[HN Gopher] Is the madness ever going to end?
       Is the madness ever going to end?
       Author : zaik
       Score  : 73 points
       Date   : 2022-01-11 21:15 UTC (1 hours ago)
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       | the_only_law wrote:
       | I mean, I don't necessarily disagree with the main point, but
       | this feels like a short argument with straw-men and poor faith.
       | Personally, I think another commenter got it right pointing to
       | commoditization (interestingly I find the commoditization of
       | computing in general has greatly decreased my interest in it, but
       | that's a me problem), though I always find the ire towards web
       | dev as the root of all evil to be a little too strong. There's a
       | lot of bullshit, but I see bullshit in plenty of other domains as
       | well. Web development just has the status of being the largest
       | platform at the time.
       | Also over abstracting is bad, so is over/pre-optimization and
       | frameworks can add a ton of unnecessary overhead, but y'know,
       | something about hammers. That being said, I'd rather inherit an
       | overcomplicated Laravel application from someone that an
       | overcomplicated raw-PHP monolith.
       | kokanator wrote:
       | Agree but confused....
       | Asking a few questions in response would be meaningful:
       | Do you ever write scripts to solve routine tasks so you don't
       | have to do them over and over again?
       | Of course you do. Most ( not all ) of these examples are
       | attempting to abstract a problem. In some cases they do that well
       | in other cases they don't.
       | Have you upgraded your OS in the last 20 years?
       | Again, of course you have. Each of those upgrades have some
       | useful and some not so useful things.
       | Did you upgrade your vehicle to a Tesla?
       | I can't answer this one but the same applies here. If you want to
       | state "well yes because it helps the environment." My response
       | would be simply a large number of auto advancements over the last
       | 20-30 years makes the vast majority of that a reality for you.
       | So no, you will not stop attempts at progress. Some will win and
       | others will become Studebakers but this is the activity that
       | drives innovation.
       | creamytaco wrote:
       | It's called "commoditization". Since programming is now a
       | commodity, the barrier to entry had to be lowered in order to
       | pump up the numbers. Growth at all costs!
       | There is still rock-solid engineering to be found, usually in
       | domains where the stakes are high (for example, fintech), but
       | anything web-related is best kept away from if one is allergic to
       | bullshit.
       | [deleted]
       | root_axis wrote:
       | The author is fighting a strawman. Rather than engage with the
       | specific problems these solutions were built to solve they
       | dismissively regard them as just flavor of the week trends purely
       | for the sake of chasing newness. This is true of the entire post,
       | but I'll tackle just one since it's emblematic of my issues with
       | all the rest:
       | The argument for Electron and React Native isn't "it's modern",
       | it's "it's much cheaper". Hiring experienced desktop application
       | devs to build a quality native app for each platform is going to
       | be expensive, hiring a few JS bootcampers to build one react UI
       | that works on every platform is extremely cheap - shittier
       | performance is the tradeoff to instantly have access to every
       | platform. It's not a coincidence that Electron apps like e.g.
       | Slack, Spotify, Discord are massively dominant players in their
       | markets, I doubt you'd look the engineering leads of these
       | companies in the face and tell them that you believe they put no
       | thought into the tradeoffs of Electron and that they're just
       | following trends.
         | bengale wrote:
         | The whole "newness" idea seems odd anyway considering electron
         | must be coming on ten years old now.
         | > The argument for Electron and React Native isn't "it's
         | modern", it's "it's much cheaper".
         | This is spot on. I've worked on a big electron project before
         | for a massive firm and a lot of work was done before picking
         | that direction. Proof of concept was done for a couple of
         | alternatives but electron ended up better on balance.
       | jokethrowaway wrote:
       | It's not going to end until companies realise the waste or there
       | are enough developers to satisfy demand.
       | Right now developers are in demand, they can charge a premium and
       | they need to justify a career by filling their resume with
       | accomplishments.
       | OSS (unmaintained or overengineered is fine) is unfortunately one
       | of these.
       | This problem would be greatly diminished if we had small
       | companies delivering value and getting paid based on that -
       | thriving or ceasing to exists if needed. Instead big corps lead
       | the way and pay politicians to complicate regulations and keep
       | the status quo.
       | The bigger the corp the more it resembles a government:
       | inefficient, full of useless layers and completely detached from
       | actual performance.
       | Most engineers will live all their career in a place where their
       | input doesn't influence much the success of the company and they
       | will be awarded plenty of time to dedicate to new non-
       | innovations.
       | dave333 wrote:
       | Interesting that the Unix command line is still just as
       | functional and useful as it was 40 years ago and yet the UI
       | frameworks have been thrown away and replaced every 2 or 3 years.
       | My personal experience with UI has been Openwindows, X/Motif,
       | Java, HTML/CSS, pLain old Javascript, ExtJS, jQuery, Dojo,
       | Angular - various incompatible versions, and React. Glad I
       | finally got to retire!
       | andrewstuart wrote:
       | >> They keep inventing "revolutionary new ways" of doing the
       | exact same thing that could be done in a dozen ways already.
       | This is not true - we are not doing the same things as years ago.
       | The rest of the argument falls apart after this is understood.
       | dexwiz wrote:
       | No it probably won't end. No you are not a dinosaur, but
       | development has changed. Decades ago you could build an app from
       | the ground up. This gave you a bunch of different layers to
       | compose, and probably made the app overall simpler. Now most
       | developers are given a box to create their feature in whether
       | it's a Spring Bean, a React Component, or a serverless function,
       | with an entire application stack under it. You could have each
       | developer or team manager their own stack, and thus get
       | microservices. But now you have just pushed your complexity from
       | a single monolithic app to the space between all the individual
       | apps.
       | At the end of the day, naked tech has no value. It's only the
       | end-user features that make money. The industry has optimized for
       | this, and that is what gives rise to all these seemingly insane
       | practices. They aren't great from a pure tech perspective, but
       | they help speed up feature development.
       | Paradoxically, the community still values naked tech much higher
       | than end-user features. That is why the community heroes are
       | those who write kernels and frameworks. So you have a million
       | developers all trying to "make it big" with their bespoke
       | framework. 99% of these go no where, but even that 1% that gain
       | some traction just add to the constant churn of `inventing
       | "revolutionary new ways" of doing the exact same thing.`
         | torstenvl wrote:
         | That's an interesting and valuable perspective. I'm definitely
         | one of the people who keep reinventing things that have already
         | been done before, even though I'm not very good. But since I
         | don't use programming to put food on the table, maybe that's
         | okay - it's more of a hobby/educational endeavor than anything
         | important.
         | All the same, maybe if I spent less time writing, e.g., yet
         | another dictionary/map, I could actually make something
         | worthwhile.
         | Simon_O_Rourke wrote:
         | That's a great perspective, but are those peeps writing the
         | unused frameworks just wasting their time to solve a question
         | nobody has asked?
         | Take the D language, it's basically a poor man's Java, with a
         | shoddy garbage collector and aspirations at being C/C++... Is
         | that the work of heroes or the misguided?
           | strictfp wrote:
           | Sorry, but D is a good idea and much closer to golang in my
           | book, plus a lot earlier. They just didn't have the funding.
           | johnny22 wrote:
           | Can't it be both? or none of the above? I don't know anything
           | about D specifically, but effort spent here is likely to be
           | valuable elsewhere. Either because of techniques learned, or
           | approaches validated.
           | Even if D never catches on, folks will learn from what
           | they've done. And the folks who did it, will likely be able
           | to get jobs in the field. I doubt the effort is truly wasted.
           | dexwiz wrote:
           | Are they solving a question no one asked, or a question that
           | already has an answer? If there is already a clear answer,
           | then it's probably a waste of time. Your answer needs to be
           | better, and that is rare. When your answer is better, then
           | its a paradigm shift to some. To others the answer is no
           | better, and then it's just the infinite reinvention.
           | It's even rarer to answer a question that no one has yet
           | asked. Then you are a revolutionary.
       | KennyBlanken wrote:
       | Will random tech people with blogs ever going to stop submitting
       | clickbait-titled blog posts?
       | The actual subject of the rant:
       | > Why in the world has this idiotic trend of abstracting
       | everything away by layers upon layers of complexity gained such a
       | strong foothold in the industry?
         | bdavis__ wrote:
         | up next, chapter 2, about the docker infrastructure.
       | gaze wrote:
       | The piece is kinda whiney and comes off like "get off my lawn!"
       | and doesn't really add much beyond the myriad of other
       | complaints. Thing is that I don't really think that many people
       | love developing this way, it's just that nobody will pay anyone
       | to shovel our way out from under this mess of technical debt. GUI
       | development on windows is a schizophrenic mess and then you want
       | to be cross platform? The only options are Qt, Wx, and
       | Electron... or imgui... or lispworks CAPI or something. Electron
       | has permissive licensing and you can hire JS devs and most
       | importantly you can externalize a fair bit of the debt onto the
       | end user as power and compute resource consumption.
       | It's just like everything else in today's economy -- incredibly
       | short sighted and whatever you make will either evaporate or be
       | someone else's problem in short order. But, that's how you behave
       | in such an environment! You'd get fired for writing a cross
       | platform toolkit if the the expectations are set through the
       | current climate of shipping shit apps quickly. Apps that function
       | just well enough to retain a subscription or shovel ads or mine
       | data or upsell or whatever.
       | You'd have to change the entire reason why people are paid to
       | write software to fix this. People aren't "stupid," they're on
       | average lowish skill (JS bootcamp to first hire...) and behaving
       | rationally under the incentives.
       | danesparza wrote:
       | You have a misspelling in your second sentence.
       | You also seemed to be focused on only web development. I would
       | argue that "IT people" are not limited to web development -- and
       | that you're overlooking the entire maker movement (including
       | Raspberry Pi's and Arduinos), the breathtaking development going
       | on with self-driving cars, and the development still taking place
       | with AI.
       | But as always -- follow the money. Old school engineering shops
       | got their money from the military (the internet is thanks to
       | DARPA, after all). Web 1.0 got it's money from selling physical
       | goods. Web 2.0 got it's money from venture capital and digital
       | goods. What are we selling now?
       | jcoletti wrote:
       | "They constantly crash..."
       | Putting aside the downsides and reasons not to use Electron, this
       | statement is just false. They are not "constantly crashing." I
       | currently use at least Figma, Insomnia, Slack, Spotify, and VS
       | Code and these apps rarely crash, if ever.
         | Trasmatta wrote:
         | The memory arguments are valid, but I don't think I've ever
         | once had an Electron application crash on me. Contrasted with
         | older native applications that would crash on a weekly basis.
         | wccrawford wrote:
         | It's possible that they crash constantly on that person's
         | computer, especially if they have a bad power supply or other
         | hardware. The problem might just be their own.
       | Damogran6 wrote:
       | Thank you for articulating this better than I could have. We had
       | HTTPD...Then Apache2, then nginx...and a guy here is messing with
       | GPU visualization and introduced me to caddy...which is better,
       | for reasons. And just today I saw gunicorn (which I thought was
       | gun-i-corn for a moment) and I see it's been around for YEARS.
       | And I feel old. It used to be you secured a system when you knew
       | every single thing that was running on it. Those days are long
       | looooong gone.
       | And today, I had to go find Visual Studio 2019 because hashcat
       | needs CUDA needs VS19 and Microsoft REALLY wants you to use VS22,
       | but CUDA doesn't support it.
       | And so it goes.
       | LeicaLatte wrote:
       | Not with that font.
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | > In the past IT people, whether we're talking about programmers
       | or something else, where very clever people. People with a high
       | level of intelligence that took serious pride in doing things in
       | a meaningful and pragmatic way.
       | Uh, no, IT people were idiots decades ago too. I was one of those
       | idiots. I've watched myself become less of an idiot, over a very
       | long period of time, because I can see my old self in other
       | people today. But even that is a fallacy - I'm not actually less
       | of an idiot, I just see my old idiocy and assume because I've
       | seen it that I'm smarter now.
       | I find the "impostor syndrome" meme pretty funny. Tech people
       | seem to get impostor syndrome when their egos develop a crack and
       | they see their own lack of understanding, and worry somebody else
       | will see it too. But then a tech person with a stronger ego
       | convinces them that it's all fine, because actually we're all
       | either idiots or geniuses and nobody can tell the difference.
       | The tech industry is basically at the same level of advancement
       | as people who built small buildings in the medieval period. Large
       | enough that you need an experienced craftsman to put it together,
       | but small enough that they're not using geometry or doing the
       | math necessary to safely build large structures. The idiocy will
       | continue until society forces this industry to be a real
       | regulated engineering discipline.
       | timmy2ply wrote:
       | I'll offer a counter, perhaps, unpopular opinion. I too, have
       | found myself at times mentally fighting against what appears to
       | be a tidal wave of modern software techniques. But I don't do
       | that anymore, these days I try to embrace them using an
       | ecological perspective. They won't all be great ideas, some will
       | prevail while others fail, some will even survive well while at
       | the same time layering complexity and loss of performance on the
       | industry. However, I now see them all as being necessary
       | experiments to further the technological advancements of the
       | industry. Even if they are bug ridden, security nightmares, they
       | all work to provide selective pressure and refinement by the
       | industry in the aggregate. Upon close inspection, it looks like a
       | mess, but if you back out and see it akin to our own bio-
       | diversity and natural selection processes, you may begin to
       | appreciate the wide variety of techniques and talents we have to
       | choose from and that over time we should expect a refinement of
       | our abilities.
       | arilotter wrote:
       | > The entry barrier to programming needs to [be] high!
       | I strongly disagree with this sentiment. I think the author's
       | view that frameworks like Electron offer "no value over a native
       | desktop application what so ever - well, perhaps with the only
       | exception that now a 2 year old baby can make something shiny
       | that you can click on with your mouse." is missing the point that
       | a "2-year-old baby" making something shiny you can click on is an
       | amazing feat, and an example of the power of the democratization
       | of computing technology.
       | I do agree that tech stacks are increasingly obtuse, and not
       | something any one person can carry in their head. I do agree that
       | this is problematic. However, I really believe that the more
       | individuals get access to a technology and have their barriers to
       | using it removed, the better odds we have of letting someone with
       | great ideas execute those ideas.
       | modzu wrote:
       | "where very clever people"
       | Koshkin wrote:
       | > _and while we 're add it_
       | I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here
       | for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong.
       | In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues
       | are a blessing in the skies...
         | emaginniss wrote:
         | This comment was _chief 's kiss_. Bone apple tea!
       | etaioinshrdlu wrote:
       | I thought this was going to be about blockchain, or something
       | else hypey like the Metaverse.
       | Instead, it complains about stuff like Electron.
       | I think the author is wrong that the technologies he complains
       | about are all that bad.
       | Also, there was no world in which a traditional Unix system was a
       | good experience for a regular person, and it's never going to
       | happen.
       | lvs wrote:
       | ITT: lots of people who have promoted one trivial web technology
       | or another who feel personally attacked by the post.
         | lezojeda wrote:
         | The one who feels personally attacked is the article's writer
         | IMO. From this article and others from his website you can see
         | he clearly has a problem with new developers, especially those
         | from JavaScript. A lot of resentment can be read between lines.
       | afarrell wrote:
       | > Programming is engineering
       | Is it?
       | Genuine question that I've been asking myself for the past
       | several years: In what senses is software engineering actually an
       | engineering discipline?
       | If you make a project trade-off for the sake of code
       | maintainability, is that based on empirically tested knowledge or
       | following a design pattern guided by an artisan's intuition about
       | how code will be interpreted?
       | motohagiography wrote:
       | When you solve a problem, you deprive someone of one they can
       | manage / extract value from, and so they invent new ones to
       | manage. Problem solvers aren't actually that clever, they're more
       | like beasts of burnden or working donkeys (asses) who have become
       | wise to how they are being managed, but this doesn't change the
       | fact that they are still asses. Most frameworks are new ways to
       | favourably manage solved problems, and pointing out this fact
       | without understanding it's on purpose is what a smart ass would
       | do. (I am very much a smart ass.)
       | When it clicks that most people are miserable because it works
       | for them and most problems are trivial but for it being someone's
       | job to manage it and ensure it's never solved, you can probably
       | find some peace.
       | tlackemann wrote:
       | This is why I get paid top dollar as a consultant ;) When a
       | company's top engineers decide to rewrite their stack in
       | JavaScript, I get to swoop in, take $10k and tell them their old
       | PHP monolith was just fine.
       | Long live idiots, for I'll always get paid
         | tacostakohashi wrote:
         | It's amazing how (much of) 'senior management' is actually just
         | stopping / not letting people doing dumb things. Turns out it's
         | pretty much a full-time job just stopping silly things and
         | keeping entropy at bay.
           | a_e_k wrote:
           | s/senior management/parenting/
           | It's striking just how much this post also describes how I
           | feel as a parent sometimes.
       | prions wrote:
       | It will end when people like the author drop their victim
       | mentality and start putting their own ideas into practice. It
       | seems that this person is content with yelling on the sidelines
       | about how good and efficient things used to be.
       | Meanwhile, the shitty tech is winning. According to this author,
       | bad code and bad tools and bad frameworks are reigning supreme
       | over real engineering. Why?
       | "The situation is really bad for the industry." Also, why?
       | People with the mentality like the author don't actually want to
       | build things. They just want to sit and complain. Their sense of
       | righteousness and victim mentality gives them more pleasure and
       | validation than actually engaging with the "modern" tech world.
       | Some other articles by the same:
       | - "Using a framework can make you stupid!"
       | - "So-called modern web developers are the culprits"
       | - "One sure way to determine if you are stupid"
       | - "SQLite the only database you will ever need in most cases"
       | - "No, your website is not a web app even if you call it so"
         | mmmeff wrote:
         | Dead on. Building efficient and elegant software is difficult.
         | The author should actually give it a try some time.
         | Damogran6 wrote:
         | Alternately, it becomes impossible, by analysis paralysis, to
         | decide what stack to learn and build from. Which one is safe?
         | Which one is secure? Which one has legs?
         | Which ones do you dedicate your precious time to as a direction
         | to keep earning a paycheck?
         | commandlinefan wrote:
         | > bad code and bad tools and bad frameworks are reigning
         | supreme over real engineering. Why?
         | Why? The (ultimately unsuccessful) quest for the silver bullet.
         | Nobody wants programming, they want programs - so anything that
         | promises to deliver programs faster looks like a holy grail.
         | Inevitably, though, the promise boils down to a pre-packaged
         | implementation of an existing approach that does something
         | relatively specific, with some options for customization. If
         | you want to step outside that customization, you not only have
         | the assumptions baked into the new "silver bullet", you also
         | have to understand all the nuances of the layers upon layers of
         | other approaches (and all of _their_ assumptions), to the point
         | where it would be faster to just shed all the layers and do it
         | yourself (but you can 't because noooo, you're a dinosaur, you
         | don't understand anything, it's the future, it's the modern way
         | of doing things).
       | bsenftner wrote:
       | I believe we, as an industry, are driving towards frameworks that
       | can be operated with story-like analogies describing what needs
       | to be done with no technology knowledge at all. The core computer
       | scientists creating such a framework create it with entry level
       | non-developers as the "end-users" in mind. Such a framework is
       | the holy grail of software development because it will enable any
       | Joe with any software idea to hire anyones to make "their dream".
       | The "no code" movement is an early manifestation of this trend.
       | BTW, the VFX world is ahead in this tread, creating production
       | frameworks requiring no 3D graphics technical knowledge at all...
         | windows2020 wrote:
         | This works great in many scenarios. But when the time comes to
         | complete a task that the lossy abstraction that is the
         | framework doesn't facilitate, Joe hits a wall very fast. He
         | then needs to either unravel the abstraction, find another one
         | or say it can't be done.
       (page generated 2022-01-11 23:00 UTC)