[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-02-07) - Page 2
 (DIR) How a middle aged CS major debunked a classic positive psycholog...
       277 points by jvanderbot (174 comments)
 (DIR) Proof That the Earth Spins
       43 points by nyc111 (31 comments)
 (DIR) Lightform's Sunset
       58 points by xbryanx (13 comments)
 (DIR) Artist uses AI to fake 70s science fiction pulp covers - artwork...
       80 points by glitcher (47 comments)
 (DIR) The DoD Is Prioritizing Open Source Software. OSS Projects Can B...
       63 points by ritwikgupta (6 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Koda, a Typesafe Functional Toolkit for Python
       75 points by keithasaurus (43 comments)
 (DIR) Ten Years of ThinkPadding
       323 points by koiueo (250 comments)
 (DIR) Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of Covid-19
       101 points by dv_dt (90 comments)
 (DIR) Learning a Technical Subject
       9 points by kiyanwang (0 comments)
 (DIR) Lego has changed since we were kids (2014)
       212 points by martinlaz (266 comments)
 (DIR) WWF shuts down its NFT project
       23 points by ilamont (1 comments)
 (DIR) Chip Red Pill: Arbitrary [Micro]Code Execution Inside Intel Atom...
       174 points by blopeur (81 comments)
 (DIR) Show HN: Building biggest online toolbox on web (57 plus tools w...
       12 points by fthtls (2 comments)
 (DIR) Roman slaveowners were the first management theorists?
       107 points by smarm (101 comments)
 (DIR) Fault lines in a kitchen sink are changing what we know about ge...
       24 points by bryanrasmussen (3 comments)
 (DIR) Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (2019)
       33 points by omnibrain (5 comments)
 (DIR) When an M1 Mac mini is faster than an M1 Pro: contention and cor...
       142 points by ingve (23 comments)
 (DIR) Apple in 2021
       90 points by Doubleguitars (70 comments)
 (DIR) Intel Joins RISC-V International and Invests Another Billion in ...
       14 points by vanburen (3 comments)
 (DIR) Reconfigurable perovskite nickelate electronics for artificial i...
       39 points by geox (1 comments)
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       (page generated 2022-02-07 23:01 UTC)