[HN Gopher] Why isn't there a replication crisis in math?
       Why isn't there a replication crisis in math?
       Author : jseliger
       Score  : 113 points
       Date   : 2022-02-02 18:26 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jaydaigle.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jaydaigle.net)
       | svat wrote:
       | Despite the title (a title with a question in it invites people
       | to comment without reading the post, even more than the usual
       | already high level), this is a really good post IMO, with
       | valuable insights into not just mathematics but also the
       | replication crisis elsewhere. (And it _does_ discuss Mochizuki 's
       | claimed proof of the _abc_ conjecture, and links to MathOverflow
       | on formalization with proof assistants, to a recent paper
       | discussing Vladimir Voevodsky 's views, etc.) This from the first
       | part is sound:
       | > _The replication crisis is partly the discovery that many major
       | social science results do not replicate. But it's also the
       | discovery that we hadn't been trying to replicate them, and we
       | really should have been. In the social sciences we fooled
       | ourselves into thinking our foundation was stronger than it was,
       | by never testing it. But in math we couldn't avoid testing it._
       | But the post doesn't stop there! The second part of the post
       | (effect sizes etc), with the examples of power posing and the
       | impossibly hungry judges, is even more illuminating. Thanks!
       | tabtab wrote:
       | because practical applications of such works are usually several
       | decades away. A bad medical study can kill people today. There's
       | not a lot of incentive to check nor complain about consequences
       | far into the future.
       | mjw1007 wrote:
       | I think it's a good article.
       | But it's worth considering the possibility that mathematics could
       | have fallen, and could still fall, into a state where false
       | results are frequently published, and isn't 'protected' by
       | anything special in the nature of the field or its practitioners.
       | Just as you might find yourself asking "why did city A fall into
       | the grip of organised crime, and not city B?". You might look for
       | answers in the methods of police recruitment or a strong history
       | of respect for the rule of law or anything like that, but it
       | might turn out that the answer is really just "city A got
       | unlucky".
       | zitterbewegung wrote:
       | Math doesn't have a replication crisis at all it has a
       | comprehension crisis.
       | Since proofs are programs one can basically say that mathematical
       | theorems are incredibly detailed software that is completely open
       | source and invites people to identify programs that don't work
       | and or fix issues.
       | A famous one is Fermats last theorem which needed a fix but was
       | largely right.
       | Others have said that it takes 6 months to a year to get
       | published. The other thing with math is the fact that you can get
       | completely scooped and your work is worthless.
       | Edit: I am using "proofs are programs" very loosely and yes
       | Theorems are much more than programs as other commenters have
       | pointed out.
         | jaydaigle wrote:
         | Interesting! My experience is that scooping is less of an issue
         | in math than in any of the science fields I have friends in.
         | Papers are lower-stakes, there's less money involved, and if
         | two of you are working on the same project you can just co-
         | author.
         | (And if you have an independent paper, that can _also_ get
         | published; your paper is distinct even if the result isn't. I
         | think the PT HOMFLY polynomial was independently proven in like
         | four different papers published within two years (and it's
         | named so that all eight authors get credit).
         | But also, publication lags shouldn't lead to more scooping,
         | because you can put it up on the arXiv at the beginning of the
         | publication process, not the end. In my experience the paper is
         | treated as "real" once it hits the arXiv; the acceptance is
         | mostly a formality that lets us put it on our promotion packet.
         | But also, publication times don't lead to scooping generally
         | because you
         | bawolff wrote:
         | > Since proofs are programs one can basically say that
         | mathematical theorems are incredibly detailed software that is
         | completely open source and invites people to identify programs
         | that don't work and or fix issues.
         | I would say its more like pseudocode. There can be quite a
         | large gap between a normal proof, and a machine checkable
         | proof, which is the computer program version.
         | pthread_t wrote:
         | > The other thing with math is the fact that you can get
         | completely scooped and your work is worthless
         | Why math specifically? One would think this applies in
         | virtually all fields.
           | zitterbewegung wrote:
           | Increase in development time (publication can take 6 months
           | to a year).
         | contravariant wrote:
         | A more notorious example of the comprehension crisis would be
         | Mochizuki's claimed proof of the abc conjecture. So far fairly
         | few people are willing to claim they both understand and agree
         | with the several hundred pages of 'proof'.
           | zitterbewegung wrote:
           | I was tempted to use that but Fermat's last theorem is known
           | to the general public for much longer and has a resolution.
           | exdsq wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinichi_Mochizuki
           | It's a fun rabbit hole to go down :)
         | mb7733 wrote:
         | > Since proofs are programs one can basically say that
         | mathematical theorems are incredibly detailed software that is
         | completely open source and invites people to identify programs
         | that don't work and or fix issues.
         | I don't think it's that straightforward; proofs in papers are a
         | mix between explanation in natural language and mechanical
         | steps. Not every step of deduction can feasibly be written out.
         | That's part of why computer aided proofs are not that popular
         | in math.
         | Quekid5 wrote:
         | An interesting perspective on programs-as-proof is I-forget-
         | his-name-but... the mathematician who made really bold claims,
         | if _only_ you 'd study under his tutelage for a number of years
         | to understand this whole new terminology he invented.
         | With programs-as-proof it really wouldn't matter. It's either
         | "computer says yes" or "compu'er says noooo".
         | EDIT: Whoop, sibling post mentioned, it's Mochizuki.
           | morelisp wrote:
           | This doesn't seem a very generous description of Mochizuki's
           | work. You don't "need" to study under him for a number of
           | years and there's no evidence he's being obscurantist. The
           | proof is long and has a lot of novel techniques he's
           | invented, and he works primarily in Japanese. You can
           | reasonably side with e.g. Scholze's interpretation without
           | thinking Mochizuki is disingenuous or some kind of scammer.
           | He's considerably less esoteric than e.g. Grothendieck was
           | even during his more "public" years.
             | Quekid5 wrote:
             | I have nothing invested in whether or not any given
             | mathematician is right or wrong. I just picked a random
             | example of a controversial proof -- the point was more that
             | proof-as-computation _could_ settle and any all disputes.
             | It might not lend more understanding to people not invested
             | in "field X" (or even people who _are_ invested in field
             | X!), but it would be _proof_.
             | Proof in the current world of math is quite intangible.
         | k__ wrote:
         | Aren't programs generally more complex than math proofs?
         | Like, the more accidental edge cases people produce, the less
         | they understand the program.
         | nitwit005 wrote:
         | The math department at my university tried to read through the
         | proof of Fermat's last theorem, as a for-fun activity. They
         | eventually gave up because they realized it would take too much
         | time.
         | hgibbs wrote:
         | Having a paper published can take a very very long time, a year
         | is quite short and 6 months is basically the minimum wait. My
         | last paper has taken 2 years to be accepted from the first time
         | I submitted it, despite it being largely the same as the
         | initial submission, accepted as part of my thesis over a year
         | ago, and having several citations. It is very frustrating, and
         | it also means that easier (and less original) work is easier to
         | publish.
       | the_watcher wrote:
       | The social science and medical replication crisis seems like it
       | would be far more impactful than a mathematics crisis, right?
       | Politicians, policy-makers, doctors, etc. all make decisions
       | based on potentially flawed or outright incorrect studies in a
       | way that I don't think is true for the equivalents in math,
       | simply because there aren't decisions and policies up for debate
       | related to much of them (if I am wrong about this, please correct
       | me).
         | smartscience wrote:
         | If a flawed mathematical paper were used as the basis for what
         | then became a flawed cryptography algorithm, I can see that
         | having impact if the bad guys noticed the flaw first. But yes,
         | I expect examples like that would be comparatively rare.
           | not2b wrote:
           | In cryptography the math is almost always the strongest part,
           | and it is the side-channel attacks and implementation
           | mistakes that let the bad guys in. When it is the math, the
           | flaw is often that the algorithm has all the desirable
           | properties proved in a number of papers, but has some
           | exploitable structure that analysts can turn into an attack.
       | raphlinus wrote:
       | This is a thoughtful and thought-provoking blog post. I think
       | it's worth asking similar questions of computer science. I think
       | you'll find some math-like patterns -- there's basically no
       | chance Quicksort or any other fundamental algorithm paper will
       | fail to replicate -- and some patterns which will fail to
       | replicate, like in software engineering.
       | Some of the early results on pseudorandom generators and hash
       | functions aren't holding up well, but I think that's just
       | progress. We understand the problem a whole lot better than we
       | did back then.
       | Perhaps more interesting is the literature on memory models. The
       | original publications of the Java and C11 memory models had lots
       | of flaws, which took many years to fix (and that process might
       | not be totally done). I worry that there are a bunch of published
       | results that are similarly flawed but just haven't gotten as much
       | scrutiny.
         | Analemma_ wrote:
         | The parts of CS that are the most math-like (which include
         | fundamental algorithms) don't have a replication crisis, but
         | the ones that are the most social-science like probably do, or
         | would. I would bet large sums of money that a lot of the
         | literature on stuff like "does OOP lead to better code", "does
         | IDE syntax highlighting lead to fewer bugs" etc. would fail to
         | replicate if anyone bothered trying.
         | The thing is, the general sense I get is that people in CS
         | already have so little confidence in these results that it's
         | not even considered worth the time to try and refute them.
         | Which doesn't exactly speak well of the field!
           | Beldin wrote:
           | Some measurements are interesting and valuable without being
           | replicable. For example, the number of online devices or the
           | number of websites using wordpress. Take the same measurement
           | at a later point in time and the results are different. Yet I
           | wouldn't call those fields maths-like.
           | Karrot_Kream wrote:
           | Research into this stuff is very young and so I think it's
           | fair to be skeptical of the results. I'm hoping we'll
           | eventually come up with more rigorous, reproducible results.
           | sterlind wrote:
           | I worry about ML papers in particular. models are closely
           | guarded, often impractical to train independently due to
           | ownership of the training/test set, or computing power or
           | details left out of the paper. there's no way to
           | mathematically prove any of it works, either. it's like
           | social science done on organisms we've designed.
         | ahelwer wrote:
         | In competitive programming you could basically assume the
         | pseudocode in a paper is not literally correct and requires
         | some tweaking to work, despite a "proof" of its correctness.
         | Particularly with string algorithms.
           | sterlind wrote:
           | long time no see!
           | there's a couple levels there:
           | rote translating pseudocode into your target language isn't
           | likely to pan out well.
           | so instead you run the pseudocode in your mind, develop an
           | intuition on how it works, and that's the "replication" bit
           | this post talks about with reviewing math papers.
           | but both the pseudocode and your code will likely have edge
           | cases you didn't handle. this isn't a problem for math -
           | that's the category of common trivial/easily fixable proof
           | errors that don't really affect the paper. but they're a
           | problem for machines that run them literally.
           | maybe a good compromise strategy for formal verification is
           | to declare the insight of the algorithm - recurrence relation
           | or whatever - as an axiom, and then use the prover to whack
           | the tricky edge cases.
         | AussieWog93 wrote:
         | From my experience in ML, I'd suspect that the "crisis" isn't
         | that the research is false so much as it's useless (algorithm x
         | with parameter set w happens to work well on one particular
         | dataset, conclusion: I have revolutionised the field).
           | yodsanklai wrote:
           | This isn't unique to ML. A lot of research is about adding an
           | epsilon to an existing paper, which probably doesn't
           | interesting anyone except a small community working in their
           | very own niche topic.
           | But does it mean there's a crisis? maybe that's just a way to
           | foster an environment that will let great ideas emerge.
             | fshbbdssbbgdd wrote:
             | I'd rather be in the world where we have too many papers
             | tweaking the details of power posing and exactly measuring
             | how much each contributes to the effect. At least we'd know
             | the effect is real.
         | yodsanklai wrote:
         | Yes, I'm convinced tons of published results are flawed! I
         | heard top researchers tell their students "don't spend too much
         | time on the proofs, nobody reads them"). And much CS scientific
         | papers don't get a lot of attention. But it's not necessarily
         | bad, other researchers builds on top of this work and results
         | consolidate over time.
           | xenonite wrote:
           | Isn't this a misunderstanding? I suspect they rather meant to
           | avoid spending too much time on language in these parts.
             | yodsanklai wrote:
             | No, it's not. In that specific case, the supervisor thought
             | the value of the paper didn't lie in the proofs, plus it
             | was a rank B conference. He rather has his student working
             | on a different paper than spending 1 week on the proof.
         | skybrian wrote:
         | There was that time when it was discovered that nearly all
         | published binary searches and mergesorts were wrong. [1]
         | And yet, the concepts of binary search and merge sort are fine.
         | I think that's quite similar to the situation in math papers?
         | Because math isn't executable, a math paper being
         | "significantly" wrong would be like discovering that a program
         | uses a fatally flawed algorithm and is trying to do the
         | impossible. It can't be fixed.
         | Programs that can't be fixed seem rare?
         | [1] https://ai.googleblog.com/2006/06/extra-extra-read-all-
         | about...
           | thethirdone wrote:
           | Rather than "wrong", I would describe those implementations
           | as "not fully general". They work perfectly when `n < some
           | large number` as opposed to `n < some large number * 2`. The
           | latter is the best you can do with the function signature,
           | but that is somewhat arbitrary. You could easily choose a 64
           | bit index and exceed all practical needs.
       | scoofy wrote:
       | The paper here seems to make absolutely zero distinction between
       | deductive and inductive reasoning, which should be the entire
       | point.
       | Math is an arbitrary framework, built from arbitrary axioms. It
       | is deductive. Thus, all proofs are simply deduction. The
       | knowledge here is _positive_ knowledge, we can show things are
       | true, false, or undecidable. There may be errors, but those are
       | errors in execution.
       | Psychology is _not built on a framework_. It is inductive, we are
       | trying to find axioms that map to the data we collect. Thus, all
       | papers are trying to add /build it's arbitrary framework. The
       | only knowledge here is _negative_ knowledge, falsification, we
       | know only what is a failed hypothesis. There _will_ be errors,
       | both in execution, and there will also be statistical errors in
       | experimental results.
       | The entire point of the replication crisis is that we don't
       | publish or pay attention to results that are boring, so the
       | framework we build is built on skewed data. We don't reject
       | previously popular papers that are now unfalsifiable (the idea
       | that the _now unfalsifiable_ Ingram experiment is still taught in
       | every university psychology dept should be outrageous). The
       | boring results need to be weight statistically against the
       | interesting results, but aren 't, etc. Nobody out there is
       | arguing whether or not the axiom of choice is a _true_ axiom? It
       | sort of doesn 't matter, it can't matter, because it's arbitrary
       | by definition.
       | You can't have a replication crisis inside of a deductive
       | framework _without changing the framework_. This doesn 't happen
       | too often, but we did see this during the shift from neutonian to
       | einsteinian physics. The study of philosophy of science is fairly
       | obscure, but is the center of this discussion.
         | jcranberry wrote:
         | I think you're wrong on some of these points, and the author
         | was trying to make these points but was not explicit.
         | I remember reading an article in the intelligencer by a
         | mathematician who essentially said there are certain
         | conjectures where if they were to be proved false rather than
         | be thrown into a sea of uncertainty, mathematicians i would
         | quickly move to investigate a readjustment of basic axioms
         | rather than accept that those conjectures are incorrect.
         | Then there are fields of mathematics around selecting different
         | axioms. Investigating the ramifications of whether you take the
         | undecidable "continuum hypothesis" as true or false. And then
         | theres model theory and such. Presumably they study models of
         | interest and not arbitrary ones.
         | You're mostly correct that the methodology is mostly deductive
         | but the point is that what we choose to use isn't arbitrary
         | because there are things in math which are more important than
         | axioms as they are things believed to be "real".
         | stavros wrote:
         | Exactly, I can't understand what the author was thinking. If a
         | paper shows that 2+2=4, what would the replication problem be?
         | You write the paper out again and 2+2 turns out to equal 5?
         | "The results can't be replicated" is different from "the logic
         | here is wrong". So different that this article starts from an
         | entirely invalid premise.
       | [deleted]
       | gus_massa wrote:
       | > _When I've served as a peer reviewer I've read the papers
       | closely and checked all the steps of the proofs, and that means
       | that I have replicated the results._
       | The side effect is that math papers have an insane long time to
       | publication. Perhaps 6 months, or 1 year or more if you are
       | unlucky.
       | In physics, the publication time is like 3 month. Something like
       | 1 month for the first review and then two months for making small
       | changes suggested by the referee and discussing with the editor.
       | As a side^2 effect, some citation index of the journals count
       | only the citations during the first year. But the papers that
       | have the citation are sleeping over the reviewer desk during that
       | year, so the number is lower than the real number.
       | lacker wrote:
       | The root of the replication crisis in social sciences is not just
       | that many papers fail to replicate, but that there is no way to
       | clearly resolve a result that fails to replicate. A paper claims
       | that pre-K increases test scores a decade later, another paper
       | claims it doesn't, and there's no clear resolution. The
       | disagreement just festers, with both sides citing research that
       | supports their opinion. The argument often "spills out" into the
       | public sphere.
       | In mathematics and computer science, there are many errors in
       | published papers. However, once you point out an error, it's
       | usually pretty straightforward to resolve whether it's really an
       | error or not. Often there is a small error which can be fixed in
       | a small way. Exceptions like the abc conjecture are rare.
       | amelius wrote:
       | Because math is not science?
       | https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/14818/is-math...
       | curt15 wrote:
       | It did:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_school_of_algebraic_ge...
       | otabdeveloper4 wrote:
       | Because math is not a science.
         | iqanq wrote:
         | More like because maths are an actual science.
       | dilawar wrote:
       | A bit cynical take is that it is harder to mislead in theory?
       | Your mistakes will get caught and you risk losing your reputation
       | so it less likely that someone will publish a proof without
       | double triple checking. Theory subject has faster verificarion
       | loops.
       | Verification and review is harder in experimental works and it
       | might take few decades before someone finds an error, or even
       | collect resources to verify the claim. So maybe it's harder to
       | fight 'publish or perish' deamons in experimental sciences?
       | keithalewis wrote:
       | "A mathematician's fame is proportional to the number of
       | incorrect proofs they have published."
       | deltaonefour wrote:
       | This gets at the heart of the difference between science and
       | math. What is actually science? and what is actually math? You
       | may think you know, but most people don't.
       | Did you know? That in Science, and therefore reality as we know
       | it... NOTHING can be proven to be true. Proof is the domain of
       | logic and mathematics, NOT science.
       | There is a huge difference between science and mathematics.
       | Math is an imaginary game involving logic. You first recursively
       | assume logic is true then you assume some additional things are
       | true called "axioms." You assume the entire universe only
       | encapsulates Logic and the axioms as part of your theory and that
       | is everything that exists in your theoretical universe. You
       | derive or prove statements that you know must consequently be
       | true in your made up universe based off of logic and the
       | "axioms." These statements are called "theorems." That is math...
       | For example the "pythagorean theorem" is a statement made about
       | geometry assuming that the axioms of geometry are true and logic
       | is true.
       | So of course if it's a logical game, there's no real replication
       | crisis. All theorems in mathematics are proven true based off of
       | logic. You can't replicate conflicting results if a result is
       | PROVEN to be true via pure logic.
       | Science is different. Nothing can ever be proven to be true.
       | There are basically two axioms in science. We assume logic is
       | true, just like in math. And we assume that the mathematical
       | theory of probability is a true model for random events happening
       | in the real world. Then we assume everything else about the
       | universe is completely unknown. This is key.
       | Because the domain of the universe is unknown... at any point in
       | time we can observe something that contradicts our initial
       | hypothesis. ANY point in time. That means even the theory of
       | gravity is forever open to disproof. This is the reason why
       | NOTHING can be proven. To quote Einstein:
       | "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single
       | experiment can prove me wrong."
       | So sure mathematicians can make mistakes... and I know the author
       | is talking about higher level details.... but at its most
       | fundamental level, assuming all other attributes are ideal... it
       | is fundamentally impossible for math to have a replication crisis
       | while science, on the other hand, is fundamentally forever open
       | to these crisis so long as the universe is unknown.
       | The most interesting thing to me in all of this however is that
       | within science, probability is a random axiom. We have no idea
       | why probability works... it just does. It's the driver behind
       | another fundamental concept: Entropy and the arrow of time. For
       | some strange reason Logic in our universe exists side by side
       | with probability as a fundamental property.
         | mcphage wrote:
         | > All theorems in mathematics are proven true based off of
         | logic. You can't replicate conflicting results if a result is
         | PROVEN to be true via pure logic.
         | You can publish a paper in mathematics that claims to prove
         | something, but is mistaken. A paper claiming that a theorem is
         | proven, is not the same thing as the theorem _being_ proven.
         | However, that 's not often the case--why that is, is an
         | interesting & meaningful question.
       | Barrin92 wrote:
       | why not turn the premise from the article around. Instead of
       | suggesting that math might also have a replication crisis, why
       | not question whether the whole replication crisis thing was
       | overblown and effectively more of an ideological attack on a few
       | disciplines.
       | Errors in science, disagreement and lack of reproducibility I
       | think are common and prevalent but it doesn't necessarily imply
       | that a discipline as a whole doesn't make progress. The obsession
       | with statistical accuracy and 'science as bookkeeping' mentality
       | seems fairly new to begin with, and science did just fine before
       | we even had the means to verify every single thing ever
       | published.
       | It kind if ignores the dynamic nature of science. Most of what is
       | published probably has close to zero impact regardless of whether
       | its right or wrong, but paradigm changing research generally
       | asserts itself. Science is evolutionary in that sense, it's full
       | of mistakes but stumbles towards correct solutions at uneven
       | tempo. In a sense you can just look at it like VC investment.
       | Nine times out of ten individual things don't work, but the
       | sector overall works, the market economy is full of grifters and
       | failed businesses, but it doesn't matter that much.
       | So, maybe half of math is bullshit but so is everything else but
       | in math people just say "whatever" until they find something
       | good, whereas in psychology people use it as an opportunity to
       | hack away at it.
         | AussieWog93 wrote:
         | The difference between the two examples you have it that
         | venture capital and the market economy openly embrace their
         | flaws, whereas science and academia refuses to acknowledge (or
         | manage) the "humanness" of the system and projects a hyper-
         | enlightened ideal both internally and to the outside world.
         | burnished wrote:
         | This isn't turning the problem around in the same sense. In
         | order to effectively turn a problem around you need to use its
         | complement, and then it should be a binary proposition. Your
         | example where you suppose an idealogical attack fails here
         | because it is not the only other explanation, you haven't
         | turned the problem around in the same way that turning "what is
         | the probability this action had an effect" around can become
         | "what is the probability that this action had no effect".
         | quanticle wrote:
         | _It kind if ignores the dynamic nature of science. Most of what
         | is published probably has close to zero impact regardless of
         | whether its right or wrong, but paradigm changing research
         | generally asserts itself._
         | The problem is that psychology, unlike physics, doesn't really
         | have a paradigm. There's the old saying, "Extraordinary claims
         | require extraordinary evidence." But for that heuristic to be
         | effective, you need a standard for what counts as
         | extraordinary. Extraordinary compared to what? In phsyics,
         | there are two well-established paradigms (relativity and
         | quantum mechanics), which establish what counts as ordinary,
         | and what counts as extraordinary. So, for example, if you're
         | making a claim that the distribution of dark matter in the
         | cosmos more clumpy than predicted by existing models, of that
         | the energy level of a particular field is 12 MeV rather than
         | 10, those are ordinary claims, which can be accomodated by
         | tweaks to the existing paradigm. But if you're saying that the
         | speed of light has varied over the history of the universe, or
         | that all subatomic particles are actually tiny vibrating
         | string-like structures, well, that's going to require a lot
         | more evidence.
         | In psychology, it's much more difficult to have that kind of
         | intuition. Take the concept of priming, for example. Is
         | claiming that people walk more slowly when they're encouraged
         | to think of things that make them feel old extraordinary? It
         | makes a certain sort of intuitive sense, but, on the other
         | hand, there's absolutely no causal mechanism suggested. So when
         | a number of priming studies fail spectacularly under
         | replication [1], I don't know what to think. I don't have a
         | good sense for how much of psychology is overturned by the
         | replication failure, in the same sense that I'd have for
         | physics if it turned out that e.g. the speed of light is a
         | variable rather than a constant.
         | [1]: https://mindhacks.com/2017/02/16/how-replicable-are-the-
         | soci...
           | pdonis wrote:
           | _> In phsyics, there are two well-established paradigms
           | (relativity and quantum mechanics), which establish what
           | counts as ordinary, and what counts as extraordinary._
           | Actually, I would say that these well-established paradigms
           | establish what counts as _extraordinary_. In other words,
           | relativity and QM are _examples_ of extraordinary claims that
           | we believe _because_ we have extraordinary evidence for them.
           | Both of these theories say all kinds of extraordinary things,
           | and most people who first encounter the theories start out
           | thinking they can 't possibly be true. We believe them not
           | because they are just ordinary, but because we have taken the
           | time and effort to accumulate extraordinary evidence for
           | them.
           | In that light, the replication crisis in other areas of
           | science is easily explained: they allow extraordinary claims
           | to be published _without_ the extraordinary evidence that
           | those claims would require. So of course many of those claims
           | turn out to be wrong.
       | mjfl wrote:
       | because math doesn't do experiments.
         | medstrom wrote:
         | Exactly. A math study is not a "study" in the sense of "hey i
         | saw a funny pattern in some data maybe it's a sign of my pet
         | theory" - it's literally already proven when published. There's
         | nothing more to do.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | Or as noted in the article:
         | > But one of the distinctive things about math is that our
         | papers aren't just records of experiments we did elsewhere. In
         | experimental sciences, the experiment is the "real work" and
         | the paper is just a description of it. But in math, the paper,
         | itself, is the "real work".
         | And
         | > And that means that you can replicate a math paper by reading
         | it.
           | horsawlarway wrote:
           | I think that means that the word "experiment" isn't the right
           | term for what most mathematicians do.
           | I'd say most times it's "modeling", not "experimenting"
         | [deleted]
         | nimih wrote:
         | https://www.experimentalmath.info/ would beg to differ, I
         | think.
         | horsawlarway wrote:
         | This is my take.
         | Science attempts to describe reality. Math attempts to create
         | rules/axioms.
         | They're not the same pursuit, although they can often be useful
         | together.
         | NovemberWhiskey wrote:
         | This seems the obvious answer. The replication crisis isn't
         | about published material being _wrong_ , it's about the
         | inability to reproduce the results of experiments or studies in
         | a repeatable fashion.
         | It's not like you make a hypothesis in math and then need to go
         | away and interview a sample of 1,000 circles and report back
         | that, controlling for ellipses that may be misreporting as
         | circles, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is 3.2
         | +/- 0.1 (p<0.05).
         | bunje wrote:
         | "Mathematics is the part of physics where experiments are
         | cheap." - V.I. Arnold
       | schuyler2d wrote:
       | You could also argue that Math _had_ its replication crisis in
       | the 17th-19th centuries. E.g. infinite series  "proofs" that were
       | eventually shown to be flawed methodologies.
       | This and other crises led to grounding modern mathematics with
       | set theory, Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms, etc and understanding what's
       | possible (e.g. Godel's theorem).
       | Psychology and other social sciences are barely a century old.
         | fshbbdssbbgdd wrote:
         | A more recent example is the Italian school of algebraic
         | geometry, where it was discovered in the mid 20th century that
         | many claimed proofs were faulty (and some "proven" results were
         | incorrect).
         | zmgsabst wrote:
         | Mathematics _is_ having a replication crisis and people pay so
         | little attention they don't know.
         | That replication crisis has led to efforts in formal
         | verification such as HoTT, Lean, etc.
         | https://homotopytypetheory.org/
         | https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2021/06/05/half-a-year-of-...
           | Victerius wrote:
           | How is math experiencing a replication crisis?
           | > This site serves to collect and disseminate research,
           | resources, and tools for the investigation of homotopy type
           | theory, and hosts a blog for those involved in its study.
           | > Exactly half a year ago I wrote the Liquid Tensor
           | Experiment blog post, challenging the formalization of a
           | difficult foundational theorem from my Analytic Geometry
           | lecture notes on joint work with Dustin Clausen.
           | ???
           | dwohnitmok wrote:
           | No by and large mathematics is not having a replication
           | crisis. As the blog post states:
           | > Question: Was the proof in [Analytic] found to be correct?
           | > Answer: Yes, up to some usual slight imprecisions.
           | This has been the case for almost all math formalization
           | efforts. Even when (very rarely) proofs were revealed to be
           | incorrect, the result was salvageable.
             | thrown_22 wrote:
             | That's because most math proofs are treading on well
             | understood grounds and only extending them slightly. E.g.
             | it would be like a psychologist asking how an results of a
             | well proven result would be different if all participants
             | wore red shoes.
             | When you enter truly new grounds mathematicians don't even
             | agree if the distinctions being made have a meaning, let
             | alone if they are true.
           | guerrilla wrote:
           | Here's [1] the lecture where Vladimir Voevodsky talked about
           | the problem and his experience with it but like the blog
           | says, he didn't and they don't consider it a crisis. Even
           | HoTT (and other TT) people present it as how things could be
           | much better, not about how things are terrible.
           | 1. https://youtu.be/E9RiR9AcXeE
       | umvi wrote:
       | My completely subjective opinion is that at the highest levels of
       | math, there are only a handful of people that are even capable of
       | peer reviewing, and their time is in high demand.
       | Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is like 120 pages long and
       | he first delivered it disguised as a class to a bunch of grad
       | students who barely understood any of it and hence gave no
       | feedback. Because this is Fermat's Last Theorem which is famous,
       | eventually people in the math community that understood Wiles's
       | work reviewed it and found an error. Had it been a 120 page proof
       | of some not famous problem like random chessboard thought
       | experiments, it probably could go years without anyone seriously
       | looking at it.
       | verisimi wrote:
       | "We get away with it becuase we can be right for the wrong
       | reasons--we mostly only try to prove things that are basically
       | true."
       | Apart from the replication crisis, the other crisis that is not
       | really talked about is funding. Academic funding basically comes
       | from one of 3 (connected) sources - government, corporations and
       | the military. Somehow or other - these 3 sources have pretty much
       | the same or non-conflicting aims. These aims relate to power and
       | control. This is actually the largest crisis, IMO.
       | Given that information, we can re-assess the quoted statement the
       | author makes.
       | Perhaps its not that they are proving things that are "basically
       | true". Its that right or wrong do not matter. What does matter is
       | that the answers provided meet the agenda of those funding the
       | study. The answer is not _that_ important as long as it is
       | supportive of whatever agenda is in play. I believe this is the
       | case for the replication crisis in science also.
       | A replication "crisis" is only a crisis if you are attempting to
       | achieve truth and greater understanding. But truth and
       | understanding are only ostensible reasons, not the actual ones.
       | What these studies are actually doing is creating a parallel
       | construction - the aim is actually for studies to appear
       | 'truthey', without actually being so. What studies should actual
       | do is increase the funder's power, wealth extraction abilities,
       | etc.
       | If you doubt this and think that truth matters, consider this.
       | Surely we should have cracked the best diet for people by now?
       | But there is no common understanding of what is good or bad to
       | eat - if anything there is more confusion. The reason of course,
       | is that there's no money in recommending whole foods or whatever.
       | However, there is money in drugs to make people 'better'. And
       | money in making diet so confusing that people eat themselves into
       | trouble.
       | Anyway, if you are in the business of governing or monetising the
       | masses, truth and understanding is the last thing you want. Far
       | better to have a story that gives you control, or extracts money.
       | Such is life under fascist governance (where fascist =
       | corporation + governance working together).
       | Iwan-Zotow wrote:
       | Huh?!?
       | Please read about abc conjecture and whole saga wrt proof,
       | Shinichi Mochizuki, Peter Scholze, etc, etc, etc
         | sgillen wrote:
         | Did you read the article? This saga is explicitly mentioned and
         | does not detract from the authors point IMO.
       | ocschwar wrote:
       | There is one corner of math that does have a replication crisis.
       | Just as we compare programming languages by how "ergonomic" they
       | are to learn and use, mathematicians do come up with novel
       | notation systems to try to improve the ergonomic state of their
       | field, and since "ergonomics" is another way to say "esthetics",
       | and is proved or disproved by user testing, that is where
       | replication gets hard.
       | The inventor of category theory's wiring diagrams, for example,
       | has claimed that he could get middle schoolers to understand
       | them. I suspect that success has not been replicated.
       | Simplicitas wrote:
       | Steven Pinker takes a decent crack at "Statistical Significance"
       | in his new book Rationality
       | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationality_(book)), which
       | underpins a lot of this and is mentioned in this piece. And I'm
       | still grappling with this part of the book. lol
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