[HN Gopher] How to deploy software on a moving bus (2018)
       How to deploy software on a moving bus (2018)
       Author : mpweiher
       Score  : 53 points
       Date   : 2022-03-07 09:59 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (engineering.citymapper.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (engineering.citymapper.com)
       | BORG_VS_RESTIC wrote:
       | zimpenfish wrote:
       | I worked for a company (back in 2009/10) that was putting LED
       | advertising boards on the sides of (IIRC) NYC buses with an
       | embedded PC to control them and report back to base. They were
       | plagued - CF cards falling out from vibration, dirt and dust,
       | electrical noise, etc. Needless to say, it was not a success.
         | mandis wrote:
         | They were too early would be my guess. In my opinion, embedded
         | in today's time is easy and robust. Your thoughts?
           | MisterTea wrote:
           | > They were too early would be my guess.
           | There were rugged PC's available back then for automotive use
           | (think cop cars and the like). To me it sounds like they did
           | not spec the hardware properly or installed it improperly.
       | loa_in_ wrote:
       | I like the emoji idea. So simple and practical both idea and the
       | system as well
         | tgsovlerkhgsel wrote:
         | If you already need an app on your phone to use the system...
         | why not vibrate the phone? The user is likely holding in their
         | hands to read something (or listening to music with it). I'm
         | not looking at the display for an emoji...
       | mrsuprawsm wrote:
       | https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/12/18662577/citymapper-londo...
       | It seems like they gave up on this fairly quickly.
         | stingraycharles wrote:
         | I thought they would have given up on deploying updates while
         | the bus is driving (opposed to only when it's being serviced /
         | stationed), but it appears like their whole business
         | proposition didn't work as intended.
         | To be honest, I'm usually fairly skeptical to all those "we're
         | doing the same as X, but we'll use _data_ to make better
         | decisions!" startups. It's incredibly difficult to validate, as
         | you usually don't actually have the data until you've reached a
         | certain critical mass, so you'll end up having to sell the
         | dream instead.
           | robbie-c wrote:
           | They kind of bootstrapped around this quite well. The first
           | product was a better Google Maps app, which meant they got
           | people's journey data. I wonder if the real problem they ran
           | into was just that public transport in London is pretty
           | excellent, so even with journey data plus the ton of data
           | that TFL provide, it's pretty hard to actually run anything
           | better.
             | traceroute66 wrote:
             | > public transport in London is pretty excellent
             | Really ?!?
             | I'm pretty sure most Londoners would disagree with that.
             | Dirty, expensive, crowded, strikes and signal failures. TFL
             | doing everything possible to avoid telling the truth,
             | stating "good service" when everyone on the platform can
             | see they're having a bad day in the office (again !).
             | Compared to the Japan, the Nordic countries, Switzerland,
             | South Korea, just to name a few, London is dire.
             | Look at Japan, specifically Tokyo. More populous and
             | densely populated than London. Yes the trains can get a
             | little crowded at rush hour. But I've been visited a good
             | few times now and I've never experienced the London-style
             | horrors. Everything is punctual, clean, no strikes or
             | signal failures. And that's just the Tokyo subway. The
             | Shinkanzen is simply fabulous. Its great !
           | sumtechguy wrote:
           | When I used to write software like this. We typically had
           | some sort of 'vpn', it was usually an isolated network 100%
           | so you did not need that in the first place. For this I would
           | have used an MDN on an isolated network. We would then write
           | a solid bootstrap program with a watchdog on an ISR.
           | Basically it would have an A/B area then we could flip
           | between them as needed. If a particular version did not come
           | up on a vehicle we could default it back to the old version.
           | Usually some sort of flag that said 'yep this version is
           | solid use it from now on'. Usually also the program itself
           | could declare itself as bad usually catching itself in the
           | crash and writing something out somewhere.
           | Not 100% as vehicle env is pretty harsh. +/-12V in 1-2
           | seconds on crank so you better have something to deal with
           | that. -40f to +150f so you better have HW that can deal with
           | that. Worry about how much flash wearing you have left. Oh
           | and just general bouncing around, kicking hitting, coffee
           | spills so your hardware better be decently hardened. Even
           | then you still usually had those 10-20 vehicles that you just
           | had to touch them. Usually it would be in the middle of
           | Montana somewhere. If you were lucky it could be at a
           | terminal. Oh and dont cost too much as your competitors
           | probably have better and cheaper hardware.
         | robbie-c wrote:
         | I wonder how they're doing. Crunchbase
         | https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/citymapper-limited/c...
         | has a Series B for $40M back in 2016, and a crowdfunder for
         | PS6.7M in 2021. I can't imagine the pandemic was kind to them.
         | It's a shame really, I remember they were fairly active in the
         | London tech meetup scene around their B, usually quite
         | enjoyable talks.
           | mpweiher wrote:
           | Doing great, thanks, despite the pandemic! Still providing
           | the best routing, hiring (they/we hired me last August), and
           | now also with an SDK for putting all that goodness into your
           | own apps: https://citymapper.com/powers
           | sweezyjeezy wrote:
           | I remember they had one of the crazier glassdoor pages I've
           | seen - basically a bunch of disgruntled leavers calling the
           | CEO a monster, from looking more recently it seems like they
           | may have made some positive changes.
             | yen223 wrote:
             | Based on Glassdoor reviews at places I actually work at, I
             | have learnt to never take Glassdoor reviews too seriously
       (page generated 2022-03-07 23:01 UTC)