[HN Gopher] It's always been you, Canvas2D
       It's always been you, Canvas2D
       Author : rikroots
       Score  : 367 points
       Date   : 2022-03-04 12:09 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (developer.chrome.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (developer.chrome.com)
       | est31 wrote:
       | One canvas limitation I ran into was obtaining the _height_ of a
       | given piece of text. Width is available, but height is not, so
       | you can 't center some text vertically. Stack overflow tells you
       | to use an "M" character as it has roughly the same width and
       | height...
         | slmjkdbtl wrote:
         | Depends on your use case, in my case I'm using the font size as
         | the height just fine, m.actualBoundingBoxAscent +
         | m.actualBoundingBoxAscent or m.fontBoundingBoxAscent +
         | m.fontBoundingBoxDescent also works for some cases.
         | Matheus28 wrote:
         | You can set the textBaseline if your intent is vertically
         | centering it
         | xemdetia wrote:
         | This is actually a hard problem even for most font libraries as
         | it requires 'execution' of the font and kerning to actually
         | know the parameters. I'm not saying this is a good answer but
         | this is a tricky problem outside just Canvas2D. E.g. sour,
         | soup, slip, and shin are four words with different heights, how
         | do each in turn play out? Most of the time this is external to
         | the font library and is in the layout engine which is talking
         | to the font rendering context the same way you are in a raw
         | font library/canvas.
         | To be honest this is one of the things that made web browsers
         | and html so good is because it solves this problem really well
         | compared to having to figure this out in native apps across
         | languages the hard way.
       | dvh wrote:
       | Is there an easy way to make canvas always fill parent while
       | retaining 1:1 pixel size (no blur). Currently I need to use
       | various hacks.
       | Basically just like normal div, it currently cannot be done in
       | canvas because once you set c.width=c.clientWidth it starts
       | interfering, so the only solution is extra div (relative, canvas
       | absolute) and on resize update width and height). Also it should
       | work in flexbox.
         | MildlySerious wrote:
         | I am not entirely sure if this is what you mean, on
         | resize/orientationchange you set canvas.width and canvas.height
         | to its clientWidth/clientHeight and redraw. Is that what you
         | mean by hacks?
         | rikroots wrote:
         | The CSS Painting API[1] shows some promise in this area - it
         | adds a (restricted) canvas to elements which always maintains
         | the same size as the div element it's attached to.
         | [1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/API/CSS_Paintin...
         | esprehn wrote:
         | There's two ways (one which you mentioned):
         | - Use a ResizeObserver and observe a wrapper element, then
         | resize and redraw your canvas when it notifies you.
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ResizeObser...
         | - Use a Paint Worklet. It hooks directly into the browser
         | painting system, but has some limitations on what you can draw
         | with the canvas today. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/API/PaintWorkle...
         | You could also consider SVG instead of Canvas.
         | There's no way to automatically resize and replay draw commands
         | but scaled up like you're asking though.
         | etimberg wrote:
         | In chart.js we have a very complex solution for dealing with
         | this. We've gone through a number of iterations, but settled on
         | a using ResizeObserver. You also need to listen to
         | `window.resize` to get notified about DPR changes which can
         | happen when a browser window is dragged from one screen to
         | another.
         | https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/blob/master/src/platform...
           | dvh wrote:
           | >we have a very complex solution
           | This is my experience as well, to do it correctly, it needs
           | to get many minute details exactly right.
           | They still developing canvas so my proposal is to forget
           | about these extremely complex solutions and add new property
           | to canvas that would make width/height same as client
           | width/height (perhaps with one event to let canvas know it
           | was resized).
       | torginus wrote:
       | Canvas2D is awesome, but generally speaking, when I built
       | interactive stuff(in 2D), I either used SVG, or some library that
       | used WebGL as a backed (even for 2D stuff), like PixiJS. That was
       | the most reliable way to get the best performance across the
       | largest amount of devices.
       | throw_m239339 wrote:
       | How about a native DOM Diff algorithm in the browser instead? I
       | mean something actually useful for most front-end developers?
       | This canvas2D stuff isn't, in the era of WebGL.
       | leeoniya wrote:
       | one [more] thing i want is to be able to retain canvas context
       | settings when resizing the canvas. e.g. it's unreasonably _very_
       | expensive to re-sync the lost ctx.font on every dragged pixel -
       | this operation alone dominates my perf profiles. i have no idea
       | why it should be so expensive once the font is already loaded  /
       | cached in mem.
       | ctx.fillText() is the next perf killer :(
       | maybe i can sacrifice some quality for speed during resize with
       | the new ctx.textRendering, though.
       | ...and one more thing. why is there no easy inverse of
       | ctx.clip(), e.g. ctx.mask()? currently i think it requires
       | resorting to awkward Path2D composition/cloning + evenodd
       | ctx.fill() hacks:
       | https://github.com/leeoniya/uPlot/issues/628
         | Camillo wrote:
         | Do you have a link to a Chrome bug report?
           | leeoniya wrote:
           | like a perf-related bug for ctx.font mutation? no.
           | the actual behavior of context being reset during resize
           | works as specced, AFAIK.
       | Sawamara wrote:
       | I am irrationally happy about this.
       | contravariant wrote:
       | Now hang on for a bit, I can vaguely understand what is going
       | wrong with the ClearRect (though why it draws a line to the
       | bottom right when the code just moves the pencil and draws a
       | horizontal line is beyond me) but what on earth is with:
       | canvas.width = canvas.width;
       | That's worse than a code smell, that _reeks_. Adding a new
       | function to clear the state is nice, but what on earth is going
       | on?
         | recursive wrote:
         | I'd hate to hear what you think of the way I usually do it. On
         | second thought, no check this out.
         | canvas.width ^= 0;
         | It's shorter and easier to type, and just as "clear".
         | l30n4da5 wrote:
         | > That's worse than a code smell, that reeks.
         | Welcome to webdev.
         | [deleted]
         | ArtWomb wrote:
         | I always avoided the canvas.width clear hack as well. It's just
         | too weird.
         | I simply fillRect with the background color in a method defined
         | "clear".
         | 2D games will forever be playable. A single round of SNES Super
         | Ghouls & Ghosts is enough to humble even the top esports
         | players of the day ;)
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | Yup, we're aware and we're all ashamed
         | bschwindHN wrote:
         | I would guess that when a dimension is "changed" (in this case
         | it's not changed, but it is assigned), the canvas is recreated,
         | along with all its internal state.
         | proto-n wrote:
         | I was curious also, so went looking. Here are some relevant
         | stackoverflow questions: [1], [2]. Basically, setting the width
         | of the canvas to any value different than the current width
         | clears the canvas, because it forces the browser to re-allocate
         | the relevant bitmap. Current implementations don't check if the
         | width value is different, just re-allocate the bitmap anyways.
         | Hence the trick.
         | [1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17522134/how-does-
         | canvas...
         | [2] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2142535/how-to-clear-
         | the...
           | resonious wrote:
           | Makes sense but smells like a massive oversight in the API
           | design. Really? No "clear the bitmap" function?
             | greggman3 wrote:
             | there is clearRect
             | SQueeeeeL wrote:
             | Web dev is full of this kind of oversight (not defending
             | it, it just has a lot of precedence)
             | jakelazaroff wrote:
             | There is now! Why it took so long is anyone's guess.
           | jdashg wrote:
           | Look first to the spec! The spec says don't check if
           | different for canvas2d: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipag
           | e/canvas.html#concept-c...
           | > Whenever the width and height content attributes are set,
           | removed, changed, or redundantly set to the value they
           | already have, then the user agent must perform the action
           | from the row of the following table that corresponds to the
           | canvas element's context mode.
           | > | 2d | Follow the steps to set bitmap dimensions to the
           | numeric values of the width and height content attributes. |
           | > When the user agent is to set bitmap dimensions to width
           | and height, it must run these steps: > 1. Reset the rendering
           | context to its default state. > 2. Resize the output bitmap
           | to the new width and height.
           | There's opportunity to reuse the previous surface and just
           | clear the contents, but I'm not sure if this is done. (But
           | the reset of state and clear are both mandatory for
           | `.width=.width`)
           | shadowgovt wrote:
           | > Current implementations
           | Yikes on a bike. Shit like this is how we end up with `typeof
           | null === 'object'` forever baked into the spec.
             | easrng wrote:
             | and things like                 > typeof document.all
             | < "undefined"       > document.all.constructor       <
             | HTMLAllCollection
               | Matheus28 wrote:
               | That's a neat one! Never knew about it
             | ninkendo wrote:
             | Things like this are to be expected if you truly value
             | "never break anyone, ever, even if everyone unanimously
             | agrees something is bad" as an immutable goal of your
             | software. Programming languages are especially important
             | for this sort of philosophy... If you make a mistake and
             | people rely on it, your mistake is now part of the way the
             | language works, always and forever.
             | My hot take: Software that doesn't take this approach isn't
             | truly serious in the same way as software that does.
             | Personally I'm glad for this level of discipline because at
             | some point, there has to be a "bottom"... software that we
             | have to rely on in order to make our own code work. Not
             | everything gets to enforce deprecation/removal cycles,
             | sometimes it just has to Always, Always Work.
               | shadowgovt wrote:
               | Totally agree. I think it's way too late to change out
               | the behavior of `typeof`, but Canvas2D is young enough
               | that it might be great if one or more browsers removed
               | that optimization and _didn 't_ cause width = width to
               | blank the canvas contents, so that people didn't come to
               | rely on a bad API to solve a problem that has nothing to
               | do with canvas width.
               | ... of course, that would require extending the API with
               | an _actual_ blanking function...
         | beardyw wrote:
         | Setting the width or height clears the canvas, so I guess it's
         | just an ugly hack.
         | greggman3 wrote:
         | It's not really. The code smell is people using it to clear
         | rather than using clearRect but the fact that setting
         | canvas.width or canvas.height resets the canvas and even does
         | so if the size is the same is good engineering IMO.
         | It's consistent and so your code can know if it sets the size
         | things will reset. It doesn't have to special case when you
         | happen to set it to the same size.
         | MatmaRex wrote:
         | There are some getters and setters in the web APIs with cheeky
         | side effects. Presumably this one causes the canvas to be re-
         | created, or something. Here's another good one, try it in your
         | browser console:                   location.href =
         | location.href;
           | tentacleuno wrote:
           | Your trick doesn't work for me in Firefox 96 :)
           | One more: If you set an image's src attribute to the same
           | thing, it'll still reload the image.                 const
           | image = new Image("/img.png");
           | document.body.append(image);       image.src = image.src;
             | greggman3 wrote:
             | It might not actually reload the image but it has to fire
             | all the events as though it did otherwise code would hang.
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | Yup. It's awful. We are aware and ashamed
       | danielvaughn wrote:
       | These are nice additions, but what I've _always_ wanted is proper
       | a proper font measurement API. Right now, in order to measure the
       | width of a line of text (for wrapping purposes), you have to
       | render it offscreen and measure the pixels.
         | deckard1 wrote:
         | yes! I went through this a few years back. My god, what a pain
         | in the ass. According to MDN, the TextMetrics API is fully
         | supported by all modern browsers. Chrome added the necessary
         | height support in version 87 it looks like. But the entire API
         | is still marked as experimental. Maybe them moving Google Docs
         | to canvas helped that out.
         | Chrome also introduced the Local Font Access API. Which sounds
         | like a privacy nightmare. You can get access to the font's
         | actual byte data and render it yourself, bypassing the browser
         | entirely. Sounds insane to me. Imagine trying to beat your
         | browser or OS at font rendering, but doing it in JavaScript. I
         | guess Adobe or Figma have deep enough pockets to try though.
           | danielvaughn wrote:
           | The TextMetrics thing is so confusing because the docs
           | clearly say that it's supported, but I tried to use it as
           | recently as last year, and it's definitely not working.
           | edit: getting access to the font bits sounds enticing to me
           | actually, because I'm kind of a masochist :)
       | didip wrote:
       | Say what you will about Canvas, but it is the only way to draw
       | multiple million of points in a time series chart on a browser.
       | SVG ain't gonna cut it.
       | rikroots wrote:
       | I'll add some of my thoughts about this article's take on latest
       | Canvas2D developments.
       | 1. ctx.roundRect() - is a nice addition to the 2D stable of
       | shapes, fitting alongside other recent additions like
       | ctx.ellipse(). I was a little disappointed that the example of
       | how to achieve this using existing functionality relied on a set
       | of .moveTo, .lineTo and .arcTo instructions; the article misses a
       | trick by not mentioning that we can also use an SVG path.d string
       | to define a Path2D object and use that to fill/stroke the shape.
       | Note: I can't find mention of .roundRect() in the MDN
       | documentation.
       | 2. Canvas Conic gradients have been supported in both Firefox and
       | Safari for a while now. Good to see it arriving in Chrome. To
       | complete the set of gradients, it would also be nice to see
       | support for ports of the CSS repeating-linear-gradient() and
       | repeating-radial-gradient() into the Canvas API.
       | 3. Text modifiers - text has always been an over-simplistic mess
       | in the Canvas2D API. In theory a user should be able to use
       | ctx.font to load a valid CSS font string (including all the
       | supported font size lengths, etc) and have the text rendered as
       | expected; sadly the implementations between various browsers are
       | all over the place. In my dreams I hope that one day we will be
       | able to set a width/justification and have the text string broken
       | into lines while respecting those requirements. Browsers do it
       | already for DOM/CSS layout and rendering - I wonder how difficult
       | it would be to tap into that functionality rather than having to
       | reinvent it for 2D canvases?
       | 4. context.reset() - nice!
       | 5. Filters - SVG filters are massively powerful, yet also
       | difficult to master. We can already build some really complex
       | filters in SVG and reference them in the Canvas2D context; I also
       | like the way we can add CSS filter strings to the context (eg for
       | a nice, easy-to-understand and performant blur effect). The
       | article mentions a `ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter([])`
       | construction, but I can't find CanvasFilter in the MDN
       | documentation.
         | jfk13 wrote:
         | > 1. ctx.roundRect() ... Note: I can't find mention of
         | .roundRect() in the MDN documentation.
         | https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/519#is...
         | raised some questions about the addition of .roundRect(); I
         | don't know if any firm decisions have been made.
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | CanvasFilter is coming to MDN documentation, it's been a
         | struggle... I promise it's part of the spec:
         | https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#filters
       | mattdesl wrote:
       | This is great to hear! I'm an artist and much of my work builds
       | on Canvas2D, it's a simple API and provides a nice balance of
       | features and constraints.
       | I'd love to see more development on Canvas2D API and standards.
       | There's a few things that are missing and/or not yet
       | standardized:
       | - Advanced text metrics and more reliable text loading
       | - More robust high-resolution rendering, for example using
       | Canvas2D to generate large 300 DPI prints
       | - More control over line rendering, such as placement on polygons
       | ("inside" / "center" / "outside"), stippling, variable thickness
       | noelwelsh wrote:
       | What I want to know (but am too lazy to look up (-: ) is do the
       | text metrics return the width _and_ height of the text 's
       | bounding box, or is still just one of them? Can't believe this
       | oversight has existed for so long, but that's the way the web
       | works.
       | That said, I'm happy that canvas is getting some improvements.
       | It's one of the more accessible ways to do fun things in a web
       | browser.
       | fatih-erikli wrote:
       | It might be off-topic but it's worth to mention, there's a Path2d
       | API which allows you to create a path and apply it to a canvas or
       | check whether a specified point inside that path or not. It's
       | useful when you want to do a collision detection. Point in
       | polygon is a well-known problem and it might be a good idea to
       | move it to the browser's context and trust.
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Path2D
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_in_polygon
       | intrasight wrote:
       | Does Flutter do it's rendering with Canvas2D?
         | inDigiNeous wrote:
         | Flutter uses Skia, which is also the actual 2D graphics
         | implementation behind canvas functionality in Chrome and
         | possibly in Firefox and Safari IIRC.
       | atum47 wrote:
       | I use Canvas constantly and I love it. Thanks for the hard work
       | maintaining it.
       | theK wrote:
       | What I am curious about is, is this part of a spec or are these
       | APIs part of the proprietary Chrome Web?
       | robertoandred wrote:
       | > This feature has been in Firefox for a while and we're finally
       | making it part of the canvas spec.
       | The Chrome team still doesn't understand that they do not define
       | the web.
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | The spec defines the web
         | https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#the-canva...
         | The "we" in the statement is the maintainers of the spec, which
         | includes engineers from Chromium, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera
         | and many other stakeholders.
       | robin_reala wrote:
       | Shame there was no mention of enhanced fingerprinting protection.
       | But a nice set of Chrome improvements regardless, even if some of
       | it is catchup.
       | ninkendo wrote:
       | Are there any easy ways to try out drawing on a canvas in
       | TypeScript, with full type annotations for the Canvas2D API so
       | that I can get nice autocompletion and an easy ability to browse
       | the API?
       | I like the idea of creating drawings directly in javascript even
       | for my own purposes, but it'd be great if I had a type system to
       | help me get my code right the first time...
         | robinduckett wrote:
         | https://kernhanda.github.io/tutorial-typescript-canvas-drawi...
         | lloydatkinson wrote:
         | I was wondering the same
         | moron4hire wrote:
         | It's in lib.dom.d.ts already.
       | FpUser wrote:
       | >"Surprisingly, SpaceX Senior Software Engineer Sofian Hnaide
       | revealed that all of the user interfaces on the Dragon Capsule
       | run using Chromium, the open source backbone of the ever-popular
       | Google Chrome internet browser."
       | Wow, I would never expect something like this. But I guess they
       | know better about reliability of their particular solution.
         | mateo1 wrote:
         | >But I guess they know better about reliability of their
         | particular solution.
         | I wouldn't be as sure as you are.
       | stupendousyappi wrote:
       | I assume these are all currently non-standard APIs that Firefox
       | will nonetheless be expected to implement? Does Firefox ever
       | force work on the Blink team, or it is it only ever the other way
       | around?
         | dmitriid wrote:
         | and Safari.
         | Cue in "bad browsers don't implement APIs" in 3... 2... 1...
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | These are all part of the official spec:
         | https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#the-canva...
         | Getting the features into the spec is the vast majority of the
         | work. Though some features are not yet implemented in Firefox
         | or Safari, they have both indicated their intention to do so.
       | funstuff007 wrote:
       | when people look back at the 2020's, will they be like "Ew
       | gradients?"
       | That's not to say I don't like them, but I find them to be
       | extremely overused, and making them even easier to use...
         | swalls wrote:
         | And then in 2040, people will rediscover gradients and for a
         | while they will be overused. It's just design trends.
       | khalby786 wrote:
       | >canvas.reset()
       | took you long enough
       | etimberg wrote:
       | Great to see conic gradients! Otherwise, you need to do solutions
       | like https://everttimberg.io/blog/js-circular-gradient/
       | samwillis wrote:
       | Can we use these yet?
       | ctx.createConicGradient() - 15.15% of users (Firefox since 90 and
       | Safari since 15, not yet in Chromium/Blink without `new-
       | canvas-2d-api` flag)
       | https://caniuse.com/?search=createConicGradient
       | Not found on "Can I Use":
       | - All text modifiers
       | - ctx.roundRect()
       | - context.reset()
       | - CanvasFilter
       | - contextlost/contextrestored
       | Anyone know when these will be available in browsers?
       | Looks like in chrome they are all under the `new-canvas-2d-api`
       | flag:
       | https://chromestatus.com/feature/6051647656558592
         | JKCalhoun wrote:
         | _New_ is always frustrating.
         | Instead I'll write my own _context.reset_bogus()_ that simply
         | calls _canvas.width = canvas.width_
         | Same for round rect. Some of the other features though ... not
         | so simple, ha ha.
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | These are all available as of Chrome M99! Thanks for reminding
         | me to update caniuse!
           | geewee wrote:
           | What about all the other browsers?
             | mysteryDate wrote:
             | So, these functions are are now currently part of the
             | whatwg spec, so other browsers have stated their intention
             | to implement them and this is underway.
               | geewee wrote:
               | Wonderful!
       | brightffw wrote:
       | jiripospisil wrote:
       | The old fart in me just wants a way to turn all of this off.
       | danShumway wrote:
       | :) Good to see web news that appears to be at first glance just
       | straightforwardly good news and uncontroversial. In particular,
       | I'm really excited to see `willReadFrequently` on this list.
       | Particularly for games, canvas caching is a huge deal.
       | And holy crud, rounded rectangles! It doesn't fundamentally
       | change anything, it just means I don't need to write a helper
       | method for literally every project I make that uses them. It's a
       | tiny thing, but I'm grateful for the people working on that.
       | mwcampbell wrote:
       | > Rounded rectangles: the cornerstone of the internet, of
       | computing, nigh, of civilization.
       | That isn't wildly exaggerated if this story is true:
       | https://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?story=Round_Rects_Are_...
         | tannhaeuser wrote:
         | You laugh, but actually in the 90s rounded rectangles were a
         | must to portray your site/app as "modern" (and signify you
         | didn't bother to give it basic usability like desktop apps have
         | so you could spare that part for your MVP).
           | tonyedgecombe wrote:
           | The funny thing is as soon as CSS supported them directly
           | they went out of fashion.
             | btown wrote:
             | Say that to practically every interface element in iOS,
             | Slack, and WhatsApp! They're just out of fashion in other
             | parts of the web!
             | Nadya wrote:
             | Same thing with gradients in forum design. The moment we
             | could use CSS instead of a gradient handcrafted with a
             | pirated version of Photoshop - gradients stopped being
             | commonly used in forum skins.
               | DonHopkins wrote:
               | I would love to have a CanvasFilter that makes your
               | smooth 24 bit procedurally generated gradients look like
               | they've been error-diffusion dithered to an 8 bit web
               | safe color palette. And with a FatBits option to
               | compensate for retina displays. Now THAT would be
               | fashionable!
               | rikroots wrote:
               | > makes your smooth 24 bit procedurally generated
               | gradients look like they've been error-diffusion dithered
               | to an 8 bit web safe color palette
               | Do you mean the gradient's output should look like it's
               | been put through a risograph printer? I created a CodePen
               | demo a while back which attempts to recreate that sort of
               | effect - https://codepen.io/kaliedarik/pen/RwgwpyG
               | When it comes to reducing a palette from (potentially)
               | millions of colors down to a set of 8 bit web safe colors
               | - I'm not convinced such a process can generate decent
               | output for a wide range of different inputs. I get much
               | better results by generating a "commonest colors" palette
               | with a minimal distance (in LAB color space) between each
               | selected color to generate the most pleasing dithered
               | output, whereas restricting the palette to web-safe
               | colors limits the output to just a handful of those
               | commonest colors. See an interactive example of the
               | filter here:
               | https://scrawl-v8.rikweb.org.uk/demo/filters-027.html
               | DonHopkins wrote:
               | Oh I wasn't looking for decent output, I LOVE the
               | pixelated error-diffusion dither effect, especially with
               | an ugly garish color map that brings out all the jiggly
               | artifacts. ;)
               | https://donhopkins.com/home/CAM6/
               | rikroots wrote:
               | Oh, nicely done! Trying to code up cellular automata
               | simulations are pretty much guaranteed to push my brains
               | through my nostrils - I've never progressed far beyond
               | classic Conway. Your CAM6 library[1] may be about to
               | steal my weekend from me!
               | [1] - https://github.com/SimHacker/CAM6
         | keithalewis wrote:
         | Like triangular wheels are an improvement over square wheels,
         | one less bump!
       | agys wrote:
       | A very annoying part of the Canvas API is that colors are
       | represented as (CSS) strings, except for the pixel array,
       | obviously. This forces to write code like this:
       | const fillColor = `rgb(${r},${g},${b})`
       | For the rest: long live the Canvas! <3
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | TypedOM CSSColor is coming soon!
       | batterylow wrote:
       | Canvas is great - I've been using it as a fallback for those who
       | don't want to use webgl (regl) on some of the plots on PlotAPI
       | and PlotPanel, e.g.
       | https://plotpanel.com/explore/view/0568f7a0-8ef8-4ef3-8bd4-b...
       | seanalltogether wrote:
       | Is this standard coordinate ordering for canvas functions?
       | ctx.roundRect(upper, left, width, height, borderRadius);
       | Every graphics framework I've ever worked with uses (x, y, width,
       | height) ordering, not (y, x, width, height)
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | Oh, this is just yet another mistake we didn't catch. It's
         | totally x before y. facepalm
       | mcintyre1994 wrote:
       | These changes look really nice! Out of interest does anyone know
       | what the most common use cases for canvas are? The article says
       | "30-40% of web pages have a <canvas> element" which is way higher
       | than I'd guess. Is it used by ad networks or something like that
       | that could increase the percentage a lot?
         | mattdesl wrote:
         | Probably the majority of these would use Canvas2D for a mix of:
         | fingerprinting, tracking/ad tech, feature detection, font
         | metrics, CPU rasterization & pixel manipulation. Occasionally
         | it will be used for specific elements, games, artworks,
         | animations, font rendering, video effects, image resizing, and
         | sometimes entire applications (Figma, Google Docs, Google Maps,
         | although they likely all use WebGL Canvas for performance &
         | control).
         | ewalk153 wrote:
         | > Is it used by ad networks[...]?
         | It's gotta be this. This article is about increasing awareness
         | of canvas. It wouldn't be needed if 30-40% of sites were
         | knowingly using the tag.
       | mysterydip wrote:
       | I'd like if there was a "mode 7" style affine transformation
       | available, but I understand my needs are niche. Still, nice to
       | see some of the performance improvements and that reset function.
         | JKCalhoun wrote:
         | Had to look that one up.
         | Seems like you could implement your own in code. It would not
         | be fast though -- having to walk each pixel in the canvas
         | buffer, apply the transform to grab a pixel from another
         | buffer, then assign the transformed buffer back to the canvas.
           | rikroots wrote:
           | I, too, had to look it up. This is about adding a (pseudo)
           | perspective effect to the 2D canvas yes? There is an open
           | issue in the whatwg/html repo[1] asking for this
           | functionality - I have no idea whether the request will be
           | taken forward by any browsers.
           | The current solution is to "roll your own" functionality. It
           | is doable - for instance I've added such functionality to my
           | canvas library[2]. The results work, but are slower than
           | ideal.
           | [1] - https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5620
           | [2] - https://scrawl-v8.rikweb.org.uk/demo/dom-015.html
             | mysterydip wrote:
             | yes correct. I've seen a couple done but like you and the
             | other poster said they're slower than ideal.
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | AHHHHHH! We wanted to add this so badly! Wrote the code and the
         | spec and everything!
         | Unfortunately Safari said it would be too much effort on their
         | end to change the 2x3 matrices on the backend to 4x4 matrices
         | to support this.
           | mysterydip wrote:
           | glad to see I'm not alone. Sucks to hear the outcome, thanks
           | for trying. Maybe someday :)
             | mysteryDate wrote:
             | Look the proposal's still here!
             | https://github.com/fserb/canvas2D/blob/master/spec/perspect
             | i...
             | If you raise an army of angry webdevs to yell at other
             | browser implementers, I would be so very happy.
       | whywhywhywhy wrote:
       | Still no way to properly turn off antialiasing?
       | (All the ways you find via google don't actually work and you
       | need to write your own drawing engine to do it properly)
         | rikroots wrote:
         | Have you tried ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled (boolean) and
         | ctx.imageSmoothingQuality (string: 'low' | 'medium' | 'high')?
         | From my experiments the iSE value seems to be respected across
         | modern browsers, but the iSQ appears to be ignored.
         | There's also the ctx.smoothFont (boolean) value but I've not
         | yet discovered a browser that cares about implementing it.
         | Demo: https://scrawl-v8.rikweb.org.uk/demo/canvas-058.html
           | whywhywhywhy wrote:
           | You need that as well but it won't make canvas draw lines and
           | circles fully aliased.
           | Have to completely reimplement those algorithms last time I
           | tried.
       | amelius wrote:
       | > 30-40% of web pages have a <canvas> element
       | Yes, for fingerprinting /s
         | neverartful wrote:
         | Can you name a website that uses canvas for fingerprinting? I'm
         | not doubting it's use for that, but would like to see a real
         | example.
           | GlitchMr wrote:
           | Google, Facebook, Reddit, Amazon, TikTok. I entered main
           | pages of those websites, and they tried reading pixels of an
           | invisible canvas for whatever reason.
         | [deleted]
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | A legitimate point! Unfortunately from our end it's also
         | impossible to tell what canvases are being used for. Somewhat
         | reassuringly, the vast majority canvases that are being created
         | are much larger than would be necessary for fingerprinting, so
         | we have some reason to believe that most uses are legitimate.
         | There's also the fact that the vast majority of canvases never
         | perform `getImageData`, which is an essential part of every
         | fingerprinting technique I've ever seen.
         | At this point it's possible to fingerprint with CSS alone, no
         | javascript: https://css-tricks.com/css-based-fingerprinting/
         | So to say that canvas is an element "for fingerprinting" I
         | think is an outdated notion that's the result of some bad PR
         | the element got like 10 years ago.
         | So, yes, fingerprinting is an issue and we all wish it would go
         | away. Unfortunately there is a ton of work to do. A lot of very
         | smart people are working on this and I wish them the best of
         | luck.
           | rasz wrote:
           | > Unfortunately from our end it's also impossible to tell
           | what canvases are being used for.
           | you mean trivial, right? calling getImageData toBlob
           | toDataURL means fingerprinting.
             | willbudd wrote:
             | I guess it didn't occur to you that retrieving and setting
             | image data with getImageData()/putImageData() actually turn
             | out to be indispensable features when generating complex
             | multi-layer canvases. Your trivial heuristic would flag a
             | lot of false positives.
           | gruez wrote:
           | >At this point it's possible to fingerprint with CSS alone,
           | no javascript: https://css-tricks.com/css-based-fing
           | Fingerprinting isn't a boolean state. The more fingerprinting
           | vectors you have the more reliably you can identify users.
           | Therefore having CSS fingerprinting (or any other
           | fingerprinting vector) doesn't really make canvas
           | fingerprinting less bad.
             | mysteryDate wrote:
             | True. Any data the user leaks is data the user leaks and we
             | should work to prevent this. However I don't think people
             | realize just how easy it is to reliably fingerprint users
             | who are blocking javascript and canvas and other web
             | features.
               | gruez wrote:
               | >how easy it is to reliably fingerprint users who are
               | blocking javascript and canvas and other web features.
               | The key difference is that most of the fingerprinting
               | attributes listed in the article, most are very innocuous
               | and/or easy to change (ie. unreliable for
               | fingerprinting). That includes:
               | 1. pointer type
               | 2. prefers-color-scheme
               | 3. window size
               | 4. @supports
               | The only other one (local fonts) is interesting, but is
               | still easily changeable and conceivably be mitigated by
               | removing all non-default fonts. This is in contrast to
               | canvas/webgl fingerprinting which fingerprints both the
               | software and hardware parts of your rendering stack, and
               | is nearly impossible to change.
               | MomoXenosaga wrote:
               | Oh I realize. I also realize literally nobody is going to
               | bite the hand that feeds and that this industry is never
               | going to regulate itself.
               | VikingCoder wrote:
               | In the future, everyone is using a 640x480 window into a
               | browser that's completely software stack in a VM that
               | runs at a regulated frequency with a specifically
               | allocated amount of RAM and hard drive space, doesn't
               | accept cookies, and clears cache after every page load.
         | azangru wrote:
         | Pardon my ignorance, but how do you do this with canvas? I
         | heard of using a 1x1px image for tracking purposes, but not of
         | canvas.
           | square_usual wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canvas_fingerprinting
             | azangru wrote:
             | Thanks
           | [deleted]
           | Etheryte wrote:
           | The canvas element is great for basic fingerprinting because
           | it's practically impossible to stop it without breaking
           | legitimate use cases. Shortly explained, there's differences
           | between text rendering in different operating systems,
           | browsers, and between browser versions as well. A simple
           | fingerprint would be then to render some text, convert the
           | canvas to an image and then hash it. Modern fingerprinting
           | approaches combine this with a number of other sources of
           | data (such as WebGL, available fonts, etc) to uniquely
           | identify users.
             | brightball wrote:
             | Reminds me of evercookie.
             | seanw444 wrote:
             | So stupid. You know what would be nice? If my processor
             | _didn 't_ attempt to do a bunch of rendering and extra
             | computation, costing more energy and wear, to spy on me.
             | Without eliminating legitimate use cases.
             | For now, eliminating legitimate use cases will have to do.
               | neverartful wrote:
               | How would you prevent use of canvas? Browser plugin?
               | Proxy filter?
               | shadowgovt wrote:
               | This problem could also be solved by making the specs so
               | rigid and implementations so constrained that none of
               | these techniques could be used to differentiate one user
               | agent from another.
               | For many reasons, the lesser of two evils is probably to
               | make user agent differentiation possible. The number of
               | apis one has to cut out to make it impossible basically
               | rolls HTML back to the 1.0 with no JavaScript era.
               | Implementation details of the machine rendering a
               | document leak through all over the place. The fact that
               | they are allowed to vary while confirming to spec has
               | historically been considered a feature of HTML rendering,
               | not a bug.
           | XCSme wrote:
           | 1x1px is for sending data to a server (by passing info in the
           | image request URL)
           | Canvas fingerprinting is done by generating unique(ish)
           | strings based on slight variations in how Browsers/CPUs/GPUs
           | render stuff.
           | croes wrote:
           | Fingerprinting not tracking pixel
         | square_usual wrote:
         | Why /s? You're right!
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | He's not completely right. Some of those sites have real
           | reasons to use a canvas.
           | He's only ~99.9% right.
             | egberts1 wrote:
             | of which, /s serves us well.
         | donatj wrote:
         | I came here precisely to say 30-40% of websites seems
         | remarkably high.
         | The number of actual canvas elements used as canvases I've
         | noted in the wild is pretty small. I've been playing with the
         | canvas element since it was a Safari exclusive they added to
         | make building dashboard widgets more powerful, and I can
         | probably say the number of times I've found them actually
         | useful in building a site is on one hand.
         | I think you're right that most of them are probably for
         | fingerprinting.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | I flat-out don't believe feature usage statistics on the web
         | for this kind of reason, because too many numbers are patently
         | absurdly wrong as far as any kind of _legitimate_ use is
         | concerned, and so any time I see an element or attribute
         | occurring more often than I'd expect, I just assume some
         | widely-deployed script like Google Analytics that I almost
         | certainly don't want is using it, probably for fingerprinting.
       | darepublic wrote:
       | I appreciated the humorous tone of the article
       | simonsarris wrote:
       | I have been building a Canvas diagramming library since 2010
       | (https://gojs.net), if anyone has any questions about 2D Canvas
       | use in the real-world I'd be happy to answer them.
       | roundRect is great. Though you don't need 4 arcTo in order to
       | make a rounded rect, you can use bezier instead (we do). Their
       | example is also 1% amusing because they set the `fillStyle` but
       | then call `stroke` (and not `fill`). I'll have to do some
       | performance comparisons, since that's the operative thing for my
       | use case (and any library author).
       | text modifiers are very welcome. It's crazy how annoying
       | measuring still is, especially if you want thinks to look
       | perfectly consistent across browsers. Though the chrome dominance
       | is making things easier in one way, I guess.
       | context.reset is kinda funny. Most high-performance canvas apps
       | will never want to use it. For that matter you want to set all
       | properties as little as possible, especially setting things like
       | context.font, which are slow even if you're setting it to the
       | same value. (Or it was, I haven't tested that in several years).
       | I'm sure most users know this by now, but generally for
       | performance the fewer calls you make to the canvas and the
       | context, the beter. This is even true of transforms: It's faster
       | to make your own Matrix class, do all your own matrix
       | translation, rotation, multiplication, etc, and then make a
       | single call to `context.setTransform`, than it is to call the
       | other context methods.
       | One of the greatest things to happen to 2D canvas in all these
       | years was hardware acceleration. It used to be significantly
       | slower. (You could switch to WebGL canvas, but at a cost of
       | complexity and all kinds of annoyances rendering text, and if you
       | had a lot of text it often wasn't worth it.) Thinking back, I'm
       | also a little disappointed that after the death of Flash, it felt
       | like Canvas never _really_ took its place. The playful web that
       | came before it in some ways simply closed up.
         | inDigiNeous wrote:
         | Interesting to hear about that doing the matrix translations on
         | the js side are faster. Have you benchmarked this recently ?
         | Will have to test it out myself, was under the naive impression
         | that the underlying implementation would be optimal.
           | simonsarris wrote:
           | Imagine something like:                   var transform =
           | ...your own data structure         transform.scale(zzz);
           | transform.rotate(zzz);         transform.translate(zzz);
           | transform.scale(zzz);         // perhaps as many as 50 as you
           | go down the visual tree         ctx.setTransform(use your
           | data structure to set these values);
           | This is a _little_ faster than calling all the corresponding
           | methods on ctx. Of course you gotta implement a transform
           | class.
           | And of course it becomes meaningfully faster if you are
           | drawing a large number of objects in a visual tree, and their
           | locations do not all change, so you can save these transforms
           | that you've created, and then the only thing you are doing in
           | the draw loop is a single call to `ctx.setTransform` instead
           | of all the calls you'd normally need. Again this really
           | depends on what you're doing, but you can imagine for drawing
           | the visual tree of a diagram, it can be quite an improvement.
         | tuckerpo wrote:
         | hey it's the twitter homestead photography guy. nice house,
         | nice software too.
         | Trufa wrote:
         | I actually do if you have the time thanks!
         | Whenever I'm trying to draw curved lines, I always have issues
         | with how they look, they seem to look low quality/pixelated.
         | Like here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
         | US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRende...
         | In the most basic examples they seem to always produce curves
         | like this.
         | Sorry I don't have more specifics since it's a project I'm not
         | actively working on right now but it was a spine that I never
         | removed.
         | If the questions is too broad, please let me know!
           | simonsarris wrote:
           | 99% the problem is one of _pixel density._ That is, you have
           | a 400x400 canvas, and a 400x400 CSS pixel space you are
           | drawing it to, but your devices pixel ratio is higher than 1,
           | so it looks kinda blurry. This is because devices squish more
           | than one  "hardware pixel" per CSS pixel. Often at a ratio of
           | 1.5 or 2, or higher.
           | The solution is to make a larger canvas, say, 800x800 and put
           | it into that 400x400 space.
           | Here is an example, using that MDN code, with a 400x400
           | canvas (red) next to a 800x800 canvas (blue). CSS is forcing
           | them both to appear the same 400x400 size. The blue one
           | should look sharper on most devices.
           | Note how the 800x800 canvas needs to be scaled double with
           | ctx2.scale(2,2) so that it appears correct.
           | https://codepen.io/simonsarris/pen/eYexbOb
           | Pixel ratio is variable (window.devicePixelRatio), so this
           | canvas pixel density is something you'll want to
           | programmatically set for each user.
             | Trufa wrote:
             | Dude!! Freaking awesome!! Thanks a bunch!! That's exactly
             | what I was looking for! If you have some sort of ko-fi
             | account or whatever I'll buy you a coffee!
               | etimberg wrote:
               | One thing to keep in mind with the
               | window.devicePixelRatio is that it is not a static value
               | as it can change over time. Some common reasons it could
               | change are if the user drags the browser window from a
               | low density screen to a high density one. Additionally,
               | it will change if the user zooms the page in and out.
               | inDigiNeous wrote:
               | Yeah I was struggling with this one a while, seems there
               | is no way to know the actual devicePixelRatio of the
               | display inside a browser, as the browser zoom level
               | directly affects that.
               | Or does anyone here happen to know a way ?
               | leeoniya wrote:
               | you can use matchMedia to detect devicePixelRatio changes
               | and re-sync:
               | https://github.com/leeoniya/uPlot/blob/190134aa844cfa2a0c
               | 052...
               | everything stays crisp even as you browser-zoom. e.g.
               | https://leeoniya.github.io/uPlot/demos/area-fill.html
               | moron4hire wrote:
               | Zooming also fires the Window's `resize` event, which
               | will also catch a user rotating their smartphone/tablet,
               | or, erh, resizing the window on desktop.
               | leeoniya wrote:
               | resize and orientationchange don't change
               | devicePixelRatio though, so they're somewhat different
               | concerns.
               | simonsarris wrote:
               | Haha well, you could always subscribe to my newsletter
               | for a month. You might get a kick out of it anyway.
               | I'm glad to have solved your mystery!
             | altairprime wrote:
             | To add a small caveat here for others, assuming 2x as the
             | necessary scaling multiplier is not _necessarily_ a safe
             | shortcut when choosing your virtual canvas size; iPhones
             | use 3x resources to look crisp, and 5K macOS users can have
             | their 5120x2880 displays set to 2048x1152 or 1600x900 which
             | are 2.5x and 3.2x respectively.
             | It still helps when you do your canvas at 2x rather than
             | just at 1x. But if you're looking for best-fidelity rather
             | than better-fidelity, duly noted.
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | This is all great feedback!                 I'm sure most users
         | know this by now, but generally for performance the fewer calls
         | you make to the canvas and the context, the beter.
         | This is almost entirely due to the javascript engine. We're
         | working on ways to improve it.                 roundRect is
         | great. Though you don't need 4 arcTo in order to make a rounded
         | rect, you can use bezier instead (we do).
         | Yeah, the example was a little bit humorous, I kinda brute
         | forced it.                 Their example is also 1% amusing
         | because they set the `fillStyle` but then call `stroke` (and
         | not `fill`).
         | You caught what 100 rounds of edits did not.
           | danielvaughn wrote:
           | Sounds like you're involved in this effort, so I'm taking the
           | opportunity to ask...what about the TextMetrics API? It's
           | listed as supported by Chrome, but I remember trying it last
           | year and it's definitely _not_ supported. Has there been
           | progress on that front?
           | moonchrome wrote:
           | >This is almost entirely due to the javascript engine. We're
           | working on ways to improve it.
           | Is it a logo interpreter built into the rendering engine ?
           | repeat 2 [fd 100 repeat 90 [rt 1 fd 0.3] fd 200 repeat 90 [rt
           | 1 fd 0.3]]
           | A rounded rect !
         | c_s_guy wrote:
         | > Though you don't need 4 arcTo in order to make a rounded
         | rect, you can use bezier instead (we do)
         | I'm pretty new to this - do you have an example of using
         | bezier? And why is it preferred over arcTo?
           | leeoniya wrote:
           | i think you'd still need 4 bezierCurveTo commands, so not
           | sure there's any advantage over 4 arcTo:
           | function roundedRect(ctx, x, y, width, height, radius) {
           | ctx.beginPath();           ctx.moveTo(x, y + radius);
           | ctx.arcTo(x, y + height, x + radius, y + height, radius);
           | ctx.arcTo(x + width, y + height, x + width, y + height -
           | radius, radius);           ctx.arcTo(x + width, y, x + width
           | - radius, y, radius);           ctx.arcTo(x, y, x, y +
           | radius, radius);           ctx.stroke();         }
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/...
         | leeoniya wrote:
         | > context.reset is kinda funny. Most high-performance canvas
         | apps will never want to use it. For that matter you want to set
         | all properties as little as possible, especially setting things
         | like context.font, which are slow even if you're setting it to
         | the same value. (Or it was, I haven't tested that in several
         | years).
         | yes, ctx.font mutation still sucks very badly. and you cannot
         | avoid it during drag-resizing a canvas, which is miserable. (i
         | maintain a high perf charting lib).
         | my additional annoyances:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30554387
         | hutzlibu wrote:
         | "One of the greatest things to happen to 2D canvas in all these
         | years was hardware acceleration."
         | I loved this one, too. Except for the one drawback,
         | getImageData is now very, very slow. And no asynchronous method
         | in sight, that could make it fast again.
           | dahart wrote:
           | How slow is it these days? Even readPixels() in OpenGL and hw
           | buffer copies in C++ are "slow" because you're transferring
           | the image data over your PCI bus.
           | Also curious how & whether an async method could help? Is the
           | problem that getImageData() has to wait to flush all pending
           | draw calls before reading back? Are you thinking of some kind
           | of callback that returns the previous frame's data, rather
           | than demanding it 'now'? There probably is room for perf
           | improvement, totally, just curious how you're imagining it
           | would look and if you have data on where the current
           | bottlenecks are.
             | kllrnohj wrote:
             | PBOs allow for asynchronous readbacks from opengl. It's not
             | slow because of the pcie bus (heck for most devices this is
             | unified memory in the first place, it doesn't hit any bus
             | other than dram). Rather it's slow for the same reason
             | glFinish() is. You're blocking waiting for the results of
             | the asynchronous rendering which you probably also just
             | kicked off right at that point.
             | Also it's not like the opengl is happening on the same
             | thread as the canvas2d (or even the same process), so
             | that's yet more synchronization that a blocking
             | getImageData needs to wait on.
               | dahart wrote:
               | Yeah, exactly, that's what I'm curious about - if the
               | browser's renderer is adding significant amounts of delay
               | due to additional synchronization, or if the problem with
               | canvas.getImageData() is the same problem we've always
               | had and if the delays are similar. This does make it seem
               | like a callback to receive last frame's image could be
               | much faster than a synchronous read call, and I'd
               | certainly use that if it existed...
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | "How slow is it these days?"
             | So slow, that chrome falls back to software rendering, if
             | you call getImageData 3 frames in a row.
             | (and does not even switch back to hardwarerendering if you
             | stop calling it - last time I checked, was some months ago,
             | so maybe that has improved)
           | adam_arthur wrote:
           | This post implies you can mark a canvas as "read frequently"
           | to improve getImageData.
           | I'm excited to try it out, as I do a kind of hacky hit
           | detection using a hidden canvas, And reading the pixel color
           | is certainly the bottleneck there
         | mpmpmpmp wrote:
         | What would your strategy for working with raw image data and
         | implementing a digital "zoom" that doesn't do any anti aliasing
         | or smoothing? My current thought is to just have an original
         | copy of the data and then the current canvas is just a smaller
         | subset of the original data when zoomed. So a 100x100 pixel
         | image when zoomed 1x would take a 50x50 subset based on the
         | center of the viewport and copy each pixel into a 2x2 to get
         | back to a 100x100 image.
           | simonsarris wrote:
           | Unless I misunderstand you, you should be able to
           | `ctx.drawImage` from one canvas to another, with
           | `imageSmoothingEnabled` set to false, and it will do what you
           | want.
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRende...
         | DonHopkins wrote:
         | Excellent advice! Your setmatrix advice is unintuitive, but I
         | believe you. The JavaScript/C barrier is expensive, while
         | JavaScript calling JavaScript is optimized up the yin-yang.
         | I love canvas because I cut my teeth on PostScript, and it's
         | basically the PostScript imaging model grown up.
         | What you said about minimizing graphics state changes is an
         | important point, that also applies to PostScript. And a lot of
         | PostScript optimization advice also applies to
         | canvas/JavaScript too, because they're similar in many ways.
         | Glenn Reid (who worked for Adobe, and was the author of the
         | "Green Book" on PostScript language program design) wrote "The
         | Distillery", which I've written about before on HN (link and
         | excerpt below), that was a PostScript program that loaded in
         | and partially evaluated another PostScript drawing program, and
         | output another program that drew the exact same thing, only
         | (usually) much faster and usually smaller. Unless you had any
         | loops, which it would unroll.
         | https://www.donhopkins.com/home/archive/news-tape/utilities/...
         | One of the most important optimizations it did was to transform
         | all the graphics into the same default coordinate system, and
         | optimize out not only graphics state changes but also
         | importantly calls to gsave/grestore, which could be quite
         | common.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21988195
         | Glenn Reid described his classic "Grandfather Clock" metaphor
         | to comp.lang.postscript that really opened my eyes about
         | writing code in interpreted languages like PostScript (and
         | JavaScript, while JIT'ed at runtime, still makes calling native
         | code expensive), and balancing optimization with readability.
         | With modern JavaScript/canvas, JavaScript code that calls other
         | JavaScript code runs really fast, but calling between
         | JavaScript and built-in code is still slow, so it's good to
         | have the built-in code do as much as possible when you do (like
         | rendering a long string of text at once, instead of rendering
         | it word by word like many PostScript drivers would):
         | Glenn's post in a comp.lang.postscript discussion about
         | PostScript programming style and optimization:
         | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/%22glenn$20reid%22$...
         | From: Glenn Reid (Abode Systems)         Newsgroup:
         | comp.lang.postscript         Subject: Re: An Idea to Help Make
         | Postscript Easier to Read (and Write)         Date: 10 Sep 88
         | 17:26:24 GMT              You people tend to forget that the
         | PostScript language is interpreted.         It is well and good
         | to use tools to convert to and from PostScript,         but it
         | is not quite as "transparent" as we all might think.         I
         | like to think of a big grandfather clock, with the pendulum
         | swinging.         Each time pendulum swings, the PostScript
         | interpreter gets to do one         operation.  The
         | "granularity" of the clock is nowhere near the speed         of
         | a microprocessor instruction set, and any comparison with
         | assembly         languages doesn't make sense.              The
         | difference between:                      0 0 moveto
         | and                      0 0 /arg2 exch def /arg1 exch def arg1
         | arg2 moveto              can sort of be measured in "ticks" of
         | the interpreter's clock.  It's         not quite this simple,
         | since simply pushing a literal is faster than         executing
         | a real PostScript operator, but it is a rough rule of thumb.
         | It will take about three times as long to execute the second of
         | these         in a tight loop, and about five times as long if
         | it is transmitted and         scanned each time.  My rule of
         | thumb is that if you have roughly the         same number of
         | tokens in your stack approach as you do with your 'exch
         | def' approach, the 'exch def' is likely to be much more
         | readable and         better.  Otherwise, I usually go with the
         | stack approach.              One other thing of note is that if
         | you have too much stack manipulation         going on, it may
         | well be symptomatic of a problem in the original program
         | design.              Also, most procedures don't do any stack
         | manipulation at all, they         simply use their arguments
         | directly from the stack.  In this situation,         it is
         | especially wasteful (and confusing, I think) to declare
         | intermediate variables.              Compare:              %
         | sample procedure call:                 (Text) 100 100 12
         | /Times-Roman SETTEXT              % approach 1:
         | /SETTEXT { %def                     findfont exch scalefont
         | setfont moveto show                 } def              %
         | approach 2:                 /SETTEXT { %def
         | /arg5 exch def                     /arg4 exch def
         | /arg3 exch def                     /arg2 exch def
         | /arg1 exch def                     arg5 findfont arg4 scalefont
         | setfont                     arg2 arg3 moveto arg1 show
         | } def              Which of these is easier for you to
         | understand?              Anyway, I think the discussion is a
         | good one, but let's not forget         that PostScript it is an
         | interpreted language.  And I don't think         it is terribly
         | hard to use and understand, if it is written well.
         | Glenn Reid         Adobe Systems
         | Here's Glenn's "Green Book", which was like a bible to me, and
         | still is quite relevant to canvas 2d context programming -- see
         | especially page 9, section 1.5, Program Design Guidelines, page
         | 72, section 4.6, Optimizing Translator Output, and page 99,
         | chapter 7, The Mechanics of Setting Text:
         | https://www-cdf.fnal.gov/offline/PostScript/GREENBK.PDF
         | >page 9: 1.5 Program Design Guidelines
         | >There are a few items that may be kept in mind while
         | implementing a driver for a PostScript device. As with most
         | software development, the most difficult part of writing
         | programs in the PostScript language is the design of the
         | program. If the design is good, implementing it is easy. If the
         | design is poor, it may not even be possible to correctly
         | implement it. Below are some helpful items to keep in mind when
         | writing your software. All of them are explained more fully
         | within the text of this book; this is only an attempt to prime
         | the pump before you start reading:
         | >* Use the operand stack efficiently. Pay particular attention
         | to the order of the elements on the stack and how they are
         | used.
         | (Using the stack efficiently by designing fluent words that
         | chain and dovetail together elegantly in pipelines (and
         | systematically writing line-by-line stack comments) instead of
         | using named variables in dictionaries is good idiomatic
         | PostScript and Forth, aka tacit programming or point-free
         | style, the stack-based equivalent of fluent interfaces.)
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacit_programming
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface
         | >* Avoid unnecessary redundancy. When a program is produced,
         | check for many repetitive steps that perhaps could be
         | condensed. Keep identifiers short if they are to be transmitted
         | many times.
         | (Only create paths once!)
         | >* Use the PostScript imaging model effectively. When printing,
         | a document must be translated into the language of the printer.
         | This includes a philosophical adjustment to the nature of the
         | PostScript imaging model.
         | (Use the graphics state stack!)
         | >* It is better to translate into the PostScript imaging model
         | than to maintain another set of graphics primitives using the
         | PostScript language for emulation.
         | The hardest problem I ever tried (and failed) to solve properly
         | with PostScript was making a printer driver for rendering user
         | interfaces drawn with X11 using a combination of bitmaps and
         | lines, that looked perfect on the screen at 1:1 scale, but
         | didn't look terrible when you zoomed into them or printed them
         | at high resolution on paper. Because of X11 "half open" pixel
         | rounding rules versus PostScript's "stencil paint" model, they
         | just don't line up right when you zoom into them, and there's
         | no fudge or compromise that works in all cases. Here is my
         | commented-out failed attempt:)
         | https://github.com/mmontone/garnet/blob/1652af38f76b1c4efb19...
         | line-color line-cap line-join dash-pattern         thickness
         | % dup -1 ne { .5 add } if % fudge outline width thicker
         | StrokeShape
         | >page 100: Note: There is one principle to keep in mind when
         | deciding upon an algorithm for setting text. The longer the
         | string presented to one of the show operators, the more
         | efficient the system is likely to be. This is because the
         | PostScript language built-in operators, such as show,
         | widthshow, and ashow, operate essentially at compiled speed
         | once they have been invoked. Each moveto or div operation
         | performed must first be interpreted, which is significantly
         | slower.
         | Here's a description of Glenn's PostScript Distillery, which
         | foreshadowed Acrobat Distiller.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28115946
         | >Glenn Reid wrote a PostScript partial evaluator in PostScript
         | that optimized other PostScript drawing programs, called "The
         | Distillery". You would send still.ps to your PostScript
         | printer, and then send another PostScript file that drew
         | something to the printer. The first PostScript Distillery
         | program would then partially evaluate the second PostScript
         | drawing program, and send back a third PostScript program, an
         | optimized drawing program, with all the loops and conditionals
         | unrolled, calculations and transformations pre-computed, all in
         | the same coordinate system.
         | >It was originally John Warnock's idea, that Glenn implemented.
         | And it led to Adobe Acrobat's "Distiller". Acrobat is basically
         | PostScript without the programming language.
         | >No, you could not make it optimize itself by sending it to a
         | PostScript printer two times in a row. It was not magic: all it
         | did was intercept and capture the side-effects of the
         | PostScript drawing commands (fill, stroke, show), read out the
         | path, and optimize it in a uniform coordinate system. Since it
         | didn't do any drawing, so it would just output an empty program
         | if run on itself. (Take that, halting problem!)
         | https://donhopkins.com/home/archive/postscript/newerstill.ps...
         | >From: greid@adobe.com (Glenn Reid) Newsgroups:
         | comp.lang.postscript Subject: release 10 of the Distillery
         | Date: 10 Mar 89 10:21:52 GMT
         | >Here is another release of the PostScript Language Distillery.
         | I know it's not terribly long after the last release, but there
         | are some significant enhancements, and I thought it would be
         | worthwhile.
         | >I finally took a closer look at user-defined fonts, which now
         | seem to be working fairly well. In particular, it seems to
         | handle the Macintosh screen bitmap fonts that get used if the
         | native font is unavailable when the print file is genreated.
         | The entire user-defined font is reverse-engineered to the
         | output file as it stands, and is used exactly like the original
         | file used it. I also fixed some rotate text bugs, rotated
         | charpath, and a few other things.
         | >I want to emphasize that probably the two best uses of this
         | program, currently, are to do speed comparisons of various
         | PostScript language drivers and to convert "non-conforming"
         | files into "conforming" files. It is not particularly well
         | suited to carefully hand-written programs, especially not those
         | which use looping constructs. It works (usually), but it
         | unrolls the loops and makes the files much bigger.
         | dmitriid wrote:
         | The problem is: browser implementors are never/rarely website
         | implementors. So you always end up with half-baked tangentially
         | useful standards and APIs like this. They just don't know what
         | is actually needed.
           | mysteryDate wrote:
           | Well, there's this and the fact that browser implementers
           | _all_ need to come to consensus over what features to add and
           | that 's an extremely difficult process to move forward. There
           | also is one big browser implementer who doesn't really _want_
           | the  "playful web" to exist and would prefer that everyone
           | live inside of apps.
           | Edit: To be clear, we all work together and mostly get along.
           | It's a long and arduous process to reach consensus and not
           | everyone's incentives are aligned and this can be
           | frustrating.
             | dmitriid wrote:
             | > There also is one big browser implementer who doesn't
             | really _want_ the "playful web" to exist and would prefer
             | that everyone live inside of apps.
             | No. There's one humongous browser implementer who couldn't
             | care less about consensus or what other browser vendors
             | think. This vendors ships literally hundreds of new APIs
             | every year and pretends they are now standards that
             | everyone else must implement.
             | Too bad developers believe them.
             | BTW, it only took only 8 minutes for my countdown to reach
             | zero: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30555034
               | robertoandred wrote:
               | Don't you know? The "playful web" means websites getting
               | access to your USB devices or being able to keep your
               | screen from sleeping/locking!
               | dmitriid wrote:
               | Someone linked "Request for position" on these APIs:
               | https://github.com/mozilla/standards-
               | positions/issues/519#is...
               | Here's Mozilla's response:
               | --- start quote ---
               | 4x4 transforms:
               | There are a bunch of implementation concerns here (and
               | mentioned on that issue) with regards to availability on
               | various native 2d backends... Needs more investigation
               | SVG filter interface:
               | We would really rather people use WebGL if you want
               | fast/efficient filters. (I made a number of comments on
               | that issue) As is, we're generally against this one for
               | the time being
               | --- end quote ---
               | There's literally zero response on that from @mysteryDate
               | who is now gaslighting Safari in the comment above, and
               | presenting these API additions as fait accompli.
               | Honestly, at this point any time I see any public Chrome
               | person write anything I immediately assume it's a
               | distortion of reality _at best_ and a blatant lie at
               | worst. And this is always the case.
               | But sure. "Safari is the bad guy".
               | rikroots wrote:
               | > We would really rather people use WebGL if you want
               | fast/efficient filters.
               | This one made me laugh. Yes, WebGL excels at pixel
               | manipulations but it is possible to write fast and
               | efficient filters to work in the 2D canvas environment.
               | For a case-in-point, I struggled for a long time to find
               | a decent, fast implementation of a gaussian blur filter
               | for my canvas library. Then I stumbled upon a JS
               | implementation[1] based on some very clever work done by
               | Intel devs which blew all my previous attempts out of the
               | water - so of course I stole it (even though I still
               | don't understand the approach they take)[2].
               | > "Safari is the bad guy"
               | As much as Safari often brings me to despair, I do like
               | the work they've recently done to add color space support
               | in CSS. They haven't yet pushed the functionality over to
               | the canvas element, but I live in hope. For now, I have
               | to emulate the calculations to get them working for my
               | library[3].
               | [1] - https://github.com/nodeca/glur/blob/master/index.js
               | [2] - https://scrawl-v8.rikweb.org.uk/docs/source/factory
               | /filterEn...
               | [3] -
               | https://scrawl-v8.rikweb.org.uk/demo/canvas-059.html
               | DonHopkins wrote:
               | Cool, interesting links to code -- thank you! I chased
               | down Intel's paper the code linked to describing how it
               | works on archive.org.
               | https://web.archive.org/web/20110317025924/https://softwa
               | re....
               | It's not just about using SIMD instructions (they help),
               | and laying out memory to optimize cache performance
               | (which also helps), but most importantly that Gaussian
               | blur is a "separable filter" that you can break up into a
               | horizontal and vertical pass, each of which require a lot
               | fewer memory references (on the order of just two times
               | the number of pixels times the kernel size, instead of
               | the number of pixels times the kernel size squared):
               | IIR Gaussian Blur Filter Implementation using Intel(r)
               | Advanced Vector Extensions
               | >This white paper proposes an implementation for the
               | Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Gaussian blur filter [1]
               | [2] [3] using Intel(r) Advanced Vector Extensions
               | (Intel(r) AVX) instructions. [...]
               | >The IIR Gaussian blur filter applies equation (1) on
               | each pixel through two sequential passes: The horizontal
               | pass: This pass processes the input image left-to-right
               | (row-wise), then right-to-left. The output of the left-
               | to-right pass is added to the right-to-left pass.
               | >The vertical pass: Usually, the vertical pass processes
               | the output from the horizontal pass top-to-bottom
               | (column-wise), and then bottom-to-top. Accessing the
               | input column-wise leads to a lot of cache blocks and
               | impacts the performance of the filter. To avoid this, the
               | horizontal pass transposes the output before writing to
               | the output buffer. It makes the vertical pass similar to
               | the horizontal pass and processes the intermediate output
               | left-to-right, then right-to-left. The vertical pass
               | again transposes the final output before writing the
               | blurred image.
               | https://bartwronski.com/2020/02/03/separate-your-filters-
               | svd...
               | >Separate your filters! Separability, SVD and low-rank
               | approximation of 2D image processing filters Posted on
               | February 3, 2020 by bartwronski
               | >In this blog post, I explore concepts around separable
               | convolutional image filters: how can we check if a 2D
               | filter (like convolution, blur, sharpening, feature
               | detector) is separable, and how to compute separable
               | approximations to any arbitrary 2D filter represented in
               | a numerical / matrix form. I'm not covering any genuinely
               | new research, but think it's a really cool, fun, visual,
               | interesting, and very practical topic, while being mostly
               | unknown in the computer graphics community.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_blur#Mathematics
               | >In addition to being circularly symmetric, the Gaussian
               | blur can be applied to a two-dimensional image as two
               | independent one-dimensional calculations, and so is
               | termed a separable filter. That is, the effect of
               | applying the two-dimensional matrix can also be achieved
               | by applying a series of single-dimensional Gaussian
               | matrices in the horizontal direction, then repeating the
               | process in the vertical direction. In computational
               | terms, this is a useful property, since the calculation
               | can be performed in O(w_kernel w_image h_image) +
               | O(h_kernel w_image h_image) time (where h is height and w
               | is width; see Big O notation), as opposed to O(w_kernel
               | h_kernel w_image h_image) for a non-separable kernel.
               | mysteryDate wrote:
               | Oh yeah! Safari is definitely doing great for colorspaces
               | and we have some work to do to catch up. Very good point.
               | mysteryDate wrote:
               | There was a ton of work across browser vendors to make
               | this a part of spec:
               | https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#the-
               | canva...
               | It's all there. It's all official. That github page was
               | just one part of reaching consensus. There's also TAG
               | review:
               | https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/627
               | FWIW Mozilla and Safari signed off on all of these
               | changes at some point in time somewhere, hence why it's
               | allowed to be part of spec. There were some changes that
               | were not allowed to be part of the new API because one of
               | those two said no (like perspective transforms, conic
               | curves).
               | For jdashg's concerns on that thread, 4x4 matrices were
               | cancelled, and you can follow up with _much_ more debate
               | from all parties on roundRect and filters:
               | http://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/6763
               | https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/6765
               | This is certainly not decided by fiat. Working to find
               | consensus across browser implementers is just a ton of
               | work.
               | dmitriid wrote:
               | > It's all there. It's all official.
               | > FWIW Mozilla and Safari signed off on all of these
               | changes at some point in time
               | That's a relief then. Too often these days "it's official
               | it's in the spec" as presented by Chrome is anything but.
               | > This is certainly not decided by fiat.
               | There are too many cases when it's decided unilaterally
               | by Chrome.
             | robertoandred wrote:
             | Your post implies that Google cares about browser
             | consensus. For example, "This feature has been in Firefox
             | for a while and we're finally making it part of the canvas
             | spec." Google DOES NOT decide what the spec is. "You" don't
             | make something part of the spec.
             | The Chrome team's hubris is insulting to the web.
         | IceDane wrote:
         | Your library seems absolutely great. I can't believe I've never
         | stumbled upon it before since I've literally gone looking for
         | stuff exactly like this several times and never found anything
         | very good.
           | david927 wrote:
           | HN hates "me too" comments but I couldn't agree more.
           | Absolutely stunning job. Great work. I don't know how I
           | didn't know it existed before.
         | andai wrote:
         | >Thinking back, I'm also a little disappointed that after the
         | death of Flash, it felt like Canvas never really took its
         | place. The playful web that came before it in some ways simply
         | closed up.
         | I've been wondering if this is cultural or technical. The
         | things that are easy to do get done more, and thus the tech
         | (and how well it's designed) shapes mass behavior and culture.
         | On the other hand, where there's a will to do something, a way
         | will be found, or created...
         | A great example is sending Flash holiday greeting cards in the
         | email. Watching them with my mom is one of my favorite
         | computer-related childhood memories. Yet they seemed to go out
         | of style long before Flash did.
           | StillBored wrote:
           | Some of this has got to be the fact that macromedia flash
           | originally was more targeted to artists and it was dead
           | simple to create nice 2d animations. AKA it wasn't a
           | programming environment so much as an artistic tool. The
           | current version (adobe animate) doesn't seem nearly as
           | popular despite the fact that it can apparently target
           | html/canvas. Part of that just might be fragmentation, with
           | wick editor, opentoonz, there isn't a single tool everyone
           | talks about. Although I'm not sure if those tools can
           | legitimately "grow" into programming tools the way flash and
           | now animate can. (aka the artist draws up a bunch of stuff
           | and then needs to learn some programming or have a programmer
           | to come along and fix the donate button so it actually takes
           | money like was possible with flash).
           | OTOH, I used to know a bunch of artistic types that had
           | pirated copies and would sit around and create flash
           | animations for their bands/etc. Now those people just do
           | video editing and post things to youtube/etc, or spend time
           | editing photos for facebook/etc. There isn't a
           | hypercard/programming aspect anymore buried under their
           | tooling.
           | edit: actually it looks like wick can do the hypercard/flash
           | programming too, which is sorta cool.
             | thrashh wrote:
             | Distributing a Flash file was dead easy
             | Distributing a HTML file and its assets? God damn complex
               | tentacleuno wrote:
               | > Distributing a HTML file and its assets? God damn
               | complex
               | There's always Web Bundles[0], but I have no idea what
               | the UX is like. I haven't heard about Web Bundles for a
               | while, but they seem like such a good idea.
               | [0]: https://web.dev/web-bundles/
           | danielvaughn wrote:
           | I can understand where that sentiment comes from, but I think
           | what really killed the playful flash web was accessibility.
           | It's difficult enough to be fully accessible for a normal
           | website; anything out of the ordinary is going to be
           | significantly more difficult.
           | munificent wrote:
           | I think, fundamentally, delight and whimsy don't scale.
           | They are based on some element of surprise. Once the surprise
           | is gone because you've seen it a few times, the joy
           | evaporates and then it's just annoying.
           | multiplegeorges wrote:
           | Flash was huge for playful things because it was extremely
           | accessible.
           | Say what you want about the underlying tech, the authoring
           | tools were easy for a kind (like me, at the time) to pick up
           | and make animations with.
           | Is there an equivalent for Canvas?
           | titzer wrote:
           | I think Flash died 2 years too early, or WebAssembly came 2
           | years too late. Because it always seemed to me that Flash was
           | a good idea for the web, if it existed as a layer that was
           | not "native" could be linked as a library (on top of Wasm and
           | canvas). Alas, there were plans to emulate Flash using Wasm,
           | but it was on its deathbed by the time we were starting the
           | open design process. Adobe's VM seems to have had some design
           | decisions that made it difficult to just "hit the button" and
           | make it run decent on Wasm.
             | claytongulick wrote:
             | I think this can be laid at the feet of Apple.
             | I loved Jobs' vision of HTML5 being the app platform, and
             | getting rid of flash.
             | Instead he got voted down, and we got the early death of
             | flash with the replacement being a walled-garden app store,
             | setting the web back for years.
             | They're starting to get their act together (I'm looking at
             | you Web Push Notifications) but it's been a long, painful
             | road.
           | conductr wrote:
           | My recollection of Flash was it was just an annoyance. I
           | remember avoiding flash websites with the exception being
           | games. And I'm not a huge gamer but I recall a handful of
           | flash games that stole a few days of attention from me. I
           | always find it a bit odd when I hear people have positive
           | nostalgic memories of flash because I had thought everyone
           | equally agreed it was annoying: similar to Java applets, the
           | Real Player, and actually many JavaScript things at the time.
             | benrbray wrote:
             | However much Flash was abused on the web, it was an
             | absolute joy to create games and animations with. There
             | aren't any tools I know of today that allow for the same
             | rapid art+animation+code workflows. I've tried using
             | Canvas2D+JS as well as SVG+JS to do some of the same
             | things, and they don't even come close to Flash!
               | robertoandred wrote:
               | The Flash tool still exists, Adobe calls it Animate now.
               | It exports to canvas/js.
               | CountHackulus wrote:
               | The functionality isn't really the same. Yes, you can
               | export animations, but it's much more difficult to
               | provide the same level of interactive game that Flash
               | did.
               | conductr wrote:
               | Interesting account. I was diving into tech around turn
               | off the millennia and I remember spending all of a day or
               | so in action script and went back to the server side
               | stuff. There's so much game content around I have to
               | believe the void is being met somewhere? Was this just an
               | easy on ramp for low/no experienced folks? I believe
               | that's how the dreamweaver and other connected adobe
               | products were positioned.
               | thrower123 wrote:
               | Yeah, it's really not. That entire segment that Flash
               | games owned doesn't exist any more in the same way that
               | it did.
               | The closest thing would be the mobile games like Candy
               | Crush and Garden Saga, but even there the tide has
               | passed, and it's too difficult to make anything - King
               | was bought by Activision for 6 billion dollars.
               | moron4hire wrote:
               | There were several major indie games that started out in
               | Flash and ended up on consoles. Alien Homind, N++, and
               | Castle Crashers come to mind, in particular. They were
               | pretty great games. Castle Crashers on Xbox 360 was a
               | favorite of my roommates.
           | claytongulick wrote:
           | Either way, the death of AS3 was a sad thing.
           | One of the best languages ever made, imho.
           | Optional typing, e4x, normal inheritance (non-prototypal),
           | etc...
           | The web would be a better place if AS3 took over instead of
           | js (and I love js).
           | I imagine wasm would have shown up and been a ton easier to
           | implement as well. AOT bits that are full static, JIT bits
           | that aren't. No need for TypeScript, Flow, etc...
           | Especially sad since iirc Adobe donated the entire thing and
           | was pushing for it to become standard in HTML4.
       | leeoniya wrote:
       | you can do rounded rect in about 50% fewer commands vs the
       | example.
       | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1255512/how-to-draw-a-ro...
       | Jyaif wrote:
       | This is as pointless as adding MathML to a browser. Don't further
       | bloat browsers. If developers need those features (which 99.9% do
       | not), let them create and use libraries based on WebGL/WebGPU.
       | Or rather: go ahead! The more stuff you add, the quicker a lite
       | web (no JS/HTML, just webASM/webGPU) will emerge.
         | extheat wrote:
         | Just because you don't use the feature doesn't mean others
         | don't. I use Canvas2D regularly and enjoy the simplicity of it,
         | it is definitely one of the best features of the Web APIs.
       | wly_cdgr wrote:
       | Useless additions that miss the point. The only thing Canvas2D
       | needs is frequent and ongoing improvements to line rendering
       | performance.
         | veganhouseDJ wrote:
         | This brings Canvas up to speed with SVG as far as features no
         | one uses.
       | oliwarner wrote:
       | > 30-40% of web pages have a <canvas> element
       | What? That seems like an outrageously high number, like an order
       | of magnitude out.
       | Or are we counting anything with an advert on it? Any page on a
       | domain? Even then... A third of the internet? I'm doubtful.
         | maccard wrote:
         | It's for fingerprinting
         | [deleted]
         | mysteryDate wrote:
         | This number is a little bit of a guess. It is the number of
         | calls to `<canvas>` divided by the total number of page loads.
         | Obviously some pages are using more than one canvas, hence the
         | large range.
         | As for fingerprinting, most canvases are 1. not their default
         | size, 2. not 1x1 (like fingerprintjs uses) 3. never call
         | `getImageData`. All these things together point to the idea
         | that these are legitimate uses. Yes, fingerprinting on the web
         | platform is a problem. It's also a problem with canvas. I think
         | it's disingenuous to say "canvas is mostly used for
         | fingerprinting" without ways to support that statement.
       | slmjkdbtl wrote:
       | Admittedly, the API is a bit behind the times when it comes to
       | state-of-the-art 2D drawing
       | What does state-of-the-art 2D API look like?
       | londons_explore wrote:
       | > Let's make sad tabs happy again! In the event that a client
       | runs out of GPU memory or some other disaster befalls your
       | canvas, you can now receive a callback and redraw as needed:
       | No... this isn't how it should be. The browser should hide such
       | details from the javascript. The canvas contents either shouldn't
       | be lost by the GPU at all, or if they are, the browser should
       | keep enough information to be able to recreate it (for example, a
       | backup of all the canvas pixels plus recent draw commands
       | executed).
       | Lets be honest - most GPU context losses are GPU driver bugs and
       | should just be fixed, not require every web page to try to redraw
       | to work around them.
       | mdswanson wrote:
       | Nice to see these updates! I maintain a free/open-source Adobe
       | Illustrator plug-in for generating Canvas drawings:
       | https://blog.mikeswanson.com/ai2canvas
       | dathinab wrote:
       | One of the most common uses of Canvas2D on chrome is still
       | fingerprinting.
       (page generated 2022-03-04 23:00 UTC)