[HN Gopher] Microsoft Flight Simulator's cloud debut comes with ...
       Microsoft Flight Simulator's cloud debut comes with upsides for
       Author : jamesdco
       Score  : 70 points
       Date   : 2022-03-07 13:45 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.gamedeveloper.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.gamedeveloper.com)
       | dividuum wrote:
       | I wonder how they implement fast loading times. Flight simulator
       | is embarrassingly slow to load and takes 2-3 minutes on my
       | reasonable fast machine. I guess they have fully loaded game
       | instances on standby and then sign you in once you connect using
       | the mentioned new cloud gaming API?
         | Animats wrote:
         | That's an interesting issue for the "metaverse". Once we get
         | past the NFT clown car era, and big-world systems with user
         | created content at high resolution come out, metaverse systems
         | will have to face the bandwidth problem Second Life faces.
         | Delivering assets to the user needs more bandwidth than
         | delivering video. Even 4K video. Second Life delivers content
         | on the fly, and you get to watch stuff appear as content comes
         | in. With enough bandwidth and a gamer PC, it's not bad, but
         | many users are on slow links with weak clients, and suffer
         | badly.
         | If the work is being done "in the cloud", there can be much
         | more bandwidth to the asset servers. At least 10GB between game
         | machine and asset store, all within the data center. Flight
         | Simulator needs that, because, like Google Earth, they have a
         | whole planet of assets. A Ready Player One quality metaverse
         | will have the same problem. Or, for example, the Matrix demo
         | for Unreal Engine 5, where you download 16 square kilometers of
         | highly detailed city.
         | There are performance downsides of cloud gaming. Too much lag,
         | mostly. Speed of light alone is too much slowdown to allow
         | remote VR rendering. At 120 FPS, a few hundred miles of
         | transmission delay alone costs a frame time. Network delay
         | makes it worse. You can't buffer the video ahead, like you can
         | for pre-stored video. The pew-pew crowd gets unhappy above
         | 40ms, although there are tricks for FPS games to make targeting
         | work across laggy links.
         | sandos wrote:
         | Pre-loaded machines work, but I imagine you would have to move
         | away from that once you support enough games, but it should be
         | "easy" to just resume a machine to different games start states
         | from disk. Afaik games are mostly using lots of CPU when
         | starting so youre basically pre-computing all that and using
         | the disk as a look-up table.
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | EMM_386 wrote:
         | > I wonder how they implement fast loading times
         | Proper DX12 is still on the roadmap.
         | They will do it like this:
         | https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/directstorage-is-comi...
           | sidewndr46 wrote:
           | I'm still confused by the existence of APIs like this. Why
           | would a video game suddenly need a proprietary way to access
           | a storage device? Have hard drives & filesystems gotten that
           | much slower over the past 20 years?
             | mkr-hn wrote:
             | Games already use virtual file systems for storing assets
             | to reduce load times. Otherwise they have to load a bunch
             | of tiny files with filesystem and OS overhead for each. I'm
             | sure some would appreciate not having to invent their own.
               | sidewndr46 wrote:
               | In that case aren't you talking about read-only asset
               | packs? Those have been around for years and aren't very
               | complex to implement. Big studios already have their own
               | implementations. There are plenty of "free as in beer"
               | implementations out there to use.
               | mkr-hn wrote:
               | This is true of every aspect of game development DirectX
               | implements an API for, but it's still popular. I don't
               | know enough to know why, but there's probably a good
               | reason for that.
               | EMM_386 wrote:
               | > Big studios already have their own implementations.
               | Hence the API.
             | kevingadd wrote:
             | It skips a couple layers of abstraction to enable faster
             | load times, the goal here is to improve over the state of
             | the art - the promise of 'no load times' sometimes
             | delivered by the PS5 and Xbox Series X via this same
             | approach
             | Some PC ports are already getting close to this as well -
             | elden ring's load times are very short on my PC.
             | It's also hard to overstate how much of an improvement it
             | is to have an NVMe drive send data directly to the GPU
             | instead of have to send it via the CPU. The amount of
             | pointless work involved in the CPU hop is pretty
             | significant.
               | sidewndr46 wrote:
               | I guess the thing that really makes NVMe -> GPU really
               | practical is the presence of arbitrary shader code. Even
               | if your assets are some general or optimized format, you
               | can run an arbitrary shader that copies from one buffer
               | to another in order to get stuff in the right format.
               | paulmd wrote:
               | actually it's rather the opposite, the focus is on fixed-
               | function decoder blocks that are present in the new
               | consoles.
             | mschuster91 wrote:
             | If I understand that announcement correctly, most of the
             | performance benefit comes from cutting down the number of
             | kernel-to-userspace transitions, similar to userspace
             | networking on Linux.
             | Another possibility is that DirectStorage requires use of
             | raw NVMe devices or at least raw partitions to achieve top
             | performance... basically cutting out the NTFS filesystem
             | too from the code path. NTFS is extremely old and complex
             | to implement, meaning that a "tiny" file system e.g.
             | without journalling, permissions, ACLs and the likes makes
             | more sense.
               | sidewndr46 wrote:
               | I don't know enough about Windows / NTFS to be an
               | authority here. But from what you're saying it sounds
               | like the block storage now massively outperforms the
               | filesystem (NTFS). So in that aspect NTFS hasn't gotten
               | slower, but it has failed to keep up. So cutting it out
               | would in fact provide a massive performance boost.
               | mschuster91 wrote:
               | It's not just the file system.
               | Currently, when you have a game with say 10k separate
               | asset files, you either place 10k asset files in the file
               | system (which is slow because NTFS) or you develop some
               | sort of your own virtual read-only filesystem on top of
               | that (which has been done for decades too, see e.g. the
               | WAD format created for Doom). And there have been _many_
               | implementations for these, and yet they suffer from two
               | things: the OS filesystem cache can 't know which parts
               | of such a package file (aka the index) are relevant to
               | always keep in memory, and the game has to copy the
               | assets to the GPU.
               | The general idea, if I get it right, is that
               | DirectStorage provides a standardized layer that:
               | - cuts down on filesystem-related overhead by providing
               | its own optimized filesystem (e.g. omitting journals
               | because the purpose of the storage is 99.99% read vs
               | write), or even if they don't go _that_ far and use
               | a-blob-on-NTFS at least to cut down on fopen, fclose etc.
               | - provides a standard way for game developers to deal
               | with the problem "how to package and distribute tons of
               | tiny assets and compressing and decompressing them"
               | - saves context switches across the road, e.g. as
               | mentioned eliminate fopen and fclose calls or by copying
               | the file contents to the GPU entirely in kernel mode
               | Nevertheless I'm not sure what outside of copying assets
               | to the GPU in kernel mode actually will be the benefit of
               | DirectStorage as almost everyone these days uses one of
               | the major engines that have all these problems dealt with
               | for ages.
             | jpalomaki wrote:
             | This piece from the article was interesting:
             | "NVMe devices are not only extremely high bandwidth SSD
             | based devices, but they also have hardware data access
             | pipes called NVMe queues which are particularly suited to
             | gaming workloads. To get data off the drive, an OS submits
             | a request to the drive and data is delivered to the app via
             | these queues. An NVMe device can have multiple queues and
             | each queue can contain many requests at a time. This is a
             | perfect match to the parallel and batched nature of modern
             | gaming workloads. The DirectStorage programming model
             | essentially gives developers direct control over that
             | highly optimized hardware."
               | Animats wrote:
               | That's a real thing for game consoles. The PS5 has 16GB
               | of RAM, which is directly accessable by the CPUs, GPU,
               | and SSD controller. So you can load an asset directly
               | from SSD to GPU memory without a recopy. In a PC, you'd
               | have copies from disk to disk drive cache to OS memory to
               | user space to GPU memory. Also, in a console, where you
               | know exactly what the hardware configuration is, you can
               | store the assets in exactly the form the GPU wants.
               | This has nothing to do with "cloud", though.
               | sidewndr46 wrote:
               | I can see Microsoft making it a requirement to be logged
               | in to a cloud service to take advantage of DirectStorage.
               | sidewndr46 wrote:
               | > This is a perfect match to the parallel and batched
               | nature of modern gaming workloads
               | This sounds like marketing speak. Some 'AAA' games now
               | make use of parallelism at the CPU level. Almost all
               | games today aren't just single threaded, they are
               | laughably single threaded.
               | At the GPU level, rendering has been parallel to some
               | degree since special purpose 3D accelerators showed up
               | decades ago. More recently, arbitrary shaders have
               | allowed some logic that was previously done of the CPU to
               | be moved to the GPU.
               | Video games are not "parallel" in any sense.
               | dspillett wrote:
               | A large part of loading delay, either initial load or
               | between levels/areas, in some games is getting high-res
               | textures and other bulk data from storage into the
               | graphics memory. You might think "just cache it in RAM,
               | my 6GB graphics card is far smaller than the 32GB sat on
               | my motherboard", but there are two issues there:
               | 1. People who game alot or are just well off might have
               | 32GB, but game publishers need to support much lower
               | configs than that (the recommended minimum for GTA5 is
               | 8GB and it technically supports 4, for the newer
               | Cyperpunk 2077 those figures are still only 12GB and 8).
               | Last time I saw Steam hardware survey results less than
               | 50% of machines surveyed had 16GB or more RAM.
               | 2. Even if we consider with 16GB to be the minimum for a
               | serious gamer, you aren't going to use most of that for
               | caching assets. Even if you could use 10GB worth, with a
               | massively open play area1 how easy is it to manage which
               | 10GB of the assets do you load? Both the games I've
               | mentioned weigh in at about 70GB. If the user skimped on
               | RAM and GPU to get a nice large fast NVMe drive, being
               | able to stream data as directly as possible between that
               | drive and the graphics RAM is going to be an attractive
               | optimisation, both from initial load and as new assets
               | are needed mid-game.
               | The core game engine not taking full advantage of 16
               | cores with of CPU when they are present[2] doesn't mean
               | that more direct transfer of data from storage to GPU,
               | keeping CPU use to a minimum3, can't be useful. Having
               | spare cores lying around is nice, but someone with only 4
               | might not have that luxury, and even if you have some
               | cores otherwise doing nothing that doesn't mean skipping
               | the CPU as much as possible3 can't be noticeably better
               | than using a fast core. Even if the CPU does still have
               | to be involved, APIs like this could massively reduce
               | user-kernel transitions which can be pretty expensive.
               | [1] this is less of an issue for games that can be easily
               | split into more manageable chunks
               | [2] again, think about the larger part of the market: 4
               | cores is still very common
               | [3] let the game logic running on the CPU decide a
               | transfer should happen, then have the transfer go
               | directly over the bus instead of via the CPU and/or main
               | memory at all
               | paulmd wrote:
               | 1. "people who are well-off might have NVMe SSDs, but
               | most people are using much lower specs than that"
               | 2. "even taking NVMe SSDs to be the minimum, even the
               | people who do have them usually can't afford to allocate
               | up to 250GB for a single game, let alone when a shitty
               | patching system requires double that to apply a patch".
               | it's certainly a step forward as far as loading
               | technology, don't get me wrong, but it's not about people
               | with low-spec systems at all, you _need_ NVMe as a
               | minimum ask for this, and you need quite a bit of it.
               | dspillett wrote:
               | NVMe is a cheaper upgrade than others a gamer on a budget
               | might consider, especially if building a new machine
               | instead of prolonging the life of a new one. Many
               | motherboards support it a little extra cost to those that
               | don't and the drives themselves can be little or no more
               | expensive than SATA SSD units (quick check: known name
               | 1TB NVME unit for inside PS70, few SATA units are even
               | that cheap, similarly similar pricing between the types
               | at the 1/2TB mark too).
               | Not sure where you are getting 250GB for a single game
               | from (~70 I mentioned, IIRC MSFS is ~130) but that
               | supports my point more than counters it: if you might
               | shoot through areas quickly and want high-res textures to
               | be constantly available (a low fast tour of a significant
               | area?) with the amount of RAM on the recommended minimum
               | cards (4GB, minimum minimum being available in 2GB
               | models) and the recommended minimum system RAM (16GB,
               | required minimum being 8) then getting data from disk to
               | the GPU as quickly as possible might be more beneficial
               | than having more RAM for cache, or more CPU cores, etc.
               | Yes, a well off gamer with a huge 8K screen who can
               | afford to be scalped for a top-of-the-line GFX card is
               | going to benefit from this, but so could many others.
               | The performance difference between NVMe and SATA SSDs is
               | nothing like that seen between more traditional drives
               | and SSDs, contrary to what much breathless marketing text
               | will exclaim, but as there isn't much of a cost
               | difference maybe this sort of direct transfer feature
               | will change the value for money dynamic a bit more.
               | psyc wrote:
               | I think this assertion is terribly outdated for 'serious'
               | (Console/AAA) games and 'professional' game developers. I
               | can remember as far back as 2007 interviewing for an
               | XBox360 job, and being asked to describe in detail how I
               | would keep all the threads busy. A professional game
               | developer working on a serious high-detail/low-latency
               | game would not be taken seriously if they don't know how
               | to make a work queue.
               | What you say is probably true of most indie games. That's
               | a whole different world. But the 'state of the art' is
               | perfectly accurately described by 'batched and parallel
               | workloads'.
               | manigandham wrote:
               | Modern games use multiple threads for more than a decade
               | now.
               | Single-threaded computation is for serialized state
               | mutations in the main game loop. Everything else, like
               | loading data, can and does happen on other threads. The
               | latest engines use a job dispatch system with
               | fractured/sharded state to distribute work as much as
               | possible across cores.
               | As far as this topic, loading new data is already done in
               | parallel, and can now be further parallelized at the
               | block level with built-in APIs with the typical OS
               | overhead or custom virtualization layer.
               | magicalhippo wrote:
               | > Almost all games today aren't just single threaded,
               | they are laughably single threaded.
               | This clearly isn't aimed at your average Unity game. I've
               | not seen any big AAA game in the last decade that's
               | "laughably single threaded" when it comes to asset
               | handling, which this API is all about.
               | bri3d wrote:
               | > Almost all games today aren't just single threaded,
               | they are laughably single threaded.
               | Many (maybe most, still) games have embarrassingly
               | single-threaded game logic (i.e., there's still one
               | "runloop" thread which manages game state), but almost
               | universally at this point there's a separate thread for
               | loading data, decompressing data, asset / script
               | compilation, and audio. Many games also use a separate
               | thread for physics as well, and some use worker threads
               | for AI / rules engine NPC behavior as well.
               | Anyway, loading data is where the parallel and batched
               | nature of modern gaming workloads comes in - almost all
               | games at this point do some kind of constant background
               | asset loading to avoid the need for load screens between
               | areas. This asset loading is almost always done in a
               | background thread and is pretty much a 1:1 match for an
               | NVMe queue - request the blocks containing the data you
               | need, ask to be flagged when a block has been DMAed into
               | the memory area you want it in, and then decompress it in
               | the background.
             | stuu99 wrote:
             | >I'm still confused by the existence of APIs like this.
             | They are locking down IO with trusted computing, there's
             | been a 23+ year initiative to move to encrypted computing
             | to take input/output control away from the user, this
             | required the co-operation of hardware manufacturers.
             | Windows 10 and windows 11 are the beginning of you not
             | being able to run or play files or exe's over the next 20
             | years as youtube, netflix, the game industry update their
             | software to use TPM.
             | This was from 2001:
             | https://www.theregister.com/2001/12/13/the_microsoft_secure
             | _...
             | Here is a paper explaining what the future of
             | files/broadcasts will be like:
             | https://web2.qatar.cmu.edu/cs/15349/dl/DRM-TC.pdf
             | Basically they are building a parallel mainframe inside our
             | PC's that only youtube, netflix, the game industry and
             | other software companies will control. They are removing
             | ownership of our devices and they needed microsofts help to
             | do that.
             | We've seen mirosoft trial bricking cracked exe's via
             | update. Many UWP games only work on certain versions of
             | windows.
             | See here (ctrf-f then select the UWP link)
             | https://old.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/p9ak4n/crack_w
             | a...
             | They are bringing console lockdown to the PC that is why
             | windows 10 had forced updates. That is why windows 11 was
             | also pushing forced internet connection hard for home
             | users.
             | NovemberWhiskey wrote:
             | My understanding is that it's more that storage has
             | increased in speed so much that the overheads of the
             | privilege transitions between user and kernel space and the
             | synchronous filesystem APIs are the limiting factors at
             | this point.
             | This is why we see specialized mechanisms like io_uring in
             | the Linux kernel.
             | [deleted]
         | markus_zhang wrote:
         | I'm wondering if you can serve multiple clients with one fully
         | loaded server that has a huge amount of RAMs.
         | kotaKat wrote:
         | It is equally embarrassing to load over cloud. All it takes
         | away is the compute/GPU resource requirements locally.
         | Controls are also awful right now as you're stuck using the
         | Xbox controller - other Xbox compatible flight controllers, as
         | well as the keyboard and mouse, aren't available yet in MSFS
         | over xCloud. It's not (personally) enjoyable.
         | Rebelgecko wrote:
         | When I tried it a few days ago, the loading times to open the
         | game were fairly bad. Couldn't actually see how long it would
         | take to load a flight, because the UI was borked (or non
         | intuitive enough that I couldn't figure out how to select a
         | departure airport)
         | samstave wrote:
         | Is it multi-player? Is it waiting for other users with slower
         | connects/machines?
           | dividuum wrote:
           | It has multiplayer features, but that's certainly not the
           | case here. Switching off all the online features doesn't
           | change the loading time at all. It's just a lot of potential
           | to make it faster: When you start FS on my machine it takes 2
           | minutes or so with only brief moments of CPU usage exceeding
           | 2 of the available 24 cores. All while both GPU and IO are
           | basically idle. I'm not sure what's going on. Wouldn't be
           | surprised if there's a "GTA online" type of lazyness
           | happening somewhere (see https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-
           | GTA-Online-loading-times...)
       | willcipriano wrote:
       | Wasn't crackdown 3 supposed to have this tech but it got pulled
       | at the last minute? There they were supposed to render the really
       | complicated physics like when a building or similar collapses in
       | the cloud. Thought it was a great idea at the time.
         | rjh29 wrote:
         | Sort of, the article is talking about two different things. One
         | is using the cloud for data storage (because the full Flight
         | Simulator map is huge, streaming off the cloud is basically
         | essentially), the other is your standard Stadia-style play the
         | whole game via the cloud on any device.
         | The Crackdown 3 stuff never really got beyond demo stage iirc.
         | In fact Microsoft promised all kinds of Xbox One games that
         | would interact with Azure, but nothing really came of it:
         | https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2019-crack...
         | Comparing with games like Red Faction Guerrilla, you have to
         | wonder if the cloud is even necessary for physics simulation.
       | charles_f wrote:
       | Oh good, gives game devs a perfect excuse to start charging a
       | recurring fee for what's an infrastructure detail on their side.
       | Gotta get those sweet sweet subscription fees.
         | [deleted]
         | jquery wrote:
         | This is undoubtedly one of the primary motivations underpinning
         | investment in this area, and makes me quite wary of anything
         | coming out of it. Is any of this "cloud gaming" being backed by
         | a love of gaming itself? Doesn't feel like it.
           | charles_f wrote:
           | I mean for Flight Simulator, it's several hundreds of TB of
           | data stored on Azure servers for all the maps services - I do
           | see the appeal, and it looks like MS is not charging past the
           | initial fee. But this seems like a very fringe use-case, I
           | don't see a lot of other applicable ones.
           | stuu99 wrote:
           | There's no reason for any PC game to be back ended and
           | require a second computer, they've been stealing PC games
           | when they rebranded them mmo's in 1997 with ultima onlnie,
           | every "MMO" is just a PC game with it's networking reworked
           | to defraud the public of game ownership.
           | They (the game industry) desperately wanted to kill local
           | infinitely copyable binaries once they found out the public
           | was computer illiterate in 1997 with ultima online.
           | You can go get a copy of Neverwinter Nights (2002) where the
           | multiplayer abiity to host your own games still exists, that
           | was supposed to be the future of PC gaming until the global
           | public fell for the mmo scam by Richard garriot and co.
           | This was supposed to be the future of PC gaming
           | https://www.gog.com/game/neverwinter_nights_enhanced_edition.
           | ..
           | We already had limitless multiplayer with quake 2 and ANY
           | game can be made in a game engine. We could go clone every
           | back ended game and return them back to being local apps like
           | quake 1-3.
           | You don't seem to grasp mmo's, steam, uplay, DRM are signs of
           | idiocracy. There's no software on the planet that requires an
           | internet connection (aka 2nd comptuer).
           | The whole point of "cloud" computing is just vendor lockin
           | and the return of mainframe computing of the 60's in modern
           | bullshit language (aka steam drm/mmo's are just mainframe
           | model of programming returning).
           | So the game industry desperately wanted to undo the personal
           | computer revolution to end piracy.
           | See here...
           | Well if you've bought any client-server app over the last 23
           | years its a bit too late for computing freedom. They are
           | locking down IO with trusted computing, there's been a 23+
           | year initiative to move to encrypted computing to take
           | input/output control away from the user, this required the
           | co-operation of hardware manufacturers. Windows 10 and
           | windows 11 are the beginning of you not being able to run or
           | play files or exe's over the next 20 years as youtube,
           | netflix, the game industry update their software to use TPM.
           | This was from 2001:
           | https://www.theregister.com/2001/12/13/the_microsoft_secure_.
           | ..
           | Here is a paper explaining what the future of
           | files/broadcasts will be like:
           | https://web2.qatar.cmu.edu/cs/15349/dl/DRM-TC.pdf
           | Basically they are building a parallel mainframe inside our
           | PC's that only youtube, netflix, the game industry and other
           | software companies will control. They are removing ownership
           | of our devices and they needed microsofts help to do that.
           | We've seen mirosoft trial bricking cracked exe's via update.
           | Many UWP games only work on certain versions of windows.
           | See here (ctrf-f then select the UWP link)
           | https://old.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/p9ak4n/crack_wa.
           | ..
           | They are bringing console lockdown to the PC that is why
           | windows 10 had forced updates. That is why windows 11 was
           | also pushing forced internet connection hard for home users.
       | DethNinja wrote:
       | Do these cloud gaming offerings really make a profit with current
       | hardware costs?
       | I feel like large companies are pouring money into this with the
       | hope that they will be able to lock users into their cloud
       | offering. However, it is likely they are losing huge amounts of
       | money because of the hardware costs.
         | Animats wrote:
         | _Do these cloud gaming offerings really make a profit with
         | current hardware costs?_
         | Judging by the ones that have gone broke, no.
         | "Cloud gaming" of the kind where the game runs on a server and
         | the results are sent as video to the client has been tried, on
         | and off, for about five years. Most of the early providers are
         | gone. The trouble is that each user needs an entire server, one
         | comparable to a gamer PC.
         | Cloud gaming services seem to come in two flavors - expensive,
         | and loss leader.
         | Shadow PC is in the expensive category. Price is $30/month.
         | When you connect, they launch a server for you and load your
         | environment into it. So you're buying a part-time VM.
         | Apparently you can stay connected as long as you want, although
         | I'm not sure if there's a limit they are not mentioning up
         | front.
         | NVidia GEForce Now is cheaper. Price is $10/month. You get
         | kicked off after 6 hours. For $17/month, you get a better
         | server with an NVidia 3080 and 8 hours before being kicked off.
         | There's a free tier, where you wait to get in and get kicked
         | off after an hour or two. Originally, the prices were lower,
         | but that was in the loss leader phase. It also helps that
         | NVidia makes GPUs. You can only run games that NVidia has
         | ported to that system.
         | Google Stadia is $10 a month. Games have to be ported to it,
         | and there's suspicion it may soon join the long list of former
         | Google products.
         | Vortex's site now says they are no longer accepting new users,
         | and their blog is a Google Stadia ad.
           | [deleted]
           | treis wrote:
           | >Shadow PC is in the expensive category. Price is $30/month.
           | That's surprisingly inexpensive. The graphics card they
           | promise is nearly $1,000 by itself. For what you'd spend on a
           | DIY build you could probably get 4-5 years of subscription.
           | officeplant wrote:
           | Keep in mind that the base tier of Google Stadia is
           | completely free when it comes to free to play games like
           | Destiny 2, or if you buy the game outright.
           | I still play Cyberpunk 2077 on the free tier of Stadia due to
           | a promotion where the game was only $45 and came with a
           | controller/chromecast. Sold the hardware to pay for the game
           | and now I just play with an Xbox controller on whatever
           | computer or phone I'm on at the time.
           | popotamonga wrote:
           | I am very amazed with GEForce Now. I thought the lag would be
           | unbearable. I tried some fortnite and i'm not even a gamer
           | and even won some rounds. Astounding. If it's that good for
           | fast FPS then it's a no-brainer for slower types of games.
           | Would gladly pay 50EUR+/mo if i was a gamer just so i
           | wouldn't have to bother to keep upgrading my pc.
             | rasz wrote:
             | Fortnite is not an FPS, its a slow paced gamepad friendly
             | survival base building game.
             | 'Tim Sweeney described it as "Minecraft meets Left 4
             | Dead."'
           | GauntletWizard wrote:
           | It's quite a bit more than 5 years[1].
           | [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OnLive
         | MikusR wrote:
         | Microsoft is using Xbox Series X. Nvidia is using their own
         | GPUs.
           | bentcorner wrote:
           | Here's what the Xbox cloud hardware looks like:
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5g4Xqy8kG4&t=18s
             | treesknees wrote:
             | Is this essentially 4 xbox's crammed into a 2U server?
               | gnabgib wrote:
               | It is 8 xboxs in the 2U chassis apparently (they're
               | stacked two high)[0] analysis [1]
               | [0]: https://external-
               | preview.redd.it/Ma7bVRkbUuoM4xhzbJFe3qdTzAZ... [1]: https
               | ://www.reddit.com/r/xcloud/comments/gdp48d/project_xclo..
               | .
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Yep, and this is one of the reasons why devs don't care
               | about Stadia, with NVidia and Microsoft offerings they
               | basically have to fine tune existing code to cloud
               | workloads, not rewrite it from scratch betting into a
               | vendor that is know to kill products.
         | zitterbewegung wrote:
         | Not 100% about this guess that I have but if its "free" it
         | probably means that they calculated that they have x% extra
         | server availability and they provide that for "free". Google
         | Colab makes it obvious when they provide you a GPU but I don't
         | know about Microsoft.
           | [deleted]
           | YPPH wrote:
           | Exactly what I was thinking, they can just use spare Azure
           | capacity.
             | charcircuit wrote:
             | The only problem is you need powerful machines with GPUs
             | which will only be a small subset of spare capacity.
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | I think the primary technical challenge is the scale of AAA
         | games.
         | For me, this stuff gets viable when one game studio goes all-in
         | on building a streaming-only game experience that considers all
         | economics of scaling GPUs.
         | If you reduce visual fidelity enough, you can get away with a
         | lot more clients per host. Hell, depending on how you architect
         | things, you might even be able to serve some clients from
         | servers that dont even have GPUs.
         | The upsides of cloud gaming are pretty solid if you can get
         | over the caveats. The biggest thing for me would be competitive
         | gaming experiences that are guaranteed to not have any
         | cheaters. That would feel really nice.
         | samstave wrote:
         | On similar note, where is HW going once it completes its
         | lifecycle in the cloud?
         | Are pods being donated to schools?
         | This would be a great idea, is to give a pod to a school with
         | management tools etc and teach the kids how to interact with
         | effectively [aws/gcp/azure] mgmt tools to build up a skillset
         | early and accelerate how the yoots understand what cloud is and
         | how its managed.
           | quantumduck wrote:
           | I could be wrong, but I think the hardware cannot sustain
           | outside their servers farms without significant investment in
           | the things needed; it's not like the throw away entire server
           | racks at a time, the probably only retire small pieces of the
           | hardware at a time.
       | Urinal_Pube wrote:
       | phor wrote:
       | It feels like this was part of what Stadia promised, but never
       | came to fruition.
         | bobbob1921 wrote:
         | When I first read this and a few replies it made me think that
         | Stadia had been shutdown, but a quick Google search shows this
         | is not the case. Am I missing something and perhaps it's planed
         | to be shut down? (Or is it just not as successful as was
         | anticipated)
           | invalidusernam3 wrote:
           | Apparently it has apparently been "demoted" within Google.
           | The rumour also says it's getting renamed to Google Stream
           | and will be licensed out to other companies to build their
           | own game streaming platforms. I don't think any of this has
           | been confirmed, so take it with a pinch of salt
           | silisili wrote:
           | I follow Stadia a bit, will try to answer. First understand,
           | Google will never tell you the truth. Even if they were going
           | to shut it down in 10 minutes, their last email to you would
           | be to tell you it's not going anywhere.
           | Stadia shut down its own games division - the group who was
           | working on in house games. Then, Stadia said it's going to
           | focus mostly on b2b stuff - basically whitelabeling Stadia to
           | others.
           | They've not said they'll shut it down, but the writing is on
           | the wall.
             | ChicagoBoy11 wrote:
             | >I follow Stadia a bit, will try to answer. First
             | understand, Google will never tell you the truth. Even if
             | they were going to shut it down in 10 minutes, their last
             | email to you would be to tell you it's not going anywhere.
             | Oof this rings so true. I hear it SO OFTEN about Google,
             | and I can't imagine that this kind of reputation doesn't
             | hurt their ability to get folks to choose to build
             | services/buy-in to their offerings. Are they just at a
             | scale such that they genuinely don't care about concerns
             | like this?
               | silisili wrote:
               | I honestly don't think it's purposeful dishonesty, just
               | complete disconnection between groups and/or employees
               | and management. I've always said it feels like Google is
               | a company where the left hand doesn't know what the right
               | is doing. So the Stadia team probably has zero indication
               | their product is dead until the day of.
         | loudmax wrote:
         | Stadia's problem was never technical, it was entirely due to
         | bad management. The fact that they got games to play reasonably
         | well at reasonably high resolutions is an impressive
         | achievement, and it set the foundation to build a dominant
         | gaming platform appealing to everyone. Then Stadia's management
         | figured out a way to emphasize all of Stadia's weaknesses and
         | play down its advantages and price it in such a way to appeal
         | to nobody.
         | Stadia's failure to make an impact in the market despite its
         | technical achievements brings to mind the proverb: An army of
         | sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a
         | sheep.
         | encryptluks2 wrote:
         | Stadia actually worked pretty well the first time I tried it an
         | I played a few games no issues, but the first time I tried Xbox
         | Cloud Gaming, I got display artifacts and my computer locked
         | up. The Windows Store Apps and especially the Xbox app sucks
         | compared to steam and have very little going for them.
       | endisneigh wrote:
       | I'd be more interested in a mesh network where people can
       | reliably share their compute when not being used but play their
       | own games.
       | intrasight wrote:
       | I've of the opinion that this is the future of gaming. Hard stuff
       | will be done on cloud GPUs.
       (page generated 2022-03-07 23:01 UTC)