[HN Gopher] A Chip to Bridge the USB 2 - USB 3 Divide
       A Chip to Bridge the USB 2 - USB 3 Divide
       Author : zdw
       Score  : 65 points
       Date   : 2022-03-07 18:25 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (hackaday.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (hackaday.com)
       | StillBored wrote:
       | The unstated is that the core problem here (lack of USB2 on a
       | USB3 connector) is _NOT_ standard. This is generally only a
       | problem on the plethera of shit arm/etc SoCs using garbage IP
       | where the vendor is only interested in checking a box, than
       | actually providing a working/compliant implementation of the
       | specification.
       | Part two of this problem are the USB2 implementations that don't
       | provide USB1 Transaction Translators (TT), so keyboards/etc won't
       | work.
       | And as a 3rd note, the Pi4 actually has good USB3 because its
       | implemented by a 3rd party XHCI controller like one might find on
       | a random PCIe card. Combined with a usb3 hub with multiple TT's
       | it should be possible to attach a number of SDR's etc at
       | reasonable rates. Good luck figuring this out from the usb3 hub
       | details unless it lists the chip its using.
         | de_Selby wrote:
         | >The unstated is that the core problem here (lack of USB2 on a
         | USB3 connector) is _NOT_ standard.
         | It does say this at the end of the article.
         | cma wrote:
         | >Good luck figuring this out from the usb3 hub details unless
         | it lists the chip its using.
         | Any recommended hubs with the right chip?
         | MayeulC wrote:
         | > the core problem here (lack of USB2 on a USB3 connector)
         | Not sure if that's the core issue here? That's one of the
         | issues, but there are more uses for that chip, like the
         | introduction that hints at sharing USB3 bandwidth between
         | multiple USB2 devices.
       | rektide wrote:
       | usb4 still preserves a legacy usb2 connection pair.
       | on the one hand it's kind of absurd. on the other, a long
       | distance capable, supported everywhere wire protocol is great to
       | be able to assume. displayport's aux channel is a great example
       | of why keeping legacy connectivity around on a second track: it
       | makes lowhgrade kvm like connectivity ultra easy & low cost.
       | it's, ultimately, a pretty good thing that the 480mbit/s pipe is
       | available for use by cheap & common devices. i dont see what else
       | we could do.
       | (aside from mandate that each usb-4 hub integrate a usb-2 over
       | usb-4 adapter like this on each port, which probably makes sense,
       | but also probably would be uncertifiable, would be likely to
       | cause some random device misbeaviors... whitequark will probably
       | have found a dozen random constraints by the end of the week to
       | this chip.)
         | mikepurvis wrote:
         | How wild is it that 480 Mbit/sec is low speed and low cost?
         | Like, it makes sense on one level, but it's just crazy to me
         | how fast that still is compared with PS2 (16kbps), RS232
         | (115kbps), CANbus (1Mbps), USB 1.1 (12Mbps), 10/100 Ethernet
         | (100Mbps), Firewire (400Mbps).
         | Obviously totally inadequate once you're talking to solid state
         | storage or if there's video/display data in the mix. But
         | still... 480Mbps is fast.
         | Dylan16807 wrote:
         | That kind of mess, but worse, is what thunderbolt used to do.
         | It would cut off USB signals (2 _and_ 3) when the port switched
         | modes, and downstream USB support depended on pcie- >usb chips.
         | https://www.reddit.com/r/UsbCHardware/comments/mjz2pu/usb4_a...
         | MayeulC wrote:
         | > displayport's aux channel is a great example of why keeping
         | legacy connectivity around on a second track: it makes
         | lowhgrade kvm like connectivity ultra easy & low cost
         | On this topic, I wish it was used a bit more.
         | What do you mean with that? Do you actually tunnel keyboard and
         | mouse data trough that aux channel? I am not aware of it being
         | supported by any OS? Or are you only referring to DCC data,
         | using it to switch inputs? (Which you can also do on HDMI and
         | VGA screens).
         | If there is any alternative to HDMI CEC on the DisplayPort
         | side, I'm all ears. That and standardized audio support are
         | features where HDMI currently stands out, IMO.
         | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
         | This behavior is already done to translate 1.5 and 12Mbps
         | packets into 480Mbps. USB 1.1 didn't do that and 1.5Mbps data
         | effectively stole bus time from higher speed traffic.
       | teruakohatu wrote:
       | Reading the comments, apparently the Valve Index uses one of
       | these chips. Supply is so bad nobody is selling this chip.
       | ridgered4 wrote:
       | > if you have a USB 3 hub plugged into a USB 3 port, multiple USB
       | 2 devices plugged into it still cannot break through the USB 2
       | uplink limit of 480 MBps.
       | I had a weird project where I ran into this. Or rather, I was
       | actually aware of it and tried to work around it. I wanted to
       | attach a large number of optical drives with sata to USB
       | converters to a single port, basically a hot attachable ripping
       | tower kind of thing. To assure a single port would provide enough
       | bandwidth I needed USB 3.0 throughout. But SATA to USB 3.0
       | converters that exist seem to have...shaky support for optical
       | drives as they're only really meant for SSDs/HDDs. My project
       | ended in at least temporarily failure due to that unreliability.
       | I remember reading about this device and not finding it a
       | reasonable solution. In addition to not being easily available,
       | I'd need one device per port to break the uplink limit. That
       | wouldn't save me any money and it would be a cabling nightmare.
       | If the chips were a reasonable price and easily available I might
       | have looked into it more seriously anyway though.
         | R0b0t1 wrote:
         | There's a bunch of weirdness. Lack of USB2 to USB3 translation
         | is one of them, but there's also a lack of USB3 and USB2
         | concurrency.
         | E.g., if I put a USB 2 device on a bus with a USB 3 flash drive
         | I would find constant stalling due to the USB2 bus activity. It
         | even went so far that the output of `lsusb -t` would show the
         | speed downgraded to 480Mbps at the bus level and not just the
         | port. This has since been changed, but I notice stalling and
         | bad performance. This is supposed to be fixed in USB3.1 and 3.2
         | but I am not sure we're going to see it in practice. The
         | original spec does not say they are supposed to happen at the
         | same time but the spec authors have made themselves clear that
         | they were supposed to operate concurrently.
         | MayeulC wrote:
         | Maybe you'd have more chance using USB 3 drives directly,
         | unless you actually require a 3.5 inches form-factor? Another
         | option might be to use IDE drives...
         | marktangotango wrote:
         | > USB 2 uplink limit of 480 MBps.
         | That should be "Mbps", usb 2.0 max is 60 megabytes per second.
         | Odd that even hackaday gets this wrong from time to time.
           | OJFord wrote:
           | > Odd that even hackaday gets this wrong from time to time.
           | Is it? Isn't 'hackaday' just various unvetted user
           | contributions?
         | blip54321 wrote:
         | My pet peeve are webcams. You can only plug in a few before you
         | run out of bandwidth.
       | stathibus wrote:
       | In my biased opinion USB 2 fallback is a misfeature. Most devices
       | that use USB 3 for a good reason do terrible things when run at
       | USB 2 speed, and it requires expertise to figure out why things
       | aren't going the way they're supposed to.
       | On the other hand a mouse and keyboard will work pretty much the
       | same...
         | rektide wrote:
         | thatcs not what this chip is for/does. from the second
         | paragraph:
         | > _If you have a USB 2.0 device and a host with only USB 3.0
         | signals available, this chip is for you._
         | vlovich123 wrote:
         | The main problem I've observed with fallback is that 3.0
         | devices plugged into 3.0 ports sometimes get detected as 2.0
         | devices. Sometimes there's a spontaneous port disconnect and
         | the reenumeration causes it to be detected as USB2.0.
         | If I recall correctly this was primarily only happening with a
         | non-standard optical repeater cable so it could be the cable
         | was doing something unexpected (eg 3.0 enumeration was taking
         | longer than some timeout and it was going into 2.0 mode).
         | In general though users preferred functionality, even if
         | performance was reduced.
       | a9h74j wrote:
       | A USB2 to USB3 divide? Curse you, social media.
       | If only there were a chip to bridge other divides.
       | mschuster91 wrote:
       | I ran into a similar problem when trying to extend a Mac Pro 4.1
       | with a USB-C/Thunderbolt card and an USB-C to 4x USB-A hub on my
       | desk. High speed USB devices like a HDD worked just fine - but my
       | mouse and keyboard did not. The reason took me a while to find
       | out: These "add Thunderbolt"-style cards carry only a USB3/TB PHY
       | and pass USB2 D+/D- right through to a connector which you are
       | supposed to plug into your motherboard's onboard USB connector.
       | I was just thinking "wtf, who invented _this_ madness... are you
       | serious? "... also, how much money would it have cost Intel to
       | put in an USB2 PHY into the TB chipset? A couple cents maybe...
       | that's just bonkers.
       | dijit wrote:
       | Semi-related: Is it possible to monitor USB hub bandwidth in a
       | meaningful way?
       | The only time I've ever noticed bottlenecks is when things
       | stopped working, or work intermittently, and sometimes informs
       | (via kernel messages) that USB is overloaded... but it strikes me
       | odd that we have top/iftop/radeontop/intel_gpu_top/etc but I'm
       | not aware of _anything_ for monitoring USB hubs.
       | EDIT: well crap, I guess I never looked; there exists USBTop:
       | https://github.com/aguinet/usbtop -- leaving my stupidity so
       | others may learn.
         | R0b0t1 wrote:
         | You might get more useful things from /sys/kernel/debug as
         | well, but you'll need to get familiar with the spec. It would
         | let you know how a device is doing something wrong and can be
         | made better.
         | amelius wrote:
         | Wireshark can read USB communication.
           | wanderer_ wrote:
           | I love me some packet-sniffing fun!
       (page generated 2022-03-07 23:00 UTC)