[HN Gopher] Rnote - A note-taking application for drawing tablet...
       Rnote - A note-taking application for drawing tablets, written in
       Rust and GTK4
       Author : maydemir
       Score  : 189 points
       Date   : 2022-01-21 16:00 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | tra3 wrote:
       | I see lots of note taking/personal knowledge info management apps
       | being announced and criticized on HN, but I think it's great that
       | we are exploring the space.
       | Eventually, things will probably whittle down to a handful of
       | successful options, a la survival of the fittest.
       | I wonder if there's an example of a software category that went
       | through something like that?
         | DarylZero wrote:
         | > Eventually, things will probably whittle down to a handful of
         | successful options, a la survival of the fittest.
         | Doubt it. Most people aren't trying out a lot of these things.
         | There's always going to be more people who come up with their
         | own ideas of how to take notes, making new note-taking
         | applications.
         | They will reinvent each others' ideas again and again, maybe
         | some _ideas_ will somehow persist and become pervasive, but
         | always there will be new note-taking apps with every
         | generation.
         | georgesequeira wrote:
         | I think that task/project management is also starting to go
         | through that with Clubhouse, Linear, Height,
         | Notion/Coda/Knowledge-bases (trying to solve it). I would not
         | be surprised to hear that there are a couple in "Stealth" as
         | well.
         | smasher164 wrote:
         | I'm still looking for an Apple Notes-equivalent that I can
         | comfortably use on Linux. It's been the hardest part about
         | switching away from MacOS. A cross-platform app that launches
         | instantly, syncs notes, has search functionality, and works on
         | mobile is something I think we're missing.
           | hikilopei wrote:
           | dmd wrote:
           | Is this sarcasm? I honestly can't tell. This space is utterly
           | saturated already.
             | smasher164 wrote:
             | It's not sarcasm. I've looked pretty hard for the right app
             | and haven't found one that meets all of those requirements.
             | If it's that saturated, then what would you suggest?
               | nonesuchluck wrote:
               | I use Automattic's Simplenote. I pin the web app in a
               | Firefox tab, avoiding the Electron app. The Android and
               | iOS apps are both great tho. Live sync is perfect, you
               | can publish read-only links to notes (like pastebin), and
               | it has basic Markdown support but basically no other
               | frills.
               | smasher164 wrote:
               | I've been using iCloud notes by pinning a tab, but the
               | search is pretty slow. Does Simplenote fare better here?
               | nonesuchluck wrote:
               | Has live search, it's as quick as you can type.
         | dkarl wrote:
         | > I think it's great that we are exploring the space
         | I am 100% agreed on this. I have used Evernote for many years
         | and really hate the curse of commercial software that forces
         | them to constantly fiddle and break things that their customers
         | have come to rely on. Nevertheless, despite not loving it, I
         | touch Evernote multiple times per hour almost every hour
         | throughout my work day. I need a mobile app and quick sync
         | between different apps, and that will be hard for an open-
         | source effort or a one-person startup to achieve. I wonder if
         | an open-source app could be built on top of a paid commercial
         | sync service; I would gladly pay for that.
           | armoredkitten wrote:
           | I switched from Evernote to Joplin a year or two ago, and it
           | has been a great experience. Joplin is much more markdown-
           | centric, so it doesn't fully replace all of Evernote's
           | features, but it does have good support for multiple
           | organizational schemes, including notebooks (i.e., folders)
           | and tags, which I appreciate. They have both mobile and
           | desktop apps, and even a CLI. And it's built to sync over any
           | number of cloud services, including Dropbox, Google Drive, or
           | Nextcloud.
           | Anyway, I recommend checking it out to see if it meets your
           | use case. It's been a while, but I believe it has the ability
           | to import from Evernote, or at least read from whatever
           | export format Evernote provides, something like that.
       | floatboth wrote:
       | Way to bury the lede -- "simple note taking app" usually makes
       | people think of the usual text notes. This is a handwritten notes
       | app for drawing tablets, like a more modern xournalpp. Nice!
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | yeah, it's far more featured that OP makes it sound like.
         | Kudos to him, may other be inspired :)
         | fartcannon wrote:
         | Yes, 'simple' really undersells what's being offered here.
         | Simple as in ease of use, perhaps, but it looks like it does
         | quite a bit. Thanks!
         | dang wrote:
         | Ok, we've unearthed the lede in the title above. Thanks!
         | (Submitted title was "Rnote - A simple note taking application
         | written in Rust and GTK4")
         | alpaca128 wrote:
         | I was positively surprised as well. This looks more like
         | OneNote than your average mini text editor. As a Linux user
         | with a graphic tablet I love to see progress in that area.
           | chana_masala wrote:
           | Which tablet do you use?
       | zerr wrote:
       | Can anyone briefly describe or point to the relevant resource -
       | how GUI toolkits in Rust are done without the proper OO? E.g. how
       | do you model and implement Object > EventHandler > Window >
       | Control > RadioButton hierarchy?
         | gpm wrote:
         | I mean, for gtk in particular, I think they just implemented
         | everything necessary to make rust understand and interact with
         | gobjects "proper OO" hierarchy, which gtk is built on top of.
         | Rust isn't natively OO, but neither is C...
         | There are some examples of OO rust in the documentation here
         | for instance: https://gtk-rs.org/gtk-rs-
         | core/stable/latest/docs/glib/subcl...
         | Or you can look at the repository linked in this HN submission
         | as a practical example...
         | ---
         | Outside of the OO-gtk world, there's been quite a bit of
         | experimentation with non-OO gui systems in rust, but I don't
         | think there's a settled "best design" yet. Many designs look
         | something like the following
         | - model: rust struct describing your data
         | - view: function mapping your data to widgets, widgets
         | understanding how to layout, render, and issue commands
         | - commands: events in view generate simple command structs
         | - update fn: iterates over commands, updating model
         | With the framework passing input to widgets, and taking
         | commands from the widget and passing them to the update fn, and
         | then calling view to update widgets. Potentially intelligently
         | to avoid redundant work (e.g. not re-rendering widgets that
         | haven't changed).
         | The bigger constraint driving this than "not-OO" is "not
         | mutably aliasing data". You probably don't want to try and have
         | your update functions take a mutable reference to your model,
         | because you will end up fighting the borrow checker. (On the
         | other hand, I think egui does manage to pass mutable references
         | to the model to callbacks, so maybe this is just a reflection
         | of the rust gui's I've personally experimented with)
         | So in a slightly imaginary reasonably representative gui
         | framework, I might have                   struct Model {
         | chickens_can_fly: bool         }              enum Command {
         | ToggleChickensCanFly         }              fn view(model:
         | &Model) -> impl Widget {             CheckBox {
         | checked: model.chickens_can_fly,                 on_change: ||
         | Command::ToggleChickensCanFly             }         }
         | fn update(model: &mut Model, command: Command) {
         | match command {                 Command::ToggleChickensCanFly
         | =>                     model.chickens_can_fly =
         | !model.chickens_can_fly             }         }
           | gattr wrote:
           | In my small project ([1], Rust + GTK3) I pass the program
           | state wrapped in Rc<RefCell> to my update functions
           | (closures-as-event-handlers) and so far it's been OK (after
           | all they're executed sequentially from the main thread only).
           | One just needs to remember not to hold the borrow when
           | displaying a message box (as in GTK it enters a new message
           | loop recursively).
           | [1] https://github.com/GreatAttractor/vidoxide
       | Vinnl wrote:
       | It was also on OMG!Ubuntu recently, in case people are
       | interested: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/01/rnote-frehand-
       | notetaking...
       | curt15 wrote:
       | I just gave it a spin. It's very easy on the eye and it works
       | beautifully with my Wacom tablet. A promising application.
       | beepbooptheory wrote:
       | Looks cool but leave Lena out of it!
       | I'm truly sorry
         | 1_player wrote:
         | Do not try and initiate a flame war on a totally innocent
         | thread. It is not appreciated and against the site guidelines.
         | Move along.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | stareatgoats wrote:
           | "Please respond to the strongest plausible interpretation of
           | what someone says, not a weaker one that's easier to
           | criticize. Assume good faith."
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | beepbooptheory wrote:
           | Oh wow I'm sorry, had no idea it was controversial in that
           | way! Truly not trying to initiate anything... Thought just
           | some people didn't know the story, which is why she is still
           | used.
           | I just did my own PR about it anyway so no worries.
             | tamasnet wrote:
             | Thanks for mentioning it, I learned something today.
         | stareatgoats wrote:
         | For the record, I find little wrong with this comment as it was
         | originally posted. People might not be aware of the story
         | behind that image, and that Lena Forsen herself doesn't wish
         | her photo to be used like this any more [0]. I can't for the
         | life of me understand how this can remotely be interpreted as a
         | flame bait.
         | [0] https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/it-s-time-to-
         | retire-...
           | jturpin wrote:
           | The article doesn't give any statement from her about the use
           | of her photos in computer science, is there another quote
           | somewhere?
             | littlestymaar wrote:
             | See the documentary _Losing Lena_ [1]:
             | [1]: https://www.losinglena.com/
         | nani8ot wrote:
         | There already is an open issue about this.
         | https://github.com/flxzt/rnote/issues/37
       | sebow wrote:
       | [Sorry in advance if this is a little off-topic]
       | Gtk4 has a lot of potential to be disruptive if the tooling
       | becomes at least competitive to what other frameworks have (qt,
       | flutter,etc). For now it's a serious choice (or the only choice)
       | if you develop for linux.There are cases where this is desirable
       | and if you have a product that has multiple 'native' versions and
       | that's good, but most often than not that's not the case.
       | -Language bindings(this is where gtk is overlooked and has a
       | solid position, being written in a low-level language it already
       | satisfies one segment of developers and through bindings the
       | other half)
       | And either:
       | -A decent designer tool (glade and cambalanche exist - they're
       | better than nothing, sadly would say they're not production-
       | ready)
       | -Or some (possibly community-driven, which can be the case since
       | gtk is open) extensions for couple major IDEs/editors: think
       | emacs,vscode,intellij-based.This is where gtk is way behind
       | flutter/qt and i think they can gain the most since a lot of
       | developers rely (for good or worse) on editor extensions.
       | And i'm willing to guarantee that gtk will be often be picked as
       | a solid alternative.Again, this is not bashing against gtk4,
       | because it's free and my talk is worth nothing compared to
       | contributors, but these are just my 2 cents.
         | floatboth wrote:
         | > not production-ready
         | Glade is very mature, people use it extensively for serious
         | software:
         | https://blog.horizon-eda.org/misc/2021/01/29/glade.html
         | Cambalanche is a fresh start, with gtk4 in mind, of course it's
         | not production ready yet. But I'm really excited about it, the
         | architecture is cool (probably the best use of the broadway
         | backend ever)
           | littlestymaar wrote:
           | Isn't Glade obsolete? I'm pretty sure I've read a blog post
           | from GTK folks telling people to stop using it.
           | Edit: Ok, it's the first link in your link, which is a
           | rebuttal to this exact blog post.
       | 1024core wrote:
       | 2026 headline: Google disbands blockchain unit as head departs...
         | ToruiDev wrote:
         | Wrong Submission;)
         | You probably wanted to comment on
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30023169
           | homarp wrote:
           | more like https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30025097 :)
             | ToruiDev wrote:
             | Ah, failing to correct someone but making a similar
             | response... a problem as old as time.
               | littlestymaar wrote:
               | Muphry's law!
               | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muphry%27s_law
       | esarbe wrote:
       | Very pretty!
       | Is it using libadwaita?
         | tlamponi wrote:
         | > Is it using libadwaita?
         | It seem so:
         | https://github.com/flxzt/rnote/blob/main/Cargo.toml#L39
         | But it's not using any official published crate FWICT, but
         | downloads a source tar ball directly from the GNOME servers:
         | https://github.com/flxzt/rnote/blob/ba02e999ffebb52a9f3b2b3f...
         | A bit weird, but maybe there's just no ergonomic and/or stable
         | crate for it yet.
       | [deleted]
       | petepete wrote:
       | Just taken it for a spin, really intuitive and worked
       | beautifully! I love that it has 'rough' shapes built in, I'm
       | already a huge Excalidraw user and fan and having a native
       | alternative is exciting.
         | CornCobs wrote:
         | One thing I think is really nice about excalidraw is that the
         | excalidraw file format is simply json - this makes my
         | notes/drawings/diagrams greppable!
       | poxwole wrote:
       | Please distribute it via distro repository
         | krastanov wrote:
         | Could you elaborate why? I love debian and its repositories,
         | but for self-contained statically-compiled apps that are not a
         | realistic target of attack, I strongly prefer Flatpak for its
         | compartmentalization and ease of universal distribution.
       | jonnycomputer wrote:
       | Just fyi, the the name made me think this was a R markdown
       | notebook app. I'm guessing R is for Rust?
       | [deleted]
       | SamBam wrote:
       | Very nice-looking app.
       | Question: Why is Rust important in this, important enough to be
       | in the name of the app (presumably the "R"), not just the HN
       | submission title (which has its own reasons for including
       | "Rust")? That seems very insider-baseball for the average user.
         | petee wrote:
         | I appreciate the mention if only because a bunch of projects
         | look cool by description, but when you dig in you find out they
         | have some silly stack of tech required.
         | At least I know its rust, and won't be surprised by needing to
         | compile it
         | Jim_Heckler wrote:
         | To be fair, the closest "competitor" is Xournal++, named such
         | in part because its a c++ remake of Xournal, so there's sort of
         | a precedent I guess.
         | littlestymaar wrote:
         | For the average user indeed, but for the average _rust
         | developer_ hanging around on HN, having examples of how a full-
         | featured GUI app that use GTK4 is something really valuable!
         | I have no interest in note-taking apps and I'm never gonna
         | _use_ this one, but I 'm eager to read the code.
           | simion314 wrote:
           | >I have no interest in note-taking apps and I'm never gonna
           | use this one, but I'm eager to read the code.
           | Probably you should subscribe to some Rust specific reddits
           | or forums ? Otherwise it means we should see on first page 10
           | different TODO apps in 5 different languages with 10
           | different toolkits. There should be something relatively
           | interesting about the app IMO.
           | nu11ptr wrote:
           | Agreed - I have a personal project that needs a GUI. Still
           | debating which to use but right now GTK4 is likely my top
           | pick due it's binding maturity. Having a codebase to look at,
           | esp. one that has obviously taken great care in it's design,
           | is extremely valuable.
       | smoldesu wrote:
       | Looks neat, but I have no intention of installing Libadwaita onto
       | any of my systems. I hope the people who will enjoy this though,
       | Rust/GTK programs seem to have huge potential in my experience
       | writing them.
       | Edit: Side note, why does the CSD switch sides from left to
       | right? If I was a user, that would annoy the hell out of me,
       | especially if I was using a drawing tablet...
         | kk6mrp wrote:
         | > I have no intention of installing Libadwaita onto any of my
         | systems
         | Out of curiosity why is this?
           | smoldesu wrote:
           | GNOME middleware has no place on my system. GTK4 breaks font
           | rendering which is already eye-searing enough, but libadwaita
           | is woefully incomplete and barely functions without sandboxed
           | life-support propping it up. It also violates the native LAF
           | of my system, introduces compositing issues on any system
           | that isn't running a GNOME 40/Wayland combo, consumes too
           | many resources and frankly has no reason to exist given the
           | modern state of GTK programming. Since I'm a GTK dev, I
           | choose to abstain by staying on GTK3, which has none of the
           | aforementioned issues.
             | kk6mrp wrote:
             | Ok, interesting. I am running Sway on Wayland and have one
             | application that depends on libadwaita. Looking it over, I
             | can see what you're talking about. Thank you for sharing!
       | longstation wrote:
       | Very cool! Glad to see more Rust + GTK apps. Did you use Cairo
       | for drawing notes?
       (page generated 2022-01-21 23:00 UTC)