[HN Gopher] Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at dev...
       Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers
       Author : danielsokil
       Score  : 266 points
       Date   : 2022-03-20 08:42 UTC (14 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (meldmerge.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (meldmerge.org)
       | dflock wrote:
       | My .gitconfig for using meld at the git merge tool:
       | [alias]         mt = mergetool            [merge]         tool =
       | mymeld         conflictstyle = diff3              [mergetool
       | "mymeld"]         # Gives you meld, with three comparison tabs.
       | Assuming you're merging others changes into         # your
       | branch, this shows you:         # - 1st tab: yours|merged
       | result|theirs (do the merge here into the middle pane)         #
       | - 2nd tab: base vs your changes (look at just your changes)
       | # - 3rd tab: base vs their changes (look at just their changes)
       | cmd = meld $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE --output $MERGED --diff $BASE
       | $LOCAL --diff $BASE $REMOTE --auto-merge
       | tpoacher wrote:
       | I'm an xxdiff man myself: https://furius.ca/xxdiff/
       | I don't like the whole "balloons with tails" thing meld does.
       | xxdiff strikes the best balance between "being a graphical tool"
       | and "not having distracting clutter" in my opinion.
       | blobbers wrote:
       | Love when ancient tools get reposted ;-)
       | This is older than most people here!
       | ris wrote:
       | "Diffuse" has come to my rescue in the past when I've needed to
       | do the odd 6-way diff (don't ask)
       | JonChesterfield wrote:
       | I use meld by default. Honestly it's not great. I kind of miss
       | beyondcompare. It is however readily available and works well
       | enough.
       | bhaak wrote:
       | For visualization I really like kdiff3.
       | Or on terminals https://github.com/mookid/diffr with specific
       | settings that use 256 colors for highlighting word differences as
       | well.
       | But for manual merging I haven't found anything better than
       | ediff. That's the only reason I install emacs on my work
       | machines. Seemless integration into a text editor is just
       | unbeatable.
         | funstuff007 wrote:
         | I like kdiff3 better for 3 way merges, and meld for comparing
         | two files.
       | arcticbull wrote:
       | Am I the only person who opens the whole conflicted project in
       | VSCode and project-wide searches for ">>>>>>"
         | trwhite wrote:
         | I do the same. >> usually does the trick
         | angrais wrote:
         | You're not alone.
       | hprotagonist wrote:
       | after all these years i still mostly use kdiff3
         | politician wrote:
         | It remains the best option for 3-way merge. For diff, I find
         | myself just reading the raw diff output.
           | vlovich123 wrote:
           | Works fine for 2-way diffs too
       | wackro wrote:
       | I was given a fresh copy of Windows at work the other week and
       | had to install all tooling afresh. I decided to take the
       | opportunity to try meld.
       | The first merge I did, even after reading the website, I couldn't
       | fathom it. I understood the paradigm of merging into $BASE but
       | couldn't figure out how to simply take these 5 lines from $REMOTE
       | and these 3 from $LOCAL, so went back to the trusty Beyond
       | Compare.
       | Might give it another shot.
       | umvi wrote:
       | I used to use meld before switching to vscode's built in visual
       | diff
       | thunderbong wrote:
       | On Windows, how does Meld compare with WinMerge[0]?
       | [0]: https://winmerge.org
         | diego_moita wrote:
         | WinMerge is better. It has better UI: bottom line comparison,
         | keyboard shortcuts, copy left to right and vice-versa, lots of
         | preferences settings, etc. Too bad it is Windows-only.
         | If you can accept a paid version of WinMerge for Linux and Mac
         | I'd highly recommend BeyondCompare (U$ 30.00).
       | neves wrote:
       | Sorry, Meld is nice, but if you use version control you are
       | handicapped if not using a 3 way diff program.
       | I never found one with features good enough to make me change
       | from Kdiff3.
         | ubercow13 wrote:
         | Meld is a 3 way merge tool.
       | codedokode wrote:
       | Meld might be useful for comparison, but in my opinion it is
       | inconvenient as a git merge tool. For git merge I need four
       | panels: original file, version A, version B, merged result. Meld
       | has only three panels.
       | Currently I am using KDiff3. It is a little buggy and doesn't
       | have a nice UI but it is the best open source merging tool that I
       | am aware of. It allows choosing lines from original file, from A,
       | B and manual editing.
       | I noticed that certain popular and highly praised commercial IDE
       | also provides only 3-panel interface for merging. This makes
       | resolving conflicts more difficult and prone to errors.
         | dflock wrote:
         | My .gitconfig for using meld at the git merge tool - which
         | gives you that:                 [alias]         mt = mergetool
         | [merge]         tool = mymeld         conflictstyle = diff3
         | [mergetool "mymeld"]         # Gives you meld, with three
         | comparison tabs. Assuming you're merging others changes into
         | # your branch, this shows you:         # - 1st tab:
         | yours|merged result|theirs (do the merge here into the middle
         | pane)         # - 2nd tab: base vs your changes (look at just
         | your changes)         # - 3rd tab: base vs their changes (look
         | at just their changes)         cmd = meld $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE
         | --output $MERGED --diff $BASE $LOCAL --diff $BASE $REMOTE
         | --auto-merge
         | anamexis wrote:
         | > original file, version A, version B, merged result
         | Isn't one of version A or B the original file? What am I
         | missing?
           | rubyist5eva wrote:
           | the "original" file is the common ancestor of version A and
           | version B
           | jrib wrote:
           | http://psung.blogspot.com/2011/02/reducing-merge-
           | headaches-g...
           | This is a good discussion on the topic including the diff3
           | option git has.
           | rdiddly wrote:
           | In a merge conflict versions A & B would tend to be different
           | changes made to the original, usually made by different
           | people.
         | a-dub wrote:
         | i've used kdiff3 for some hairy merges with good results.
         | back in the days when i was responsible for regular merges for
         | a pretty big project (weekly or so, 10-30 devs on both sides,
         | n*1e7 LoC), i took the time to learn ediff and did my merges in
         | lucid/xemacs.
         | i had colleagues at the time who had nice things to say about
         | beyondcompare.
         | more recently i have seen this meld thing and it has piqued my
         | curiosity.
         | favorite tool for quick no-frills out-of-practice-with-real-
         | tools visual diff is fldiff built on fltk.
         | thelittlenag wrote:
         | I really wish kdiff3 would get a modern update.
           | nyanpasu64 wrote:
           | kdiff3 _does_ have a modern version:
           | https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kdiff3/.
           | Unfortunately versions starting at 1.9.0 are drastically
           | buggier than 1.8.5: Ctrl+C being incorrectly enabled and
           | disabled (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=444636), merge
           | errors (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=437570, fixed),
           | drastic slowdown when loading CRLF files
           | (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=450411, fixed),
           | recurring assertion errors (didn't personally encounter, but
           | https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=426301,
           | https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=442618), large chunks of
           | Git history producing unusable binaries that corrupt memory
           | or print assertion errors when loading files, etc. I stopped
           | following KDiff3 development and decided to pin 1.8.5 on my
           | system, which actually works.
           | Another fork of KDiff3 is
           | https://github.com/michaelxzhang/kdiff3. I haven't tested it,
           | but I hope the alternative diff coloration makes it easier to
           | see single-word/space insertions and deletions within a line
           | (which is something I often fail to notice in mainline
           | KDiff3).
         | JSoet wrote:
         | I agree 100% on the utility of a 4 panel diff, but I'd be
         | careful using kdiff3... I also used it for quite a while but
         | found that it would "auto resolve" some merge conflicts which
         | git would flag, and I found it would sometimes auto resolve
         | them wrong (maybe about 10-20% of the time?), and I couldn't
         | figure out how to turn this feature off... I'm using tortoise
         | git merge now (which also does do some auto resolve but only
         | simpler resolutions)
           | bacon_waffle wrote:
           | According to `kdiff3 --help`, there's a flag --qall "Do not
           | solve conflicts automatically.".
           | I've not noticed the problem you describe, so can't confirm
           | whether it is solved by that flag - a while ago I mostly
           | switched to Sublime Merge from kdiff3.
       | wooptoo wrote:
       | I use both Meld and Diffuse[1] depending on what I do. I find
       | Diffuse represents diffs better visually, while Meld being better
       | for actually merging contents since you can just click on those
       | arrows.
       | [1]: https://github.com/MightyCreak/diffuse
       | nhoughto wrote:
       | Haven't tried Meld and i'm always up for an enhanced workflow but
       | merge/diff is all about context, the more context you can add
       | about where something came from / is going to, its history etc
       | the better. In this regard it is almost impossible (never say
       | never) to beat your IDE for the possibility of a good merge/diff,
       | it has all the context plus syntax highlighting, compiler errors
       | / build scripts etc. I can merge two files, plus git blame where
       | the changes came from, plus syntax highlight and see likely
       | compile errors, remove unused imports and apply consistent
       | formatting all in one step.
       | This is why I always use IntelliJ merge/diff for supported
       | languages, it just has so much more information about the
       | merge/diff already available.
       | layer8 wrote:
       | The file contents two-way diff/merge visualization reminds me of
       | NetBeans' [0].
       | [0] e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10594653/is-there-
       | any-wa...
       | pmontra wrote:
       | I used it a lot many years ago, not so much now. I don't even
       | know if it's on my laptop. I'm not using any other alternative.
       | Maybe git merge and git diff are good enough for my needs. I'm
       | also using both gitk and gitg, usually gitg. Maybe they qualify
       | as alternatives.
       | thefz wrote:
       | Love Meld, been using it for a while now.
       | yboris wrote:
       | Consider an alternative: _diff2html_ - an npm CLI you install and
       | summon with 1 command launches your default browser with a visual
       | diff.
       | https://diff2html.xyz/
       | LeicaLatte wrote:
       | Meld gets so many things right.
       | tedyoung wrote:
       | Is Meld aware of the programming language when it does diffs? The
       | problem I have with many diff tools is that they'll detect block
       | moves without regard for things like method boundaries. Instead
       | of showing the change as moving a method's ordering, with some
       | changes within those methods, most diff tools treat it as just
       | text moves and changes.
       | So to me, "targeted at developers" should mean something more
       | than what Meld seems to offer (i.e., more than just syntax
       | highlighting and regex filtering).
       | It's disappointing that programming language-sensitivity isn't
       | more common. [I developed a Visual Basic compare/merge app in the
       | early 90s that did a good job of this because it did extra work
       | to understand the structure of the code, splitting methods and
       | sorting them before comparing.]
         | karlding wrote:
         | There's the commercial SemanticMerge [0] which might work if it
         | has a parser for the language that you use. According to their
         | docs they currently only support C#, Java, C, C++ and PHP [1].
         | [0] https://www.semanticmerge.com/
         | [1] https://www.semanticmerge.com/features
         | m12k wrote:
         | That sounds like the sales pitch for Semantic Merge:
         | https://www.semanticmerge.com/features/
         | I haven't tried it, but it does seem like a good direction to
         | be trying to take merge tools.
       | juddlyon wrote:
       | Kaleidoscope on macOS isn't cheap but has a great DX.
         | luckman212 wrote:
         | I too wish Kaleidoscope wasn't quite so expensive. I've had my
         | eye on since the v3 rewrite but can't bring myself to spend
         | $150 on a tool I'll only use occasionally. I wish there was a
         | "lite" version for $50.
       | mistrial9 wrote:
       | https://discourse.gnome.org/tag/meld ## forum
       | https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/meld ## code
       | Meld 3.21.1 -- 07 Jan 2022 -- thanks Meld !!
       | throwaway81523 wrote:
       | Yeah I know I'm an emacs zealot, but emerge works fine for me.
       | laurent123456 wrote:
       | BeyondCompare is much better and available on macOS too.
         | neves wrote:
         | Does BC has 3 way diff/merge?
           | larschdk wrote:
           | Absolutely.
         | phren0logy wrote:
         | I'll have to check it out, but I'm pretty happy with
         | Kaleidoscope. https://kaleidoscope.app
         | JakeAl wrote:
         | I've been a passionate Beyond Compare user for about 2 decades
         | now. I swear by it. Great for diffing images as well.
           | memsom wrote:
           | Me too. It is an amazing tool.
         | jamesfmilne wrote:
         | Another vote for Beyond Compare here, 10 years service with
         | Git.
         | BeetleB wrote:
         | Adding another vote for BeyondCompare. It's not free, but it's
         | fantastic.
         | NKosmatos wrote:
         | I use Beyond Compare mainly for sync of folders by comparing
         | files (sizes, dates) and not for file contents diff as such.
         | Part of my backup strategy while copying/syncing file between
         | windows/mac/NAS ;-)
       | rhn_mk1 wrote:
       | With the switch to GTK3, it no longer fits on my screen (and
       | headerbars stand out like a sore thumb too). Kdiff3 was confusing
       | for a moment, but does a good job too.
       | HelloNurse wrote:
       | > On OS X, Meld is not yet officially supported. For pre-built
       | binaries, these OS X builds are the best option.
       | > You can also get Meld from MacPorts, Fink or Brew; none of
       | these methods are supported.
       | Can anyone recommend any of these unsupported options? The best
       | diff GUI tool I've been able to find for OSX is DiffMerge
       | (https://sourcegear.com/diffmerge/) on the App Store, and I'd
       | like to have a tree view for folder comparisons.
         | andreineculau wrote:
         | I second that. DiffMerge every day for almost 10y
         | oneplane wrote:
         | Sometimes when I want a visual representation I use Apple's
         | FileMerge, but for everything else I just use diff and patch.
         | poloniculmov wrote:
         | I'm using the build from Brew, works fine.
       | Aardwolf wrote:
       | It's my favorite and default diff viewer.
       | I remember at one point there was a new version (based on gtk3
       | perhaps) that didn't work as well (useless type of scrollbars and
       | slow) and I did some shenanigans to have an older version again
       | on archlinux. However now even fresh installs do look and work
       | good, I'm not sure what happened to that new version, maybe they
       | improved the gtk3 based one to be as good as the one before it
       | and I don't notice the difference anymore...
       | j1elo wrote:
       | I've been using Meld since years ago, and it's my default go-to
       | diff viewer. The visual style they implemented helps me a lot to
       | reason about how lines have been added or deleted from documents
       | in the side by side comparison. Very neat!
       | The directory contents tree diff is also really useful.
       | I wish they made it even easier the basic case of comparing
       | aribtrary text. Maybe it should be the default mode after opening
       | the program, instead of having to click on a couple buttons,
       | because I use it _a lot_ to manually paste pieces of text. For
       | example, logs from a server during testing, to compare what went
       | different between runs.
       | Another welcomed addition would be "ignore masks". Some kind of
       | regex input that could be used to quickly tell Meld which parts
       | of the text to skip comparing. That way, comparison of log files
       | could be made where a timestamps column would be ignored.
         | Vinnl wrote:
         | Yeah, I use it a lot, but 80% of that is comparing arbitrary
         | text that I just want to copy-paste in. To be fair, that's just
         | two clicks now (first click "File" comparison, then "blank
         | comparison"), but that still feels a bit cumbersome.
         | andrewshadura wrote:
         | Meld already supports text filters!
           | j1elo wrote:
           | Yes! There are text filters but those are kind of a static
           | setting, found somewhere in the Preferences menu. When I
           | wrote my comment I had in mind some user input that could be
           | more interactive for one off, line based filtering. Although
           | you are right, the already existing filter settings can be
           | used for what I said, if one already has a regex that works
           | fine for the current text being compared.
           | synergy20 wrote:
           | absolutely,meld is my favorite,along with the filters
       | maxekman wrote:
       | Maybe strange question; but which diff and merge tools are not
       | targeted at developers?
       | Edit: what->which
         | gcheong wrote:
         | Not in any way affiliated with them but "Snowtrack is the
         | intuitive versioning tool for creatives.":
         | https://snowtrack.io/about.html
         | technobabbler wrote:
         | Wikipedia, Google Docs, Microsoft Word... they're far simpler
         | systems, but still useful for everyday edits
           | saurik wrote:
           | These have some diff functionality but are not "diff / merge
           | tools". There _are_ diff tools, though, targeted at lawyers
           | for legal work:  "show me the differences between these two
           | contracts" and the such (which most developer-oriented tools
           | actually suck at as they care too much about "lines" and
           | whitespace).
             | technobabbler wrote:
             | I don't think it's that black and white? Google Docs, for
             | example, lets you individually review and
             | accept/deny/revise each individual suggested change. It's
             | not a 3-way merge like programmers are used to seeing, but
             | it's the same idea... you start with an original, see
             | someone else's changes, and decide which to keep, or you
             | can take their changes and further edit. And comment in-
             | line too.
             | I've never used a lawyer's diff tool, but my IDE (IntelliJ)
             | ignores whitespace and lines.
       | noselasd wrote:
       | If you want to use it with git:                   git config
       | --global diff.tool meld         git config --global --add
       | difftool.prompt false
       | And use git difftool instead of git diff
         | gebruikersnaam wrote:
         | On my Ubuntu based (Xubuntu, Mint) workstations this works
         | without any configuration                 $ meld .
           | vocram wrote:
           | That command is only for diffing against Git HEAD. `git
           | difftool` supports all the ways to diff with Git.
       | pxeger1 wrote:
       | What is the use case for a tool like this? I've never felt the
       | need for anything beyond `git diff` (which uses `less`)
         | oneplane wrote:
         | It depends on the user I suppose. I use the `git diff` and bare
         | `diff` and `patch` commands which works fine for me, but there
         | are a lot of people who either just don't like it or don't want
         | to dive that deep into those tools.
       | maccard wrote:
       | It's not open source, and comes with all the baggage of perforce,
       | but p4merge and p4diff are just excellent tools that I install on
       | every machine I work on.
         | secondcoming wrote:
         | What baggage? They can be downloaded separately
         | https://www.perforce.com/products/helix-core-apps/merge-diff...
         | KANahas wrote:
         | How is it not open source? The very first download link is to
         | download the source. And it's GPLv2 licensed.
           | AckmanDESU wrote:
           | They're talking about the p4 tool they use
       | diego_moita wrote:
       | IMHO, Meld is the second best open source tool for doing this.
       | On Windows, WinMerge[1] is a better alternative. Too bad is
       | Windows only.
       | For a non-FOSS and cross platform solution I recommend
       | BeyondCompare (U$30.00)[2]. It replicates most of WinMerge UI.
       | [1] https://winmerge.org/
       | [2] https://scootersoftware.com/
         | bmitc wrote:
         | I setup Git to use Perforce's P4Merge as the Git mergetool.
         | P4Merge is cross-platform and free and quite good.
           | diego_moita wrote:
           | There are 2 things to consider when comparing them: 2 panel
           | diffs and 3 panel merging.
           | P4Merge is very good at the second but not so much at the
           | first.
           | Also, to this date it doesn't have an OS-X version for M1
           | CPUs.
         | zem wrote:
         | winmerge is definitely the best windows-only open source app
         | I've used. surprised it's never been ported to linux.
         | crispyalmond wrote:
         | Do you think the pro version of BeyondCompare is worth it
         | compared to the standard one?
           | memsom wrote:
           | Yes. They often have sales, and I picked up Pro for about the
           | price of Standard a few years back. If you see a sale, get
           | Pro. If you are not worried about the pro feature set, get
           | standard.
           | The other thing is that the trial used to be very fair. I
           | don't know if they changed it, but it used to give you "days
           | of usage" not contiguous days. I once used it for about 5
           | months because the 30 day trial only counted the days I
           | actually used it and I saved using it for when I really
           | needed it, and used WinMerge when I could instead.
           | Beyond Compare is a gem.
           | rubyist5eva wrote:
           | Yes, I bought it years ago and it's been one of my goto
           | tools. Worth every penny, plenty of features beyond just
           | being a git mergetool.
           | diego_moita wrote:
           | Depends...
           | Pro version gives you 3 panel merging. If you use that a lot
           | then it might be worth it. Or, instead, use P4Merge for it.
           | BeetleB wrote:
           | You need the Pro version to do a 3-way merge.
         | dataflow wrote:
         | I actually don't understand what people love about BC. The only
         | thing I find it extremely useful for is the occasional files
         | where inline diffs are practically mandatory, like CSVs. Other
         | than that, I generally find it frustrating compared to
         | TortoiseGitMerge, except perhaps for some very specific/unusual
         | scenarios. In particular the line highlighting is annoying -
         | instead of coloring the lines that were added vs. removed
         | differently, it colors lines according to whether they're an
         | "important difference" or "unimportant difference" (?!), which
         | is borderline useless to me. What do people love about it so
         | much?
           | larschdk wrote:
           | The things that makes it borderline useless to you is
           | actually one reason I like it so much. Makes it really easy
           | to do code reviews and focus on what actually matters. Also,
           | it was until somewhat recently the undisputed best 3-way
           | merge tool. Meld gets close, but to me Meld's UI is sluggish
           | and fuzzy (on Windows) while BC is snappy and sharp.
             | dataflow wrote:
             | Maybe I need to try Meld at some point. Have you tried
             | TortoiseGitDiff by any chance?
           | memsom wrote:
           | I've been using BC since the early 2000's, so probably more
           | than 15 years. I know it backwards and forwards. If you set
           | it up right, it is pretty powerful. It allows a lot of the
           | stuff that other tools fail on to be overcome. Manual
           | alignment is a dream. The rules based comparison is very
           | nice. Ignoring unimportant differences removes pretty much
           | all the white space differences. The ease of selecting
           | arbitrary blocks and moving them left or right is powerful.
           | I've tried both Windiff and kdiff3 and both have missing
           | features.
           | Back before git, it was common to take a massive set of
           | changes and merge them manually when merging branches, and BC
           | was the only tool that made it painless for me.
           | I stumped up my own cash for a pro license and I use it
           | almost daily even now.
             | dataflow wrote:
             | Interesting. Have you tried TortoiseGitDiff? I'd be curious
             | what you think of that in comparison if so.
             | Update: I just downloaded Meld. It literally takes ~half a
             | second to change the cursor location when I click in a
             | highlighted region, which is already making me dislike it.
             | Is this normal?
           | olvy0 wrote:
           | +1 for TortoiseGitMerge, which is my go-to tool these days.
           | It's Windows only but not a problem for me since I mostly
           | work in Windows.
           | My SO _adores_ Meld, but she works with Linux. I tried using
           | it but couldn 't get used to it. She also makes fun of me
           | (half in jest) because I use Tortoise Git instead of the
           | command line...
             | tigerlily wrote:
             | I use TortoiseGit too, ever since I used TortoiseSVN back
             | in the day. Highly underrated, and ridiculously powerful,
             | I've practically never had to look up "how to do x" :)
       | david_draco wrote:
       | Meld is great. The only nitpick I have is that winmerge was more
       | efficient in resolving a file with the alt-down alt-left/right
       | commands going one diff block at a time.
       | In meld, these commands operate depending on focus. When the
       | focus is in the left file, alt-right merges _to_ the right, but
       | you cannot do alt-left to merge _from_ the right file.
       | Xenoamorphous wrote:
       | I wish it worked better in MacOS. Still my favourite tool.
         | eddyg wrote:
         | https://kaleidoscope.app/ is by far the best Mac solution.
           | andreineculau wrote:
           | For diffing yes but for merging... I have never gotten myself
           | to use anything but DiffMerge. And now with their rewrite and
           | price tag... Never ever.
       | rambambram wrote:
       | I only recently used this for the first time and I must say:
       | perfect for a quick file comparison. Don't know about other use
       | cases. Nice to see it mentioned here.
       | Zardoz84 wrote:
       | I try a few times, and always I get back to kdiff3. I feel less
       | confuse with the 3 way view and separated merge output view.
       | wallstprog wrote:
       | Another fan of Beyond Compare here, but I want to point out
       | something everyone else has missed so far, which is that BC is
       | great for comparing all sorts of files, not just code.
       | For example, I use its "Table Compare" feature to compare log
       | files from different machines, sorted by timestamp. This lets me
       | easily see the order of operations in a distributed system.
       | brunno wrote:
       | As a long time Sublime Text[1] user, I've been using Sublime
       | Merge[2] since the day it's been launched and it brings me the
       | same speed and minimalism I get with Sublime Text and has evolved
       | quite a lot to be able to do most things I need in a merge tool.
       | Not affiliated with them in any way by the way.
       | [1] https://www.sublimetext.com/ [2]
       | https://www.sublimemerge.com/
         | recov wrote:
         | Same here. So far it's my favorite UX for solving non-trivial
         | merge conflicts.
           | ncann wrote:
           | Same. I don't know why but there's something so intuitive and
           | easy to use and yet so powerful about Sublime Merge's merge
           | tool that it quickly became my favorite after having used a
           | lot of different other tools in the past (TortoiseGit, Meld,
           | etc.)
         | LeicaLatte wrote:
         | I don't understand the comparison. Isn't meld free?
         | mackrevinack wrote:
         | a nice feature of sublime merge that i haven't seen in other
         | programs is actually showing you the git commands that will run
         | when you press whatever button
           | csmiller wrote:
           | i believe the IntelliJ Git tool window does this as well FWIW
           | ncann wrote:
           | Also the ability to create custom menu items (e.g for any
           | context menu) for whatever command you desire. It's a game
           | changer for me that I haven't seen in any other git client.
           | Also it's lightning fast and relatively bug free compared to
           | the mess that is Sourcetree, which used to be my favorite
           | client but then went utterly downhill.
         | rubyist5eva wrote:
         | Sublime Merge is a fanastic tool (I use it) but it's less of a
         | merge tool and more of a git client, which I think is an
         | important distinction.
           | forrestthewoods wrote:
           | Yeah. I would be interested in using Sublime Merge as a Merge
           | tool for projects based in Perforce and Mercurial. But last I
           | checked it wasn't really capable of that.
           | It should have been called Sublime Git. Alas.
       | whateveracct wrote:
       | I ran Meld on GHC Core before and after a subtle optimization to
       | some slow Haskell. It called out exactly the improvement. Very
       | cool to see.
       | loloquwowndueo wrote:
       | Since everyone else is mentioning other tools, here's my mention
       | for vimdiff. I think I have meld installed but rarely use it
       | because vimdiff is usually enough. As a bonus I get to use my
       | usual editing keys when working with it.
         | zmmmmm wrote:
         | same here!
         | it may not be _the best_ merge tool in existence but it 's
         | adequate (which is actually, suprisingly good, given it is not
         | at all its intended function) and at that point having all my
         | standard vim configuration, editing capabilities etc. beats
         | anything another tool would bring to the table.
         | Not to mention, 100% terminal UI and built-into-vim means I can
         | use it everywhere and anywhere without thinking about it.
       | Klasiaster wrote:
       | On the terminal I find `ydiff -s --wrap --width=0` very good for
       | a comprehensible side-by-side diff:
       | https://github.com/ymattw/ydiff
       | I definded this wrapper script ~/bin/git-ydiff-s:
       | #!/bin/sh         git diff "$@" | ydiff -s --wrap --width=0
       | with which you can do `git ydiff-s` in your repos easily.
       | forrestthewoods wrote:
       | I've been an Araxis Merge man my whole career. Most of my peers
       | are either Araxis or Beyond Compare.
       | It'd be a great if an OSS tool was as good or better. But my
       | experience thus far is that Araxis/BC3 are simply much better.
       | wetpaws wrote:
       | P4V is still the best cross platform diff/merge tool by far, and
       | too bad it is relatively obscure.
       | sandGorgon wrote:
       | these days, vscode does a fantastic job. you just use _code
       | --diff file1.js file2.js_
         | greggman3 wrote:
         | meld will compare trees of folders. Does vsc?
           | sandGorgon wrote:
           | Yup. Tons of options.
           | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=L13RARY..
           | ..
       | rasz wrote:
       | My memories of meld from the past: slow, confusing, crashed.
       | Havent touched it in 10 years since.
       | zem wrote:
       | I use vimdiff and occasionally kdiff3 for git merging. what I
       | really like meld for is merging two directory trees (e.g.
       | reconciling two forks of the same code), they have the best tree
       | diff ux of any of the common tools I've tried.
       | runnerup wrote:
       | I purchased Araxis Merge but I still find myself using Meld for
       | the vast, vast majority of my 2- and 3- way Diffing.
       | It's slightly tricky to integrate into Sourcetree but once you
       | configure Sourcetree with the correct command line args it works
       | quite painlessly.
       | Meld is extremely performant too.
       | Another text editor I love is "010 Editor", it's the only windows
       | app I've found that works well on 2+ GB files without slowing my
       | computer down.
       | ntnsndr wrote:
       | I have used Meld very happily for years on various Linuxes. But
       | am not a developer--use it mainly for sync conflicts on things
       | like to-do lists and article drafts. Thank you builders! It is an
       | awesome tool.
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