[HN Gopher] Easily handle CLI operation via Python instead of re...
       Easily handle CLI operation via Python instead of regular Bash
       Author : EntICOnc
       Score  : 112 points
       Date   : 2022-02-11 16:01 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | VectorLock wrote:
       | I've been using a kind of hacky analog of this for JSON for
       | years, rather than messing around with jq, JMESpath, etc.
       | https://gist.github.com/craigcalef/89799df3f2fc7957d84a1b06a...
       | Naac wrote:
       | This looks like an unmaintained version of (the much more
       | complete) pyp:
       | https://github.com/hauntsaninja/pyp
       | daenz wrote:
       | I love the motivation for this tool. This looks very useful for
       | when you just want to make something easier in an existing shell
       | script, without fully migrating to Python. If you _do_ want to
       | migrate fully to Python, I encourage people to use sh[0]
       | (disclaimer: author).
       | One concern that I have is that it could be so useful that now
       | your script is filled with `| pz`, and is launching Python
       | processes at every line . Now you have a tangled hybrid of Bash
       | and Python.
       | 0. https://github.com/amoffat/sh
         | LeoPanthera wrote:
         | That is a really confusing name, since /bin/sh is the default
         | shell in almost every unix.
           | dahart wrote:
           | This sh is a python lib, not a unix shell, so can't be easily
           | confused.
         | yunruse wrote:
         | Dealing with a lot of `| pz` statements could be pretty quickly
         | solved with eg a `pz` interpreter that can be explicitly given
         | multiple sequences of inputs.
         | That said, it would be amazing if `pz` could take in some input
         | arguments and output the Unixy equivalent if it can find one.
           | Klasiaster wrote:
           | Or pz could be a lightweight wrapper that speaks to a python
           | server or starts a new one if there isn't yet. The server
           | could end after X seconds of not getting new requests.
       | brtknr wrote:
       | Probably easier to stick to bash rather than learn a new set of
       | commands from scratch. Also bash commands are universally
       | available whereas this needs to be installed first which is not
       | always that straightforward. Also python is slower at some of the
       | examples than compiled executables.
         | fivea wrote:
         | > Probably easier to stick to bash rather than the overhead of
         | learning new set of commands that I need to learn from scratch.
         | That's all fine and dandy until your shell script grows beyond
         | a dozen lines of code or so. The moment that happens, shell
         | scripts become barely readable and terribly hard to maintain,
         | unlike alternatives such as python.
         | otikik wrote:
         | "Universal" is too much of a stretch. You still get tripped by
         | things like "that flag doesn't exist in OSX sed" or "that
         | option in git was only available in git > 2.8.14"
         | And that's how you end up with bash scripts wrapped inside
         | Docker images, that I have been seeing for the last couple of
         | years.
       | joseph8th wrote:
       | And then there's `xonsh`, "The unholy union of bash and
       | Python."[0]
       | Which I've been using as my daily driver for a few years, and
       | absolutely swear by it.
       | https://xon.sh
         | seanw444 wrote:
         | What in the world... that's certainly _interesting_.
         | pedrovhb wrote:
         | I've been daily driving xonsh for a couple of years too. It
         | _sounds_ like a terrible idea for reasons you can't quite put
         | your finger on, but other than a minor annoyance every now and
         | then, it's been great.
         | I especially like iterating over files as Path objects with the
         | simple syntax                   for f in p`.\*\.jpg`:
         | if f.isdir():                 foo = $(echo @(f.absolute()))
           | suifbwish wrote:
           | What sorcery is this?! Object oriented bash? Incredible.
             | abnry wrote:
             | PowerShell has entered the chat.
       | kseistrup wrote:
       | Looks great.
       | It could be even more useful with an `f` variable that holds the
       | 'words' obtained from splitting `s` at whitespace.
         | hauntsaninja wrote:
         | I wrote a similar tool a while back that lets you create your
         | own "magic" variables. I use `f` all the time!
         | https://github.com/hauntsaninja/pyp#pyp-lets-you-configure-y...
           | kseistrup wrote:
           | There it is! I knew I had seen something akin to pz. Thanks
           | for the link!
       | fmakunbound wrote:
       | I will try this, but I still have ptsd from the last time I
       | installed something python based.
       | uniformlyrandom wrote:
       | I don't know if I like this approach. Common "regular" Bash
       | programs have a huge advantage - they are common. When I share my
       | 'may accidentally conjure up a monster' one-liners with my team,
       | I am sure they can read it, understand it, and run it. I lose
       | that advantage with the use of a very nice, but obscure tool.
         | tyingq wrote:
         | Most of the examples would be relatively simple Perl or AWK
         | one-liners. The appeal of this tool seems mostly to be that you
         | can use Python, which isn't one-line friendly out of the box.
         | ogogmad wrote:
         | Bash involves tons and tons of arcania. It also doesn't support
         | features that PL editors have like Intellisense. I sometimes
         | feel like the only people who don't see a problem with the Unix
         | experience are people who've used it day-in day-out for a
         | decade, and don't need to grep man pages more than they'd like
         | to. But by then, it's Stockholm Syndrome? I think this Github
         | project might begin to pull out the chord. I know my Python
         | better than I know my awk/sed/bash/xargs/find/make/bc...
           | suifbwish wrote:
           | Bash has one major advantage though: it's core libraries and
           | and commands almost never change which mean your scripts are
           | most likely going to work forever. Python core library
           | development is filled with asshats who like to deprecate
           | naming conventions in later versions rather than just
           | improving the existing libraries and keeping the method names
           | the same. Python is great for a lot of reasons but if you
           | know bash well, it is far more reliable in the long term.
       | jamespwilliams wrote:
       | This seems very useful!
       | The behaviour of auto-imports https://github.com/CZ-NIC/pz#auto-
       | import seems bit scary:
       | > Caveat: When accessed first time, the auto-import makes the row
       | reprocessed. It may influence your global variables. Use verbose
       | output to see if something has been auto-imported.
       | It sounds like this could cause some very subtle bugs. Maybe a
       | strong and clear warning when a line is being reprocessed would
       | help.
         | hauntsaninja wrote:
         | I wrote a similar tool a while back. My solution for this was
         | to statically analyse the input to discover unused names. The
         | cool part of doing transformations statically is that you're
         | able to see the exact Python code you'd run without running it,
         | e.g. `pyp --explain x[:5]`. https://github.com/hauntsaninja/pyp
       | gpvos wrote:
       | That's just perl -pe or -ne.
       | nomorecommas wrote:
       | Very cool, though I probably won't use it.
       | aasasd wrote:
       | Ah, yes, the Perlton.
       | freedomben wrote:
       | For people that know Ruby, if you haven't explored Ruby's CLI
       | abilities, you definitely, definitely should[1][2]. When I was
       | building my (free and open source) awk course[3] I fell in love
       | with awk. When I later found out that Ruby has some of the same
       | features, it changed my life:
       | [1]: https://robm.me.uk/2013/11/ruby-enp/
       | [2]: https://benoithamelin.tumblr.com/ruby1line/
       | [3]: https://github.com/FreedomBen/awk-hack-the-planet
         | js2 wrote:
         | Perl too. The -p, -n, -e switches work identically.
         | -n causes Perl to assume the following loop around your
         | program, which makes it iterate over filename arguments
         | somewhat like sed -n or awk:                   LINE:
         | while (<>) {               ...             # your program goes
         | here           }
         | -p causes Perl to assume the following loop around your
         | program, which makes it iterate over filename arguments
         | somewhat like sed:                   LINE:           while (<>)
         | {               ...             # your program goes here
         | } continue {               print or die "-p destination: $!\n";
         | }
         | https://linux.die.net/man/1/perlrun
           | p_l wrote:
           | Little underappreciated part of Ruby these days is that part
           | of it grew out of Perl, and specifically supports similar
           | kind of scripting for daily tasks. Pretty sure both thsoe
           | specific switches and some of the sigils used in syntax came
           | from this Perl legacy.
           | freedomben wrote:
           | Yes thanks, I should have added that perl took it (and
           | improved it) from awk, and ruby took it from perl. Most ruby
           | people don't like to remember that ruby has a lot of perl-
           | isms in it, but I think perl was a great language (and
           | probably is, though I liked ruby so much better I never
           | looked back).
         | nomorecommas wrote:
         | Yep, ruby is a natural, pipeline friendly, command line
         | companion out of the box.
         | https://github.com/learnbyexample/Command-line-text-processi...
         | https://learnbyexample.github.io/learn_ruby_oneliners/
       | rasengan wrote:
       | https://github.com/realrasengan/jpipe
       | A super simple version for JS
       | visarga wrote:
       | Nice, I made a similar tool for Perl. I chain them up to three
       | rows in terminal, if they get longer I switch to a script.
       (page generated 2022-02-12 23:00 UTC)