[HN Gopher] Solito - React Native and Next.js unified
       Solito - React Native and Next.js unified
       Author : reimertz
       Score  : 67 points
       Date   : 2022-03-14 20:51 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (solito.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (solito.dev)
       | reimertz wrote:
       | For anyone interested, here is the keynote introducing Solito
       | from Next.js Conf 2021 by it's creator Fernando Rojo.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lnbdRweJtA
       | chrisabrams wrote:
       | I didn't know React Native + Next.js was a thing? What is the
       | goal of doing that? I don't know what problem Solito is solving,
       | some helpful context would be nice for those of us who are
       | foreign to the problem.
         | theturtletalks wrote:
         | It's mainly cross platform components (Fernando refers to them
         | as screens) that can be used on the web, iOS, and Android. In
         | Next.js, you can import these components as pages. On iOS, file
         | based routing does not exist. Solito fills in the cracks. His
         | video at Next.js Conf was really informative:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lnbdRweJtA.
       | _scottpaulin wrote:
       | This looks super cool.
       | Rookie question from a Web dev here - what functionality does
       | react native provide that isn't available on Web?
         | kall wrote:
         | The benefit is that you can make an app with platform-native
         | views and navigation. If you don't care about this native
         | "feel" than it doesn't matter and capacitor may be a better
         | choice if you just need access to some hardware or push
         | notifications.
         | I have personally drunken the kool-aid to the extend that I'd
         | rather develop a pure web project with react-native-web because
         | I like the choices/constraints it introduces but I don't think
         | that's the case for most people.
         | danielrhodes wrote:
         | React using React Native is almost identical, with a few key
         | differences:
         | 1) No HTML elements. React Native provides some low level
         | elements for views, text, etc. The rest depends on the
         | platforms and packages you have installed. 2) You can't use
         | CSS, so you use something that is similar to CSS (including
         | flex box), but isn't cascading. 3) Since ultimately React
         | Native results in native views being rendered, you can also use
         | some of the native view debugging that exists. 4) Changes made
         | in React are batched up and sent to the native side of things,
         | which results in some performance characteristics you don't see
         | on the web or native mobile. There is also a difference between
         | iOS and Android performance. You feel this a lot more on mobile
         | than on the web.
         | [deleted]
         | moojd wrote:
         | I would guess that the point is to share more code between web
         | and mobile.
       | yesimahuman wrote:
       | This looks cool, nice work! As an alternative, if you'd like to
       | have a single web-based codebase for iOS/android/pwa/etc using
       | Next.js then you might like this approach using Capacitor:
       | https://github.com/mlynch/nextjs-tailwind-ionic-capacitor-st...
       | The benefit over using RN for this is being able to use libraries
       | like Tailwind on all platforms and having a true single codebase.
       | hokumguru wrote:
       | Applause to Fernando for this. His work on react native open
       | source has been incredible. Definitely check out his other
       | projects Dripsy and Moti as well!
       | Graffur wrote:
       | "Solito is the missing piece for using React Native with Next.js
       | to build powerful cross-platform apps."
       | What was missing though?
         | kall wrote:
         | A solid strategy for bridging pages/urls of next.js with the
         | screen/navigation patterns on mobile.
       | crooked-v wrote:
       | I suspect I'll end up using this ASAP just for the useParam hook,
       | as it's a pattern I like quite a lot (page state as query params)
       | and is a big ol' pain to maintain and deal with edge cases.
       | kall wrote:
       | It's great that this is as much a library as it is documentation
       | on good patterns for this.
       | I don't use react-navigation, so I won't be able to use the
       | library. I actually arrived at a very similar setup of a Link
       | component that is a different implementation per platform. I
       | think it will become even more similar after learning from this
       | code and documentation.
       | merrvk wrote:
       | This will help open a lot of doors for us. Very interesting
       | project.
       | hunterb123 wrote:
       | Wouldn't Remix be a better fit? It's easier to run in more
       | client-orientated environments.
       | Currently, I like to have the API and web pages (signup,
       | marketing, policies, etc.) made with Remix.
       | Then, the cross-platform app (native & web) can be made with
       | React Native / React Native Web using React Navigation as the
       | router.
       | I can certainly see being able to combine those two into one as a
       | plus, but React Router / Next Router and React Navigation
       | conflict. React Navigation is needed for a nice app experience.
         | kall wrote:
         | Doesn't remix very much want to handle the routing? Homestead
         | you mashing that with react-navigation?
           | hunterb123 wrote:
           | As does Next.js, does it not? Solito uses next/router. I
           | updated my comment to reflect this dilemma.
           | This is why I currently separate web pages & API from the
           | cross-platform native/web app.
           | Adapting Remix to React Navigation would be the solution if
           | possible.
             | kall wrote:
             | Sure and that's what this library bridges. I see the appeal
             | in remix for building interactive apps the "remix way" with
             | forms, relying on web/http conventions etc. I also like
             | that it brings nested routing back to metaframeworks. None
             | of that will translate well to native. As an api+website
             | framework it doesn't look more appealing then next.js to
             | me, which is a little more unopinionated and thus easier to
             | adapt to cross-platform.
       (page generated 2022-03-14 23:00 UTC)