[HN Gopher] Routine maintenance: Embracing habit in an automated...
       Routine maintenance: Embracing habit in an automated world
       Author : anarbadalov
       Score  : 18 points
       Date   : 2022-02-15 21:18 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (harpers.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (harpers.org)
       | anarbadalov wrote:
       | "This is the quiet miracle of repetition: its ability to not only
       | make actions easier over time, but also change one's desires,
       | bringing the cravings of the flesh in line with the aspirations
       | of the spirit (or as James puts it, making "our nervous system
       | our ally instead of our enemy"). It is a miracle well known to
       | the religious convert who comes to look forward to the once-
       | dreaded rite of confession, or the new parent who becomes
       | acclimated to a lack of sleep, or the Twitter addict who realizes
       | a few months after deleting the app that he can no longer recall
       | the enthralling drama of the feed."
       | Extraordinary essay on habits and routines. Hat tip to The
       | Browser (https://thebrowser.com/) for alerting me to it.
       | drewcoo wrote:
       | Strangely, it claims we are moderns and then the article applies
       | postmodernism, deconstructing habits as if that makes sense.
       | It's Harper's so am I missing the joke? (Maybe, as "repetition"
       | repeats in the piece . . .)
         | coldtea wrote:
         | To be postmodern you must also be modern. Post-modern is a
         | cultural thing (in the area of culture, ideas, media, etc.),
         | but our environment, cities, technology, and structure of
         | society is still the one modernity created.
       (page generated 2022-02-17 23:01 UTC)