[HN Gopher] Goldilocks Zone Finder - Find your ideal climate
       Goldilocks Zone Finder - Find your ideal climate
       Author : nemo1618
       Score  : 150 points
       Date   : 2022-03-11 17:06 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (lukechampine.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lukechampine.com)
       | nemo1618 wrote:
       | Hi all! Some background on the project: I want to build a house
       | someday, and the first step is deciding where to build. I knew an
       | interactive map like this would be useful, but after fiddling
       | with leaflet.js for a while and googling for climate data, I felt
       | a bit lost. So I decided to try something new: I hired a
       | contractor on Upwork who had experience with map visualizations.
       | They built an MVP within a few weeks, and from there I was able
       | to tweak and optimize the code to my liking. I think this is a
       | great strategy for side projects that you're too busy for. :)
       | It's still mostly a toy at this point, but I'd like to add more
       | knobs and data so that I can narrow down the best place to live
       | (and hopefully help other people do the same). If you want to
       | contribute, the code is open source:
       | https://github.com/lukechampine/goldilocks
       | The site weighs about 1.6 MB (gzipped -- the full climate data is
       | ~35 MB uncompressed!) and is hosted on a Linode, which seems to
       | be holding up pretty well.
       | Also, a big thank you to those in the comments who shared links
       | to similar projects! The "pleasant places" map is super close to
       | what I want. Ideally this project would look something like that,
       | but with the ability to select your own preferences for what
       | constitutes a "perfect" day.
         | ghostly_s wrote:
         | hugged to death it seems.
         | gotaquestion wrote:
         | Great job! Very responsive.
         | I thought about making something like this too, years ago. I
         | wanted to converge data from tornados, fault lines, flooding,
         | and hurricaine probabilities. But then I got sucked into EVERY
         | parameter I might want to consider, like air traffic (vortac
         | lines), distance to power grid, UPS coverage, internet
         | coverage, cellular coverage... and eventually the amount of
         | data crushed my brain and the project never even made it to a
         | NextJS boilerplate. :) So if you want to add more data... hint
         | hint hint. :)
         | How did you "bend" those hexagons? What's going on there as I
         | go from coast to coast? Is that to map them to a sphere?
           | nemo1618 wrote:
           | I honestly have no idea how the heck grid works haha. Maybe
           | someone else can chime in.
           | The MVP site took >1 second to rerender when you dragged the
           | slider. I got it down to a few dozen ms, which makes it a lot
           | more fun to use. Pretty proud of that :)
             | LeifCarrotson wrote:
             | The responsive, low-latency controls are definitely a
             | pleasure!
             | Thank you for not making it a typical CRUD app that queries
             | an overloaded 35MB database for a couple round trips every
             | time you want to move a slider....
           | tony_cannistra wrote:
           | Not the dev, but these are probably hexagonal bins that were
           | computed in spherical/conic space (e.g the Albers Equal Area
           | or Lambert Conformal projections [0], which happen to also be
           | the projections that NOAA distributes a lot of their data in)
           | and projected to Web Mercator (which is the web maps
           | projection). Usually when you do that you get bendy things.
           | [0]: https://psl.noaa.gov/data/narr/format.html
         | bumblebritches5 wrote:
         | mempko wrote:
         | Really cool. Does this have a climate change model? Without one
         | this is useful for maybe a 5 to 10yr window.
         | alhirzel wrote:
         | You have a great idea, hiring out someone on Upwork for an MVP
         | that you could then run with or not. Wondering, what was the
         | cost?
           | nemo1618 wrote:
           | About $800 IIRC. I didn't shop around at all though.
         | 404mm wrote:
         | Thank you for this!!!
         | I went through scraping weather averages and graphing them in
         | elk, then finding https://weatherspark.com/map and now this.
         | Best option yet.
         | pengaru wrote:
         | Neat project! Would be nice if it integrated data like
         | wildfires, mudslides, floods, storms/winds, crime, mosquito
         | populations, to be a truly useful aid in home site locating.
         | pharmakom wrote:
         | Please add a Celsius / Fahrenheit toggle :)
         | ledauphin wrote:
         | this is cool - i've spent way too much time just sort of
         | synthesizing this sort of data in my brain with no hard
         | evidence.
         | One knob I'd love to have is the ability to tune the # of days
         | ranges - "above 200" is a pretty large bucket depending on how
         | you tune the other numbers. It looks this is changeable in the
         | code, but maybe it's tied tightly to the available data?
         | oh_sigh wrote:
         | Well...did it work for you? Did you find some spot where you're
         | going to build a house?
           | nemo1618 wrote:
           | Ha, no, not yet. Looking more closely at NC though. I want to
           | have a nice mountain view, so maybe I need to incorporate
           | topological data too somehow.
             | jkelleyrtp wrote:
             | NC is a very temperate and beautiful place. Good prices and
             | jobs too. If you live in the middle, both the ocean and
             | mountains are 3 hours away.
               | ghaff wrote:
               | Temperate is in the eye of the beholder :-) Pretty hot
               | and humid in summer for my taste. That said, Asheville in
               | particular often gets pretty highly ranked among small
               | cities to live in and it's probably more comfortable in
               | the summer than many other locations in the state.
       | wk_end wrote:
       | 200-366 days at the top end is an enormous range (substantially
       | larger than all the others, for some reason) - nearly half the
       | year. I hate hot weather, and this didn't really help me filter
       | out places that have horrible summers, because the summer is,
       | yes, less than 166 days long. I assume people who dislike cold
       | weather would feel similarly. So this is...kind of useless?
         | nemo1618 wrote:
         | Good call! I hate hot weather too. I'll try breaking up the
         | range a bit more. btw, you can also view on a month-by-month
         | basis.
           | wk_end wrote:
           | I totally missed the month-by-month drop down. That helps, a
           | lot, thanks.
           | Sorry for the overly critical tone of my comment, BTW.
           | Sometimes the internet makes it hard for me to remember that
           | real people work on stuff and are reading what you're saying
           | about it.
       | jakear wrote:
       | Those finding fault in this may be better served by the B6ppen
       | climate classification, which is a global index that takes into
       | account not just temperature but also rainfall and whether the
       | rain is strongest in summer or winter.
       | Notably, it shows that the idyllic Mediterranean/Californian
       | climate can also be found in parts of Western Australia, South
       | Africa, and Chile.
       | [1]
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6ppen_climate_classifica...
       | odiroot wrote:
       | I pretty much only get southern California and southern Florida
       | with my ideal range.
       | I wish this website supported Europe and Asia.
       | smeej wrote:
       | Reading the comments makes me wonder if I'm the only one who
       | would even be interested in this, but I really like _variety,_ so
       | I 'd love to be able to be able to layer semitranslucent layers
       | on top of each other.
       | It's probably way too much customization, but if I want somewhere
       | that has at least 30 days that _don 't_ get over 30 degrees, as
       | well as maybe 15 days above 90 degrees, I'd kind of have to have
       | it open in two windows and compare locations myself, as opposed
       | to being able to set which end of the color spectrum would be my
       | "green" for each filter, layer them on top of each other, and
       | just look for the greenest places.
       | But it seems like most people have a preference for consistent
       | weather, so you're probably nailing your target market's wishes!
       | I already know I love where I live, too, so it'd be fun to look
       | at where else might suit me, but I'm not making plans to move
       | based on a hope of weather improvement.
         | kevmo314 wrote:
         | I also like variety. I would've liked to see how closely the
         | temperature distribution in a cell matches a normal
         | distribution parameterized by the slider instead of how many
         | days fall in that bucket. That would reward closer matches over
         | places that just maintain one temperature.
       | paxys wrote:
       | One thing that isn't very intuitive - on a map dealing with
       | temperature you'd immediately expect a range of red to blue
       | colors to represent hotter/colder regions. In this case, maybe a
       | different color scheme would help in representing # days more
       | clearly.
       | triumphantomato wrote:
       | Is it possible to limit the search to daytime temperatures? I
       | care much more if it's 40*F during the day than during the night.
         | nemo1618 wrote:
         | Not sure if NOAA provides a dataset for that, but I totally
         | agree!
       | disillusioned wrote:
       | Do you really need a tool to just tell you "San Diego"?
       | (I'm kidding, this is really neat.)
       | rosetremiere wrote:
       | I must say, it's frustrating clicking this link and landing on a
       | page narrowed to the USA, and, to top it off, in Fahrenheit...
       | Maybe a title change would be welcome.
         | nemo1618 wrote:
         | Sorry! I'd love to extend this to other countries, but I wasn't
         | sure where to get the data.
           | tony_cannistra wrote:
           | The ECMWF Reanalysis is a great option!
           | https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/dataset/ecmwf-
           | reanalysis-...
           | loloquwowndueo wrote:
           | Temp in Celsius doesn't need getting any extra data :)
             | daotoad wrote:
             | Fortunately the insanity of "standard" units has everyone
             | used to memorizing silly facts like boiling is 212 and
             | there are 5280 feet in a mile.
             | If you're used to that, it's easy to remember that C =
             | (F-32) * 9 / 5.
           | rosetremiere wrote:
           | My turn to be sorry! I had to blow some steam off and hadn't
           | thought about the fact that the person behind the page might
           | read my comment. Cheers on your work :)
         | Aeolun wrote:
         | Don't feel bad. I had exactly the same reaction. "Who uses
         | fahrenheit for something like this?", "Oh, it's US only."
       | Animats wrote:
       | Coastal LA - the only place in the US with a liveable climate
       | that doesn't have hurricanes.
       | not2b wrote:
       | A site like this should use the heat index or the wet bulb
       | temperature.
       | The reason is that 35 degC (95 degF) is fatal to humans within
       | hours at 100% relative humidity, but relatively comfortable at
       | 10% humidity for people who are drinking enough water and have
       | sun protection.
       | octoberfranklin wrote:
       | If anybody knows how to search the USA (or elsewhere) for the
       | place with the highest [*] _mixing height_ , I will give you all
       | of my internet points and sing your praises for the rest of
       | eternity. Here is what the mixing height looks like for a random
       | spot in Washington State:
       | https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?w3u=1&w13=mhgt&w13...
       | NOAA doesn't seem to publish any data on _actual_ mixing height,
       | and even these forecasted mixing heights are only available for
       | some areas (I can 't find them for anyplace in Northern
       | California, for example).
       | I am extremely sensitive to air pollution and this is, by far,
       | the number one factor that correlates with my well-being. You'd
       | think that coastal areas mean "clean ocean air", but they also
       | tend to have very low mixing heights (Los Angeles is an extreme
       | example) so when the wind isn't blowing in from the ocean it's
       | pretty bad. Desert areas have spectacularly high mixing heights
       | during the day, but near zero at night.
       | [*] Technically I'm trying to optimize for the highest height of
       | the lowest Nth percentile (for something like N=5%).
       | paxys wrote:
       | San Diego is already now the more unaffordable city in the
       | country. We don't need this.
       | fortysixdegrees wrote:
       | I did a more comprehensive version of this analysis many years
       | ago, and ended up moving to Guanajuato, Guanajuato Mexico as a
       | result.
       | And the climate was... Perfect.
       | upnick wrote:
       | Any chance this can be made to work in countries besides the
       | United States? The weather over here in Malaysia has been going
       | insane - imagine 2 months worth in rain happening in 2 days.
       | carry_bit wrote:
       | -10F isn't that cold. Maybe extend the bottom of the range (or
       | provide a number input) for those of us who like the cold?
       | freedomben wrote:
       | I've become a little obsessed with the history of the US in the
       | 19th century, and this map does an _amazing_ job at helping
       | visualize the seriousness and difficulty that frontier livers and
       | westward migrators faced back then.
       | It's also just damn interesting as an interactive climate map!
       | [deleted]
       | OrlandoHakim wrote:
       | This is an awesome visualization.
       | A couple feature requests that would improve this
       | - have an option to show the reverse of Min/Max days. i.e. Show
       | me places where the temperature is below an extreme for a minimum
       | number of days.
       | - better accessibility, this color scheme doesn't work for the
       | color blind
       | - what about wet vs dry days? i.e. Precipitation
       | om3n wrote:
       | Even though it's possible to deduce, I think it would still be
       | helpful to indicate temperature units (C/F).
         | dr_orpheus wrote:
         | Had to do a quick sanity check too. My ideal climate is
         | definitely in a place where the temperature remains below the
         | boiling point of water.
         | 4ndrewl wrote:
         | "Show me this was written by an American, without telling me it
         | was written by an American"
         | It's still pretty neat though. :)
           | electroly wrote:
           | The fact that it only shows America is, perhaps, the most
           | obvious tell ;)
             | roter wrote:
             | Except for the isolated hex in Ontario, Canada. Note that
             | this was probably built from the USCRN network [0] which
             | has a research station in Egbert [1].
             | [0] https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/crn/ [1]
             | https://www.atdd.noaa.gov/u-s-crn-groups-map/
               | chestnuttrees wrote:
               | Dang. This is why it's fun to read HN. Thanks!
         | unsupp0rted wrote:
         | I hit the "back" button when I saw it's only in F units, and I
         | didn't feel like doing conversions.
           | krono wrote:
           | Your loss, it's pretty neat
             | shock wrote:
             | What's his loss, exactly?
               | krono wrote:
               | Not having experienced the joy of dreaming about a new
               | life in another place.
               | What an odd question!
               | Edit: My ideal temperature range left me with just
               | Vancouver, Canada.
               | ghostpepper wrote:
               | Vancouverite here - the temperature is quite moderate but
               | you need to be okay with a lot of grey drizzly days.
               | Summers are wonderful though.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | When I travel outside the US and have to discuss temperatures
           | with people, or I'm talking to foreigners in the US, I
           | convert to C in my head and use that.
           | It probably isn't that hard for you to just convert in your
           | head.
             | odiroot wrote:
             | There's never a need to use anything else than Celsius, in
             | Europe. Ok, we do learn Kelvin in school but you wouldn't
             | really use it in a normal conversation.
               | jedberg wrote:
               | There's never a need to use anything else than Fahrenheit
               | the US either, but I still learned how to use Celsius.
             | gpvos wrote:
             | No, it's not, because it's not just a multiplication but
             | also an addition. If I would live in the US for some time
             | maybe I would develop a knack for it, but for now it's too
             | much effort for something that only a few places use.
               | jedberg wrote:
               | I don't use multiplication or division. I just know 0=32,
               | 10=50, 20=68, 22=72(aka room temp), 30=86, and 40=104
               | (aka really hot). I just estimate from there.
       | com2kid wrote:
       | And this is why SF is so popular. It is a shame Florida never
       | developed a huge tech hub, but Miami has plenty of other stuff
       | going for it. (besides hurricanes)
       | People don't get it, SF will be always popular because the
       | climate is just that good. Seattle is a close #2 IMHO, but you
       | have to be able to put up with 8 months of grey, which is a huge
       | "but".
         | nonameiguess wrote:
         | SF is windy and overcast. Almost all of California except the
         | mountain peaks and deserts has better climate.
           | carapace wrote:
           | Yeah, this. The folks above almost certainly live in the lee
           | of Twin Peaks. Out here in the Western part of the city we
           | have Winter and what I like to call the "Season of Cold
           | Winds".
           | com2kid wrote:
           | I'm in Seattle, we are the US definition of overcast. 62% of
           | our days have heavy could cover.
           | SF doesn't even make the top 10 list of America's cloudiest
           | cities. :)
             | carapace wrote:
             | But the clouds up there are _gorgeous!_ Here we just get a
             | grey blanket.
           | nharada wrote:
           | It's very neighborhood dependent, if you want to live
           | somewhere sunny you definitely can.
           | pengaru wrote:
           | So true. Driving up to SF from San Mateo often caused us to
           | question the sanity of people paying so much to live in such
           | a terrible micro-climate. We'd often be leaving clear and
           | sunny, t-shirt and shorts weather, to enter what looked like
           | an apocalyptic storm-chasers situation of cold, wet, doom and
           | gloom.
           | Makes for great sailing year-round on the bay though!
         | s0rce wrote:
         | Oakland is also great, arguably better.
         | dehrmann wrote:
         | Redwood City: Climate Best by Government Test
           | Xcelerate wrote:
           | I lived in Redwood City for a few years. It was fantastic. We
           | moved there from Tennessee, and after the first week we were
           | like "wow, it has been clear blue skies every day this week!"
           | After another four months with barely a cloud in the sky, it
           | dawned on us that the climate really was quite incredible
           | (although there are two seasons, "green" and "brown", and the
           | months are swapped from what they are in the southeast).
           | 30 miles north in San Francisco it's quite a bit cooler and
           | less sunny though. I would drive into the fog every Saturday
           | morning to visit the farmers market.
           | We're back in Tennessee now and I forgot how bad my seasonal
           | affective disorder gets. Apparently I crave sunshine.
             | tigen wrote:
             | What I find is that a total lack of clouds can make the
             | sunlight feel overly bright and intense. The dryness can
             | also lead to a bit of dust in the air.
             | This is pretty minor nitpicking overall, but the middle of
             | the day can feel a little harsh for these reasons. The
             | landscapes also get dried out.
             | This is more noticeable in the south bay than SF and
             | thereabouts
         | bicx wrote:
         | I moved to SF recently from Tennessee. It's been wonderful to
         | have such pleasant weather year-round. Granted, it's not a
         | tropical paradise, but you will survive with an optional light
         | jacket in your backpack nearly all year.
         | The only other place that is now tempting me is San Diego.
           | asdff wrote:
           | San Diego weather might be the best in the world. It feels
           | like its physically impossible for it to be above 85 degrees
           | from the prevailing ocean winds.
         | encoderer wrote:
         | I live in Berkeley now and would love to sell my house and move
         | some place cheaper, but the weather here is just incredible.
         | The only thing I would like is warmer nights but I can't seem
         | to find that without 90 degree days.
           | kfarr wrote:
           | Live in SF and also wish we had warmer nights, but I figure
           | in about 10 years with global warming it'll be about right...
       | at_a_remove wrote:
       | In the lightning-unlikely chance that I had my druthers, I would
       | go for something like a Koppen Cfb climate, probably near the Hoh
       | rainforest: moderate temperatures, _highly_ overcast, and quite
       | damp. But not near a great number of people.
       | Floegipoky wrote:
       | Haven't seen USDA plant hardiness zones mentioned. Definitely
       | less detailed but still very useful:
       | https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/pages/view-maps
         | ianbicking wrote:
         | Plant zones seem very primitive to me, AFAICT based only on the
         | maximum sustained cold. So for instance Duluth has a relatively
         | higher hardiness zone rating than some areas around it, despite
         | having a very narrow growing period, simply because in the
         | depth of winter it doesn't get QUITE as cold due to Lake
         | Superior. But most of the year it's quite a bit colder places
         | around it due to that same lake!
       | photochemsyn wrote:
       | Such zones won't necessarily be very stable. Current climate
       | trends point towards an increase in hot humid conditions in some
       | areas, increased aridity and drought in others, and associated
       | extreme weather conditions. If there's any one culprit to point
       | to, it's the water vapor increase (forced in turn by the increase
       | in atmospheric fossil CO2 and CH4). This also affects wet-bulb
       | temperature (which sets an upper limit on outdoor activity):
       | https://climate.nasa.gov/ask-nasa-climate/3151/too-hot-to-ha...
       | Climate-resistant design and construction is going to be a
       | booming field in years to come. Termite-type underground
       | construction, fire-resistant bunkers in dry zones, maybe flood-
       | resistant floatable housing in flood zones, solar-powered AC
       | units, etc. A lot of climates are more tolerable if you have a
       | refuge to escape to.
       | svilen_dobrev wrote:
       | i have found some places that i like as climate... tried living
       | there for some time.. but disliked the people. And moved away.
       | so there are even less places that i feel compatible with, if
       | measuring climate AND people ..
       | anyway, YMMMV.
       | silisili wrote:
       | I like data like this - it reminds me of the pleasant places
       | maps[1].
       | That said - you have to be wary of both types of maps because it
       | doesn't take into account other potentially annoying factors. The
       | biggest being humidity - there's a huge difference between 90
       | degree phoenix and 90 degree miami. Then there's rainfall, and
       | one a lot of people don't think about - wind.
       | To add - if you're thinking about seriously comparing two
       | climates, check out this comparison tool [2]. Has any metric you
       | can dream of charted together.
       | 1 - https://kellegous.com/j/2014/02/03/pleasant-places/
       | 2 - https://outflux.net/weather/noaa/index.php
         | nemo1618 wrote:
         | Hmm, I can probably incorporate humidity data without too much
         | trouble. Is there a standard way to calculate a "feels like"
         | temperature using humidity?
         | btw, thanks for reminding me of the pleasant places map -- I
         | think it must have been an unconscious influence on this.
           | Symmetry wrote:
           | You could use the dew point to combine humidity and
           | temperature?
           | silisili wrote:
           | Hey thanks, nice work btw. As others pointed out, heat index
           | is a decent indicator I think.
           | Not to 'steal' ideas from the other site, but having that
           | little year avg chart pop up on click is a really killer
           | feature for showing which months are best. For example, I'd
           | much rather live somewhere with 4 solid "uncomfortable"
           | months and 8 solid comfortable, than somewhere with 2 on, 1
           | off.
             | nemo1618 wrote:
             | Yep. Personally I'm interested in finding two locations:
             | one with great weather throughout the summer, and one with
             | great weather throughout the winter.
               | silisili wrote:
               | If I had the money... Spokane throughout the summer,
               | central Florida during the winter.
               | [deleted]
               | ghaff wrote:
               | Don't know about Spokane, but summer would probably be
               | _somewhere_ on the West Coast, northern New England, or
               | higher altitudes in the Southwest (e.g. Santa Fe). Winter
               | is harder but, assuming I was trying to _avoid_ snow,
               | probably somewhere broadly in the desert Southwest.
           | gav wrote:
           | The calculation from the NWS:
           | https://www.weather.gov/epz/wxcalc_heatindex (see the linked
           | PDF[1])
           | Given an air temperature (T) in degF and a relative humidity
           | (rh).                   Indexheat = - 42.379 + (2.04901523 x
           | T) + (10.14333127 x rh) - (0.22475541 x T x rh) -
           | (6.83783x10-3xT^2) - (5.481717 x 10-2 x rh^2) + (1.22874 x
           | 10-3 x T^2 x rh) + (8.5282x10-4 x T x rh^2) - (1.99x10-6 x
           | T^2 x rh^2)
           | [1] https://www.weather.gov/media/epz/wxcalc/heatIndex.pdf
             | theli0nheart wrote:
             | It would be nice if that document cited sources or provided
             | a methodology for how these values were derived.
               | oh_sigh wrote:
               | Ultimately derived from here: https://journals.ametsoc.or
               | g/view/journals/apme/18/7/1520-04...
               | The equation came later - the output of that article is
               | just a table, and the equation was derived to be a nice
               | fit over the table's values.
             | [deleted]
           | db65edfc7996 wrote:
           | If taking comments from the peanut gallery...any chance on
           | also limiting to "waking hours"? I mostly do not care what
           | the temperature is at 3am, but it likely dramatically pushes
           | down the low temperatures for a day.
           | lifebypizza wrote:
           | I came to comment for this very reason. I care a lot about
           | humidity. Ideally you could include both humidity (dew point
           | is the best measure of humidity, btw) and feels like, but
           | just the humidity would be enough.
           | But yeah, as others mentioned, rainfall, storms, cloudiness,
           | etc, are all things that would be great to include.
         | brimble wrote:
         | Yeah this paints most of the Southwest as having a worse
         | climate than where I live, which... yeah, for anyone who hates
         | humidity (which is most people, I think?), that's not remotely
         | true. I'd take 95F and bone dry over 82F and soaking-wet air,
         | any day. Happily.
           | silisili wrote:
           | Same. I'm moving from FL to the SW this year. People see our
           | summer weather - 88hi, 78 low almost every day and think it's
           | perfect. It's not, and it feels gross down to about 72
           | degrees because of the suffocating humidity.
           | antupis wrote:
           | Same with cold I would take dry non windy -10F over humid
           | windy 30F any day.
             | birdman3131 wrote:
             | Moved from Colorado (down to -40 in the winter) to east
             | Texas as a kid. Went outside and was told it was mid 30F's.
             | Did not believe they because it felt way colder.
             | These days I am used to it and wear short sleeves down to
             | about 0 to -10F and watch the minds of everyone go WTF is
             | he on. Had I don't know how many people try to donate me
             | jackets while out walking. (Western AR now but it is the
             | same as east Texas for climate.)
         | amarshall wrote:
         | See also https://weatherspark.com/
       | Nzen wrote:
       | tl;dr This is a USA map to visualize average or min-max
       | temperatures for areas roughly the diameter of Chicago. It colors
       | the tiles based on the proportion of the selected interval
       | (annual or a specific month). The data is from a US agency [0].
       | This way, you can see that Los Angeles, CA is 40-80deg F 75% of
       | the year and Salt Lake City, UT is in that range only 10%.
       | [0] https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/land-based-station/us-
       | cli...
       | spuz wrote:
       | I must be using the tool wrong because literally everywhere in
       | the US is my Goldilocks zone which I'm certain is not the case. I
       | set it to give me places where the minimum winter temperature is
       | -5degC (23F) and max summer temperature is 35degC (95F) and every
       | part of the map is coloured purple.
         | nemo1618 wrote:
         | You are very tolerant, haha. I can't stand anything over 80F or
         | so.
         | btw, you can also view individual months if you only care about
         | a particular season.
           | spuz wrote:
           | I think I just don't understand what to input to give the
           | answer I want. I entered the typical minimum and maximum
           | temperatures that I experience where I live now which is
           | London, UK. Given that, I wouldn't expect the tool to tell me
           | that the entire US has the same climate as London. I think
           | it's because I'm used to a place where the extremes only last
           | for a few days in each year and the rest of the time the
           | temperature is pretty mild. Tolerating a 35degC day in the
           | summer is not that hard when it only happens once every 5
           | years and you can go and drink cold drinks in the park.
           | I think it would be interesting to see the same map of the US
           | but showing areas that _never_ reach above or below the
           | limits that you set.
             | bee_rider wrote:
             | You could probably pick a summer month in the month drop-
             | down, at least for a pretty good approximation of 'areas
             | that never go over X temperature,' since purple indicates
             | 25-31 days inside your range.
             | This told me that I should live in Alaska, or on Mt.
             | Washington. Unfortunately my ancestors came from your
             | cloudy islands and we never adapted to all this horrible
             | sunlight I guess.
         | mrep wrote:
         | Lol, as someone from Chicago, I thought the same. Then again, I
         | like seasons so it doesn't seem that useful.
       | f0e4c2f7 wrote:
       | Another site you can use for this sort of thing is nomadlist[0].
       | Maybe get a general idea from this site and then use nomadlist to
       | narrow it down to a city.
       | [0] nomadlist.com
       | kevinsundar wrote:
       | And this my friends is why I live in San Diego! I really do think
       | tech will take off in this area soon. Its (relatively for CA) on
       | the cheaper side for housing and great for remote work.
         | romanhn wrote:
         | While still somewhat cheaper than prime Bay Area real estate in
         | absolute sense, the price edge in San Diego and North County
         | has rapidly diminished in the last couple of years. Bidding is
         | extremely aggressive and many homes in the more desirable areas
         | go pending within a few days, frequently with many offers
         | multiple $100k's above asking price. Saw one go $1M above
         | asking recently. It's pretty bonkers.
         | dartdartdart wrote:
         | Why is it great for remote work? The land is already developed
         | and the undeveloped areas get the sweltering sun of socal
         | without the cooling ocean breeze to balance it out. The "good
         | climate" only lasts for a mile or so from shore from
       | mLuby wrote:
       | Feature request: bugs!
       | Don't know what kind of data sources there are for this but
       | voracious insects can make an otherwise lovely climate
       | unbearable.
       | therealmarv wrote:
       | Countries which use Fahrenheit: the United States, the Bahamas,
       | the Cayman Islands, Liberia, Palau, the Federated States of
       | Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands.
       | Please add a Celsius switch! Thanks from the rest of the World.
         | paxys wrote:
         | Countries whose temperate data this site has: United States
       | Synaesthesia wrote:
       | Living in Pretoria I thought we had an ideal climate. It gets a
       | bit chilly in winter but it's mostly quite a moderate and dry
       | climate.
       | Then my friend told me about the Kenyan Highlands, which he
       | thinks has the best climate. It's basically 23C year round!
       | mmckelvy wrote:
       | I've found Weather Spark to be a useful tool for researching
       | ideal climates: https://weatherspark.com/. It has detailed
       | temperature breakouts by time of day and year, wind speed,
       | humidity, rainfall, etc.
       | One thing I've started to pay a lot more attention to is
       | rainfall. The temperature in Southern California (where I
       | currently live) is certainly pleasant, but that comes with the
       | tradeoff of very limited rainfall, which seems to be having an
       | increasingly negative impact as the years wear on.
         | dartdartdart wrote:
         | Currently SF is in a more severe drought than LA
         | Src:
         | https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap/StateDroughtMonito...
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | Hawaii. Gorgeous place. Loved living there. People don't like
       | working that much, though. Missed the buzz of the Bay Area.
       | laweijfmvo wrote:
       | Very useful! Thanks!
       | If you could somehow incorporate sunshine (examples: # sunny
       | days, daily hours of sun, % cloud cover, or something similar),
       | that would be a phenomenal addition.
       (page generated 2022-03-11 23:00 UTC)