[HN Gopher] My First Impressions of Web3
       My First Impressions of Web3
       Author : natdempk
       Score  : 376 points
       Date   : 2022-01-07 21:41 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (moxie.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (moxie.org)
       | mrkramer wrote:
       | >A protocol moves much more slowly than a platform. After 30+
       | years, email is still unencrypted
       | Traffic between email clients and servers is encrypted so can be
       | emails themselves; PGP can be used for encryption of emails and
       | authentication between email senders. But another story is
       | majority of people do not use PGP because of its bad UX.
       | tshaddox wrote:
       | > For example, whether it's running on mobile or the web, a dApp
       | like Autonomous Art or First Derivative needs to interact with
       | the blockchain somehow - in order to modify or render state (the
       | collectively produced work of art, the edit history for it, the
       | NFT derivatives, etc). That's not really possible to do from the
       | client, though, since the blockchain can't live on your mobile
       | device (or in your desktop browser realistically). So the only
       | alternative is to interact with the blockchain via a node that's
       | running remotely on a server somewhere.
       | > As it happens, companies have emerged that sell API access to
       | an ethereum node they run as a service, along with providing
       | analytics, enhanced APIs they've built on top of the default
       | ethereum APIs, and access to historical transactions.
       | > Almost all dApps use either Infura or Alchemy in order to
       | interact with the blockchain. In fact, even when you connect a
       | wallet like MetaMask to a dApp, and the dApp interacts with the
       | blockchain via your wallet, MetaMask is just making calls to
       | Infura!
       | > Imagine if every time you interacted with a website in Chrome,
       | your request first went to Google before being routed to the
       | destination and back. That's the situation with ethereum today.
       | This is a very common complaint about anything that claims to be
       | decentralized. It was also surprising to me years ago when I
       | first read about Bitcoin and realized that it's not practical to
       | maintain the whole blockchain on most clients. However, how do
       | ISPs fit into this analogy with "web 1"? Since we're assuming
       | that the original world wide web _was_ worthy of being called
       | "decentralized," doesn't this same criticism apply to ISPs? Even
       | if you ran your own web server from your own facility, presumably
       | the ISP was a third party that you had to (in some sense) trust.
       | dthul wrote:
       | The views on centralized services such as Infura really resonate
       | with me. A few months ago I looked into how Ethereum and smart
       | contracts work and got excited that there is basically this
       | shared "virtual machine" with persistent, public state that can
       | only be altered by interacting with those smart contracts.
       | But soon after it became clear that it is not really possible for
       | me (or any regular "client" as the article calls it) to look at
       | the state of the virtual machine and evaluate view functions
       | myself. The block chain is so large already that we need to rely
       | on big servers which are operated by other people to do this.
         | sva_ wrote:
         | I think you can use _geth --syncmode snap_ to get a snapshot
         | quickly with which you can interact with the Blockchain.
         | ssss11 wrote:
         | But there are other L1 blockchains already that aren't like
         | that (eg. Mina) and who knows in future what will come..
           | dthul wrote:
           | Good to know! I don't know much about the blockchain space
           | and have only looked more closely at Ethereum so far.
       | msgilligan wrote:
       | He's focused on Ethereum and NFTs, which is certainly the most
       | popular/obvious place to research. I think his analysis is
       | excellent and the article is worth reading.
       | But he does say:
       | > I have only dipped my toe in the waters of web3
       | Notably he doesn't even mention IPFS (which uses the pre-image of
       | an JPG to form the URL. Nor does he mention Bitcoin, which
       | provides a shared state layer as well as a currency and makes it
       | much easier to run a full node than Ethereum, which by most
       | measures makes the network more decentralized.
       | I prefer to use the term "Decentralized Web" or "Decentralized
       | Internet" and I agree with Moxie that it will take a long time.
       | I think Ethereum is fascinating and an amazing innovation and
       | (who knows) maybe eventually the off-chain pieces of its
       | ecosystem will become more decentralized.
       | Keep building, folks!
       | spenczar5 wrote:
       | This is the first enlightening article I have read about Web3.
       | Maybe that says more about how little I have read than about how
       | good the article is.
       | Anyway, Moxie seems very focused on the decentralization aspect -
       | that Web3 doesn't decentralize as much as we would like.
       | An alternative aspect is the "global ledger of ownership and
       | transferrence" though. Yes, interacting with blockchains is hard
       | so it is some through APIs... but there does still seem to be
       | something important about the idea that my ownership of something
       | on a blockchain is permanent, and exists outside of any corporate
       | notion of ownership, in a deep mathematical way. That's
       | fundamentally appealing!
       | But is it appealing enough to overcome market forces? I think
       | Moxie is right to spend a lot of time on the "nobody wants to run
       | servers" thing because it shows that most users are powerfully
       | motivated by convenience; if the mathematically-beautiful
       | blockchain ownership records remain inconvenient then they are
       | likely to be a niche attraction (like running your own mail
       | server).
       | golf1052 wrote:
       | This is a really interesting breakdown of web3 (or as he calls it
       | later on web2x2). I haven't dove into the world of web3 yet but
       | it does seem incredibly ironic that there's already seemingly a
       | large amount of consolidation around platforms to make web3 more
       | accessible to people. This is good for early adopters and artists
       | who are generating wealth during the gold rush but I don't think
       | it's good for "web3 the idea" as a distributed protocol.
         | ssss11 wrote:
         | It feels like there's alot of get rich quick types involved (is
         | a gold rush as you say) but over time the decentralised
         | principles will play out
       | newfonewhodis wrote:
         | dang wrote:
         | Please don't degenerate into flamewar.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | newfonewhodis wrote:
           | How is that a flamewar? Literally talking about the content
           | of the article.
             | dang wrote:
             | You started from the article and headed straight for a
             | highly repetitive flamewar trope. That's just what we're
             | trying to avoid.
             | Would you mind reviewing
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html and taking
             | the intended spirit of this site more to heart? You
             | unfortunately have a history of violating it, and we're
             | trying for at least a slightly better quality of discussion
             | here.
             | hammyhavoc wrote:
             | It isn't.
             | Re Dang: straight from your link, "Please don't post
             | shallow dismissals, especially of other people's work. A
             | good critical comment teaches us something."
             | Personally, I found the comment insightful. I don't have
             | all the time in the world to sit and pick something apart.
             | Make no mistake, the smart tl;dr of HN are what gives HN
             | any kind of value. Without that, may as well just use RSS
             | and Reddit. I'm already subscribed to Moxie, came to HN to
             | see what intelligent people have to say about it given that
             | I am no longer a Signal user, and am anti-cryptocurrency in
             | its current iteration, but pro-decentralization, which
             | makes Moxie quite an interesting choice for me to want to
             | actively follow the thoughts of as we feel differently
             | about many important topics.
             | There is no binary black or white to be established with
             | abstract, complex topics like these.
             | If it was any kind of bait, it was bait to discuss further.
             | That the whole USP of Web3 is supposedly ownership and
             | anti-censorship, and what's happening appears to be
             | opposite is definitely something we should be discussing.
             | What's the point of comments on HN if we can't use them to
             | discuss? It's a commentary on somebody's opinion--with
             | opinions.
             | Perhaps if you don't like opinion pieces then you should
             | simply ban them via these rules? I think HN's content might
             | end up a little thin on the ground in that scenario though.
             | Worth noting is what "guidelines" actually are, they're not
             | rules. If you would like them to be enforced as rules, and
             | expect people to treat them as such, start calling them
             | rules or ToS. But in that case, expect far less interest in
             | HN if you aren't going to permit open discussion.
             | Have a good weekend, Dang. Hope you and yours are healthy
             | and happy.
         | verdverm wrote:
         | If you read why indeed, it is because metamask calls the
         | OpenSea API.
         | All one has to do is call a different API for the same
         | information. It's not like it was actually gone
       | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
       | > People don't want to run their own servers, and never will
       | That's one believably accurate summary. But here's another:
       | rather than focus on trying to make it easy, cheap and simple for
       | everyone to run their own servers, the tech world spent
       | 1996-today instead focused on offering to take care of this for
       | everybody else, for a price.
       | Everybody concluded in the late 90s that the "nobody wants to run
       | their own servers" claim was self-evidently true, and so all the
       | tech development went into extending server capabilities,
       | extending browser capabilities, building hosting services and
       | infrastructure, and almost no effort went into making running a
       | web server as easy as, oh, I don't know, running Excel.
       | Imagine a version of things where the server was almost a toy-
       | like appliance. Hard to do? Yeah, I know, it's hard. But then
       | again, in 1996 browsers with Web USB, Web Workers, Web Assembly
       | and the like would have seemed impossibly hard and yet here we
       | are.
       | We don't have it because we chose not to build it.
         | PragmaticPulp wrote:
         | The personal server space is littered with failed startups.
         | Not because it's difficult to make turnkey personal servers.
         | Embedded Linux hardware is unbelievably cheap.
         | They fail because they don't bring any benefit against real-
         | world threats, but they come with significant downside risks.
         | If your house floods or your home server is burgled, your data
         | is just gone. So your home server ends up backed up to the
         | cloud anyway, and now you're maintaining a home server and a
         | cloud server when you could have just used the cloud service
         | for everything without the headache.
       | ericjang wrote:
       | I have immense respect for Moxie, who has spent time building
       | experiments and tinkering with a new technology, and as a result
       | has a take on it that highlights very different issues than what
       | most of the predictable web3 flamewar centers around. It makes
       | you really think about who is really qualified to discuss said
       | technology.
       | jwlake wrote:
       | Some of his points are out of date (given state of the art is
       | old), like royalties and immutable data. See ipfs, eip-2981, etc.
       | Other parts are very on point, specifically everyone using
       | opensea as authoritative for NFTs, which is crazy town. Opensea
       | has a dog in the fight, and they are very opinionated about
       | what's allowed in the tent and not. Things like etherscan and
       | infura are less scary. I can't imagine building a wallet and
       | depending on opensea for anything though, because your users are
       | not going to appreciate that choice.
       | codeptualize wrote:
       | Really great article, it's so nice to read a nuanced article on
       | such a flame war topic.
       | isItpossible8 wrote:
       | Uptrenda wrote:
       | Thin clients that verify transactions are possible though. For
       | something like Bitcoin you have SPV-proofs that prove chains of
       | headers. You can prove that a transaction was included in the
       | longest chain without having to run a node yourself just by
       | checking proof-of-work merkle trees; Even if the vast majority of
       | users end up running clients that don't verify the whole chain --
       | cryptographic trust would still be ensured by checking headers.
       | This requires no centralization.
       | Satoshi wrote about this architecture early on in scaling the
       | blockchain. Ethereum also allows light clients and I think it
       | even has checkpoints that make downloading headers faster.
       | Cryptographic protocols that verify smart contract results could
       | be included in Metamask. I feel like not mentioning this in the
       | essay shows a lack of familiarity with the literature even if he
       | was extremely opened minded (enough to create dapps himself.)
       | He did make valid observations about third-party trust: OpenSeas
       | and Infura. But in both cases: these protocols can be implemented
       | without centralized architecture. A decentralized alternative to
       | Infura (that provides reliable results to users and easy-to-check
       | attestations) is possible to build. One should also note that in
       | blockchain land the lack of incentives to run a full node is a
       | problem people are working to address. It's actually a perfect
       | illustration of how the blockchain can lead to emergent systems.
       | Some ledgers already have rewards for running full nodes. So yes
       | -- people do want to run full nodes -- they just want to be paid
       | for it.
       | reducesuffering wrote:
       | I do not look forward to immense backlash against "techies" when
       | normal people have been grifted out of what they thought were
       | their "savings" in crypto and NFT's.
       | milofeynman wrote:
       | > The project can't start as a web2 platform because of the
       | market dynamics, but the same market dynamics and the fundamental
       | forces of centralization will likely drive it to end up there.
       | Great insight.
       | I didn't realize for maybe 8 months that NFTs were not actually
       | storing the art on the Blockchain. I appreciate Moxie pointing
       | out the problems with this in an eloquent way.
       | intrasight wrote:
       | The first article on Web3 that I've read that drills into the
       | details and was written by someone who's not only kicked the
       | tires but taken the thing for a spin. And the conclusion: It's
       | mostly the bad stuff of Web2 combined with the bad stuff of
       | Crypto.
         | arcticbull wrote:
         | I'll be honest I had no idea that access to Ethereum is
         | effectively gate-kept by two centralized entities (Infura,
         | Alchemy). I knew there were only one or two true Ethereum full-
         | nodes, but the impact of that never quite clicked.
         | [edit] By "full node" I meant "archival node."
           | Scott_Sanderson wrote:
           | You're not wrong, but it can be a fantastic experience if you
           | do have your own self-hosted node. I run the geth node on a
           | linux server and can connect to it to send blockchain
           | transactions or retrieve information from the chain. Example:
           | my tax prep software took my wallet addresses and found all
           | my uniswap trades by querying the local node.
           | tshaddox wrote:
           | In what sense is it "gate-kept"? Isn't the complaint that _in
           | practice_ most people probably use those two services? As far
           | as I know those two services don 't do anything to try to
           | force you to use them, and people just use them out of
           | convenience because "People don't want to run their own
           | servers, and never will."
           | The potential for single points of failure (or even
           | intentional abuse) does exist because of this de facto
           | dominance of two service providers, but as far as I can tell
           | there's nothing stopping anyone from running their own node
           | and connecting their various cryptocurrency wallets to them
           | other than the money and inconvenience of running your own
           | server.
             | arcticbull wrote:
             | > As far as I know those two services don't do anything to
             | try to force you to use them, and people just use them out
             | of convenience because "People don't want to run their own
             | servers, and never will."
             | Indeed, but one could make the same claim re any Web 2
             | juggernauts like Google and Facebook. You don't _need_ to
             | use them, sure. You can start your own social network.
           | hrhrhrhrhr wrote:
           | go_to_moon wrote:
           | only one or two true Ethereum full-nodes
           | source?
             | arcticbull wrote:
             | I should have said archival nodes, the ones that keep state
             | back to the genesis block. I don't know if that number is
             | even tracked anywhere. I've read estimates ranging from 2
             | to 5. I'm trying to find where I read that, happy to be
             | wrong - or right, if anyone has data.
             | [edit] Here. [1] And here. [2]                 After
             | examining every which way we could think of to add the Trie
             | state to our Ethereum state, we asked Vitalik for
             | assistance. His first comment to us was "oh you're one of
             | the few running one of those big, scary nodes." We asked
             | him if he knew of anyone else running a "big, scary node"
             | to see if we could possibly sync with them. He knew of no
             | one, not even the Ethereum Foundation keeps a full archival
             | copy of the Ethereum chain. [2].
             | [1] https://librehash.org/ethereum-archival-node-review/
             | [2] https://blog.blockcypher.com/ethereum-woes-d9b2af62da67
           | exdsq wrote:
           | There's no real reason for this to be honest. The Web3
           | projects I've worked on tends to fall for centralized
           | services like Infura because of development needs at first
           | and then it's just easier to use it for production. I've made
           | a decent living for the last two years setting up test
           | infrastructure for Web3 projects due to its complex nature.
           | This is true across all blockchains, not just Ethereum. It's
           | an area ripe for new DX products.
             | spenczar5 wrote:
             | New products? Would those be more centralized platforms, or
             | is it feasible for me to connect to the blockchain, verify
             | stuff, and so on if I am running my own server?
             | It still seems that _my_ users on phones and browsers would
             | need to trust _me_ in that case, right?
               | exdsq wrote:
               | Oh it's totally doable to run your own node on your own
               | server! And thanks to the protocols consensus rules your
               | users can trust that for a transaction to go through your
               | node and be accepted onto main net your node is a good
               | actor.
               | So one example I'd give - every team I've worked on has
               | had to build a local development environment with several
               | nodes to easily spin up with a clean slate for
               | deterministic testing. Teams get sucked into tools like
               | Infura to set these up and then it's so easy to do the
               | same for deployment they do just that. I think there's
               | tons of room for Blockchain-as-a-Service tools to improve
               | development and testing processes without forcing
               | centralization on main net deployments.
               | spenczar5 wrote:
               | Okay. Why doesn't everyone do that, then? Why use Infura?
               | As is hopefully obvious, I am totally naive here; my
               | questions are genuine. Thanks!
           | jeroenhd wrote:
           | Bit that it'd be very practical, but the data itself is
           | shared so in theory every company could set up their own API
           | to render the blockchain into a readable, quick to access
           | format. Even the vanished poop emoji NFT would reappear once
           | someone else renders their view on the blockchain in the
           | right way.
           | The problem with this is that running servers that store and
           | process one or even multiple blockchains in a searchable way
           | is terribly costly and inefficient. In theory the public
           | ledgers are all safe against locking away data, like Google
           | or Microsoft could do with your accounts in the real web, but
           | in practice nobody wants to be the guy making a loss on
           | serving blockchain views.
           | If web3 ever gets off the ground, it needs more of these
           | access provider companies. Perhaps even a prebuilt system you
           | can throw onto your own server to participate, like IPFS and
           | other existing decentralised systems provide.
           | I'm still not clear on the actual benefit of the
           | cryptocurrency web other than the concept of "owning things
           | without legal protection or oversight" which I (and I believe
           | most people) have very little interest in if it comes at the
           | premium it comes at today. From a technical standpoint all of
           | this blockchain stuff is awesome, but it's an awesome
           | solution in search of a problem.
           | [deleted]
         | joe_the_user wrote:
         | A deep dive into this stuff is certainly useful. The question
         | is, of the people who were offended by shallowness of people
         | saying "this is obviously garbage though I can't be bothered to
         | investigate it", how many will say "ah, so here's a thorough,
         | technical and soft-spoken explanation why this is all garbage,
         | thanks".
         | SubiculumCode wrote:
         | I think you are over-simplifying the conclusions of the
         | article. The article presents a much more nuanced view, and
         | while it points to certain limitations and deficiencies of Web
         | 3.0 (and that on the Eth part of it), it also points to several
         | strengths of the growing ecosystems, and mostly comes across as
         | humble to not knowing how its all going to turn out.
         | serverholic wrote:
         | I find these articles to be a lot like criticizing tcp/ip
         | because Facebook exists.
         | Guest42 wrote:
         | Exactly,and it's also intentionally misnamed as web3 as if it's
         | an inevitable extension of current internet practices, rather
         | than a scifi buzzword fantasy of a small pocket of investors
         | (or small to moderate hedge of larger investors).
       | NotyoBiz wrote:
       | With regard to the last paragraph: Take a look at what Agoric is
       | doing. Basically making programming smart contracts less
       | difficult with JavaScript. Very interesting, worth a look.
       | superfrank wrote:
       | > People don't want to run their own servers, and never will
       | This kind of gets at the reason why I think a lot of tech
       | articles/blogs about what the future will be like are just
       | terrible. The wants of someone who is driven enough read and
       | write about the bleeding edge of technology are very, very
       | different from the general population. Like this author says,
       | most people don't want to run their own web server, but I'd go
       | even farther and say, most people don't really care about
       | decentralization or even data privacy. Getting most people to
       | care about privacy and decentralization is like getting a kid to
       | eat vegetables. They know they should, but the alternative has
       | more short term benefits. I think most people care about ease of
       | use over almost everything else.
       | People who write these articles need to be thinking about the
       | middle aged woman who still calls every video game system "a
       | Nintendo". There will always be some users for technologies like
       | web3, but until you can clearly demonstrate to that woman that
       | this new technology has value and is easier to use than the
       | status quo, you're never going to get mass adoption.
       | Connecting this back to web3, we're clearly not there yet. Almost
       | anything being done on web3 is slower, more expensive, and more
       | complicated than its web2 alternative. We may or may not get
       | there one day, but until we do, I don't see web3 being anything
       | more than a niche product.
         | jd007 wrote:
         | IMO this diagnosis is still one level away from a more
         | fundamental truism, which is that people don't want to pay
         | anything for digital goods. Running servers can and has been
         | massively simplified over the last couple decades, and I don't
         | see any inherent technical barrier preventing it from being as
         | simple as registering for an account on FB (i.e. anyone can do
         | it). The deeper problem is the lack of willingness to pay
         | (directly) for anything online.
         | The reason for this is complex, with lots of unclear cause and
         | effect dynamics (e.g. did our unwillingness to pay push the
         | ecosystem to gravitate towards ad-based revenue models, or the
         | other way around?). The inevitable race to the bottom between
         | competitors, under the massive incentive for platforms to
         | centralize/consolidate (if you charged any amount for your
         | service I can always under-price and out-compete you) is likely
         | a major contributor. We do not exhibit such reservations
         | against payment for anything physical, probably because of the
         | innate sense we have that anything in physical reality should
         | have a cost, yet not so in the digital world.
         | PragmaticPulp wrote:
         | It's refreshing to read an article that admits this:
         | > > Even nerds do not want to run their own servers at this
         | point.
         | I actually enjoy build and running servers, but only for hobby
         | purposes. When it comes down to anything business related or
         | critical, I have zero desire to run and maintain it on my own.
         | And I especially don't want to have to handle security for
         | large amounts of money that could disappear in an instant if I
         | make one wrong misstep.
         | xboxnolifes wrote:
         | > Like this author says, most people don't want to run their
         | own web server...
         | I know I certainly don't. I want to write my software and I
         | want to be able to deploy it somewhere and manage the things I
         | may care about for that specific software. As much as possible
         | I don't want to have to care about hardware, or routing, or
         | server administration, or user permissions, etc. Learning it
         | once? Sure. Dealing with it every time I have a new project? No
         | thanks.
         | So, I totally agree. decentralization and privacy _on their
         | own_ are difficult to market, as they aren 't nearly as in
         | demand as convenience.
         | guerrilla wrote:
         | > The wants of someone who is driven enough read and write
         | about the bleeding edge of technology are very, very different
         | from the general population.
         | This is very insightful. I wonder what else it applies to. I
         | bet there are tons of media sectors writing to irrelevant but
         | interested audiences.
         | > People who write these articles need to be thinking about the
         | middle aged woman who still calls every video game system "a
         | Nintendo". There will always be some users for technologies
         | like web3, but until you can clearly demonstrate to that woman
         | that this new technology has value and is easier to use than
         | the status quo, you're never going to get mass adoption.
         | I don't get it. I thought this used to be common knowledge. I
         | mean it's basically a TV trope, so why and how do industries
         | "forget" this?
       | nathanyz wrote:
       | Concise, well thought out analysis by a cryptographer on Web3. If
       | you believe in Web3, then you shouldn't dismiss this out of hand
       | as a hater. He truly tried to understand how it works by actually
       | building dApps. And the holes seem glaringly obvious.
       | What you should do if you believe in Web3, is take this as
       | constructive criticism and improve so that they holes are no
       | longer there.
       | karaterobot wrote:
       | I wanted to say that I appreciate his approach to stating why he
       | isn't sold on Web3: thoughtful, succinct, diplomatic, and based
       | on the results of an open-minded experiment. This is so much more
       | of an article I'm ready to engage with than the the "crypto is a
       | pyramid scheme, don't you get it you morons!?" articles.
       | lekevicius wrote:
       | While it's refreshing to hear critique from someone who actually
       | built something on web3, there are a couple of points where I'd
       | dare to disagree, somewhat.
       | Particularly, regarding "early days". It really is, still, early
       | days, because there is a lot of complexity in getting all the
       | pieces built. It took years to get overall blockchain going.
       | Then, to understand the need of programmability (smart
       | contracts). Other pieces too: more efficient consensus mechanisms
       | and clever ways to express commitments, decentralized storage,
       | etc. And the space is so far from being done.
       | Particulary, about servers being clients. This is true today, but
       | it would be wrong to say that nobody cares about it. Ethereum
       | developers spend considerable effort on pushing the idea of light
       | clients, going as far as re-architecturing the way whole
       | blockchain state is stored, so that browsers could actually
       | become fully valid clients, and services such as Infura would
       | become a lot less necessary. This requires cryptographic
       | innovations (verkle trees), client implementations, consensus
       | between participants, etc. It is likely to require 2+ years to
       | get there. Early days.
       | Another moment I would critique is the clever NFT, that displays
       | different things. Yes, ERC-721 allows any URL as metadata file,
       | so you can put traditional DNS-resolved URL there. But I would
       | struggle to find any "respected" NFT collection that actually
       | does that. Almost every high quality NFT project (Art Blocks,
       | BAYC, so on) has IPFS as metadata URL, and goes as far as to
       | freeze metadata, so it couldn't ever be changed.
       | Lastly, his discussion about value of decentralization is very
       | valid. Yes, Ethereum developers spend a lot of effort on light
       | clients. Will anyone care to use them? Yes, best NFT collections
       | freeze metadata pointed to IPFT... does anyone care? Success of
       | OpenSea and Binance Smart Chain shows that for many, idealistic
       | goals are irrelevant, as long as money can be made. That's fine.
       | But there are some of us who actually care. Majority has
       | uninteresting goals (money). There are still amazing gems to be
       | found.
         | spenczar5 wrote:
         | My understanding of IPFS is that there is some DNS-and-HTTP
         | translation step that resolves content to IPFS locations. Is
         | that correct, and is it immutable? How does that work?
       | devadvance wrote:
       | This is a really well-thought-out, nuanced take. I really
       | appreciate mixture of "but there are still servers", not being
       | able to stop a gold rush, and (refreshingly) the technical take
       | on the implementation details.
       | It stands in such stark contrast to other content. For example, a
       | web3 chat app announcement I saw yesterday [1]. I even joined the
       | Discord to learn more and just found...hype.
       | I found this parenthetical to be amusing:
       | > (visualizing this financial structure would resemble something
       | similar to a pyramid shape)
       | Pyramid-shaped financial setups indeed :).
       | [1]
       | https://twitter.com/MessagePartyApp/status/14791510011813765...
         | justinator wrote:
         | I was under the impression that crypto currency was thought of
         | as nothing but yet another pyramid scheme.
       | elliotbnvl wrote:
       | This article seems like it neatly encapsulates and explains why
       | I've subconsciously held off from jumping into the Web3 space.
       | It might be confirmation bias speaking, but I don't think I've
       | seen anyone lampoon Web3 so thoroughly, and it's nice to have
       | some well-reasoned explanations for why I feel the way I do.
       | EDIT: A further thought: this article is the first I've read on
       | Web3 that feels like it's actually important and I'm looking
       | forward to the discussion. Are there any real counterpoints to be
       | made against his reasoning?
       | titzer wrote:
       | > We'd all have our own web server with our own web site, our own
       | mail server for our own email, our own finger sever for our own
       | status messages, our own chargen server for our own character
       | generation. However - and I don't think this can be emphasized
       | enough - that is not what people want. People do not want to run
       | their own servers.
       | I must be stuck in the past.
       | It's true. No one wants to run an arcane, buggy, insecure, wonky
       | POS that needs constant patching. This is really a failure of
       | software and shoving all that up a level into the cloud is not
       | fixing anything. At least with your own hardware you can nuke it
       | and start over from scratch. With your own hardware (and disks),
       | you at least know where your data resides.
       | We live in a time where you can get a 4 TB NAS for essentially
       | nothing. You can drop a 8 core, 32GB RAM server on top of that
       | for less than $1k. I don't know what other people's scaling needs
       | are--who knows, maybe they need to serve 100 PB?--but it's a mind
       | blowing amount of computation. Most people can probably serve
       | their silly websites off that. If you can't handle your own email
       | load on a server like that, I honestly have no idea what you're
       | up to.
       | I kind of _do_ want to run my own ones of those things...but I
       | know (with today 's software) I'd hate it. Because even after all
       | these years, it kind of terrifies me, the metric shitton of stuff
       | I have had no clue how to do, and I know is way over
       | complicated...because _everything_ is way overcomplicated.
         | vorpalhex wrote:
         | I run a homelab, and also run a shared server for a few folks.
         | The hardware is easy. The software can be easy (if you let it).
         | The things that are tricky:
         | 1. Getting different software to all play nicely from the users
         | perspective. I can't even give my users SSO because most
         | software doesn't accept reverse proxy authentication!
         | 2. The gap in average computer skills. Some of my users are
         | engineers, most of them are not. My average user needs help
         | with password resets, remembering URLs and very basic tasks.
         | "Upload a file" is a _difficult_ task for the average user.
         | 3. Feature requests and keeping maintenance reasonable. A lot
         | of my technical users will ask me for feature after feature..
         | but not put in any time or effort to set things up or maintain.
         | I'm one person and I set a hard cap of how much maintenance
         | I'll do in a week, and that is a big limiter of stuff.
         | I have toyed with just charging my users a bit per month and
         | hiring someone as a basic tech, and honestly more of my users
         | would rather pay a monthly fee than actually work on the
         | servers themselves.
           | eatonphil wrote:
           | > 1. Getting different software to all play nicely from the
           | users perspective. I can't even give my users SSO because
           | most software doesn't accept reverse proxy authentication!
           | It sounds like you're referring to something specific here
           | but I'm not understanding. What kind of software doesn't play
           | well with SSO? And what is reverse proxy authentication? Do
           | you mean give users SSO as in give them an account on an SSO
           | system like Google/Okta/LDAP or do you mean use SSO as
           | authentication for a web app you're running? Even if in the
           | latter case I still don't understand what you mean by reverse
           | proxy authentication or what that has to do with SSO. (I've
           | set up SSO on my apps before and I've run SSO auth servers.)
             | vorpalhex wrote:
             | SSO is short for single sign on. It means users have only a
             | single login across all the parts of the system. That can
             | be something like "Login with Google" or it can be they
             | just have a single local user account that works
             | everywhere.
             | A really efficient way to make SSO work is to allow a
             | reverse proxy to do all the work. A reverse proxy is a
             | webserver (such as nginx or traefik) which receives all
             | incoming requests and then hands them off to the correct
             | bit of software, such as Plex or Heimdall.
             | Reverse proxies do lots of things but they help glue
             | different pieces of software together. It allows you to
             | have "http://plex.example.com" and
             | "http://heimdall.example.com" on the same server as a for
             | instance.
             | You can also have the reverse proxy handle authentication.
             | Users get redirected to sign in if they don't have the
             | right cookie and when the proxy forwards their request it
             | includes headers that give the username, email, etc to the
             | underlying software.
             | This way instead of both Plex and Heimdall having to
             | support a bunch of different sign in options, user
             | management, password resets, etc all that is done by the
             | reverse proxy. Your software just has to trust the reverse
             | proxy and get it's data from the headers.
         | alx__ wrote:
         | His point is that a majority of people don't want to bother
         | with the cognitive overload of running a server. Just like you
         | _could_ build your own car, very few want to. Often they don 't
         | even care what kind of car they have. As long as it can get
         | them from home to work and back again without killing them.
           | titzer wrote:
           | I mean, I get that. I have a mailbox on my house. Letters
           | come to it. I don't think about it too much. Bits come to my
           | house all the time but somehow those trillions of
           | computations keep flubbing this basic functionality.
         | bobobob420 wrote:
         | Are you talking about physical On-prem systems or just buying a
         | basic ec2 type server and renting some storage space? Because
         | wouldn't the first one require a specific business line to an
         | ISP for networking, which would require an office space and
         | other associated costs? Or are you referring to renting a
         | vanilla server and rolling everything yourself vs using some
         | automated deployment and build pack system?
           | chasd00 wrote:
           | I just did a speed test and got 175mbs up. That is
           | ridiculously fast and i don't have an out of the ordinary
           | home internet connection. Entire data centers use to run on
           | internet connections slower than that.
           | A mac mini, ups, and that connection is plenty to run any
           | kind of server for personal/family use.
         | diegocg wrote:
         | I don't want to maintain my own mail server, but I definitely
         | want to run my own server.
         | The irony is that modern internet infrastructure makes
         | decentralisation _more_ feasible, but software lags behind. Why
         | can't I buy some device for 200EUR or so where I store all my
         | data and I receive email? (with the cloud being used only for
         | optional encrypted backups). One can even imagine a
         | decentralised social network running in these devices, with my
         | friends getting updates by polling it periodically (or my
         | device sending updates to their devices). The device would be
         | powered 24h/365d, and if it breaks you just replace it. When
         | I'm out of home, my phone apps would just query the device to
         | get new mail and updates.
         | We shouldn't really _need_ the cloud for many things yet we use
         | it for everything.
         | elliotbnvl wrote:
         | This smells like the classic "you can build your own Dropbox
         | easily" comment. Just because it's technologically feasible
         | doesn't mean people want to do so.
           | titzer wrote:
           | Note, I didn't claim that. I'd love to put a box in my house
           | next to the cable modem that did all that stuff in a
           | manageable, understandable way, that wasn't some underhanded
           | subscription service that is going to try to squeeze me in
           | the future or whoops my data amongst its constant, silent
           | upgrading itself. But alas, no such box exists, and the
           | software components that would go in that box seem to need
           | constant babysitting and arcane configuration. Worse, it
           | seems like all those overcomplicated things keep having
           | critically bad security vulnerabilities and I'm just
           | wondering what the actual fuck is wrong with having a damn
           | thing on my computer that receives my email and serves a
           | webpage.
           | Pxtl wrote:
           | Yes. Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's easy.
           | I'd love to see appliance-level servers become standard, but
           | you'd need Google or Apple to throw their weight behind such
           | a thing to make it usable, since decades of server
           | software/hardware development has failed to produce things
           | that require less-than-professional-level users.
           | I'd love to buy an off-the-shelf box for my network, have it
           | act as a back-end for all my Google cloud-based apps and
           | email and serve my blog and my photos and automatically
           | encrypt and back it all up to a cloud storage system. But
           | none of the big players are interested in that kind of thing,
           | and the small players can't create replacements for the
           | entire Google or Apple or Microsoft server/client
           | architecture.
         | ssss11 wrote:
         | I think they key is: despite regular people not wanting to RUN
         | their own server, they do want to CONTROL their own server.
         | Current incumbents treat your data like tier asset, not like
         | custody.
         | This is because you pay nothing. The beginning of regular
         | people having empowerment begins by paying some fee to own the
         | product.
       | dang wrote:
       | All: this is quite an interesting article. It deserves much
       | better than the tedious flamewar that this topic has routinely
       | been converging to, so let's give it a go.
       | If you're going to comment, please focus on specific, interesting
       | things in the article that you're curious about.
       | Please _don 't_ post generic, shallow, obvious, indignant, and/or
       | dismissive comments--those are repetitive and predictable, we've
       | had more than enough of them, they're tedious, not what this site
       | is for, and we don't need more.
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
       | murat124 wrote:
       | I don't like that when an actually good successor to web2 comes
       | along it won't be called web3 because of this bullshit that they
       | call web3.
         | exdsq wrote:
         | What a uniquely insightful view, I had not read anything
         | similar on HN in the past. I particularly liked the second part
         | of your well-reasoned argument on the flaws of these
         | technologies.
       | pseudosavant wrote:
       | If you only read one thing on "crypto", this should be it.
       | ineptech wrote:
       | > People don't want to run their own servers, and never will.
       | Not really much related to web3/crypto topics, but I think this
       | is an indictment of servers, not people. If managing a server
       | were easy and secure, lots of people would do it - for blogs, a
       | minecraft server for the kids, to back up their pictures, and
       | yes, to store their bitcoins or other digital secrets - they just
       | don't want to manage a unix or windows server.
       | It used to be hard to install a webcam, now it isn't. No reason
       | server software can't do the same thing - all we need is for some
       | gigantic corporation to sink 100k developer-hours into it (which
       | sounds like a joke, until you remember that there are several
       | gigantic corporations who have very profitable side-hustles
       | hosting servers, and who would be creating a whole new class of
       | customer if they did this).
         | ericd wrote:
         | Yeah, I think the success of Synology's NASes speaks to this -
         | they're largely used as little home servers. And it could be
         | even easier if someone built a box that functioned as a router
         | and a server with dynamic DNS as an easy part of the setup. The
         | UI would have to be really, really polished, but I think it
         | could be done.
         | Symmetric home ISP connections would make these more useful,
         | too. Sadly, that's not the norm right now, but perhaps that's
         | because most people don't demand it.
         | pjsg wrote:
         | What is the _benefit_ to the average user of running their own
         | server? Most people (maybe even on HN) just want things to
         | work. We buy connectivity services for our phones and our
         | homes. I certainly don 't want to run my own Wireless ISP to
         | connect up my neighbourhood even if it was marginally cheaper
         | (until I account for my time).
         | We buy storage services (for lots of reasons) from Amazon,
         | Google, <your favorite backup provider>, etc. I don't want to
         | run a large NAS and keep it running and backed up.
         | We buy messaging services (voice, SMS, email, IM etc). I don't
         | want to run my own Asterisk VOIP PBX, my own OpenBTS node, my
         | own postfix instance, my own IRC server.
         | I buy power services (electricity and oil). I don't want to run
         | my own oil well, refinery, nuclear power plant etc. I do
         | actually run some solar panels, but the amount of cognitive
         | load that they cost me is very small. It is probably under 3
         | hours per year of having to fiddle with them.
         | In short, the _cost_ in terms of time and energy from me makes
         | it far cheaper to outsource all of these services to someone
         | else. This doesn 't prevent you from running any/all of these
         | services, but I would suggest that you are in a very small
         | minority.
         | Having said all of that, if I lived on an island with no
         | services, I might be tempted to run some of them myself.
       | smm11 wrote:
       | As long as I can stream stuff moving forward, I don't care what
       | Web version we're "on."
       | dddw wrote:
       | I enjoyed reading this article. The closer you look towards
       | cryptocurrencies and smart contract projects like nfts, the less
       | likely without a significant (state) player supporting these
       | experiments I doubt we'll talk let alone use these speculative
       | industries in a quarter century. Anyone can make an currency,
       | only a strong arm can force you to pay.
       | justinator wrote:
       | Does it look like I know what an NFT is? All I want is a JPG of a
       | gawd dang hot dog.
       | jdnordy wrote:
       | This is the best article I've found to help me understand what
       | Web3 is and how it actually works. Thanks op!
       | stavros wrote:
       | As much as I hate cryptocurrency as-it-exists, I'm very much into
       | its potential. Untraceable (eg Monero) digital cash that settles
       | instantly? That has the potential to disrupt societies.
       | The problem is that most societies don't have a particular need
       | of being disrupted, so people are perfectly content paying with
       | their credit cards, and why shouldn't they be? The UX is better
       | and the banks are fine as long as they don't piss off a too-large
       | portion of the population.
       | Still, I would love it if I could use, say, Nano (as it has very
       | limited PoW) to pay for things instantly and securely. I'm hoping
       | a miracle happens, but I don't think it will, or it would already
       | have happened.
         | wstrange wrote:
         | Untraceable digital cash facilitates crime, money laundering
         | and tax evasion.
         | None of these things are good for a stable democracy.
           | stavros wrote:
           | And perfect law enforcement means a stagnating society. Think
           | where we would be now if gay people were discovered and
           | punished instantly as soon as they kissed a person of the
           | same sex, or interracial couples were punished as soon as
           | they started dating, etc.
           | xboxnolifes wrote:
           | Pretty much any additional freedom facilitates crime.
       | clarle wrote:
       | As an engineer, I feel like this single post helped me better
       | understand Web3 and how it worked under the hood better than any
       | of the heavily hyped Discord and Twitter announcements of new
       | projects over the past year.
       | It's interesting how tightly coupled Metamask is to all of the
       | other big crypto / NFT marketplaces. Feels like the "distributed
       | web" portion of it has just been an over-exaggeration all along.
       | jagger27 wrote:
       | > [...] NFTs instead contain a URL that points to the data. What
       | surprised me about the standards was that there's no hash
       | commitment for the data located at the URL. Looking at many of
       | the NFTs on popular marketplaces being sold for tens, hundreds,
       | or millions of dollars, that URL often just points to some VPS
       | running Apache somewhere. Anyone with access to that machine,
       | anyone who buys that domain name in the future, or anyone who
       | compromises that machine can change the image, title,
       | description, etc for the NFT to whatever they'd like at any time
       | (regardless of whether or not they "own" the token). There's
       | nothing in the NFT spec that tells you what the image "should"
       | be, or even allows you to confirm whether something is the
       | "correct" image.
       | How did we go from trapdoor functions being the foundation of
       | everything in the space to forgetting to hash a link? Is the
       | rational that these links should only ever be IPFS links? That's
       | fine I guess, at least those are hashed. Why does the protocol
       | allow for this to happen?
       | endisneigh wrote:
       | If you care about the environment even a little bit (like turning
       | off lights in rooms you're not occupying) then you will reject
       | Web3. Even the most efficient blockchains use more energy than
       | the status quo unnecessarily.
       | This is also to say nothing of the fact that it's more expensive
       | per USD/KB transferred, slower and more complicated.
       | I think what Web3 should be is a way to use your laptop or any
       | commodity computer as infrastructure for your data, and there
       | should be APIs for websites such that it uses your computer as
       | the source as opposed to their own servers.
       | For example this comment could be saved on my computer, but
       | accessible to everyone viewing even if my computer is off via
       | caching, but ultimately I could invalidate and delete.
       | verdverm wrote:
       | This is not what I expected from Moxie. A writes very good
       | account of his experience trying to do some dapp / NFT stuff. He
       | eloquently draws attention to the problems that are based in
       | human behavior.
       | Definitely worth the read. Both sides of the debate could elevate
       | their arguments if they ponder what Moxie has written.
         | olah_1 wrote:
         | > Both sides of the debate could elevate their arguments if
         | they ponder what Moxie has written.
         | I appreciate that he fairly tried these different things out
         | and reported his experience. But I don't think he has noticed
         | anything particularly interesting or novel.
         | It's common knowledge that the plentitude of blockchains out
         | there now make compatibility between them almost impossible.
         | This is how Bitcoin "maximalists" came to be in the first
         | place. If reputation and trust is the game, it defeats the
         | purpose to have a million different blockchains.
       | [deleted]
       | durakot wrote:
       | I've known Moxie to often be right. And I think he happens to be
       | right about this.
         | verdverm wrote:
         | I'm perplexed with him writing this piece and, at the same
         | time, adding crypto based payments to Signal...
         | Has he written anything on Signal and payments?
           | durakot wrote:
           | I don't think there's necessarily any contradiction. This is
           | a critique of the Web3 paradigm (crypto all the things) and
           | not cryptocurrency itself for say, payments.
           | floren wrote:
           | > at the same time, adding crypto based payments to Signal...
           | Damn, and just when I'd been thinking how much I like Signal.
           | The goldrush when Keybase added crypto completely ruined what
           | had been a pretty good tool.
       | danielovichdk wrote:
       | I want to run my own servers.
       | Honestly.
       | It has always been a somewhat easy task if you pick an OS that is
       | secure and stable.
       | And today with all the Foss/oss there are plenty of reasons why I
       | would do it.
       | More Decentralised Please.
         | CameronNemo wrote:
         | Same. I'd like to make this experience better rather than give
         | up and give in to centralization. I know others have different
         | priorities, but I don't need them to use my servers. I just
         | need them to interoperate minimally.
           | dane-pgp wrote:
           | > rather than give up and give in to centralization
           | As for why Marlinspike might have abandoned the goal of
           | decentralization, I think Upton Sinclair might have some
           | insight.
       | fabian2k wrote:
       | At the risk of displaying my ignorance and lack of knowledge
       | about this area, one part I found very familiar in this article
       | is that the action interactions in his apps didn't actually
       | interact with the blockchain, but essentially with two
       | centralized services.
       | My very limited understanding is that for blockchains essentially
       | the way to distribute them is that every node has a full copy.
       | This sounds awfully expensive in the long run. My intuition would
       | be that once running a node is expensive enough, this would not
       | be truly decentralized. If I can't get the fundamental
       | information out of a blockchain myself on hardware I can afford,
       | the actual properties of the blockchain don't matter anymore as I
       | cannot access them myself.
       | The moment you need to rely on third parties, you lose any unique
       | properties a blockchain might have. I don't know how this would
       | work if blockchains inherently are inefficient enough that you
       | always need a way around querying them directly. I find the idea
       | of a distributed trust-less database interesting, but if it is so
       | inefficient that I can't actually access it myself that idea
       | doesn't seem that interesting anymore.
       | simias wrote:
       | >When you think about it, OpenSea would actually be much "better"
       | in the immediate sense if all the web3 parts were gone. It would
       | be faster, cheaper for everyone, and easier to use.
       | That sums up the situation for me. Having a marketplace for
       | purely digital goods _might_ be a concept with a future. Having
       | standard ways to interoperate between different platforms and
       | query and update these goods _might_ make sense (although I still
       | think it goes opposite to the general trend of walled gardens vs.
       | decentralized web, I don 't see why the IP owners would play ball
       | and accept the loss of control).
       | The thing is that in most case those NFTs wouldn't be trustless.
       | I see people putting forward that a use case would be an NFT that
       | proves that your Rolex is real, or for Fortnite skins, or for the
       | ownership of your house. But in all these situations, there's a
       | very clear authority (Rolex, Epic Games and the municipal
       | authorities, respectively). These authorities will be allowed to
       | mint new NFTs at will (because who else?) and as such have to be
       | trusted. That opens up interesting questions btw, like "who is
       | Rolex exactly?" which creates a chain of custody of trusted
       | authority involving trademark management among other things. But
       | I digress.
       | But then as soon as an authority is identified, why bother with
       | the extreme overhead (it terms of resources and costs) of
       | blockchain tech? Couldn't Rolex issue a PGP signed CSV of all
       | valid Rolex serial numbers once a month on IPFS and you'd get the
       | exact same security and trust profile without having to involve
       | any "web3" feature?
       | Like cryptocurrencies, the subset of problems that can only be
       | solved using NFTs is incredibly tiny and speculators rush to make
       | up use cases that, if you think about it for five minutes,
       | clearly make no sense and could be better solved using good old
       | centralized tech.
         | pshc wrote:
         | > Couldn't Rolex issue a PGP signed CSV of all valid Rolex
         | serial numbers once a month on IPFS and you'd get the exact
         | same security and trust profile without having to involve any
         | "web3" feature?
         | A serial number can be copied and engraved onto a forged watch,
         | so not really.
         | A more analogous scenario would be if Rolex embedded an NFC
         | hardware chip with a private key inside the watch, such that
         | anyone could wave their phone over their watch and verify that
         | the chip's cert was indeed signed by Rolex.
           | voldacar wrote:
           | > NFC hardware chip with a private key inside the watch, such
           | that anyone could wave their phone over their watch and
           | verify that the chip's cert was indeed signed by Rolex.
           | This is an excellent idea and I am now wondering why luxury
           | brands haven't started doing this. It would be super hot. One
           | would do it and suddenly they would all be doing it. Watches,
           | handbags, shoes, whatever
       | jfb wrote:
       | Could it be that people aren't really interested in undoing the
       | mistakes of Web2, but rather just kicking off a new round of
       | consolidation, where they could be the gatekeepers/platform
       | owners?
       | scotty79 wrote:
       | People happily run their servers when it's valuable for them. A
       | lot of people have torrent program running in the background.
       | Uptrenda wrote:
       | What he says about NFTs is embarrassing, lmao. I've personally
       | never bought them myself but I am enthusiastic about blockchain
       | tech. Is there really no commitment saved for an art work? You
       | would think this was basic shit. Maybe there is more than one NFT
       | protocol?
       | He also has a good point about centralization in 'blockchain
       | oracle' services. In major wallets I've often seen them just make
       | calls to blockchain / TX lookup services -- no cryptographic
       | proofs there (though in theory easy to add with 'spv proofs'?) I
       | also like that he went as far as to make two dapps before
       | critiquing it. This is one of the better criticisms of 'web3' out
       | there.
       | I don't think what he says about OpenSea being better as a
       | 'centralized' service is valid. Most of his critiques for the
       | downside of blockchain-tech seem to be Ethereum-specific. For
       | example, Solana transactions are blazingly fast, low-cost, and
       | there are nice stable coins on there. OpenSea seems like it would
       | be 'better' if it were an actual cryptographic protocol. Maybe
       | link it with IPFS + Filecoin.
       | CameronNemo wrote:
       | I like Moxie's work and writings, and this article has some great
       | points, but I can't get behind this:
       |  _We should accept the premise that people will not run their own
       | servers by designing systems that can distribute trust without
       | having to distribute infrastructure._
       | I'm not ready to give in. I am happy to leave "normal" (tech
       | illiterate and politically apathetic) people behind to reach my
       | decentralization goals.
       | I think instead of building centralized infrastructure that does
       | not require trust, we can make it easier to host decentralized
       | infrastructure. Including allowing a "server" to be offline for
       | months at a time, come online for a minute or two, then disappear
       | again. P2P networking is also an area we can improve on, IMO. Too
       | much information is going across the internet instead of point to
       | point. Bluetooth is a terrible protocol, but airdrop (and reverse
       | engineered implementations) seems to be promising.
         | vasco wrote:
         | > I am happy to leave "normal" (tech illiterate and politically
         | apathetic) people behind to reach my decentralization goals.
         | You realize this approximates to roughly "everyone that isn't
         | you"?
         | spenczar5 wrote:
         | What does it mean to leave normal people behind? Surely you
         | need to interact with them.
         | For example, you can run your own mail server, but you will
         | need to play by Google's rules if you want anyone on Gmail to
         | get your emails.
         | So, it's hard for me to picture what it means to _personally_
         | decentralize without caring what the bulk of people do.
         | dama0 wrote:
         | > I'm not ready to give in. I am happy to leave "normal" (tech
         | illiterate and politically apathetic) people behind to reach my
         | decentralization goals.
         | Which should be already possible with with the current
         | offerings around selfhosting applications and p2p technologies.
         | But as the same time you need to accept that the "normal"
         | people would probably be happy to, in turn leave you behind to
         | reach their goal of being able to use all service available
         | without needing to concern themself with running their own
         | server.
       | somishere wrote:
       | Great article. Would love to read an equally solid rebuttle. Can
       | I suggest Web2^0?
       | boulos wrote:
       | Some of this echoes Matt Levine's take on crypto and DeFi
       | generally: you will repeatedly see the re-learning the lessons of
       | hundreds/thousands of years of traditional finance.
       | I'm not sure that the "mobile device can't act as a node" is
       | fundamental (it's more a quirk of the _current_ systems), but
       | "nobody wants to run their own server" => "centralization" is a
       | great reminder:
       | > I think this is very similar to the situation with email. I can
       | run my own mail server, but it doesn't functionally matter for
       | privacy, censorship resistance, or control - because GMail is
       | going to be on the other end of every email that I send or
       | receive anyway. Once a distributed ecosystem centralizes around a
       | platform for convenience, it becomes the worst of both worlds:
       | centralized control, but still distributed enough to become mired
       | in time.
       | purplesnowflake wrote:
       | Moxie is no fan of decentralization. And he made why very clear
       | with concise and incisive arguments.
         | newfonewhodis wrote:
         | At least wrt Signal, I think he prefers the trust be in the
         | protocol and not the organization or business model.
         | slibhb wrote:
         | His argument here is that web3, as it exists today, isn't
         | actually decentralized. Also:
         | > These technologies immediately tended towards centralization
         | through platforms in order for them to be realized, that this
         | has ~zero negatively felt effect on the velocity of the
         | ecosystem, and that most participants don't even know or care
         | it's happening. This might suggest that decentralization itself
         | is not actually of immediate practical or pressing importance
         | to the majority of people downstream, that the only amount of
         | decentralization people want is the minimum amount required for
         | something to exist, and that if not very consciously accounted
         | for, these forces will push us further from rather than closer
         | to the ideal outcome as the days become less early.
         | Per the post, he's in favor of decentralization that "uses
         | cryptography (rather than infrastructure) to distribute trust,"
         | he's just skeptical that web3 will head in this direction.
         | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
         | And his arguments in favour of centralization are flawed. Sure,
         | regular people do not want to run their own (email, chat, etc)
         | servers. But they DO want to be able to chose from a handful of
         | available servers the one they like best (or the one they trust
         | most), without losing connectivity with their contacts. Tired
         | of Google's shenanigans, move from Gmail to Protonmail, tell
         | your contacts your new email, set up an autoresponder, all is
         | fine. When you move away from a centralized silo like Signal,
         | you'll have to move all your chat buddies with you to a new
         | platform.
           | ianbicking wrote:
           | If you read the section "Recreating this world" it addresses
           | this pretty directly
             | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
             | Directly, and not convincingly at all. He presents just one
             | use case, which, coincidentally, is the only one that casts
             | the service he runs in a really good light. There are other
             | use cases, like several email users leaving Gmail
             | altogether, escaping from what he calls "the worst of both
             | worlds". And his alternative? Using the centralized service
             | (preferrably, the one he runs), because, he promises, _this
             | one will be totally different_ , aha.
           | skybrian wrote:
           | Some people say they want this, but in practice, why you
           | should trust someone you've never heard of?
           | Network effects aside, consider the difficulty of deciding
           | that the people behind a fork of Chrome or Signal are
           | trustworthy. The average person doesn't have the knowledge to
           | do due diligence, and many of us who could (in theory) don't
           | want to bother.
           | How do you get to the point where people think your team of
           | software developers is legitimate? Decisions like this are
           | based on what everyone else is using.
           | One reason that app stores serving sandboxed apps are popular
           | is that you don't have to evaluate each software developer's
           | organization just to play their games.
         | zaik wrote:
         | You might be interested in the refutation of some of those
         | arguments by Daniel Gultsch: https://gultsch.de/objection.html
       (page generated 2022-01-07 23:00 UTC)