[HN Gopher] In Japan, digicams are the new film
       In Japan, digicams are the new film
       Author : ingve
       Score  : 47 points
       Date   : 2022-01-16 11:19 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (casualphotophile.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (casualphotophile.com)
       | [deleted]
       | codazoda wrote:
       | I got some of my favorite photos from a $20 digital camera. I had
       | spent thousands on various early cameras and decided to go to the
       | lowest quality tool in order to improve other aspects of my
       | photography, such as lighting and composition. It's low cost also
       | let me put the camera in positions I wouldn't let my expensive
       | cameras near (mud, water, traffic, etc).
       | When the camera stopped working, I hard wired an external battery
       | pack on it, but it was never the same with the modifications.
       | Unfortunately, I had the photos stored on the Photo Bucket
       | service and they decided to dump old photos of free users. Yeah,
       | I know better, but I didn't realize how important the images
       | would become.
       | joeraut wrote:
       | Archive: https://archive.is/WJLKT
       | l33tbro wrote:
       | I'm considering getting a decent camera, or even going back to my
       | old Iphone honestly. The images it took were so much more
       | photorealistic than my current Iphone. It's like modern Iphones
       | oversaturate everything and add trashy these unrealistic colors
       | to things like the sky. I've tried to capture beautiful sunsets,
       | but even by adjusting exposure I still cannot nail what was once
       | so easy to get.
       | I even wonder sometimes if is using some kind of algo adding
       | colors based on what it thinks things should look like? Don't
       | know enough about this stuff.
         | grishka wrote:
         | Because a tiny sensor could only do so much due to those pesky
         | laws of physics, the latest trend in mobile camera tech is so-
         | called "computational photography", where they use a shitload
         | of algorithms and AI to enhance your pictures. And I think they
         | do segment them somewhat to apply these "enhancements"
         | selectively?
         | Anyway, no idea about iOS, but many Android phones are capable
         | of capturing raw pictures that you could then process however
         | you wish in Lightroom or whatever else you prefer.
           | sporklpony wrote:
           | I believe there are apps on the app store that do this sort
           | of thing, Halide[1] comes to mind as something I've read
           | about, but I've never used it.
           | [1]: https://halide.cam/
       | thanatos519 wrote:
       | Nikon CoolPix 950 FTW. I have at least 4 of them. Just wishing I
       | could fine more Harrison Duraline 630m IR filters.
       | MarkusWandel wrote:
       | Phone cameras are really good in daylight and getting better in
       | low light, but there's one thing they'll never have and that's a
       | decent flash. It doesn't matter whether Xenon flashtube or LED,
       | to get real flash you need a real flash capacitor, and that's
       | just not a priority in a slim smartphone.
       | Bonus if your old-school digicam also has a front element over
       | half an inch in diameter and zooms to 10x. That still gives a
       | satisfying "real camera" feel. I have a Panasonic ZS3 that I
       | still use quite a bit for vacation snaps, and one of these days I
       | hope to (inexpensively) snap up a Canon G series.
         | colanderman wrote:
         | More importantly: a cell phone's flash can never be
         | significantly off-axis or diffuse. Flat and/or hard lighting is
         | often worse than no lighting.
         | I bet you could get an off-camera flash to trigger off a cell
         | phone's flash though.
           | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
           | Couldn't you rig up a mirror to point the flash at the
           | ceiling?
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | This is the main reason I bring a film point-and-shoot to
         | parties and social events: people look _way_ better with a
         | "real" flash than they do with a phone flash. That and the
         | dynamic range of film are still unsurpassed by just about
         | anything in phone form.
           | agd wrote:
           | As a (very) amateur photographer, this doesn't make sense to
           | me. Flashes indoors always look terrible in my experience,
           | and modern smartphones are great in low light.
             | woodruffw wrote:
             | Modern smartphones perform very admirably in low light, but
             | with some undesirable (IMO) tradeoffs: you get all kinds of
             | weird artifacts from extrapolation, and the overall image
             | frequently looks muddy compared to a low-light capture on a
             | DSLR or mirrorless camera (which tend to look noisy
             | instead). I do, however, regularly make those tradeoffs
             | when I don't want to bug people with a flash or haul a full
             | camera body to a show, though!
             | I think my use of flash indoors amounts to an aesthetic
             | preference: I like the way skin tones come out on the
             | combination of a ludicrous P&S flash and a "cheap" color
             | stock like Gold 200. The tradeoff is glare and red-eye,
             | both of which can be compensated for during compensation or
             | with editing after the fact.
             | jiggawatts wrote:
             | You can get very good results by turning the flash power
             | down a few notches and pointing it at the ceiling.
             | For built-flashes that can't be aimed I usually hold a
             | white sheet of paper just in front of it.
             | hellomyguys wrote:
             | The flash of P&S Film cameras have their own look that
             | people like and are often associated with a "party
             | aesthetic."
             | aidenn0 wrote:
             | If the ceilings are white and not too high, aim the flash
             | to bounce off of the ceiling; that looks _way_ better.
       | perardi wrote:
       | This probably doesn't classify as a "digicam"--too much film
       | camera styling, expensive, and has interchangeable lenses.
       | But since I'm apparently old enough to have digital camera
       | nostalgia, I always did want an Epson R-D1.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epson_R-D1
         | ayngg wrote:
         | I have noticed that there has been a kind of resurgence in
         | older digital cameras that used ccd sensors and different
         | sensor filters compared to contemporary models. A lot of people
         | feel like new cameras now are almost clinical in how they take
         | pictures and because of that they lack personality that older,
         | quirkier cameras had, a similar argument to why some vintage
         | glass is desirable despite being technically inferior to what
         | you can get now.
           | eropple wrote:
           | I have heard those complaints from a few--though not a lot of
           | --people, but coming more from a video background that has
           | always struck me as not really understanding how color works,
           | either up front with aesthetic setting or on the back end
           | with color grading.
           | And if you don't want to get into grading, Fuji loads up
           | their cameras with film stock analogues that can give you all
           | the quirk you ever wanted.
           | cultofmetatron wrote:
           | I've heard that argument from people before. I love that the
           | stock images from my nikon z5 are fairly clinical. its the
           | best starting point for when I load them up into dx0 photolab
           | and start adjusting all the variables/adding film
           | simulations.
           | What I love is that I can get a nice SHARP, low distortion
           | rendering. You can't fix that in post.
           | CarVac wrote:
           | I find the color rendering of my 5D and 1Ds3 (2005 and 2007
           | designs) to be slightly, but noticeably, different from new
           | cameras.
           | One quantitative difference is that there's less green
           | sensitivity in the blue raw channel than modern sensors,
           | which hurts their noise performance in warm lighting
           | conditions.
           | I'm not sure exactly how that affects color rendering in
           | terms of metamerism, but it is visible in my experience.
           | kunai wrote:
           | There's definitely a difference in the way CMOS and CCD
           | sensors render colors. CMOS does not do well with highlights.
           | C-41 process negative film is still the gold standard as far
           | as dynamic range goes, but CCDs and non-Bayer CMOS sensors
           | like the Foveon come far closer than modern Bayer CMOS
           | sensors. They also tend to look warmer than modern CMOS
           | images, especially older Sony sensors from the late 2000s.
           | Comparing the RAW output from one of my older Sony Alpha
           | DSLRs vs a Canon 6D from a few years ago it's definitely
           | noticeable.
             | okasaki wrote:
             | How do you compare the RAW data? If you're just loading up
             | images in your editor then the editor is probably applying
             | a camera specific profile that modifies colors and curve
             | among other things. Color rendering depends on the lens too
             | somewhat IIRC.
         | giobox wrote:
         | Perhaps you caught this news story, but Epson very recently
         | found 30 brand new unsold R-D1s and planned to distribute them
         | somehow. Could be your chance! I suspect these are pretty
         | collectable now, especially having used the Leica M mount.
         | One of the strangest things on that camera is it has a physical
         | analogue gauge to display how much free space the memory card
         | has, like the fuel level in an old car.
         | > https://petapixel.com/2021/11/02/epson-
         | found-30-r-d1s-rangef...
       | 2bitencryption wrote:
       | As an amateur/hobbyist street photographer, there's another angle
       | to using old/unusual cameras like digicams, Kodak instant
       | cameras, etc:
       | It's adds to your credibility and reduces how threatening you
       | appear when you snap a photo of someone in public. If you're
       | using your phone, the subject's assumption will be that they are
       | about to be plastered all over your social media. If you use a
       | huge DSLR, you come across as creepy.
       | If you're using something odd, unusual, uncommon, like a film
       | rangefinder camera or digicam, it's much more clear that your
       | intentions are not evil, and that you simply really like
       | photography. I've had curious people ask me about my camera after
       | they notice me take a shot of them, which would never happen if I
       | had used my phone.
       | orangepurple wrote:
       | Why does this website require a database connection to render a
       | static site? This trend infuriates me, and PHP developers are the
       | worst offenders. So many PHP sites can be static assets but no,
       | for some reason they use MySQL. Grinds my gears.
         | dang wrote:
         | " _Please don 't complain about tangential annoyances--things
         | like article or website formats, name collisions, or back-
         | button breakage. They're too common to be interesting._"
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
         | Something1234 wrote:
         | So many sites run wordpress cause it's easy. Wordpress doesn't
         | cache by default unless you run on one of the major hosts like
         | kinsta or wp engine. Wordpress needs MySQL. Can you really
         | fault them for picking out a standard CMS instead of rolling a
         | static site that requires someone to be slightly technical.
       | tim333 wrote:
       | I miss my Sony DSC U20 from 2004 or so. The focusing was really
       | good for some reason - you could just point it randomly, press
       | the button and it would instantly take a well focused picture
       | unlike modern phone cameras that tend to wait a few seconds and
       | then get it wrong. (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-Cybershot-DSC-
       | U-Digital-Camera...). They weren't very long lived though - most
       | seemed to pack up in a few years.
         | toast0 wrote:
         | That camera (and a lot of similar cameras from around then) is
         | fixed focus, so there's no focus delay, but you also can't
         | adjust the focus either. With a fixed focus camera usually
         | everything farther away than X is going to show up in focus (or
         | nearly so) and anything closer isn't going to be in focus. But
         | a lot of the time, you will be at least X away to frame your
         | shot anyway, so no big deal.
       | cehrlich wrote:
       | After seeing some of my party photos from 15 years ago on
       | Facebook I got nostalgic for the excessive flash type photos that
       | the digital pocket cameras of that era took. Picked up a Canon
       | Ixus (3 Megapixal) for 10 Euros and have been having a lot of fun
       | with it.
       | This article makes me want to buy something even older.
         | dekoruotas wrote:
         | It can become an expensive hobby but Canon Sure Shot Max is a
         | blast from the past.
       | simonebrunozzi wrote:
       | I would love to buy a new "instant" camera, but it's hard for me
       | to find something at the prosumer level.
       | The Instax Mini by Fujifilm is a relatively "cheap" consumer
       | solution [0].
       | What's its equivalent in the $600-$1,000 price range?
       | [0]: https://petapixel.com/2022/01/14/fujifilms-market-share-
       | in-j...
         | brudgers wrote:
         | Carry a printer such as a Canon Selphy (even the CP1300 can use
         | a battery) and use a camera with WiFi.
         | Alternatively there are portable thermal printers with phone
         | apps. Many will do 300dpi. But you are limited to black and
         | white...though you'll live.
         | CarVac wrote:
         | Mint RF70 perhaps.
         | shiftpgdn wrote:
         | Do you want it to be portable or produce amazing images?
         | Polaroid produces pull apart film for large format cameras.
         | jetrink wrote:
         | There's really not much out there, because the chemistry of
         | instant film is very difficult and without the film, there are
         | no cameras. Fuji's only real competitor is The Impossible
         | Project, now known as Polaroid, having bought the name. Their
         | cameras are very nice, but their film is more expensive and
         | technically inferior (though not necessarily aesthetically
         | inferior, depending on your goals.) You can also buy film from
         | them that is compatible with classic Polaroid cameras.
           | kunai wrote:
           | Polaroid has always been worse than Fuji from a technical
           | aspect, but that's always been part of the draw, I feel. It's
           | why Instagram got popular in the first place as the filters
           | mimicked the colors of a washed-out Polaroid still from
           | various decades.
           | FridayoLeary wrote:
           | It's ironic- Fuji have a monopoly so they can charge however
           | little they want.
         | hellomyguys wrote:
         | There's the Rolleiflex TLR Install Camera
         | https://mint-camera.com/en/shop/cameras/rolleiflex-instant-k...
       | anthk wrote:
       | A similar reason to using the Game Boy Camera today.
         | csdvrx wrote:
         | Art is what happens when people try to surmount the limitations
         | inherent to their tools.
         | I'd pay to watch unique GBC pictures. I would hardly pay to see
         | pictures taken from an iphone, because I can do that myself.
       | migueltarga wrote:
       | Cached link:
       | https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:c7CQLu...
       (page generated 2022-01-17 23:01 UTC)