[HN Gopher] Starting with microservices
       Starting with microservices
       Author : feross
       Score  : 70 points
       Date   : 2022-01-19 20:03 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (arnoldgalovics.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (arnoldgalovics.com)
       | yawnxyz wrote:
       | I don't understand why people treat microservices or monoliths as
       | either or. If I find my various projects using the same
       | functionality over and over, then I'll split that off as a
       | microservice to serve my monolith projects of various sizes.
       | It's like functions: don't turn code into a function until you
       | need it in three different places.
         | galovics wrote:
         | I agree but the trend still seems to prefer one or the other
         | and that's why it's so important to talk about the potential
         | downsides instead of closing our eyes and saying everything is
         | gonna be better if we do microservices.
         | foobarian wrote:
         | Maybe it's just the activation energy. Until you have the setup
         | for making a microservice, you're kinda limited to a monolith.
         | Once you pay the setup cost though, making incrementally more
         | services is trivial so you end up on the other end of the
         | spectrum.
       | scanr wrote:
       | I have a theory that auto-wired Dependency Injection in a single
       | DI container is partly to blame for monolith spaghetti. Once an
       | app reaches a certain size and anything can depend on anything
       | else, reasoning about the whole can become difficult.
       | I think there is value in wiring a monolith together in such a
       | way that each course grained subcomponent exposes a constrained
       | interface into the rest of the system (payments, orders,
       | shipping, customers etc) before needing to break it into
       | distributed micro-services.
       | Note: I quite like Dependency Injection, I just think the 1 giant
       | bag of dependencies can lead to complexity at scale.
         | loevborg wrote:
         | Check out Polylith for a description of this great pattern
         | https://polylith.gitbook.io/polylith/
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | > Once an app reaches a certain size and anything can depend on
         | anything else, reasoning about the whole can become difficult.
         | I have experienced this pain so many times and in so many
         | different varieties. Often, you cannot meaningfully subdivide
         | the problem space without ruining the logical semantics per the
         | business (i.e. bowl of spaghetti).
         | An alternative is to embrace the reality that circular
         | dependencies are actually inevitable and appropriate ways to
         | model many things.
         | The example scenario I like to use is that of a typical banking
         | customer. One customer likely has a checking and savings
         | account. For each of those accounts, there are potentially
         | multiple customers (joint ownership). Neither of these logical
         | business types will ever "win" in the real world DI graph.
         | Certainly you can start to invent bullshit like AccountCustomer
         | and CustomerAccount, but that only gets you 1 layer deeper into
         | an infinitely-recursive rabbit hole of pain and suffering.
         | There also exists the relational path, but I have heavily
         | advocated for that elsewhere and it is not always applicable
         | when talking about code-time BL method implementation. Being
         | able to model things just as they are in the real world is a
         | big key to success in the more complicated problem domains.
         | Instead of trying to control what _depends_ on what, I shifted
         | my thinking to:
         | > What needs to start up and in what order?
         | Turns out, most things don't really care in practice. The only
         | thing I have to explicitly initialize before everything else in
         | my current code base is my domain model working set (recovery
         | from snapshot/event logs) and settings. I decided to not use DI
         | for any business services. Instead, all services become a
         | static class with static members that can be invoked from
         | anywhere. This also includes the domain model instance which is
         | used as the in-memory working set. This type just contains an
         | array of every subordinate domain type (Customers, Accounts,
         | etc.). By having the working set available as a public static
         | type, every service can directly access it without requiring
         | method injection. If I was working with a different problem
         | domain (or certain bounded context within this one), I might
         | prefer method-level injection.
         | Yes - according to every book on programming style you ever
         | read, this is an abominable practice. Unit testing this would
         | be difficult/impossible. But you know what? It works. It's
         | simple. I can teach a novice how to add a new service in an
         | hour. A project manager stumbling into AccountService might
         | actually walk away enlightened. You can circularly-reference
         | things at runtime if you need to. I've got some call graphs
         | that bounce back and forth between customer & account services
         | 5+ times. And it totally makes sense to model it that way too
         | as far as the business is concerned. Everyone is happy.
         | mcv wrote:
         | I notice there's a lot of comments here saying this exact same
         | thing, and it's also what seems most sensible to me. Yet
         | microservices are getting all the hype. Should be hype a
         | thorough modular design more?
         | 4rb1t wrote:
         | In theory it all sounds great and makes total sense but when
         | the company grows to a billion dollar firm and hires engineers
         | to work on the said monolith thats when things breakdown. The
         | founding team was a closet knit team and ensure there is no
         | spaghetti code but the moment you move on from that closely
         | knit group its hard to enforce constraints.
         | Have worked at multiple companies that started out as a
         | monolith and are still running the monolith in some form or the
         | other while breaking it down into micro services.
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | I've never been part of a monolith that used a DI framework,
         | but I've seen quite a few monoliths fail (as in "the project
         | becomes too convoluted and iteration slows to a crawl until the
         | project is canceled or effectively rewritten") and I certainly
         | believe that one important reason microservices do well is that
         | they enforce the modularity that you describe. That said, a lot
         | of critics of microservices describe similar issues of
         | indiscernible chaos, so either I've been very fortunate or
         | microservice critics are gaslighting us. :)
         | lmilcin wrote:
         | I wouldn't blame (badly implemented) DI for all the problems of
         | monoliths.
         | I think the real main issue is lack of discipline when dividing
         | the application into modules.
         | Spaghetti is basically defined as an application where real
         | modularisation does not exist and everything talks to
         | everything.
         | It is much easier to work with an application when you can
         | abstract parts of it when you are solving your problem. You
         | effectively work on much smaller part of the application.
         | Spaghetti == you effectively have to take into account
         | possibility of the piece of code you look at interacting with
         | any other piece of code in the application.
         | Well modularised application == you only need to take into
         | account the contents of your current module and the interface
         | of the other modules you are using.
         | One reason why microservices sort of work (when done well) is
         | because they force people to think about APIs and how those
         | services talk to each other.
         | In most cases you could just put these microservices as modules
         | in a monolithic application and expend the effort on ensuring
         | APIs and application structure.
         | I have successfully rolled back couple microservice initiatives
         | by integrating services into monoliths. This usually results in
         | the team getting back a lot of their time because their
         | environment suddenly became much simpler. Less applications to
         | manage, less network communication, less possible ways for
         | things to break, less frameworks, less resources needed to run
         | the application, less processes (like processes around
         | deployment, release management, etc.), less boilerplate code,
         | and so on. The list is very long.
         | Of course, when you work on a large monolith vs a lot of small
         | microservices, it is now important to be able to structure your
         | applications. But there is also an opportunity for improvement.
           | jstimpfle wrote:
           | Ravioli == you have so many small distinct things on that are
           | hard to stick together, which makes it hard to build a larger
           | structure out of them.
             | lmilcin wrote:
             | Then try to not make the modules too small?
             | Sure, if you were ready to make an entire separate
             | application for it it will not be worse when you turn it
             | into one package of a monolith?
             | Also you can build nested structures with modules (like a
             | larger module consisting of smaller submodules).
             | Divide and conquer. This is how abstraction works in a
             | nutshell. You start with a large problem, divide it into
             | smaller parts (modules), each part you treat as a separate
             | problem dividing it into smaller modules, and so on.
         | malort wrote:
         | This is exactly what Shopify does with their monolithic Rails
         | app [1]. I worked at a company with ~200 engineers that used
         | the same general architecture and I really enjoyed it. We got a
         | lot of the benefits (clear interfaces, teams able to work on
         | their system without having to understand the whole platform,
         | build optimization, etc) without any of the operational
         | headaches that come with microservices.
         | [1]: https://shopify.engineering/shopify-monolith
       | kosolam wrote:
       | The author needs to express itself more succinctly, maybe it will
       | help also with his architecture struggles
       | marcosdumay wrote:
       | Do you know what kind of software has an absurd level of
       | horizontal scalability by default? Web servers.
       | The idea of splitting your web servers into multi-tiered web
       | servers for scalability is, well, weird. Yet, somehow it's the
       | main reason people keep pushing it. Even this article repeats
       | this.
       | There's nothing on microservices that adds scalability. They make
       | it convenient to deal with data partitioning, but it's an
       | ergonomics change, not one of capability.
         | monocasa wrote:
         | I agree with you for the most part, but to be devil's advocate,
         | I believe the argument is that the data stores don't tend to
         | horizontally scale the same way except in the most 'cdn' like
         | data flows.
         | delusional wrote:
         | > but it's an ergonomics change, not one of capability.
         | Isn't that a bit of an empty argument. Literally anything
         | Turing complete is an ergonomics change when compared to
         | anything else Turing complete.
         | We are writing for the same computer. There's nothing different
         | (fundamentally) about the kernel and my program.
         | smrtinsert wrote:
         | It's scalability with regard to parallelism if work streams and
         | business units. One module can respond to market faster if all
         | the other business units and teams don't have to weigh in
         | JamesSwift wrote:
         | It seems over time some nuance has been lost in translation on
         | this. Microservices weren't 'more scalable' than monoliths,
         | they were 'more appropriately scalable'. In other words, you
         | could scale parts independently and shape your infrastructure
         | more effectively for your workload. e.g. If your bottleneck is
         | logins, you scale the LoginService and don't need extra copies
         | of the AppointmentService running to keep up.
           | aflag wrote:
           | Sure, but I think the point is that it's unlikely the
           | bottleneck will be in the web server, but in whatever
           | database you're using for your logins. Just because you have
           | a single program, it doesn't mean it is required to use a
           | single database.
           | But even if the webserver is the problem, it feels unlikely
           | that you'll end up saving much in infrastructure cost by
           | scaling just the login service rather than just deploying
           | more copies of your webserver.
           | Not saying it is impossible, but it's unlikely for that to be
           | a good justification to adopt microservices. I'm not saying
           | that there aren't good reasons to use microservices, but I
           | agree that scalability is not a good selling point. I'd
           | actually argue that it's harder to build scalable
           | microservices than monoliths.
         | antihero wrote:
         | I guess the idea is to split the workload into parts so if one
         | part of the workload is proving to use more resources, it can
         | then get a larger dedicated pool of resources.
         | Plus being able to choose different tech for different types of
         | work, and also being able to split between teams when your org
         | gets more vast.
         | Though I guess this is more about using services than micro
         | services, per-say.
         | Nextgrid wrote:
         | I never got the "scalability" argument of microservices. You
         | can trivially deploy multiple instances of your monolithic web
         | application - chances are you're already doing so by running
         | multiple workers/threads in your application server. Spreading
         | that to other machines is trivial.
         | The real issue is in scaling the data store. Microservices
         | typically work around that problem by each having their own
         | separate database, but nothing prevents your monolith from also
         | talking to different DBs.
           | baash05 wrote:
           | Totally.. and adding read replicas in the mix too. Even rails
           | allows you to stipulate the DB each model lives in, in a
           | rather trivial manner.
             | pas wrote:
             | And there are DB proxies that can hide this complexity from
             | the application (to a degree).
           | pas wrote:
           | Monolith becomes a problem when it becomes too big to
           | build/test/deploy/debug in a sane fashion.
           | And when you have alternatives, great. But for example game
           | devs don't. Or operating system devs. Though of course these
           | are all active areas of ongoing research (for decades!).
           | If the problem/subject were that easy we would have already
           | solved it and it wouldn't be a hot topic.
           | And since it's likely a nonlinear problem it's hard to map
           | the problem-solution space, hard to get a good mental model
           | for it, so we use the next best thing: stories. We have
           | success stories and parables on what not to do. (And whole
           | conferences dedicated to telling them :))
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | Building, ok, but for testing or debugging microservices
             | aren't really an alternative. Just like scalability, they
             | add no new capability here. The most they can do is adapt
             | better to some set of procedures than a monolith.
             | For deploying they are nothing but a very large hindrance.
       | a45a33s wrote:
       | i think everything is already covered with this video
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8OnoxKotPQ
       | jiggawatts wrote:
       | Architecture astronauts _love_ microservices.
       | I'm watching a government customer take simple, cohesive systems
       | developed by a small team (4-5 people) and _split it up_ into
       | tiny little pieces scattered across different hosting platforms
       | and even clouds.
       | Why?
       | Because it's "fun" for the architects and pads out their resume.
       | Just now, I'm watching a "digital interactions" project that will
       | have dozens of components across two clouds, including multiple
       | ETL steps. In all seriousness, half of that could be replaced by
       | a _database index_ , and the other half with a trigger.
       | They're seriously going to deploy clusters of stuff on Kubernetes
       | for 100 MB of data to make sure it "scales"... to 200 MB. Maybe.
       | Eventually.
       | What kills me is that now that they've made the decision to over-
       | engineer the thing, my consultancy firm can't bid on the tender
       | because we don't have the appropriate experience building over-
       | engineered monstrosities!
       | The simple and effective solutions to problems we've delivered in
       | the past are _disqualifying_ us from work.
       | You guessed it: my next project will be an architect's wet dream
       | and will be over engineered just so that we can say on tender
       | applications that "yes, we have the relevant experience".
       | Gotta play the game by the rules...
       | AtNightWeCode wrote:
       | noob
       | marginalia_nu wrote:
       | Lifecycle management is also a big part of it, I think.
       | My search engine is a hybrid architecture, with some monoliths
       | and some microservices.
       | * Index - 5+ minute start time and uses 60% of system RAM.;
       | * Search Server (query parser, etc.) - 30 second start time due
       | to having to load a bunch of term frequency data, low resources,
       | ephemeral state
       | * Assistant Server (dictionary lookups etc.) - fast start, medium
       | resources, stateless
       | * Crawler - only runs sometimes, high resources, statefull
       | * Archive Server- fast start, low resources, ephemeral state
       | * Public API gateway - 5 second start time, low resources,
       | ephemeral state
       | + a few others
       | A lot of the ways it's divided is along the lines of minimizing
       | disruption when deploying changes. I don't have the server
       | resources to run secondary instances of any of these, so I'm
       | working with what I've got. If I patch the crawler, I don't want
       | the search function to go down. If I patch the search function, I
       | don't want to have to wait 5 minutes to restart the index.
       | It would certainly be cleaner to say break apart the Index
       | service in terms of design, as it does several disparate things,
       | but those things have a resource synergy which means I can't, not
       | without buying another server and running a small 100 GbE network
       | between them. Seems silly for a living room operation.
       | teekert wrote:
       | We have a big codebase where I work and it's written as a set of
       | micro services. I'm a bit of a noob but I thought that micro
       | services were always containerized. Turns out we don't do that
       | and it all runs in a very bespoke and poorly documented VM. Now
       | can we call this a microservices based architecture? I feel like
       | we cannot, it feels like worst of both worlds...
       | monocasa wrote:
       | I've come to the conclusion that microservices as usually
       | implemented are simply a Conway's law concern.
       | We haven't had a great track record defining the semantics of
       | component boundaries, but http is both simple enough that it
       | constricts code flow in a particular way leaving a lot of
       | misunderstandings and bike shedding discussions off of the table,
       | and is the ligua franca for external services owned by other orgs
       | so your engineers can be universally expected to understand those
       | semantics. There is a nice decoupling of letting teams make
       | technology choices though. Letting that drift on a per team basis
       | is kind of nice to allow experimentation with different
       | technologies without having to get the whole org onboard.
       | Maybe I need to go on the talk giving, consultant circuit
       | reselling a restricted view of DI as "hybrid service
       | architecture! Write your code as microservices but DevOps can
       | colocate your apps in the same process if that's more efficient!"
       | Lolz
       | It's also quite a nerd trap as we developers love to separate
       | components into as small of boxes as possible, but just like I've
       | seen super deep object hierarchies that didn't gain you anything
       | at the end of the day, it's easy to fall into the trap of
       | spinning every tiny bit of code into its own service.
       | I'm creating my own backend arch right now from scratch, and
       | really trying to look at each network traversal from a "what does
       | drawing this boundary actually get me" perspective. And I'm only
       | splitting that out because the third party protocol being
       | implemented is inherently separate services in an interesting
       | way.
       | [deleted]
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | I have done the full theme park ride on
       | monolith->microservices->monolith. Both have ups and downs.
       | The most important thing I learned is that "microservices" in
       | absolutely no way necessitates "bullshit spread across multiple
       | cloud vendors and other scenarios involving more than 1
       | computer". What part of microservices says things _must_ be
       | separated by way of an arbitrary wire protocol?
       | We now have a "monolith" (process) that is comprised of many
       | "microservices" (class files), each of which is responsible for
       | its own database, business logic, types, etc. These services are
       | able to communicate amongst themselves using the simple path of
       | direct method invocation.
       | If you are looking to scale up your capacity or even make things
       | more resilient, microservices vs monolith is really not the
       | conversation you need to be having. If you are trying to better
       | organize your codebase, you might be in the right place but you
       | also need to be super careful with how you proceed.
       | We wasted a solid 3 years trying to make microservices solve all
       | of our problems. Looking back, we spent more time worrying about
       | trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again with JSON APIs
       | and other technological duct tape than what our customers were
       | complaining about.
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | Farming out libraries or subprojects to separate teams is an ok
         | way to go as long as you don't mind a single language/build
         | system. Its not as flexible but you maybe get some perf out of
         | it.
         | You don't get the convenience of a single datastore with simple
         | transactions but it sounds like you prefer the flexibility of
         | services owning their own data.
         | As it turns out there's no silver bullet. Do what works for
         | you.
           | frozenport wrote:
           | >> single language/build system
           | Imagine designing your entire architecture around your build
           | system.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | You could even have a mono-repo that holds services which run
         | as separate processes, if you need that. That way you still get
         | the benefits of sharing code, types, version numbers, build
         | processes, etc, which seem like the main headaches with the
         | usual approach.
           | bob1029 wrote:
           | We passed right by this mode of operation while migrating
           | from microservices=>monolith. Everything is a separate
           | process but running on the same box. Ran that way for quite
           | some time. We pulled services into the main process one-by-
           | one. It went about as smoothly as one could have hoped for.
         | rapind wrote:
         | Pretty sure microservices will be remembered as a horribly
         | convoluted stop gap once we have better language
         | modularization.
         | They encourage modular patterns which is usually good, but all
         | that plumbing will eventually become unnecessary. I can't help
         | but remember building 6 versions of each class in the old ejb
         | days whenever I hear microservices hype.
         | antishatter wrote:
         | Pretty clearly the pros and cons come down to the application
         | and necessary stability. Need ultra stable? More and smaller
         | microservices usually better. Need fairly stable? Bigger
         | services is fine. Need it to work generally? Build it however
         | you can.
         | withinboredom wrote:
         | Currently at my day job, we have a monolithic code base with
         | multiple entry points. If you update a library, you have to
         | update the client or keep the changes backwards compatible. I
         | really prefer this over multiple micro services.
       | speed_spread wrote:
       | TL;DR - don't. (which I agree with)
       | m4l3x wrote:
       | In my opinion implementing strong interfaces and good
       | modularization is something, that we should talk about more, than
       | doing Microservices. In the end it might be easy to rip of a
       | Microservice, when needed, if the code is well structured.
         | fatnoah wrote:
         | > In my opinion implementing strong interfaces and good
         | modularization is something, that we should talk about more,
         | than doing Microservices.
         | This is my position as well. Strong interfaces, good logical
         | separation of function under the covers, etc. should allow
         | splitting off things at whatever level of micro you prefer.
         | alexvoda wrote:
         | Indeed, the principal seems to often be forgotten. The why of
         | monolith vs citadel vs microservices is ignored by some people.
         | This results in K8s-driven-development instead of
         | microservices.
           | baash05 wrote:
           | I love that sentence.
         | jerf wrote:
         | This is what I do in practice. I've seen it called a
         | "distributed monolith".
         | One of the good reasons to spend time with Erlang or Elixir is
         | it'll _force_ you to learn how to write your programs with a
         | variety of actors. Actors are generally easy cut points for
         | turning into microservices if necessary. As with many
         | programming languages I appreciate not being _forced_ to use
         | that paradigm everywhere, but it 's great to be forced to do it
         | for a while to learn how, so you can more comfortably adapt the
         | paradigm elsewhere. My Go code is not 100% split into actors
         | everywhere, but it definitely has actors embedded into it where
         | useful, and even on my small team I can cite multiple cases
         | where "actors" got pulled out into microservices. It wasn't
         | "trivial", but it was relatively easy.
           | ravi-delia wrote:
           | That's where a lot of the fun of Elixir comes from I think.
           | It's viscerally satisfying to split off functionality into
           | what almost feels like an independent machine that happens to
           | be in the same codebase. It clicked in a way normal object
           | oriented programming never did for me, I guess since it's not
           | feasible to mint 10,000 genservers to use as more complicated
           | structs.
             | cultofmetatron wrote:
             | haha I was thinking the same thing. The code base of my
             | startup is a monolith but in reality its a fork on request
             | webserver sending messages to a collection of genservers
             | actings as services.
             | In essence, creating a microservice with elixir is about
             | the same amount of effort as adding a controller in rails.
             | baash05 wrote:
             | Yeah.. rails hits this same nail with jobs.. I use jobs in
             | a synch manner, and it's great. It's a rather functional
             | way of working within an OO world.
       | guntars wrote:
       | There's something to be said about the benefits of having a
       | serialization boundary between parts of the code that's a natural
       | consequence of microservices, but it's something that could be
       | employed in a monolith just as well. Then if at any point you
       | actually need to split out a module into its own process or
       | machine, it would be trivial to do.
       | noizejoy wrote:
       | I have no idea how much sense it makes to have this discussion
       | without a reasonably specific underlying business context.
       | dmitriid wrote:
       | > Starting a greenfield project with microservices is easy.
       | That's an overstatement if I've ever heard one. Staring a
       | greenfield project with microservices is a nightmare. In a
       | greenfield monolith you can code and deploy your dependencies
       | together. In greenfield microservices? Oh, right. Set them all up
       | for deployment, figure out netwroking and access between them,
       | any change requires the fix-test-deploy dance etc.
       (page generated 2022-01-19 23:00 UTC)