[HN Gopher] Deskreen: Turn any device into a secondary screen fo...
       Deskreen: Turn any device into a secondary screen for your computer
       Author : marcodiego
       Score  : 78 points
       Date   : 2022-01-24 17:33 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (deskreen.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (deskreen.com)
       | hackeredje wrote:
       | If I buy 25 old tablets, put them on a wall 5x5 and then open on
       | my laptop 25 browser tabs each with different streaming data e.g.
       | webcam views, messengers, news, can i use this software to
       | achieve this?
       | Then again... could ofcourse then also anydesk to each of them to
       | change whatever they are showing.
         | myself248 wrote:
         | It looks like this requires a physical display adapter (with a
         | dummy plug in it to spoof EDID) to create the display
         | "instance" which Deskreen then copies to the remote device. So
         | no, you don't have 25 video ports to stuff dummy plugs into.
         | Depending on your host OS, there _may_ be a way to create more
         | displays that don't require physical video ports, but that
         | doesn't seem to be documented or supported here.
         | Edit: OH! It's discussed here:
         | https://github.com/pavlobu/deskreen/discussions/86
         | PinkPigeon wrote:
         | Never managed to get this to work on a laptop with an Intel 520
         | gpu and latest Linux Mint. Deskreen isn't the problem. It's
         | trying to create a virtual display. You'll see my comments with
         | my findings on on every github / stackoverflow discussion
         | regarding the matter. There are a few.
         | Until there is a bullet proof way of creating virtual displays,
         | Deskreen isn't of much use to someone with my use case. Which
         | is a damn shame. I really wanted to use an iPad as 2nd screen.
         | progbits wrote:
         | Rather than sending 25 video streams from single machine to all
         | those tablets it will probably be easier and much more
         | efficient to just open those webcam streams / websites directly
         | on the tablets, they are able to render it directly.
         | For remote control just serve a simple iframe + javascript to
         | poll for changes.
         | PS: Nice idea, seems like something you would see in a
         | stereotypical hacker movie :)
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | TCL has a 65" 8k TV for about $2k, 75" for about 500 more.
         | That's enough for 16 1080p streams (4x4) or 36 720p streams
         | (6x6) and you won't be spending days banging your head against
         | limitations on bandwidth, number of outputs, issues, or failure
         | points, power outlets/chargers, image quality, and so on. On
         | the other hand if it's for the fun of it I'm sure you can
         | figure something like that out.
         | If "whatever is cheap" is what you are after a couple <$300 4k
         | TVs will probably be better quality, cheaper, and easier to set
         | up than 25 tablets.
       | cf141q5325 wrote:
       | Can somebody say something about responsiveness? Where are they
       | on the scale of VNC to Stadia/Steamlink or other cloud gaming
       | services?
       | Reminds me that i am really hoping to see some usable network
       | transparency soon. Last time i looked at something like waypipe
       | it seemed to be still clunky. But cloud gaming showed we should
       | be there
         | mthoms wrote:
         | The FAQ claims "Deskreen works faster and smoother than VNC
         | based solutions" but I'm sceptical. I'd love to hear from
         | anyone who can vouch for this.
       | geuis wrote:
       | Please don't mess with the back button
       | sandworm101 wrote:
       | "Deskreen is a desktop app that turns any device with a web
       | browser into a secondary screen for your computer over WiFi."
       | Any device? Gauntlet thrown. I am very sure that I can find a
       | device with a screen and a wifi dongle to which you cannot
       | connect. Got a smartwatch?
       | "Available Disk Space: 210MB RAM: 250MB on average to run app
       | with one screen sharing session. Every new screen sharing session
       | will need upto 100MB of extra memory on average for smooth
       | performance. CPU (Windows): any modern dual core CPU, weaker CPUs
       | may have performance problems. CPU (MacOS): any modern CPU CPU
       | (Linux): any modern CPU"
       | There it is. It can only connect to "modern" systems, probably
       | limited to those built in the last decade or so. That isn't "any
       | device" in my book. It isn't even every device in my office.
         | bozhark wrote:
         | This comment is helpful for places that don't have modern tech.
         | Though the tone is fucked.
         | "Will Deskreen work on my 1st or 2nd generation IPads? Will
         | Deskreen work on some really old device?
         | No. At the moment we are looking into solutions on how to add a
         | support for really old screen viewing devices with old and
         | outdated browsers. The problem is that WebRTC is not supported
         | in old outdated web browsers, but we may fix this in the
         | future. In future releases this issue may be fixed. Stay tuned.
         | You can find updates in the following link:
         | https://github.com/pavlobu/deskreen/issues/90"
           | myself248 wrote:
           | And long before WebRTC, there've been Java VNC viewers. It
           | doesn't get you the Deskreen UI on the host, and
           | responsiveness may vary, but you can get RFB on some very old
           | devices that way.
         | techsupporter wrote:
         | I don't mean to complain--actually, yes I do, so never mind
         | that--but do you march into a fast food restaurant that claims
         | to serve "the best burgers in town" and demand to have the
         | manager issue a correction because the other place across the
         | road _also_ advertises the best burgers?
         | Or do you return a hat that reads "one size fits all" when you
         | find a toddler whose head is too small for it?
         | I fail to see the need for such pedantry, at least put in such
         | a way that seems very demeaning to the author (who, I note,
         | does not appear to have English as their first language and so
         | might have learned this turn of phrase by reading other
         | advertising). If it bothers you that much, make a pull request
         | to correct the record: https://github.com/pavlobu/deskreen
           | sandworm101 wrote:
           | "Best" is an opinion, not an absolute. "One size fits all"
           | explains states that only one size is available. The
           | marketing of this product is the equivalent of saying "we
           | have shirts in sizes to fit everyone", and then turning away
           | all the short people.
           | I had a court appearance last year that I needed to attend
           | using software that "works on every device". Not linux. Not
           | older macs. Not the older windows machines in all the small
           | law offices.
       | collaborative wrote:
       | Won't run on my corp laptop :(
       | Firewall prevents opening port 3131. Wonder if there is any other
       | eay to use my iPad as a second monitor...
         | ndespres wrote:
         | I use my iPad as a second monitor using Duet Display. It works
         | over wifi as well as tethered with USB. I am not sure how it
         | matches up with Deskreen. It cost some money, maybe $20 for the
         | iPad application.
       | kroltan wrote:
       | See also https://spacedesk.net/. Sadly Windows-host-only, but
       | works pretty well, and anything with a browser in the same LAN
       | can be a screen.
       | (And I do mean _a browser_, not _a Chrome_)
         | genezeta wrote:
         | > We're really sorry, but...
         | > Mozilla Firefox Browser is currently not supported, due
         | performance limitations.
         | :(
       | all2 wrote:
       | Website overrides the back button in my browser for some reason.
       | Super irritating.
       | _joel wrote:
       | As others have said, hijacking the back button is a complete turn
       | off
       | spdegabrielle wrote:
       | Annoying their home page tries to break the back button in my
       | browser.
         | niccl wrote:
         | And no vertical scroll bars (in vivaldi or fire3fox at least)
         | Grr!
           | mthoms wrote:
           | Ditto on Safari desktop.
         | core-utility wrote:
         | I've noticed more sites doing this, whether intentionally or
         | not. Just the other day I was on Microsoft.com and I had to
         | right-click the back button to find how many jumps 1 link-click
         | took me through to get back to DDG. The answer was 4, there
         | were 4 random redirects in between DuckDuckGo and the Microsoft
         | page I visited.
         | pferdone wrote:
         | Yeah what is this? Immediately turns me away from anything they
         | offer
           | whoisthemachine wrote:
           | Seems like a poor implementation of localization - the root
           | redirects to a language specific landing page.
           | marcodiego wrote:
           | I think the problem is caused by deskreen.com redirecting to
           | https://deskreen.com/lang-en . It is a shame I can't update
           | it.
             | gruez wrote:
             | Yeah, the site seems to be some sort of SPA that uses
             | pushState() to change the url. However, the server was
             | poorly configured so if you refresh, you get a 404
             | (presumably because the SPA is only served at the root).
         | fuzzylightbulb wrote:
         | literally every microsoft page does this, too. hold down the
         | back button and you can see that you need to go back 2 hops.
         | probably because you load the website and then it redirects to
         | the local translation. annoying but not the end of the world.
       | partisan wrote:
       | I'll repeat what was already said. You shouldn't hijack the back
       | button. That is hostile to the user and will not generate sales
       | for you. I think the idea is great and is something I can use,
       | but I'll pass.
         | pedalpete wrote:
         | Lot's of comments here about hijacking the back button. I
         | wasn't able to get the site to do this using Brave browser.
         | What actions were you taking?
           | shashashasha___ wrote:
           | you got to click something like any link. opening the site
           | doesn't allow it by itself to hijack the back as browsers do
           | not allow that without user gesture.
       | ConcernedCoder wrote:
       | Not going to trade my browser's back-button for this...
       (page generated 2022-01-24 23:03 UTC)