[HN Gopher] Systemd by Example
       Systemd by Example
       Author : Foxboron
       Score  : 285 points
       Date   : 2022-01-25 12:56 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (systemd-by-example.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (systemd-by-example.com)
       | throwawaymanbot wrote:
       | Anthony-G wrote:
       | I just tried the first exercise of creating a default target and
       | this web application is a great learning resource for Systemd. It
       | should be noted that it works best as a complement to the
       | author's series on _Systemd by example_ 1.
       | I also love how the web application works without requiring
       | multiple JavaScript dependencies hosted on third-party servers.
       | 1 https://seb.jambor.dev/posts/systemd-by-example-part-1-minim...
         | zibzab wrote:
         | I was just wondering why everything loaded so fast and was so
         | fluid...
       | ghoshbishakh wrote:
       | Wow wonderful set of articles. A big thanks! Wanted to understand
       | this stuff for a long time but could not give enough time to
       | navigate the dense documentation.
       | mkaic wrote:
       | I just learned the _absolute basics_ of systemd the other day
       | while trying to set up an auto-restarting game server on an RPi
       | for my little sibling, and finding helpful examples was extremely
       | difficult. This seems like a perfect solution!
       | synergy20 wrote:
       | I like all those 'learnXbyexample' sites, though I really hope I
       | can have a drop down menu or side-bar to access the TOC instead
       | of going back to homepage each time for next subject.
       | egberts1 wrote:
       | folkhack wrote:
       | This is outstanding... I really wish I would have had this
       | learning systemd as it would have saved me _hours_. Let's be real
       | - a lot of Linux fundamental stuff is still pretty terse.
       | Learning tools like this really smooth it out and optimize how
       | long it takes to wrap your head around a concept. Also, I am a
       | _huge_ advocate for hands-on in regards to retention.
       | Adding to my favorites and will be passing this on over the years
       | - thank you for such a great resource.
         | native_samples wrote:
         | If anything the biggest problem the systemd docs have is
         | verbosity. It's all classic UNIX man pages, a billion pages of
         | detail on every possible setting with no useful examples
         | anywhere. Fortunately the core system is simple enough that the
         | learning curve isn't too steep but I'd really hate to try and
         | learn it from the official docs. They don't even apply CSS to
         | the HTML versions of the docs.
           | westurner wrote:
           | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd
           | Web: https://systemd.io/
           | Src: https://github.com/systemd/systemd
           | Systemd manpage index:
           | https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/
           | https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.htm.
           | .. :                 man 1 systemd       man systemd
           | man init
           | ...:                 man systemctl       man journalctl
           | man systemd.timer       man systemd-resolved
           | The Arch Linux wiki docs for systemd are succinct:
           | https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/systemd
           | Fedora docs > "Understanding and administering systemd"
           | https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-
           | docs/understandin...
           | RHEL7 System Administrator's Guide > "Chapter 10. Managing
           | Services with SystemD"
           | https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-
           | us/red_hat_enterp...
             | folkhack wrote:
             | This isn't a knock but it's exactly what I was talking
             | about and why I find OP's learning tool to be so valuable.
             | Lots of folks learn by example and hands-on labs.
             | Personally, I'd much rather learn the basic ropes by
             | jumping into a tool like OP's vs. finding/digging through
             | all of these resources. I'll also criticize to say you
             | likely already know much about systemd, and were able to
             | pull/filter these resources much easier vs someone
             | completely new to the concepts.
             | To illustrate further: vim is another tool that has
             | outstanding learning resources, everything from very quick
             | "hey get started" examples docs all the way up to adventure
             | games. If I had to go back and relearn vim I would
             | absolutely do it this way vs. digging on man pages like
             | when I was a kid in the 90's. Personally, I learn by doing.
             | ---
             | Overall - OP's thingy is what I would call a "rich
             | interactive learning tool." It's anecdotal, and obvious
             | projection - but _for me_, interactive learning tools
             | optimize the time it takes to fully "grok" a subject from
             | scratch vs. jumping into a bunch of docs/man pages.
               | westurner wrote:
               | I often find the `## Usage Examples` heading in manages
               | to be most helpful, too.
               | ~Examples as Integration Tests as _executable_ notebooks
               | with output and state _assertions_ may incur less
               | technical debt.
               | How to manage containers with [MicroShift] k8s/k3d _with
               | systemd_ might be a good example.
             | Foxboron wrote:
             | Well, we also have a very nice manpage viewer.
             | I think systemd.directives(7) is an often overlooked
             | manpage.
             | https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.directives.7
               | westurner wrote:
               | FWIW, the man.vim vim plugin does grep and some syntax
               | highlighting. https://github.com/vim-utils/vim-man
               | Arnavion wrote:
               | TIL about that manpage. I've always been guessing at
               | which level in the hierarchy would contain a particular
               | option ("Is it service-specific? Or maybe applies to all
               | execs? Or maybe applies to all units?") and just giving
               | up and opening them all in parallel.
             | native_samples wrote:
             | Yes, the Arch docs are the best. But they aren't from the
             | systemd project itself, are they?
               | folkhack wrote:
               | And, as a Debian user who often finds himself on the Arch
               | docs - there's a ton of distro-specific stuff in the Arch
               | wiki. And rightfully so - it's a wiki for a distro.
               | These sorta landmines when trying to just research/digest
               | a concept can really suck. OP's tool really eloquently
               | breaks things down to _just_ core concepts so you can
               | quickly start to grok what I consider to be a relatively
               | complex tool.
               | Arnavion wrote:
               | In my experience very little of it is distro-specific,
               | especially if you're on a distro that has similar
               | components as Arch. I'm on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, which
               | also uses systemd, etc and is a rolling distro with the
               | latest versions of everything, so a lot of the wiki
               | articles apply directly as long as I translate the
               | package names.
               | folkhack wrote:
               | Agree - but there's still bits and pieces that don't
               | translate over to other distros which can suck if you're
               | jumping into to learning something. When I read the Arch
               | Wiki as a Debian user I realize I'm reading it through
               | the lens of someone using a different distro.
               | Overall I use the Arch wiki very often and it's because
               | of the exact point you're making - I'm just being
               | pedantic saying those slight distro differences can be a
               | pain.
         | morganvachon wrote:
         | Agreed, I have generally avoided systemd as I don't feel it's
         | fully baked yet (not trying to start a flame war, that is just
         | my experience and I'm sure it's fine for others). Still, I need
         | to really learn it both for when I am ready to use it daily and
         | just to have it in my wheelhouse for supporting others. A guide
         | like this seems like a great way to go "hands on" without
         | spinning up an instance and fumbling through it blindly.
         | Hopefully this guide will stay up to date given the "move fast,
         | break things, wontfix" approach the systemd authors currently
         | have with the project.
           | Foxboron wrote:
           | >Hopefully this guide will stay up to date given the "move
           | fast, break things, wontfix" approach the systemd authors
           | currently have with the project.
           | The core dependency principles around targets, services and
           | startup does not see a lot of change, so this concern is not
           | really realistic. You'll see more of this around the
           | supporting utilities (networkd, resolved, and so on).
           | Klasiaster wrote:
           | It's on version 250. How many stable releases do you need to
           | feel that it is "fully baked"? The software is of course
           | evolving and new features are added but breaking changes are
           | rare.
       | cies wrote:
       | Since systemd I never had to learn about my init system, it
       | basically just works. For to reasons.
       | 1. On desktop the old init systems were quite good already,
       | before systemd was introduced. Systemd made it better, as I've
       | been told: I never had any beef with it (oh boy did I have beef
       | with init systems in the old days, not only on desktop...), I did
       | not do any benchmarks to see that it shaved off a few seconds in
       | startup time (and helps remove lots of fragile network mgmt
       | code).
       | 2. On server I now use Docker. It has no init system. And when I
       | need one I use one that fits the docker world (i.e. supervisor).
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | > It has no init system.
         | Apologies that I can't link directly to the "--init" flag but
         | docker actually _does_ have an init, it 's just (err, was?)
         | compiled into the binary:
         | https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/#op...
         | My recollection is that it either adopted, or inspired,
         | https://github.com/Yelp/dumb-init#readme which folks used to
         | put into their Dockerfile as the init system back in the day
         | Folks (ahem, I'm looking at you, eks-anywhere[0]) who bundle
         | systemd into a docker container are gravely misguided, and the
         | ones which do so for the ability to launch sshd alongside the
         | actual container's main process are truly, truly lost
         | 0: https://github.com/aws/eks-
         | anywhere/issues/838#issuecomment-...
       | rmetzler wrote:
       | Just the other day I noted on Twitter how bad the official
       | systemd website is for users. I'm looking forward to this site
       | recovering from HN hug.
       | steeleduncan wrote:
       | Out of curiosity, how is this implemented? Is there a javascript
       | VM running in the browser, a remote VM or can systemd be run in a
       | container?
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | There is a link to a post at the top which gives a detailed
         | overview https://seb.jambor.dev/posts/systemd-by-example-the-
         | playgrou...
         | but the short of it is it creates a limited remote container
         | and pipes the CLI back and forth.
       | pc86 wrote:
       | Site appears to be down
         | BrightOne wrote:
         | HN hug!
       | setheron wrote:
       | Wow. This is amazing. This is the bar needed for many learning
       | resources.
       | Thank you.
       | mikepurvis wrote:
       | Maybe slightly off topic, but I'd love to hear about people's
       | experiences using systemd as process manager inside a container,
       | specifically for the unprivileged container case, where systemd
       | would be launched in user mode, so _only_ doing process
       | management, without all the other kernel-hook stuff going on.
       | I really like systemd, and I really don't like supervisor. So I'd
       | love to figure out how to make this work.
       | I know the easiest thing would be to ignore the user mode
       | business and just use podman, where the work has already been
       | done [1], but at least in the short term that doesn't help for
       | more restricted environments like cloud kubernetes.
       | [1]: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/improved-systemd-podman
         | drran wrote:
         | Systemd can be used in a docker container only when lot of
         | system services are masked. See my old CentOS 6 with systemd in
         | docker container project as example:
         | https://github.com/vlisivka/docker-centos7-systemd-unpriv
           | mikepurvis wrote:
           | That's fascinating-- thanks for pointing it out. I definitely
           | assumed the issue was with the daemon itself, and not with
           | the services it was trying to start.
         | mrweasel wrote:
         | May I ask why you'd want to use a process manager inside a
         | container? I just consider Docker my process manager. If my
         | application crashed, Docker will deal with it.
           | mikepurvis wrote:
           | A valid question-- certainly there's a school of thought that
           | says one process per container, end of story.
           | However, there are lots of applications out there (especially
           | legacy ones, think stuff like Zoneminder) which are made up
           | of multiple small daemon-type processes sharing state across
           | ports and maybe even the filesystem, and have a strong
           | reliance on system services like cron or log rotation. Yes,
           | with effort an application like this could be be fully
           | "ported" to a container-native setup, but the path of least
           | resistance is often to just make the container environment
           | present as being more like a full VM.
         | tifadg1 wrote:
         | I've reverted from podman to docker as the podman ecosystem
         | isn't there - docker-compose, cadvisor, some networking - all
         | require tinkering to run.
         | My interim solution is running docker containers as user, using
         | a simple USER directive. Straightforward and still added
         | security benefits.
       (page generated 2022-01-25 23:01 UTC)