[HN Gopher] Do svidaniya, Igor, and thank you for Nginx
       Do svidaniya, Igor, and thank you for Nginx
       Author : nrvn
       Score  : 188 points
       Date   : 2022-01-18 21:10 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.nginx.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.nginx.com)
       | granshaw wrote:
       | I remember the days circa 2009 when the Nginx docs pages still
       | had lots of Soviet-style graphics... those were the days :)
       | pupppet wrote:
       | What an impact, great job Igor!
       | schoolornot wrote:
       | It still surprises me that NGINX beat out Apache so quickly even
       | though Apache had way more modules and was/is entirely free vs.
       | NGINX which is more or less "open core" with some nice features
       | requiring commercial licensing.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | The web changed. We moved away from static HTML pages and CGI
         | scripts to monolithic application servers in java, ruby,
         | python, etc. Apache excelled with these static content sites
         | and simple auth scenarios (remember .htaccess files?) but
         | became painfully complex proxying application servers. Nginx
         | was doing exactly what was needed at exactly the time it was
         | needed.
         | f311a wrote:
         | Which modules do you miss in nginx that are free in Apache?
         | masklinn wrote:
         | On the other hand, the unreadable weird-ass pseudo-XML
         | configuration files of Apache made anyone touching them wish
         | for something better.
         | I also expect ngx_lua did _a lot_ for adoption, the fact that
         | you could always  "shell out" to lua if you needed was a huge
         | boon even just for peace of mind.
           | nkozyra wrote:
           | > On the other hand, the unreadable weird-ass pseudo-XML
           | configuration files
           | If I have one gripe about NGINX it's that its configuration
           | is a still-half-baked DSL that has quirks you wouldn't expect
           | and when they error you don't get great feedback.
           | Examples: You can have an if clause, but no else attached.
           | You can't have an if clause with multiple conditions.
           | Finally, "if [might be] evil." 1
           | You end up writing a bunch of partitioned control flow
           | statements and you're never really sure at what level of
           | config hierarchy they would best be applied.
           | I love the product but Apache's XML versus NGINX's semi-
           | declarative, hierarchical blocks aren't night and day better.
           | 1 https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/depth/ifi
           | s...
         | yesbabyyes wrote:
         | To me, it coincided with async (long polling/comet/SSE), more
         | live, web applications. Apache had a horrible story around
         | this, with one thread per connection (I believe Apache 2 may
         | have had an optional execution model, which was also
         | uncomfortable for some reason).
         | I used lighttpd for this, mentioned in another thread, rather
         | than nginx, which was a similar breath of fresh air coming from
         | Apache -- not only for the event loop model built around epoll
         | and friends, but also the configuration and general deployment.
         | SkyPuncher wrote:
         | For me, the simplicity of Nginx is what beats it out over
         | Apache.
         | I've always felt like Nginx "just works" by default and
         | creating configurations is relatively easy.
         | lstodd wrote:
         | Back when the Apache was beaten there was no commercial
         | licensing in Nginx.
         | Also the Apache that was beaten was Apache 1, which was fork-
         | only, and that was the whole reason Nginx was written in the
         | first place.
         | Then Apache did Apache2 with mpm modules and badly missed the
         | mark. After that Apache was doomed. No async support == dead.
         | It was that simple.
         | jacquesm wrote:
         | Convenience is often worth a lot more than the ultimate in
         | flexibility.
         | This is why email is now more or less the domain of a couple of
         | very large companies.
       | nkozyra wrote:
       | I really take for granted how well Nginx works across a number of
       | web backend functions.
       | Some of the container/orchestration world has tried to supplant
       | the need for it as a reverse proxy, but you get so many goodies
       | out of the box just by sticking this in front of your app, and
       | for very little overhead.
       | I remember the pre-Nginx days and all of the struggles people
       | routinely ran into with options like Apache or other reverse
       | proxy tools.
         | stormbrew wrote:
         | I mean there was lighttpd before nginx and they have/had pretty
         | similar structures, weights, etc.
         | I feel like I knew at one point why it got so thoroughly
         | supplanted by nginx but I don't remember now why that happened.
           | simonw wrote:
           | The performance engineering in NGINX back then was really
           | quite something.
           | This classic 2007 tutorial starts by pointing out that NGINX
           | parses the HTTP verb by looking at the second letter first,
           | so that if it's O it knows to check for POST or COPY!
           | https://web.archive.org/web/20070505051653/http://www.riceon.
           | ..
             | danachow wrote:
             | Does it really look at second letter first or is that
             | snippet taken out of context (it isn't implied that it does
             | in that email, just that it doesn't use a library function)
             | ? Since most requests are GET it still makes sense to
             | handle that case first. Though after trying to common cases
             | looking at the second letter for the P subcases may save
             | some branching.
             | MaxBarraclough wrote:
             | Doing Boyer and Moore proud.
             | I think that if you want to support all verbs, you face at
             | least 3 'ambiguities' whether you first check the first,
             | second, or third character of the string. (It must be at
             | most the third, as the shortest verbs are 3 characters
             | long.)
             | First checking the first character is ambiguous between
             | _POST_ , _PUT_ and _PATCH_. First checking the second
             | character is ambiguous between _HEAD_ , _DELETE_ , and
             | _GET_. First checking the third character is ambiguous
             | between _GET_ , _PUT_ , _OPTIONS_ , and _PATCH_. [0]
             |  _edit_ As danachow points out, the verbs are not all used
             | with the same frequency. If real-world performance is the
             | goal we 'd presumably want to optimise for the _GET_ case,
             | which presumably means first checking the first character,
             | as the  'G' is unique to _GET_.
             | [0] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods
               | stormbrew wrote:
               | Seems likely an optimal algorithm could probably get
               | there just looking sequentially at the first three
               | letters in order. Would be an interesting code-golf.
       | univalent wrote:
       | Oh my gosh, I thought he passed away.
       | eliseumds wrote:
       | People need to stop with this Cloudflare captcha madness. I
       | literally accessed nginx.com a few hours ago and now it hit me
       | with a captcha again.
         | Suchos wrote:
         | Are you using Safari by any chance? I used to get a lot of
         | these on Safari, but issue is almost gone on Firefox. I think
         | it's connected to how Safari handles cookies.
         | [deleted]
         | shadowgovt wrote:
         | Cloudflare uses a heuristic trust model where it pulls multiple
         | trust signals from the client. It can use several things
         | (including stable IP address, cookies, and I think even a bit
         | of JavaScript grabbing a nonce from local storage).
         | If you run with a lot of "identity fuzzers" (browsing through
         | Tor, JavaScript off, cookies banned), Cloudflare can't build
         | its trust heuristics and needs to challenge-response more
         | often. I suspect there's overlap between HN readers and use of
         | those sorts of tools, so I think there is a disproportionate
         | number of people around here who run into this issue (whereas
         | most "regular" folk almost never see a Cloudflare challenge /
         | response).
           | mastazi wrote:
           | > Cloudflare uses a heuristic trust model where it pulls
           | multiple trust signals from the client.
           | The wording "heuristic trust model [...] trust signals from
           | the client", would not be out of place in the context of a
           | sigint discussion.
           | rzzzt wrote:
           | I always encounter a "random" stop-and-solve-me-a-visual-
           | puzzle when visiting an Australian forum related to SOHO
           | networking equipment. According to the description on the
           | challenge page, "completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a
           | human and gives you temporary access to the web property".
           | Thank you, Cf, I guess?
           | (To be fair, consecutive requests don't get this treatment,
           | just the one in which I jump there from eg. a search result.)
           | petre wrote:
           | They are breaking the web, plain and simple. Google with AMP,
           | Cloudfare with their idiotic capchas.
             | shadowgovt wrote:
             | No server is obligated to vend my client data.
             | More importantly: no server is obligated to vend data until
             | it falls over and dies, depriving _all_ users access to
             | that data if it isn 't mirrored.
             | I think Cloudflare has honestly done an admirable job of
             | coming up with a novel solution to the problem of
             | loadbalancing and traffic-shedding in a world with a small-
             | but-persistent percentage of hostile actors.
       | shadowgovt wrote:
       | Impressive. I thought the only way you were allowed to quit
       | working on an open source project was to commit a new version
       | where you delete everything and introduce a chunk of code to put
       | clients into an infinite loop. I'm impressed Igor was able to
       | find an alternative. /s
       | (More seriously though, his work is impressive and I hope his
       | next adventure is at least as fulfilling).
         | er4hn wrote:
         | Igor and the rest of the Nginx team achieved commercial
         | payments by offering premium modules. Later on they were
         | acquired by F5 networks. He achieved the goal.
       | hardwaresofton wrote:
       | One could only hope to build software as great as NGINX, keep it
       | up for 20 years and receive a send off like this.
       | Bravo
       | devy wrote:
       | It took a good 5 minutes read of the entire blog post to
       | understand that "Do Svidaniya" is actually "Do Svidaniia"
       | (Russian), meaning "Goodbye".
         | ianai wrote:
         | I thought maybe it was somebody's name and just a really
         | horribly formed sentence. Because, ya know...
         | jacquesm wrote:
         | Listen to more Zemfira...
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | mxuribe wrote:
       | Thank you for all the you have done Igor!
       | zzt123 wrote:
       | Thank you Igor for Nginx. Love using it!
       | mobilio wrote:
       | To non-russian speaking users: "Do Svidaniya" means "Goodbye".
         | smarx007 wrote:
         | To add a bit more, "svidaniye" means a date, and "Do svidaniya"
         | literally means "till [our next] date". In English, "see you"
         | or "see you later" translates closest to the original phrase in
         | Russian.
           | Croftengea wrote:
           | "Do svidaniya" sounds more formal than "See you" though.
             | smarx007 wrote:
             | That is true, thank you for pointing it out. My personal
             | preference is "vsego Vam dobrogo", which is even more
             | respectful (it translates roughly as "All the kind (best)
             | to You").
               | pvg wrote:
               | I think in general, it's probably best to avoid this kind
               | of etymological explanation of the 'actual meaning' of
               | some word or expression because they tend to obscure the
               | usage and, well, actual actual meaning. Saying 'goodbye'
               | in English doesn't really mean saying 'God be with you'
               | to someone, even though that's what it's originally a
               | contraction of. They're fine as etymology, of course!
               | hprotagonist wrote:
               | >Saying 'goodbye' in English doesn't really mean saying
               | 'God be with you' to someone
               | except, of course, when it does.
               | I regularly re-pronounce holiday as holy-day internally,
               | and the same with welcome and well-come; i am, of course,
               | a weirdo.
               | xvedejas wrote:
               | As a Russian learner, it seems a bit wrong not to
               | transliterate that as "vsevo Vam drobovo" even though I
               | understand that's not how it's spelled originally. For
               | whatever reason, that's what my brain is expecting.
               | smarx007 wrote:
               | I actually wanted to write "vsevo Vam dobrava" (o not
               | under stress often becomes a) but changed it to an
               | grammatical transliteration for some reason.
             | marginalia_nu wrote:
             | "Farewell"?
               | smarx007 wrote:
               | Not exactly. You bid farewell with "proschayte"
               | (literally begging for forgiveness) or "vsevo dobrava"
               | (wishing all the kind/best), but "do svidaniya" has a
               | hint of looking forward to meet your counterpart again.
             | loeg wrote:
             | "Until we meet again"
               | rzzzt wrote:
               | Auf Wiedersehen!
               | smarx007 wrote:
               | Genau! Actually, this perfect duality also extends to
               | other phrases, like "priyatnava appetita", just like
               | Guten Appetit! At the same time, in Ukrainian you'd say
               | "smachnogo", similar to Swedish "smaklig maltid" (lecker
               | Mahlzeit), as "smak" means taste in both languages.
           | egman_ekki wrote:
           | Doesn't it literally mean "Until we see each other [again]",
           | which is even closer to "See you"?
             | smarx007 wrote:
             | It does mean exactly that, though not literally (there are
             | only two words in the phrase literally).
         | [deleted]
       | app4soft wrote:
       | Here are relevant Russian discussions on OpenNET[0] & LOR[1].
       | N.B. From _Nginx_ company history on Wikipedia:
       | > _On 12 December 2019, it was reported that the Moscow offices
       | of Nginx Inc. had been raided by police, and that Sysoev and
       | Konovalov had been detained. The raid was conducted under a
       | search warrant connected to a copyright claim over Nginx by
       | Rambler--which asserts that it owns all rights to the code
       | because it was written while Sysoev was an employee of the
       | company. On 16 December 2019, Russian state lender Sberbank,
       | which owns 46.5 percent of Rambler, called an extraordinary
       | meeting of Rambler 's board of directors asking Rambler's
       | management team to request Russian law enforcement agencies cease
       | pursuit of the criminal case, and begin talks with Nginx and with
       | F5._[2]
       | [0] https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=56535
       | [1] https://www.linux.org.ru/news/opensource/16745652
       | [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nginx#History
         | avrionov wrote:
         | Was the case resolved? Wikipedia doesn't provide any further
         | information?
           | smarx007 wrote:
           | I think Wikipedia characterization is also incorrect. Igor
           | seems to have a permission directly from the CTO to open-
           | source the code, but 10 years later the company claimed that
           | the CTO was not in a position to do so.
           | chx wrote:
           | Yes, Wikipedia -- in broad strokes -- just sucks, check what
           | happened to the Scottish Wikipedia (but there are any number
           | of issues in the English one as well, the "no credentials"
           | policy made sure scientists shun it because they want to
           | argue with neckbeards with an agenda).
           | Anyways, https://tadviser.com/index.php/Company:Nginx
           | everything is dropped in Russia, there's a lawsuit in the US
           | but at first the court dismissed the whole thing in 2021, I
           | expect that one go exactly nowhere.
           | pmontra wrote:
           | You can find a summary at
           | https://tadviser.com/index.php/Company:Nginx
           | TL;DR: the Russian investigators closed the case of Rambler
           | Group against Nginx/T5 in 2020 "for the absence of a crime
           | event". Another company co-owned by the same owner of Rambler
           | Group started a case in the USA but it was dismissed by a
           | court in California in 2021.
         | [deleted]
       | nimbius wrote:
       | unrelated but ive always thought the F5 acquisition of NGINX made
       | little sense. I think F5 saw the writing on the wall a little
       | late, panicked, and bought the first competitor they could come
       | up with that showed up in a Gartner quadrant.
       | so much of the NGINX product that aligns with F5 as a competitive
       | element is essentially already implemented and free by people who
       | are already completely competent in load balancing. unless
       | companies seek to reduce risk by bolting on a support
       | contract...why F5 at all?
       | can someone from the biz side of the HN house chime in perhaps?
         | oneplane wrote:
         | I mostly see it in businesses that aren't very competent and/or
         | have a support/licensing partner that presents them a tunnel
         | vision they cannot deviate from. F5 specifically is usually
         | also just 'what they always had', or part of a bundle.
         | nick__m wrote:
         | iRule are the things that makes the F5 appliance special, it
         | enables you to run TCL on a variety of events (ex:
         | HTTP_REQUEST, CLIENT_CONNECTED...). Some typical uses are
         | requests and responses modification, logging, bug fixes on
         | closed source web applications... I also the F5 device support
         | various permissions levels to enable delegation/separation of
         | administrative privileges.
       | ZoomZoomZoom wrote:
       | Wow, you usually don't start a headline with "do svidaniya",
       | unless it's for an obituary.
       | Glad to see everything's fine.
         | rzzzt wrote:
         | My heart also skips a beat if I see a news article starting
         | with "<First> <Last>, <occupation>".
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-01-18 23:00 UTC)