[HN Gopher] The Block Protocol
       The Block Protocol
       Author : jacobrussell
       Score  : 157 points
       Date   : 2022-01-27 17:32 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blockprotocol.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blockprotocol.org)
       | catchmeifyoucan wrote:
       | This kind of reminds me of https://adaptivecards.io/ from
       | Microsoft.
       | sambroner wrote:
       | The Block Protocol is building on a pretty large history of
       | similar ideas, but none have _really_ succeeded. Joel 's interest
       | in this project is some cause for hope as is the embrace of
       | existing standards like react, webcomponents, and HTML.
       | Historically, OpenDoc is pretty relevant. So is OLE. More
       | recently Notion, Coda, Microsoft Loop [1], Anytype.io, etc lean
       | on the same concepts to allow you to break documents into
       | independent & reassemble-able components. There hasn't been a
       | large ecosystem here, although the componentized approach has
       | more traction now as we move away from skeuomorphism.
       | On the data side, Solid is the most relevant. The models are
       | often the same, users give applications very granular data
       | permissions and progressively authorize data access as required
       | for additional functionality. Developers seem to dislike the
       | model... You don't really know what you're going to be rendering
       | and key features are not really used.
       | From a pure schema perspective, you have schema.org. It's a
       | pretty comprehensive attempt to catalog structured data for most
       | use cases. It's nice that this project can kinda build on the
       | semantic web, but most people ignore it! That being said,
       | adoption would go a long way towards interoperability between OSS
       | projects.
       | I'd like to live in a world where everything works together? But
       | I'm not so hopeful at this point because the ecosystem has very
       | weird economics. Ultimately the "Block Developer" needs to be
       | compensated, but the host is the one getting the SaaS or
       | advertising payment. Obviously simple components can be free, but
       | very complex ones may need micropayments, licensing fees, etc.
       | [1] I helped start Fluid Framework, which is the underlying tech
       | for Microsoft Loop. These are just my opinions and I no longer
       | work for Microsoft.
       | qwertyuiop_ wrote:
       | "The Block Protocol is a global standard for building interactive
       | blocks connected to structured data."
       | is this a W3C standard ? why are they claiming its a global
       | "standard" '
       | notpachet wrote:
       | I am torn on this. On the one hand I believe very strongly in the
       | value that the semantic web can provide, and I applaud any effort
       | to move us towards a future where we can more reliably interop
       | between different applications on the web. I hope this pushes the
       | needle in that direction.
       | On the other hand, there is a very crowded graveyard of spiritual
       | ancestors to this project, all of which were aspiring to similar
       | goals. I am not seeing much direct acknowledgement here of why
       | those other projects failed, or measures to prevent that from
       | happening with the Block protocol.
       | One common problem in semantic web projects, which Block doesn't
       | seem immune to, is that the authors of those projects seem to get
       | stuck thinking about how to model the presentational components
       | on a given web page (lists, forms, images, calendar widgets)
       | instead of the actual real-world stuff that these things
       | represent (the books on my shelf, my allergies, a picture of my
       | dog, my birthday). Don't get me wrong, richly-typed
       | presentational components would be a big improvement. But I don't
       | think they should be the end goal (unless perhaps you're in the
       | blog-writing software business).
       | Web pages are just one of many vehicles that we use for shuttling
       | around information about the real world. We should try to come up
       | with a system that is capable of representing real-world semantic
       | information regardless of how that information ends up getting
       | turned into pixels. It may be a web page, it may be Siri reading
       | it to me, it may be AR.
       | But when modeling real-world data, we always seem to walk into
       | traps such as this (from the Block FAQ):
       | > On other occasions you'll want to store information differently
       | than how it's set out in the schema.org definition. For example,
       | schema.org/Person defines a person as having a givenName and a
       | familyName and yet in various cultures this isn't guaranteed.
       | HASH uses preferredName and legalName instead - in communications
       | and billing contexts respectively.
       | How do we design a semantic typing system for real-world data
       | that is amenable to the inevitable need to evolve or amend the
       | schema, or leave off certain fields from a type instance, or tack
       | on a few extra fields? Should our applications eschew canonical
       | types (like schema.org's Person) in favor of a ducktyping
       | approach (I don't care if you give me a schema.org Person, or a
       | blockprotocol.org Person, or a notpachet.org Dog, as long as the
       | blob has a numeric field for the "age" key?
       | blobbers wrote:
       | Is the idea that you build your website out of the blocks of
       | other websites?
       | As in TMZ and Techcrunch both publish something and you display
       | their little blocks on your website? Is the data dynamic? It
       | seems like there is data, and there is a block that can display
       | said data.
       | How is this any different from a view and a model(+controller?)?
       | lootsauce wrote:
       | Tried to sign up but can't get past the user name page.
         | ciaranmn wrote:
         | We had some teething issues earlier, apologies - if you try
         | again now it should work.
       | skybrian wrote:
       | Back in the dot-com era we had "portal servers" which were
       | basically a way to build a dashboard. This seems like a related
       | idea? Put blocks in multiple columns and you have a dashboard.
       | Maybe it will do better this time? But I feel like mobile phones
       | went in the opposite direction with UI's designed for smaller
       | screens, showing only one app at a time.
       | We do have lots of documents and notebooks though. Maybe
       | Observable's notebooks would benefit from something like this?
       | Observable's notebooks let you define variables containing data
       | and use them in other places, with live updates. It seems like
       | you'd want something like that with blocks.
       | lucasmullens wrote:
       | So this seems to be a wrapper around web components, which might
       | make web components easier to use in frameworks. By providing
       | types, one could build a generator that takes a Block and creates
       | a strongly-typed React/Vue/Svelte component, or even mobile
       | components using a webview.
         | danecjensen wrote:
         | Can you elaborate on this? Why can't you make a generator for
         | regular web components?
         | yesimahuman wrote:
         | Stencil has this feature btw: build a web component and it can
         | output the strongly-typed React/Angular/Vue bindings to consume
         | it natively in those frameworks.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | The Web Components Community Group is developing such a format
         | to describe the types of components here:
         | https://github.com/webcomponents/custom-elements-manifest
         | People have already built tools that generate wrappers based on
         | it.
       | geektips wrote:
       | Noob Question: How does this compares to an oEmbed.
       | spankalee wrote:
       | The security issue really should be front and center in a project
       | like this. It's kind of disappointing to see it left as an
       | exercise for the embedder.
       | In the general case with untrusted 3rd party code the only really
       | safe solution is to embed the blocks in cross-origin iframes. In
       | the face of Spectre and Meltdown you really want those to be out-
       | of-process iframes too, but that's up to the browser.
       | iframes are cumbersome of course, so it would have been
       | interesting to see the protocol focus on making them more
       | seamlessly integrate with the embedding context with a standard
       | postMessage protocol for things like securely forwarding content
       | sizes (for auto-resizing the frame), events, and styling
       | information across the frame boundary.
         | DavidWilkinson wrote:
         | This is a fair criticism of the public spec in its current form
         | and we're working on documentation to help folks deal with
         | this.
         | We actively want to talk approaches through with more
         | interested parties, and welcome contributions to the spec and
         | docs.
         | Sidebar -- for our part at HASH - we're optimistic about the
         | role WebAssembly might play, having used it extensively in
         | building the wider ecosystem of simulation tooling.
       | miniatureape wrote:
       | I think this is a really cool idea and something I have
       | personally wanted (or at least thought I wanted) for a long time.
       | In fact I wrote about a similar idea in 2013.[1]
       | To me, this is just one part of something bigger though. I want
       | to be able to store code in blocks and compose them into bigger
       | blocks by chaining them and pipelining them. I'd also like
       | versioning and some access rules.
       | https://justindonato.com/notebook/urls-as-pointers.html
       | bamazizi wrote:
       | Interesting timing! After more than 3 years of preaching this
       | idea to every ear I could find, no one listened! So I've been
       | building a whole 'block oriented backend as a service' for a
       | while now. Basically "bring your own frontend"
       | Event driven, CQRS, with workflow orchestration of LEGO like
       | microservices around block oriented data structures!
       | Not an easy system to architect and build, but efforts like this
       | are not only great validation or motivators but a great reference
       | to compare and contrast!
         | sambroner wrote:
         | How would your approach be similar to or different than Edge DB
         | [1]? Sounds like much more orchestration around the DB layer?
         | [1] https://www.edgedb.com/blog/building-a-production-
         | database-i...
         | rapnie wrote:
         | That is interesting. Is it open-source or intended to be?
       | cxr wrote:
       | Strong Xanadu vibes. Not surprising to see, since at least one of
       | the people involved isn't new to trudging through the history of
       | hypertext and has several Xanadu writeups. (See the backlinks on
       | <https://maggieappleton.com/garden-history>.)
       | usbfingers wrote:
       | Many have tried - very recently - and seemingly stalled or failed
       | at creating something like this with wide adoption, most notably
       | Tim Berners-Lee with the SOLID protocol
       | https://solidproject.org/
       | https://solidproject.org/TR/protocol
       | The roadblock is always getting major tech companies to accept it
       | as a valid means of accessing user data.
       | The amount of times I've heard about SOLID on NPR or other
       | popular mainstream newscasts only to garner little to no support
       | is astounding. Definitely take note where others have seemingly
       | failed here because it's an uphill battle.
         | tmikaeld wrote:
         | Not the same thing, this "Block protocol" is for HTML widgets
         | basically, re-usable HTML/CSS/JS components for sites/apps.
           | usbfingers wrote:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30105910
           | At its heart, it is very similar.
           | Comment above does a good job at describing the distinction.
           | It's more than just re-usable HTML/CSS/JS, that's just how
           | they're making it accessible to others. There are entities
           | associated with the HTML/CSS/JS mapped alongside the
           | component, which is the core benefit here.
           | https://blockprotocol.org/spec for more info on how they're
           | mapping data as entities
         | sam_goody wrote:
         | The real difference is the mindshare.
         | joelonsoftware has bajillion readers, but he is much better
         | known for founding stackoverflow.
         | When SO endorses something, it will got a lot of mindshare, and
         | becomes something that developers feel connected to.
         | And with enough mindshare, the same project that would have
         | been dead in the water becomes a given.
           | usbfingers wrote:
           | this is an excellent point
           | Sort of tangent, but the fact that Block Protocol is also
           | managing the distribution of the resulting UI components,
           | unlike Solid which encouraged people to consume the data
           | independently through an API, makes it more accessible.
         | [deleted]
         | anderspitman wrote:
         | Personally my hesitancy in embracing Solid is the complexity.
         | What I really want is essentially an HTTP filesystem API for my
         | programs. Like a modern WebDAV to replace Google Drive. All the
         | linked data stuff might be useful down the road but I currently
         | don't need it.
         | Ostrogodsky wrote:
       | irq-1 wrote:
       | To everyone that doesn't get it, think desktop UI controls, but
       | for the web. Joel explains it clearly on the intro blog post:
       | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2022/01/27/making-the-web-bet...
       | The strongly typed data is about not scraping the web; its typing
       | for software reading the blocks and reusing the data.
       | slyall wrote:
       | Blog post from Joel Spolsky introducing this.
       | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2022/01/27/making-the-web-bet...
         | pdonis wrote:
         | This is, as others have commented, a much better explanation
         | than the article at the top of this thread.
         | But I'm not sure it's quite as simple as Joel makes it seem
         | here:
         |  _> If you work on any kind of editor--be it a blogging tool, a
         | note-taking app, a content management system, or anything like
         | that--you should allow your users to embed blocks that conform
         | to the Block Protocol. This way you can write the embedding
         | code once and immediately make your editor able to embed a rich
         | variety of block types with no extra work on your part._
         | I don't see how this would work. Sure, the _data_ would be
         | embeddable anywhere, but how does the editor know how to
         | display it to the user and let the user interact with it? That
         | 's not just "embedding code". And later on:
         |  _> Want to create a block that shows the Great Circle routing
         | for a flight between two airports? Write the code for the block
         | once and it can be embedded anywhere._
         | Again, how does the application it's being embedded in know how
         | to display it to the user? That seems like it requires more
         | than just "embedding code". Each new kind of block requires
         | each application to add code to _use_ the block.
         | I agree the data exchange interoperability part is nice, but
         | I'm not sure about the code reduction that seems to be implied
         | here.
         | open-source-ux wrote:
         | Interesting idea but more questions than answers...
         | The 'block' idea makes sense in the context of WordPress, but
         | WordPress 'blocks' include layout blocks as well as content
         | blocks.
         | You could argue HTML is already a universal language that
         | includes semantic 'blocks'. Is the block protocol a collection
         | of HTML elements grouped together to form higher-level blocks?
         | Will content 'blocks' be separated from style? What role will
         | CSS component frameworks take in styling content blocks?
         | We have embedded content from third-party parties already e.g.
         | a tweet 'block', a YouTube video, an Instragram post, etc. The
         | result is embedded 'blocks' stitched together to make a slow-
         | loading page with a mess of HTML and CSS code (and a host of
         | third-party cookies). How can the block protocol avoid this?
         | As I said, interesting idea but many questions remaining at
         | this early stage.
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | This explains it a lot better than the OP. (At first I was
         | wondering if it had to do with "blockchain", because of the
         | word "block" and the OP seeming like the kind of "solution in
         | search of a problem" I associate with blockchain).
         | But now I get it. Standardized content plugins across apps,
         | basically?
         | Sure, makes sense. I wish I thought any of the platforms
         | involved were interested in making any investment at all in
         | interoperability.
           | DavidWilkinson wrote:
           | Various are interested in making their platforms more
           | extensible (the flip side of content interop).
       | flutetornado wrote:
       | I have always wanted Kindle to support a lot more features than
       | what it does today. Digital books could be a lot more than what
       | they are today. Want to embed a python REPL in a python book for
       | users to test things right in the book, from a common source?
       | Want to embed function graphs in a Math book from a common
       | source? How about a theorem prover right there in the book? How
       | about a Wolfram engine embedded in there to solve arbitrary
       | calculus problems? How about a section in another book - license
       | it from the other publisher and embed it into your book?
       | Embedding a video, a web page, a 3D visualization engine, etc
       | should all be possible in a digital book.
       | Looks like this maybe able to achieve all of this. Just need to
       | get Amazon Kindle team on board with this.
       | gingkoguy wrote:
       | Damn I thought square came out with something
       | jawns wrote:
       | The idea that you can create blocks that can easily be integrated
       | into other applications presupposes that it's a desirable thing
       | to have data that can be easily integrated into other
       | applications.
       | Which, for us as developers, seems like a given.
       | But when you look at it through the lens of business users, that
       | becomes a much more murky assumption.
       | Look at RSS. Amazing way to aggregate content from other sources
       | into a viewer that you have robust control over. Developers love
       | it!
       | But is RSS desirable from a business point of view? The landscape
       | over the past 15 years suggests that no, it's not.
       | Businesses would prefer to build walled gardens. They want
       | complete control over the experience of consuming the content
       | they produce, particularly when it comes to analytics and user
       | data generated from that content. In many cases, their business
       | model depends on it.
       | While the Block site touts this protocol as a way to
       | collaboratively build and share things within a community and
       | ecosystem that runs on cooperative principles, that may be at
       | odds with what our current business environment is incentivizing.
         | CyberDildonics wrote:
         | To be clear, you think that a standard data format and protocol
         | is not worthwhile because some organizations don't release
         | data?
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | Standardized data formats and protocols exist already - see
           | Linked Data and the Semantic Web. They're mostly used by non-
           | commercial data providers _because_ of the aforementioned
           | incentive problem.
         | mejutoco wrote:
         | I have been asked to implement RSS but private please, more
         | than once :) One way to look at it could be that protocols
         | create potential (sowing) and businesses exploit that potential
         | (harvesting). Without the protocols I believe some of the
         | walled gardens would also be impossible. The best example i can
         | think of is email, which created opportunities for businesses
         | for events, ecommerce, login systems, etc.
         | culi wrote:
         | Sounds like we need a different economic system that doesn't
         | have these types of incentives
           | AyyWS wrote:
           | So you're saying block protocol would be a good fit for Red
           | Star OS?
         | doliveira wrote:
         | I don't think there ever will be actual support from current
         | major tech companies for such an endeavor, their business
         | models are all about information and development lock-in,
         | either explicitly or implicitly... I think it would have to
         | start with academia and technical content, just like it did for
         | the web (as I understand it)
         | DavidWilkinson wrote:
         | We've spent a lot of time thinking and talking to folks about
         | the incentive structures around this, and think they stand on
         | their own - although your skepticism was an initial worry we
         | had, too. As it stands the Block Protocol enables embedding
         | applications to make their products more useful to consumers.
         | And block developers reach a wider audience with their tools
         | than they would otherwise. There's a lot more to this that
         | we'll write up nicely later.
       | alexaholic wrote:
       | oEmbed[1] meets Schema.org[2]?
       | [1] https://www.oembed.com
       | [2] https://schema.org
       | tadfisher wrote:
       | org-mode plugin when?
       | metalliqaz wrote:
       | The idea is cool, but why would any major service support this?
       | The whole point of every startup these days is to grow to the
       | point where they can hog all the users on to their own
       | proprietary platform. Interoperability is anathema to the modern
       | way of thinking.
       | dataangel wrote:
       | Sometimes software projects become a parody of the industry, this
       | feels like one of those times. Abstraction astronauting to the
       | 10th power, "A block is structured data" okay so like nearly
       | ANYTHING? "You can send structured data between apps"... so it's
       | JSON. "But also things like images!" ok, so files you've
       | reinvented files. Maybe there is something actually useful here
       | but Christ nobody is going to know based on this website.
         | anderspitman wrote:
         | Funny you invoke astronauting, given that AFAIK Joel Spolsky
         | (involved in this project) coined or at least popularized the
         | term:
         | https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2001/04/21/dont-let-architect...
         | [deleted]
         | slx26 wrote:
         | >> Why would I want to build blocks with the Block Protocol?
         | >> Blocks built with the Block Protocol can easily pass data
         | between applications because the data within each block is
         | structured.
         | Yeah, what you said. What's their problem? What better world do
         | they imagine? What's the approach taken on their solution? Very
         | poorly explained.
         | EDIT: Joel's article is much, much, much more convincing.
       | atarian wrote:
       | Ohh I get it. It's basically Docker/shipping containers for
       | content.
         | dgellow wrote:
         | So, we now need to develop a kubernetes for content, right?!
       | babyshake wrote:
       | This has nothing to do with Jack Dorsey's Block, right?
         | [deleted]
         | spicybright wrote:
         | It looks like it's not. I thought it was block chain just from
         | the title myself.
           | jrochkind1 wrote:
           | When someone finally combines blockchain with semantic web,
           | it'll be an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force and
           | cyberspace will implode.
         | MarkBennett wrote:
         | ha ha, that was my first thought too
       | egypturnash wrote:
       | I feel like "You can move things from one to-do app to another
       | to-do app!" is not really a compelling answer to the question
       | "Why would I want to build blocks with the Block Protocol".
         | cuteboy19 wrote:
         | Relevant XKCD: https://xkcd.com/927/
           | hackerlytest wrote:
           | I knew what xkcd it was just by looking at the link. Lol
             | mindcandy wrote:
             | That's because people whip it out constantly and almost
             | always where it's not appropriate. It's pretty rare that
             | anyone tries to enact a new standard. So, instead we see
             | this comic use to downplay every time that anyone does
             | anything resembling anything that has ever been done
             | before. Which is to say: to downplay everyone else's
             | efforts. It has long gone past being funny to just being
             | dismissive in it's widespread use.
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | Yeah, it seems like it shows up _any_ time a standard is
               | suggested, which is taking a two sentence premise and
               | ignoring 2 /3 of it.
               | Ostrogodsky wrote:
           | andjd wrote:
           | Exactly this. There may not be a 'standard' that does any of
           | this already, but the goal of this being portable across
           | websites requires all of those websites to support this 'new'
           | standard -- so there probably isn't a way this becomes wide
           | spread enough to be useful.
           | Relatedly, this follows the Notion model, where the UI is
           | intrinsically tied to and limited by the data model. This may
           | have appeal to developers who already are primed to think
           | that way, but it's a terrible UI paradigm for everyone else.
           | ohadron wrote:
           | I came here for this comment
           | Dylan16807 wrote:
           | What are the existing standards?
             | recursive wrote:
             | http://microformats.org/
             | pphysch wrote:
             | HTML, JSON, iframes
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | The HTML and JSON standards don't get close to this by
               | themselves.
               | I don't think iframes really do it either, but even if
               | they do nobody uses them that way and a replacement seems
               | okay. It's not really a "competing standard" if nobody
               | wanted to use it.
               | pphysch wrote:
               | If you look at https://blockprotocol.org/hub and can
               | survive the <5fps (yikes!), you can see that they've
               | demonstrated reimplementations of <p>, <img>, <h1> by
               | piling mountains of Javascript/JSON on what is
               | (hopefully?) just those standard HTML elements under the
               | hood.
               | If I have to pick between standard slow-moving HTML and
               | wild west HTML-reimplemented-in-React, I will choose the
               | former every time. I will never have to worry about "my
               | <p> has been abandoned by its maintainer and is now
               | malware!".
       | ericflo wrote:
       | Widgets are back!
       | [deleted]
       | divbzero wrote:
       | How does the Block Protocol differ from or add to Web Components?
       | Is it the standardization of how structured data that can be
       | passed with the blocks?
         | divbzero wrote:
         | Based on what I can gather from the documentation I think the
         | answer is basically: _Yes, it's the structured data._
         | My initial confusion came from looking at Block Hub [1] which
         | appears to be a collection of UI components. But the underlying
         | Block Protocol specification [2] is all about structuring data
         | around entity types and entity identifiers. Looking at a
         | specific example of a block [3] the UI component is displayed
         | next to the underlying data and schema.
         | My guess is the creators of Block Protocol want to promote the
         | free exchange of structured data and decided that coupling the
         | data to UI components is the best way to do that? It's notable
         | that the web has faced challenges encouraging use of both
         | structured data (Semantic Web) and UI components (Web
         | Components). Maybe they can be more appealing bundled together.
         | I do hope the Block Protocol project tries as much as possible
         | to reuse existing standards for data and components, building
         | upon whatever we have that already works well.
         | [1]: https://blockprotocol.org/hub
         | [2]: https://blockprotocol.org/spec
         | [3]: https://blockprotocol.org/@hash/image
           | ciaranmn wrote:
           | This is correct: it's the standardization of the interface
           | between blocks and things using them, which includes
           | structure in the data being passed back and forth, and the
           | structure of the interface itself (e.g. what operations are
           | available).
           | We do want to promote the free exchange of structured data,
           | and to have data captured and marked up according to some
           | structure - we also want to promote the portability and easy-
           | of-setup of UI components.
           | Our FAQ illustrates how we relate to and intend to use
           | existing standards - https://blockprotocol.org/docs/faq -
           | we'd be interested in any others you think worth building on.
             | spankalee wrote:
             | If you want to promote portability, then blocks should be
             | web components based, full stop. React-based blocks won't
             | be usable without setting up React on the page.
             | I think the FAQ around leaves a lot more open questions.
             | Like:
             | > but they do not standardize the interface between those
             | blocks and the applications using them
             | I'm not sure this is entirely true. Most reusable
             | components these will have an interface described by a type
             | system - this is how IDEs offer code completion and JSX and
             | other template systems are type-checked.
             | In the Web Components Community Group we're also
             | standardizing a format for describing the entire interface
             | of a web component, including its attributes, properties,
             | events, methods, CSS variables and parts, etc. This is
             | called the Custom Element Manifest:
             | https://github.com/webcomponents/custom-elements-manifest
             | Instead of being tied to json-ld, the manifest just
             | documents what JS/TS type a property, etc., has. If a
             | component has a person property that accepts a Person type,
             | a tool can understand that.
             | This manifest will give tools like catalogs, linters, and
             | visual UI builders enough information to do high-level
             | operations like generate demos, lint templates, assemble
             | components without code, etc.
       | euroderf wrote:
       | So is there a sweet spot between microformats and Notion ?
         | jitl wrote:
         | (Disclosure: I work on Notion)
         | This is a really cool idea!
         | I think the challenging part of this project will be building
         | intuitive and collaborative interfaces on top of the bare-bones
         | data model. The challenge comes with two parts: (1) allowing
         | blocks to compose, so I can nest a "task block" inside a
         | "paragraph block", and (2) figuring out the collaboration model
         | so multiple users can manipulate blocks at the same time, eg by
         | typing characters. Both of these aspects are un(der)specified
         | in the Block Protocol spec.
         | For an example of a challenge building composable blocks,
         | consider the suggested architecture - the project imagines
         | different block types implemented as sandboxed iframes,
         | orchestrated by some editor that stitches them together into a
         | document or dashboard. This would make certain interactions
         | difficult/impossible to implement in the browser. For example,
         | you can't start a text selection in one iframe, and end the
         | text selection in the next iframe. This means that each layer
         | will need to implement many of the standard blocks, just to
         | provide tools that operate on _the contents_ of more than one
         | block at a time.
         | I'm left wondering if there will ever be "block protocol
         | native" apps, or if this will be more of an
         | interoperability/import/export format between otherwise
         | monolithic platforms that have their own much richer internal
         | data format.
           | DavidWilkinson wrote:
           | (One of the BP maintainers here)
           | If you'd be open to exploring this in the context of Notion
           | we'd love to chat: david@hash.ai
       | uoaei wrote:
       | Oh look, someone reinvented semantic web again.
         | redwall_hp wrote:
         | But with an inherent dependency on an additional abstraction.
         | Why a "block" when we already have a Document with many
         | Elements that should have semantic meaning applied directly to
         | them?
         | iddan wrote:
         | Exactly what I was thinking. The Semantic Web done the heavy
         | lifting of defining general schemas (https://schema.org) and
         | extending JSON (https://json-ld.org) and yet people don't
         | subscribe to it. On the other hand, it has a lot of historical
         | baggage (RDF, old schemas) that maybe a new standard can
         | actually be better
           | feanaro wrote:
           | Why is RDF a bad thing?
             | j-pb wrote:
             | * Layers upon layers of complexity: Implementing CURIs
             | alone is a non trivial task, although all that's really
             | needed to describe entities and attributes is 128bit UUIDs.
             | * There is no good build-in way for authentication and
             | trust.
             | * Description Logic (the foundation of OWL) has a
             | fundamentally prescriptive philosophy, which makes it
             | inappropriate for most practical applications.
             | * No good library and tool support in general, due to the
             | complexity.
             | * Blank Nodes
             | * No good consistency mechanism for distributed data
             | generation, and Quads (having multiple graphs) don't
             | properly solve this.
             | * Using human readable entity and attr id's leads to more
             | bike-shedding and accidental collisions than it's worth.
             | * High barriers to entry.
             | * After years of developer disappointment the earth is
             | pretty much salted.
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | "CURIs"?
               | j-pb wrote:
               | A standard for shorter URI/URN identifiers:
               | https://www.w3.org/TR/curie/
               | It's needed because of the "readable resource name"
               | criterion I also mentioned. Most of the complexity in RDF
               | is actually not in the datamodel but leaks in from other
               | parts of the web.
             | contravariant wrote:
             | As far as I'm concerned its most damning property is being
             | all about relations but having no easy way to express
             | properties of those relations.
             | It's easy to express "<something> isa <cat>", but
             | significantly harder to express "<something> isa <cat> with
             | probability 98%". And all attempts to express the later
             | just look like you're trying to build an impromptu
             | relational database in order to fit an n-ary relationship.
             | jcelerier wrote:
             | I don't know how much that counts but every time I had to
             | interact with RDF data I wanted to pull my eyeballs out of
             | my sockets pretty much for the whole thing. Also, the idea
             | that human knowledge can be categorized seems very
             | laughable to me - I don't know of any RDF specification or
             | ontology that holds in practice ; too many people have too
             | many incompatible definitions for things and there is never
             | one better than the others.
         | k__ wrote:
         | Maybe, finally a useable iteration of it.
         | ciaranmn wrote:
         | We want to fit into the existing semantic web tech rather than
         | reinvent it - there's a FAQ here which hopefully helps to
         | clarify: https://blockprotocol.org/docs/faq
           | j-pb wrote:
           | Kudos, this really feels like one of those ideas whose time
           | has come. I'm tinkering on something very similar for longer
           | than I care do admit, except I took on the daunting task of
           | replacing RDF, and I'm sufficiently disillusioned by years of
           | frontend work to base the UI off of TUIs and HyperCard.
           | One thing that I experienced as a huge hurdle for semantic
           | web technology is the lack of browser APIs to actually work
           | with RDF/JSON-LD/Semantic Web data. There's really no
           | complete and straightforward way to transfer, store and query
           | semantic data in the fronted. JSON-LD works around this by
           | exposing the graph as a tree regular old JS can work with,
           | but that looses a lot of the flexibility and power of the
           | original graph model, e.g. path independence and proper
           | queries.
           | I'll definitely keep an eye on how your ideas and solutions
           | evolve!
         | wrnr wrote:
         | Well it does use RDF and probably has the same problem, was it
         | `foaf:Person` or `schema:Person` or maybe even
         | `ai:reificatedConceptNr1234`.
       | anderspitman wrote:
       | Interesting, especially since Joel Spolsky seems to be involved.
       | Would like to see a comparison to microformats[0], RDFa, etc.
       | [0]: https://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page
       | lelandbatey wrote:
       | I've read and perused this, and I have some specific questions.
       | 1. According to the spec[0], a "block package" is "a collection
       | of files making a block type (which is 'a definition and
       | implementation', the schema and the code) available for use by
       | embedding applications, including its source code and
       | accompanying metadata." However, when I browse to a
       | "block"/"block package" in the Block Hub[1], I'm presented with a
       | demo of the "block package" in the form of a concrete "block", a
       | view of example data being provided to this "block", and a view
       | of the schema of this "block". However, if this is meant to be a
       | view of the "block package", shouldn't I also be able to find my
       | way to the rest of this "block package", i.e. where do I view the
       | implementation code? The spec says that a block package includes
       | its source code, and the block hub seems to be a browser of block
       | packages, but it doesn't give me the full view into said block
       | packages. Is there a reason for this? Is it on the to-do list?
       | 2. What's going on with the type signatures here? I see a lot of
       | what look like type signatures, in both the spec and the schemas.
       | In reading the spec, it seems like the type signatures are being
       | used pretty loosely, maybe as pseudo code of a sort, as I don't
       | see them being rigorously referred to. For example, I see that in
       | "Specification > Block Types > Entity type functions"[2] under
       | `createEntityTypes` it refers to accepting a type of
       | "CreateEntityTypesAction" (no type signature), but then lower
       | down it refers to accepting a type of
       | "CreateEntityTypesAction<T>", but then says that the shape of
       | that entity is just two hard-coded fields, with no reference to
       | the generic type "T". What's going on here? Then if I view an
       | actual block in the Block Hub[1], I see that the schema for that
       | block also has definitions for entities with some kind of type
       | signature 'something' going on e.g. "#/definitions/Record<string,
       | {cellState:UseRowStateLocalState<{},unknown>;}>". Maybe those are
       | for use with something like TypeScript? I'm not familiar with
       | TypeScript, so I don't know how to parse those, though I do know
       | that they're not specifying anything at the level of "JSON
       | Schema"[3], so I assume they're related to either something in
       | the spec or something in the implementation, or both. What's
       | happening here? Are these types in the schema owned by the
       | implementation (e.g. they're used by the source code of the
       | implementation for JSX or something?), while the types in the
       | spec are merely pseudocode?
       | If there's already a pattern where additional layers of features
       | such as typing/templating are being shoved into the schemas of
       | Blocks, might this make interop between blocks more difficult in
       | the future?
       | [0] - https://blockprotocol.org/spec#terminology
       | [1] - https://blockprotocol.org/@hash/table
       | [2] - https://blockprotocol.org/spec/block-types#entity-functions
       | [3] - https://json-schema.org/
       | pjkundert wrote:
       | Blocks of data and the semantic rules for their creation
       | (validation), reading, updated and deletion (CRUD), with
       | composability, versioning and robust APIs?
       | That's a pretty succinct description of the Holochain project.
       | Turns out that it is pretty powerful, once implemented. It isn't
       | as simple as you might expect... :)
         | DavidWilkinson wrote:
         | Except it turns out that blocks and even block protocols were
         | never actually blocked by the lack of a blockchain
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