[HN Gopher] Show HN: Hebrew Wordle
       Show HN: Hebrew Wordle
       Author : puttycat
       Score  : 112 points
       Date   : 2022-01-19 13:00 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (wordleheb.web.app)
 (TXT) w3m dump (wordleheb.web.app)
       | fnord123 wrote:
       | What is wordle?
         | doublerabbit wrote:
         | Guess a five letter word in less than six tries. Word resets
         | every day.
         | https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/
           | onionisafruit wrote:
           | Thanks for the link. I had previously seen wordle mentioned
           | on hn and sought it out on apple's app store. I ended up with
           | a much different game - one that I didn't enjoy at all. Now I
           | see the real wordle is much more interesting.
           | I googled and found[1] that I'm far from the only one.
           | [1] https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2022-01-17-dev-
           | behind-5-y...
       | moron4hire wrote:
       | I work for a foreign language training company. I bet all of
       | these versions in different languages would be really great tools
       | for our students. Has anyone already started one of those
       | "Awesome XYZ" lists on Github for all of them?
       | sprak wrote:
       | Here is a swedish version: https://ordlek.github.io/ordlek/
       | (I haven't translated the ui yet, will do later this week.)
         | fpopa wrote:
         | We've also got romanian now:
         | https://cuvantul.github.io/cuvantul
           | sprak wrote:
           | That was quick. I'm very impressed with your work.
             | fpopa wrote:
             | I feel like you did most of the work :)
         | unwind wrote:
         | Looks very nice!
         | I found a typo in the first line of the initial help pop-up:
         |  _Gissa dagens ord pa sex pa forsok!_
         | Should of course drop the duplicated "pa". Also, it was
         | annoyingly hard to copy-paste that line since the pop-up closes
         | whenever I try. :)
         | 3np wrote:
         | Also, from Sweclockers forum (:
         | https://ordlig.se/
       | diffuse_l wrote:
       | Cool, much easier for me than the English version.
       | It could be nice to treat ending letters the same as regular
       | letters (on the keyboard), similar to the way crosswords work in
       | Hebrew.
       | b3orn wrote:
       | I made a french version last weekend https://motle.fac3.org
         | sprak wrote:
         | On my phone the colours of the letters in the keyboard didn't
         | upgrade from yellow to green. Great otherwise!
         | mabub24 wrote:
         | Very cool, I was able to get the word after 3 guesses. I guess
         | learning French has actually been paying off for me!
         | julienchastang wrote:
         | There is also https://wordle.louan.me/ FWIW.
         | bombastry wrote:
         | If you get the word right on your 6th guess, the game still
         | counts it as if you lost in the stats.
           | b3orn wrote:
           | thx, I'll fix that.
       | forth_fool wrote:
       | My attempt to create a German one (slightly different rules from
       | the original): https://www.waswort.de
       | ggerganov wrote:
       | Here is Wordle in Bulgarian: https://wordle-bg.ggerganov.com
       | Interesting about it is that I implemented this in C++ and OpenGL
       | and ported it to web with Emscripten [0], so the page is
       | basically a WebGL canvas.
       | [0] https://github.com/ggerganov/wordle-bg
       | ftth_finland wrote:
       | Finnish version:
       | https://sanuli.fi
         | gardaani wrote:
         | Its implemented in Rust! https://github.com/Cadiac/sanuli
       | rossdavidh wrote:
       | I am not impressed until someone makes Gallifreyan (sp?).
       | sigvef wrote:
       | Since we are sharing variants in different languages, here's
       | Norwegian: https://www.fiveletters.xyz/no/five
         | kseistrup wrote:
         | #somebodyshould make a danish version...
           | sprak wrote:
           | I can modify my swedish one to do danish. Do you know of any
           | good word lists? For all valid words I can use
           | /usr/share/dict/danish. But do you know of any list that only
           | has good clue words? I'm looking for something like
           | https://scrabbleforening.wordpress.com/ordlister/ord-
           | med-4-b... but for five letters
             | kseistrup wrote:
             | I can easily give you a list of all valid 5-letter words in
             | Danish. Would that do?
               | kseistrup wrote:
               | PS: I'm unsure how the clue thing works?
               | sprak wrote:
               | Take the word "lampa". You have versions of the word:
               | "lampor", "lampan" and so on. The correct word for each
               | day should only be of the type "lampa". No "bending".
               | That is the word list that I'm looking for. But you
               | should be able to guess words that are "bent". Those I
               | can get from /usr/share/dict/danish
               | kseistrup wrote:
               | I'm pretty sure I can give you a list of all 5-letter
               | Danish words in the "lampa" form, but I need to work on
               | it because I have to pour them through a filter first,
               | and then manually inspect the thousands of words
               | remaining.
               | Can we take this conversation to email? You can find my
               | email address at https://kas.bio.link/ and I'm perfectly
               | fine if you write in Swedish (if I may reply in Danish).
           | sprak wrote:
           | Here is the first attempt:
           | https://ordlek.github.io/ordlek/dansk/
           | Hope you like it :)
             | kseistrup wrote:
             | I do! But it seems somebody beat us to it: https://xn--
             | wrdle-vua.dk/
           | Mariehane wrote:
           | There is! It's called wordle.dk :)
             | kseistrup wrote:
             | LOL! I love the domain name!!
       | jaredwiener wrote:
       | My daily reminder that shkkhty t kl h`bryt shly
         | ekanes wrote:
         | Lo ha kol!
       | bszupnick wrote:
       | Cool! How does it handle svpyt letters like k /kh? Like totally
       | separate letters?
       | For the non-Hebrew speakers, Hebrew has some letters that change
       | form when placed at the end of the word. The Hebrew keyboard has
       | these forms in their own key, but colloquially they're the same
       | letter.
         | amitport wrote:
         | You mean ts / ts p / p k / k
         | And it does seem to treat them like totally different letters.
         | They are the same though I'm not sure what will be more fun to
         | play. Note that Hebrew has fewer letters to begin with (22 not
         | counting those).
           | puttycat wrote:
           | OP here. We actually count them as the same letter for
           | "yellow" boxes, only the keyboard separates them into
           | different keys (this is explained in the help screen).
             | amitport wrote:
             | Oh sorry, I thought it didn't get selected...
       | harel wrote:
       | Never played the English version, but failed miserably in the
       | Hebrew one.
       | sharikous wrote:
       | The name reminds me of Yiddish spelling (`l for "el/le"). I think
       | in Israel this specific spelling is out of fashion (but it's nice
       | to see it)
       | Is it to be pronounced "wordale"?
         | golemiprague wrote:
       | nanna wrote:
       | Cool. Is the source code up? How easy would it be to extend to
       | other RTL languages like Yiddish, Farsi and Arabic?
         | james-redwood wrote:
         | Once you have the RTL most of your problems are solved, but I
         | think it may be a problem with Perso-Arabic alphabets as letter
         | forms change depending on the letters around it as they link
         | into a single word, almost like cursive. I don't think the
         | concept would translate well into languages that use that.
       | kseistrup wrote:
       | Thanks!
       | I only know the very little hebrew that I learned a looong time
       | ago while volunteering in a kibbutz, but I managed to guess
       | today's word in 5 guesses:
       | https://twitter.com/kseistrup/status/1483869736014393352
       | angryGhost wrote:
       | has this game suddenly gained popularity or something?
         | Kiro wrote:
         | How is it possible to have missed the Wordle mania? It has
         | infected all layers of my social circle. I love it.
           | Zircom wrote:
           | Just another anecdote but HN is the actually only place I've
           | seen it mentioned personally
             | detritus wrote:
             | It's been all over the newspaper media here in the UK
             | recently, and I'd had it shared a few times back in
             | [November?] from my circle of friends. Me being me, I
             | ignored it until it was posted here... .
         | mankyd wrote:
         | Very much so:
         | https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/03/technology/wordle-word-ga...
           | contravariant wrote:
           | Curious why this particular instance became popular. Or was
           | it only the Netherlands where this game formed the basis for
           | a famous gameshow?
             | qwertygnu wrote:
             | In the US, we had Lingo - a game show with almost an
             | identical premise that ran from 1987-2011.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingo_(American_game_show)
             | nerevarthelame wrote:
             | I'm not familiar with previous versions, but I do think one
             | big reason this one succeeded is the easy ability to share
             | your results (through a simple copy/paste) without sharing
             | specific guesses through emojis, which helped virality.
             | HN doesn't display them correctly, but one example:
             | https://res.cloudinary.com/graham-media-
             | group/image/upload/f...
               | Kiro wrote:
               | Also the fact that it's one word a day, same for
               | everyone, so people have a habit of doing the daily word
               | and sharing it. It creates a community feeling. I often
               | discuss the word with my friends like "what word did you
               | start with?" etc after seeing their emojis.
               | The endless-mode Wordle copycats are just not fun and
               | miss the whole point. I want to do _the_ word and move on
               | with my day, as part of a daily ritual.
               | macintux wrote:
               | Also helpful: the clean, minimalistic yet helpful
               | interface, and most importantly _no ads_.
               | schnevets wrote:
               | Let's not forget no sign-up/authentication. The session
               | is stored locally, so you keep your stats as long as you
               | use the same phone/browser each day.
               | Interestingly, this lean design also means the answer is
               | stored locally, but as one commenter observed "Anyone
               | pointing this out would have their mind blown when they
               | learned the newspaper jumble and the answers in the
               | corner upside-down"
               | These decisions would be terrible for a competitive game
               | where folks are striving to top the HIGH SCORE tables,
               | but are smart for an approachable little daily routine.
               | Hamuko wrote:
               | Note that the game actually works off of local time, so
               | you might actually have a different word than someone
               | else even if you play at the same time. As soon as it
               | hits 00:00 where you are, it switches to the next
               | predetermined word.
         | [deleted]
       | mikepurvis wrote:
       | My favourite Wordle thing is still the adversarial one, by the
       | creator of Hatetris:
       | https://qntm.org/files/wordle/index.html
         | Bootvis wrote:
         | I wonder whether it is maximally adversarial.
         | SPOILER
         | At first I tried to solve starting with 'raise'. This led me
         | down a path were I got words that fit '_ o _ _ y' which fits
         | way too many words. I managed to solve it in 6 words by
         | following a different strategy: Open up with 'lysin', this
         | gives zero hits and then I played more standard which was easy
         | because I didn't end up in a situation where I can't
         | distinguish between options.
           | mikepurvis wrote:
           | I also ended up in the '_ o _ _ y' scenario, which for me
           | terminated at JOLLY, but I wonder if there's something about
           | applying "standard" Wordle strategies to the adversarial
           | version that seems to lead people down this road.
           | evouga wrote:
           | It's probably not as-adversarial-as-possible in the sense of
           | maximizing the minimum number of guesses to win. From playing
           | in an ad hoc way I found TINES->BOARD->LUMPY->CLUCK->FLUFF
           | which wins in 5 moves. I feel like an even harder variant
           | would "herd" you towards cases where you're forced to guess
           | consonants one or two at a time.
           | 3np wrote:
           | In that scenario, it can be helpful to try words that you
           | know will fail, just to exhaust more unused letters in one
           | guess.
             | Bootvis wrote:
             | True, but I feel that is not in the spirit of the game.
               | jerf wrote:
               | I think the "problem" is that with decent play, the space
               | of valid words simply isn't big enough for a game to drag
               | out very long. The space of English words is in the tens
               | of thousands, which is only 15-ish bits, and every guess
               | is quite a few bit's worth of info (varies depending on
               | what you put in, but with good guessing it's quite a
               | few). As the author says, about the worst case you can
               | get into is having all but one letter correct, for some
               | letter that can be many different letters. But a decent
               | player just isn't going to get the sort of quality
               | adversarial gameplay you can get from Hatetris or
               | something. The Wordle challenge is in getting it in 5,
               | and even that isn't that hard for a casual word game
               | enthusiast.
         | echelon wrote:
         | This HN poster had the same idea:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29864418
           | [deleted]
       | compsciphd wrote:
       | I see your hebrew wordle and raise you yiddish wordle
       | https://www.jiconway.com/vertl/
         | amitport wrote:
         | Oy vey
         | mbg721 wrote:
         | Thank you for being a mensch.
         | josh_fyi wrote:
         | And yet another Yiddish Wordle!
         | https://greenwichmeanti.me/wordle/
         | nanna wrote:
         | Fantastish!
       | pedrosorio wrote:
       | Portuguese: https://term.ooo/
       | drorco wrote:
       | I think this won't work so well in Hebrew. As an example,
       | _SPOILER ALERT_ , Today's word starts in b, and when I try to
       | think of words starting in b, I'm constantly thinking of words
       | where "b" acts as the "in-" prefix for a word. I think in English
       | this never happens as unlike Hebrew, I can't think of a letter
       | than can act as a meaningful prefix.
       | *SPOILER for today's Wordle* *** *** Eventually, today's word is
       | bhkhlt in which b can be considered as a prefix since b-hkhlt --
       | "in decisiveness". ** ** *****
         | jerf wrote:
         | "I think in English this never happens as unlike Hebrew, I
         | can't think of a letter than can act as a meaningful prefix."
         | a on its own can be a few different prefixes:
         | https://www.etymonline.com/word/a-?ref=etymonline_crossrefer...
         | Many of the examples cited in that will strike a modern English
         | speaker as simply being the word, such as "amethyst" which was
         | news to me, but we have moral -> amoral, sexual -> asexual, and
         | a few others.
         | I certainly agree I've never thought of this in the context of
         | a word game, as opposed to the s suffix which is almost
         | mandatory in Boggle, for instance.
           | drorco wrote:
           | True. "A" does play a similar role. The thing with "A" is
           | that there are relatively few words where it could be
           | applied, while in Hebrew, almost every noun and verb I can
           | think of can have a "b" prefix.
             | jerf wrote:
             | I agree totally. I saw this more as an interesting
             | "natural" word trivia challenge than any disagreement on my
             | part.
         | Benlights wrote:
         | Are we playing a different game? By me the word starts with a
         | "m"
           | drorco wrote:
           | Interesting. My gf gave it a go after I did and she like you
           | got a word starting with m.
         | lozenge wrote:
         | Well, I always think of five letter plurals that end in S, even
         | when I know there is no S in that position.
           | drorco wrote:
           | True, but in English I think this is more of a suffix thing,
           | for example you can have words like "soft"->"softly",
           | "poll->polls". I think this effect is much more subtle when
           | this happens with a suffix rather than a prefix.
         | siltpotato wrote:
       (page generated 2022-01-19 23:01 UTC)