[HN Gopher] Why federated protocols don't work (2016)
       Why federated protocols don't work (2016)
       Author : pcr910303
       Score  : 83 points
       Date   : 2022-02-12 17:23 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (signal.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (signal.org)
       | danShumway wrote:
       | I think my main criticism of this article is that Signal today
       | isn't proving that this is true.
       | Yes, federation makes all of this stuff harder. Of course it
       | does. There are problems you have to solve in federated systems
       | that you don't have to solve in centralized systems. And it used
       | to be easy to point at platforms like Matrix/Element and say that
       | they were still struggling to get encrypted chat turned on by
       | default, and that was proof that federation didn't work.
       | But in the years since this article was written things have
       | started to change. And now the interesting stuff going on with
       | Matrix isn't E2EE chat, it's P2P encrypted chat, it's using
       | Matrix as a drop-in securely encrypted data-transfer for web
       | apps. It's all of the innovation on how metadata gets encrypted
       | that Moxie claimed was going to come out of centralized
       | platforms, and never did. Meanwhile, Signal is still trying
       | really hard to decide whether or not usernames should exist.
       | It seems clear to me that federation isn't the entire picture,
       | because the federated apps I'm paying attention to are seeing
       | more active development and iteration on user-facing privacy
       | features than Signal is.
       | Separately, I think Moxie's argument that switching costs between
       | networks aren't an issue has not aged well. And I also think
       | Signal itself demonstrates this point; there's a reason why
       | Signal falls back to relying on one of the most insecure
       | messaging protocols in existence, and there's a reason why Signal
       | makes privacy concessions like tying itself to phone numbers and
       | announcing to you when other contacts join Signal. It does that
       | because actually switching costs are very high, and even Signal
       | can't get people off of SMS unless it maintains compatibility
       | with that network. Even Signal as a centralized platform hasn't
       | been able to get people to switch off of literally the worst
       | messaging service we have today on almost every technical level.
       | So my main criticism of Moxie's take is that I see federated
       | systems that are overcoming some of the problems he talks about,
       | and I don't see Signal innovating in that space to the same
       | degree (not that they're doing nothing, just that they're not
       | doing nearly as much). And my secondary criticism is that I think
       | he's dismissive of some of the downsides that come from
       | centralization, including downsides that have hurt Signal's
       | adoption rate among ordinary users.
       | The main reason I like Signal so much is that it is highly
       | audited by security professionals that I trust, that it's been
       | around for a while and proven that it is secure, because it is a
       | small app with less attack surface, because it's seamless on top
       | of SMS, and because I think Moxie is a good, trustworthy coder
       | with solid moral principles about privacy (part of why I'm
       | disappointed to see him leave the company).
       | And all of that is still true today, but since this article was
       | written I haven't seen the level of supposed innovation that I
       | was told was going to happen. It's the federated platforms doing
       | the exciting stuff, and meanwhile Signal is good because it
       | doesn't change much and it still just kind of reliably works the
       | same way it always used to. It's ironically almost the opposite
       | of the situation Moxie claimed was going to exist.
         | tialaramex wrote:
         | When I first installed Signal it didn't have Sealed Sender,
         | which means that an adversary in Signal's privileged position
         | knows who is sending me messages (today only I know who is
         | sending me messages)
         | I'm pretty sure it didn't have all the badges and other tat I
         | don't use but which I'm sure somebody say 30 years younger
         | would care about and I believe is on the popular chat apps
         | It had secret groups back then, but they had to be kept small,
         | whereas today much larger (unlimited?) group sizes are
         | available thanks to changes in the protocol to facilitate that.
         | It had secure phone calls, but I don't know if it had video
         | calling and certainly not _group_ video calling as it does
         | today.
         | As I understand it (I don't buy Apple devices) they also
         | delivered the seamless encrypted upgrade behaviour where you
         | buy a new iPhone and transfer everything securely.
         | I'm sure there's a bunch more.
           | danShumway wrote:
           | Oh of course! I didn't meant to imply that nothing at all has
           | happened, Signal has seen development.
           | It's just that the list you're bringing up is dwarfed by the
           | list of improvements that have happened in protocols like
           | Matrix and chat apps like Element over that same time period.
           | I don't think anyone would claim that Signal right now is
           | evolving faster than the rest of the messaging market -- or
           | maybe I'm wrong and people want to try and make that claim?
           | kitkat_new wrote:
           | > When I first installed Signal it didn't have Sealed Sender,
           | which means that an adversary in Signal's privileged position
           | knows who is sending me messages (today only I know who is
           | sending me messages)
           | by only looking at the message...
           | but: you authenticate yourself at the Signal service and you
           | use your authentication to drop of a set of messages
           | How do they not know who sent them (if they want to know)?
       | nine_k wrote:
       | Why email, DNS,.BGP, etc don't work? One can wonder!
       | It's good when the clock strikes 13 in the very title of an
       | article; saves time :-/
         | jshen wrote:
         | It's clear you took the time to comment, but didn't take the
         | time to click the link and commented purely on the HN title
         | which is different than the articles title and point.
           | nine_k wrote:
           | Exactly, my problem is with the title which is nonsensical in
           | a bad way, and discourages from clicking. Anti-clickbait.
             | jshen wrote:
             | Thanks for clarifying.
       | tptacek wrote:
       | Hey, once again: you can't editorialize titles like this on HN.
       | The title of this post --- and it's an extremely well-known post
       | at this point --- is "Reflections: The Ecosystem Is Moving".
       | Apreche wrote:
       | What if you allowed federation, but you centralize updates?
       | Make a protocol. Make a server for it. As the central authority
       | updates the protocol, they update the official server software.
       | If someone installs it, it auto updates by default. If someone
       | runs an alternative server software, or doesn't update, then they
       | will be broken by everyone else's updates, and that's just too
       | bad for them. Keep up, or get left behind.
         | hbogert wrote:
         | Federation is also about autonomy, which is at least somewhat
         | at odds with auto-updating.
         | If you all are forced to use the same server software, it's not
         | federation, it's just a distributed app.
         | arka2147483647 wrote:
         | What if a bunch of servers decide together to stay on the old
         | version?
         | What if somebody decides to clone the software, and manages to
         | keep up?
         | Who pays for the center, and keeps it running, if you have no
         | access to users?
         | tommiegannert wrote:
         | I like that Matrix has a separate system/acceptance test that
         | any implementation can run against to check compatibility:
         | https://github.com/matrix-org/sytest
         | I want any government to help the community set rules, and
         | provide transparency. As opposed to encouraging or implementing
         | mono/oligopolies.
         | One way of using an acceptance test could be to centrally name
         | and shame/fame the various implementations. (Like caniuse.com
         | for web tech.)
       | jmbwell wrote:
       | He writes "don't work" but he seems to mean "aren't easy to
       | monetize."
       | The protocols "work" just fine. It's making money that seems to
       | require centralization, even by his own examples. And if the
       | making-money part doesn't happen, the commercialized/centralized
       | service goes away. But guess what keeps running. The open
       | federated protocols.
       | I made this point in another thread. The point of openness and
       | federation is not to prevent failure, but rather to facilitate
       | continuity when central/commercial interests ... lose interest.
       | Besides. Try building Signal /without/ using IPv4, or HTTP, or
       | email, or git. And then maybe /thank/ federated protocols for
       | making this little blog post even possible.
         | mindslight wrote:
         | Moxie jumped the shark when he started arguing for reliance on
         | Google Play for better end-user security. He's just got a
         | completely different threat model that focuses on getting users
         | the first 90% by forgoing the last 10%. I personally am less
         | concerned about drive by attackers (oh no, I might have to
         | change my credit card number one additional time), and more
         | concerned about APTs (advanced persistent threats) like Google.
         | baryphonic wrote:
         | > Try building Signal /without/ using IPv4, or HTTP, or email,
         | or git. And then maybe /thank/ federated protocols for making
         | this little blog post even possible.
         | Extremely underrated point.
         | The problem is more a prisoner's dilemma w/r/t monetization
         | than some intrinsic problem with federation.
         | [deleted]
         | tptacek wrote:
         | The reason you're even making this argument is that the person
         | who submitted this story altered the starting conditions of the
         | thread by substituting an editorialized title for the author's
         | own, and in that sense you're arguing not with Moxie
         | Marlinspike, but with the submitter.
           | Trombone12 wrote:
           | The original title was a bland thing conveying naught but the
           | thin idea that the world changes. A better objection is that
           | the submitted title does not accurately reflect what is
           | clearly Marlinspikes thesis statement:
           | > "I no longer believe that it is possible to build a
           | competitive federated messenger at all"
           | Personally I think the new titles stays pretty close to the
           | thesis statement, but it might be a bit exaggerated as
           | clearly Marlinspike doesn't mean "technically impossible" but
           | rather something more like "socially unworkable".
         | tablespoon wrote:
         | > He writes "don't work" but he seems to mean "aren't easy to
         | monetize."
         | > The protocols "work" just fine. It's making money that seems
         | to require centralization, even by his own examples.
         | Why would you say that? I skimmed it, and he wrote very little
         | about money at all, and a lot about the stagnation that
         | federated protocols experience, e.g.:
         | > I thought about it. We got to the first production version of
         | IP, and have been trying for the past 20 years to switch to a
         | second production version of IP with limited success. We got to
         | HTTP version 1.1 in 1997, and have been stuck there until now.
         | Likewise, SMTP, IRC, DNS, XMPP, are all similarly frozen in
         | time circa the late 1990s. To answer his question, that's how
         | far the internet got. It got to the late 90s.
         | > That has taken us pretty far, but it's undeniable that once
         | you federate your protocol, it becomes very difficult to make
         | changes. And right now, at the application level, things that
         | stand still don't fare very well in a world where the ecosystem
         | is moving.
         | It's true: the federated protocol that is email doesn't
         | actually have encryption, even though people have been talking
         | about it for decades. The need to be interoperable with lowest
         | common denominator means that even Phil Zimmerman finds it too
         | troublesome to receive anything that's not unencrypted. A
         | platform like WhatsApp added it in like a year or two.
         | Federation seems like it more for an end state where things are
         | stable and well-understood enough that it's tolerable that the
         | implementations stagnate.
         | jasode wrote:
         | _> but he seems to mean "aren't easy to monetize."_
         | Signal is a non-profit entity.[1] E.g. Billionaire Brian Acton
         | "donated" (aka 50-year loan at 0%) about $105 million to keep
         | Signal running. If Signal has a monetizing agenda, they're
         | going about it in a convoluted way.
         | [1] https://twitter.com/chrisjbakke/status/1348319406028296192
         | EDIT to reply: _> , and from what i've read, Signal does
         | monetize._
         | In precise terms, how exactly does Signal monetize? Every
         | source I found says they're still running on donations:
         | https://www.google.com/search?q=signal+technology+monetize+m...
         | It's worth calling this out specifically so I can evaluate gp
         | (jmbwell) accusations of Marlinspike's motives to write the
         | essay for commercial gain rather than outline the technical
         | pros/cons of federation.
           | tomxor wrote:
           | non-profit doesn't mean no money, and from what i've read,
           | Signal does monetize.
           | freeopinion wrote:
           | A donation and a loan are not the same thing. Even for a 0%
           | loan.
           | This means Signal has an obligation to come up with $105
           | million somehow. So, at the least, they can monetize $105
           | million worth, and still be a non-profit. More likely, they
           | need to monetize $2 million/year for that loan, plus however
           | many $million/year to pay salaries, etc. just to break even
           | and be "non-profit." When you pay a single developer
           | $200K/year + $20K/year health insurance + $5K/year food, it's
           | pretty easy to be a non-profit even when you are trying to be
           | high-profit.
         | ignoramous wrote:
         | IPv4 (cloud), HTTP (cdn), and git (hosting) have all tended
         | towards centralisation. Federation is but a mere impl detail.
           | Hamcha wrote:
           | the centralized part will eventually fail, the federated will
           | live on. You could have argued that RSS got centralized with
           | Google Reader, but Google Reader died and RSS feeds are still
           | alive.
             | hiq wrote:
             | > RSS feeds are still alive
             | You're entitled to your opinion, but I don't think you'll
             | convince many people with this.
       | namecast wrote:
       | The subject line doesn't seem to match with the the post it links
       | to - perhaps it's been updated since being shared here? The blog
       | post right now is titled 'the ecosystem is moving', and in the
       | first paragraph states:
       | "Nothing about any of the protocols we've developed requires
       | centralization; it's entirely possible to build a federated
       | Signal Protocol-based messenger, but I no longer believe that it
       | is possible to build a competitive federated messenger at all."
       | ...which is is a far cry from "why federated protocols don't
       | work". A more accurate headline summary might be "why we believe
       | federated protocols are not competitive for this use case", which
       | has a different ring to it.
         | tedunangst wrote:
         | The title hasn't changed. HN just likes to twist things around
         | to get worked up about them.
       | 6510 wrote:
       | users and consumers are different creatures
       | Naac wrote:
       | @dang please change the title to `Reflections: The ecosystem is
       | moving (2016)`
       | EDIT: Not sure why I am downvoted, editing is against the site
       | guidelines: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
       | This particular title also feels extremely clickbaity.
         | unethical_ban wrote:
         | That is far less descriptive.
           | Naac wrote:
           | Editorializing the title is against the guidelines:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
       | jlkuester7 wrote:
       | Was recently reflecting on this excellent piece comparing and
       | contrasting p2p/federated/centralized systems:
       | https://changelog.complete.org/archives/10216-the-hidden-dra...
       | The drawbacks for p2p and centralized systems seem to be mostly
       | inherent to the technical requirements necessary for things to
       | function.
       | The downsides of federation are more practical (who/how deploys
       | and maintains the servers). Good reminder that organizational
       | structures like technical "communes" need more emphasis!
       | jsnell wrote:
       | (2016) but equally relevant today.
       | Edit: I originally claimed there was no previous HN discussion,
       | but it was on a different URL.
         | detaro wrote:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11668912
         | also in talk form some years later:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21904041
       | [deleted]
       | upofadown wrote:
       | This doesn't seem all the controversial or even interesting to
       | me. It is perfectly true that a standalone project is easier than
       | one where you have to communicate and negotiate a specification
       | with other people. The idea here was to showcase an approach to
       | cryptography. The Signal project has done a good job of that. It
       | is up to us to decide if we want to modify any of the existing
       | systems based on those ideas.
       | Moxie was explaining why he was doing what he was doing. I doubt
       | it was ever intended as some sort of manifesto.
       | AnonC wrote:
       | This needs 2016 in the title. Signal can spin stories about why
       | federated protocols don't work, but the simple explanation behind
       | this is Signal doesn't want to do certain things. Signal's
       | unwillingness to avoid doing certain things shouldn't construed
       | as "hard to do" or "not worth doing" or "too much hassle". Take
       | every position that Signal takes with a pinch of salt. It is,
       | after all, a centralized platform that benefits from
       | centralization.
         | detaro wrote:
         | yep. for better or worse (it is security-wise), a federated
         | platform has taken over way more of my chatting than Signal
         | ever reached, and Signals insistence on "we know what client
         | people want" plays a large part in that.
           | bogota wrote:
           | I have yet to see a federated chat app my tech illiterate
           | family can download and use. Sure I have set some up to test
           | out but the UX is terrible on all of them. Matrix was the
           | most polished but still horrible compared to signal.
           | Everyone loves to rag on signal here it seems. They would
           | rather something be correct in ideals than help the largest
           | amount of people. It's a strange and holier than thou stance
           | to take in my opinion.
             | stormbrew wrote:
             | I mean, there was a while there where XMPP-based and
             | federated chat clients (particularly google chat, along
             | with early facebook messenger) were becoming dominant, and
             | were widely used by "normal people" without even knowing it
             | was a thing.
             | So I don't think "it's impossible to make a non-shitty
             | federated client" is really a valid argument. That's not to
             | dispute real problems with wide-open federation or XMPP,
             | because they absolutely exist, just that "the clients are
             | hard to use" seems more an artifact of the resources of the
             | people making them than anything to do with technical
             | merit.
               | thfuran wrote:
               | >So I don't think "it's impossible to make a non-shitty
               | federated client" is really a valid argument.
               | Perhaps not, but it's definitely a strawman.
               | deadlyllama wrote:
               | I wonder if some of what went wrong with XMPP was the big
               | platforms (Facebook, Gmail) adopting it, then dropping
               | it. Coupled with the rise of smartphones and the cloud.
               | Previously you ran your chat app on a desktop PC and it
               | stored your chat history/etc.
               | I imagine federated chat means more opportunities for
               | your users to avoid seeing ads too... Just use someone
               | else's server!
         | eximius wrote:
         | You managed to not address any point in the article, instead
         | insinuating poor motives by the author.
         | I want federation to work. But this is a fair critique of the
         | tradeoff and competition between centralized and federated
         | services - and the dynamics of network switching instead of
         | host switching.
           | [deleted]
         | notriddle wrote:
         | Please make actual arguments, and not just Bulverism. After
         | all, building a centralized system and an organization that can
         | run it is the behavior you would expect from someone who
         | sincerely thought it was a better way to make a messenger.
       | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
       | They absolutely do work, as proven by email.
         | notriddle wrote:
         | You can use it for communication, and it remains popular by
         | first-mover advantage, so I suppose it "works" technically. But
         | almost everyone is on a few, huge servers that can dictate the
         | standards to everyone else, it's not E2E encrypted and the few
         | attempts to add E2E encryption are unusable, the anti-spam
         | systems are so strict and flakey that it's a crapshoot if any
         | email actually arrives in someone's inbox, and routing emails
         | is based on domain names, which are a terrible way to manage
         | data portability.
         | In other words, it didn't accomplish what any pro-Federation
         | activist actually wants to accomplish.
           | dec0dedab0de wrote:
           | A few huge services is still better than one really huge
           | service
           | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
           | Oh again this obsession with e2ee!! Email can be e2e
           | encrypted easily if you want it.
           | The fact is that you generally don't, because you want to
           | access your mail from any device and you want a server-side
           | search. All of this is made impossible by a proper e2ee.
           | Also, proper e2ee _requires_ identity verification of your
           | contacts, where you check their key fingerprints using an
           | uncompromised channel. If you skip this part, all e2ee you
           | use is just a security theater.
             | karatinversion wrote:
             | How can it be "easily" e2e? The protocol does not allow the
             | sender to synchronously communicate with any host the
             | receiver influences.
               | dane-pgp wrote:
               | Probably the best example of easy end-to-end email
               | encryption (EoEE2EEE?) is Delta Chat[0] which uses
               | Autocrypt[1].
               | [0] https://delta.chat/en/
               | [1] https://delta.chat/en/help#which-standards-are-used-
               | for-end-...
             | hiq wrote:
             | > Email can be e2e encrypted easily if you want it.
             | Not with the same security guarantees, the same usability,
             | nor the absence of footguns that apps such as Signal
             | provide.
             | > Also, proper e2ee requires identity verification of your
             | contacts, where you check their key fingerprints using an
             | uncompromised channel. If you skip this part, all e2ee you
             | use is just a security theater.
             | Even if you don't check fingerprints, you're fully
             | protected against passive attackers, as well as attackers
             | who started being active only after the key exchange. For
             | casual users, Signal is a good protection against dragnet
             | surveillance. For advanced users, Signal with key
             | fingerprint checks is a good protection against more
             | powerful attackers that control the network.
               | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
               | > For casual users, Signal is a good protection against
               | dragnet surveillance.
               | It is not a protection, just a security theater. If you
               | don't trust your service provider not to spy on you, you
               | must not trust it completely. Thus, Signal tells you that
               | you are talking to Joe, but it can easily make it so that
               | you talk to MitM who talks to Joe, for everyone, dragnet
               | style. (those who do indeed verify fingerprints are
               | excluded from this program)
               |  _Nobody_ but the slim nerdy minority wants to burden
               | themselves with proper e2ee, yet everyone insists on
               | having some snake oil too.
               | Don't want to be spied by your service provider - run you
               | own server. That's what federation is for.
               | angus-prune wrote:
               | I feel like I'm missing something.
               | If they introduced blanket MitM, it would only take one
               | person to verify fingerprints for it to become public.
               | You mention that people who verify fingerprints would be
               | excluded, but I've no idea how you'd achieve that. My
               | understanding is that proper fingerprint confirmation has
               | to, by definition, be conducted out of band.
               | With any FLOSS _everyone_ is trusting that another geek
               | somewhere is paying attention to a particular piece of
               | software and will raise the alarm if there is something
               | wrong. And I do mean everyone. I don 't think its
               | conceivable that even the most paranoid, technically
               | proficient user could verify the integrity of their
               | entire technology stack.
               | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
               | No, not really. There are actually ways to go around
               | that. One person who does verify a fingerprint will get a
               | real fingerprint. Or maybe they'll just show you same
               | numbers as to your buddy, because they control both
               | server and client software and users have very very
               | limited resources to control what code is shipped to them
               | via appstores.
               | You see, this is all a question of trust. The only threat
               | against which the e2ee is useful is non-trusted server
               | admin. But then signal fans paradoxically don't trust
               | Signal to have their unencrypted communications and
               | simultaneously trust them to have means to get access to
               | their messages.
               | So in practice a personal/corporate email / xmpp server
               | without any e2ee gives you a better level of security
               | than using third party service like Signal with e2ww,
               | because in that case the attacker will have to somehow
               | gain admin access to your server to learn _anything_
               | about your communications, while in Signal 's case, even
               | if they don't compromise your encryption, they still have
               | means to know who you are talking with, when, your IP
               | addresses, etc.
               | (and don't even let me started on that crap where Signal
               | supposedly has no ability to know who is sending you a
               | message - it all can be logged on server side, and we're
               | not trusting the service operator, right?)
               | Tldr: insisting on e2ee while fully trusting third party
               | infrastructure is double-think at its best. If you want
               | to be safe, use self-hosted servers. Which brings you to
               | federation. :-D
               | upofadown wrote:
               | Well that means that, Signal (and other instant encrypted
               | messengers) bundle the risk up into one huge footgun.
               | Very few people know how to verify their identities with
               | the "safety numbers" and then keep them verified. As a
               | result, you end up trusting the provider not to MITM your
               | messages. This is particularly trivial to do in, say,
               | some sort of non-federated system where one entity
               | controls the entire infrastructure. That is not
               | necessarily a bad thing but it would be good if the user
               | was made to understand exactly who they are trusting.
               | Signal deemphasizes this sort of information these days
               | and has made the warnings about changed safety numbers
               | easier to ignore. This is a depressingly common
               | progression.
               | At least with encrypted email you are less likely to kid
               | yourself. If you do figure it out then the existence of
               | identities you treat as objects ("public keys") makes it
               | intuitively obvious that you have to get the right one.
             | notriddle wrote:
             | > Oh again this obsession with e2ee
             | This is a post on the Signal blog. They are obsessed with
             | E2E encryption, and will never be talked down from it.
             | Also, I presented several problems with email, not just
             | poor support for encryption.
             | > Email can be e2e encrypted easily if you want it.
             | E2E encryption should have forward secrecy. The way that's
             | usually implemented requires "handshake" messages to be
             | exchanged before the payload is sent anywhere, which cannot
             | be easily retrofitted onto PGP (adding it would be less
             | "encrypted email" and more "an entirely different
             | communication protocol, tunneled over SMTP"). The Axolotl
             | ratchet that Signal uses requires the key for a
             | communication channel to change over time, which is also
             | pretty far away from what PGP and S/MIME currently do.
             | > The fact is that you generally don't, because you want to
             | access your mail from any device and you want a server-side
             | search
             | Signal and WhatsApp both exist and people use them, so they
             | obviously aren't deal-breakers.
             | > Also, proper e2ee requires identity verification of your
             | contacts, where you check their key fingerprints using an
             | uncompromised channel
             | It requires you to verify the identity of one, initial
             | contact to bootstrap your social network. From then on, the
             | "uncompromised channel" can be the previous E2E encrypted
             | channel you already created.
               | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
               | > This is a post on the Signal blog.
               | I'm not responding to a person who writes the Signal
               | blog. I'm arguing with a silly statement 'but but email
               | doesn't have e2ee'.
               | Spam problem is big, and can be solved in other federated
               | protocol like XMPP by requirement to authenticate sender
               | before sending a message.
               | > E2E encryption should have forward secrecy.
               | That is an arbitrary requirement imposed by you just now.
               | For many people it absolutely SHOULD NOT have forward
               | secrecy, and a message signed by a public trusted key
               | would be much better.
               | Regarding that 'axolotl ratched', my developers have
               | implemented it on at least 2 platforms, that protocol can
               | absolutely be ported to email. But nobody will do it
               | because in practice nobody really needs it, just some
               | obsessed nerds.
               | > Signal and WhatsApp both exist and people use them, so
               | they obviously aren't deal-breakers.
               | ... And Telegram CRUSHES them with BY FAR superior user
               | experience precisely because they DON'T have e2ee for
               | regular chats.
               | > It requires you to verify the identity of one, initial
               | contact to bootstrap your social network.
               | No, _this_ is a security theater again. If you _need_
               | e2ee you should not trust someone else to do a
               | verification work for you. Not your contacts, not a
               | Signal 's CA, nobody. Imagine you are a gangster in a
               | sinister organization. All it would take to compromise
               | your communications is just one mole coerced to work with
               | the police.
               | And if you aren't willing to do this work because it is
               | too burdensome, you should honestly face the fact that
               | nobody is interested in your communications, and that
               | your insistence on e2ee does not, in fact, increase your
               | privacy, but just makes you feel more safe.
               | kitkat_new wrote:
               | > E2E encryption should have forward secrecy.
               | Curios, why? What scenarios does PFS protect you from
               | exactly?
         | hansel_der wrote:
         | imo email proved that strong moderation (black-/whitelist
         | oligarchy) is required in a federated messaging system because
         | of spam.
           | dane-pgp wrote:
           | I think email only proved the need for strong moderation in
           | the case where the expectation is that you can send any
           | message to anyone with only knowing their address.
           | If there were a standard for strictly formatted
           | "introductions", which were the only type of message you
           | could send someone unless you were in their address book (and
           | had confirmed public keys out of band?), then spam probably
           | wouldn't be profitable enough to exist.
       | [deleted]
       | phkahler wrote:
       | >> but it's undeniable that once you federate your protocol, it
       | becomes very difficult to make changes.
       | He opens by talking about how everything keeps changing, the
       | denigrates the stuff "stuck in the 1990s" then complains that you
       | cant change a federated protocol. Not sure what he's in favor of.
         | api wrote:
         | He is arguing that decentralized systems are incapable of
         | keeping up with the times due to inability to herd the cats.
         | As evidence I would submit that it's 2022 and we are still
         | using IPv4. A centrally managed Internet could have upgraded to
         | IPv6 in one day. Send out update. Everything updates. Done.
         | There is a genuine and IMHO very significant problem here. If
         | this problem can be solved it will require a different approach
         | from the ones already tried. Pretending the problem doesn't
         | exist doesn't help.
           | gnufx wrote:
           | Someone who wasn't on JANET in the '90s, for instance?
           | Plasmoid wrote:
           | I like your optimism but even in centrally managed systems
           | people won't upgrade.
           | I've been harassing other employees to move away from our old
           | Prometheus instance to our new one and it's been a real
           | uphill battle. The only work is (1) copy over the alerts they
           | want to keep to the new storage location. By copy, I mean
           | literally copy. (2) Change the datasource pointer in grafana
           | to the new prometheus location
             | Godel_unicode wrote:
             | Counterpoint, basically everyone who runs them runs up-to-
             | date Chrome and iOS. This is more an argument that some
             | centralized systems are poorly (or perhaps weakly?)
             | managed.
             | Could you not copy their alerts and use DNS aliases and/or
             | load-balancing to migrate them?
         | jerry1979 wrote:
         | Moxie also talks about this dynamic in his critique of NFTs.
         | The logic kinda goes like this: (Step One) People create
         | Federated Services to establish fault tolerant internet
         | infrastructure which more-or-less works. (Step Two) People then
         | build agile Centralized Services which give users exactly what
         | they want. (Step 3) People then attempt to build new, robust
         | Federated Services in an attempt to copy the good features of
         | the Centralized Services.
         | The argument says that the last step of copying the Centralized
         | Services is a fool's errand, and it makes more sense to build
         | better Centralized Services through (Step 2 + SGX) specialized
         | hardware.
         | Time and again Moxie has decided to build the better
         | Centralized Services by leveraging Intel's SGX enclaves (the
         | specialized hardware). Both Signal and MobileCoin rely entirely
         | on these SGX enclaves.
         | Since I don't trust the enclaves, my hope is for Step 3.
         |  _edit_ that said, I do use signal everyday and I think
         | mobilecoin is neat.
       | kixiQu wrote:
       | See also the response from the people who are working on the
       | federated protocols:
       | https://matrix.org/blog/2020/01/02/on-privacy-versus-freedom
         | Edman274 wrote:
         | That response is basically "nothing he said is strictly
         | speaking wrong, but we value freedom above everything else."
         | Well, they're allowed to take that position, but I prioritize
         | being able to use a free / open source messaging application
         | with as many people as possible over being able to choose
         | exactly which federated client I can use to talk to the two
         | people I know who go to PGP key exchange parties. Sometimes I
         | want to make a video call with two other people on my phone
         | without using software written by Google, Apple or Facebook.
         | Signal does that. I don't even know how feasible that is with
         | Matrix.
           | ftyers wrote:
           | The Jitsi integration works ok, and isn't worse than Google.
           | Others I haven't tried.
           | gnufx wrote:
           | Hodgson said -- I don't remember where -- something like
           | "We'll make it work or die trying".
           | godelski wrote:
           | The "freedom" vibe was weird. I'm all for freedom and
           | maximizing negative rights, but there's some compromises we
           | have to make. I don't think this argument is ever going to
           | work, just like it hasn't worked in politics. At the end of
           | the day people do realize there are some compromises that
           | make sense. It's about finding that ground where we maximize
           | negative rights while still having those conveniences.
           | I also found it strange they ignored one of the largest
           | arguments that Moxie made. Federation becomes centralization.
           | We've seen this happen time and time again. It makes sense by
           | pareto distributions. Just the same way one city has way more
           | people than most others (e.g. NYC has half the population of
           | NY state). This is a natural phenomena. We saw it on the web,
           | email, internet providers, telephones, cryptocurrencies,
           | everything (we'll see it with web3 too). It's because if
           | there isn't an explicit hierarchy there's an implicit one.
           | Eventually that implicit one becomes explicit. Moxie's
           | argument here isn't "federation sucks" it is "why fight the
           | centralization effort? It is better to take control of it
           | than let it run wild."
             | fsflover wrote:
             | > "why fight the centralization effort? It is better to
             | take control of it than let it run wild."
             | Would you also say this about democracy? Why not to become
             | a dictator yourself and ride this wave?
               | godelski wrote:
               | I think you're giving my comment an unfair
               | characterization. I'd appreciate it if we discussed in
               | good faith with one another. If you read carefully I talk
               | about trying to maximize negative rights and a balance.
               | The political equivalent is saying that I like democracy
               | but a pure democracy is chaos. This does not mean I'm
               | remotely in favor of autocracy. There's a spectrum here
               | and it isn't a dichotomy.
         | dane-pgp wrote:
         | And another response from another person who worked on a
         | federated protocol (Daniel Gultsch, the main developer of the
         | Conversations XMPP client):
         | https://gultsch.de/objection.html
           | tptacek wrote:
           | It feels like the steady march of time has convincingly
           | refuted this objection.
             | dane-pgp wrote:
             | I would say it's Marlinspike's position that has aged
             | badly.
             | Despite the supposed innovation benefits of centralised
             | control, Signal _still_ requires phone numbers, and its
             | main  "innovation" has been adding a pump-and-dump crypto-
             | coin, which users are forced to have the code for in their
             | clients whether they want it or not, because he refuses to
             | allow non-official clients to connect to Signal's servers.
             | In fact he even objects to people installing the official
             | client from F-Droid.[0] So it seems that in his mind,
             | progress is "whatever direction I decide", and what we call
             | freedom is what he would call "dangerous fracturing of my
             | ecosystem".
             | [0] https://old.reddit.com/r/fdroid/comments/q1jnbb/why_isn
             | t_sig...
               | hiq wrote:
               | What do your points have to do with the centralized
               | nature of Signal, or the drawbacks of federated networks
               | pointed out by the article?
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