[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-03-09) - Page 2
 (DIR) Deep learning behind document processing
       20 points by prats226 (0 comments)
 (DIR) Booting ARM Linux the standard way
       89 points by MartijnBraam (23 comments)
 (DIR) Erotetics
       42 points by pizza (27 comments)
 (DIR) Launch HN: 8vdX (YC W22) - Venture debt to complement a seed round
       60 points by rchachra (27 comments)
 (DIR) Zen and the Art of Reliability
       10 points by perch56 (0 comments)
 (DIR) An unexpected Redis sandbox escape affecting Debian-based distros
       122 points by reginaldo (51 comments)
 (DIR) GJK: Collision detection algorithm in 2D/3D
       3 points by amar-laksh (0 comments)
 (DIR) The long strange trip to Java (1996)
       93 points by graderjs (57 comments)
 (DIR) Cormac McCarthy's tips on how to write a great science paper (2019)
       125 points by bryanrasmussen (82 comments)
 (DIR) Fornjot: A next-generation Code-CAD application
       59 points by sbt567 (21 comments)
 (DIR) Accurate Image Alignment and Registration Using OpenCV
       146 points by magamig (30 comments)
 (DIR) Saito Renho on Japanese economic growth, 'Abenomics', redistribu...
       50 points by mooreds (37 comments)
 (DIR) Death by PowerPoint: the slide that killed seven people (2019)
       321 points by tk75x (175 comments)
 (DIR) Let's Spouge
       25 points by flabber (7 comments)
 (DIR) Understand Entropy in One Chart
       27 points by heyhihello (8 comments)
 (DIR) Amazon announces 20-for-1 stock split, $10B buyback
       22 points by zaltekk (1 comments)
 (DIR) Lootboxes in FIFA now allowed by highest Dutch court
       64 points by defenestration (84 comments)
 (DIR) Roskomsvoboda Statement (info-isolation of Russia) [pdf]
       110 points by EugeneOZ (142 comments)
 (DIR) Twitter's new Tor onion service
       130 points by mooreds (236 comments)
 (DIR) Oil plunges as much as 17% as UAE says support output hike
       39 points by underscore_ku (8 comments)
 (DIR) Go to the next page
       (page generated 2022-03-09 23:01 UTC)