[HN Gopher] GitHub Actions by Example
       GitHub Actions by Example
       Author : macintoshpie
       Score  : 211 points
       Date   : 2022-01-24 17:23 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.actionsbyexample.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.actionsbyexample.com)
       | cstuder wrote:
       | Maybe this thread is the right place to ask a usage question: I
       | have a multiline GitHub Secret which I would like to print out to
       | a `.env` file in a GitHub Action. How can I do that?
       | My current solution doesn't support spaces within the secret
       | content:                 - name: Write .env         run: |
       | echo $ENV_FILE | tr ' ' '\n' > .env         shell: bash
       | env:           ENV_FILE: ${{secrets.DOTENV}}
       | Writing a multiline secret string directly into a file replaces
       | all newlines with spaces. The `tr` command converts them back to
       | newlines.
         | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
         | You have to quote your variable expansion.
         | Also using echo is bad form, instead try                  cat
         | <<<$ENV_FILE >.env
         | nagisa wrote:
         | `echo "$ENV_FILE"`, maybe? `echo $ENV_FILE` (without quotes)
         | will split the environment variable by separators in $IFS and
         | pass each chunk as separate argument.
       | pqb wrote:
       | Nice idea, worth mentioning other features:
       | - Reusable workflows (note: matrix strategy doesn't work here):
       | https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/reusing-w...
       | - Creating an action:
       | https://docs.github.com/en/actions/creating-actions/metadata...
       | - Composite actions: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/creating-
       | actions/creating...
       | - Fact, the "uses" in step can be a relative path in the same
       | repository (obviously, you must checkout the code, when it uses a
       | relative path): https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-
       | workflows/workflow-...
       | - Script as an action: https://github.com/actions/github-script
       | - Using GitHub Packages and artifacts:
       | https://docs.github.com/en/actions/publishing-packages/about...
       | - Using docker-compose-like services that run alongside of the
       | container: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-
       | containerized-servi...
       | - Using heredoc to share multi-line JSON in an environment
       | variable, also using fromJSON/toJSON functions:                 -
       | name: get-version         id: get-version         run: |-
       | echo 'JSON_RESPONSE<<EOF' >> $GITHUB_ENV           cat
       | package.json >> $GITHUB_ENV           echo 'EOF' >> $GITHUB_ENV
       | - name: print-version         run: echo "${{
       | fromJSON(env.JSON_RESPONSE).version }}"
       | - The matrix/strategy of the dependent workflow can be created
       | dynamically, like in the following workflow:
       | https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/blob/83bbc2e7c...
       | And many, many more :)
         | macintoshpie wrote:
         | Sick! I've been meaning to add more to this for a while, thanks
         | for the suggestions
       | keewee7 wrote:
       | >Inspired by Go by Example
       | One of the best tutorials for people coming to Go from other
       | languages:
       | https://gobyexample.com/
         | synergy20 wrote:
         | I wish the UI has a left sidebar with scroll-able TOC, so I
         | don't need jump back to home page to pick a different subject.
         | I asked the same to gobyexample.com's author and was told they
         | have no intention to change.
           | systemvoltage wrote:
           | I disagree, I think the simplicity of this page is its
           | strength and its beauty. I wish more sites were designed this
           | way.
       | bilalq wrote:
       | I wish more people wrote docs in this fashion. I almost always
       | end up skipping official docs in favor of digging around for blog
       | posts going over code examples on things.
         | samhw wrote:
         | It's not unheard of. A few examples come to mind:
         | - Go By Example: https://gobyexample.com/
         | - Rust By Example: https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/
         | - V [a weird knockoff of Go] By Example:
         | https://v-community.gitbook.io/v-by-example/
         | There's also 'Learn X in Y Minutes'
         | (https://learnxinyminutes.com/), which covers a range of
         | different 'X'es. They make it ridiculously easy to get going
         | with a new tool/language, IMO. It's a superb paradigm in
         | general.
         | suyash wrote:
         | I loved the simplicity and directness of the UI too. Specially
         | like the feature where mouse cursor maps to code blocks, how
         | did you create this ? I'd like to use this framework if
         | possible for tech blogs.
           | macintoshpie wrote:
           | Thanks! The page itself is just simple HTML and tables. I
           | generated it from YAML files with a custom HTML generator,
           | see for example: https://github.com/macintoshpie/ghactionsbye
           | xample/blob/df6f...
       | nyanpasu64 wrote:
       | > Actions reduce workflow steps by providing reusabe[sic] "code"
       | for common tasks. To run an action, you include the uses keyword
       | pointing to a GitHub repo with the pattern {owner}/{repo}@{ref}
       | or {owner}/{repo}/{path}@{ref} if it's in a subdirectory. A ref
       | can be a branch, tag, or SHA.
       | Aside from the typo, I wonder how many packages could be
       | backdoored at once, if an action maintainer went rogue, seeing as
       | there's no pinning for actions by default, and (according to
       | https://github.com/msys2/setup-msys2/blob/main/HACKING.md) moving
       | a tag is the default way to push updates to an action.
       | (Interestingly get-cmake/run-cmake/run-vcpkg are all operated by
       | the same person.)
         | macintoshpie wrote:
         | Oops thanks for the catch
       | fierro wrote:
       | the most bizarre thing about GH actions is the I/O mechanic where
       | you produce outputs by executing `echo ::set-output
       | name=<name>::<value>.`
         | donatj wrote:
         | Agreed, the whole inline-signaling aspect of that makes me a
         | little uncomfortable.
       | gfunk911 wrote:
       | I might love this. Last time I checked on the Actions docs, they
       | seemed to say a lot, while still leaving me confused somehow.
         | mrbuzzinfrog wrote:
         | It's pretty terrible if you compare it to CircleCI or GitLab
         | from 4 years ago. I'm a big fan of GitLab, seems like the only
         | company pushing things forward in an _elegant matter_, used it
         | heavily in the startup world. Using GitHub again these days. I
         | cry every time I need to do GHA stuff. Current setup of Github
         | + CircleCI is miles more elegant as it was 6 years ago.
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | I like gitlab, but I'm not sure _elegant_ is the word I 'd
           | use for them; they have a severe case of wanting to check all
           | the boxes for features, but it can be a little clunky to see
           | how the parts work together. My pick for elegance would be
           | sourcehut. On the other hand, they all seem to work pretty
           | decently and the clunkiness isn't _that_ bad, so I keep using
           | it:)
           | jpthurman wrote:
           | This makes sense - the main reason GitLab took off is
           | vertical integration with CI/CD which Github is catching up
           | on. Github has the long game in mind and with it's size and
           | preponderance of OSS I see it taking over when they innovate
           | to a more useable level.
         | jonny_eh wrote:
         | > they seemed to say a lot, while still leaving me confused
         | somehow
         | Saying a lot and causing confusion usually go hand-in-hand.
           | nefitty wrote:
           | Actions was my first experience with YAML and it made me want
           | to bark at my monitor. No, I'm not a dog.
             | phalangion wrote:
             | We can't know that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Int
             | ernet,_nobody_knows_...
       | natrys wrote:
       | While dealing with an unfamiliar project recently, being able to
       | run actions locally with act[1] was a great time saver for me:
       | [1] https://github.com/nektos/act
         | terhechte wrote:
         | Thanks! I searched for something like this recently and
         | couldn't find it! Should be linked in the Actions docs.
         | thinkafterbef wrote:
         | Incoming shameless plug; if you don't have to handle the
         | hosting runners, but still to reap the benefits of having
         | proper hardware (close to the metal). Check out BuildJet for
         | GitHub actions[1] - 2x the speed for half the price. Easy to
         | install and easy to revert.
         | [1] https://buildjet.com/for-github-actions
           | Grimburger wrote:
       | staticassertion wrote:
       | https://docs.github.com/en/actions/security-guides/security-...
       | Probably worth checking out this guide. GHA can be a pretty scary
       | thing.
         | jshier wrote:
         | None of that is scary. Pretty much all of that advice applies
         | to systems you run internally. I do wish GHA had a solution for
         | secure file injection, which solutions like Jenkins already
         | have, so we didn't need a janky workaround for JSON blobs.
       | ghotli wrote:
       | I too love "Go by Example" and refer to it often. Makes me want
       | it for all the things.
       | Shot in the dark, anyone know of one for hot-off-the-presses
       | modern Python (3.10) with typing akin to Golang? All the modern
       | additions really need a comprehensive overview like Go by Example
       | somehow manages to do in a very lightweight style
       | erwincoumans wrote:
       | Nice and simple explanation. Never looked at the docs, I used the
       | Github 'workflow' to automatically create an action for CMake and
       | CTest (C++ code) and just followed the steps without customizing.
       | It just worked out-of-the-box, the autogenerated yaml file is
       | here: https://github.com/google-research/tiny-differentiable-
       | simul...
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | Every CI system in existence is reinventing the exact same wheel:
       | "I want to run some random task" + event hooks + secrets + logs +
       | plugins + integrations. It's so ridiculous that more of them keep
       | being created - and are _losing functionality_. GHA has all these
       | configs in YAML (there 's a user-friendly config file...) but
       | doesn't let you run paramaterized builds in their web UI? .....
       | _why?_
       | We shouldn't be writing all these jobs in a format that only
       | works for one CI system. You spend months writing Jenkinsfiles,
       | and then you move to CircleCI and have to rewrite all of them,
       | and then move to Drone and have to rewrite all of them, and then
       | move to CodeBuild/CodePipeline and have to rewrite all of them,
       | and then move to GitHub Actions and have to rewrite all of them.
       | Eventually we'll rewrite them all for something else. And why? To
       | run the same exact tests on a slightly different system.
         | yebyen wrote:
         | > doesn't let you run paramaterized builds in their web UI?
         | It doesn't? https://github.blog/changelog/2021-11-10-github-
         | actions-inpu...
         | Maybe it didn't 6 months ago, but it seems this is an option
         | now, and well-documented.
         | This is a topic of interest for me, I presented on Jenkins and
         | GitOps to an audience at KubeCon who I suspect are almost all
         | interested in moving away from Jenkins, or have been told to be
         | interested in switching from Jenkins to something else, and I
         | tried to get the idea across that they probably don't really
         | need to switch the workflow tool even if it's ancient, ...
         | But maybe should consider subbing out some of the important
         | fiddly bits underneath it (like, I assume the vast majority of
         | Jenkins users are building images with Docker, and if they're
         | running on Kubernetes, they're many of them wondering what they
         | will do, or how long they really have before they have to start
         | worrying about the deprecation of dockershim and how their
         | lives are going to change when their clusters won't be running
         | Docker under the hood anymore?)
         | I was actually arguing for a tool like Porter.sh to come in and
         | make the boundaries of "what's in a build" super neat and tidy,
         | organized, but also limited so the next time they feel
         | compelled to switch workflow tooling, it will be a non-issue
         | and can be over and finished inside of a single day's work. The
         | problem isn't that your workflow tool is too old, it's that
         | you've jammed too much arbitrary complexity inside of it,
         | probably because the right abstraction was not made available
         | to you at the time. "Switching off of Jenkins" just means
         | building a second system and it comes with all the baggage of
         | "second system syndrome" to do so.
         | Sure it's difficult switching from Jenkins, when you've built
         | this gigantic pipeline with 18 branches and 12 of them run in
         | parallel, half of them are configured with different options
         | passed to the docker build tool, half of them must use buildx,
         | and the third half of them are unmaintained so we don't go in
         | there... so put some guard rails up around the hard parts! And
         | get somebody in there to take care of those cobwebs.
           | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
           | I'm glad it's an option now! That was crazy that it took 3
           | years for this feature to show up, though.
           | I think we need a few more "12 Factor App"-style guidelines
           | for modern systems. 12 Factor goes a long way to abstract
           | away the tendency for implementation lock-in. But we can
           | probably create a few more guidelines specific to CI so it's
           | portable. Use OAuth, use the same authorization layer as your
           | VCS, tie secrets and artifacts to the VCS repo, make every
           | plugin a Docker container. (I'm stealing these concepts from
           | Drone because it has the best cloud-native design I've ever
           | seen)
           | The final unsolved bit is how to manage a DAG of jobs and
           | hooks around every event in a portable way. We probably need
           | a universal CI spec and API, but maybe that's too specific.
           | Also: holy crap, I don't think I've seen Porter.sh before, I
           | love the idea! Definitely going to look into that
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | It's why I like tekton, it's a CI system for kubernetes so
         | you're letting kubernetes solve all those problems. I have far
         | more faith that k8s will be alive and kicking and not breaking
         | core things like secrets, logs, container execution, etc. in
         | painful ways in the future than anything else.
         | In general though I try to put all the CI work into a simple
         | shell or similar script and then just configure whatever CI
         | system is in use to call it in the appropriate environment (in
         | a container, bespoke VM, etc.). I agree putting all kinds of
         | complexity in a unique CI system is just asking for trouble
         | down the road as it's now basically a hard dependency for your
         | code to be shippable.
       | asciiii wrote:
       | I really like the format and layout of this.
       | Kreotiko wrote:
       | Word of advice, if you are thinking of running self hosted
       | runners and use Actions for your organisation, do yourself a
       | favour and check them out in a year or two and use something like
       | Argo Workflows or Tekton instead.
       | GHA isn't a product thought for GH private organisations, you
       | will find that every much needed feature for this use is very low
       | in GH roadmap.
         | longcommonname wrote:
         | Could you provide more details?
           | Kreotiko wrote:
           | Sure, the main things for me are:
           | It doesn't matter how smart you are with reusable workflows
           | you will never get to a truly DRY setup that scales for
           | dozens of repositories.
           | Another major pain is that we still haven't private actions.
           | It was due end of 2021 (maybe it is out now but I checked a
           | couple of days ago).
           | Setting up runners to look after a pool of repositories needs
           | elevated permissions.
           | GH offers a way to enforce a list of enabled actions but this
           | does not work with private binary registries hosting pre
           | built Docker actions. The only thing that could prevent you
           | to pull software at runtime from the internet, which means,
           | if you want to have a decent security posture all you are
           | left with is referencing actions using the full git sha
           | version.
           | Many common use case require hacks, which is fun for a
           | weekend project but isn't great for a large scale operation.
           | An example is simply running a workflow dynamically targeting
           | the folders containing changes. At the moment you have to
           | create a job, generate a build matrix on the fly and pass it
           | in input as the matrix to the actual job.
       (page generated 2022-01-24 23:02 UTC)