[HN Gopher] Comfort of Bloated Web
       Comfort of Bloated Web
       Author : susam
       Score  : 61 points
       Date   : 2022-03-12 20:15 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (susam.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (susam.net)
       | saagarjha wrote:
       | One thing you can do here (and I think Hacker News does this) is
       | debounce comments, to reject submissions that come very quickly
       | with the exact same content. Perhaps it was added for exactly
       | this reason ;)
       | dmitriid wrote:
       | It's not entirely "comfort of the bloated web". We as humans have
       | trouble perceiving something happening "faster than the blink of
       | an eye". So, faster than 300ms or so. It's not uncommon for fast
       | UIs to deliberately introduce delaying animations or some other
       | indicators to trick us that yes, things did happen.
       | wildrhythms wrote:
       | I build front ends closely with a design/"UX" team, and this is a
       | real thing. We intentionally add delays, especially on "save",
       | like what the author is referring to. People expect there to be a
       | delay, so a UI without the delay is unexpected. We have
       | unintentionally trained users to expect to wait for the computer
       | to do certain tasks.
       | geuis wrote:
       | This is a good explanation for some behavior I see on one of my
       | sites. The site is barebones html with a tiny amount of js to
       | support an email list signup form. There's some quick validation
       | on the backend but the response cycle is super quick. I get
       | double signups every now and then.
       | tshanmu wrote:
       | getting an invalid request consistently now :(
       | noncoml wrote:
       | Hmm. It's not even that fast...
       | I don't think the problem is the speed. More likely the UX.
       | I submitted a form. Don't show me the form again upon success. I
       | am trained to think that I have to input everything again.
       | jp57 wrote:
       | I'm sure OP is getting lots of comments now! I'm not sure the
       | rapid timing is really the cuprit here. I would argue that there
       | are other UI factors at play:
       | * The text doesn't get cleared from the comment box after the
       | comment is sent
       | * The submit button has no visual affordances to indicate whether
       | it is valid. It looks exactly the same when the form is populated
       | or empty. A conventional UI approach would inactivate the submit
       | button until all the fields are filled.
       | So despite the message that the comment has been posted, it
       | doesn't appear as if the state has changed as a result of pushing
       | the button.
       | I think clearing the comment box and inactivating the submit
       | button (which doesn't appear to be a native OS UI element) after
       | submission would help users understand that the state has
       | changed. Alternatively, I think displaying the acknowledgement
       | message on a new page with no submission form would achieve
       | something similar. It could even have a "post another comment"
       | link back to an empty comment page.
         | mitchdoogle wrote:
         | This is the real answer. Every other comment box or form I've
         | seen on the Internet clears the content when the form has been
         | submitted. I would suggest making them disappear altogether
         | userbinator wrote:
         | _Alternatively, I think displaying the acknowledgement message
         | on a new page with no submission form would achieve something
         | similar. It could even have a "post another comment" link back
         | to an empty comment page._
         | This is exactly what nearly every other form I've used in the
         | past does. I didn't try this one but it sounds like it
         | redirects back to the form again? If so, I can definitely see
         | double/triple-posting happening.
         | I know some forums will actually compare contents with the last
         | post you made, and show a warning message "You already
         | submitted this post".
       | stevage wrote:
       | It's just bad UX that has nothing to do with timing. Clicking
       | submit doesn't change the state of the form in any other way. It
       | should hide all the fields, include the button, and just show the
       | message. Then they can't submit twice.
       | This is really obvious.
         | mitchdoogle wrote:
         | Maybe it's not that obvious to someone who doesn't do UX?
         | It seems most form builders either have the form clearing
         | behavior by default, or redirect to a new page. The person
         | creating the form never even has to think about it that much.
       | alehlopeh wrote:
       | The user explains that they expect some additional UI affordances
       | to indicate that the comment was submitted, but the author
       | chooses to interpret this in such a way as to tickle their
       | personal web-so-bloated horn, and sounds very pleased with
       | themselves for having done so.
       | parksy wrote:
       | One other thing I would check is disabling or removing the submit
       | button after the first click. Just an onclicked event to set the
       | disabled attribute will go a long way.
       | Double-clicking on a lot of sites will submit the form twice. If
       | people are waiting, they will click again, and again.
       | lom wrote:
       | I think what really throws people off is that they don't have any
       | way of seeing their comment.
       | e.g. on hackernews comments are submitted fairly quickly, and I
       | find myself reloading very often to check if the comment really
       | has been placed.
         | mattlondon wrote:
         | Yes I came here to say this.
         | The users click the button, get told it worked, but their
         | comment is not visible to them. The fact they can't see it is
         | why they suspect a problem I think.
         | A UX improvement might be to update the success page to show
         | their message back to them with a prominent "Pending review"
         | message very close and very obvious next to their message.
       | z3t4 wrote:
       | Similar blog post: https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2019/11/12/post/
       | eternityforest wrote:
       | I think comment forms should not accept a double submit of the
       | same thing within 10 seconds.
       | Also, I suspect some of the delay in handwritten stuff is
       | important processing like antispam checks.
       | CPU and network efficiency are wonderful things. But if a
       | lightweight solution can't provide the same level of features and
       | convenience as a modern package, I would toss it without a second
       | thought.
       | My original personal site was handmade HTML with a PHP header. I
       | eventually got rid of it for DokuWiki and never looked back.
       | If it was a pro site, I think I would just use WordPress.
       | It is an impressively high performance site you have though!
       | ricardobeat wrote:
       | This is the #1 heuristic in the old Nielsen usability principles.
       | It's called 'visibility of system status'.
       | Users have been trained by years of experience that errors are
       | often immediate, while real 'work' takes a little while to
       | happen. From that POV the conclusion is correct - adding an
       | artificial delay is the common solution, though it can also be
       | handled by other forms of feedback.
       | In this case, the success message is appended after the form. A
       | few tweaks that could help:
       | - make the fields become read-only after submission
       | - hide the submit button after success
       | - replace the whole form with the success message
       | These would help both to eliminate confusion, without the
       | introduction of artificial delay, and to prevent double
       | submission.
       | yakubin wrote:
       | If the comments aren't published automatically, but await your
       | manual review, then why didn't you go with "comment by emailing
       | me"? Was speed the motivation? (Obviously sending mails is far
       | from fast.) Or did you consider a textbox to be a "smoother"
       | experience for your users? Or just for the fun of implementing
       | the comment system?
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-03-12 23:00 UTC)