[HN Gopher] Docker for Mac Without Docker Desktop
       Docker for Mac Without Docker Desktop
       Author : robfig
       Score  : 197 points
       Date   : 2022-01-28 16:07 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | AceJohnny2 wrote:
       | I find it hilarious that their solution to Docker (which is
       | supposed to be virtualization-light: containers) bloatedness is
       | to use a full-fledged virtual machine.
       | Something's gone deeply wrong somewhere.
         | zenlikethat wrote:
         | Not that I disagree about something being deeply wrong, but
         | VM's your only option. Docker is more or less hardcoded to
         | Linux, so you need a Linux kernel somewhere. Docker Desktop
         | just runs a light one for you that you don't worry about
         | managing much.
         | daveidol wrote:
         | I agree, but currently Docker on Mac is more about
         | building/testing your server infra on your macOS dev machine
         | before deploying it to Linux where it _actually_ runs as
         | "lightweight" containers.
         | Regardless, would still be great if we had native macOS
         | container support!
           | matsemann wrote:
           | Not if you run your entire dev setup through docker, though.
           | I'm tired of python's craziness. Always someone on the team
           | unable to do poetry install, because some variant of their
           | system makes it not have a wheel, and suddenly a whole c++
           | toolchain needs to be installed. And if you maintain lots of
           | projects with different versions it's such a hassle.
           | Now I volume mount the git clone folder into a container that
           | has everything set up. And that setup works for everyone, on
           | all OSes and not depending on local environments.
           | PyCharm uses that image as a remote interpreter, so pressing
           | play in pycharm just works.
             | daveidol wrote:
             | Wow, I hadn't thought of that use case. I agree Python's
             | toolchain is just not easy to work with.
       | tluyben2 wrote:
       | I use only arm images with Docker but I get 100% CPU on my m1 ;
       | on top it says Docker - 100%. Usually it takes a while (few
       | hours) to go from 5% to 100% but it always gets there and the
       | only way to stop it is shutdown Docker desktop and starting it
       | again. It also crashes quite a lot (docker ps will then say
       | Docker is not running and I have to restart Docker desktop to get
       | it back as well). I really like the hardware on this machine but
       | I'm contemplating selling it and getting a Frame.work with Linux
       | just to get rid of this pain. It is a far faster & smoother
       | experience on my 11 year old X220 with Linux than on this m1. I
       | am not sure why this happens; I see many more people have it but
       | there seems to be no clear reason?
       | Does this help or is the issue lower level?
       | surfer7837 wrote:
       | No company is going to touch Virtualbox without a 10ft barge
       | pole. The licensing is so easy to get wrong and before you know
       | it you're writing a cheque to Oracle's legal department
       | papito wrote:
       | When I work on Linux as my OS, I just install CTOP, and it's all
       | I need to work with Docker.
       | https://github.com/bcicen/ctop
       | jedahan wrote:
       | I wrote a dumb shell script that wraps Canonical's multipass to
       | do what Docker Desktop used to. Its limited but reliable on my M1
       | mac.
       | https://github.com/jedahan/podman-desktop
       | oplav wrote:
       | I've been exploring 2 alternatives (podman and colima) to replace
       | my normal docker workflow, which is just building and running
       | containers locally, sometimes with docker-compose. I started with
       | podman but had issues with 2 main pieces of my workflow: docker-
       | compose (or podman-compose) and shared volumes (with `run -v`).
       | Switched over to colima and those worked out of the box for me
       | ("brew install docker; brew install docker-compose; brew install
       | colima; colima start; docker run ...")
         | peter_l_downs wrote:
         | I just switched to Colima and found it worked perfectly out of
         | the box, according to the documentation. Once I had brought up
         | a new machine with `colima start --cpu 2 --memory 8 --disk 10
         | --with-kubernetes`, `docker compose` worked perfectly and I
         | could see the colima-backed kubernetes cluster available to
         | control via `kubectl config get-contexts`.
         | rgoomar wrote:
         | +1 to Colima. Works seamlessly. Made the switch not too long
         | ago.
         | essem wrote:
         | What drew you to switch up your workflow?
         | I am on a m1 macbook air and I've been using Docker + Docker
         | Desktop without much issue, and my use-case is a little simpler
         | than yours (only running single containers at a time).
         | I'm genuinely curious to learn more about what these tools
         | (Colima, podman) help enable. If I'm missing out on a
         | performance boost, I'd definitely check them out.
           | peter_l_downs wrote:
           | I switched because of licensing changes and because I find
           | the docker desktop UI to be laggy, frequently updating with
           | no discernible benefit to me, and superfluous -- I would
           | rather interact with my containers via the CLI, but had to
           | use the desktop app to start the daemon.
           | dankirberger wrote:
           | qbasic_forever wrote:
           | In case you missed it the license terms for Docker Desktop
           | have changed and require companies with ~250 employees to
           | start paying for it: https://www.docker.com/blog/updating-
           | product-subscriptions/
             | Macha wrote:
             | And in those larger companies, just paying for the "coffee
             | a month" may not be an option, since they insist all
             | licenses are company owned and it's less effort to change
             | my docker VM wrapper than get shit past my company's
             | purchasing department in a reasonable amount of time.
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | Exactly, I think this is really going to backfire for the
               | bean counters that took over Docker. It should either be
               | free or $100k+ agreements for extremely large companies.
               | They're way underestimating the inertia and pain with
               | trying to nickle-and-dime small and medium business
               | users.
             | essem wrote:
             | gotcha. i was aware, but doesn't apply to my current
             | circumstance.
             | is that the motivator for most, then?
         | salzig wrote:
         | podman: https://podman.io/ colima:
         | https://github.com/abiosoft/colima
         | amarshall wrote:
         | Podman works with docker-compose 1.x only and needs some
         | finagling to work. I have this wrapper script as podman-compose
         | #!/bin/bash                  set -e
         | tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)         port=$(podman system connection ls
         | | grep -Eo 'localhost:\d+' | head -1 | cut -d: -f2)         [[
         | -n $port ]] || exit 1         ssh -fnNT
         | -L"$tmpdir/podman.sock":/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock -i
         | ~/.ssh/podman-machine-default ssh://core@localhost:"$port" -o
         | StreamLocalBindUnlink=yes         export
         | DOCKER_HOST="unix:///$tmpdir/podman.sock"         docker-
         | compose "$@"         rm -r "$tmpdir"
           | matsemann wrote:
           | Afaik podman-compose doesn't support "docker compose run" to
           | do one-off stuff in a new container? Is there some
           | alternative?
           | I do it all the time now, have the entire dev flow
           | dockerized. So I run tests, lints, fixers, migration etc all
           | through docker compose.
             | MonaroVXR wrote:
             | > Afaik podman-compose doesn't support "docker compose run"
             | to do one-off stuff in a new container? Is there some
             | alternative?
             | Minikube, no sarcasm. I'm also going to use Minikube.
             | amarshall wrote:
             | To be clear: this isn't the actual podman-compose project,
             | just a wrapper to make docker-compose work with podman-
             | machine. That said, I just tried to do a run and it didn't
             | work. It's not part of my workflow though so I haven't
             | encountered it before and thus haven't really looked into
             | it.
           | als0 wrote:
           | Is this a short term issue or is nobody working on docker-
           | compose 3.x compatibility?
             | amarshall wrote:
             | I assume you meant 2.x; Compose 2.x is only ~4 months old.
             | I believe the intention of the Podman team is to abandon
             | their podman-compose and work on compatibility with docker-
             | compose 2.x going forward.
           | ravenstine wrote:
           | This is exactly why I ditched Podman.
           | I really wanted to use it badly, but lacking an alternative
           | to Docker Compose or compatibility with it in 2022 is
           | unacceptable. Yes, there is technically a way you can
           | orchestrate containers through configuration, and I don't
           | remember what it was called, but I found it both difficult to
           | use and learn. It's crazy to me that people wanted to develop
           | an alternative to Docker... without a way to just configure
           | and network containers with YAML or JSON.
         | didip wrote:
         | For the life of me, I could not make podman working to replace
         | Docker. I keep getting various errors.
         | I just made the switch to colima. Thanks for mentioning it!
       | rckrd wrote:
       | One of the past maintainers of minikube here. Minikube, while
       | targeted towards Kubernetes developers, also provides all the
       | features you'd want here. It also takes away most of the pain
       | from virtual machine management w/ native hypervisors.
       | If you're looking for customizability (boot image, docker
       | version, container runtime), minikube is probably your best bet.
       | It even comes with some rudimentary file-sharing and port-
       | forwarding primitives, but it isn't as batteries-included as
       | Docker desktop. On the other hand, you have full ssh access to
       | the VM to do whatever you want (+startup scripts, etc.)
       | Awhile back, I wrote up a comparison of all the Docker Desktop
       | Alternatives. [1]
       | [1] https://matt-rickard.com/docker-desktop-alternatives/
         | xtracto wrote:
         | I use kubernetes for pushing stuff to AWS EKS, and it is great.
         | The problem I found with minikube and other Kubernetes based
         | "alternatives" to Docker Desktop (including podman) is that
         | they are not compatible with Docker Compose. There are a * a
         | lot * of "solved problems" via docker-compose.yml files, and
         | all of my past companies have used it. I've tried some docker-
         | compose to k8s migration tools, but the amount of crap files
         | they generate was not feasible for me.
           | sangnoir wrote:
           | Nerdctl[1] (for containerd) works fine with docker-
           | compose.yml for my purposes (which are not much). The only
           | issue I encountered was with environment variable
           | substitution not working the same as docker-compose, but I
           | didn't look hard for a solution and edited my compose file
           | 1. https://github.com/containerd/nerdctl mine came bundled
           | with Rancher desktop, and 'nerdctl compose up' is all I've
           | needed
         | freetime2 wrote:
         | The issue that I had with Minikube is that I couldn't get it to
         | work with my employer's VPN enabled. I realize that this is
         | more the fault of my employer's strict no-split-tunneling
         | configuration than Minikube's, but sadly that is the reality I
         | live in.
         | I ended up using lima vm, which has an elegant port forwarding
         | solution to make everything running on the VM appear as if it
         | is running on localhost.
         | Having made the switch, I also prefer the simplicity and
         | transparency of know exactly how the VM is configured, and
         | being able to make tweaks to the provisioning script if
         | necessary. Minikube on the other hand felt a bit automagical at
         | times.
         | shepardrtc wrote:
         | It should be noted that minikube does not work on the M1. Sadly
         | we started switching devs over to M1 at the same time we
         | finished up switching our local environment over to minikube.
         | mfer wrote:
         | There's one big difference between Docker Desktop and minikube
         | and the ones referenced in the docker desktop alternatives
         | link. Docker Desktop is a desktop app (GUI and all) while all
         | the listed alternatives are terminal apps.
         | For some this might not matter but for others it does.
         | Rancher Desktop[1] has the desktop app install experience, the
         | GUI, and the the tools (Docker CLI/nerdctl, Kubernetes (k3s),
         | etc), and more.
         | [1] https://rancherdesktop.io/
         | Disclaimer, I started Rancher Desktop.
           | JeremyNT wrote:
           | I agree, I think the GUI is important for the kinds of users
           | who feel lost without Docker Desktop. There have been plenty
           | of other ways for technical users to run their containers all
           | along (really, you could just run your own VM with vagrant if
           | nothing else) but the people who want a "point and click"
           | turnkey experience will appreciate the GUI.
           | Another kind of nice thing about Rancher Desktop is it's
           | cross platform, so even Linux users can use it. That could be
           | nice if you have a mix of Linux and Mac devs and want to use
           | the same tooling here. It also makes sure you don't "mess up"
           | your real Linux system or run into any distro-specific
           | version incompatibilities (since it's all in a disposable VM
           | controlled by Rancher Desktop).
           | I've tinkered with Rancher Desktop periodically and I think
           | it's a promising tool. For now I keep going back to running
           | Docker directly, only because it's my existing workflow (I'm
           | a Linux user so the Docker Desktop changes don't apply to
           | me).
         | gkop wrote:
         | Huh, I thought kind was the spiritual successor to minikube
         | (which I used fondly years ago). When should one reach for
         | minikube over kind today?
           | encryptluks2 wrote:
           | I prefer Minikube over Kind, because Minikube supports a lot
           | more options and features, and has integrated the same
           | features as Kind. Kind has not had a new release for almost a
           | year.
             | moondev wrote:
             | The kind binary is decoupled from the node images that make
             | up your cluster. V1.23.3 published 3 days ago
             | https://hub.docker.com/r/kindest/node/tags
             | You can also provide any kubeadm config options you want,
             | as kind bootstraps with upstream kubeadm
           | rckrd wrote:
           | kind (Kubernetes-in-Docker) still requires Docker, so its not
           | a replacement for Docker Desktop (Windows/macOS). You'll need
           | to run kind in minikube or kind in Docker Desktop.
           | mfer wrote:
           | From the kind readme[1]...
           | > kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself,
           | but may be used for local development or CI.
           | minikube was designed for those who want a local kubernetes
           | environment for development. It didn't work well for testing
           | Kubernetes itself which led to kind. They had two different,
           | though slightly overlapping, goals.
           | [1] https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind
           | jrockway wrote:
           | minikube is good where you have to have a VM, which is
           | development on Windows and OS X. Linux containers need Linux,
           | much to the dismay of laptop buyers I guess.
           | I personally don't bother. I use Windows but just have a pet
           | Linux VM where I actually do work, and then use kind (with
           | podman; Docker seems to be turning the screws and I'm getting
           | out ahead of that).
       | CubsFan1060 wrote:
       | Has anyone done any filesystem speed comparisons on any of these?
       | Mounting volumes on Mac in Docker Desktop is... not great. Anyone
       | found any good comparisons?
         | lordelph wrote:
         | FWIW, I recently switched from an Intel to an M1 Macbook, and
         | found shared volumes with Docker Desktop were unusably slow
         | (previously, I'd used VirtualBox host docker and shared files
         | into it via NFS).
         | However, using https://mutagen.io/ to keep the container in
         | sync has worked remarkably well - it's greatly improved the
         | speed of the container.
           | CubsFan1060 wrote:
           | Awesome. I'll try it out. Thanks!
       | vhsdev wrote:
       | The proper way to develop with docker on Mac is using a Linux
       | dual-boot.
       | ggregoire wrote:
       | > Motivation: Docker for Mac was proving to be a workflow pain
       | rather than a workflow gain. It was slowing down my 16" Macbook
       | Pro (32GB RAM, 6 CPUs), draining the battery, and causing the
       | fans to constantly spin at full speed.
       | A performance comparison between this solution and Docker for Mac
       | would have been great.
       | kristjansson wrote:
       | It's not local docker, but                   export
       | DOCKER_HOST=ssh://user@some.nix.box
       | does the trick for like 90 percent of my local docker workflows.
       | Big gaps are local volumes, remembering to look for ports exposed
       | on the remote box instead of localhost, and VPN access (if the
       | remote box box isn't on the right network)
       | Otherwise its a treat. No local storage eaten up, no cores pinned
       | to 100%, no reserved memory, no (additional) VM layer, ...
       | matsemann wrote:
       | I'd rather (my company) pay than having to deal with all this
       | myself. My Docker workflow works. Spending time on everyone
       | moving away is actually a negative ROI.
       | chrisjc wrote:
       | 5. Install Docker Machine docker-machine
       | The last time one of these discussions came up and a similar
       | solution was provided, someone pointed out that 'docker-machine'
       | is not a dependable solution. I can't remember the exact reason,
       | nor can I find the link, but it was something along the lines of
       | Docker making it proprietary or abandoning the project.
       | Can anyone provide any more detail about the state of 'docker-
       | machine' or help clarify any issues with hitching your wagon to
       | these 'docker-machine' solutions?
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | Just visit the repo: https://github.com/docker/machine It is
         | archived and hasn't had a commit in almost 2.5 years. See also:
         | https://github.com/docker/roadmap/issues/245
       | mrinterweb wrote:
       | In my experience, Docker for Mac has always had significant
       | performance problems primarily because of its built in host <->
       | volume sync strategy. The problem has persisted for many years.
       | Different 3rd party (open source) solutions can relieve this
       | performance bottleneck like docker-sync and mutagen. It just
       | blows my mind that after all these years, the docker for mac team
       | hasn't found a decent file sync strategy to include by default.
       | If you're working on a project with a lot of files, docker for
       | mac's built-in sync strategy is likely crushing your CPU.
       | therealmarv wrote:
       | We also need an M1 compatible UTM version of that. To bad it
       | seems UTM cannot be automated with vagrant like VirtualBox.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | UTM is just QEMU under the hood, which should be easy to
         | automate.
       | user3939382 wrote:
       | The heart of this is docker-machine which is deprecated
         | lioeters wrote:
         | Yup..
         | > Docker Machine has been deprecated. Please use Docker Desktop
         | instead.
         | https://docs.docker.com/machine/
         | vanpythonista wrote:
         | Gitlab maintains a fork of docker-machine with critical bug
         | fixes that I've been using recently since Docker deprecated it:
         | https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/docker-machine
       | freetime2 wrote:
       | The favorite replacement that I have found for docker desktop is
       | to run docker-ce in lima vm [1]. It's only a couple of commands
       | to get up and running with their docker example [2]. Basically:
       | brew install lima
       | limactl start docker.yaml
       | lima is built on qemu, which is always a solid choice for
       | virtualization. It also supports M1 Macs, and even Intel on Arm
       | emulation (at a pretty hefty performance cost).
       | One of nice features of lima is that it automatically forwards
       | ports from the host vm to guest, so when you start up a container
       | listening on port 5432, for example, you can access it at
       | localhost:5432. This works nicely in particular for local
       | development while using a VPN client, which I have found has a
       | tendency to interfere with local network traffic (if split
       | tunneling is disabled).
       | lima is used under the hood in rancher desktop, which is another
       | great option if you would prefer to have a gui. But I have
       | settled on lima as I prefer the CLI for scripted installations,
       | and also find it to be more customizable.
       | [1] https://github.com/lima-vm/lima
       | [2] https://github.com/lima-
       | vm/lima/blob/master/examples/docker....
       | riffic wrote:
       | I know people doing docker dev are generally targeting a Linux of
       | some sort, but why the heck doesn't the macOS kernel support
       | native containerization?
       | Come on Apple. Microsoft can do it.
       | edit: this seems like a new development since my last
       | whine/complaint on this topic:
       | https://macoscontainers.org/
         | asdff wrote:
         | I have used the native launch agent system in macos to do what
         | some people use docker containers for.
           | whartung wrote:
           | Do you have this written up anyplace sharable?
             | asdff wrote:
             | No, but basically this would apply to like little services
             | that might run on docker locally on my mac. Say you have a
             | Dockerfile that uses pip to install some stuff and run a
             | python script. There are a few tools on github I use that
             | are configured like this. To run it without docker, I would
             | write up a simple launch agent plist file that calls up
             | another script that just initializes a conda environment
             | with the dependencies and runs the python. this might not
             | be applicable to all docker use cases, though, but it works
             | well enough for me.
         | conradludgate wrote:
         | Because most people want to run Linux containers (to get the
         | same environment as their servers)
         | musicale wrote:
         | > why the heck doesn't the macOS kernel support native
         | containerization
         | It doesn't seem like a huge leap from sandboxing to
         | containerization.
         | They also might consider supporting BSD-style jails.
         | minerva23 wrote:
         | > why the heck doesn't the macOS kernel support native
         | containerization?
         | Because Apple has no plans of growing their server OS
         | marketshare. I know there are benefits of using namespaces
         | (containers) in the desktop market, but they don't sell
         | iMacs/MBPs. Exterior design and heavy marketing is their sales
         | strategy.
           | Langdal wrote:
           | Also creating their own SoC that outperforms others in the
           | space.
           | sjtindell wrote:
           | I never understood this, because surely some huge percentage
           | of developers use Macs. Enterprises buy stacks of them
           | nonstop. Just making that group happy would get you the
           | reputation of being a developers machine, for serious
           | computer people, which could translate into laymen purchases
           | too.
           | riffic wrote:
           | containerization won't just help in the server-space. It has
           | use-cases in app development like CI.
             | smoldesu wrote:
             | Apple would like you to move to XCode Cloud[0] in the
             | future, running CI pipelines on your local device is
             | _soooo_ last-century.
             | [0] https://developer.apple.com/xcode-cloud/
           | Toine wrote:
           | "Exterior design and heavy marketing is their sales strategy"
           | this is old, boring and not even true.
             | [deleted]
             | [deleted]
         | CubsFan1060 wrote:
         | That URL got me excited, but didn't seem to be a lot of
         | progress on it in the last 6 months or s.
         | 0xedd wrote:
         | macOS is mainly targeted at secretaries, managers and artists.
         | Tech work isn't designed to be compatible with a mac.
         | Take for example using netcat. The version available to Mac is
         | 17 years old and lacking some useful flags like keep alive and
         | redirect to executable.
         | http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/netcat/netcat-7/netca...
         | Something as simple as assigning shift+insert as another
         | shortcut for clipboard paste requires hacking. A strong signal
         | to "not do anything outside the pretty buttons we gave you".
         | The target audience isn't interested in containerization. Those
         | who use containers for work or daily drive don't use mac. Iirc,
         | a 2018 stackoverflow survey of what devs use had 50% on
         | windows, 40% on Linux and 10% on mac.
         | Unrelated to the above, windows containers still depend on
         | hyper-v for networking and container images must run on the
         | same kernel version they were built for. Expensive constraints
         | for what they deem as production ready. Sounds more like "fake
         | it until you make it" as you can't use it to build artifacts
         | for different windows versions. Leaving windows dev and its ops
         | as expensive as it was before.
           | kelnos wrote:
           | > _macOS is mainly targeted at secretaries, managers and
           | artists. Tech work isn 't designed to be compatible with a
           | mac._
           | I don't think this is true at all. Despite not developing Mac
           | applications, we've (Twilio) been a Mac shop since day one,
           | 14 years ago. This was driven by our three founders, who, at
           | the time, were all engineers. These days our IT department
           | offers Windows machines for employees who need it for some
           | reason, but uptake is likely in the single-digit percentages.
           | And I know a lot of people who do technical work at various
           | companies whose primary work machine is a MacBook Pro.
           | This might be a Silicon Valley startup thing. I would expect
           | the Stack Overflow survey is skewed pretty hard toward
           | Windows due to big corporate enterprises that aren't tech
           | companies. It seems to me that most "tech companies" prefer
           | Macs.
           | > _Take for example using netcat. The version available to
           | Mac is 17 years old and lacking some useful flags_
           | I run Linux, so I don't have firsthand experience with much
           | of this, but everyone I know who uses macOS for development
           | has something like Homebrew installed, so they can get up-to-
           | date versions of the various tools that are outdated in the
           | default macOS install.
           | darrenf wrote:
           | > _Iirc, a 2018 stackoverflow survey of what devs use had 50%
           | on windows, 40% on Linux and 10% on mac._
           | You needn't rely on your memory, the survey is still
           | available [0]. FWIW, it doesn't seem to contain a question
           | about the OS where development takes place, only about the
           | _targets_ [1]. The top answers were:
           | Linux 48.3%
           | Windows Desktop or Server 35.4%
           | Android 29.0%
           | AWS 24.1%
           | Mac OS 17.9%
           | [0] https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2018/
           | [1] "Linux and Windows Desktop or Server are the most common
           | choices that our respondents say they have done development
           | work _for_ this year. " (emphasis mine)
             | jdpedrie wrote:
             | It does have stats for Developers' Primary Operating
             | System[0]:
             | Windows 49.9%
             | MacOS 26.7%
             | Linux-based 23.2%
             | BSD/Unix 0.2%
             | [0] https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2018/#technol
             | ogy-_...
               | darrenf wrote:
               | Wow. I have no idea how I missed that. Mea culpa. Albeit
               | those numbers are still radically different to the poster
               | I replied to.
             | viro wrote:
             | oh wow he completely misrepresented that stat.
           | skrtskrt wrote:
           | I have worked at 4 small-to-mid-sized tech companies now and
           | only one didn't have every software engineer on Macs with
           | Docker.
           | I don't disagree that the built-in tools on Mac leave a lot
           | to be desired, but you can also just brew install things and
           | clearly Docker has gone to a lot of effort to make this all
           | work on Mac, so the demand is there.
           | I switched to Linux for the current company, and was
           | expecting fewer Docker oddities and better battery life, but
           | I seem to actually have way _more_ issues now, which -
           | without sinking a week or more into investigating transient
           | issues - I attribute to it _not_ being isolated in a VM.
           | I often have to reboot my machine just to get basic DNS
           | resolution working from inside a container
           | viro wrote:
           | I have a simple one for ya... Use docker and Vmware on the
           | same windows machine.
             | ideologysec wrote:
             | Are you talking about the old problem of VMware and Hyper-V
             | not playing well together, or suggesting that using both
             | together solves Windows development woes?
           | kstrauser wrote:
           | > macOS is mainly targeted at secretaries, managers and
           | artists.
           | Counterpoint: I've never seen someone in the Bay Area
           | developing on a Windows machine, in any company I've worked
           | at. In my experience, locally, it's more like 95% Mac, 5%
           | Linux, and 0% Windows.
           | Now, I know that neither of our anecdotes represent the state
           | of the world in general, but the notion that "Macs are for
           | non-techies" is laughable on the face of it.
         | jokethrowaway wrote:
         | Indeed, with windows' linux subsystem I have to say working
         | from M$ sounds reasonable, maybe even better than dealing with
         | Mac OS X half-baked package managers and subpar docker
         | experience.
         | It used to be that Windows had a better UX than OS X (imho at
         | least), but nowadays they're equally crap and they can't
         | compare with what's available on linux.
         | With two machines, I'd still pick Windows for gaming dev and
         | linux for everything else.
         | With three machines, I'd add a screen-less mac mini to do iOS
         | related builds.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Although just today I was having some Windows containers
         | hiccups, I am looking forward to the day that Microsoft doesn't
         | require installing a third party solution (Docker) to use them.
           | zamalek wrote:
           | Install a WSL machine. Install docker (or containerd, or
           | whatever) in it. Install docker-cli on your host, then use
           | `docker context` to use the server in WSL. 20min of effort if
           | your Google fu is good.
           | If you need something like the docker desktop UI, check out
           | portainer.
       | snuxoll wrote:
       | Unfortunately this like other alternatives still misses some key
       | features of Docker Desktop for Mac like utilizing VPNKit
       | (https://github.com/moby/vpnkit) to make networking not
       | constantly break when on a VPN without split tunneling, etc.
       | I've started using minikube myself as I stopped constantly
       | needing to use Cisco AnyConnect for work as we switched to using
       | a Zscaler product instead - but this is a huge bugbear for many
       | users I'd like to see _somebody_ address.
       | explaingarlic wrote:
       | I suppose peeps are starting to notice this because they're no
       | longer able to use Docker Desktop on their corporate machines and
       | are scrambling for alternatives?
       | We got lucky where I work, and already had a RHEL license which
       | gives us Docker Desktop Enterprise too, I think.
       | tallytarik wrote:
       | As others have pointed out, Virtualbox doesn't work on ARM (M1).
       | A few months ago I switched to a new setup on my M1 Max: running
       | a Ubuntu VM in UTM (https://mac.getutm.app/), and installing
       | Docker there.
       | I use Mutagen (https://mutagen.io/) for syncing files between
       | macOS and the VM, which works really well.
       | There is a 10x-20x speed improvement running a large PHP (Drupal)
       | project through the VM than Docker for Mac.
       | tomrod wrote:
       | Podman or minikube are the solutions I've gone with. Great
       | software!
       | may13noon wrote:
       | what about lima? it seems more easier to get.
       | https://github.com/lima-vm/lima
         | cpressland wrote:
         | I'm in the process of changing our local development
         | containerisation strategy within the business from Docker for
         | Desktop to Lima. So far it's been absolutely flawless.
         | tpoindex wrote:
         | Lima absolutely rocks. For me, there are a few small nits, but
         | overall probably the best to replace Docker. Out of the box
         | ("brew install lima; limactl start") lima gives you an Ubuntu
         | VM with containerd and nerdctl. Nerdctl is mostly compatible
         | with the docker cli as others on this thread have mentioned.
         | The examples/ directory also has configs for starting up k3s or
         | k8s. Rancher Desktop is also using Lima.
         | Minikube also works, but I can't get host directories mounted
         | in the VM; running nfsd on the Mac is a reasonable work-around.
         | It does start up k8s containers, so if you just want a docker-
         | like environment, it might be overkill.
       | hoofhearthed wrote:
       | Uhm I'm not a sys-admin nor an extreme senior engineer, but you
       | have to admit. The current setup for running docker on macOS,
       | with the current virtualization, is completely broken.
         | freetime2 wrote:
         | We have been using it for years with few major issues, so I
         | would definitely not call it completely broken. "Suboptimal",
         | maybe.
         | But we made the decision that the benefits of containerization
         | outweigh the cost of having to run containers in a VM during
         | development, and have been mostly happy with that decision.
         | We're certainly not considering going back to the old way of
         | having to manage application runtime dependencies separately
         | across hundreds of different servers.
       | grishka wrote:
       | This is x86-only, right?
       | navbaker wrote:
       | I've done most of my dev work on my physical Windows box using
       | Docker Desktop, but have access to a robust cloud VM network
       | where all my Unix work is done. The end result of a dev process
       | is an image regardless of what tool you used, right? So how does
       | Docker know if you've used Windows or Unix to write and test a
       | given image? Is there metadata written into the image?
         | matsemann wrote:
         | They probably don't know. And it's fine to use docker desktop
         | without paying as long as you're a small business or a private
         | person. They can't automatically know if you're in violation or
         | not.
         | They just assume people want to be in compliance. Same way I
         | wouldn't misuse gpl code at my work.
           | stjohnswarts wrote:
           | I'm sure they just buy a list of $10million+ company ip
           | reservations and let their lawyers go to town.
       | speedgoose wrote:
       | I use Rancher Desktop as an alternative to Docker Desktop. It's
       | alright.
         | bproven wrote:
         | I just pulled it (and switched to dockerd as default container
         | runtime to use 'docker') - it seems to work as a great swap for
         | docker desktop on mac. I like that volumes work well vs podman.
         | Nice that you an trivy scan an image, etc.
         | Have you hit any sharp edges yet? I imagine there might be a
         | few. Anything you can share would be great
           | speedgoose wrote:
           | Port forwarding is currently broken if you use dockerd but it
           | will be fixed in the next release or you can run a command to
           | fix it yourself. See https://github.com/rancher-
           | sandbox/rancher-desktop/issues/12...
           | It fails to setup some filesystem links because of Unix
           | permissions. You can fix it in command line. See
           | https://github.com/rancher-sandbox/rancher-
           | desktop/issues/11...
           | If you put your computer into sleep, the VM time will be out
           | of sync. It's going to be fixed in the next release I
           | believe. It's an old classic bug that happened to me with WSL
           | so it was nice to see it again. https://github.com/rancher-
           | sandbox/rancher-desktop/issues/83...
             | bproven wrote:
             | thanks!
             | Looks like the first and last issue is fixed in 1.0.0
             | (released 2 days ago). So only that second issue remains
             | for now.
         | yebyen wrote:
         | I have just started using it, and I stopped short of telling
         | people it was a great alternative because I don't have enough
         | experience with it yet to say one way or another.
         | But so far it's pretty muchliving up to my expectations, with a
         | few quirks: (1) I can use the buildkit plugin, at least it
         | seems to work so far, but (2) things are not strictly
         | compatible, for example the `kuby build` command has an issue
         | and will need to be updated to support rancher desktop... it's
         | refusing to log in right now, even though I logged into my
         | registry already, with an error about not doing interactive
         | logins without a TTY. I'm assuming there's an easy workaround,
         | (but this part works fine with Docker Desktop already.)
         | By your "it's alright" I suspect you've seen other things I'll
         | bump into that made you say "alright" rather than "great."
         | Anything interesting you're able to share?
           | speedgoose wrote:
           | I indeed did bump into a few things. You can check my other
           | comment about that :
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30118961
       | InsaneOstrich wrote:
       | This won't work on the new M1 macs since it uses VirtualBox
         | jedisct1 wrote:
         | Yeah :(
         | Ever since I switched to an M1, I haven't found a way to
         | reliably build and run x86_64 containers on it.
         | Docker desktop with Qemu is not just painfully slow, it's also
         | very buggy and some containers just can't be built without
         | crashing.
         | Is there any alternative?
           | InsaneOstrich wrote:
           | My organization decided to hold off on purchasing M1 MacBooks
           | for developers until they're better supported by third party
           | software. Too much stuff just crashes or doesn't work well,
           | even with QEMU and Rosetta.
             | rvz wrote:
             | Exactly.
             | After the November 2020 release of the M1 Macs, Docker and
             | many developer tools were still not available and you would
             | have to wait 6 - 8 months for Docker to be fully supported
             | and out of beta for M1 Macs.
             | Not quite ideal to wait for your tools to be available on
             | your machine for more months in order to do any work on it.
             | The smartest thing anyone would have done to save
             | themselves from disappointment and frustration as a
             | developer is by simply using your existing Intel Macs and
             | 'waiting' for the software ecosystem to catch up with the
             | Apple Silicon Macs.
           | bbatsell wrote:
           | I haven't tested it, but Lima purports to support it:
           | https://github.com/lima-vm/lima/blob/master/docs/multi-
           | arch....
             | jbreiding wrote:
             | Give https://github.com/abiosoft/colima
             | A try, I've been using it for a few months on both m1 and
             | x64.
             | It works really well.
           | therealmarv wrote:
           | Try UTM https://mac.getutm.app/
           | Run x86 Linux of your choice there, install Docker inside
           | there. Run it there.
             | PolCPP wrote:
             | You'll get the same issues, since utm uses qemu. Tried it a
             | few days ago with x64 linux only to have the os crash while
             | copying stuff over smb
               | navels wrote:
               | FWIW I switched from Docker Desktop to UTM+Ubuntu+Docker
               | a few months ago and it has been great.
               | PolCPP wrote:
               | ARM Ubuntu or X86?
           | c7DJTLrn wrote:
           | I don't have anything of substance to add but I can
           | definitely echo your experience. I'm still in love with the
           | M1 chips but it is definitely not a seamless transition if
           | you work with Docker a lot. I've had containers behave really
           | strangely and unreproducibly.
           | Rucadi wrote:
           | Have you tried https://threedots.ovh/blog/2021/01/huawei-
           | exagear-x86_64-app...
           | maybe it works faster than qemu for a chrooted environment.
       | rubyist5eva wrote:
       | When they changed the docker desktop terms, I switched to Podman.
       | Now with Rancher Desktop and kubernetes swallowing the
       | world...what really is the point of docker at all?
       | blakesterz wrote:
       | "Motivation: Docker for Mac was proving to be a workflow pain
       | rather than a workflow gain."
       | I feel that pain. I switched from a Linux box to a Mac Mini for
       | ALMOST all the work I do. I just couldn't take the pain, now when
       | I need to do my Docker work, I just flip back to my Linux box. I
       | have a Logi keyboard and Mouse with that 3 device button option,
       | and a monitor with a few inputs, so I just turn on the ol' Linux
       | box, press a few buttons, and I'm there. I do the same thing for
       | Windows, for the rare occasion I need Windows (mostly for testing
       | stuff).
       | I could probably find ways around the pain points, but I just
       | can't be bothered when it's so easy to just use the other machine
       | sitting right here. No point in wasting any more time on it.
         | [deleted]
         | graftak wrote:
         | I was thinking to do the same but with Linux in a VM on top of
         | MacOS, figuring that docker runs like crap on it anyway so I
         | might as well.
         | Edit: upon inspection I see that is what the link is about, so
         | it probably has some merit.
         | Ramiro wrote:
         | @blakesterz what kind of pain are you feeling when developing
         | with containers on a Mac vs using your Linux box? I know perf
         | is worse, but are you hitting other things?
         | neurostimulant wrote:
         | > I have a Logi keyboard and Mouse with that 3 device button
         | option, and a monitor with a few inputs, so I just turn on the
         | ol' Linux box, press a few buttons, and I'm there.
         | Install Barrier on both Mac and Linux, get an extra monitor,
         | and then you can seamlessly work on both system at once as if
         | it's a single computer with multiple monitors. Don't even need
         | to press that switch button on your keyboard and mouse.
         | https://github.com/debauchee/barrier
       | toppy wrote:
       | As an alternative one can also consider Rancher Desktop
       | (https://www.suse.com/c/rancher_blog/rancher-desktop-1-0-0-ha...)
       | mentioned here few days ago.
         | superdug wrote:
         | +1 for Rancher Desktop. [ https://rancherdesktop.io/ ] you can
         | alias the `docker` command with `nerdctl` as a one:one
         | replacement.
           | zamalek wrote:
           | I tried it out to today after struggling for more than a
           | month with Docker for Mac with problem after problem. I know
           | how exactly many turtles there are all the way down. Rancher
           | fixed _everything_ first try. Containerd /nerdctl doesn't
           | work for us (too tired to figure out why), but Rancher can
           | run Moby/docker.
       | twsted wrote:
       | I'm using Multipass [https://multipass.run], docker cli,
       | configured with a docker context.
       | steviedotboston wrote:
       | Should this be faster than Docker Desktop?
         | cmiles74 wrote:
         | YMMV but my big pain point is sharing a large project between
         | my Mac and the VM running Docker Desktop. I don't think this
         | will make the file sharing bit any faster.
       | nunez wrote:
       | This is a very heavy alternative. It is also not viable for those
       | with ARM machines, as Virtualbox is x86 only.
       | Minikube is a popular alternative. Colima is an up-and-coming one
       | that's can run both raw containerd and Docker engine on top of
       | containerd. I prefer Colima since I'd rather not have Kubernetes
       | running full-time (consumes resources).
       | ConanRus wrote:
       | TameAntelope wrote:
       | Is there anything complex about setting this up that you'd want
       | to use this, or is this more of a time saver?
       | I was thinking about doing this, and still might on my own,
       | unless there's some hard problem solved here. Nothing wrong at
       | all with using this, though, very cool!
       | c7DJTLrn wrote:
       | The Docker/virtualisation stuff on macOS really needs fixing up.
       | The x86 to ARM transition has made things worse but it was
       | pitiful even before. Virtualization.framework doesn't seem to
       | live up to the hype. Docker has an experimental mode for it - if
       | you try enabling it you'll quickly realise why it's experimental.
       | Your computer will go into meltdown and performance will feel a
       | hundred times slower. M1 MacBooks are no good for Docker/VMs
       | unless you have a Parallels license.
       | Apple needs to do what Microsoft did surrounding Linux on
       | Windows. Allocate some engineers for a few years to make life
       | easier for developers on their platform.
         | musicale wrote:
         | > Apple needs to do what Microsoft did surrounding Linux on
         | Windows. Allocate some engineers for a few years to make life
         | easier for developers on their platform.
         | Apple will most likely continue to do what it always does: make
         | billions of dollars while largely ignoring Linux.
         | iOS and macOS developers will continue to use Xcode the way
         | they always have. (And perhaps Swift Playgrounds on iOS.)
           | c7DJTLrn wrote:
           | Maybe, but that's what we all said about Microsoft ten years
           | ago.
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