[HN Gopher] Black, the uncompromising Python code formatter, is ...
       Black, the uncompromising Python code formatter, is stable
       Author : crlees
       Score  : 211 points
       Date   : 2022-01-29 20:53 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (pypi.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (pypi.org)
       | robertlagrant wrote:
       | Here's the best thing about Black:
       | Python has significant whitespace, so you can't just click
       | "ignore whitespace changes" in Github diffs and it doesn't
       | matter. You have to put up with every silly whitespace change.
       | Until Black.
         | robertlagrant wrote:
         | 5 upvotes generate a pro tip: have your CI run black --check
         | against the code you want formatted. That way different devs
         | can run the formatting how they like (in tox; in a pre-commit
         | hook; in IDE; on the command line) and CI just enforces that it
         | _happened_.
       | topper-123 wrote:
       | > Black is opinionated so you don't have to be.
       | This is a very nice quote and sums up my own view on black (and
       | code formatters in general) nicely. Thera are things you don't
       | really want to have an opinion about.
       | vogre wrote:
       | I think every language should have such tool by default, like Go
       | does.
       | _tom_ wrote:
       | Long ago, I worked at a company that decided it needed coding
       | standards. We spend two weeks arguing about coding standards.
       | Nothing else got done.
       | Ever since then, I am not opinionated about coding standards. The
       | benefits do not match the costs.
       | Although I do like the approach of "use something like black on
       | precommit", and if you don't like it, you can reformat to your
       | standards on check out, and be happy. It will get fixed on check
       | in.
         | voidfunc wrote:
         | Sort of why I think Go got it right with gofmt. Its not as
         | strict as it could be but all Go looks more or less the same
         | and it's because it was built into the language
         | colechristensen wrote:
         | Too many people have too strong opinions on the subject. Some
         | things are reasonably good ideas, many more are just arbitrary,
         | strict rules prevent doing reasonable exceptions, and an
         | enormous amount of time is wasted discussing the matter.
           | _3u10 wrote:
           | its the penultimate bike shedding issue.
           | If you're coders can code it doesn't matter, and if they
           | can't formatting their poor code isn't going to fix it.
             | colechristensen wrote:
             | Just an off topic note on language: penultimate means
             | second to (last, final, biggest, etc), i.e. the one before
             | the ultimate. Perhaps an odd choice of word in context that
             | is often misunderstood.
             | It leads to the question "then what is the ultimate bike
             | shedding issue?"
         | keithasaurus wrote:
         | To me, the point of using code formatters is that you don't
         | have to think/talk about code formatting much at all. As in,
         | there are never annoying comments about formatting in PRs.
         | A nice bonus is that you end up having uniformly readable code.
         | dgellow wrote:
         | Yep, just agree on something, whatever it is, enforce it
         | everywhere and move on. It's not worth the time arguing. I love
         | gofmt for this.
         | surfmike wrote:
         | Arguing over coding standards is harmful, but consistency is a
         | good thing. Best to adopt a standard style guide and limit any
         | debate to deviations and even better to have a tool like Black
         | make it automatic.
           | danielvaughn wrote:
           | Yep. Even if I personally hate a coding style, I'll stick to
           | it religiously if it's what my team uses. A good coding style
           | is one that everyone adheres to.
       | ForHackernews wrote:
       | Still ugly. I hate looking at code mangled by this thing. Single
       | quotes? Fluent interfaces? Go write Go if you want ugly code you
       | don't have to think about.
       | Don't @ me.
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | Pretty sure Black prefers double quotes in the main case, but
         | what are "fluent interfaces"? Go is pretty great though, I
         | completely understand the envy! :)
           | JacobHenner wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | Does Black inhibit method chaining? In any case, I don't
             | see the value in fluent interfaces--if I had to choose
             | between an opinionated code formatter and something people
             | do because Martin Fowler told them to do it, I would take
             | the former every time.
             | cdcarter wrote:
             | Sure, but why would black make those hard? (It doesn't, in
             | my experience).
       | captainmuon wrote:
       | Personally, I don't understand the appeal of opinionated code
       | formatters. If you don't want to discuss "taste" questions, then
       | just don't, it doesn't matter what option you pick. If it is an
       | important question, then you _should_ debate it.
       | I think you can convey meaning with subtle code style
       | differences. Empty lines to delineate blocks. Single quotes if
       | the string is a keyword, double quotes if it is for the user.
       | Spaces around operators to make an expression clearer. I spend a
       | minute or two before I commit to make the code tidy (linter and
       | then manual tweaking) and would expect that from everybody on my
       | team - it takes often less time than rebasing and picking good
       | commit names, for example.
       | But even though it annoys me slightly when I encounter Black (or
       | god forbid, Go) used in a project, I know a lot of people like it
       | a lot, and it is good to have the choice. So congrats to the
       | release! :-)
         | onphonenow wrote:
         | The reason I like black is the most opinonated folks have WEIRD
         | opinions.
         | You see that here.
         | Things like a = [ 1, 2, 3 ] when 90% of the world is a = [1, 2,
         | 3]
         | These folks will spend hours / days try to force weird
         | approaches.
         | Sometimes they are obviously wrong. But it's annoying to have
         | to fight over it. Something like black saves you the hassle and
         | the WEIRD local coding rules someone comes up with if you are
         | on a project with them.
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | I can stop discussing taste issues, but it doesn't prevent
         | others from debating what the proper style for my PR ought to
         | be, meanwhile I can't merge my PR.
         | Shacklz wrote:
         | > I think you can convey meaning with subtle code style
         | differences.
         | Yes that's very true, but, and now comes the big but - if
         | you're working in a project with dozens and dozens of other
         | devs, you will necessarily see all kinds of weird formatting.
         | And this is where an opinionated formatter shines. It doesn't
         | matter how many people work on your project, what the churn-
         | rate is or if the guy that just started yesterday already read
         | the code-formatting guidelines or not - the formatter will just
         | take care of it and remove all hassles surrounding that topic.
         | And this only at the price of opinionated formatting which I
         | may or may not like - a price that I likely have to pay either
         | way, because there's no way that everybody shares the same
         | opinion about formatting in the first place.
         | I recommend to give opinionated formatters a try, if you
         | haven't already. I know plenty of folks who were initially
         | against it but eventually came around it because it made life a
         | lot easier: No more discussions about formatting on PRs, no
         | more tabs vs space wars, everything's already settled and
         | automatically taken care of.
         | ferdowsi wrote:
         | > If you don't want to discuss "taste" questions, then just
         | don't, it doesn't matter what option you pick. If it is an
         | important question, then you should debate it.
         | I'm personally glad to see Python development come to the same
         | conclusion enforced by Go's opinionated tooling.
         | That is: style questions are almost always unimportant to
         | producing value, but teams still waste excessive time on them
         | because of the engineering tendency to bikeshed triviata.
         | mumblemumble wrote:
         | I think the general consensus of many people, myself included,
         | is that it doesn't matter what the specifics are, as long as
         | they're being applied consistently. Beyond that, it's a
         | question of optimizing the cost/benefit ratio.
         | The problem with most things that have to be applied manually
         | is that they're also applied inconsistently. It's like
         | Hungarian notation. Over time, it becomes pure noise: you can't
         | rely on it, especially when reading someone else's code, so
         | it's safer to just ignore it. At which point, the convention's
         | cost/benefit is approaching infinity, because its denominator
         | nearly zero. So I'm not sure I care if the absolute cost is
         | small. It's still an almost complete waste of effort.
         | The only place I've ever seen manual conventions applied
         | consistently enough to be useful in a sustainable way is when
         | someone's carved out their own private silo of code that is
         | mostly only touched by them.
         | monsieurbanana wrote:
         | > If you don't want to discuss "taste" questions, then just
         | don't, it doesn't matter what option you pick.
         | Exactly, it doesn't matter what option you pick, _as long as
         | everybody picks the same option_. Enter opinionated code
         | formatters, because otherwise how do you do it?
           | colechristensen wrote:
           | > otherwise how do you do it?
           | Only reject obviously quite messy code, and only rarely allow
           | formatting rewrites. Learn that anybody's strong preferences
           | for a specific style or discussion of such aren't
           | demonstrably beneficial for the bottom line of the business
           | or customers.
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | > Personally, I don't understand the appeal of opinionated code
         | formatters.
         | Opinionated code formatters mean that opinionated coders with
         | different preferences on a team don't produce (or at least
         | produce less) noise in diffs.
           | erik_seaberg wrote:
           | I only reformat code I am rewriting, for that reason. I've
           | never seen a tool that was very good at bending its own rules
           | to minimize these accidental changes.
         | Closi wrote:
         | > Personally, I don't understand the appeal of opinionated code
         | formatters. If you don't want to discuss "taste" questions,
         | then just don't, it doesn't matter what option you pick.
         | I think the appeal is that it _avoids the discussions entirely_
         | (i.e. if it doesn 't matter what option you pick, why even have
         | the option? Particularly if these options will mean you divert
         | away from the standard python style guide, which has been
         | trying to standardize these choices for years so that codebases
         | have similar rules.)
         | i.e. if your org has inconsistent python formatting between
         | different independently-operating teams, it's easier to enforce
         | PEP 8 than start a load of pointless arguments about what good
         | looks like.
       | MrPowers wrote:
       | I like Black for normal Python code, but it seems to mangle
       | Pandas / Dask code at times. I still use it extensively cause it
       | doesn't seem like there are other good alternatives.
       | I wrote a blog post on how to use Black in Jupyter Lab notebooks
       | if anyone is interested: https://coiled.io/blog/code-formatting-
       | jupyter-notebooks-wit...
       | It's really nice to format a notebook with the click of a button.
       | iddan wrote:
       | This is exciting! Can it now be a plug-in for Prettier?
       | sergiotapia wrote:
       | Huge milestone for the Python community! Very happy for you guys.
       | In Elixir, `mix format` has saved so much time across multiple
       | projects and teams. I can't remember the last time I talked about
       | line breaks and how to divvy up a long multiple line function
       | header.
       | formerly_proven wrote:
       | > Black prefers [i.e. converts] double quotes (" and """) over
       | single quotes (' and ''').
       | Can someone explain this to me? Why would you ever prefer " over
       | ' in a language where both can be used equally?
         | HALtheWise wrote:
         | Additionally, standardizing all quotes makes searching for a
         | specific string literal across a codebase easier, since you
         | don't need regex to match against both quote types. Once you've
         | decided to standardize strings, it doesn't matter much which
         | one you pick.
         | Personally, I still type single quotes in almost all cases, and
         | just let Black reformat to double quotes to save shift key
         | presses.
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | Try nero from PyPI instead, I'll upgrade to stable shortly.
           | rirze wrote:
           | Last commit was from 2019? It sounds like you're not
           | automating the patch for every black release...
         | floober wrote:
         | Uniformity, presumably
         | odiroot wrote:
         | I prefer them too. Makes it easy to notice than single ones.
         | It's just a personal preference, there's no big logic behind
         | it.
         | Teongot wrote:
         | Because "don't" is easier to read than 'don\'t'
           | shpx wrote:
           | Black will use single quotes if your string contains double
           | quotes and no single quotes. It'll reformat
           | print("\"Hello\" he said")
           | to                    print('"Hello" he said')
           | I think pretty much all formatters for languages that let you
           | use either quote do this. It makes sense.
           | JackFr wrote:
           | When you're embedding SQL in a string, a you use ' a lot more
           | than ". Not the only use case, but one to give some
           | consideration.
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | I think that's only MySQL. Postgres uses double quotes for
             | identifiers and single quotes for literals.
             | EDIT: I misinterpreted that single quote as a backtick. In
             | any case, both single and double quotes are common in SQL,
             | but single quotes are a bit more common.
           | iqanq wrote:
           | And 'do not' is easier to read than both :)
         | breput wrote:
         | A couple of possible reasons:
         | * Double quotes are more visible, especially for triple quotes.
         | * It makes it easier to have text without having to manually
         | escape apostrophes.
         | teddyh wrote:
         | Because _most_ commonly used languages use double quotes, not
         | single quotes, for string literals. Some languages can use
         | both, either interchangeably or with slightly different
         | semantics, but others either uses single quotes for other
         | purposes, or do not use them for anything at all. Therefore,
         | double quotes for strings look more normal, so to speak, in
         | source code.
           | tsimionescu wrote:
           | Except that in the language you're most likely to mix with
           | Python, SQL, strings are in single quotes (double quotes are
           | for identifiers like column names, especially if they're case
           | sensitive). So it's probably a bad choice on Black's part.
         | drekipus wrote:
         | It's a tic for me too, as I always prefer '.
         | But to be fair I think it's because 1. Double quotes are
         | ""universally"" strings in other languages 2. Having
         | apostrophes gets annoying.
         | The great benefit really is that I _can_ write single word
         | strings just fine, and black will adjust it for me. I get my
         | cake, and so do the others.
         | ambivalence wrote:
         | This was decided very early in the project, the discussion can
         | be read here: https://github.com/psf/black/issues/51
           | formerly_proven wrote:
           | Did you lock that issue before posting it here? Is this some
           | kind of sore/forbidden topic for the project?
           | Edit: I suppose the question is superfluous seeing how many
           | replies there are just here.
             | ambivalence wrote:
             | Yes, and yes. Edit: and yes.
           | wging wrote:
           | Also documented more permanently here: https://black.readthed
           | ocs.io/en/latest/the_black_code_style/...
         | nopenopenopeno wrote:
         | It's easier and faster to differentiate between " and ` than
         | between ' and `.
         | indymike wrote:
         | This is simple: the default is picked, so now no one has to
         | argue about it.
         | TameAntelope wrote:
         | Arguing over Black formatting choices is a little ironic, isn't
         | it?
         | The whole point is that they're all arbitrary so just let the
         | defaults win, and adjust yourself instead.
         | kstrauser wrote:
         | That was the thing that bugged me at first, but other people on
         | my team loved it. Some things bugged other people on my team,
         | even though I love them. If a tool can manage to annoy everyone
         | about the same amount, but in different areas, it's doing
         | something right.
         | And while it's still kind of strange that `a = "foo"` looks
         | different than `repr(a)`, after a while of using Black I don't
         | notice it anymore.
         | faangiq wrote:
         | In some languages single vs double has different functionality.
       | nu11ptr wrote:
       | I don't always like Black's results, but I do like the
       | opinionated nature in general and that I don't have to sit and
       | think about how I want it configured. Wouldn't mind a few knobs
       | though.
       | throwawayt215 wrote:
       | Hooray!
       | Loosely related - This is Python pip. Trail of Bits has a tool
       | pip-audit that audits Python environments and dependency trees
       | for known vulnerabilities.
       | https://github.com/trailofbits/pip-audit
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | Not that I don't appreciate the shoutout (I'm one of the
         | developers of pip-audit), but what's the connection? Is it
         | because black is installed via pip?
           | throwawayt215 wrote:
           | Yeah. Thanks for pip-audit
       | hivacruz wrote:
       | This is a great tool. I wish there was some settings to use
       | single quotes instead of double quotes.
         | nopenopenopeno wrote:
         | There probably is, if you use another formatter that isn't
         | Black.
           | xapata wrote:
           | I like yapf.
         | crlees wrote:
         | There is: -S, --skip-string-normalization Don't normalize
         | string quotes or prefixes.
           | hivacruz wrote:
           | IIRC, the -S only avoid single quotes to get switched to
           | double quotes. What I meant was allowing Black to switch
           | double-quotes to single quotes automatically.
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | Try nero from PyPI instead, I'll update it to this stable
         | release shortly.
         | j1elo wrote:
         | Funny that this is a common reaction against opinionated tools:
         | " _I wish there was a configurable option to apply my opinions_
         | "
         | But the whole idea is that you should learn to suppress your
         | ego and let the tool be the one dictating stylistic choices...
         | Like the sibling comment mentions:
         |  _Dusty Phillips, writer:_
         | " _Black is opinionated so you don't have to be._ "
           | ForHackernews wrote:
           | "My opinion is the correct one"
           | - Author of some tool
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | "No opinion is correct, so we should stop wasting time
             | debating it."
             | - advocates of code formatters
           | hivacruz wrote:
           | I understand that. And this is what I like in Black. But the
           | single quotes thing is really up to debate. When you use it
           | with other tools such as flake8 or pylint, you have to
           | disable a bunch of things to make them work together because
           | no one agrees on this point.
             | historyforsale wrote:
             | > When you use it with other tools such as flake8 or
             | pylint, you have to disable a bunch of things to make them
             | work together
             | Using Flake8 with Black requires only two configuration
             | options [1], while Pylint requires three [2]. If you prefer
             | to use Black with --line-length 79, then it's down to a
             | single configuration option for Flake8 or two for Pylint.
             | [1]: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/using_bl
             | ack_wi...
             | [2]: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/using_bl
             | ack_wi...
             | j1elo wrote:
             | I'm not a full time Python dev so I won't (can't) get into
             | what choice has more merits. But there is this:
             | https://black.readthedocs.io/en/latest/the_black_code_style
             | /...
             | Seen from outside, I think the double quotes are just the
             | natural form of strings in lots of other places, at least
             | in those that come from the same family than C (C++, Java,
             | C#, Rust, just to name a few)
             | Also Prettier.js (which I'd call the "Black of JavaScript")
             | also settled on double quotes. So we're left with a _de
             | facto_ consensus across programming languages as a whole,
             | which kind of feels nice.
           | _tom_ wrote:
           | That made me wonder, so I went and tested edge cases, like
           | "abc\"d\"ef", which black quite properly converts to
           | 'abc"d"ef'. So it does use single quotes where appropriate.
       | EddieLomax wrote:
       | It's now enabled by default in IPython, for better or worse:
       | https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/13397
         | ccordoba12 wrote:
         | That will be reverted in the next version, i.e. it'll be
         | optional.
         | teddyh wrote:
         | "the next release will likely revert it"
         | -- Matthias Bussonnier,
         | https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/13463#issuecomment...
           | kzrdude wrote:
           | Great, I'm sure it will end up with a good solution
           | eventually. Unfortunate that it had to be this heated about
           | this change.
           | R. Hettinger needed to learn to always be graceful when
           | commenting or criticizing the work of others, especially
           | volunteers.
           | And we all saw how wild the difference is in engagement for a
           | project like ipython between the "normal" level and the
           | "viral" level. Users are just using it and depending on it,
           | never interacting with the project, but if something attracts
           | attention it can be like a thousand flies flocking to it.
           | Often when something gets negative attention..
       | crlees wrote:
       | I'm pleased to announce that Black is finally non-beta software!
       | :party:!
       | Change log:
       | https://black.readthedocs.io/en/latest/change_log.html
       | Going forward we'll follow our stability policy (https://black.re
       | adthedocs.io/en/latest/the_black_code_style/...).
       | Work continues as usual with bugfixes and enhancements, but style
       | changes are now introduced under our new `--preview` CLI switch.
       | This allows us to evolve Black's style without too much
       | disruption to users that want consistency. The default style is
       | updated yearly.
       | Thanks to our maintainers for orchestrating the efforts,
       | especially to our most recent reinforcement Batuhan
       | (@isidentical) who was responsible for our match statement
       | support! A hearty thank you to all of our contributors for
       | pushing Black forward, and to our users for being the reason we
       | do it!
         | scrollaway wrote:
         | Congratulations. I'm a Python developer of 17+ years and Black
         | is truly a huge blessing in the Python ecosystem.
         | That said, I'm a little sad to see it's gone stable without
         | adding support for tabs, which would be extremely simple to add
         | at this point (cf. https://github.com/jleclanche/tan/commit/e23
         | c038167528bdacdd...). I have a lot of people using this tab-
         | capable fork, that I did not advertise anywhere.
         | Lukasz seems to have a personal grudge against tabs which may
         | be why the issue for tab support was closed early on, but
         | there's a plethora of good reasons to support it behind a flag.
         | I don't want to rehash those arguments here on HN but you think
         | you could re-think the approach a bit?
         | I'd be happy to do a PR if it's not getting rejected right away
         | with "no discussion allowed" like the last one was (before
         | Black was moved to PSF maintainership).
           | [deleted]
       | gbarboza wrote:
       | is it just me, or does the logo look _really_ similar to the ford
       | logo?
         | scrollaway wrote:
         | It's meant to, as it references Henry Ford's "any color so long
         | as it is black" quip.
       | jreese wrote:
       | Shameless self-promotion, as a former coworker of Lukasz, Black's
       | creator:
       | Another coworker and I have created an import sorter that fits
       | well alongside Black, called usort. It is designed from the
       | ground up to be a safe, stable import sorter that won't move
       | imports in ways that potentially change behavior of the codebase,
       | and without needing developers to litter their code with "skip"
       | directives. We use it in our daily formatting codemods on tens of
       | thousands of source files every day, and just finished our 1.0
       | release in December.
       | https://usort.readthedocs.io
       | Going further, if you like enforcing both formatting and import
       | order in your CI pipeline, I also created the project ufmt, which
       | combines both Black and usort into a single, atomic formatting
       | step. This ensures there's never any conflict of opinion between
       | the two tools, and any formatting changes are presented as a
       | single diff result.
       | https://ufmt.readthedocs.io
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | > that won't move imports in ways that potentially change
         | behavior of the codebase
         | How can that be the case? Can't Python imports have behaviour
         | that varies on the time of the day if they want?
         | An import could monkey patch a basic operation one day but not
         | the next.
           | stefan_ wrote:
           | Even better, you can overwrite the default importer to
           | substitute your own with any behavior you want. Used in EVE
           | Online to do their "hide the python code somewhere" scheme.
           | jreese wrote:
           | Absolutely! We're hoping that the vast majority of modules
           | are good citizens, but we also know that the reality not
           | perfect. That's why usort allows you to configure a list of
           | modules with known import-time side effects, and usort will
           | then treat those are barriers everywhere.
           | https://usort.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guide.html#side-
           | effec...
         | [deleted]
         | wcdolphin wrote:
         | Interesting. Now that isort has support for black-
         | compatibility, what's the main difference with usort?
           | jreese wrote:
           | We've written a number of words on "Why usort", including a
           | comparison to isort:
           | https://usort.readthedocs.io/en/stable/why.html
           | The biggest reason is usort's detection of sortable "blocks"
           | of imports, and only sorting within those blocks to limit
           | breaking changes, combined with use of proper parsing and CST
           | manipulation to guarantee valid syntax after sorting.
             | stdbrouw wrote:
             | FWIW, there's one particular use case where the isort
             | behavior is incredibly useful: in eval-as-you-type data
             | science e.g. when using Hydrogen in Atom you type an import
             | whenever you need it but that leads to a lot of duplication
             | and imports scattered across the file, and it's nice that
             | isort just moves that up top on every save.
               | jreese wrote:
               | That's something we're aware of, and something we've
               | considered, but also potentially dangerous from a safety
               | standpoint, due to Python's dynamic nature, and how much
               | moving imports can affect runtime semantics. Any
               | implementation of this would need to be aware of those
               | dangers, and also be able to provide stable and
               | predictable behavior. At the moment, it's not a huge
               | priority given the availability of tooling to
               | automatically add missing imports, or the limited impact
               | of under-sorting in the context of notebooks.
             | wcdolphin wrote:
             | Very cool. I love the idea of one tool rather than two,
             | I'll check it out!
       | nopenopenopeno wrote:
       | Thought I'd never see the day lol
       | Mockapapella wrote:
       | Fuck I love Black -- makes working with other developers amazing
       | once you stick it in a precommit. The quote from Dusty Phillips
       | on the homepage is perfect and has stuck with me for years. I
       | don't have to debate with developers about their individual
       | preferences over what's best because we can just use Black and be
       | done with it.
         | Alex3917 wrote:
         | The problem I have with it is that, to me, these are super
         | readable:                   x = [ 1, 2, 3 ]         y = { 'a':
         | 1, 'b': 2 }
         | Whereas these are not:                   x = [1, 2, 3]
         | y = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
         | To me, declaring inline lists and dicts without the leading and
         | trailing space makes it more difficult to see what the data
         | structure is, and what it contains. This is especially true
         | when you have lists or dicts declared inline as arguments to
         | functions, e.g.:                   my_function_call([ 1, 2, 3
         | ])
         | versus:                   my_function_call([1, 2, 3])
         | While it's generally not good style to declare data structures
         | inside function calls, at least with the space it's still
         | somewhat apparent what's happening, whereas without the space
         | it just looks like three positional arguments. I love the idea
         | of black, but in practice I'm not going to use something that
         | changes my own code into something that's more difficult for me
         | to read.
           | spiderice wrote:
           | My only response to this would be "get used to it".
           | I used to think 2 space tabs made code harder to read than 4.
           | Now I used 2 spaces and I've gotten used to it and can read
           | it fine. And I have no doubt you could learn to read the
           | black formatted code just as easily. I can, since that is how
           | I format my code anyway.
           | NavinF wrote:
           | That's gotta be a really unpopular opinion since I've never
           | seen anyone write "[ 1, 2, 3 ]" instead of "[1, 2, 3]" in the
           | last 10 years or so.
           | If anything I'm seeing the opposite trend with a few devs
           | writing "[1,2,3]" so that large constant literals don't
           | overflow the line.
             | LegionMammal978 wrote:
             | I've recently been working with an old C++ codebase that
             | formats every function call like this:
             | Foo<Bar,Baz> value = some.method (1, 2, 3 + 4) ;       //
             | or with no parameters:       value = some.method() ;
             | I've never seen it anywhere else, and it took me a good
             | week to get used to it.
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | Agreed. My only grievance with Black was that it was really
         | slow compared to gofmt or rustfmt, but that's a perennial
         | problem with Python tooling.
           | ambivalence wrote:
           | This is now improved. Black is compiled with mypyc, should be
           | roughly 2X faster than before.
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | Oh, good to know!
         | mumblemumble wrote:
         | I love it even though I dislike quite a few of its formatting
         | rules.
         | Because the only thing worse than a slightly wonk formatting
         | convention is spending any time at all implementing, arguing
         | about, or otherwise worrying about formatting conventions.
           | unfunco wrote:
           | Rob Pike's proverbs about Go fmt springs to mind: "Go fmt's
           | style is nobody's favourite, but go fmt is everybody's
           | favourite."
           | javajosh wrote:
           | Word. I got major pushback trying to fix this problem at my
           | last company, which is (in part) why I'm not there.
         | crlees wrote:
         | Here here! Same.
           | teddyh wrote:
           | NB: It's "Hear, hear", not "Here, here".
             | crlees wrote:
             | Thanks mate.
       | oever wrote:
       | We never agreed on the indents
       | I typed a hundred tabs
       | You go back to space and I go back to black
       | CyberShadow wrote:
       | One missed opportunity in Black's algorithm is that it currently
       | treats the maximum line length as a literal hard limitation in
       | number of characters. Here is a trivialized example:
       | to_add = [item for item in data.new_items if item not in
       | data.old_items]         to_remove = [             item for item
       | in data.old_items if item not in data.new_items         ]
       | Although the constructs are nearly structurally identical, they
       | can be formatted very differently, which sometimes hinders
       | understanding them.
       | A different approach would be to instead normalize all words to a
       | certain fixed width. So, "to_add" and "to_remove" would have the
       | same virtual width.
       | A related issue is that leading indentation counts towards the
       | width limit. This causes refactorings which simply move code
       | around (changing its indentation level) to change the code's
       | shape, even when the code hasn't otherwise changed. This is
       | exacerbated by that one often needs to mold code in such a way
       | that Black formats it in an agreeable way, but this is generally
       | not done during refactorings, so the readability of the code
       | suffers.
       | I had the opportunity to write a formatter (for SQL, also
       | unconfigurable/opinionated); it seems to successfully avoid these
       | problems: https://github.com/CyberShadow/squelch
       | ed25519FUUU wrote:
       | I use black and love it-- but only with 120 line lengths. The
       | default of 80 is wayyy to low for the days of 4k monitors. The
       | tricks it uses to split some things up onto new lines actually
       | makes it less readable.
         | megapolitics wrote:
         | I agree. I've sometimes found Black's output to be on the
         | borderline of unreadable with the default line length of 80. My
         | team settled on a length of 120 (the only Black config item we
         | changed) and it has largely, though not entirely, solved that
         | problem.
         | ambivalence wrote:
         | As long as you can easily review code side-by-side with line
         | numbers intact, you're good. The default was chosen for lower
         | resolution 13" laptop monitors to be able to display the
         | Phabricator diff page (think: Github PR review page) without
         | having to wrap any lines.
       | faut_reflechir wrote:
       | I don't love how Black doesn't let you put some clarificatory
       | parentheses -- for instance, they get wiped from `eq_balanced =
       | (left_hand_side == right_hand_side)` But the benefits of never
       | wasting time on discussing inanity outweigh any specific
       | complaints.
         | rsfern wrote:
         | You can disable formatting for specific lines or blocks with `#
         | fmt: off`
         | https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style/...
       | rr808 wrote:
       | Anyone have a foolproof way to reformatting all the code in a
       | repo without screwing up history? I've seen some complicated
       | commands which seem too sketchy to a git novice like myself.
         | mumblemumble wrote:
         | Do it all in one commit.
         | Then put that commit's (full) sha in a file named something
         | like .git-blame-ignore-revs
         | Then `$ git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs`
           | rr808 wrote:
           | Thanks, that is helpful, esp I can google that to get more
           | docs. One issue is everyone in the team needs to do so, but
           | its probably worth it.
       | dang wrote:
       | Past related threads:
       |  _Black - Uncompromising Python code formatter_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19939806 - May 2019 (244
       | comments)
       |  _Linting 400kLOC of Python Code with Black_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18536731 - Nov 2018 (1
       | comment)
       |  _Black: An uncompromising Python code formatter_ -
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17151813 - May 2018 (255
       | comments)
       | woodruffw wrote:
       | Congratulations to the Black authors! It's a wonderful tool,
       | probably the first one I install when creating a local Python
       | development environment.
       | faangiq wrote:
       | Is there an equivalent for TS/JS? How about Java?
         | iddan wrote:
         | Check out Prettier
         | _old_dude_ wrote:
         | prettier [1] and google-java-format [2]
         | [1] https://prettier.io/ [2] https://github.com/google/google-
         | java-format
         | lelandfe wrote:
         | "Standard" was popular for a while but fell out of vogue.
         | Prettier is the one to reach for these days. I'm a big fan
         | simonw wrote:
         | Prettier is the closest I've found for JavaScript.
       | simonw wrote:
       | Adopting Black made me realize quite how much of my coding
       | thinking capacity had previously been spent thinking about code
       | formatting - I used to really sweat the details about how to
       | break up a long function call, where to put the line breaks, how
       | to indent my dictionary literals...
       | With Black, I don't spend a single moment thinking about that at
       | all. I estimate I've got a 5-10% productivity boost in my time-
       | spent-writing-code from this!
         | eawoifjaiowepfj wrote:
         | It's been at least a decade since I've not used an
         | autoformatter on every piece of code ever. I didn't realize
         | there were people who worked at places without autoformatters
         | still.
         | npage97 wrote:
         | To add onto this, I also found that Black works as a nice
         | heuristic indicating to split up code when the formatted output
         | isn't "pretty" into separate lines.
       | ublaze wrote:
       | I remember we migrated 2+ million LoC to being formatted by Black
       | at Dropbox.
       | Our Livegrep instance with a custom Git blame implementation
       | always crashed at the commit made to do the migration :-) We had
       | to pause our merge queue because we didn't want to run into
       | conflicts, and I remember the `git push` ended up taking a while.
       | There was only one change that we had to make to Black to get it
       | working on our codebase -
       | https://github.com/psf/black/commit/024c9cab55da7bd3236fd887...
       | Glad to see it's now stable.
         | skrause wrote:
         | When I switched the company to Black, I reformatted the whole
         | repository history with it. Every developer had to clone the
         | repository again and reapply their local changes to it, but in
         | the end it was a good choice because "blame" still works
         | perfectly since we don't have one big reformatting commit.
           | glacials wrote:
           | An alternative is to use Git's blame.ignoreRevsFile[1] option
           | to ignore specific commits when calculating blames. The
           | downside is that although you can save the list of commits in
           | the repo, you cannot do the same for the config setting
           | itself, so it calls for some light automation at scale.
           | [1]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-blame#Documentation/git-
           | blame.t...
         | Operyl wrote:
         | `another_really_really_long_element_with_a_unnecessarily_long_n
         | ame_to_describe_what_it_does_enterprise_style` hahahahaha, I
         | love that test case.
         | ublaze wrote:
         | To clarify, the slow git push was likely custom pre-receive
         | hooks being slow.
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