[HN Gopher] Self-host your static assets (2019)
       Self-host your static assets (2019)
       Author : kosasbest
       Score  : 70 points
       Date   : 2022-03-05 17:22 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (csswizardry.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (csswizardry.com)
       | juanse wrote:
       | One fear that I have with this modern way in which we use so many
       | references in different sources is that any minor fail, can mean
       | a real pain.
       | markdog12 wrote:
       | Imagine if every web page loaded this fast?
       | axelthegerman wrote:
       | I'm surprised noone is mentioning that a CDN totally does help to
       | serve your assets across different geographies.
       | Even if HTTP/2 is faster to load multiple assets over the same
       | connection, I found it still better for users on other continents
       | to serve my web app over the main domain from my server in US-
       | East or Central and have a global CDN catching ALL my assets (not
       | 5 CDNs for 5 different JS frameworks)
       | z3c0 wrote:
       | I've been a web developer for just over a decade now. Lately,
       | I've been rather amused at how much more elementary my websites
       | are today compared to, say, 5 years ago. I went through all the
       | MVW frameworks, the gulp builds, the MEAN stack, 100% JavaScript
       | SPAs, Typescript, etc, until eventually finding myself back where
       | I started: static HTML page, a lite CSS framework, and almost no
       | JavaScript.
       | My development is faster than ever, my web pages are faster than
       | ever, and I can spend more time making sure the website delivers
       | information effectively than worrying about gluing a million
       | disparate frameworks together.
         | vmception wrote:
         | Same, its almost a wholesale rejection and works just fine for
         | either getting the point across or driving millions in revenue
         | In the web3 space, all the "call to actions" are direct
         | payments, so the funnel is reduced to a single step - optimized
         | by orders of magnitude over the long winded funnels of web 2.0
         | services for even higher margins and even faster sales cycles
         | most of the learnings from all these other frameworks was to
         | optimize for the most user experiences to keep them engaged for
         | a convoluted product where the user session needs to be
         | transferred between views and made longer and longer
         | In a world where most sites and services never needed to do
         | that, and the current web3 ones that monetize well definitely
         | don't need to, none of this complicated frontend (or associated
         | backend) matters any more
         | The only remaining relevant learnings from the past 10 years
         | are responsive design for different screen sizes, CDNs for even
         | more caching, and better auto deployments from version control
         | updates
         | [deleted]
       | eternityforest wrote:
       | Modern JS can easily use MB of JS libs. Sometimes it would be
       | rather hard to do without them. We also have stuff like icofont.
       | If I have 100kb of content that needs 500kb of JS... I lose a lot
       | of bandwidth if I were to self host.
       | lelandfe wrote:
       | > if lots and lots of sites link to the same CDN-hosted version
       | of, say, jQuery, then surely users are likely to already have
       | that exact file on their machine already
       | > [However] Safari has completely disabled this feature for fear
       | of abuse where privacy is concerned
       | All major browsers have now disabled shared caches[0][1]. Using a
       | CDN for resources is strictly worse, now, performance-wise.
       | [0] https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2020/10/http-
       | cache...
       | [1] https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/12/firefox-v85-will-
       | imp...
         | eternityforest wrote:
         | I really hate that you can't disable the cache partition. Every
         | megabyte counts in a mobile first world.
           | mro_name wrote:
           | so why not cut it from image cruft, videos or bloated code
           | and frameworks?
           | What kind of pages are we talking? Print-ready image
           | archives?
           | lelandfe wrote:
           | It's for the best. Cache partitioning solves a browser
           | history leak described in _Timing Attacks on Web Privacy_ [0]
           | The permutations of different CDNs and asset versions meant
           | the cache hit rate was low anyway.[1][2]
           | [0] https://www.cs.umd.edu/~jkatz/TEACHING/comp_sec_F04/downl
           | oad... (PDF)
           | [1] https://zoompf.com/blog/2010/01/should-you-use-
           | javascript-li...
           | [2] https://web.archive.org/web/20111123170325/http://statich
           | tml...
         | tick_tock_tick wrote:
         | > Using a CDN for resources is strictly worse, now,
         | performance-wise.
         | It's still normally significantly better if only for the fact
         | the CDN's servers are physically closer to the client.
           | [deleted]
           | lelandfe wrote:
           | "Normally," i.e. when the origin itself is not behind a CDN,
           | right?
       | samwillis wrote:
       | Not only hosting static assets yourself, it's best to have them
       | on your main (sub)domain. It saves a dns round trip when visiting
       | site for the first time. It also has the advantage with HTTP/2
       | being able to use that same initial connection for all assets on
       | the page.
       | The old way of having your server rendered pages on your main
       | domain and static assets on static.domain.com really should end.
       | Less of an issue if your doing jamstack with no server side
       | rendering or using something like Vercel.
       | This is also one of the advantages of using a combined waf/cdn
       | such as CloudFlare. It allows you to have everything on the same
       | domain while also having the use of waf and cdn capabilities.
       | There is no need to have a subdomain to hold your static assets
       | if you want to place it behind a cdn service. The only
       | potentially problem is if your main hosting provider or tech
       | stack makes having everything on one domain difficult.
       | I mostly work with Python on the sever and have found
       | "whitenoise" a great way to achieve this.
       | Obviously it's still easer to host any "dynamic" assets or user
       | submitted assets on a subdomain. (There are good arguments that
       | user submitted assets should be on another domain completely for
       | belts and braces security)
       | zelon88 wrote:
       | I will never src a script to a third party server. Same with
       | fonts.
       | I think it's ironic that we thrash chipmakers for side channel
       | attacks that realistically couldn't ever be exploited but the
       | same people turn around and call 14 different scripts from 14
       | different domains to display a 900kb web page.
       | Who really knows who has access to or is tracking access to that
       | code? And what happens when one of them goes down?
       | "The CDN is WAY more reliable than my server."
       | But your server is the least common denominator. Who cares if
       | your scripts load if your server doesn't? For low volume, unless
       | you have redundancy at every level of the stack; you can't get
       | more reliable than one box.
         | IgorPartola wrote:
         | How do you handle things like taking payments?
           | Nextgrid wrote:
           | You can make an exception for payments (where you rely on the
           | payment processor anyway, so the reliability argument goes
           | away - if the processor is down, the payment will fail even
           | if you self-host the payment script). Of course, embed the
           | payment script only on the actual payment page, even if your
           | processor tells you otherwise and quotes some fraud-related
           | bullshit.
             | samwillis wrote:
             | > even if your processor tells you otherwise and quotes
             | some fraud-related bullshit.
             | You may be right 99.9% of the time. But if your site starts
             | being used by someone automatically testing stolen credit
             | card to see if they work you will be thankful for the
             | automated script detection this gives. Every chargeback
             | cost the vendor $20, now imagine 1k of those in a sort
             | period of time, not pretty.
             | So far I have fortunately not been a victim of this but
             | have read about people who have and it gives me enough fear
             | to stick that script on all pages.
               | Nextgrid wrote:
               | Can't you just enforce 3D-Secure and be done with it?
               | samwillis wrote:
               | I may well be out of date (last looked at it about 18
               | months ago) but I don't think all card issuers have
               | implemented 3D secure yet. Although I think there may
               | have been a deadline for them to.
               | Also friction in the checkout process is bad and can
               | contribute to dropouts. You can decide to always enforce
               | 3d secure or to have it only run when banks
               | require/suggest it. Personally I set a cart total
               | threshold above which it's required and set it only to be
               | applied when banks require it for lower value orders.
           | samwillis wrote:
           | Slight aside, most payment services with a Stipe like js self
           | hosted checkout now suggest you include their JavaScript on
           | all pages off your site, not just the checkout. This is so
           | that they can begin to build a profile of how the
           | user/browser moves around the site in order to use ML to
           | prevent fraud. They also require that you _dont_ self host
           | the js.
           | The main use of this is to detect automated scripts running
           | cards on your site to test if they work.
           | Obviously it's an endless battle as the fraudsters move to
           | using tools such as puppeteer/playwright to simulate a human
           | using a browser.
           | zelon88 wrote:
           | I haven't had to do that in a while but in the past I would
           | just create external links to the payment processor who then
           | links back when the payment is approved/declined.
           | Obviously you can't reasonably "roll your own" payment
           | provider, but that doesn't mean I need to run their code with
           | my name at the top of the page.
             | toast0 wrote:
             | It used to be pretty common to self-host a checkout page,
             | and the server contacts the payment processor. That comes
             | with a security checklist compliance burden these days
             | though. Probably better to send the browser to the
             | processor and wait for them to come back, as you said.
       | the_arun wrote:
       | Article does a great job of describing self-host. But they don't
       | provide tips on how to self host in an easy way.
       | 1. Is it hosting on our own CDN endpoints. How easy to set this
       | up? Is there a 0 cost way of doing it for our experiments?
       | 2. Alternatively hosting them on our own github pages or repos? -
       | here we still depend on GitHub CDN.
         | ipaddr wrote:
         | Self host would not be putting them on github pages unless you
         | own github.
         | travisjungroth wrote:
         | He's not talking about self host as in CDN vs self host. It's
         | about not linking to third party assets. You link to
         | yoursite.com/static/bootstrap.js, not
         | someoneelse.com/shared/bootstrap.js.
         | You can (should, as he says at the end) have this be through a
         | CDN. Just use the same CDN you use for other stuff.
         | immibis wrote:
         | The article is not really talking about "self host" but rather
         | "host in the same place as the rest of your website"
       | [deleted]
       | Swizec wrote:
       | > Users may have the file pre-cached
       | This is no longer true. Due to security concerns browsers no
       | longer re-use the cache between websites.
       | That said, hosting assets yourself is fantastic _if you use a
       | CDN_. Accessing American websites without CDN from Europe can be
       | quite rough. I remember one of my first remote freelancing gigs
       | where it took about 5s to load the company's website hosted on
       | Heroku. Just because of availability zones.
       | At my current gig, we self-host our assets and it's fine because
       | we're US-centric. We host in us-west-2 and I live in SF and
       | everything loads super fast. But you can really tell the dev site
       | loads slower when working from the east coast.
       | Network latency is no joke.
         | Lascaille wrote:
           | angrais wrote:
           | Self hosting means downloading the source of a script (e.g.,
           | jQuery), and hosting on the servers your site/app serve from.
           | So I assume that GPs site is hosted on AWS and this may make
           | more sense?
           | Else yes, a bit confusing.
           | Swizec wrote:
           | What? The whole infra runs on us-west-2 and there are no 3rd
           | party resources loaded from elsewhere.
           | You expect us to run servers in our bedrooms to count as self
           | hosting?
             | Lascaille wrote:
               | eyelidlessness wrote:
               | The article and the comment are talking about hosting the
               | site and its resources in the same place/on the same
               | domain, not about the kind of hosting used. This advice
               | still holds even if your entire site is behind a CDN.
       | dpweb wrote:
       | Caching. That you control in code - not controlled by server
       | headers which never worked reliably back to the earliest days.
       | Already addressed in browsers in window.caches, serviceworker.
       | It's not so much you need JQuery version x cached from another
       | origin, but once its loaded from your site, it never needs to be
       | sent again. Heck you cache everything, or everything except
       | index.html if you want to.
       | paxys wrote:
       | Unfortunately there's a significant cost to actually implementing
       | and maintaining this. For a non-mission critical/hobbyist site,
       | putting a couple links to bootstrap, jquery, d3, vue, google
       | fonts etc. in your header is a lot easier (and cheaper) than
       | setting up your own bundler, build process and CDN. I don't
       | particularly care if my pages take an extra few milliseconds to
       | load.
         | antihero wrote:
         | I wouldn't exactly say using a bundler is a significant cost,
         | nor that serving a few hundred kB is that much cheaper than
         | relying on a shared CDN. If anything that's just more lazy than
         | anything else. Modern bundlers like vite aren't exactly
         | difficult to set up.
         | minus7 wrote:
         | Literally no significant extra effort to download the files and
         | put them with your website. If you fetch them from a CDN with a
         | fixed version you're not getting updates anyway.
           | paxys wrote:
           | Putting them on your website means they are being served from
           | your web server every time, which has a much worse
           | performance penalty (and bandwidth cost) than everything the
           | article mentions. The alternative is pushing it to your own
           | CDN, which is the complexity I was referring to.
         | immibis wrote:
         | What is the cost to putting your frameworks on your site?
       (page generated 2022-03-05 23:00 UTC)