[HN Gopher] One Humanity - DOOM 2 Level
       One Humanity - DOOM 2 Level
       Author : marcodiego
       Score  : 175 points
       Date   : 2022-03-03 19:38 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (romero.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (romero.com)
       | zbowling wrote:
       | I used to make doom levels back in 1996 using a WAD editor I got
       | off a shareware CD that had 100 different programs on it. Lots
       | them all.
       | roywashere wrote:
       | You might want to fix the title
         | martyvis wrote:
         | Ukraine not Ukarine
       | VikingCoder wrote:
       | I was soooo impressed with the "Bundle For Racial Justice and
       | Equality," and I've been curious to see if something like that
       | would happen again for Ukraine.
       | https://itch.io/b/520/bundle-for-racial-justice-and-equality
         | trollied wrote:
         | itch are putting a bundle together:
         | https://itch.io/t/1964844/bundle-for-ukraine-call-for-submis...
         | drakythe wrote:
         | There are a couple of Bundles on Itch.io's bundle page, but
         | there is a larger one in the works
         | https://www.pcgamesn.com/itch-io-bundle-for-ukraine --
         | According to this article the creators are hoping to push it
         | out for availability on the 7th.
         | Meanwhile, not for Ukraine, but trans rights in Texas, there is
         | an absolutely phenomenal TTRPG bundle:
         | https://itch.io/b/1308/ttrpgs-for-trans-rights-in-texas
           | brunoqc wrote:
           | Not a jab at them, but I'm not looking forward to the state
           | of the war on the 7th.
       | augstein wrote:
       | Nice! :-)
       | mempko wrote:
       | This is wonderful. I like that it's Red Cross and not for support
       | of military aid.
         | throwaway984393 wrote:
         | Not to "start a whole thing" (too late) but can you elaborate
         | on why you prefer Red Cross to military aid? I've not read many
         | opinions on choosing one over the other.
           | tcmb wrote:
           | Red cross heals people, military kills people.
             | [deleted]
           | saiya-jin wrote:
           | Well, one just helps the civilians, the other helps with
           | military superiority. Now the big question is, is using of
           | weapons on aggressor something you are OK with or not? Many
           | people are not, so its perfectly fine to help like that. It
           | might not be directly used for killing, many barely 18 years
           | old drafted Russian soldiers are vastly demoralized and
           | surrendering. Having superiority helps to achieve that.
           | That being said, I come from eastern Europe and whats
           | happening is seen in eastern Europe as existential fight also
           | for us down the line. Could be compared to how ie US felt
           | during WWII with Hitler and axis. Hundreds/thousands of men
           | are volunteering in each state to go fight in this war. These
           | are not Ukrainians in any way, more like patriots for lack of
           | better term.
           | Personally, I've donated to the org directly in Kyiv which
           | might use it for aid or for weapons, both are good with me. I
           | would say I hope for peace, but Putin doesn't want it at all
           | regardless of bloodshed, so let's not be naive and kick his
           | ass instead.
       | xwdv wrote:
       | Anybody beat it yet
         | idbehold wrote:
         | Yes (not me): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqzq-GLiakY
       | cyberpunk wrote:
       | Anyone else disappointed there's no.. ahem, 'boss' sprite? ;)
         | ugh123 wrote:
         | Agreed. I was expecting something a little more topical to
         | whats going on, with the current cast of characters.
           | adamrezich wrote:
           | I too crave _outright_ propaganda and am disappointed
           | whenever I find out that something is not that
             | adamrezich wrote:
             | judging by other replies as well as downvotes for my
             | previous one, there is demand right now for a specific sort
             | of indie game, and if your ideology aligns with it, it
             | could be quite profitable for anyone who wishes to throw
             | something together.
           | hnbad wrote:
           | That would seem excessively distasteful. Real human beings
           | are dying right now on both sides and even if Russia is the
           | obvious aggressor here, it's a tragedy that so many young men
           | have to die for that country's leader's whims.
             | cyberpunk wrote:
             | I mean, you're right.. But I can literally shoot civilians
             | in the face in most of the games I have access to right now
             | (Farcry, Cyberpunk).. And lets not forget ID's history
             | (Wolfenstein 3D)... It's maybe distasteful, but it's not
             | really MUCH more distasteful than shooting sprites of
             | pretty much anything else.
             | I mean.. In a lot of these games, those monsters are at
             | home and we're the ones fucking their shit up? ;)
               | brimble wrote:
               | Eh, leave it to the modders. There was no shortage of
               | fan-made levels that featured some public figure widely
               | regarded as an asshole as a killable enemy, back in the
               | day.
               | hnbad wrote:
               | Oh absolutely. There were plenty of Jack Thompson murder
               | simulators on Newgrounds back in the day plus of course
               | various "bomb the Taliban" games around the Afghanistan
               | war. But that's not the kind of output you expect from a
               | seasoned professional under their real name.
               | I mean, there's the WW2 era Disney and Looney Tunes
               | shorts, but those were propaganda productions that were
               | part of a war effort from a nation directly involved in
               | open conflict and most people today look back at them
               | slightly incredulously if not with disdain.
               | cyberpunk wrote:
               | I still miss scrotum the puppy..
               | hnbad wrote:
               | Wolfenstein 3D was not released in 1939 though.
           | cyberpunk wrote:
           | Ach, it's a nice gesture. I'm guessing Romero has a bunch of
           | these on his HDD and figured, hey, maybe it's a nice way to
           | generate some donations.
           | All for it. Bought one :}
             | drakythe wrote:
             | Romero released "Sigil" in 2019, which is an unofficial new
             | act for DOOM, and I believe last year he announced he was
             | working on a sequel using the same concept for DOOM 2, so I
             | have very little doubt that this was created in that
             | project and ultimately rejected for inclusion and this is
             | his way of getting some good out of it, which is pretty
             | awesome.
               | cyberpunk wrote:
               | SIGIL is absolutely awesome, especially with the
               | buckethead soundtrack.. :}
       | WithinReason wrote:
       | If you're looking for the old school experience, I got it working
       | with Crispy Doom as:
       | ./crispy-doom.exe -iwad ./DOOM2.WAD -file ./one-humanity.wad
       | Latest Crispy Doom build is here:
       | https://latest.chocolate-doom.org/
       | saiya-jin wrote:
       | In world progressively more and more fractured thanx to rather
       | successful psy-ops by Kremlin and similar dictatorships (plus
       | let's not forget Trump helped a bit in this)... its so
       | heartwarming to see a lot of humanity joining efforts and trying
       | to help for a good cause.
       | They say society is (among others) defined by a common enemy, and
       | well Mr P fits the role perfectly. Europe wasn't this united
       | since fall of iron curtain (again Russia, there seems to be some
       | sort of pattern here).
       | The official news from Russia seems like from alternate universe,
       | so surreal. They were always like that, but now its dialed to 11
       | and a bit more. Proposal from murderer and politician Andrej
       | Lugovoj for forced military service in Donbas for any protesting.
       | Very russian approach...
         | mempko wrote:
         | Their reality really is different. But we should be careful to
         | recognize we are subjected to just as much propaganda as they
         | are that just tells a different story. The truth is some
         | combined version of both realities and the hidden untold
         | realities of people living on both sides of the conflict.
         | What's happening now isn't as simple as Russia bad, Ukraine and
         | West good. That's a story told to children.
           | criddell wrote:
           | What are some positive aspects of Russia invading Ukraine?
           | justin66 wrote:
           | > we are subjected to just as much propaganda as they are
           | that just tells a different story
           | You're clearly bad at quantifying this stuff, and you're also
           | trivializing the problems of a society and a press where
           | journalists are routinely assassinated for reporting
           | truthfully about their government.
           | If you look at a list like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List
           | _of_journalists_killed_in_... and think "oh yeah, just like
           | the United States" you are very, very confused about what is
           | going on in the world.
       | skilled wrote:
       | Time to break out Windows 98
         | acomjean wrote:
         | I don't know what state of the art is, but I ran chocolate doom
         | on Linux and Mac to play my old doom levels.
         | https://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Downloads
         | sudo apt install chocolate-doom
           | [deleted]
           | chungy wrote:
           | Chocolate Doom is basically the state of the art for playing
           | Doom exactly vanilla-style, with the low 320x200 resolution
           | and all.
           | GZDoom should be more preferable for "normal" people that
           | care less about every bit of game mechanic minutiae and just
           | want a high-resolution game. (Only caveat is that it defaults
           | to a blurred display... need to find and change that to
           | nearest filtering)
             | tenebrisalietum wrote:
             | The original Doom had "auto aim" - all you had to do was
             | match an enemy's column and the hit would connect - because
             | you were not able to look up and down in the original game.
             | In GZDoom, you can enable freelook+mouselook, enabling 360
             | degrees of looking, and gameplay is balanced IMHO by
             | disabling auto aim, requiring you to aim accurately. For
             | extra challenge I like to disable the crosshairs. To me,
             | most of the original levels are really not easier with this
             | configuration so I don't feel like I'm losing the essence
             | of the original Doom with this too much.
             | You can also use the awesome Brutal Doom mod to enhance the
             | gameplay - it does add lots of gory effects but
             | gameplaywise it also gives the enemies additional attacks
             | and makes flammable stuff a dangerous thing in the game.
             | Also you can get GZDoom down to 320x200 resolution if you
             | want, and it doesn't set the video mode on the latest
             | versions so no dependency on your graphics card to support
             | ancient hardware resolutions.
               | kqr wrote:
               | It isn't auto aim so much that the game is fundamentally
               | two-dimensional. Height differences are only a visual
               | effect in Doom.
               | chungy wrote:
               | Ostensibly not true :) Even in the vanilla engine, Z axis
               | calculations are used everywhere (one of the most obvious
               | visual effects is when fireballs and rockets fly over
               | your head).
               | "Doom is 2D" is an urban legend dating to the 1990s that
               | badly needs to die. It is not and has never really been
               | true, and should be even more obvious after its open
               | source release.
               | recursive wrote:
               | You can see the height of many projectiles like rockets
               | in flight. Rockets fly towards enemies' height.
             | Zardoz84 wrote:
             | you can use nearest filtering. Zandronum (based on gzdoom)
             | allows that. and on my personal opinion, looks better.
           | cyberpunk wrote:
           | I'm playing on a M1 mac with GZDOOM.
           | The magic incantation (from the dir with all yer wads):
           | sigil: /Applications/GZDoom.app/Contents/MacOS/gzdoom
           | doom.wad SIGIL_v1_21.wad SIGIL_SHREDS.wad
           | one-humanity: /Applications/GZDoom.app/Contents/MacOS/gzdoom
           | doom2.wad one-humanity.wad
         | Koshkin wrote:
         | GZDoom is the best thing since sliced bread, and it works
         | perfectly on a Mac.
         | drakythe wrote:
         | Doomsday ftw: https://dengine.net/
         | marcodiego wrote:
         | Better use FreeDOS or DOSBox.
         | DominikD wrote:
         | Just use some modern source port (and preferably hi res status
         | bar mod).
       | aidenn0 wrote:
       | The screenshots look _way_ higher resolution than 320x200; anyone
       | know what 's up with that?
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | There are dozens of Doom engine ports going back to the late
         | 90s when the code was open sourced. Most of them support modern
         | high resolutions graphics.
         | nvllsvm wrote:
         | It was likely taken in a source port such as GZDoom.
         | https://zdoom.org/
       | Slashbot2 wrote:
       | nixelpixel wrote:
       | prvc wrote:
       | Does this violate the original DOOM license, which prohibits
       | selling modifications?
         | hagbarddenstore wrote:
         | Pretty sure Romero knows the license for his own game...
           | prvc wrote:
           | He may have written that specific provision, if I recall
           | correctly, all the same though...
             | flatiron wrote:
             | When he was fired from ID he was able to use the quake
             | engine (and any future engine which he wound up using quake
             | 2 for daikatana).
         | nikanj wrote:
         | I don't think ID would sue Romero
           | prvc wrote:
           | They sued Carmack.
             | some-guy wrote:
             | Bethesda sued Carmack, not ID
             | Edit: also that was a much different issue around
             | intellectual property ownership, I don't think even
             | Microsoft / Bethesda will sue over soliciting donations
         | pimlottc wrote:
         | If that's actually a problem, they could call it a free
         | download with donation.
           | kqr wrote:
           | What do you base this legal advice on? Such a paper-thin
           | diversion does not seem to me like it would hold up in any
           | reasonable court.
         | camgunz wrote:
         | You're right that Doom was originally released under the Doom
         | Source License, which had a non-commercial-use clause, but it's
         | since been re-released under the GPLv2.
         | But even so, it's irrelevant because all Romero is distributing
         | here is a WAD file, not a modification of Doom itself.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | WAD files like this don't contain any original doom assets and
         | are free to distribute. Think of this like a .doc file you're
         | loading in MS Word. The Doom engine was made to load simple
         | external levels like this file.
         | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
         | Memory might be getting rusty, but I seem to recall going to
         | Computer Shows back in the mid 90's and buying full DOOM
         | mods/conversions on floppies, like The Simpsons mod or Batman.
         | https://waltersgameboy.tripod.com/simpdoom/
         | AFAIK, they were never sued for it. You still needed the
         | original Doom WAD files to apply the mods over.
           | adamrezich wrote:
           | my dad's old "Unofficial DOOM Strategy Guide" is on my
           | bookshelf complete with a mail order for a CD-ROM with "666
           | new levels". like you said I think as long as you're just
           | distributing WADs, they never really cared.
           | DrBoring wrote:
           | I'm the co-author (Walter) of the Ultimate Simpsons Doom mod.
           | We were never sued by Fox (now it would be Disney). Hopefully
           | there is some sort of statute of limitations. Although these
           | days Disney seems to be pretty cool about fan-art.
           | Myk Friedman did pretty much everything for the mod.
           | My contribution was the technical work required to remove id
           | Software assets (graphics & sounds) from the WAD so that it
           | could be published on the popular WAD FTP site of the day.
           | You can read more about it in the "WALTER SAYS" section of
           | the readme at https://www.gamers.org/pub/idgames/themes/simps
           | ons/ulsimpdm....
           | Sadly, Myk passed away a few years back. I never actually
           | spoke with him, it was all over email and USPS, and some
           | facebook when that came around.
           | John Romero appeared on a Doom themed episode of the Netflix
           | show "High Score". In the episode, there was a quick montage
           | of a bunch of Doom mods. The was a split-second of a Simpsons
           | Doom mod that appeared on screen. After careful study, I
           | determined it was the original Simpsons Doom by Steve
           | Blauwkamp & Chuck Fuoco. I was this close to being able to
           | say my work was featured on Netflix. Ah well.
           | flatiron wrote:
           | When reading the "masters of doom" people were selling custom
           | maps on cds and they were just salty they didn't think of it.
           | Then they put out final and ultimate doom which is basically
           | that. If they didn't care in the 90s they don't care now.
             | cheschire wrote:
             | The "they" has changed a couple times since the 90's.
               | flatiron wrote:
               | Suing Romero for a doom 2 map supporting Ukraine is not a
               | PR move any sane company would do.
       | jvolkman wrote:
       | I don't know what it is about the original DOOM games, but I just
       | haven't felt the same joy playing any more modern shooters. Maybe
       | it's the experience created by Doomguy's ridiculous running
       | speed, or the sheer number of stupid monsters, or just nostalgia.
         | stared wrote:
         | It is not (only) nostalgia. I replayed Doom 1 & 2 a few years
         | ago. To my big surprise, it is still a masterpiece. It did not
         | age much, similarly to Terminator 2, The Matrix, or The Lord of
         | the Rings.
         | No talk, all action. Weapon and monster balance; each time you
         | get plasma, you are happy; you muster all of your attention
         | each time you encounter an archvile. Level design, mixing
         | unsettling sceneries with mazes and puzzles. And you feel the
         | frenzy of hell, with armies fighting with you and infighting
         | each other.
         | For years the only remotely close thing to that was The
         | Painkiller series. Recently we got Doom 2016 (which is
         | beautiful, pace-wise, and atmosphere-wise) and Doom Eternal
         | (mechanically faster, cartoony, and somewhat cheap story).
         | rvba wrote:
         | It is thr dynamism.
         | Also Doom had monstet infighting, that seems to exist mostly in
         | other ID games and engines based on their games (half life has
         | this great AI).
           | jvolkman wrote:
           | Yeah, dynamism describes it well.
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | There's a whole new wave of retro FPS shooters that you might
         | enjoy. Heck, we might even be on the third wave or so of them
         | now (they started to come back ~2010). 'Boomer shooter' is the
         | term to search for: https://www.inverse.com/gaming/boomer-
         | shooter-definition-ori...
         | Also check out advanced gzdoom mods. The gzdoom engine never
         | stopped innovating and now supports near full 3D environments
         | with slopes, room over room, dynamic lighting, etc. but still
         | has the same core frenetic and fast gameplay of the core
         | engine. Here's a good taste of what's out there:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2Db5O5-xk0
         | ixtli wrote:
         | I think it's nostalgia but that's not necessarily bad. Yeah,
         | it's true that magically music stops being good the minute you
         | get your emotions under control as a young adult but again I
         | think that time is to be cherished.
         | Just be wary of letting people manipulate your nostalgia.
         | bennysomething wrote:
         | To me it's the responsiveness of older shooters. No slow self
         | indulgent reload animations. No break in control as an
         | animation plays out as you climb a ladder. No or not many cut
         | scenes. No scripted events (never understood modern warfare, it
         | was basically an on rails shooter).
         | http://i.imgur.com/WOAjM.jpg
         | INTPenis wrote:
         | Shadow Warrior 3 is a Doomish recent release. Obviously reminds
         | more of the recent Doom games.
         | scotty79 wrote:
         | Try Doom Eternal on a decent CPU/GPU. It's fast and it's fun.
         | Although I don't like the slow parts with 3d platforming.
           | mft_ wrote:
           | I got myself a PC with a high-end graphics card for the first
           | time ever recently, and went through a phase of trying
           | various games that would stretch its graphical capabilities.
           | I was super excited to try Doom Eternal because I was one of
           | the original Doom and Quake generation.
           | Sadly, I was really disappointed - it felt really linear, a
           | series of set pieces delivered on a conveyor belt, like an
           | old-fashioned arcade game. I installed the raytraced version
           | of Doom 2 and enjoyed replaying it far more - even though
           | Quake 2 wasn't the best of ID's titles.
             | NathanOsullivan wrote:
             | I can't get into doom eternal either, but for the opposite
             | reason. For me it is too arcadey - the way enemies flash
             | when a glory kill is possible, the subsequent button combo
             | and fixed animations, the oversaturated colour of items as
             | they spew out of the killed enemy.
             | it is just constantly shouting "this is a game!" in a way
             | that for me personally, prevents any immersion in the world
             | they have created
         | GamerUncle wrote:
         | I was like this too, try hotline miami it will definitively
         | scratch that itch too.
           | jstarfish wrote:
           | Brutal Doom was the most intense gaming experience I've ever
           | had, next to playing Hotline Miami for the first time.
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-03-03 23:00 UTC)