[HN Gopher] Fetch API has landed into Node.js
       Fetch API has landed into Node.js
       Author : yamafaktory
       Score  : 577 points
       Date   : 2022-02-01 12:31 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | tekstar wrote:
       | Can you set more than one cookie in the request and read more
       | than one cookie in the response? Was shocked when I learnt that's
       | not supported by the spec..
         | styfle wrote:
         | There's a relevant spec issue you can follow here
         | https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/973
       | stereocodes wrote:
       | Wow I can't believe how light years ahead Deno is than Node. You
       | want imports you want fetch you want TS, use Deno.
         | ecf wrote:
         | Seriously. I maintain an open-source Node.js CLI utility and
         | was shocked when import/export syntax is only achievable if you
         | use a transpiler like Babel. Such overkill for something that's
         | been in the JS spec for nearly a decade.
           | ash_gti wrote:
           | Node does support ESM now by default (and has supported it
           | for a while behind a flag), https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html
         | andyfleming wrote:
         | Why can't you use TypeScript with node? It's not built in, but
         | it's easy enough to use by building or running it with ts-node.
         | Also, once you are using TypeScript, you have import syntax
         | support. Deno has chosen a different path, but there are
         | definite trade-offs.
         | Scarbutt wrote:
         | Yes, and the go light years back in ecosystem ;)
       | inglor wrote:
       | Hey, Node core person here (and the person who triggered the
       | land) - we're super excited for this and would love help and
       | feedback.
       | This is still experimental and we'd love to hear from the
       | community what you'd like to see.
         | eurasiantiger wrote:
         | FormData and Blob/File support?
         | staticelf wrote:
         | Quick question, judging from the commit alone this seems like a
         | rather small change. I assume there's more to it though. I just
         | wonder how come features like this that kind of seems obvious
         | to include in the ecosystem takes quite some time to land? I
         | understand the reality is more complex perhaps, so I am
         | genuinely curious.
         | I hope you realize no disrespect, this will greatly improve the
         | daily work for me since I use node at work every day.
           | oefrha wrote:
           | Adding 8k lines is hardly a small change.
           | inglor wrote:
           | The commit adds undici (another Node.js project at
           | https://github.com/nodejs/undici ) as a dependency and
           | exposes its `fetch` - the code changes you see are probably
           | just adding a flag :)
           | > I just wonder how come features like this that kind of
           | seems obvious to include in the ecosystem takes quite some
           | time to land?
           | I answered that below (check it out) but note how expensive
           | adding a bad API is vs. asking people for one more `npm
           | install` :) There is more discussion in
           | https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/19393 and in https://do
           | cs.google.com/document/d/1tn_-0S_FG_sla81wFohi8Sc8... a
           | discussion from 2018 we had on it
             | ilkkao wrote:
             | I had a quick look, the implementation is interesting
             | Node uses undici JS library. Undici includes a C HTTP
             | parser that is used via webassembly. The parser is
             | generated from rules that are implemented in JS/TS using
             | llparse framework.
             | A native C binary there in the middle is quite surprising.
             | staticelf wrote:
             | Ok cool and thanks for the clarification, I imagined it was
             | more to the topic than I realized.
             | Last question I have is will this be included in the next
             | version of the LTS version or how do experimental features
             | usually progress for someone who are unfamiliar?
             | Can't wait until I can use fetch in my codebase without any
             | additional dependencies!
             | Narretz wrote:
             | To add, unidici is an http client. Node already has http /
             | https, but unidici is much faster and probably has other
             | improvements, too.
             | They could have built a fetch interface on top of http, but
             | they probably saw an opportunity to make more drastic
             | improvements.
           | pilif wrote:
           | my guess is that this adds stuff to the global object which
           | has backwards compatibility concerns.
           | And with every public API: Once you add it, you can't really
           | hope to ever change it and even bug-fixes could be breaking
           | some user's code (because they relied on the bug), so you
           | have to be very careful to ship your public API as bug-free
           | as possible.
             | nikanj wrote:
             | Meh, the js/ts ecosystem breaks things all the time. At
             | least 2 weeks ago you couldn't run typescript with ts-node,
             | unless you explicitly enabled highly experimental loader
             | flags.
             | And this is no obscure corner case, ts-node is huge
             | staticelf wrote:
             | Yes I could imagine and I have experience of developing
             | apis with "bugs" that you kind of need to keep since people
             | come to depend on it working a certain way.
             | But I can't help to feel like Node is progressing kind of
             | slow compared to other languages / tools. This is just a
             | personal impression from a bystander who is not really into
             | the actual progression though. I have a feeling that node
             | used to push new features all the time but in last couple
             | of years have stagnated somewhat. Stuff like imports etc is
             | still not really here.
             | I understand that developing an api that has such huge
             | userbase as node is a massive undertaking that probably has
             | issues that I can't imagine but it doesn't really help me
             | in my day-to-day experience with it.
               | notriddle wrote:
               | I think some of it is because Node doesn't have very many
               | ways to let people know about potentially breaking
               | changes. A compiler (like Elixir) has an opportunity to
               | communicate potential breaking changes to the user before
               | the program actually runs, and a static type system (like
               | Rust) makes it easy to detect such broken code and reject
               | it outright instead of silently changing behavior. It's
               | harder for Node: where would the diagnostic even go? The
               | console? Some apps use Curses, so this will break them,
               | and many of them send their own logs through something
               | other than the console, so nobody's actually watching it.
               | Node also isn't actually a language, so there's a lot of
               | stuff that Node developers get in new version, but it's
               | actually being done in the V8 project.
         | asdfman123 wrote:
         | Thank you for making "fetch" happen
         | kichimi wrote:
         | I do have a question that's only tangibly related to fetch, I
         | was wondering what Nodes stance is on the seemingly increasing
         | gap between the NodeJS and browser implementations of the
         | JavaScript engine.
         | It's still very common to see Node modules that use require(),
         | for example, but would otherwise work flawlessly in a browser
         | where there is no require() support (without using shims and
         | other libraries).
           | inglor wrote:
           | I don't speak for the project a whole :)
           | Node has supported ESModules (`import`) for a while and you
           | can use it (either by naming your files `.mjs` or setting
           | `type: module` in your package.json.
           | There is a solid interop story between require/import and you
           | can mix if you want.
           | `require` is going to be supported "forever" so code doesn't
           | break and both module systems work.
           | As for the general question: Node is committed to supporting
           | modern JavaScript and to not allow such a gap to be created.
           | If you see a place Node doesn't do a great job at that please
           | tell us!
             | arcatek wrote:
             | However note that ESM in Node comes with drawbacks that
             | prevent end-users from relying them in various situations.
             | Those will be mostly solved once loaders become stable, but
             | until then it's still advised to ship packages as both CJS
             | and ESM.
               | rattray wrote:
               | How do you do both?
               | inglor wrote:
               | It's very easy to re-export ESM (import) as CJS (require)
               | and vice-versa. The main issue is that ESM by default
               | For example to use `require` inside ESModules you would
               | do:
               | ```mjs import { createRequire } from 'module'; const
               | require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
               | require('./whatever-in-cjs'); ```
               | There is a reason this isn't "by default" though since
               | ESM doesn't "silently" interop with CJS to not make
               | writing universal code harder.
               | arcatek wrote:
               | Usually you setup a transpiler to target both. For
               | example, my packages are bundled with rollup towards both
               | cjs & esm:
               | https://github.com/arcanis/clipanion/blob/master/rollup.c
               | onf...
               | rattray wrote:
               | Helpful, thank you!
           | jeswin wrote:
           | > I was wondering what Nodes stance is on the seemingly
           | increasing gap between the NodeJS and browser implementations
           | of the JavaScript engine. It's still very common to see Node
           | modules that use require()...
           | "Seemingly increasing gap" - how did you come to that
           | conclusion? If anything the gap has reduced since the
           | availability of ES modules. I see more and more libraries
           | preferring ES modules, but ultimately that's up to the
           | library developers.
         | rglover wrote:
         | This is awesome, thank you. Excited to take it for a spin.
         | zebracanevra wrote:
         | Is there any chance to break spec and allow manual redirect
         | handling? the fetch API makes a lot of sense in a browser, but
         | imo this is a pretty crucial feature that undici's
         | implementation lacks. [0]
         | Deno decided to break spec [1][2] so the following code works
         | fine:                   fetch('https://httpbin.org/status/302',
         | {redirect: 'manual'})           .then(res =>
         | console.log(res.status, res.headers))
         | In undici this will succeed but with res.status 0 and no
         | headers, as per spec. You aren't allowed to see the content of
         | a redirect, like in a browser.
         | [0] https://github.com/nodejs/undici/issues/1072 [1]
         | https://github.com/denoland/deno/pull/8353 [2]
         | https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/4389
           | tshaddox wrote:
           | Is this not what redirect: "manual" is in the MDN fetch docs?
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/fetch
             | astrosi wrote:
             | In that in the browser you are able to see that you have
             | gotten a 301/302 response but can't see where the redirect
             | would have sent you.
               | tshaddox wrote:
               | Oh right, because they don't want cross-site scripts to
               | be able to see redirected URLs since they could contain
               | secrets. I wish we could completely do away with cross-
               | site scripts and just have nice things!
               | asiachick wrote:
               | Yea, so instead it would just encourage more 3rd party
               | libraries doing random things on your site. This is what
               | happens in native. Instead of embedding an ad in an
               | iframe and isolating its damage you embed your ad
               | service's library in your code and it spies on way more
               | activity than it ever could otherwise.
               | tshaddox wrote:
               | I would also be okay ( _ish_ ) with explicitly isolated
               | third-party code execution, like your example of an
               | iframe to a different domain. I'm pretty sure that should
               | already be the case with iframes, in fact (you obviously
               | shouldn't be able to embed an iframe to facebook.com on
               | your website and then use your website's JavaScript to
               | inspect the DOM on that facebook.com iframe).
               | [deleted]
               | engineeringwoke wrote:
               | It's pretty funny that such an RPC framework as the
               | browser exists that gives the end user a genuinely decent
               | sandbox, yet all it receives is criticism for its flaws.
               | People will then happily install a screen dimmer or
               | "productivity" tool with superuser privileges from a
               | completely untrusted source.
           | inglor wrote:
           | Yes, this is a place where Node.js will diverge from the spec
           | see discussion on the fetch PR https://github.com/nodejs/node
           | /pull/41749#issuecomment-10254...
           | nailer wrote:
           | A better idea would be to replace / improve the fetch spec.
           | Handle redirects, set JSON as the default request content
           | type, encode URI components for users, decode response bodies
           | with JSON headers as JS objects, etc.
           | Right now most developers either write their own library to
           | do these things on top of fetch or another HTTP client or use
           | a third party library from npm.
           | A new standard would allow us to make http requests out of
           | the box comparable to high level HTTP clients like
           | superagent, axios etc. that have been in use for the last
           | decade, since before fetch was conceived, with whatever
           | benefits fetch provides (I think it's cancellable now?).
             | inglor wrote:
             | A new standard would need buy-in from browsers to actually
             | be a standard. Browsers likely don't have a lot of
             | incentive to make spec changes only Node is interested in
             | (like making the whole spec more complicated from their
             | point of view because of Node's (or Deno's) different
             | security model).
             | The level of collaboration and good-faith we've been
             | getting from spec bodies like WHATWG is very high as it is
             | and we really don't want to push or abuse it.
               | nailer wrote:
               | > Browsers likely don't have a lot of incentive to make
               | spec changes only Node is interested in
               | All the existing HTTP clients discussed in the previous
               | post also run in the browser.
               | true_religion wrote:
               | It would be useful for trusted browser extensions too, as
               | well as probably Electon apps as well.
               | I don't know if chrome apps are still in existence, but
               | if they are the "server side" fetch spec could apply to
               | them too.
               | andrewl-hn wrote:
               | Does it have to be a buy-in, though? You could agree on
               | server-specific extensions to fetch and codify them in
               | the same spec (so it doesn't get lost otherwise). Browser
               | vendors wouldn't need to implement it but they will still
               | keep an eye on it when working on future browser apis.
               | tehbeard wrote:
               | Codifying the redirect behaviour for server/"trusted"
               | envs makes some sense with Deno/node doing the same
               | thing. I'm not versed enough in the standards
               | orginazation politics to say if that's viable though.
               | The rest of your "improvements" aren't that. They're
               | opinions, opinions laser focused on a JSON centric api.
               | I'm sorry to say this, but not all of the web is one big
               | JSON blob.
               | Some of us have to talk to SOAP (xml) services.
               | Sometimes it's weird rpc stuff with protobuf.
               | Or even just pulling down raw binary data and feeding
               | that through an API/library that wasn't built for web
               | streams.
               | Honestly, the amount of code you need to add over the top
               | of a primitive like the Fetch API to get what you wanted
               | (bar the redirect change) is trivial and minimal.
               | Scarbutt wrote:
               | Can you share your setup for talking to SOAP services?
             | the_duke wrote:
             | None of the things you mentioned are reasonable default
             | behaviours, and are easy one liners. You don't need a
             | library for any of that.
               | nailer wrote:
               | Thanks for your opinion, however as mentioned, or as
               | you'll be aware if you've used JavaScript, these are well
               | worn cow paths that have been default in the most popular
               | HTTP clients for a decade now.
             | vanviegen wrote:
             | Why is this being down voted? This comment seems to be
             | making a reasonable case.
             | In case you disagree, you may want to _reply why_ instead
             | of down voting.
               | simlevesque wrote:
               | Because fetch _just_ landed in Node.js, making it a
               | standard present in every context after like 5 years and
               | he want to change the standard now.
               | Edit: also, you are being downvoted because the etiquette
               | on HN are that you don't ask "why was X downvoted".
               | nailer wrote:
               | As mentioned existing HTTP clients had this behaviour
               | back in 2012, the designers of fetch chose to ignore
               | these cowpaths in favour of a more minimal implementation
               | requiring the use of third party HTTP clients in both
               | browsers and node, simply to have reasonable defaults and
               | not repeat oneself, for the foreseeable future.
               | andreigheorghe wrote:
               | the value the js community gets from `fetch` being a
               | unified standard is far, far greater than the benefit you
               | as a developer would get from not having to add 15 extra
               | LOC around `fetch`, that you'll probably hide behind a
               | `fetchJSON` function anyway.
               | [deleted]
               | nailer wrote:
               | Point is everyone had a slightly different 150 LOC or a
               | library to achieve essentially the same thing.
               | We could have stuck with 'if index is not equal to minus
               | one' but we have array includes now for the same reason.
         | franciscop wrote:
         | Really happy to see fetch() merged into core! Looking at the
         | PR, what are those WASM blobs in Undici and how is it that
         | Node.js accepts a random very large compiled blob instead of
         | asking for the source file + compilation step?
         | https://github.com/nodejs/node/commit/6ec225392675c92b102d3c...
           | inglor wrote:
           | Those wasm blobs are Node's own llhttp
           | https://github.com/nodejs/llhttp in wasm to speed up HTTP
           | parsing. The project itself added as a dependency is also by
           | Node https://github.com/nodejs/undici .
           | The question is totally legitimate but please assume core
           | doesn't make "load random binary" level kind of goofs :)
             | krono wrote:
             | Except that's exactly what Corepack does, just silently and
             | opaquely on the user's system. At least, the moment it
             | switches from opt-in to opt-out.
             | Its unverified binaries are just as good as random
             | binaries, and silently replacing any pre-existing
             | yarn/pnpm/whathaveyou without checking if it was perhaps a
             | custom build is not exactly predictable either.
             | Other than Corepack, though, I think you people are doing
             | an amazing job!
             | franciscop wrote:
             | Sorry def didn't mean in a bad way! I just wanted to
             | ask/note that in the PR, and with the very little context I
             | have, it seems like an arbitrary code blob so I was
             | surprised, I'm 100% it'll be well documented in e.g. undici
             | itself, and prob in other places.
         | nefitty wrote:
         | Hey this one change is going to positively impact my day to day
         | life. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for sharing your hard
         | work and time.
           | inglor wrote:
           | I'm happy to hear that but I had a very small part in it all!
           | The person who took it through the finish line (and deserves
           | the most props here IMO) is Michael https://github.com/targos
           | The people who worked most on Undici are Matteo
           | https://github.com/mcollina and Robert
           | https://github.com/ronag
           | The person to work most on fetch in Undici is Ethan
           | https://github.com/Ethan-Arrowood
           | Also worth calling our James whose work on web streams in
           | Node as well as events/cancellation helped drive a bunch of
           | this.
           | I can name maybe 50 people who worked on this effort overall
           | at some capacity (I am one of them - spending maybe 40 years
           | on APIs to help enable this).
           | Note the job isn't entirely done and help is very much
           | appreciated!
             | mccorrinall wrote:
             | What does undici mean?
               | Eriks wrote:
               | eleven
               | paulfitz wrote:
               | https://undici.nodejs.org/ "Undici means eleven in
               | Italian. 1.1 -> 11 -> Eleven -> Undici. It is also a
               | Stranger Things reference."
               | _ZeD_ wrote:
               | "undici" means "eleven" in italian. But I don't know the
               | rationale behind the name
               | epolanski wrote:
               | http 1.1
         | mitchellgoffpc wrote:
         | Huge thanks to the node team for adding this, I've been wanting
         | fetch in node for years now! Installing node-fetch for every
         | project was getting kind of old haha
         | adityapatadia wrote:
         | Thanks a ton for this. Fetch API is elegant and it working on
         | node natively will so many edge cases we need to handle
         | currently. Thanks a ton, please know that this will positively
         | change our life and tens of thousands of other developers
         | worldwide.
         | joshxyz wrote:
         | Does it mean we have a built-in FormData in Node.js core for
         | multi-part requests?
         | ivanb wrote:
         | Is there support for timeouts? It's the main reason I use
         | https://github.com/sindresorhus/got
           | inglor wrote:
           | You can use timeouts through `AbortController/AbortSignal` -
           | eventually it'll even be built in with `AbortSignal.timeout`
           | which is currently under-works in the spec level.
         | gk1256 wrote:
         | I wish if Node had a way to enforce any case in its requests.
         | neves wrote:
         | Where can I find an explanation about what is Fetch and why it
         | should be in Node.js?
           | tehbeard wrote:
           | fetch is a "modern" (ES6 era, so not brand new) API for
           | making HTTP requests, to replace XMLHttpRequest (the older
           | method that IE pioneered).
           | It's promise based (thus easier to integrate into code than
           | older callback styles), and designed to give some better
           | options around CORS and handling responses.
           | > Why it should be in node?
           | There is a push to adopt some certain "web apis" (APIs that
           | emerged in web browsers) to increase compatibility,
           | reusability and reduce cognitive load when working with both
           | backend and frontend javascript.
           | Having a common low level call like fetch() means that
           | libraries that are built atop it (SDKs to talk to services,
           | or apply common middleware like JSON:API, oAuth etc) can be
           | shared between node/deno and browsers.
           | golergka wrote:
           | Fetch is a popular browser api to download and request stuff
           | from the internet. Having the same api both in browser and in
           | node allows easier re-use of the same application code or
           | libraries on frontend and backend.
           | inglor wrote:
           | This is fetch: https://github.com/whatwg/fetch
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
           | Here is discussion about it in Node with some (pretty old)
           | discussion https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tn_-0S_FG_sla8
           | 1wFohi8Sc8...
           | neves wrote:
           | It looks like it is a new standard:
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
           | I thought it was a Node popular library.
             | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
             | It's "new" as of 6 years ago or so.
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | Hi there,
         | > _...we 'd love to hear from the community what you'd like to
         | see._
         | In our tests, _fetch_ on Deno was wayy faster than _undici
         | fetch_ that now has been merged into nodejs.
         | I couldn't figure out why that was case, but forwarding
         | requests over node's http2 client (instead of _undici fetch_ )
         | then had comparable (but not as fast) performance as Deno
         | (presumably because our hand rolled impl lacked connection
         | pooling).
           | inglor wrote:
           | This is very new and the implementation _just_ landed today
           | so it makes sense Deno would be faster with an API they have
           | been working on for years.
           | I am confident that Node's implementation will _eventually_
           | have comparable performance.
           | That said: please do open an issue in the undici repo at
           | https://nodejs.org/node/undici so this gets tracked.
             | mstade wrote:
             | That URL gives me a 404 - should it be
             | https://github.com/nodejs/undici ?
           | thysultan wrote:
           | Deno's is probably written in rust via the tokio rust crate.
           | This version of fetch in NodeJS is written in JavaScript. It
           | would probably get upgraded to C++ in due time once it's
           | mature enough.
         | tbarbugli wrote:
         | yes, yes, yes.
         | This was a huge pain for us. We develop an SDK that needs to
         | work on Node, browsers and React Native.
         | I am super happy to hear about this :)
         | andrew_ wrote:
         | pretty great. I've been using undici for a while now and very
         | happy with the speed and experience.
         | can16358p wrote:
         | Great work!
         | Curious to check but quick question: does it support upload
         | progress? If not, is it considered?
           | inglor wrote:
           | You can upload a stream and monitor that for upload progress
           | - so sure.
           | If you upload a string for example you would have to take an
           | extra step to get upload progress (make it into a stream and
           | monitor that).
           | There is additional (unrelated) talk in the fetch standard
           | itself to provide this sort of functionality as part of
           | `fetch` which would save the middle step.
         | mnutt wrote:
         | Do you have any sense of the expected performance of web
         | streams as compared to the existing node.js streams?
       | stevage wrote:
       | Out of curiosity, what took so long? It's a small API that has
       | been stable for a long time? I'm probably missing something.
       | pjc50 wrote:
       | Brief explanation?
         | forty wrote:
         | Fetch is a web JS API to do HTTP requests. NodeJS has its own
         | API to do HTTP requests. This add supports for the fetch API.
         | I think the only benefit it that it makes it easier to share
         | code between front end and back end.
           | Allstar wrote:
           | For more on Fetch, check out MDN:
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
           | giffarage wrote:
           | It makes it easier to learn and develop both frontend and
           | backend.
           | 9dev wrote:
           | This is an understatement. With fetch available in node, we
           | have a single, standardised, promise-based HTTP client
           | Interface available on all (more or less common) JavaScript
           | platforms.
           | This is great news for an ecosystem traditionally extremely
           | fragmented and may lead the way to more consolidation in the
           | JS library space.
             | forty wrote:
             | NodeJS API are traditionally not promised based (although
             | nowadays some do offer a promisified option), so I'm not
             | especially excited to have a promise-based API :)
             | It's a great news for people doing both front end and
             | backend I guess, but for people doing NodeJS developpement
             | it's just one more option to do http request (which I guess
             | is going to be very similar to the module node-fetch that
             | have existed for a while, without special consolidation
             | effect)
               | svachalek wrote:
               | > NodeJS API are traditionally not promised based
               | ...and that's part of why this is great news. Node APIs
               | are the avocado colored appliances of the JS ecosystem.
         | zemo wrote:
         | node js is a web software platform over a decade old that does
         | not include a stable API for making a web request so there are
         | a bunch of community libraries for making a web request, and
         | which one is "best practice" has changed like four or five
         | times through the years. this is a new api for making a web
         | request. yayy progress.
       | saos wrote:
       | Noicee
       | joelbondurant1 wrote:
       | sealthedeal wrote:
       | Ive used Fetch in the past, great lib. I'm curious why Node core
       | has decided to make this an official part of Node? From one
       | perspective there could be a hard argument that this should never
       | be a part of Node as it is an external library and not a building
       | block of the language? Almost feels like feature creep for the
       | core language? I know that's not the intent, but wanting to
       | understand the logic behind this decision :)
         | pitaj wrote:
         | Fetch is a standard browser API.
           | wruza wrote:
           | And so are navigator, localStorage and classes under window,
           | like EventTarget.
             | themikesanto wrote:
             | Yeah. What's your point?
               | wruza wrote:
               | Comments like "it's standard" do not answer the original
               | question:
               | "I'm curious why Node core has decided to make this an
               | official part of Node?"
               | The standard describes many functions and classes. What
               | makes fetch more land-able than e.g. the event system, of
               | which node has incompatible implementation? Or feature
               | detection via navigator. Why it? What were the main
               | point(s) of adding fetch specifically?
               | ravenstine wrote:
               | Sure it does.
               | If something is standard, and it makes sense in the
               | context of a backend, then it's convenient to just use
               | the same API on both ends. Navigator makes almost no
               | sense on the backend unless maybe it worked as a dummy
               | polyfill object.
         | ramblerman wrote:
         | fetch is part of the client side standard:
         | https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/, and had been for a while.
         | I don't think it is so strange for node to incorporate it as
         | part of their standard lib as well.
         | 1. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
         | prollings wrote:
         | They're talking about JavaScript's fetch API. It's not an
         | external library.
         | wruza wrote:
         | I second this, since fetch is a wrapper around xhr (though
         | doesn't have to be because node is a non-restricted runtime),
         | and it diverged already for redirect semantics. It's news, but
         | is it big?
           | samtho wrote:
           | > It's news, but is it big?
           | As someone who has been working almost exclusively on Node.js
           | applications for years now, this is big.
           | Front-end developers have, for years, enjoyed this wrapper
           | around the clunky XHR API. It is simple, intuitive, and it
           | comes _free_ in the browser environment (and was easily
           | shimmable before it was standard). Additionally, the
           | depreciation of the popular request[0] a while ago, there has
           | been a gap in The Right Way to do http requests without going
           | into the low-level API that 'http(s)' provides. Fetch is
           | promised-based (enabling seamless async/await) and, most
           | importantly, standardized.
           | Basically, fetch provides a meaningful abstraction atop each
           | platforms' implementation of http-request-doing further
           | unifying server-side and client-side patterns and idioms.
           | [0]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/request
             | wruza wrote:
             | npm i request node-fetch make-fetch-happen axios. Just out
             | of top of my head.
         | sealthedeal wrote:
         | FWIW, this was the answer I was hoping to get, grabbed from a
         | separate comment :)
         | "With fetch available in node, we have a single, standardised,
         | promise-based HTTP client Interface available on all (more or
         | less common) JavaScript platforms.
         | This is great news for an ecosystem traditionally extremely
         | fragmented and may lead the way to more consolidation in the JS
         | library space. "
       | Meic wrote:
       | Undici seems to be an HTTP 1.1 client. Is there any work or
       | timescale to provide HTTP 2 support?
         | inglor wrote:
         | Not yet but it's planned to eventually happen.
         | bricss wrote:
         | check https://www.npmjs.com/package/rekwest
       | bricss wrote:
       | Try adv fetch-alike with HTTP2 support
       | https://www.npmjs.com/package/rekwest
       | itsbits wrote:
       | Which NodeJS versions will this be landed to?
         | inglor wrote:
         | It's behind a flag so that it can land in the next v16 semver
         | minor - so soon'ish but keep in mind it _is_ experimental.
       | krossitalk wrote:
       | As someone browser focused this surprised me. I've been using
       | fetch() for years now.
         | DrFell wrote:
         | Intercommunicating backend services isn't new, but having an
         | HTTP API call another one from the backend is a case that used
         | to be more normally accomplished by calling both APIs from the
         | frontend. The slow ooze of browser-oriented thinking onto the
         | backend took time. Existing backend engineers, who thought it a
         | harebrained scheme, had to eventually wear down, and give up.
           | motogpjimbo wrote:
           | So when you write an application that integrates with an
           | external service via an HTTP API, you think the normal way to
           | architect such an application is to make all API requests
           | from the browser? And you think that making such calls from
           | the backend is a new and "harebrained" idea that backend devs
           | have been forced to adopt against their better judgement?
           | I'm curious to know what position you occupy in our industry?
             | DrFell wrote:
             | Yes, I think the normal way to integrate an app with an
             | HTTP API is via the browser.
             | Calling an external API from a backend that integrates
             | directly with an client app has been rare for me. Payment
             | processing is all that comes to mind, and that was usually
             | through an imported API package. I've made data scraping
             | tools, but they were unique projects, not part of an app
             | backend. I am a senior full-stack webdev.
               | motogpjimbo wrote:
               | Has it ever occurred to you that your users can (a) see
               | all requests you make to third party services, including
               | your credentials and client secrets, (b) modify and
               | replay those requests at will and (c) spoof responses
               | from those services?
               | DrFell wrote:
               | I think the misunderstanding is, beyond special cases
               | like a payment processing, why would you be calling third
               | party services from your service? When I think of calling
               | a 3rd party HTTP API, I am thinking of public APIs, like
               | say a widget that shows the weather in a users area.
               | motogpjimbo wrote:
               | I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here and guess
               | that despite having the title "senior", you have little
               | or no experience in commercial software development?
               | Because what you dismiss as "special cases" covers a vast
               | amount of the plumbing of the modern web. In modern apps
               | even something as simple as storing and retrieving files
               | requires HTTP calls at some point in the stack, and such
               | calls should never under any circumstances be initiated
               | from someone else's computer.
               | Which brings us back to the original question you
               | responded to above. Contrary to your odd views of how
               | software is architected, issuing HTTP requests from the
               | backend is both normal and common enough to be banal.
               | Node adopting the fetch API is generally a good thing as
               | it allows JS developers to code against the same
               | interface whether they are working from the frontend or
               | the backend.
               | emteycz wrote:
               | Sure - but that weather/map/whatever widget might be
               | paid, and unless you want to pay for others' API usage,
               | you should make the relevant API calls from your backend,
               | not frontend. Also consider caching 3rd party service
               | replies, etc.
         | LudwigNagasena wrote:
         | As for someone who just dabbles in JavaScript from time to
         | time, there are so many things that surprise me...
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | Not every browser API is an instant candidates to be added to
         | Node's core. If there isn't a big performance hit from doing it
         | as a user library or lack of functionality to do it as such in
         | the first place then it's rare it'll be brought into core right
         | away, if it will at all.
         | It's nice to see the really popular ones make it in though,
         | makes for fewer dependencies when doing browser compatible
         | projects and also allows one to be lazy and not learn the Node
         | way of doing it. Maybe we'll see websocket go into core some
         | day too.
           | herpderperator wrote:
           | This is what frustrates me so much about javascript.
           | Everything is all over the place.
             | zamadatix wrote:
             | Eh, I mean I get it JS lacks a real standard library but at
             | the same time you don't see HN fill up with people saying C
             | is all over the place because when they went to implement
             | an HTTP call glib doesn't mirror libuv or C++ is all over
             | the place because POCO doesn't mirror Boost and so on.
             | The "all over the place"-ness tends to come more from
             | people who act like changing to a newer library is the only
             | way to code something new not from the lack of JS forcing a
             | single API be used across every app regardless of type.
             | [deleted]
       | outside1234 wrote:
       | Thank god - no more node-fetch shims for node.js!
       | esamatti wrote:
       | Does this contain `request.formData()` and `FormData`?
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request/for...
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FormData
         | inglor wrote:
         | > `request.formData()`
         | Yes.
         | > FormData
         | Yes, but not in that PR since `FormData` needs to behave
         | differently as part of the platform but there is intent to
         | support it before moving from experimental.
       | mcraiha wrote:
       | Why it took so long? e.g. Deno had fetch support for ages
         | inglor wrote:
         | Basically because fetch isn't a great API for servers it took a
         | while to get consensus on actually landing it for the
         | interoprability/simple API value.
         | Then it took a while to get consensus it's fine to do even if
         | we can't implement the standard fully and diverge from it on
         | stuff like CORS (like Deno does).
         | Then there were a bunch of work adding APIs like `EventTarget`
         | and `AbortSignal` to Node.js which are quirky'ish web APIs.
         | As a side note just to show positive collaboration: that work
         | made me make maybe 10 PRs fixing things in EventTarget in Deno
         | - and Deno helped Node a bunch now when landing fetch.
         | Then web streams and blobs and a few other things as well as
         | the undici work in the background.
         | Then undici-fetch by Ethan, merge into Undici and then the PR
         | by Michael - and it's still not done :)
         | Finally
           | msoad wrote:
           | Interesting! What CORS even means in server? Never thought
           | about this. What's a server's origin to begin with?!
           | dstroot wrote:
           | First, this is awesome and congratulations! Second this
           | sounds like a lot of work! Can you comment why was it so hard
           | to add fetch to node, yet packages like "node-fetch" have
           | existed for some time and seem to implement fetch rather
           | easily? Only asking from a curiosity perspective.
             | inglor wrote:
             | node-fetch (which is great btw!) implements fetch
             | "reasonably" as in stuff like `fetch('./foo').then(x =>
             | x.json())` works but it's very far from a "real" fetch.
             | Some people argued users would still like it and there was
             | an attempt[1] by Myles but at the end of the day - the
             | changes were pretty big.
             | For example: a response body in fetch is a web stream (a
             | whole new stream type) and to cancel you use an
             | AbortController (web type) which is an EventTarget (another
             | web type). `node-fetch` uses Node streams instead which is
             | very reasonable but not something a platform can "get away"
             | with while still calling it fetch.
             | Here is a comment I wrote about it in the tracker during
             | the PR review process https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/4
             | 1749#issuecomment-10257...
             | [1](https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27979)
               | dstroot wrote:
               | THANKS!
         | cphoover wrote:
         | Fetch evolved after promises had been standarized as the way of
         | doing async, whereas node is older than that. Node originally
         | used callback style for its core API and had another method for
         | making http requests. Since fetch, developed in the browser, OS
         | contributors have filled the void of a promise supporting http
         | requesr library, with packages like axios, and isomorphic-
         | fetch. Only now that the standards have finalized and we have
         | reached consistent browser support has core team has made it a
         | priority to include it in core.
         | Mikeb85 wrote:
         | Because Node is legacy and Ryan Dahl moved on to Deno... Node
         | is just an outdated 'standard' at this point.
           | engineerthrwawy wrote:
           | I don't think that's an accurate characterization of the
           | fork.
             | Mikeb85 wrote:
             | Calling it a fork certainly isn't accurate...
       | songzme wrote:
       | sorry if this is a stupid question, but how do I try this out? I
       | ran node with the experimental flag on a file that calls fetch:
       | node server.js --experimental-fetch
       | Got 'fetch is not defined' reference error.
         | inglor wrote:
         | First: not a stupid question - the release cadence, multiple
         | release lines and other minutia of a project like Node are not
         | something I'd expect users to be intimately familiar with!
         | This _just landed today_. You can get it by building from
         | master:
         | ```
         | # there is more details in building.md
         | git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node
         | cd node
         | # may need to pass --openssl-no-asm
         | ./configure
         | make -j12
         | ./out/Release/node --experimental-fetch
         | ```
         | Otherwise - wait a bit for the next v17 release to land per the
         | normal release cycle :)
           | songzme wrote:
           | oh I see so when node v17.4.1 is released, I would be able to
           | run
           | node server.js --experimental-fetch
             | inglor wrote:
             | v17.5 but yeah
           | huksley wrote:
           | Just slightly related to this - I wish I could ask GitHub to
           | send me an email when specific release are available for the
           | repo!
             | fs111 wrote:
             | You can subscribe to only releases on github.
             | mattdeboard wrote:
             | Sounds like maybe an "if this, then that" kind of thing
             | https://ifttt.com/
       | thyrox wrote:
       | My biggest issue with node when I was working on it briefly was I
       | couldn't do the 'import' statements like wepback. Are they
       | supported too now?
       | I'm not a web developer so I had a very hard time understanding
       | why there are so many different type of imports in JavaScript
       | like require, import, umd, amd, etc and which one works in
       | browser and which one works in node?
       | Also why do so many libraries have this strange 5 line header
       | code for this umd, amd, business. Is that to make their packages
       | work with nodejs?
       | Does anyone who knows enough JavaScript point me in the right
       | direction about it. I find all this very confusing.
         | fn1 wrote:
         | I know this comment is not very helpful, but the lack of a
         | module-system and the lack of threading are unfortunately the
         | biggest issues that JavaScript had from the start.
         | dpweb wrote:
         | I been naming the files with .mjs file extension which allows
         | import keyword and top level await. No special flags needed in
         | the latest version. I use JS not TS.
         | Cthulhu_ wrote:
         | > I'm not a web developer so I had a very hard time
         | understanding why there are so many different type of imports
         | in JavaScript like require, import, umd, amd, etc and which one
         | works in browser and which one works in node?
         | If I remember my history correctly, it's because when Node
         | first came out, there was no import system in JS, let alone a
         | standardized one; there was no sense of scoping (everything
         | global), nothing about dynamic or lazy loading of dependencies,
         | no tree shaking / removing unused code, and even going to the
         | definition of something in an editor was difficult.
         | NodeJS adopted CommonJS (I don't recall if they invented it),
         | which is a module and dependency system based on require() and
         | exports. It was only a few years later when the JS standards
         | body settled on import; by then, the JS (dependency / module
         | management) world was already very divided.
         | mcaruso wrote:
         | Node supports ES Modules (the import statements you mention)
         | natively now: https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html
         | inglor wrote:
         | Those have been supported for several years now :)
         | You need to tell Node to use the format by either naming your
         | file `.mjs` or setting `"type": "module"` in your
         | `package.json` file.
         | > Also why do so many libraries have this strange 5 line header
         | code for this umd, amd, business. Is that to make their
         | packages work with nodejs?
         | That's just old for "adapt the module system" from the old days
         | and libraries just didn't bother updating.
         | I still use amd in my job at Microsoft though for some things
         | so I guess it's not useless :)
           | mschuetz wrote:
           | > either naming your file `.mjs`
           | But why? This makes it much harder to ensure that identical
           | code works in browser and nodejs, to the point where I
           | sometimes just can't use nodejs. And I don't use
           | package.json, so having to name files ".mjs" is a really
           | painfull restriction.
             | inglor wrote:
             | Browsers will happily accept `.mjs` files they don't
             | actually care about file extensions only about `Content-
             | Type` and type=module on the script tag :]
               | mschuetz wrote:
               | Plenty of (third-party) imports specifically reference
               | "*.js" files so no, this doesn't work.
               | distrill wrote:
               | why are you writing node applications without using
               | package.json?
               | it sounds like you're looking to have a problem with
               | javascript tbh. don't use it, whatever
             | Natfan wrote:
             | If you're hosting the browser-based version over a server
             | like Apache2 (to host the files), you could add a
             | `RewriteRule` to redirect queries to `.js` resources to
             | their `.mjs` counter-part files.
             | Example: RewriteRule "(.*).js$" "$1.mjs" [R=301 NC]
             | Reference documentation:
             | https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/rewrite/intro.html
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | Several years is a bit of an exaggeration. They were
           | "experimental" until 20 months ago.
           | tomphoolery wrote:
           | "supported" is somewhat of a misnomer IMHO. It's only
           | supported if the other tools you're using support ESM.
           | Otherwise, it's not. And it's really annoying when libraries
           | choose to go full ESM because it breaks things like tests and
           | deployments in weird ways.
           | It's a pain in the ass.
             | rattlesnakedave wrote:
             | It's really annoying when libraries don't support a 7 year
             | old standard, as well.
             | icholy wrote:
             | Node supports ESM, full stop.
         | [deleted]
         | balls187 wrote:
         | > Does anyone who knows enough JavaScript point me in the right
         | direction about it. I find all this very confusing.
         | There isn't a straight forward solution, but the closest for me
         | is the combination of using a transpiler (Babel), and a bundler
         | (Webpack).
         | A common criticism on node/javascript projects is the boiler
         | plate setup required. As far as I know, there isn't an IDE that
         | takes care of doing this part for you, where your experience
         | developing outside of the web might (I like to think it akin to
         | starting a project from scratch with C++, gcc, and make).
         | Some larger projects, do have scripts that do a lot of boiler
         | plate for you, such as Create-React-App.
         | https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app but that is for a
         | specific use case.
         | kodemager wrote:
         | Import is slowly becoming the standard, but working with
         | typescript professionally modules has easily been the most
         | annoying part of the Node experience.
         | It works pretty well, and then you need to use something like
         | Azure Functions and then suddenly it doesn't. For various
         | reasons.
         | My most recent example was using lodash, which works perfectly
         | fine with import with typescript targeting esnext in node16,
         | but then needs to be setup with require when you target an
         | azure function and commonjs. I mean, maaaybe you could avoid it
         | by using mjs, which is currently sort of needed to move into
         | the node16 functionality in azure functions, even though they
         | sort of run node16 just fine in part of them without it, and
         | you sort of don't want to use mjs files and so on.
         | I'm sure it'll get there in a few years, but it is no doubt
         | annoying to have to fight the toolset ever so often. Over
         | something that feels like it should just be working.
         | That last part isn't really exclusive to node these days
         | though, is it?
           | huksley wrote:
           | I had the same problem so for serverless functions I am using
           | standalone webpack config which transpires functions into the
           | supported by the cloud format
         | wruza wrote:
         | In short, node has imports, browsers have imports, but node-
         | related toolkits do not support it, and people still webpack
         | bundles because development and deployment processes are a
         | thing, and it doesn't matter much which module system a
         | "binary" bundle uses in the end.
         | Some people tried to force ESM adoption by making popular
         | modules ESM-only for no technical reason, but tools are not
         | there yet, and it only annoyed (predictably) half of the
         | internet. Because even if you are pro-ESM or indifferent to it,
         | you can't do much to migrate your projects' build pipelines. If
         | you see typescript and webpack, you wouldn't see "ESM" in
         | there. It either doesn't work or is too fragile for production.
         | People who claim it's done say so because they are using
         | particularly unaffected stacks (including no stack). Idk which
         | way to promote ESM would be the most correct, but this one is
         | too deceptive.
           | rattlesnakedave wrote:
           | > Some people tried to force ESM adoption by making popular
           | modules ESM-only for no technical reason
           | Being the standard for the lsat 7 years strikes me as a good
           | reason.
       | bachmeier wrote:
       | Good that some people are happy about this, but it really is
       | pointless to post a link to "lib: add fetch" followed by code
       | diffs. HN should have a requirement that there be an actual post,
       | rather than a discussion starter for those in a particular
       | community. All you'd have to do is type in a brief text post with
       | an explanation and then link to the code diffs for those
       | interested.
         | inglor wrote:
         | There will be a blog post on this in the Node.js blog and
         | official media communication. This _just_ landed today and I
         | suspect the HN crowd are more in the "get news early" camp and
         | not "wait for the official press release" camp.
       | chx wrote:
       | Good for NodeJS
       | However, I feel the fetch API is completely botched because it
       | lacks timeout support. I have cobbled some together for
       | https://github.com/Backblaze/gists/pull/8 but gosh. I really hope
       | all that is actually not necessary :/
         | nikeee wrote:
         | You can use an AbortController for that.
         | Also, keep in mind that the linked solution does not abort the
         | web request. It only aborts waiting for the response in the JS
         | code. The browser does not close the connection.
       | mariogintili wrote:
       | I love that the most popular language's core lib now brings a
       | trivial bit of code available in every other platform and its a
       | celebrated super achievement
       | software, why do you suck now?
         | jmull wrote:
         | I don't think you understand this.
         | e.g., here's your "trivial" API's spec. Then there are the
         | intentional deviations for CORS, e.g., which there is no spec
         | for.
         | https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org
         | Not to mention the Fetch API isn't available on every other
         | platform... maybe you're thinking of the general ability to
         | make HTTP requests, but nodejs had that from the start.
         | feupan wrote:
         | It's not trivial and it's not groundbreaking. Node has had an
         | HTTP client since its inception, this is just a different API.
         | It's "great" just because it's a decent abstraction that's also
         | available in browsers.
         | The issue in the JavaScript ecosystem for this kind of stuff is
         | that it runs on two very different environments and they need
         | time to find solutions that work for all the parties involved.
       | nfriedly wrote:
       | I love fetch, except for the way that it combines headers. If
       | more than one of the same header is set (such as multiple set-
       | cookie headers), it combines them all into a single comma-
       | separated string. I know this is allowed in the HTTP spec, and
       | it's probably even a sensible default. But the fetch spec doesn't
       | allow any access to the raw headers, so there's no
       | straightforward way to get the original uncombined headers back.
       | Set-Cookie headers, in particular, often contain commas in their
       | expiration dates, so just splitting around `, ` will lead to
       | problems.
       | I took a look through the source of this new fetch API, and it
       | seems to have inherited that wart:
       | https://github.com/nodejs/undici/blob/2dd3437e20c5a3cc466226...
       | I've argued with the authors of the fetch spec about this before,
       | and ultimately settled on using
       | https://www.npmjs.com/package/set-cookie-parser#user-content...
       | to work around this flaw. (For clarity, I published the package,
       | but chrusart wrote that method - https://github.com/nfriedly/set-
       | cookie-parser/pull/19)
         | styfle wrote:
         | There's a relevant spec issue here
         | https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/973
           | nfriedly wrote:
           | Oh, good. The first comment there references my closed issue
           | from 2017, but it's nice to see this being given some more
           | consideration.
       | easton wrote:
       | For those of us unfamiliar, how long until stuff comes out of
       | experimental?
         | inglor wrote:
         | In general "when we feel it's ready". For some features I've
         | worked recently (like `flatMap` and friends for streams) I
         | think it'll take about a year.
         | For `fetch` it will take us around a year or two probably.
         | I wrote more details on the PR itself but I (and others)
         | basically feel strongly that it should be as close to compliant
         | as possible (Deno have a nice list which they happily shared
         | with us of how they diverge and that seems reasonable).
         | Basically there is a bunch of stuff that should happen first:
         | - We need to run (and pass) the web platform tests.
         | - We want to go over the spec (again) and check compliance and
         | add more tests and fix bugs.
         | - We want community feedback on the implementation and to
         | improve the DX to be better (while not sacrificing spec
         | compliance).
         | - We want better support for stuff like `File` in core.
         | - Web streams need to go out of experimental first.
         | This was a _long_ road that had many stepping stones (like
         | EventTarget, AbortController, Blob, ReadableStream etc). It's
         | important to get it right.
         | Worth mentioning the fact it's experimental doesn't mean it's
         | not safe to use in simple code in this case - it just means if
         | you make your code behave in a way that diverges from the
         | specification we may change our implementation to match the
         | specification and break your code.
         | Anything like `await fetch('./someUrl').then(x => x.text())`
         | should be fine.
         | [deleted]
       | quickthrower2 wrote:
       | Funny how my brain works, I thought it was there already, but I
       | must have got so used to having it as a dependency I forgot that
       | it was a dependency not built in. To be fair I don't "Node" all
       | the time! It's on and off.
       | jitl wrote:
       | There's an NPM package containing this implementation called
       | 'undici' that you can install in previous versions of Node; the
       | package.json claims support back to 12.x.
       | https://www.npmjs.com/package/undici
       | However the fetch implementation itself is documented as unstable
       | and only supports Node 16.x. I believe this is because it is not
       | quite spec compliant yet, so there is latitude for breaking
       | changes that make it more spec compliant.
       | ezekg wrote:
       | One thing I hate about fetch() is that you can't manually follow
       | redirects. Using { redirect: 'manual' } doesn't expose the
       | Location header of the redirect, so it's essentially useless. I
       | know that node-fetch fixed this issue, so I hope the official
       | Node fetch() does not have the same problem.
         | inglor wrote:
         | We are not, this is a place the server-side implementation is
         | going to diverge and this was discussed in the PR:
         | https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/41749#issuecomment-10254...
           | ezekg wrote:
           | This is really, really great to hear. Thanks for all the hard
           | work!
       (page generated 2022-02-01 23:00 UTC)