[HN Gopher] Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid
       Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 514 points
       Date   : 2022-02-14 16:58 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.blog)
       | mappu wrote:
       | Gitea has had this feature for a while, it's really excellent.
       | kderbyma wrote:
       | mermaid is great. I used a mermaid plugin for my own markdown
       | support - formatting took a bit of a hit so maybe this will
       | prompt better native support.
       | msdrigg wrote:
       | Cool, now do latex
         | martinwoodward wrote:
         | Talking about it - https://talk.commonmark.org/t/math-
         | rendering-re-visited/4086
       | eminence32 wrote:
       | Gitlab supports mermaid too. It's always nice when there's
       | feature parity between the two, as it makes it easier to jump
       | between them.
         | this_steve_j wrote:
         | Azure Devops wikis have excellent (although not full support)
         | for mermaid diagrams. One power user feature I like is the
         | ability to add a hyperlink to graph nodes like so:
         | click NodeName "URL"
       | Someone wrote:
       | I like markdown, and can see the lure of additions such as this
       | one, but I also sometimes wonder whether we gained much compared
       | to _troff_ and its companion programs ( _pic_ , _eqn_ , _tbl_ ,
       | _chem_ , etc. See https://www.troff.org/prog.html).
       | If we added Unicode support and _html_ and _pdf_ output to those,
       | I think the main thing we would miss is readability of the raw
       | text. That doesn't look like much progress in half a century.
         | tannhaeuser wrote:
         | > _That doesn't look like much progress in half a century._
         | Considering the author of groff became _the_ SGML expert, with
         | SGML supporting custom syntax parsing ranging from troff-like
         | line commands all the way to markdown or Wikimedia syntax or
         | subsets thereof precisely for unifying ad-hoc syntax, and SGML
         | the basis for the HTML vocabulary from which these want to run
         | away, I 'd rather say tech is re-invented in generational
         | circles. Or devs simply like to grow mini languages ;)
       | [deleted]
       | tombert wrote:
       | I'm surprised I've never heard of this...there appears to be a
       | pandoc filter readily available for this. This will be useful...
       | medv wrote:
       | Ansi draw tool what can parse boxes and move them?
       | timwis wrote:
       | I'm super excited for this!
       | One thought though, on the syntax. Wouldn't it be a bit odd if
       | suddenly this line in a README.md:                  ```js
       | const foo = 1 + 1        ```
       | Rendered as:                  `2`
       | ? Isn't that kind of what we're doing here with the mermaid
       | source tag? That tag is for showing source code, no? Feels like
       | there should be another tag for rendering it.
         | mminer237 wrote:
         | I agree. R Markdown has R code execution as part of it's
         | Markdown flavor and it distinguishes code block vs code
         | execution as ```R vs ```{R}
         | asiachick wrote:
         | Yes, it sucks. This is why we can't have nice things. Because a
         | million different programmers always choose some random
         | incompatible interpretation and then we're all stuck with it.
         | Another similar example, all of VSCode's configuration files
         | are called filename.json but they aren't actually json (any
         | spec compliant json parser would barf on them).
         | They could just have easily named them filename.jsonc (or
         | whatever they actually are) but they didn't so we're stuck with
         | all these .json files that json parsers won't actually parse
         | and special hacks to validate them differently based on like if
         | they're in a .vscode folder or if their name is some specific
         | filename.
         | Unfortunately there's no way to wrangle millions of programmers
         | so we're stuck with whatever bad decisions become popular.
         | IF that's not clear above, for example, trailing commas and
         | comments are not allowed in JSON but they are in JSONC. You'd
         | like your editor to highlight errors. Typically this is done by
         | filename extension. .json = comments show as errors, .jsonc =
         | comments OK. But VSCode named it's .jsonc files as .json so
         | every editor that wants to be able to show if there are errors
         | in your file now needs some random heuristic to decide how to
         | interpret the file..... all because of a bad decision by 1 or 2
         | programmers that ended up being popular and now their too
         | entrenched to fix it.
         | The same thing is true here. ``` is supposed to mark a
         | codeblock as in show the text as is, whitespace as is, line
         | breaks as is. If you want to write a tutorial on how to use
         | mermaid in markdown you'd want ``` to show the mermaid source.
         | Use some other tag for rendering. But now where stuck with an
         | exception and more will be added.
         | And before you go say "there's no official spec", so what!?
         | It's called being consistent and interpreting the contents of a
         | ``` block is inconsistent.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | Only the mermaid identifier is supported for triple backticks
         | blocks, you can't put js and have it spit out script that
         | executes in the browser.
           | acchow wrote:
           | It's rendering style, not execution.
           | tehbeard wrote:
           | You missed the point, that being; isn't triple backticks
           | meant for whitespace preserving, highlighted in certain cases
           | source code? And not embedding other file types.
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | No there's not a formal requirement or spec for how
             | markdown blocks are rendered. Even things like syntax
             | highlighting are optional choices different renderers make
             | (and even the whole idea of highlighting is not specified
             | or defined, how do you define the grammer, etc?).
             | Some tools in the computational notebook space use markdown
             | with fenced code blocks as blocks of executable code, see
             | for example jupytext: https://github.com/mwouts/jupytext/bl
             | ob/main/docs/formats.md or myst markdown: https://myst-
             | parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax/syntax.h... or
             | nbconvert: https://nbconvert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
               | dijit wrote:
               | There is a formal spec (from github themselves) for how
               | it's rendered.
               | What's debatable is what the spec does with the "info"
               | section.
               | https://github.github.com/gfm/#fenced-code-blocks
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | Sure but there's no markdown spec. Markdown is purely a
               | series of blog posts by John Gruber and a collection of
               | different implementations. CommonMark is as close to as
               | it's gotten to a formal spec, and even it says there is
               | no requirement the info string (i.e. text like mermaid
               | after backticks) be interpreted for specific rendering
               | (or not rendering) of the content:
               | https://spec.commonmark.org/0.28/#fenced-code-blocks
           | e12e wrote:
           | I think op meant that we can:                  ```ruby
           | # syntax highlighted as ruby        a = 1 + 1        ```
           | And:                  ```js        // syntax highlighted as
           | js        a = 1 + 1        ```
           | So maybe we should have something like a "bang" prefix to
           | _evaluate and inline /embed_ like:                  ```!ruby
           | # evaluated       as ruby        a = 1 + 1        # renders 2
           | because of implicit return?         ```
             | martinwoodward wrote:
             | The idea of the bang syntax came up.
             | https://talk.commonmark.org/t/mermaid-generation-of-
             | diagrams...
             | But in the end went with simple. There will be a very
             | limited subset that will render this way - executing raw
             | code without the users permission in the browser just opens
             | up too much attack surface area that we'd need a very
             | compelling use case to do the security work necessary to
             | make it protected (even if that was possible)
               | mintplant wrote:
               | Alright, but how do I embed highlighted Mermaid source
               | code in Markdown now?
               | e12e wrote:
               | I don't think github should (generally) render stuff in
               | the browser (although I see that both "benign"[1] graphs
               | and source code highlights, not to mention the somewhat
               | simple translation from Markdown to html - probably
               | _could_ be done in the browser as js /wasm.
               | But for "markdown the language" having a standard syntax
               | for embed/evaluate along with prettify/highlight would've
               | been nice - effectively a standard markup for multi-
               | language "notebooks"/literate programs (maybe we need a
               | triplet: format, render/embed, transclude/literate
               | programming).
               | Github could then opt-in to highlighting the N languages
               | they do, and initially _only_ try to render mermaid
               | graphs. Then perhaps also graphviz graphs. Etc.
               | [1] I'm sure one could do some minor DOS at least with a
               | 500 mb graph..
           | reificator wrote:
           | Which is the exact inconsistency under scrutiny here.
             | qbasic_forever wrote:
             | Markdown supports arbitrary HTML, you can do this:
             | # Heading              <script>         const foo = 1 + 1;
             | window.alert(`1 + 1 = ${foo}`);         </script>
             | Paragraphs of exposition.
             | In practice most markdown renderers will strip HTML or at
             | least script tags as it is obviously a cross site security
             | risk to allow github.com to serve user uploaded scripts
             | without sanitization.
               | reificator wrote:
               | I think you're caught up on exactly the opposite of the
               | complaint here. People aren't requesting JS execution,
               | they have the various "notebook" solutions for that.
               | People are saying that triple backtick fenced code blocks
               | are used to preserve whitespace and fixed width, usually
               | with syntax highlighting as a bonus. That's the expected
               | behavior.
               | However with the described mermaid support, it's taking a
               | fenced code block with a mermaid tag and transforming it
               | into a graph.
               | When inspecting the text content of a markdown file,
               | there's no difference between a `javascript` tagged code
               | block, a `haskell` tagged one, and a `mermaid` tagged
               | one. But now when rendering, the mermaid one is special
               | cased.
               | This is undesirable for multiple reasons, the most
               | obvious being that it's now harder to write a README that
               | displays mermaid syntax.
               | A good starting point would be either different syntax or
               | a different tagging convention. For instance I think I
               | saw `!mermaid` suggested, where the `!` would mean that
               | the code should be interpreted instead of rendered as
               | code.
               | I don't have a horse in the race of what this looks like,
               | only that there should be a distinction between rendered
               | and interpreted code blocks.
               | qbasic_forever wrote:
               | You're pushing a rock up hill--many markdown renderers
               | natively support mermaid, plantUML, etc. using fenced
               | code blocks.
               | If you explicitly want source code rendering don't add
               | the mermaid tag to the block. There could be an argument
               | that now you don't get syntax highlighting, but remember
               | syntax highlighting itself is not part of any markdown
               | spec and it differs wildly between implementations--there
               | is no common grammar or spec for it even.
               | In all cases these are still valid markdown files and
               | will pass through markdown processing, rendering, etc.
               | systems without breaking them.
               | reificator wrote:
               | > _You 're pushing a rock up hill--many markdown
               | renderers natively support mermaid, plantUML, etc. using
               | fenced code blocks._
               | And yet Github's markdown support carries much more
               | weight. Raising concerns at this point is a perfectly
               | reasonable thing to do.
         | Ajedi32 wrote:
         | Agreed; this is an annoying inconsistency. If you want to embed
         | and render a non-Markdown file in Markdown, there's already
         | another, far better syntax for that which is more in-line with
         | the spirit of Markdown's "just text" philosophy:
         | ![Chart](./charts/chart-file.mermaid)
           | Arnavion wrote:
           | It's nice to have the diagram source in the same file that
           | uses it, instead of a separate file that needs to be kept in
           | sync.
             | dijit wrote:
             | Since it's sufficiently different to how it's rendered its
             | really more like an SVG than a table.
             | So, the question is would you rather have SVGs inline?
             | Personally I think the reference to another file is a
             | perfectly fine compromise, as the content is sufficiently
             | different to no longer be markdown.
               | brainfish wrote:
               | I think this is a false equivalence. The content of SVGs
               | is non-semantic; to get from SVG code to Meaning one
               | needs to do some sort of rendering and re-interpreting of
               | the resulting image. Even if for some simple images that
               | could be done in-brain, that is not usually the case.
               | Whereas something like Mermaid is intended to be
               | meaningful both as code and as rendered output, just like
               | Markdown itself. Having that additional meaning inline
               | can be very helpful to faster understanding of the
               | content, which is not usually going to be the case for
               | inline'd SVG.
               | dijit wrote:
               | I don't know if it's a false equivalence, because I've
               | read (and certainly written) a fair number of mermaid
               | diagrams which are extremely hard to understand without
               | seeing the rendered content.
               | Arnavion wrote:
               | It's subjective, in my opinion. I might be fine with
               | inline SVGs if they were "smaller", ie didn't have the
               | doctype and root element and general XML verbosity on all
               | nodes. PlantUML / Mermaid have a much more to-the-point
               | syntax.
               | Also, I personally hate markdown tables since editing
               | even a single cell means that I likely have to then
               | resize either the entire row or the entire column, or
               | both. So when I do need tables I use HTML tables anyway.
               | At any rate, a middle-ground might be to have the diagram
               | source as references at the end of the document, and
               | reference those from the use site, like
               | `![Chart][#chart]` or something. So you don't have to see
               | the diagram source inline if you don't like it, but it's
               | still there in the same file.
       | 0xbadcafebee wrote:
       | Do they support a markdown Table of Contents yet?
         | infensus wrote:
         | Not as a syntax, but headings are parsed and there's a TOC
         | dropdown to the left of the filename
       | no-dr-onboard wrote:
       | Protip to anyone using Mermaid.js
       | Don't.
       | It's a sea shanty of XSS vulns.
       | https://snyk.io/vuln/npm%3Amermaid
         | [deleted]
         | DiabloD3 wrote:
         | This seems to be incorrect, the current version has no CVEs
         | according to that tracker.
           | kuroguro wrote:
           | I think the parent comment is just saying that multiple vulns
           | have been found recently. There's a good chance there's more.
             | AlfeG wrote:
             | Not sure if this is bad? Should we abandon any lib that has
             | cve?
         | billconan wrote:
         | I don't quite understand. Does XSS mean it runs user submitted
         | js code?
         | I thought it would have a parser that parses the submitted code
         | to generate its own graph representation. there shouldn't be a
         | chance for running js, no?
         | Someone1234 wrote:
         | Does this mean it is bad or simply popular? Unpopular/untested
         | libraries rarely have previously found XSS vulnerabilities for
         | example.
         | gavingmiller wrote:
         | 3 is hardly a sea shanty of vulnerabilities for a 7 year old
         | library. I think you're conflating releases with vulns.
       | mafro wrote:
       | I use Monodraw on macOS and then embed the ASCII art into the
       | Markdown in my README.
       | For example, https://github.com/mafrosis/step-ca-on-rpi#sso-for-
       | ssh
       | I'd usually commit the source .monodraw files to the repo, but
       | for some reason I didn't in that example repo :/
       | sandreas wrote:
       | I like svgbob[1] and textik[2]. Far from perfect, but pretty good
       | already.
       | [1]: https://ivanceras.github.io/svgbob-editor/ [2]:
       | https://textik.com
       | HNSucksAss wrote:
       | jonpalmisc wrote:
       | I think this is a good change. While I would have preferred to
       | see support for Graphviz over Mermaid, I understand Mermaid was
       | probably chosen for the sake of easier integration. Either way,
       | it will be nice to be able to embed diagrams rather than
       | constantly re-generate and re-commit images to the repo.
         | WalterGR wrote:
         | Has Graphviz been re-implemented in JavaScript or compiled to
         | WASM?
           | schemescape wrote:
           | Yes, several times:
           | http://viz-js.com/
           | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@hpcc-js/wasm
           | I even did it myself a few months ago :)
           | donatj wrote:
           | It's a simple well documented language. Righting a fully
           | functional JS Graphviz parser from scratch would take a
           | couple days at most.
             | WalterGR wrote:
             | The parser is only the beginning. Table stakes. For
             | example: GraphViz has 8 layout engines. Which of those need
             | to be implemented in JS?
             | ygra wrote:
             | Having tried to think about how to map Graphviz (language
             | parsing, styles, and layout) onto our graph drawing
             | offering, I'm not sure I can agree here. The dot graph
             | description language itself is fairly simple (-ish). There
             | are a few nasties like the HTML record support, which can
             | be annoying to support, but overall that part isn't so bad.
             | When it comes to laying out the graphs and rendering
             | anything Graphviz has so many unique features that it can
             | be a lot more work.
             | [deleted]
           | lelandbatey wrote:
           | Other services, such as Gitlab[0], allow you to embed
           | Graphviz & PlantUML into a README just like (and alongside)
           | Mermaid, but the images are rendered server-side.
           | [0] - https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/integration/p
           | lantu...
           | jonpalmisc wrote:
           | There are definitely some JS libraries for it that exist. I
           | don't know all the details but I often find myself Googling
           | "graphviz online" and clicking the first link to quickly mock
           | up diagrams. So in short, I've used it on the web before.
         | djur wrote:
         | I believe Mermaid supports a wider range of diagram types than
         | Graphviz. Graphviz doesn't support sequence diagrams, for
         | instance, unless I'm missing something.
           | eurasiantiger wrote:
           | No data flow diagrams though, and that is a really big
           | omission which other diagrams don't cover well.
         | nanomonkey wrote:
         | Github will render org-mode markdown, so I've been making my
         | documentation with it, and rendering graphviz diagrams using
         | dot notation and org-mode's source code rendering capability.
         | The rendered images are stored in your repo and show up inline.
       | floodle wrote:
       | I'm curious why they went for mermaid rather then GraphViz. Can
       | anybody comment?
         | limmeau wrote:
         | Mermaid has explicit support for diagrams that look UML-ish
         | (never mind the filled triangle arrowheads for inheritance):
         | class, state and sequence diagrams. Graphviz doesn't do that
         | easily.
           | lelandbatey wrote:
           | PlantUML[0], which is built on top of Graphviz, does have
           | support for UML and other services such as Gitlab do support
           | direct embedding of PlantUML (which also means you can embed
           | Graphviz, since PlantUML is an extension of Graphviz).
           | [0] - https://plantuml.com/object-diagram
       | smasher164 wrote:
       | I like this approach of using the tag associated with a code
       | block to determine how to render the output. It's the same
       | approach I take in my markdown-derived markup language:
       | https://github.com/smasher164/mexdown.
       | The top example there takes a GraphViz description and passes it
       | into the dot command, placing the resultant SVG into the HTML
       | output.
       | thrower123 wrote:
       | Huh, they must have taken the integration they've had for a
       | couple years now on the Azure Devops wikis and shifted it over to
       | the GitHub side.
         | ktzar wrote:
         | I hope they support the full suite of mermaid diagrams, not
         | just a small subset like they do in Azure DevOps. Which is
         | quite frustrating. My team has to take pngs and keep the source
         | code at the bottom of wiki pages.
       | dima55 wrote:
       | org-mode and org-babel already do this
       | kaycebasques wrote:
       | sequencediagram.org is a pleasant (and free) tool for generating
       | standalone diagrams like this outside of GitHub. I discovered it
       | while helping Corrily with their docs, e.g. the diagram at the
       | top of this page: https://docs.corrily.com/docs/price-
       | optimization-overview
         | lelandbatey wrote:
         | Something to know is that sequencediagram.org seems to be just
         | a website skin around PlantUML Sequence Diagrams[0]. PlantUML
         | is open source and is ultimately built on top of Graphviz as
         | well.
         | Another nice thing is that PlantUML is supported (alongside
         | Mermaid) in GitLab, and has been supported for at least two
         | years. You can embed PlantUML diagrams into your README without
         | committing any images to the repo or linking to external
         | images, just like Mermaid.[1]
         | [0] - https://plantuml.com/sequence-diagram
         | [1] -
         | https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/integration/plantu...
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | If you start getting into this kind of thing, you'll want to take
       | a look at https://kroki.io which supports Mermaid along with lots
       | of other diagramming formats.
       | perth wrote:
       | I love Mermaid! I used to use that bitch all the time in college
       | to make beautiful flowcharts and my friends would always ask me
       | how I made them so nice looking. Another awesome thing about
       | Mermaid is since it's grounded in the HTML/CSS/JS web stack you
       | can easily modify certain things in diagrams to do any custom
       | tricks you need for your specific diagram. Aka Mermaid is
       | hackable and I love software that is designed to give you that
       | freedom.
       | thangalin wrote:
       | Re: https://github.com/github/markup/issues/533
       | I'm the main author of KeenWrite (see screenshots[1]), a type of
       | desktop Markdown editor that supports diagrams. It's encouraging
       | to see that Mermaid diagrams are being supported in GitHub. There
       | are a few drawbacks on the syntax and implications of using
       | MermaidJS.
       | First, only browser-based SVG renderers can correctly parse
       | Mermaid diagrams. I've tested Apache Batik, svgSalamander, resvg,
       | rsvg-convert, svglib, CairoSVG, ConTeXt, and QtSVG. See issue
       | 2485[2]. This implies that typesetting Mermaid diagrams is not
       | currently possible. In effect, by including Mermaid diagrams,
       | many documents will be restricted to web-based output, excluding
       | the possibility of producing PDF documents based on GitHub
       | markdown documents (for the foreseeable future).
       | Second, there are numerous text-to-diagram facilities available
       | beyond Mermaid. The server at https://kroki.io/ supports Mermaid,
       | PlantUML, Graphviz, byte fields, and many more. While including
       | MermaidJS is a great step forward, supporting Kroki diagrams
       | would allow a much greater variety. (Most diagrams produced in
       | MermaidJS can also be crafted in Graphviz, albeit with less terse
       | syntax.)
       | Third, see the CommonMark discussion thread[3] referring to a
       | syntax for diagrams. It's unfortunate that a standard "namespace"
       | concept was not proposed.
       | Fourth, KeenWrite integrates Kroki. To do so, it uses a variation
       | on the syntax:                   ``` diagram-mermaid         ```
       | ``` diagram-graphviz         ```              ``` diagram-
       | plantuml         ```
       | The diagram- prefix tells KeenWrite that the content is a
       | diagram. The prefix is necessary to allow using any diagram
       | supported by a Kroki server without having to hard-code the
       | supported diagram type within KeenWrite. Otherwise, there is no
       | simple way to allow a user to mark up a code block with their own
       | text style that may coincide with an existing diagram type name.
       | Fifth, if ever someone wants to invent a programming language
       | named Mermaid (see MeLa), then it precludes the possibility of
       | using the following de facto syntax highlighting:
       | ``` mermaid         ```
       | My feature request is to add support for Kroki and the diagram-
       | prefix syntax. That is:                   ``` diagram-mermaid
       | ```
       | And deprecate the following syntax:                   ``` mermaid
       | ```
       | And, later, introduce the language- prefix for defining code
       | blocks that highlight syntax. That is, further deprecate:
       | ``` java         ```
       | With the following:                   ``` language-java
       | ```
       | That would provide a "namespace" of sorts to avoid naming
       | conflicts in the future.
       | [1]:
       | https://github.com/DaveJarvis/keenwrite/blob/master/docs/scr...
       | [2]: https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues/2485
       | [3]: https://talk.commonmark.org/t/mermaid-generation-of-
       | diagrams...
       | stakkur wrote:
       | Thereby creating a hard dependency for your markdown files,
       | obviating their portability.
         | animal_spirits wrote:
         | There's no hard dependency at all. The markdown will parse just
         | fine without mermaid.js, it basically just takes a code block
         | and runs it through the mermaid.js code if it matches the
         | language
           | stakkur wrote:
           | I'm not talking about a dependency for the file to be
           | readable. I'm talking about a dependency for the diagram to
           | be useful. I'm not opposed to extending markdown, but most
           | functionality like this seems to involve bolting on external
           | dependencies to take advantage of it.
           | djur wrote:
           | There's also been other Markdown renderers that support this
           | exact syntax for Mermaid blocks for ages. I have a site
           | that's generated using mkdocs that uses Mermaid diagrams, and
           | I was able to open up one of the files from that site in
           | Github and view the diagrams.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | The alternative is no diagram at all, which sucks for
         | understanding, or linking to an image that's likely just a
         | binary blob which is now a hard dependency on your markdown
         | file too. Mermaid is a great fit, it's a text description of
         | common graph types and it's meant to be read, written, and
         | understood by humans in text form.
       | ghostoftiber wrote:
       | I want a lucidchart or drawio style support for mermaid. There's
       | plugins to let them render mermaid.md files but I haven't seen
       | anything which just lets me draw arrows between shapes and label
       | things. Someone please make this happen, I will be forever
       | grateful.
         | zellyn wrote:
         | Like pikchr.org? I love it. Now I have to see if I can get
         | pikchr support added to Mermaid, and we'll be off to the races!
         | sidharthv wrote:
         | Would you be willing to file a feature request in
         | https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid-live-editor/issues ?
         | Disclosure: I'm a maintainer for the project and the feature
         | will be a bit tricky, but should be doable.
         | One issue is that unlike drawio, mermaid doesn't support custom
         | placement of nodes. We could have different style arrow popups,
         | which could render corresponding connections in default
         | locations.
         | I also feel that this would be a very nice feature to have.
         | If anyone is interested in implementing, please let us know,
         | and we can discuss ideas.
       | urashidmalik wrote:
       | That is pretty complicated Just use
       | 1. Visual code draw.io extenstion 2. Save diagram as
       | FILENAME.drawio.svg 3. Link file in markdown
       | zmmmmm wrote:
       | Been using in this way with Gitlab along with PlantUML for years.
       | Slightly prefer PlantUML, feel like its a little bit more similar
       | to native markdown due to the way it employs natural language.
       | Would be nice if Github looked at that option too.
       | j0yb0y wrote:
       | This can be done with Bitbucket but the existing marketplace
       | plug-in has been broken since they added the connect/disconnect
       | webhooks as mandatory. Of course, the plug-in is provided by
       | bitbucket ...so that's fun.
       | I wrote a trivial webstack to answer 200 to the webhook and then
       | everything works. (Don't know if I can publish it unfortunately.)
       | (Condolences to those stuck on Bitbucket).
         | tjk_ wrote:
         | Mind if I ask if you're having this issue on Bitbucket Cloud
         | (bitbucket.org) or Bitbucket Server (self-hosted)?
       | [deleted]
       | MrTortoise wrote:
       | I love how people keep discovering mermaid because i remember
       | when i did many many years ago and it still brings me happiness
       | today.
       | donatj wrote:
       | With Mermaid, the usage seems very locked down to a handful of
       | use cases.
       | I want to be able to point a method of a classDiagram at a
       | decision chart with arrows then to the row of a database table.
       | This is the sort of thing I reach to either Graphiviz or for
       | Omnigraffle currently, and this doesn't seem to solve.
       | With Mermaid each type of diagram is distinct and locked down to
       | specific intended uses.
       | boomskats wrote:
       | Well this only took a few years! So happy to finally see it in.
       | They should really unlock this issue[0] and let people know.
       | [0] https://github.com/github/markup/issues/533
       | emj wrote:
       | IETF RFCs has some nice diagrams in ASCII
       | https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5905
       | Also The Arte of ASCII RFC8140
       | https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8140
       | ak217 wrote:
       | Mermaid is fantastic. Aside from mermaid, I've recently been
       | introduced to nomnoml (https://nomnoml.com/) and it is fantastic
       | as well.
       | My wish is for Mermaid and nomnoml to become universally
       | supported among Markdown web renderers (I'm looking first and
       | foremost at Github of course).
         | Ciph wrote:
         | I love mermaid, but I'm also very annoyed by the variety of how
         | its implemented in different markdown editors. One thing that I
         | find quite annoying is the lack of fontawesome support - afaik
         | only the live mermaid editor and hack.md supports it out of the
         | box. Other editors require a lot of .conf file editing.
         | Thanks for the tip of nomnoml, didn't know about it.
         | KaoruAoiShiho wrote:
         | I'm using mermaid to render this route map for interactive
         | fiction: https://fiction.live/tsukihime/Satsuki-Yumizuka-
         | Route/4B9obc...
         | How does nomnoml compare? The results are with mermaid are not
         | ideal for me.
         | Edit: That one above is actually relatively decent. The results
         | with mermaid can get a lot worse, actually to the point of
         | uselessness.
         | Terrible examples below
         | https://fiction.live/stories/The-Hypno-Games/eSSzPJ6qiqAC746...
         | https://fiction.live/stories/The-Gynarchy/czyGfAtJpRgtzGFmW/...
           | thuringia wrote:
           | I don't know about nomnoml but dot/graphviz works very well
           | for this type of chart. Definitely another idea to try out.
           | PS: thanks for investing so much work into Tsukihime!
       | bumblebeast wrote:
       | It would be nice to have this tool: http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/
       | So ASCII drawings could be rendered into pretty ones.
       | mongol wrote:
       | Mermaid looks similar to PlantUML. Anyone that gave used both and
       | can compare?
         | pizza234 wrote:
         | In the past I used to use Mermaid for simple (but not trivial)
         | flow charts and class diagrams.
         | I've found some minor rough edges, but in particular, a couple
         | of missing features, one of which I needed (edges going from
         | attribute to attribute in class diagrams).
         | PlantUML didn't have any of those limitations, so I switched,
         | and never looked back.
         | For simple-but-not-trivial diagrams, I didn't find any
         | substantial difference in terms of syntax (complexity). I don't
         | have experience on complex diagrams, though.
         | majkinetor wrote:
         | PlantUML offered more decade ago. Marmaid is a toy compared to
         | it.
         | However, since its so powerful, its hard to write. Actually,
         | any given diagram is not that hard, but to keep all those
         | syntax rules in head is IMO almost impossible.
         | Ciph wrote:
         | They are quite similar, PlantUML has support for more types of
         | diagrams than mermaid (such as network diagram), but IMO
         | PlantUML is "messier" to write, I find Mermaid more elegant in
         | writing diagrams.
       | w4rh4wk5 wrote:
       | Semi-related question: does mermaid-cli still bring along
       | chromium to 'render' images?
         | donio wrote:
         | I just tried to install it and yes, it looks like mmdc still
         | requires puppeteer and chromium. Which seems a bit ridiculous
         | for a CLI tool.
         | schemescape wrote:
         | Yes, it uses browser APIs (e.g. SVGGraphicsElement.getBBox())
         | to measure text, compute transformations, etc.
         | I had hoped to use Mermaid in a static site generator to create
         | SVG diagrams at build time (to avoid requiring JavaScript), and
         | this dependency was irritating enough that I abandoned Mermaid
         | entirely and instead compiled Graphviz to WebAssembly (and
         | honestly I prefer Graphviz's syntax, although it doesn't
         | support nearly as many diagram types as Mermaid).
           | w4rh4wk5 wrote:
           | Yeah, I was wanted to use the Git graph feature to create
           | some nice diagrams. I expected the cli to work just like
           | graphviz. Yet I was greeted by a stacktrace from Chromium
           | since it did not work in WSL.
           | The whole idea of depending on a full blown Chromium for your
           | cli tool just to convert that mermaid description into an SVG
           | or PNG seems bad to me. It was my personal turning point
           | where I stopped using JavaScript based tools in my toolbox.
       | avgcorrection wrote:
       | I think so-called ASCII-art is more in the spirit of Markdown.
       | The nice thing about the original Markdown (modulo bugs) is that
       | things are written the way one would write plaintext documents
       | which are supposed to be easily read in a text editor. So you
       | don't write bullet lists like this:
       | - Bullet 1 - Bullet 2 - Bullet 3
       | And hope that some post-processing will add linebreaks for you.
       | You write it like this:
       | - Bullet 1
       | - Bullet 2
       | - Bullet 3
       | Similarily there have been many tools that let you add so-called
       | ASCII-art diagrams to Markdown documents.
       | The spirit behind the kind of thing in the OP, on the other hand,
       | is that one should get nicely formatted HTML from Markdown for
       | the purpose of online consumption. Which is a very different
       | goal.
       | So if I were to judge the syntax itself (since that is what
       | matters most to the original spirit of Markdown.pl) I would say
       | that it seems pretty decent. Not as "declarative" (!) as ASCII-
       | art, but most probably much easier to edit.
         | rektide wrote:
         | > _Similarily there have been many tools that let you add so-
         | called ASCII-art diagrams to Markdown documents._
         | here-in is the nub. these are self contained(/embeddable?)
         | editors of what is essentially non-textual content. there's a
         | concealed inner data-model which is rendered/transpiled into
         | text.
         | i far far far far prefer a text mark up, which is easy to
         | directly edit, which is fairly readable on it's own (imo
         | mermaid reads very nicely). maaking the inner data model both
         | explicit directly workable like this is ascendant beyond
         | compare.
         | mermaid also has predictable rendering rules, where-as there's
         | much more author's opinion/whim about crafting ascii-diagrams,
         | which are open ended. this makes it more predictable as a
         | reader, with diagrams following common layout & flow patterns
         | that one can come to expect.
         | the other boom to mermaid is it's not that hard to parse. i
         | have investigated how available the mermaid team makes the
         | parser but having a relatively-simple well-specified machine
         | readable format opens so so many doors.
         | absolutely the right choice using human editable text markup
         | inside human editable markdown.
           | birdyrooster wrote:
           | the nub
         | yu-carm-kror wrote:
         | If I need something to look good as text without any rendering
         | I write text (a .txt file). Even the most basic features of
         | markdown (inline code, italics, etc) look pretty nasty without
         | post rendering.
           | OJFord wrote:
           | I strongly disagree with that, they're about as clear and
           | unintrusive as I can imagine, what else would you do?
           | Personally _I_ even sometimes use them when markdown isn't
           | available, as in won't be rendered.
         | raman162 wrote:
         | I agree that ASCII-art definitely is more cenetered around the
         | original markdown spirit but I personally struggle making my
         | ASCII-art diagrams in Vim. Looking at the mermaid, syntax it
         | looks like I can whip up something equivalent really quick. As
         | a developer I also don't mind that the mermaid syntax reads
         | like pseudocode so it's probably easy for me to digest.
           | tasty_freeze wrote:
           | One thing that might help is using ":set virtualedit=all".
           | This makes all lines act as if there are unlimited spaces at
           | the end of line. That means you can move anywhere on the
           | screen by cursor or by clicking with your mouse, etc, and not
           | have to worry about typing in all the padding yourself. Once
           | you place a character at column N, it will insert spaces up
           | to column N-1 then place the new character.
         | corysama wrote:
         | http://casual-effects.com/markdeep/ has had ASCII-art-as-
         | vector-image features for quite some time now. It's in need of
         | a good editor, though.
         | berkes wrote:
         | While I agree, formatting languages like Mermaid or PlantUML
         | are human readable enough to grasp them and their meaning from
         | reading the textual form.
         | And, as others below point out, editability is another great
         | treat of Markdown. ASCII charts are very hard to format; you'll
         | really need tools or editor plugins for that.
         | So I think that Mermaid (and PlantUML) strike a very pragmatic
         | and human-friendly balance. Which, IMO is the actual spirit of
         | Markdown.
           | Steltek wrote:
           | > ASCII charts are very hard to format; you'll really need
           | tools or editor plugins for that.
           | Even with tools and plugins, creating tables in Markdown (in
           | any flavor) is painful enough that I just don't even try. No
           | one really expects to edit an image with a text editor but
           | tables are tantalizing close.
           | I'd sooner have ASCII inspired tables that are easier to edit
           | than images and diagrams.
         | moolcool wrote:
         | To that point, ASCIIFlow is an amazing tool which I use
         | constantly when working on markdown files
         | https://asciiflow.com/#/
           | enzanki_ars wrote:
           | ASCIIFlow is less accessible than Mermaid though for folks
           | that use screen readers. Mermaid can be read as is from the
           | source, or be transformed into a readable format for screen
           | readers, but ASCIIFlow has no such mechanism to translate it
           | into a format that can be accessible.
           | llimllib wrote:
           | I used it yesterday and really wished it supported dashed
           | lines!
           | mafro wrote:
           | Nice tip! I use Monodraw which is macOS only
           | Steltek wrote:
           | Behaves like it's Chrome only? Gonna have to pass on that
           | one.
           | Or maybe MacOS only? I dunno. Definitely doesn't feel snappy
           | and certain things just don't work.
         | daptaq wrote:
         | The "spirit of markdown" has long been abandoned by GitHub,
         | more often than not the offline readability of a README is
         | absolutely ignored in exchange for a safe-HTML subset to create
         | kind-of websites below the directory listing of a repository.
         | It should really be called RENDERME.
           | avgcorrection wrote:
           | > It should really be called RENDERME.
           | Hah--yes!
           | spoils19 wrote:
           | RENDERME, nice one!
           | julienb_sea wrote:
           | To be fair, I'm not sure "offline readability" is an actual
           | problem anymore. VS Code and (presumably) other IDEs offer a
           | very simple live-preview window for viewing and editing
           | markdown files.
             | darknavi wrote:
             | Assuming that those tools also implement the same set of MD
             | functionality (like Mermaid)
             | armchairhacker wrote:
             | We need to go back to something like Word documents. We've
             | come full circle
             | daptaq wrote:
             | While it is true, these features seem to me to be added
             | because Markdown is (ab)used the way it is. The issue is if
             | you are working in an environment where it isn't possible,
             | e.g. on a server where you only have vi/nano, and not even
             | a TUI browser (or if you don't want to use an editor based
             | on electron).
             | My issue is that you can still have a nice readme (often
             | even giving a better, brief overview) by sticking to HTML-
             | free Markdown.
             | Gitlab seems to be slightly better than Github, by allowing
             | things like badges to be listed outside of the README, in
             | the header of the repository page.
           | tomrod wrote:
           | I'm getting vibes of "MOISTURIZE ME" from Doctor Who.
           | didericis wrote:
           | Which specific github flavored features violate the original
           | spirit of markdown? I only use the basic syntax, but I don't
           | think I've run across a readme edit that hasn't adhered to
           | that original spirit.
             | anderspitman wrote:
             | I don't think GP was suggesting that there's anything
             | specific wrong with GFM, but more that the way github
             | encourages READMEs to be used (by auto-rendering all
             | READMEs to HTML) creates an abstraction that shadows the
             | readable-as-text goals of markdown.
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | > readable-as-text goals of markdown.
               | Markdown was meant to be rendered, not left as plaintext
               | (for viewing, at least as a primary use-case). It's name
               | is a punny joke, but it's a lightweight mark _up_
               | language that was meant to be a lightweight way to write
               | formatted text that would be rendered as formatted HTML.
               | GFM seems in keeping with this for the most part.
               | avgcorrection wrote:
               | > Markdown was meant to be rendered, not left as
               | plaintext (for viewing, at least as a primary use-case).
               | [...] meant to be a lightweight way [...]
               | No, that was not the primary design goal.
               | > The overriding design goal for Markdown's formatting
               | syntax is to make it as readable as possible. The idea is
               | that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable
               | as-is, as plain text, without looking like it's been
               | marked up with tags or formatting instructions. While
               | Markdown's syntax has been influenced by several existing
               | text-to-HTML filters, the single biggest source of
               | inspiration for Markdown's syntax is the format of plain
               | text email.
               | https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
               | OJFord wrote:
               | But Mermaid code is much more readable in plaintext than
               | a link to an image elsewhere?
               | I wish they wouldn't have used code blocks though - I
               | commented on this recently about some other plugin that
               | was doing it: usually ``` gets syntax highlighted and
               | 'pre' formatting, but otherwise its contents is
               | unchanged; it's unusual to _execute_ the contents.
               | ```python         print(42)         ```
               | Renders                   print(42)
               | Not                   42
               | !
               | In my opinion it would've been better to use $$ as often
               | used for mathjax, $$mermaid or something. Since it is
               | expected that an _interpretation_ of                   $$
               | \code\here         $$
               | is rendered, rather than it itself. And if we _want_ the
               | code itself, we have:                   ```tex
               | \code\here         ```
               | ! How do you give an example of Mermaid code in a Readme?
               | I'm sure they've thought of it, it can be escaped, but
               | why? Why is it different?
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | > Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web
               | writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-
               | read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to
               | structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).
               | Literally the first paragraph from your link. I'm having
               | trouble reconciling that first paragraph with the idea
               | that it wasn't meant to be rendered as HTML.
               | daptaq wrote:
               | The "easy-to-read [...] plain text format" indicates to
               | me that the idea was that markdown should be readable in
               | plaintext form too. The ability to convert it to HTML is
               | a different goal?
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | Maybe? My point, though, is that from day 1 it was meant
               | to be rendered as HTML. So what Github does with it
               | (rendering README.md files) is perfectly compatible with
               | that original intent. Just like everyone who used
               | md->html renderers for their blogs or whatever other
               | content.
               | If you just want plaintext, then you don't need markdown
               | or any other markup. Just a plaintext file, like, I don't
               | know, a README file. Don't throw .md (or .org in my case)
               | on it, and it won't get rendered.
               | daptaq wrote:
               | Rendering has HTML isn't really the issue, imo. The
               | question is rather how readable the source remains, when
               | you foget to fold lines, insert too many images without
               | alt texts, intersperse regular HTML, etc.
               | chipotle_coyote wrote:
               | I think you're talking past each other a little. Markdown
               | was designed to let you "write HTML using an easy-to-
               | read, easy-to-write plain text format", _and_ to  "be
               | publishable as-is, as plain text". Those are both
               | explicitly stated design goals.
               | The argument that GitHub is abandoning the "spirit of
               | Markdown", I surmise, is that a README file written in
               | Markdown should be equally readable whether you're
               | reading it as rendered HTML or not. It may be a minor
               | quibble in some respects, but I think it's a valid minor
               | quibble. If I open your README file in my editor, I
               | shouldn't have to run it through external software to
               | make it comprehensible. I mean, maybe your project has an
               | awesome logo, but would you just drop SVG code in the
               | middle of the README file and tell me that if I was using
               | the proper rendering engine it wouldn't be profoundly
               | annoying? No, of course you wouldn't, because you're not
               | a jerk. :)
               | Personally, I try to use only the "reference" style of
               | links in README files so they look like "footnotes" when
               | read as plain text, try not to include images unless
               | they're both supplemental and _really_ helpful when
               | rendered on GitHub (e.g., screenshots for editor themes),
               | etc. Mermaid seems like it would be awesome for
               | generating diagrams for _finished pages,_ but it doesn 't
               | seem at all like a good fit for READMEs.
               | Jtsummers wrote:
               | It is still readable, though. It's not like there's a
               | base 64 encoded blob in the middle. Mermaid is reasonably
               | comprehensible (as reasonable as any other code block, at
               | least) without any rendering.
               | avgcorrection wrote:
               | "A text-to-HTML conversion tool" with the "overriding
               | design goal" of "[making] it as readable as possible".
               | You wrote:
               | > Markdown was meant to be rendered, not left as
               | plaintext
               | Then the overriding design goal would not be to make it
               | "as readable as possible" in its "raw" form (because what
               | would be the point of that?). So this is clearly a
               | falsehood.
               | Markdown was meant to be readable as-is. Meaning that you
               | could read it as-is or render it. At your leisure.
               | Also literally your words:
               | > was meant to be a lightweight way
               | With the overriding goal of making it "as readable as
               | possible". Keyword "override". Which means that it _takes
               | precedence_ over being "lightweight".
               | Then you literally wrote:
               | > that it wasn't meant to be rendered as HTML.
               | Clearly a falsehood or a strawman as I only emphasized
               | the "overriding design goal". Markdown was supposed to be
               | able to be rendered as HTML... _and_ to be readable as-
               | is.
               | The part that you were wrong about was this:
               | > Markdown was meant to be rendered, not left as
               | plaintext
               | It was designed to be _readable_ as plaintext as well...
               | so this assertion of yours is false since it implies that
               | plaintext readability was not a consideration. But it was
               | in fact the _primary_ design goal when making the syntax.
               | I hope this clears things up.
             | daptaq wrote:
             | My go-to example is uBlock: https://raw.githubusercontent.c
             | om/gorhill/uBlock/master/READ..., despite being a great
             | add-on, has 1/3-1/2 of unlegible Markdown, that looks nice
             | when rendered.
           | glennvtx wrote:
           | README.HTML
         | runarberg wrote:
         | Shameless plug. I wrote a math authoring tool Mathup[1] with
         | that purpose in mind. That you could author math really easily
         | which would also be easy to read in plaintext. You could write
         | things like 1+2 / 3+4 which you would be rendered as you would
         | expect, or you could write your matrices like A = [a, b; c, d].
         | My main reason for writing it was for inclusion in markdown
         | documents.
         | https://runarberg.github.io/mathup/
         | prpl wrote:
         | There is also https://github.com/asciitosvg/asciitosvg
         | Used in zeromq docs.
         | jasonlotito wrote:
         | ASCII-art is generally difficult to write as denoted by the
         | numerous tools that have been created to generate ASCII-art for
         | markdown. ASCII-art is also much more difficult to edit after
         | the fact.
         | The spirit of Markdown is succinctly described on DF's Markdown
         | project website.
         | "Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-
         | write plain text format."
         | Mermaid makes it easy-to-read and easy-to-write. ASCII is easy-
         | to-read, but hardly easy-to-write. While Mermaid isn't as nice-
         | to-read, it's still easy-to-read. It's also much easier to
         | modify than ASCII art.
         | Finally, Markdown itself was designed that while the text is
         | easy to read, Markdown itself is a conversion tool. It
         | literally takes the text and changes it into something that is
         | more readable. This can be seen with how Markdown handles
         | tables. It's literally HTML table tags rather than ASCII
         | designed tables.
         | This is very much in the spirit of Markdown, and things like
         | this have already been done in the original implementation.
         | throw0101a wrote:
         | > _I think so-called ASCII-art is more in the spirit of
         | Markdown._
         | If you're simply doing a _less_ on a file, then sure. But if
         | you want to do a  'render' on the Markdown and convert it to
         | another format (HTML, PDF) then having a mechanism that can
         | translate ASCII to something graphical could be useful.
         | In some ways this is what the DOT language does in Graphviz:
         | * https://graphviz.org/gallery/
         | > _The spirit behind the kind of thing in the OP, on the other
         | hand, is that one should get nicely formatted HTML from
         | Markdown for the purpose of online consumption. Which is a very
         | different goal._
         | I'm not sure if there's a way to have both ASCII art and it be
         | renderable to graphics. Closest that I could find:
         | * https://github.com/martinthomson/aasvg
           | actually_a_dog wrote:
           | I saw several things that looked promising on Github:
           | * https://github.com/ivanceras/svgbob
           | * https://github.com/ggerganov/dot-to-ascii (renders DOT to
           | ascii. Combine this with an SVG renderer, maybe?)
           | * https://github.com/ivanceras/spongedown
           | Also, this SO question:
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3211801/graphviz-and-
           | asc...
           | I'm sure there are more out there.
       | p20z wrote:
       | has anyone had success using mermaid diagrams for real-time
       | collaboration? Seems you should be able to use this to draw
       | pictures while chatting with someone, akin to a white-boarding
       | experience.
       | innolitics wrote:
       | I really like diagrams as text for simple diagrams where you
       | don't care too much about the formatting. I think Figma is better
       | if you really care about the formatting. I just discovered this
       | the other day, but you can create mermaid diagrams in Notion by
       | adding a codeblocks and selecting the "mermaid" language from the
       | dropdown.
       | victor106 wrote:
       | For those interested in this I highly recommend the book
       | mentioned in the blog post "The Official Guide to Mermaid.js"
       | [deleted]
       | a-dub wrote:
       | this looks excellent! last time i needed something like this it
       | was fairly time consuming to do it in tikz, something quick in
       | markdown is an awesome idea!
       | citizenkeen wrote:
       | Just so we're clear, if I deploy to production on a Monday, I get
       | to start enjoying my weekend?
       | kilovoltaire wrote:
       | This is interesting, but I personally really like that markdown
       | is almost as legible as plain text as when rendered, which things
       | like this sort of break.
       | So I think I'd prefer ASCII art diagrams for this sort of thing.
       | (In fact there was recently an ASCII diagram drawing tool on the
       | HN front page, https://asciiflow.com/ )
       | riffic wrote:
       | if you use Obsidian, Mermaid is supported natively.
         | plett wrote:
         | It works in Joplin too
       | jopsen wrote:
       | I like the idea of mermaid.js, but why does it have to be so
       | ugly.
       | I don't know why, but whenever I've had a look at mermaid.js, it
       | always made me feel like the syntax and generated diagrams were
       | ugly. Am I the only one who thinks this?
       | Also what's up with all the useless diagram types?
         | lpghatguy wrote:
         | This is a problem I've always had with Mermaid too. Custom
         | theming is a no-go; it's easier to make attractive diagrams
         | with GraphViz.
         | I remember the docs for Mermaid.js talk about varying document
         | trust levels, which is not something I want involved in a
         | diagramming DSL.
         | eurasiantiger wrote:
         | Yes, it is ugly. The layout engine doesn't do "these elements
         | are kinda the same thing so place them side by side". No
         | hierarchy model, no constraints, everything is always placed on
         | one axis according to order and then pretty much shifted
         | randomly to not collide. Spiderwebs everywhere.
         | Also, ER diagrams are nigh unreadable due to the unusual
         | relationship visual style used.
       | rektide wrote:
       | nicely seen[1] on their roadmap a month ago.
       | not github specific but i really enjoyed this quite long
       | post/tutorial on realtime collaboration with mermaid (using
       | notion)[2].
       | [1] https://github.com/github/roadmap/issues/372
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29927962 (72 points, 14
       | comments, 31 days ago)
       | [2] https://www.happyandeffective.com/blog/realtime-
       | collaborativ... https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30238208 (12
       | points, 2 comments, 7 days ago
       | berkes wrote:
       | Joplin, the Open source note-taking app1, has Mermaid built-in.
       | I use those a lot when keeping my notes on arcitectures, design
       | patterns and software design. I prefer this, vastly, over Google
       | Docs + draw.io.
       | The only thing I dislike about Mermaid-in-Joplin is that the
       | live-pre-render of the actual chart fails and shows an error
       | whenever there is an error in the source of the diagram. Which
       | makes sense. But is annoying because *when you are typing out the
       | syntax, there always is an error untill you finish the class,
       | object, some bracket or relation.
       | 1https://joplinapp.org/ EDIT: I'm not affiliated to joplin in any
       | way. Just love it.
         | [deleted]
         | Ciph wrote:
         | Another annoyance is how the sync between the editor and
         | preview pane "jumps" uncontrollably when using mermaid. I do
         | however love it too and comitted to use it over other note-
         | taking software.
           | laurent123456 wrote:
           | This is a known issue which hopefully should be fixed soon:
           | https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/6074
       | aseattledev1234 wrote:
       | This is great, I have used mermaid for years and glad to see
       | GitHub adding support.
       | blackdogie wrote:
       | This is a nice addition.
       | I would love to see it working in the Github Wiki too.
       (page generated 2022-02-14 23:00 UTC)