[HN Gopher] OpenSSH 8.9
       OpenSSH 8.9
       Author : throw0101a
       Score  : 98 points
       Date   : 2022-03-01 12:23 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.openssh.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.openssh.com)
       | chasil wrote:
       | OpenSSH is promoting their post-quantum key exchange to the
       | default.
       | It had appeared that we were waiting for NIST. I wonder what
       | changed.
       | "ssh(1), sshd(8): add the sntrup761x25519-sha512@openssh.com
       | hybrid ECDH/x25519 + Streamlined NTRU Prime post-quantum KEX to
       | the default KEXAlgorithms list (after the ECDH methods but before
       | the prime-group DH ones). The next release of OpenSSH is likely
       | to make this key exchange the default method."
         | DenseComet wrote:
         | Cloudflare also recently published a bunch of posts about their
         | transition to post-quantum cryptography. Is it that NIST is
         | close to standardization and organizations are starting to
         | experiment, or is it something else?
           | chasil wrote:
           | The NIST target:
           | 2022/2024 Draft Standards Available
           | https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/post-quantum-
           | cryptography/wor...
         | karmicthreat wrote:
         | Is there any evidence of quantum attacks or even the hardware
         | capable of performing such attacks?
         | gunapologist99 wrote:
         | djb suggested that for openssh instead of the tinydns kex, so
         | tinydns switched also:
         | https://github.com/janmojzis/tinyssh/issues/50
           | chasil wrote:
           | What is even more surprising about this promotion is that
           | NTRU Prime is not a finalist.
           | https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/post-quantum-
           | cryptography/rou...
           | It appears there have been major disagreements in this
           | process.
           | "Formal complaint regarding 8 June 2021 incident -
           | 2021.06.15, Daniel J. Bernstein
           | "Executive summary. A week ago Dr. Daniel Apon from NIST
           | publicly accused me of professional misconduct. Specifically,
           | he accused me of initiating private contact with NIST so as
           | to provide false information to NIST regarding the timing of
           | an upcoming announcement relevant to NIST's ongoing
           | decisions..."
             | adrian_b wrote:
             | Thanks for pointing to this conflict between Daniel J.
             | Bernstein and NIST. It is interesting.
             | After reading the complaint and the official comments from
             | NIST, I choose to believe that Daniel Bernstein is the one
             | saying the truth.
             | Like in all his writings, Bernstein's version of the events
             | is a very detailed list of precise, easily verifiable
             | facts, while the version of the opponents consists only of
             | vague, evasive claims.
             | Regarding the reason why NTRU Prime has been selected only
             | as an "Alternate Candidate" and not as a "Round 3
             | Finalist", this has been explained very clearly by NIST.
             | There is no known weakness in NTRU Prime, but NIST demands
             | additional research results about the possible attacks
             | against NTRU Prime and against the current finalists,
             | before considering the standardization of NTRU Prime.
             | While there are some plausible arguments why NTRU Prime
             | might be more secure than NTRU and similar methods, there
             | is no certain proof of this, yet.
             | What NIST demands is very reasonable, but nevertheless this
             | does not seem to be a good justification for the selection
             | of the finalists.
             | As NIST says, the finalists include 3 algorithms like NTRU,
             | for which it is possible that someone will find in the
             | future an attack which will work against all 3. Also as
             | NIST says, someone might find in the future a different
             | attack which will work against NTRU Prime.
             | NIST acknowledges that for now they do not have any idea
             | about which of these 2 will happen first, if at all.
             | A wiser decision would have been to not put all the eggs in
             | one basket and also select NTRU Prime as a finalist,
             | possibly instead of one of the algorithms with a similar
             | construction like NTRU.
             | This would have stimulated additional research on both
             | kinds of algorithms. Now if someone finds an attack against
             | NTRU-like algorithms, there are fewer alternatives between
             | the finalists.
               | chasil wrote:
               | It appears that the market is going to choose NTRU Prime
               | in precedence of whatever NIST endorses.
               | OpenSSH is a huge vote of confidence, and it appears that
               | it is rightly placed.
               | However, when executing a flat-file signature with
               | OpenSSH, the result will not be protected from a quantum
               | attack.
       | pdenton wrote:
       | Has anyone else ran into cheap hosting providers where scp would
       | work but sftp doesn't? I hope this change will make them
       | reconsider their configuration.
         | encryptluks2 wrote:
         | If SCP works but SFTP doesn't, then they are most likely
         | running an outdated version of OpenSSH with insecure
         | algorithms.
           | adrian_b wrote:
           | No, many administrators, like myself, disable the SFTP
           | protocol, even if they always use the up-to-date OpenSSH.
           | I also always remove scp because I use only rsync over ssh,
           | which does not have the inherent bugs of scp and sftp and is
           | also much faster.
           | hackerbrother wrote:
           | OpenSSH's habit of giving their tools the same name as
           | protocols makes this confusing to talk about. SCP (the tool)
           | uses SFTP (the protocol) by default, right?
             | acdha wrote:
             | scp the tool uses the SCP protocol by default. Recent
             | versions allow you to use sftp instead:
             | -s      Use the SFTP protocol for transfers rather than the
             | original scp                  protocol.
             | formerly_proven wrote:
             | scp uses a custom stream protocol over stdout/stdin. It's
             | more like a tarpipe, though shares nothing in terms of
             | format with that.
             | SFTP is essentially RPC for the various I/O syscalls (open,
             | read, write, ...) - it's basically NFS-as-a-user over SSH.
             | Read/write size is limited to 32 kB per request (in OpenSSH
             | / minimum supported size).
         | chasil wrote:
         | SFTP requires the subsystem to be enabled, and can be
         | implemented either by an external binary or an internal OpenSSH
         | implementation (some SSH servers do not implement it
         | internally).
         | SCP is always external, and merely needs to be found in the
         | path. Because it's much more simple to configure, greater
         | ubiquity is not surprising.
           | throwawayboise wrote:
           | scp is effectively:                 cat foo | ssh user@remote
           | 'cat > foo'
           | That is why all the escaping is necessary.
       | mistrial9 wrote:
       | random data points - recent _scp_ copies here showed about twenty
       | percent connection overhead. HTTPS copies showed very little
       | overhead, but the HTTPS delivery guarantee is not the same. sshfs
       | /sftp throughput not tested but it would be more than twenty
       | percent.
       | rwmj wrote:
       | > _Legacy scp /rcp performs wildcard expansion of remote
       | filenames (e.g. "scp host:* .") through the remote shell. This
       | has the side effect of requiring double quoting of shell meta-
       | characters in file names included on scp(1) command-lines,
       | otherwise they could be interpreted as shell commands on the
       | remote side._
       | This is good, but it broke everything (Fedora made this switch a
       | while back). All our scripts were running scp and doing double
       | quoting so we could deal with whitespace and so on. There's no
       | easy way to tell if the version of scp needs the double quoting
       | or not -- you cannot check version numbers because distros
       | switched scp as early as 8.7 -- so we just had to drop support
       | for older scp and hope for the best.
       | We weren't using remote wildcards in our scripts, but they're a
       | kind of useful feature which now doesn't work.
         | DarylZero wrote:
         | The solution is to upgrade to rsync.
           | erdewit wrote:
           | Another great option is to mount the remote file system with
           | SSHFS.
             | formerly_proven wrote:
             | sshfs/sftp throughput is very limited. scp acts much better
             | here.
               | egberts1 wrote:
               | rsync would be the fastest of the lot, plus it does file
               | permissions as well.
               | acdha wrote:
               | sftp is often faster since it starts copying immediately
               | and hides latency more effectively and both sftp and scp
               | copy permissions if you ask them to:                   -p
               | Preserves modification times, access times, and modes
               | from the                 original files transferred.
           | rwmj wrote:
           | It's more likely we'll bite the bullet and use sftp directly
           | from libssh. rsync doesn't work for our use case (and nor
           | does sshfs).
             | tialaramex wrote:
             | SFTP makes sense here, that's why OpenSSH is deprecating
             | scp because SFTP is much better defined.
             | I actually wrote all my scp-style scripting with SFTP for
             | years, so much so that I think projects I did this for
             | lived their entire lifecycle and are gone (but I don't know
             | anybody who still works at the place I wrote the earlier
             | ones) without running into the problem I feared - it's just
             | not clear what scp means for non-trivial cases.
             | loudtieblahblah wrote:
             | Hate to be that guy making you defend a situation you know
             | more about than any of us here..
             | But I incredulously am curious as to why rsync wouldn't
             | work for you.
               | acdha wrote:
               | I can't speak for them but there are two big ones I've
               | hit:
               | 1. rsync likes to build the entire list of operations
               | before doing anything. If you have workloads which
               | requires scanning lots of small files and/or using
               | something like NFS / s3fs, etc. that means a LOT of I/O
               | delays before a single byte of payload is transferred.
               | 2. The checksum algorithm is really cool if you have
               | large files which only change a little but it's
               | relatively expensive and brittle. I've run into multiple
               | cases where naive sftp was faster because we had a high-
               | bandwidth, high-latency network connection.
               | quesera wrote:
               | FWIW,
               | 1. This is no longer true in rsync-3.0.0 (Mar 2008) and
               | later. It does build the list of course, but transfer
               | begins after establishing just a few directories of
               | content. This "incremental" mode is not available if you
               | specify an option that requires the full list to begin,
               | documented under the "--recursive" option.
               | 2. Checksums are not computed by default. If the files
               | match time/size, they will not be transferred or
               | checksummed unless "--checksum" is turned on. All files
               | which _are_ transferred, are compared by checksum when
               | complete but this is not meaningfully expensive since the
               | IO is already done.
               | Your issues with high-bandwidth, (very) high-latency
               | links make sense. The rsync algo was designed to minimize
               | bytes-sent over the undersea cable to Australia (low-
               | bandwidth, moderate-latency). This still works well for
               | most internet traffic, but not if your latency numbers
               | are way out of balance!
             | formerly_proven wrote:
             | I'm currently using libssh (not libssh2) in a project and
             | I'm quite happy with it. The API is pretty nice and it
             | behaves pretty much exactly like OpenSSH by default.
               | rwmj wrote:
               | We already use libssh all over the place, eg in nbdkit &
               | qemu.
           | LinuxBender wrote:
           | To add to this for completeness sake, if the account is sftp-
           | only one can use the lftp client with its mirror subsystem
           | that replicates most of the functionality of rsync.
       (page generated 2022-03-01 23:02 UTC)