[HN Gopher] Twenty years of C# with Anders Hejlsberg [audio]
       Twenty years of C# with Anders Hejlsberg [audio]
       Author : binarynate
       Score  : 64 points
       Date   : 2022-02-10 20:33 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.dotnetrocks.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.dotnetrocks.com)
       | binarynate wrote:
       | I thought it was interesting when Anders mentioned that 30% of C#
       | developers use Unity. Unity doesn't use Microsoft's CoreCLR
       | runtime, but instead uses the Mono runtime or an AOT compiler
       | Unity created called IL2CPP, which converts IL code generated by
       | the C# compiler to C++ that gets compiled to native code. One of
       | the reasons for this is that CoreCLR supports Windows, macOS and
       | Linux, whereas Mono and IL2CPP together support every platform,
       | including consoles. Anyway, it's interesting to me that a
       | significant number of developers are using C# but are using a
       | runtime other than Microsoft's CoreCLR runtime.
         | DizzyDoo wrote:
         | It's worth mentioning that there's now a _third_ way C# is
         | utilised in Unity which is via their new  'Burst' compiler,
         | part of their wider move to an Entity Component System they've
         | called DOTS[1]. It supports a subset of C# that gets compiled
         | into memory safe jobs that can run safely on and spread across
         | different threads. I'm using the Burst compiler + jobs in my
         | full-time game project and the performance is seriously good
         | for whenever you just need to process a lot of data. You can
         | use Burst with both Mono and IL2CPP script modes.
         | The go-to deep dive on how DOTS/Burst works is pretty much
         | everything Jackson Dunstan has ever written on the matter [2]
         | but specifically the article that digs into how IL2CPP calls
         | Burst is interesting.[3]
         | [1] -
         | https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.entities@0.17/ma...
         | [2] - https://www.jacksondunstan.com/?s=burst
         | [3] - https://www.jacksondunstan.com/articles/5251
       | mikewarot wrote:
         | loic-sharma wrote:
         | Why is supporting .NET evil?
           | mikewarot wrote:
           | It locks you in to Microsoft (or it did back then), it's
           | unnecessary. It serves no actual purpose, other than to
           | support that lockin.
           | A win32 exe will run on Windows 95 through Windows 10, for
           | the most part. You don't need .NET for that to happen.
           | It's a trap, in other words.
             | timomax2 wrote:
             | C# is what python programmers wish they had.
               | CodeGlitch wrote:
               | As a Python programmer I completely agree. Only last week
               | I started to look into C# and the cross platform
               | capabilities. I have to say it looks really good these
               | days. Wish I learnt C# years ago now...
             | binarynate wrote:
             | Microsoft's .NET runtime and C# compiler have been open
             | source and cross platform for a long time now. Even before
             | then, MS published ECMA standards for .NET and C# since the
             | beginning, and the Mono runtime and compiler for C# have
             | been open source and cross platform since the early 2000s:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mono_(software)#History
               | aninteger wrote:
               | Yes, of course this is true but the tooling ecosystem
               | still hasn't made great strides over to Linux. Rider does
               | exist but is not open source. As far as I know the
               | debugger is not open source as well.
               | WalterGR wrote:
               | So much goalpost moving.
             | smackeyacky wrote:
             | It's biggest competitor (Java) has exactly the same
             | ownership issues.
             | C# and .NET Core in particular give me the ability to
             | deploy server or utility software on pretty much anything.
             | You can build a completely self contained executable which
             | is fantastic for deploying software on machines where you
             | can't control the infrastructure.
             | So, sort of the opposite of lock in.
       | onemoresoop wrote:
       | I suggest downloading the file locally first so you can skip over
       | the reverberated bathroom part.
       | binarynate wrote:
       | For context, Anders is the creator of C# and TypeScript:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Hejlsberg
         | ejb999 wrote:
         | Interesting - never heard of him, that I can remember anyway,
         | over my career my three favorite programming languages were (in
         | order from oldest to newest) - Turbo Pascal, C# and now
         | Typescript - and apparently he created all three.
           | spaetzleesser wrote:
           | He certainly knows how to create programming languages that
           | last.
         | Reitet00 wrote:
         | And also the author of Delphi and Turbo Pascal.
           | ejb999 wrote:
           | loved turbo pascal a long time ago - got my professional
           | start there - but I will forgive him for Delphi anyway :>)
             | lostmsu wrote:
             | What did you use between TurboPascal and C#? o-O
               | ejb999 wrote:
               | VB/VB6, with some Clipper and Foxpro mixed in.
               | Switched to c# instead of picking up vb.net - in
               | retrospect a good call.
               | zwieback wrote:
               | Classic progression - some of us came from VB Classic to
               | C# others from C++ (at least in the Windows world). Now
               | we're all one big happy family.
             | nottorp wrote:
             | > I will forgive him for Delphi anyway
             | Sounds like you never used Delphi. Modern C sharp with
             | whatever MS calls the GUI classes this week doesn't hold a
             | candle to how fast you chouls whip up an UI in Delphi and
             | then concentrate on actual functions.
             | Edit: talking about the Delphi before Microsoft offered
             | Hejlsberg 1 million extra per year and Borland refused to
             | match...
       | intrasight wrote:
       | I can't believe that I've been hacking C# for 20 years
       | polskibus wrote:
       | I wish he came back to evolving C#. Progress from v1 to v5 was
       | enormous in contrast to v6 to v10.
         | tester756 wrote:
         | It feels like 6-10 is mostly handy stuff and performance
         | related
         | https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/whats-new/csh...
         | Meanwhile 2 and 3 were giant, holy shit.
         | dgritsko wrote:
         | As a fellow C# aficionado, what do you think it's lacking right
         | now? The main thing I really would like to see is support for
         | discriminated unions - but outside of that, it's pretty
         | awesome.
           | binarynate wrote:
           | I'd love to see support for structural typing. There are some
           | proposals for that:
           | - https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/discussions/164
           | - https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/discussions/2548
           | polskibus wrote:
           | Nullable references are far from what they could be. When you
           | use them a lot, you often have to override compiler with !
           | because it is too stupid. I'd also like to have better
           | support for const references as in c++.
           | I'd like to see more powerful generics, so that something
           | akin to partial template specialisation is possible without
           | going through boxing and unboxing too much.
           | With regards to safety, well rust has shown what is possible.
           | Async/ await has introduced function colouring which is a
           | kind of bloat.
           | All in all there are many things that could reduce the bloat,
           | instead of some tiny features that help with value types or
           | to optimise some rare case.
             | jayd16 wrote:
             | People call async/await function coloring bloat but I think
             | it's exactly where it needs to be. IMO execution yielding
             | needs to be explicit not implicit for use cases where
             | thread identity matters. How are you going to write a UI
             | framework if thread context can change unexpectedly?
               | coder543 wrote:
               | Go doesn't need "coloring bloat", but you can still
               | handle the need to run code on a specific thread using
               | LockOSThread.[0] If you absolutely need your code that
               | interacts with the OS GUI functions to be running on the
               | first thread the OS spawned, the documentation even tells
               | you how to do that.
               | This is an exceptionally low level detail that very few
               | people should ever have to think about. Is there
               | something else you can point to that's pertinent to more
               | developers?
               | Having written Go for years (as well as a good bit of
               | Rust), I love not having to worry about async/await being
               | the concurrency model, and thread identity is never
               | something I think about. With the upcoming Go release
               | that brings generics, I think there are some code
               | patterns that inherently benefit from an async/await
               | style pattern where you spawn several tasks and await
               | their results, so I'm looking forward to having a generic
               | pattern to spawn goroutines that return a value into a
               | Promise... but the infectious nature of "real"
               | async/await is not something I would consider beneficial
               | in most languages. Rust is a language that is _all_ about
               | low level details and performance, so it actually makes
               | sense there, but that 's a rare exception, in my opinion.
               | Developers generally shouldn't need to worry about things
               | a good runtime can take care of, just like you don't need
               | to worry about when you're going to free an object in
               | C#... the runtime takes care of these details that are
               | rarely relevant meeting the developer's objectives. When
               | you absolutely need that control, there are usually
               | escape hatches. If the application you're writing
               | frequently requires unlimited control, you should
               | probably be using an unmanaged language like Rust to
               | begin with.
               | [0]: https://pkg.go.dev/runtime#LockOSThread
             | tester756 wrote:
             | >With regards to safety, well rust has shown what is
             | possible. Async/ await has introduced function colouring
             | which is a kind of bloat.
             | I do wonder how much effort it'd require
           | VincentEvans wrote:
           | I wish for just one thing: native AOP (aspect oriented
           | programming) aka Python-style decorators and context
           | managers. Everything else I need C# already covers
           | adequately.
             | tester756 wrote:
             | You mean Java's "Annotation Oriented Programming"?
             | like @Transactional?
             | If yes, then I'd really do not want those "magic-like,
             | tricky when it comes to debugging" features
               | VincentEvans wrote:
               | Last time I used Java, it looked to me that AOP is
               | supported with compile-time byte-code rewriting, which
               | might explain why it may feel like magic and be hard to
               | debug. .Net also has a IL-rewriting 3rd party toolkits
               | that enable AOP, namely Postsharp - but my experience
               | with it wasn't great for similar reasons you stated.
               | Maybe I did something incorrectly, but my impression of
               | tools that generate code at compile time - is that you
               | can't step through the resulting code. Python on the
               | other hand is both flexible and simple. The decorator
               | code simply wraps the function it decorates (you get a
               | lambda variable that will contain the function you
               | annotate, so you do whatever it is you need to do, and
               | then call the original function. Or not, your choice. )
               | and doesn't feel complicated at all. Debugging is simple.
               | Try it and you might change your mind - perhaps C#
               | designers could use a similar source of inspiration.
             | jayd16 wrote:
             | I think Kotlin's type delegation is probably a better way
             | to handle method overrides/wrapping. Fits into the language
             | better.
             | giaour wrote:
             | > aka Python-style decorators and context managers
             | Genuinely curious: aren't Python decorators basically the
             | same as C# annotations, and aren't context managers
             | covering the same ground as a C# using statement?
       | binarynate wrote:
       | If you want to skip past the intro segments, you can use a
       | different player like the Apple Podcasts site. The actual
       | interview starts at 10:00:
       | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/twenty-years-of-c-with...
         | mattferderer wrote:
         | You can also use their website that's linked to. Just need to
         | hit play & than close the pop up & you should see the player
         | which you can skip around on.
         | Not the best website user experience but it's a great podcast,
         | even if you're not interested in .NET. Highly recommend all
         | their Geek Out episodes.
       | zwieback wrote:
       | I vividly remember when I started using C#, I can say that 20
       | years later I only feel a little bit bad about leaving C++
       | (mostly) behind and glad I didn't have to go the Java route.
       | softfalcon wrote:
       | Why does the intro ad sound like it was recorded in an Elementary
       | School hallway?
         | binarynate wrote:
         | I think they added some reverb to Richard's voice for part of
         | the intro and accidentally reverbed all of the ads, too
           | binarynate wrote:
           | I just sent Carl a heads-up about the reverb:
           | https://twitter.com/binarynate/status/1491890009674244107
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | daok wrote:
         | The lack of possibility to scroll in time (to skip that part)
         | is what bothered me the most.
       (page generated 2022-02-10 23:00 UTC)