[HN Gopher] Multiple vulnerabilities found in Snap-confine funct...
       Multiple vulnerabilities found in Snap-confine function on Linux
       Author : pdenton
       Score  : 28 points
       Date   : 2022-02-19 08:44 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.zdnet.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.zdnet.com)
       | brnt wrote:
       | Are there any happy users of Snap, 5 years or so in on it?
         | _joel wrote:
         | Not me, I moved from Ubuntu to regular Debian because of it.
         | It's a disaster waiting to happen.
         | Taniwha wrote:
         | Nope - any system that imposes on me what my 'home directory'
         | is inherently broken
         | 01acheru wrote:
         | I need to say that I really despise snap apps. I don't get why
         | I should use them, I never felt the need for a bloated app
         | package with awful startup times...
         | On Ubuntu (last time I used it with a GUI, something like 1.5
         | years ago) the calculator app was a snap app. The f*ing
         | CALCULATOR app! And it took longer to open the calculator than
         | Firefox or VSCode.
         | I started hating Ubuntu for pushing snap so strongly, and this
         | time I didn't forgave them...
         | blacksmith_tb wrote:
         | I am fine with using snaps on my desktop systems (mostly) but
         | it is not very appealing to me on servers. It would be
         | interesting to know if there are any big projects using it
         | successfully, maybe I'm missing out?
           | akersten wrote:
           | The certbot let's encrypt agent is unfortunately stuck in a
           | Snap package, at least last I tried setting it up.
           | Always feels like Snap has been pushed by some invisible
           | proprietary influence, not organic growth due to it being a
           | good idea. I never saw anything wrong with package managers
           | or a reason I should like Snap. My experience is that I've
           | only been forced to use it against my will.
             | _joel wrote:
             | microk8s perhaps, oh and they use it on AWS AMI's for
             | awscli stuff (yuk)
             | greatgib wrote:
             | I was also very annoyed by that and supporting legacy
             | servers with letsencrypt, and then I found acme.sh script
             | to replace certbot: https://github.com/acmesh-
             | official/acme.sh
             | Simple and light without big dependencies as running in
             | bash! I would recommend it a thousand times!
         | sdwolfz wrote:
         | I am, it has Adobe Acrobat Reader:
         | https://snapcraft.io/acrordrdc
         | Which I need when I have to declare my taxes in Romania since
         | it's done via a PDF file that can't be opened and filled in
         | with any other tool:
         | https://static.anaf.ro/static/10/Anaf/Declaratii_R/Aplicatii...
         | Firefox made some progress with this lately but it's still not
         | good enough to allow me to fill it in.
         | Apart from this particular package, I use flatpak. So it's not
         | like I'm "happy" about snaps, but I'm happy that the snap
         | repository has the tools I need.
           | enzanki_ars wrote:
           | In terms of that Adobe Acrobat Reader snap, how am I supposed
           | to trust that the container is a maintained, trustworthy, and
           | official version of the application? That looks to me sketchy
           | to use as to my knowledge Acrobat Reader hasn't be released
           | on Linux in over 9 years, and shouldn't be used/trusted given
           | the large number of potential vulnerabilities...
           | This is the reason I don't trust snaps, as I have 0 way of
           | auditing it. I know that there is a "verified" mechanism in
           | snapcraft, but not all apps that are "official" or "trusted"
           | have that tag, such as MusicBrainz Picard, published by the
           | MusicBrainz team, so the only way I know they support it is
           | going back to the official website, which also offers a more
           | conventional PPA that is also easier to audit and trust given
           | the GPG key processes in place there, which _should_ be a bit
           | more trustworthy.
             | figgyc wrote:
             | A little bit of googling suggests that particular snap is a
             | Wine wrapper: https://github.com/mmtrt/acrordrdc/blob/maste
             | r/snap/snapcraf...
             | Is that code the same as the one the other commenter
             | linked? Not sure, doesn't seem to be a way to tell, as
             | you've mentioned. (That was quite a surprise to me, even
             | Flatpak's Flathub has a little "see details" link to
             | GitHub.) But it would make sense as Adobe has indeed not
             | maintained Acrobat for Linux in many years.
         | silisili wrote:
         | Negative. I left Ubuntu everywhere because of how it kept
         | increasingly creeping in.
         | They usually give up on their NIH missteps after a year or
         | two(see upstart, mir, unity, etc), but they're really dug in on
         | this one.
         | kd913 wrote:
         | I'm quite happy with it.
         | Never really felt any problems with performance, theming works,
         | and more confinement > no confinement. Guess what, it's 2020,
         | it would be nice to have some restrictions for what rogue
         | desktop apps can access on the desktop.
         | From a development experience, it's a million light years
         | better and safer than setting up ppas, dealing with launchpad.
         | It directly integrates with CI, and hence can be pushed to all
         | relevant Ubuntu OSes. Quite nice in particular being able to
         | get the latest version of Firefox as soon as updates come out.
         | Also having actual software from vscode, slack, spotify,
         | jetbrains stuff is quite nice. Jetbrains especially as they
         | didn't offer a repo in the past.
         | Oh and I especially like multipass, and being able to use
         | docker. Especially when Docker lags behind supporting the newer
         | repos.
         | I also find it very handy for switching between channels (such
         | as for firefox and nodejs).
         | [deleted]
         | mistrial9 wrote:
         | we think "snap sucks" at our admin sewing circle, basically..
         | avoid when possible, dislike (increasing) required snapd junk
         | on Ubuntu LTS
       (page generated 2022-02-21 23:01 UTC)