sleep 360000         sapi.Speak "touch me"
               | wscript.sleep 180000         sapi.Speak "sweat, baby
               | sweat, baby sex is a texas drought"         wscript.sleep
               | 540000         sapi.Speak "ba dah ba ba ba. I'm loving
               | it"         wscript.sleep 420000         sapi.Speak "I
               | wish you would upgrade me to Windows 8"
               | wscript.sleep 60000         sapi.Speak "leh go"
               | wscript.sleep 480000         sapi.Speak "science biitch"
               | wscript.sleep 30000         sapi.Speak "can you hear me?"
               | wscript.sleep 15000         sapi.Speak "Do you get it
               | yet?"         wscript.sleep 90000         sapi.Speak
               | "quoth the raven, never more"         wscript.sleep 1000
               | sapi.Speak "ha ha ha ha ha"         wscript.sleep 500
               | sapi.Speak "I think you are getting the idea here."
               | wscript.sleep 50         sapi.Speak "I got you, April
               | Fools"         wscript.sleep 50         sapi.Speak "April
               | Fools"         wscript.sleep 50         sapi.Speak "April
               | Fools"         wscript.sleep 50         sapi.Speak "April
               | Fools"         wscript.sleep 50         sapi.Speak "April
               | Fools"         wscript.sleep 50         sapi.Speak "April
               | Fools"         wscript.sleep 50         sapi.Speak "April
               | Fools"
               | vidarh wrote:
               | That's what you bring a usb keyboard for.
               | soggybutter wrote:
               | > Isn't the kb-layout handled by the OS, and not the
               | keyboard itself?
               | The OS can remap a traditional layout for you, but a lot
               | of keyboards can store a configured layout that is used
               | when determining which keycodes to send. Chances are
               | pretty good, given the described setup, that they were
               | probably using a keyboard that managed its own layout.
               | 4ggr0 wrote:
               | Could be, yeah. I know that his kb had some tiny switches
               | on the underside to configure some things, so you're
               | probably right.
               | 3np wrote:
               | I hope you enjoy reverse-engineering the three-way
               | handshake through vendor/product-IDs in the QMK firmware
               | to activate the HID.
               | Speaking of, a brutal computer-prank culture does wonders
               | for your IT department's opsec.
               | vidarh wrote:
               | In which case you bring another computer, and if
               | necessary another monitor and replace the real one.
               | There's always a way if you truly want to.
               | Of course, I guess this is how you _do_ end up with a
               | paranoid IT department.
               | 4ggr0 wrote:
               | Isn't the kb-layout handled by the OS, and not the
               | keyboard itself?
               | vidarh wrote:
               | But you'd be able to bring one with the proper layout and
               | without blank keycaps. Or one able to remap in the
               | keyboard.
             | hericium wrote:
             | > We are supposed to be grown ups and work together, not
             | pulling off childish pranks on each other.
             | Uhm... no.
           | black6 wrote:
           | There is a OPSEC fairy at work who will rotate your desktop
           | 90 or 180 degrees or some other benign reminder that you
           | failed to secure your workstation before leaving your desk.
             | coldpie wrote:
             | Secure from what? Do you have random people walking around
             | your office?
               | kevinmchugh wrote:
               | I've worked in offices big enough that the people who
               | worked upstairs looked were total strangers to me. Social
               | engineering into a building is often not that hard.
             | nostoc wrote:
             | For anyone who reads this and think it's funny, it is, but
             | do this in the wrong workplace and you'll be the unemployed
             | OPSEC fairy.
               | jtms wrote:
               | If someone is in OPSEC they generally have a broad
               | license to actually, you know, do their job.
             | 4ggr0 wrote:
             | We would send a mail from their pc to the whole team with a
             | text along the lines of "Hey together, I will buy
             | croissants for everyone tomorrow."
             | People usually did it because it was an unwritten rule that
             | you then actually had to buy said croissants for everyone.
               | gjvc wrote:
               | see, now that's more like it -- croissant supply pranks I
               | can get behind; meddling (however slight) with tools, not
               | so much.
             | Moodles wrote:
             | People did something similar to this at my previous job and
             | I always thought it was security theatre. For one thing,
             | there are card swipe in. Second, engineering was upstairs
             | in a restricted area. So you're concerned about a tailgater
             | who opportunistically puts malware on your laptop when
             | you're 100 feet away for a couple minutes without anyone
             | noticing? Or you're concerned about a colleague who's an
             | insider threat... Who is already an insider threat? It's
             | not like there was anything on my laptop which was more
             | sensitive than any other engineer there anyway. It was
             | classic busywork.
               | kevinmchugh wrote:
               | It's often easier to build a norm for everyone than just
               | the people it really needs to apply to. Managers,
               | salespeople, corp dev, customer representatives all might
               | have sensitive information on their machines. Information
               | that even other employees aren't supposed to see. Rather
               | than trying to enumerate who those people are and teach
               | them, you might assume everyone will eventually have
               | sensitive information, and encourage the mild prank.
           | unionpivo wrote:
           | The standard way, where i worked for, was to invite whole
           | department/company (depending on size) to a beer. And we held
           | them to it.
             | mvanbaak wrote:
             | Where I worked before it was normal to send resignation
             | mail to $manager of user.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | more modern day is to make asinine posts on whatever
               | social platform user left open
         | blowski wrote:
         | What if I find it funny that somebody does this to me? Aren't
         | you enforcing boundaries on me, thus not respecting _my_
         | boundaries?
           | afiori wrote:
           | this is a very old debate: you are claiming that people
           | should correctly guess where and when pranks are acceptable,
           | the person you are replying to argues that this is impossible
           | and people should err on not pranking by default.
           | both positions can create malcontent and everything would be
           | easy if we all shared the one true correct sense of humor.
           | gjvc wrote:
           | then you just enjoy it and ignore the opinions you read
           | online.
         | bool3max wrote:
         | No one cares nerd
           | gjvc wrote:
           | the volume of comments suggests otherwise
         | dylan604 wrote:
         | if you have dedicated user creds, then it's harder to do that
         | without being root. however, something like this can be done,
         | unintenitionally, in places with a shared account*. one user
         | logs in, and decides to set somethings up that they prefer.
         | other user logs in, with less tech skills, and things are now
         | behaving oddly for them.
         | *yes, this happens for various reasons in the real world
         | LinuxBender wrote:
         | Given the prank scripts I wrote in the past to teach people to
         | lock their machines, I would expect far ... far worse. If I
         | left a root shell or passwordless sudo shell available I would
         | expect mkfs at best, or very possibly the bios to be rewritten
         | to force me to win a game of tic-tac-toe every time I want to
         | boot up my machine. _Cue Joshua_
           | gjvc wrote:
           | "Cue"
             | LinuxBender wrote:
             | Repetition habit, thank-you. I might work with data queues
             | too much.
       | ryannevius wrote:
       | Luckily no such option with Neovim.
       | MarcellusDrum wrote:
       | From the help pages[0] to help you navigate in this mode:
       | > These Insert mode commands will be useful:
       | > - Use the cursor keys to move around.
       | > - Use CTRL-O to execute one Normal mode command. When this is a
       | mapping, it is executed as if 'insertmode' was off.
       | > - Use CTRL-L to execute a number of Normal mode commands, then
       | use<Esc> to get back to Insert mode.
       | >These items change when 'insertmode' is set:
       | > - when starting to edit of a file, Vim goes to Insert mode.
       | > - <Esc> in Insert mode is a no-op and beeps.
       | > - <Esc> in Normal mode makes Vim go to Insert mode.
       | > - CTRL-L in Insert mode is a command, it is not inserted.
       | > - CTRL-Z in Insert mode suspends Vim.
       | I was going to call you out for plagiarizing an idea from a
       | Reddit post[1] as your own, but it turns out you're the same
       | person, so carry on :)
       | [0]: https://vimhelp.org/options.txt.html#%27insertmode%27
       | [1]:
       | https://old.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/rxedpj/vim_prank_alias...
       | Grustaf wrote:
       | I feel that Vim is already sort of a prank in itself. One minute
       | you're happily source controlling away in Git and the next you're
       | stuck in some arcane console app.
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | As an experienced Vim user, I will _never_ understand why some
         | systems include Vi /Vim by default and set it as the default
         | editor, instead of Nano. It does indeed seem like a prank.
         | Liquid_Fire wrote:
         | Doesn't git just use whatever your EDITOR is by default? So
         | either it's your own fault for configuring it to vim, or your
         | distro for having such a newbie-unfriendly editor as the
         | default.
           | johnhenry wrote:
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30024353/how-to-use-
           | visu...
           | Grustaf wrote:
           | My "distro" is MacOS... I'm sure there's a way to change the
           | default, but now I don't have to google "how to quit vim"
           | that often anymore, so I haven't bothered.
         | scelerat wrote:
         | In case it needs to be said... you can count on vi being
         | installed on almost any unixy distribution, which is not true
         | of nano, pico, emacs or other common visual editors. On many
         | contemporary systems, 'vi' is an alias for 'vim' and there you
         | go.
         | You can change the editor Git uses by editing git configuration
         | or setting the shell variables $VISUAL or $EDITOR [1]
         | e.g.                   EDITOR="bbedit --wait --resume" git
         | rebase -i 5f882cfdec^
         | [1] https://git-scm.com/book/ms/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-
         | Configura...
           | int_19h wrote:
           | Arcane and obsolete Unix systems aside - which the vast
           | majority of users don't have to care about, or even know that
           | they exist - what modern Unix-like does not include nano out
           | of the box?
         | jtms wrote:
         | many would argue git is also an "arcane console app".
         | many would also argue they are two of the best tools in all of
         | software development.
           | bagacrap wrote:
           | agreed. I use git every day and I still have to Google how to
           | do anything that I haven't done in the last week, which is
           | probably 98% of the total number of commands.
             | Grustaf wrote:
             | I took the plunge and got Fork, a Git UI, a few weeks ago.
             | It's actually starting to make sense now. Sort of.
       | btat1-2 wrote:
       | When the age of rhumatisms comes, you are happy to have an editor
       | without Ctrl+alt+shift keys. That why I dropped Emacs for Vim.
       | jstanley wrote:
       | Another one I like is "alias vim='exec vim'".
       | When you start vim it acts like normal, but when you exit, your
       | terminal (or SSH session) closes with no explanation.
         | bduffany wrote:
         | Not directly related but I recently learned what exec does and
         | found it has some neat uses.
         | When I see tutorials that tell me to run `. ~/.bashrc` after
         | adding something to my bashrc, I run `exec bash` instead. Less
         | finger gymnastics, and cleaner.
         | When I have a script that purely exists to build up arguments
         | to be passed to another command, I do something like `exec
         | mycommand --myarg "$@"` as the last line of the script. No
         | unnecessary bash process lingering around.
           | eatonphil wrote:
           | If saving keystrokes is your goal, couldn't you just run bash
           | without exec to get the same thing with even less typing? The
           | only difference is you'll have to exit bash twice when you're
           | done.
             | mikepurvis wrote:
             | Non-FHS systems like Nix require a lot of per-executable
             | environment setup. This basically means that every
             | executable gets wrapped in some kind of shell script to
             | perform that setup, and some things can end up wrapped
             | multiple times. It's critical that those wrappers be able
             | to `exec` from one to the next or your system would quickly
             | be awash in bash processes just idling waiting for other
             | things to exit.
               | labawi wrote:
               | True, but doesn't seem relevant for updating an
               | interactive shell.
             | miduil wrote:
             | Because you'll end up exiting bash n-times once you're done
             | which gets annoying and confusing quickly
           | caymanjim wrote:
           | > When I see tutorials that tell me to run `. ~/.bashrc`
           | after adding something to my bashrc, I run `exec bash`
           | instead.
           | This is a bad idea. If there are any errors in your .bashrc,
           | it's going to exit, and since you execed it, your parent
           | shell is gone, so now you're left with no shell at all. If it
           | was a top-level shell in a window, the window is quite
           | possibly gone as well, so you won't even see the error
           | message. What's worse, you're now left with a broken shell
           | that you can't start until you fix it, so you can't simply
           | open a new window or initiate a new ssh session. There are
           | solutions to get a new shell without reading the defective
           | .bashrc, but most people have no idea how to do that and
           | would be locked out.
           | kccqzy wrote:
           | Just `exec bash` doesn't get you a proper login shell so
           | plenty of things will break. It's likely that you don't care
           | about login shells or not, but some will. But at least do
           | `exec bash -l` instead.
           | amarshall wrote:
           | Sourcing bashrc and exec-ing are not quite equivalent, but
           | most of the time it doesn't matter. E.g. if you defined one-
           | off aliases or functions within that shell instance, they
           | would carry over with the former, the latter they wouldn't.
           | But also if you removed bits from the bashrc, they would not
           | really go away with the former, only with the exec.
             | nerdponx wrote:
             | Most notably you will likely end up with duplicated
             | elements in PATH unless you take specific steps to prevent
             | double-adding.
             | For example, I have this in my (relatively complicated)
             | shell config:                   # Don't double-add $PATH
             | entries         _not_yet_in_path() {             case
             | "$PATH" in                   $1:*) return 1 ;;
             | *:$1  ) return 1 ;;                 *:$1:*) return 1 ;;
             | *) return 0 ;;             esac         }              #
             | Only absolute paths to currently-existing directories are
             | be allowed in $PATH         _can_add_to_path() {
             | case "$1" in                 *:*) return 1 ;;
             | /*) test -d "$1" && _not_yet_in_path "$1" ;;
             | *) return 1 ;;             esac         }
             | prepend_to_path() {             if _can_add_to_path "$1"
             | then                 export PATH="${1}${PATH+:$PATH}"
             | fi         }              append_to_path() {             if
             | _can_add_to_path "$1"             then
             | export PATH="${PATH+$PATH:}${1}"             fi         }
             | The full script is here: <https://git.sr.ht/~wintershadows/
             | dotfiles/tree/master/item/....>. Feedback is always welcome
             | on how I can make this better! The Zsh version of this is a
             | lot nicer.
               | JoBrad wrote:
               | Wouldn't it be simpler to just add everything into your
               | path, then split, uniq, and re-combine it, at the end?
               | Edit:
               | I use a .bashrc.d directory to store all of my bash
               | customizations. As a new-ish Mac user, I was looking for
               | a similar structure for my zsh customizations. Really
               | like your setup - thanks for sharing!
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | Happy it helped! Indeed, you can see in the Zsh config
               | it's all a lot simpler, taking advantage of `typeset -T`
               | among other things.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | That's a lot of work for avoiding double PATHing.
               | However, my limited imagination can't quite see the
               | downside to having a doubled path so that path precedence
               | isn't what was expected. Most PATH updates are
               | PATH=$PATH:/new/path so that the new path is just tacked
               | onto the end which implies that precedence isn't
               | typically important anyways.
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | The problem with "double PATHing" is that some things get
               | doubled and some things don't. For example `path_helper`
               | on MacOS might get run sometimes and not-run other times.
               | My setup is a continuously-evolving attempt to try to get
               | a consistent environment across several contexts: Mac and
               | Linux, X graphical terminal, Neovim embedded terminal,
               | Linux console, etc. Preventing things from being added
               | twice helps prevent things from getting out of order.
               | dylan604 wrote:
               | The out of order argument doesn't carry much water for me
               | though. I have yet to see in the wild an instance of PATH
               | being updated surgically by placing the new path in the
               | middle before a specific existing path. It's always just
               | tacked onto the end. Maybe I've seen it prepended to the
               | front PATH=/new/path:$PATH.
               | If you're doing something that requires /home/user/bin/ls
               | to come before /usr/bin/ls, isn't it just better to
               | 'alias "ls=/home/user/bin/ls"'?
               | gnubison wrote:
               | Well, the real solution here is to set them in
               | ~/.profile.
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | My "dotfiles" are used across MacOS (where all shells are
               | login shells by default), X11, and Wayland. So I have
               | some extra layers of safety just in case I mess something
               | up.
               | jrockway wrote:
               | I personally just completely overwrite $PATH in my
               | .bashrc. They aren't adding new system directories for
               | executables, after all. It hasn't changed since like 1970
               | :)
               | andrewaylett wrote:
               | case ":$PATH:" in             *:$1:*) return 1 ;;
               | *) return 0 ;;         esac          ?
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | What if the entry is already present, but at the end or
               | the beginning?
               | bewuethr wrote:
               | I use something like this:                 for dir in
               | /path/to/dir1 /path/to/dir2; do           case
               | :${PATH:=$dir}: in               *:"$dir":*) ;;
               | *) PATH=$dir:$PATH ;;           esac       done
               | If PATH isn't set, ${PATH:=$dir} sets it to $dir.
               | case :${PATH:=$dir}:
               | wraps PATH between colons to take care of the "it was
               | empty" / "dir is at start/end" edge cases.
               | The first case is hit when the PATH contained the
               | directory already (no-op); the second case prepends the
               | new directory to the PATH.
         | donquichotte wrote:
         | Ah yes, and "alias sudo='sudo rm -rf / &'".
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | I feel like there's a difference between pranks that drop a
           | connection and destroying data.
           | falcolas wrote:
           | Don't forget the '--no-preserve-root' flag.
             | estreeper wrote:
             | You can always spot the ones who have tried it! A
             | satisfying and poetic way to retire a system.
           | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
           | alias find=':(){ :|:& };:'
             | pmarreck wrote:
             | this a forkbomb? I'm not 100% sure
               | charles_f wrote:
               | this_a_forkbomb() { this_a_forkbomb | this_a_forkbomb & }
               | ; this_a_forkbomb
               | pmarreck wrote:
               | that's a brilliantly simple way to explain it, lol
             | meepmorp wrote:
             | fork that noise
           | hereforphone wrote:
           | I prefer to just set the server building on fire
           | Eikon wrote:
           | Or `mv /usr/bin/emacs /usr/bin/vim` :)
       | cafed00d wrote:
       | This just goes to show the immense cultural power of defaults
       | zibzab wrote:
       | Here is a better prank                   alias vim=mg
       | (mg is to microemacs what microemacs is to emacs)
         | ajsnigrutin wrote:
         | or just alias it to emacs with 'evil-mode' :D
         | https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil
       | ncmncm wrote:
       | Does -y stand for "yahoo mode"?
       | (Cf. Jonathan Swift yahoos)
       | tyilo wrote:
       | vim -y         nvim: Unknown option argument: "-y"         More
       | info with "nvim -h"
         | otherflavors wrote:
         | nvi: invalid option -- 'y'        usage: ex [-eFRrSsv] [-c
         | command] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...]        usage: vi
         | [-eFlRrSv] [-c command] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...]
         | shaicoleman wrote:
         | neovim [?] vim
       | usrbinbash wrote:
       | Nothing beats                   #define TRUE (__LINE__ % 10 != 0)
         | imglorp wrote:
         | That's truly evil.
         | echo "README: No such file or directory" > README
           | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
           | A friend of mine was doing a CTF that puts you into a chroot
           | jail. He could see the flag.txt, but trying to `cat flag.txt`
           | was saying "cat: flag.txt: No such file or directory."
           | He was absolutely stumped. I just said, "what if 'cat:
           | flag.txt [...]' is the flag?"
           | Sure enough. That was actually the flag.
           | gpvos wrote:
           | Back when security was less of a thing and the default $PATH
           | usually included the current directory: echo 'echo ls:
           | command not found' >ls; chmod 755 ls
             | mrmattyboy wrote:
             | Haha nice, so maybe:                   notfound() { echo
             | "$1: $2: No such file or directory"; }         f_cat() {
             | notfound cat "$1"; }         f_ls() { notfound ls "$1"; }
             | alias cat=f_cat         alias ls=f_ls
             | :D
             | And then why not obfuscate ;)                   . <(cat
             | <<'EOF' | base64 -d         bm90Zm91bmQoKSB7IGVjaG8gIiQxOiA
             | kMjogTm8gc3VjaCBmaWxlIG9yIGRpcmVjdG9yeSI7IH0K         Zl9jY
             | XQoKSB7IG5vdGZvdW5kIGNhdCAiJDEiOyB9CmZfbHMoKSB7IG5vdGZvdW5k
             | IGxzICIkMSI7
             | IH0KYWxpYXMgY2F0PWZfY2F0CmFsaWFzIGxzPWZfbHMK         EOF
             | )
         | fouronnes3 wrote:
         | export EDITOR=rm
           | Svetlitski wrote:
           | That's pure evil.
         | unionpivo wrote:
         | No put that into some libc .h file on host :)
         | dev_tty01 wrote:
         | I've always liked                   #define else
           | stkdump wrote:
           | Oh, that's good. My favorite:                   #define while
           | if
           | Of course it will fail for programs that make use of
           | do..while
         | ritter2a wrote:
         | What about adding "echo sleep 0.01 >> ~/.bashrc" to their
         | .bashrc (or whichever shell config file is used)?
           | bilalq wrote:
           | The real evil comes from putting it in ~/.bash_logout or
           | equivalent so it doesn't get as much visibility as a bashrc
           | might.
           | adwn wrote:
           | I don't get it. What's so bad/annoying about sleeping for 10
           | milliseconds whenever a new shell is opened? I don't think
           | anyone would notice. "sleep 1000", on the other hand...
           | EDIT: I misunderstood it as _executing_                  echo
           | sleep 0.01 >> ~/.bashrc
           | once instead of _adding_ that line to .bashrc - even though
           | that 's exactly what you wrote...
             | cto_of_antifa wrote:
             | Wouldn't it add another ten Ms every time you opened a new
             | terminal session?
               | unionpivo wrote:
               | yeah its windows 95 simulator :)
             | _flux wrote:
             | The idea is to add the 'echo ..' to the .bashrc, not just
             | run the command once.
               | adwn wrote:
               | Ah, now I get it. Thanks! That's evil, indeed.
             | longwave wrote:
             | It appends another sleep each time you start a new shell,
             | so it subtly slows down over time.
               | VHRanger wrote:
               | wouldn't it do so exponentially?
               | The first time it does it once, the second time the
               | statement is there twice so it does it twice, then 4, 8,
               | 16, etc. ?
               | Tesl wrote:
               | the third time the statement is there three times ..
               | usrbinbash wrote:
               | No, because;                   echo sleep 0.01 >>
               | ~/.bashrc
               | adds this to .bashrc;                   sleep 0.01
               | It doesn't add itself, so the sleep tie grows linear by
               | 0.01sec each time a shell is opened.
               | djrogers wrote:
               | No, the entire statement isn't added each time, only the
               | sleep portion.
         | marginalia_nu wrote:
         | #define while if
           | toxik wrote:
           | Perfect balance of harmless and annoying. I would probably
           | never figure it out. Maybe include a cryptic warning so the
           | person eventually looks at it...                   #define
           | while if         #warning "loop flow control substituted for
           | conditional"
           | layer8 wrote:
           | That fails if you have a do ... while.
             | toxik wrote:
             | May I then suggest...                   #define if while
         | wruza wrote:
         | I'd replace != with ==, so that issue at src.c:380 were
         | unlikely to be reproduced in a reduced case.
           | adwn wrote:
           | I disagree. You want TRUE to be _almost always_ 1. First, if
           | TRUE is almost always 0, the underlying problem will be
           | detected too quickly. Second, this will increase the chance
           | that any seemingly irrelevant change will cause the code to
           | work correctly, making any effort to isolate the bug a
           | frustrating exercise.
             | MadSudaca wrote:
             | If only we'd harness all this creative energy for good,
             | humanity would have transcended to a higher plane of
             | existence.
               | iso1631 wrote:
               | Better these pranks than using it for more malvertisments
               | usrbinbash wrote:
               | If we used the megagazillions we currently waste by
               | stuffing them into the military-industrial-complex for
               | useful things instead, we could easily end hunger,
               | provide medicine and clean water, give everyone acess to
               | moden technology and high quality education, fund tons of
               | useful research...
               | ...and still have time and money aplenty left for some
               | laughs on the way.
               | saimiam wrote:
               | Maybe the higher place of existence is to find humor in
               | playing subtle pranks on our fellow man. I mean, most fun
               | gods were also pranksters.
               | vidarh wrote:
               | Maybe our world _is_ a prank.
               | BoxOfRain wrote:
               | >most fun gods were also pranksters.
               | Eris is 100% the Greek god of putting this kind of thing
               | into your friends and colleague's code. I suspect she
               | also approves of `#define volatile` which could make for
               | a frustrating debugging session.
             | wruza wrote:
             | I thought I could mess that up in my mind, and indeed I
             | did. Sorry for the noise!
       | shaicoleman wrote:
       | How to quit vim in easy mode: Ctrl+o then :q!
       | elcapitan wrote:
       | Damn, that was the first time I didn't manage to exit vim :D
       | atemerev wrote:
       | Oh, so that's how I can finally use vim.
       | (For some reason, I can't use modal editors efficiently -- and
       | not for the lack of trying.)
       | throw7 wrote:
       | That's "easy" mode?!@#$
       | ryan-duve wrote:
       | This is amazing. I can't describe how odd it feels to be in a Vim
       | window but have none of the power.
       | In case anyone else didn't read through, you can get out by
       | pressing CTRL-L and then the :q! command.
       | iso1631 wrote:
       | What a ridiculous mode. How on earth is that "easy"? It's harder
       | than nano!
       | Nextgrid wrote:
       | You may as well just start a war by aliasing it to _emacs_.
       | cryptonector wrote:
       | "Easy" mode is not easy for me. The whole point of vi (and so,
       | vim) is to be a _modal_ editor.
       | VoodooJuJu wrote:
       | And it's still hard to exit.
       | nicexe wrote:
       | The real prank is convincing me to try vim's easy mode. I once
       | again have to search the internet on how to exit vim or resort to
       | a new session just to kill vim.
       | tombh wrote:
       | I actually use Vim like this, in fact I wrote a plugin to go all
       | the way and make it a completely "normal" editor [1].
       | It's endlessly surprising to me that still to this day Vim is
       | most commonly considered through the lens of its keybindings.
       | It's sooo much more than that! It's a lightweight terminal editor
       | with one of the largest, if not the largest ecosystems of
       | pioneering extensions. It really shouldn't be weird that you'd
       | want to take advantage of all that without having to submit to
       | the religion of modal editing.
       | 1. https://github.com/tombh/novim-mode
         | alpaca128 wrote:
         | That's why I can't ever get used to Vim plugins in other
         | editors. They assume the modal controls are what defines this
         | editor, while in truth that's just the obvious tip of the
         | iceberg and all other aspects are ignored.
         | For me Vim means no clutter, distractions or "help" nobody
         | asked for, performance, a powerful yet simple system for
         | keybindings, and keyboard controls that cover 100% of the
         | functionality.
           | weaksauce wrote:
           | It's nice to have the power of vim on top of an already
           | powerful editor with nice defaults baked in and an easy
           | ecosystem of extensions that all play well with the gui
           | underpinnings of your os. I use neovim as a server and vscode
           | as the editor. basically anything in normal mode is passed
           | through unadulterated and you have a full neovim backend.
           | it's pretty close to great. some edge cases that kinda annoy
           | you here and there but overall it's great.
             | newlisp wrote:
             | purists are going to be purist for sake of purism only.
               | tjoff wrote:
               | There are plenty of other reasons...
               | Neovim in vscode is pretty great but it is still quite
               | hindered behind vscode. It is also easy to get in weird
               | mental states when the editor panes and other vscode
               | panes behave drastically different.
               | newlisp wrote:
               | That's true, but IMO is just a matter of accustoming
               | oneself to some new ways of doing things, as long as the
               | tradeoff is worth it for you.
         | metalliqaz wrote:
         | There used to be a plugin called Cream for Vim that did
         | something like this. I quite liked it for quick GUI edit tasks.
         | Edit: looks like it maintenance stopped about 10 years ago
         | http://cream.sourceforge.net/
         | asicsp wrote:
         | Nice. There's a lot I've learned in this thread :)
         | dandotway wrote:
         | I tried to make vim work like VSCodium (VSCode on telemetry
         | diet), but found it too hard and gave up.
         | 1. How well do you handle the mouse in xterm? Vim actually has
         | fantastic mouse support in xterm (:set mouse=a), e.g. you can
         | use focus-follows-mouse scrollwheel to scroll individual split
         | content panes, drag click to resize the split dividers, etc.
         | (Although, last time I tried under WSL with the old-school win-
         | console, vim's focus-follow-mouse scrollwheel scrolling didn't
         | work there whereas emacs did work (with xterm-mouse-mode)).
         | 2. Can you handle multiple cursors gracefully (vim-visual-
         | multi) with the mouse like VSCodium? Emacs doesn't have a non-
         | buggy multi-cursor mode and I gave up on achieving this with
         | Emacs. I just use VSCodium now, which means allocating over
         | 300MB of system RAM and gigabytes of dedicated graphics VRAM
         | for its 'HW accelerated' rendering that decelerates all other
         | HW graphics rendering on my machine.
           | Arch-TK wrote:
           | You can achieve a significant portion (if not more) of the
           | things that people use multiple cursors for in other editors
           | (or even in vim) with just plain vim regular expressions and
           | other features. Every time I've used multiple-cursors (either
           | in vim or other editors) I've found it just plain slower,
           | less precise and less powerful than plain vim commands. I
           | would recommend looking at the features vim has to offer and
           | learning them to see if maybe they can make up for the lack
           | of native multiple-cursors support.
             | dandotway wrote:
             | The Acme editor, used by C creator Dennis Ritchie,
             | converted me to the Rodent Religion. The mouse is the
             | fastest way to point to something on your computer screen,
             | especially a quality gaming mouse with mouse acceleration
             | disabled. Pointing at things on a computer screen and
             | clicking is a highly competitive activity involving
             | billions of dollars annually; pro gaming mouse designs have
             | evolved to be lightweight and extremely efficient at this
             | task.
             | Pianists can rapidly move their hands to 100% accurately
             | strike keys more than a foot away at blink-of-the-eye speed
             | because they practice, and master mouse users can flick
             | their hand from keyboard to mouse to keyboard again at
             | blink-of-the-eye speed if they practice. Anchoring at the
             | keyboard is not the fastest way to edit text.
             | There needs to be a text editing competition organized with
             | prize money. Then shall all the world see that mouse users
             | best the Rodentless in battle.
             | If I need to double-backspace five different caret
             | positions visible on screen, I can Ctrl-click (or Alt-
             | click) to set multiple cursors faster than a master
             | vimmer's brain can devise a suitable ':[x,y]s/.../.../g'
             | command to accomplish the same thing. I know this because
             | I've used vim more than 20 years, and I also learned ed's
             | and sam's editing languages used by the original Unix gods.
             | The Unix gods switched to the Sam editor in the early 1980s
             | which is a bit like a mouse-oriented re-imagining of vi.
             | Then some switched to Plan 9's Acme in the 1990s, which
             | retains Sam's editing language. The Sam/Acme editing
             | language is not line-oriented like ed/vi/vim, e.g.
             | ':#3,#42' selects character 3 through 42 regardless of how
             | many newlines are between char 3 and 42 and does not select
             | to the beginning of the line before char 3 nor to the end
             | of the line after char 42. You can also do ':/re1/,/re2/'
             | and unlike vim this won't grab to the beginning of line
             | before /re1/, etc. Acme doesn't have multiple cursors
             | though and needs some TLC, it doesn't talk to an X server
             | efficiently and draw pixels efficiently because it's based
             | on Plan 9's drawterm. VSCodium does everything I need but
             | is ultra-bloated and I'd love lighter weight.
           | tombh wrote:
           | I don't use the mouse much, but yes, certainly in my
           | Alacritty/tmux terminal, the mouse selects, moves pane
           | boundaries etc. I've never actually tried a multi-cursor, I
           | have a feeling it might suffer the same fate as the auto
           | cursor positioning you get from snippet completion. But that
           | specific bug I've fixed locally
         | scelerat wrote:
         | > having to submit to the religion of modal editing
         | ha but that is indeed why i'm here at all
           | Aperocky wrote:
           | As I look about in the temple of vim, I see dedicated
           | believers of modal editing, they are the good ones.
           | I also see the heretics who are just here to take advantage
           | of INSERT mode, the heathens who come to insult our ancient
           | religion, and spies from church of emacs. I find their lack
           | of faith disturbing.
             | acomjean wrote:
             | Don't get me started on the Evil Mode emacs users, trying
             | to have it both ways.
             | https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil
               | bastijn wrote:
               | Did somebody say Spacemacs?
               | [0] https://www.spacemacs.org/
               | weaksauce wrote:
               | spacemacs is great but doom is night and day faster. I
               | use doom for just magit now and the startup time is
               | almost negligible and the other affordances are still
               | there if you want them.
               | spacemacs has a maintainer problem and some serious debt
               | that needs to be paid before it is a worthy contender in
               | my opinion. the whole you need to run on dev branch and
               | it's many (thousands?) of commits ahead of the main
               | branch and having many many stale/outdated/broken issues
               | is not tenable.
             | Yizahi wrote:
             | Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone,
             | panting and sweating as you try to exit VIM. How can you
             | challenge a perfect, immortal VIIIIiiiIIMMMmmm... _static_
         | qudat wrote:
         | > if not the largest ecosystems of pioneering extensions
         | Agreed! And the neovim plug-in ecosystem is blowing up because
         | of its support for lua: https://neovimcraft.com
       | freeCandy wrote:
       | So that's how it feels when people say they can't exit vim.
         | vidarh wrote:
         | That's what ^z and kill -9 is for... (yes, I know,
         | unnecessarily brutal; consider it a passive aggressive reaction
         | - it _feels_ good)
           | fsflover wrote:
           | https://github.com/hakluke/how-to-exit-vim
           | iso1631 wrote:
           | ctrl-z does nothing (well it's mapped to undo in "easy" mode)
             | vidarh wrote:
             | Ah. Yikes. But randomly bashing a few keys with control
             | held before ^z still worked for me... Random key-bashing is
             | always a good bet if stuck in vim.
             | (yes, I can usually get out of vim "properly" these days)
               | nostoc wrote:
               | Random key bashing in vim can have a lot of unforeseen
               | consequences for whatever poor file you had opened.
               | vidarh wrote:
               | Given I never _intentionally_ start vim, it 's generally
               | when I get thrown into editing some temporary file or
               | other on some system where I haven't configured an
               | editor. Not done any harm in the last 3 decades, so I
               | think the odds are decent.
               | fomine3 wrote:
               | If you open any file and just type "DZZ" (in capital),
               | you delete the first line of file and save and quit.
           | BoxOfRain wrote:
           | >yes, I know, unnecessarily brutal; consider it a passive
           | aggressive reaction - it feels good
           | Throwing SIGKILL at something that's misbehaving is very
           | satisfying, especially if you have a habit of personifying
           | your computer a bit too much.
           | dylan604 wrote:
           | Sounds like a good time to link to
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rG74rG_ubs
           | gnubison wrote:
           | Regular SIGINT will probably do the same thing (or SIGQUIT)
           | if that doesn't work. It's absurdly easy to create software
           | that misbehaves after a 'kill -9', because the only real use
           | for it is 60 seconds after starting the shutdown process for
           | the rare program that just won't exit.
             | vidarh wrote:
             | Yes, but not as satisfying...
           | andrewaylett wrote:
           | Hit the power switch.
           | (In my youth, I definitely resorted to doing that more than
           | once)
         | YeGoblynQueenne wrote:
         | Try ed. _That_ is how it feels when people can 't exit vim :P
           | iso1631 wrote:
           | q or ctrl-z. Not rocket science, not like having to press
           | Control-L (clear terminal) before quitting.
           | Symmetry wrote:
           | Indeed:
           | https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed-msg.en.html
           | >Note the consistent user interface and error reportage. Ed
           | is generous enough to flag errors, yet prudent enough not to
           | overwhelm the novice with verbosity.
           | Shared404 wrote:
           | Also vanilla emacs.
           | I just wanted to try out org >_< !
           | mFixman wrote:
           | ?
             | eliasbagley wrote:
             | The mighty ed has spoken!
             | toxik wrote:
             | ?
               | okl wrote:
               | eat flaming death
               | Shared404 wrote:
               | ^C
           | amelius wrote:
           | I tried your suggestion ":P"
           | It gave me:                   **warning** (netrw) using
           | Pexplore or <s-up> improperly; see help for netrw-starstar
         | avereveard wrote:
         | A quarter of support call when I was lab assistant for my uni
         | was students pressing ctrl+s in vim out of habit and getting
         | stuck in there.
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