[HN Gopher] Grep one-liners as CI tasks
       Grep one-liners as CI tasks
       Author : fphilipe
       Score  : 61 points
       Date   : 2022-01-14 20:40 UTC (2 hours ago)
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       | rtuin wrote:
       | Oh the power of Linux.
       | I'm also using grep in CI as a simple but effectieve check on
       | dependency violations in some codebases.
       | jeffbee wrote:
       | grep and other shell tool one-liners also make excellent
       | kubernetes liveness checks. I have some kubernetes daemonsets
       | that don't do anything other than assert that things on the node
       | are as they should, via grep exit status.
       | zX41ZdbW wrote:
       | Here is my favorite:
       | https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/master/utils/c...
       | "Too many exclamation marks"
       | david_allison wrote:
       | Android's default linting already contains a "missing
       | translation" lint rule which you can activate:
       | "MissingTranslation"[0]
       | For Android specifically: Gradle and Android Studio both support
       | a powerful linting framework (to the level that it can provide
       | auto-fixes to the IDE). It's better to provide an in-editor to
       | guide your contributors before it hits CI, then have CI nag if
       | they didn't fix the in-editor warnings/errors:
       | Some examples of custom lint rules[1] and the default rules which
       | Android Studio runs[2]:
       | [0]
       | https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/base/+/32923...
       | [1] https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-
       | Android/tree/master/lint-r...
       | [2] https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-
       | Android/blob/master/lint-r...
       | excircul wrote:
       | > I personally prefer ripgrep as it is much faster than grep, but
       | usually that is not available on CI machines.
       | I recommend git grep, which is comparable in speed to ripgrep,
       | since it ignores non-tracked files and searches the object
       | storage directly. It is also able to run in parallel.
       | jrockway wrote:
       | Don't you worry about what happens when the translation software
       | produces a semantically equivalent empty string, or something?
       | Like `<string><![CDATA[]]></string>`. An XML parser will find
       | that to be empty, grep will be like "ooh lots of text in there".
       | joatmon-snoo wrote:
       | Shameless plug: if you find yourself wanting more advamced custom
       | painting, you can try http://trunk.io, which provides you with
       | three different ways to write your own linters (pass/fail based
       | on your script's exit code, spit out a patch that should be
       | applied to your code, or LSP diagnostics) that can get propagated
       | to VSCode and CI (as well as just as a CLI tool, if that's your
       | preference).
       | Disclaimer: I work on trunk :)
       | cfors wrote:
       | In today's world of excellent CLI tools I don't think grep is a
       | good choice, especially for checking irregular languages like
       | XML. [0]
       | I use tools like `jq` [1] or `yq` [2] all the time for CI checks.
       | One useful check, is we have a configuration file stored as
       | several hundred lines of YAML. Its a nice thing to maintain a
       | sorted order for that, so we have a git pre-commit hook that runs
       | the following:
       | > yq eval --inplace '.my_key|= sort' my_file.yaml
       | Of course, a pre-commit hook or CI both work. There's pros and
       | cons of both. For our team, the pre-commit hook is a low enough
       | level of effort, and doesn't require a CI check for something
       | that executes in milliseconds.
       | [0] https://stackoverflow.com/a/1732454
       | [1] https://github.com/stedolan/jq
       | [2] https://github.com/mikefarah/yq
       | gravypod wrote:
       | I think this is a great example of where build systems, that
       | understand the need for testing, can help out. In a build system
       | I use quite often (Bazel) you can express this as an `sh_test()`
       | [0] which provides documentation about what you're attempting to
       | do _and_ provides you with a way to reproduce the failure
       | locally. You don 't have to push the code and wait for CI to fail
       | to find out, or debug, this error.
       | Extra fun thing to do: print a message describing why the
       | decision was made and how to resolve the error in the failure
       | message of your test!
       | [0] -
       | https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/be/shell.html#sh_test
       | matmann2001 wrote:
       | Wouldn't this example do the incorrect thing in the event of a
       | grep error (exit code 2)?
       | eminence32 wrote:
       | The semgrep[1] tool seems like the logical next step, for when
       | you've outgrown plain ol' grep.
       | [1] https://semgrep.dev/
       (page generated 2022-01-14 23:00 UTC)