[HN Gopher] Blender 3.1
       Blender 3.1
       Author : mkaic
       Score  : 357 points
       Date   : 2022-03-09 17:52 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.blender.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.blender.org)
       | snvzz wrote:
       | Is it just me, or did the release announcement page get harder to
       | read, relative to older releases?
       | cwkoss wrote:
       | Blender is amazing. It can do so many things. If you want to try
       | it out, I highly recommend "Blender Guru" on youtube. The "donut
       | tutorial" is a great overview that orients you to where all of
       | the most important functions are.
       | Took me a ~3 evenings of 3 hours each (included some playful
       | fiddling outside the scope of just completing the tutorial) and
       | now I feel like I can generally google for answers to questions
       | and get by in blender.
       | Also 3.0 featured a roughly 8x speed increase in rendering! It's
       | insanely cool.
       | mkaic wrote:
       | I genuinely think Blender is my single favorite piece of software
       | I've ever used, _especially_ the latest few versions. While it 's
       | always been a powerful piece of software, the past 3 or 4 major
       | releases (really everything since 2.8 actually) have just been
       | nonstop UX improvement _on top_ of ridiculous amounts of
       | thoughtfully implemented new features.
         | knolan wrote:
         | It's a joy to use, I feel I can do anything with it
         | confidently.
       | mastax wrote:
       | The geometry nodes demo in the release video looks extremely
       | cool! To clarify, that is a node-graph procedurally generated
       | house with adjustable properties (decay, etc)? I know that's been
       | a thing for a while (speed tree, etc) but it's really impressive.
       | cglong wrote:
       | I came across this film[1] the other day. It was made with
       | Blender by a college student as their graduation art, and has
       | single-handedly made me realize just how powerful it is!
       | [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSc27JPm3r8
         | riidom wrote:
         | Wow so much not my style of music, and still I loved the whole
         | thing. Thanks for sharing! :D
       | karolist wrote:
       | Blender is shaping up to be the best open source project I've
       | seen in my 20 years of tech, and I'm comparing this with many
       | other large ones I've used, like Linux kernel or various distros,
       | FreeBSD, Kubernetes and so on. They do everything so well, even
       | the releases, I think it beats the paid competition now or will
       | soon do in feature parity and ease of use. As of Blender 2.8 the
       | UI is fantastic.
       | This update comes with many geometry node improvements which
       | continue the trend of making Blender the premium non-destructive
       | modelling solution. I'm in particular interested in seeing how
       | 6900 XT and regular M1 (in Mac mini form) will perform under
       | Metal with 3.1 and macOs 12.3. I was a long time Radeon VII user
       | on Mac but before 3.0 the stability and performance was just not
       | there so I've moved my Blender experiments to Windows and Nvidia
       | which works spectacularly but I'm not fussed about booting win
       | just for Blender. Sadly I don't think AMD is bringing HIP for
       | their older, pre-6000 GPUs https://code.blender.org/2021/11/next-
       | level-support-for-amd-...
         | Pulcinella wrote:
         | Something to note about the AMD 6000 GPUs, the Metal API
         | currently doesn't support the ray tracing acceleration hardware
         | that they have.
         | https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/690033
         | daenz wrote:
         | 100% agree. I've been using Blender for over 20 years as a
         | hobbyist and it has consistently been one of my favorite pieces
         | of software. It's written by creators, for creators, and you
         | can feel the love and care that they put into it.
         | One area I wish they would start to give more attention is
         | their scripting. I consider myself a Python expert, and the
         | Python API leaves a lot to be desired at an architectural
         | level. For example, many operations (bpy.ops) require an
         | accurate "context" to succeed. This context is essentially
         | putting the UI in a particular state, as if the user had
         | clicked specific items and activated certain windows. This
         | makes the api feel like an afterthought to the traditional UI
         | interaction, and introduces a number of issues that I won't
         | bore you with. Suffice to say, you end up writing a lot of
         | boilerplate to ensure predictable state changes in between
         | operations.
         | If they levelled up the Python API to be more friendly to the
         | code-oriented generative art crowd, they would be even more
         | unstoppable!
           | Etherlord87 wrote:
           | Another example is how incompatible "bpy" is with Python
           | idioms: in Python you're supposed to use `is` operator to
           | compare identity, but since many objects in bpy are short-
           | lived wrappers of the actual C++ data, you have to use
           | equality operator `==` instead. Otherwise you may run into
           | such problems:                   >>> arm.bones['Bone'] is
           | arm.bones['Bone']         False
           | This is not a bug: https://developer.blender.org/T88914
           | As for operator overrides, you may find this list useful:
           | https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/248274/a-compreh.
           | ..
           | UncleEntity wrote:
           | > For example, many operations (bpy.ops) require an accurate
           | "context" to succeed.
           | The bpy.ops are really just a python shim to be able to call
           | them from the UI.
           | Not a good idea to call them from a script (because of the
           | reasons you cited) but that hasn't stopped anyone, ever. The
           | whole of blender is designed around the MVC model and the
           | operators are the 'control' and are dependent on the 'view'
           | (aka context) to do their thing.
           | All the underlying data structures _should_ be exposed to the
           | python API (through bpy.data IIRC) so, in theory, one could
           | do whatever their little heart desires.
           | Weird design but once you realize the UI runs everything
           | through python it mostly makes sense.
             | daenz wrote:
             | Definitely, prefer using bpy.data objects whenever you can.
             | IIRC there were a few things I wanted to do that only
             | seemed possible through bpy.ops, for example recursively
             | duplicating a collection. In the UI, this calls
             | bpy.ops.outliner.collection_duplicate() and requires the
             | Outliner editor to exist and be active. There are
             | workarounds, but they aren't pretty.
               | Etherlord87 wrote:
               | Another example is changing modifier order - you can do
               | that only with operators.
               | UncleEntity wrote:
               | Back when I was poking at the python API a lot of what I
               | did was figure out how the operator did it and either
               | wrap the function it called as a method on the object or
               | write a simple C function wrapper and expose that to
               | python. Most things that people needed just needed
               | someone to spend a little time on.
               | I think it was the outliner (the part where you edit the
               | keyframes?) where the underlying design made the python
               | API an absolute trainwreck. I spent a bunch of time on
               | that and it was just bad, the best that could be done was
               | to expose it and let people who were sufficiently
               | motivated dig around and figure out how all the pieces
               | interacted because it wasn't at all obvious. Horrible
               | design from the python side...
               | Anyhoo, sounds like someone just needs to add a
               | collection.duplicate() or .clone() method -- whichever is
               | more pythonic.
           | tapia wrote:
           | I totally agree with you. I use the python API in Blender to
           | make some renderings of mechanical connections we are
           | developing. As a python expert I am always a bit disoriented
           | by how things should be handled. It would be really great if
           | the python API could get some love in the future.
           | karolist wrote:
           | Glad you brought up scripting! I'm 2 years in my Blender
           | journey. I remember downloading it before YouTube existed,
           | took hours to compile the FreeBSD port, launched and got
           | overwhelmed by the complexity, it ended there.
           | My goal with Blender is to animate explainers and
           | screencasts, how feasible is to have a procedural pipeline
           | where I could just launch Python scripts changing basic
           | properties like text, position? Basically I want to generate
           | animations where I have a bunch of re-useable objects but
           | change their properties via code, is this something Python
           | bindings could help me?
             | tusharsadhwani wrote:
             | not very related, but you might want to check out manim:
             | https://github.com/ManimCommunity/manim
             | daenz wrote:
             | Funny you should ask! Yes, it can be done. I've built
             | something like this recently...my goal was to make
             | programmatic videos of chat conversations. Here's an
             | example[0]. This was rendered totally headless (no
             | launching blender UI) and the input file was a json
             | document that was generated programmatically. I'm in the
             | process of containerizing it so it can be run serverless in
             | the cloud, driven by a job queue.
             | 0. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/arwmoffat.com/hn.mp4
               | armagon wrote:
               | You did that in Blender? Wow. How on earth did you do
               | that?
               | daenz wrote:
               | Each text bubble is duplicated from a rigged template
               | speech bubble. The rig controls the dimensions of the
               | bubble based on the size of the text it contains. Drivers
               | are heavily used on the bones to coordinate them with
               | other bones and movement.
               | Each bubble is parented to a screen object which scrolls
               | upwards, but the parenting is dynamic, so that it only
               | engages when the message has been "sent".
               | The "typewriter effect" of each bubble is not keyframed
               | (unsupported) but handled by a frame update callback. The
               | typing is determined in advance with random jitters to
               | emulate a person typing.
               | Hope that explains it! I have considered sharing the
               | framework, but I know I will get a lot of requests that
               | I'm not prepared to handle unless I was receiving
               | donations.
               | james_in_the_uk wrote:
               | Calvary by Scene Group is also good for this type of
               | animation and can be scripted or load files in from csv /
               | Google docs.
               | Here's an example I made https://vimeo.com/497222609
               | karolist wrote:
               | You've just blown my mind! Wow, this is something I'll
               | spend my next 3 months before summer definitely. Thanks
               | for the inspiration and showing the possibilities, the
               | headless part is just icing on top.
               | daenz wrote:
               | Cool! You will love it. If you get really jammed up on a
               | problem, find my contact info in my profile and I may be
               | able to unblock you.
           | wyager wrote:
           | Besides being context-sensitive, I also recall the API being
           | weirdly designed w.r.t. mutable variables, global state, and
           | so on. The kind of stuff you expect to see when someone who
           | is not primarily a programmer, but is instead an artist or
           | something, designs an API (which I would guess may be what
           | happened).
           | In the end I was able to get what I wanted (a script which
           | would spawn a bunch of geometric objects according to a
           | procedural function, set the scene, and ray trace a frame)
           | but it took a bunch of weird incantations in a mix of API
           | idioms.
         | gloriana wrote:
         | I wish other software projects would take a similar approach
         | such as Open AI, making the service and software totally free
         | to use.
       | haberman wrote:
       | The more awesome Blender gets, the more jealous I am that it's
       | not designed for CAD.
       | I keep wondering if FreeCAD will eventually make these kinds of
       | strides, or if it's better to try getting Blender to do CAD-likes
       | stuff. I know there is a bit of CAM-like stuff floating around
       | for Blender. But I'm always afraid that this will come up short
       | in the long run, due to Blender's fundamentally mesh-based
       | nature.
         | phkahler wrote:
         | The more awesome Blender gets, the more jealous I am that it's
         | not designed for CAD.
         | You may be interested in this:
         | https://blenderartists.org/t/geometry-sketcher-constraint-so...
         | Someone implemented sketching in blender using the geometric
         | constraint solver borrowed from Solvespace. It is also notable
         | that the same solver has been used in FreeCADs assembly 3
         | workbench.
         | For the next Solvespace (3.1) release we have replaced the
         | homegrown matrix operations in the solver with Eigen. In some
         | sketches this seems be running 8-10x faster.
         | rycomb wrote:
         | I really hope so, but I wouldn't count on it... in my view,
         | FreeCAD seems to be suffering from certain stagnation -similar
         | to GIMP's a decade ago.
         | The "triangle of uses" of Blender/FreeCAD/OpenSCAD has a weird
         | void in the middle to fill ...and seeing how Blender keeps
         | growing, I'd imagine it'd be the first covering most of it. It
         | may be argued that it's already doing so in many ways, via
         | plugins and Blender's Python API.
         | jbay808 wrote:
         | I keep growing more impressed by FreeCAD. At the moment some of
         | the most critical usability improvements are still in
         | development branches though.
         | karolist wrote:
         | While it's not really a tool for precision modelling you can
         | get the objects to real world size by setting the coordinate
         | space and units to your scale. I've modelled the house I'm
         | building in Blender, put it on a real scale and size plot of
         | land oriented against true north. There's even a built in
         | plugin to model sun position based on time and coordinates,
         | it's been mind blowing to be able to see how the shades will
         | change through the windows and how another building will (or
         | not) block the sun during different months.
         | I've tried FreeCAD for precision modelling like house plans but
         | it was just painful to use, especially compared to AutoCAD
         | which is super good and the snapping is unlike anything I've
         | seen, but sadly prohibitively expensive for non professional
         | use. Their cheapest plan is something like $200/mo.
           | supermatt wrote:
           | I'm trying to do something myself but modelling an existing
           | building. I just get really confused on the "right way" too
           | use these tools. For example, on a log building do I model
           | the logs or some flat wall with a texture, etc?
             | syntheweave wrote:
             | The best way to proceed is to think in terms of
             | placeholders. Make the wall simple now; then imagine how
             | you want to detail it, and proceed with the understanding
             | that you'll want to replace it at some point, and then it's
             | just a matter of setting up the organization of your
             | objects so that that can be done gracefully. If you don't
             | have a particular requirement like presentation in a game
             | engine, you don't have to aim for it to be optimized and
             | can do something like making a detailed sculpt for every
             | log. If you do have that requirement there's still often a
             | reason to push off the optimization to a final step,
             | because it might involve destructive workflows where you
             | essentially turn your initial detailed asset into a
             | reference for the optimized one(e.g. baking a normal map).
             | As long as you expect everything to be done in two or three
             | iterations and split out the work appropriately, you won't
             | be stuck for too long.
         | MisterBiggs wrote:
         | As a graduating Engineering student that is about to lose
         | access to some really powerful and incredibly expensive CAD
         | software I can't agree enough. I think I just need to say
         | goodbye to parametric modelling and embrace Blender.
       | mrtksn wrote:
       | Hey, does anybody knows what happened with Apple becoming a
       | Patron?
       | Apple is still not listed on the contributors list.[0]
       | [0] https://fund.blender.org/
         | dry_soup wrote:
         | metal support gets top billing on the release page[1], and I
         | think it was apple who contributed most of the code for that.
         | so maybe apple just doesn't like being in a sea of logos with
         | all the riff raff.
         | [1] https://www.blender.org/download/releases/3-1/
       | 0xcoffee wrote:
       | I tried to download their new Benchmark 3.0.0, but site seems to
       | be hammered.
       | Softpedia has a mirror though:
       | https://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Benchmarks/Blender-Benc...
         | DoctorOW wrote:
         | While the site is hammered, I'll point out that you can get
         | automatic Blender updates through Steam if you're so inclined.
         | https://store.steampowered.com/app/365670/Blender/
           | nvrspyx wrote:
           | They're talking about the new Benchmark tool specifically.
           | I'm not sure if it's included within Blender itself, but it's
           | not available (at least separately if included with Blender)
           | on Steam.
             | DoctorOW wrote:
             | I assumed it was the same website/CDN for both. Maybe I was
             | wrong. Still, the Steam thing is a little known tip.
       | neves wrote:
       | Is it worth the trouble for an eventual User to learn Blender?
       | I don't do animations, but I like to edit some personal videos
       | with a pinch of VFX. I always read that it is great and powerful,
       | but has a difficult UI. I always wanted to learn it, but time is
       | limited.
         | Mizza wrote:
         | Make the donut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIoXOplUvAw
         | It's kind of a right of passage for Blender newbies.
         | I learned (well.. I'm learning) Blender this year and I'm glad
         | I did. It's very intimidating at first, but you get the hang of
         | it, and then you can't imagine a world without it. I now even
         | prefer it to stuff like Photoshop for doing simple graphics
         | work.
         | prox wrote:
         | While you can edit with Blender (and with some very powerful
         | functions) there is also Kdenlive Video Editor which has been
         | very good for simpler edits. Depends a bit on what you want to
         | do.
         | danielvaughn wrote:
         | As with anything, what starts out as complex gets easier with
         | exposure. I'm still at the beginning stages but I've really
         | enjoyed the journey so far.
         | tinus_hn wrote:
         | If you have never learned 3D modeling it's really a lot of fun.
         | If you start by doing some tutorials you can get started pretty
         | easily.
         | karolist wrote:
         | Definitely worth it. As it's a visual tool you won't learn by
         | reading about it, nor can you learn Blender knowing everything
         | about it's features (it would be like getting good at chess by
         | reading chess rules)... what I mean is you have to learn by
         | doing many small experiments and using visual guides.
         | I recommend doing the Doughnut tutorial by Blender Guru first,
         | then move to CrossMind Studio, another really great one is
         | Ducky 3D. Default Cube is great, but some of the stuff is a bit
         | advanced. Polygon Runway is good but got bored of the same
         | style. The best for more advanced users I've seen so far is
         | Polyfjord, just next level stuff, can't recommend that channel
         | enough.
           | mkaic wrote:
           | Polyfjord is fantastic. If you're interested in the
           | filmmaking/VFX side of things at an intermediate to advanced
           | level, I can't recommend Ian Hubert enough. His YouTube
           | channel is legendary but his Patreon is even better, tons and
           | tons of informal, unscripted videos of just him making stuff
           | and narrating while he does it. I know that's not everyone's
           | cup of tea but I personally feel like I've learned most of
           | what I know about blender from those videos!
             | karolist wrote:
             | Thanks for the Hubert recommendation, he is definitely
             | pushing the boundaries of what can be done and showing it,
             | but at the level I'm at (occasional user, 2 years in), his
             | videos to me seemed a bit like the famous "How to draw an
             | Owl" picture... I didn't know he had Patreon, I'm already a
             | member of CrossMind Studio and Polyfjord, will definitely
             | check it out. Thanks again.
               | mkaic wrote:
               | yeah his Lazy Tutorials definitely feel a little "draw an
               | Owl", but his longer form videos on Patreon are much more
               | laid back and (I feel) accessible.
         | victornomad wrote:
         | I think it is. I started few months ago and I really love the
         | journey so far.
         | I dont think Blender itself is that complicated, what is
         | difficult is
         | 1) Find what type of 3d you want do. 2) Do it nicely
         | The 3d field is enormous and you and depending what you do you
         | will follow a specific technique and workflow.
         | You don't need to learn everything just with a 1% of Blender
         | you can do pretty great stuff!
       | sydthrowaway wrote:
       | The problem with the pace of development is that its impossible
       | to learn new interfaces etc in time
       | Some of the development funds should go to training materials.
         | TrevorJ wrote:
         | There's are LTS versions. You could always just use one of
         | those and only upgrade when you feel the desire.
         | victornomad wrote:
         | To be honest, the basics are always the same.
         | I started recently with Blender 3.0 and I can watch without any
         | problem tutorials made with Blender 2.8 (3.5 years ago). Now
         | that I'm getting more confident I can even watch tutorials from
         | older versions and follow them without a problem.
         | And btw, you don't need to learn every new feature. Blender is
         | a incredible versatile and ginormous software and you only need
         | to learn what you need for your specific workflow. I can maybe
         | know 1% of Blender and I'm superhappy with what I'm doing
         | nowadays!
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | Then use the LTS versions?
         | mkaic wrote:
         | In my experience, I actually find the community does a pretty
         | darn good job of keeping up with the training side of things.
         | There are several dozen YouTube channels that just make Blender
         | tutorials 24/7 for a living, and every time a new update is
         | dropped, tons of new beginner tutorials for the new features
         | get made.
         | slimsag wrote:
         | I don't understand this? Blender has world-class training
         | material provided for free.
         | Between the stuff they themselves offer[0] and the literally
         | thousands of training videos on YouTube.. what do you think is
         | missing?
         | [0] https://www.blender.org/support/tutorials
           | 0xcde4c3db wrote:
           | Blender being well-documented is a relatively recent
           | phenomenon, so I wouldn't be shocked if a lot of people
           | simply don't realize that things have changed. Back in its
           | early days it was infamous for having an impenetrable UI and
           | practically no documentation (unless you bought what amounted
           | to the official strategy guide, which was decent enough on
           | its own terms but still wasn't a proper manual).
             | UncleEntity wrote:
             | Spent many an hour digging through the source code to
             | figure out what a particular button did...
           | mkaic wrote:
           | Agree with this. Blender has some of the best training
           | material available, _especially_ compared to its competition,
           | _because_ it 's free and open source, so anyone can use it
           | and, importantly, anyone can make tutorials for it!
         | koshergweilo wrote:
         | Have they changed much about the UI in this update? Seems like
         | it's mostly about performance improvements and procedural
         | generation this update.
           | mkaic wrote:
           | They added a really nice quality of life change in the node
           | editor! Now you can drag a noodle out from a node into empty
           | space, release, and get the Add Node menu automatically
           | popping up, which is something the community's been wanting
           | for _ages_. It 's how it works in basically every other
           | modern node-based editor, so it's nice to see Blender keeping
           | up.
           | lastdong wrote:
           | Blender 3.1 changes in 5min (part of the this topic linked
           | page) https://youtu.be/BCi0QRM1ADY
       | skrillhouse wrote:
       | Major kudos to the Blender team for the phenomenal work they've
       | been doing. I only started learning Blender a little over a year
       | ago, and the amount of progress that's been made in that short
       | amount of time is incredible. In a time when I'm often frustrated
       | with the abundance of low quality and user-hostile software,
       | Blender has been inspirational in demonstrating that it's still
       | possible to develop high quality, powerful applications (and
       | offer it for free nonetheless!)
       | pmoriarty wrote:
       | I tried learning Blender again recently... it just seems so
       | overcomplicated.
         | karolist wrote:
         | Are you familiar with any other 3D modelling software? If not
         | it's not entirely fair to say Blender is overcomplicated, 3D
         | modelling itself is a complicated field and Blender is like a
         | swissknife, you can learn only the features you intend to use.
         | Hard surface modelling, basic scene setup, lightning and you're
         | already at a level where you can enjoy the process. Want more?
         | Procedural, non-destructive modelling, sculpting, VFX,
         | compositing, it even has a video editor built in (though most
         | people just use Davinci Resolve instead). I think Blender is as
         | complicated as you choose it to be, like Math, Physics or any
         | other non trivial field.
         | mandmandam wrote:
         | Did you do the donut tutorial?
           | runevault wrote:
           | There are a few good options, this def being one of them.
           | Grant Abbitt being another.
           | Blender is software that feels complicated at first because,
           | fundamentally it is doing a complicated thing. But once you
           | start to understand it you cut through all the things that
           | you don't need to worry about because 90% of the time you
           | will be in VERY specific contexts (hard modeling, sculpting,
           | painting, etc) and not worrying about large swaths of the
           | features. But to do everything it needs to do all of those
           | things have to exist.
           | Being able to learn how to context switch and take advantage
           | of the different workspaces helps a TON. Gotta get used to it
           | though, and it is a big lift. I started messing with Blender
           | off and on a year or so ago and while I'm no master, once I
           | get in my groove I feel like I can move pretty quickly.
         | Arcanum-XIII wrote:
         | I guess it depends on your motivation. When I was dabbling with
         | 3D in 2000, all the major player at the time were way worse but
         | I did manage because I was motivated. 20 year later, I can't
         | even animate basic things like a ball :D
         | Still, give you some clear goal about what you want. Blender
         | can do nearly everything related to 3D, compositing and even
         | some special effect. And then search a YouTube tutorial on this
         | subject -- it probably exist!
         | ur-whale wrote:
         | > it just seems so overcomplicated.
         | Sure, it's not Sketchup, and there is a little bit of a steep
         | learning curve at the beginning (it used to be much, much
         | worse).
         | However, unlike Sketchup, the freaking _depth_ of the software
         | is nothing short of amazing.
         | That investment you make at the beginning is really, really
         | worth it.
         | Also: there is literally a ton of tutorials on YouTube to get
         | started with Blender, and it is rather easy to learn the basics
         | nowadays by doing a bit of monkey see monkey do with Blender
         | open on one monitor and the tutorial vid on the other.
       | Taywee wrote:
       | Blender is so cool. I really need to put in the time to actually
       | learn geometry nodes; they seem crazy powerful.
       | mkaic wrote:
       | Metal backend is currently only M1 compatible, which is a shame,
       | but still super exciting that they added it at all. Really great
       | to see Apple contributing to the project, plus I think they
       | mentioned they plan to make the Cycles Metal backend compatible
       | with older Macs in the future. Might be able to finally make use
       | of those Radeon cards in older high-specced Macs!
       | EDIT: Looks like I missed that it's also already compatible with
       | AMD cards in older Macs, they just have to have the latest OS
       | installed!
         | oDot wrote:
         | Says it's compatible with AMD GPUs as well
           | mkaic wrote:
           | Oh, missed that! Still requiring the newest OS though which
           | is understandable but unfortunate.
             | Pulcinella wrote:
             | To be fair, the original announcement about upcoming Metal
             | support did state that the support for Apple GPUs was the
             | first priority, with AMD GPU support at a later date, so
             | it's nice to see both supported right out of the gate.
       | emadabdulrahim wrote:
       | Can't wait to try it tonight on my M1 Max and compare rendering
       | speed with v3!
         | stevenpetryk wrote:
         | Make sure you have macOS Monterrey 12.3 beta (the Metal backend
         | requires 12.3 or above).
           | Arcanum-XIII wrote:
           | Works fine for me on my M1 with 12.2.1.
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Let us know how that goes! I'm getting an M1 Max MBP sometime
         | in the next two weeks and already know the very first thing I
         | install on it after booting is gonna be Blender. It's a rite of
         | passage for any new computer I acquire!
           | cevn wrote:
           | The computer is an absolute beast, it compiles faster than my
           | old desktop intel cpu and I just have M1 Pro or something..
         | barrenko wrote:
         | One of the most marvelous hobbies.
           | mkaic wrote:
           | There are few things more exciting about getting a new
           | computer than getting to test how fast Blender runs on it!
       | mrguyorama wrote:
       | As a Windows user with an AMD 5700XT, a $400 GPU, I'm still
       | locked out of the wonderful world of accelerated Blender. AMD has
       | been straight up negligent in their software support for a long
       | time. It sucks that you basically have to buy a super power
       | hungry, super expensive GPU from a company that refuses to do
       | anything open source if you want to be able to do anything but
       | play games on your GPU.
         | [deleted]
         | zamadatix wrote:
         | Prior to Blender 3.0 OpenCL should have worked. 3.0 and later
         | the HIP backend should be working on your setup, though it's
         | not officially validated for the 5700 XT, here are some numbers
         | from a 5500 XT prior to 3.0 GA
         | https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/User:ThomasDinges/AMDBenchmark...
         | Etherlord87 wrote:
         | > It sucks that you basically have to buy a super power hungry,
         | super expensive GPU from a company that refuses to do anything
         | open source if you want to be able to do anything but play
         | games on your GPU.
         | I have a lot of fun in Blender for two years now, using Nvidia
         | GTX 970 - it's quite old by now, and definitely cheaper than
         | $400.
         | As someone who has seen a lot of bug reports, Blender has
         | problems with AMD, Mac, and newest Nvidia (RTX) cards.
       | bedros wrote:
       | the user interface with drag, drop, search looks very slick,
       | anyone knows what part of blender code does that, or any python
       | lib I can used for a UI like that
       | mkaic wrote:
       | Blender's pace of development is blistering and never fails to
       | impress me. The community is also super inspiring, and the
       | founder of Blender, Ton Roosendaal, is a really cool person as
       | well. I'm super hyped for the future of this software.
         | prox wrote:
         | Godot also seems to be modeling itself in the same style as
         | Blender. Years ago I was very vocal about the opportunities of
         | an easy to use open source game engine. Godot 4 is well on its
         | way to be very accessible and getting high end functions.
         | I wish GIMP and other projects were like this.
       | slimsag wrote:
       | That GPU-based subdivision surfaces being ~10X faster is a
       | welcome improvement! Subdivision surfaces have always been so
       | slow, those are some incredible gains!
         | mkaic wrote:
         | Always really exciting to see a number like 10X anywhere in
         | release notes, it's like Christmas!
       (page generated 2022-03-09 23:00 UTC)