[HN Gopher] Microservices: Why Are We Doing This?
       Microservices: Why Are We Doing This?
       Author : htunnicliff
       Score  : 102 points
       Date   : 2022-03-21 19:38 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (michaeldehaan.substack.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (michaeldehaan.substack.com)
       | blawson wrote:
       | I wonder how much of this can be traced back to the proliferation
       | of System Design interview stages, and resulting training
       | material?
       | From my experience all of these resources tend to direct you to
       | think in microservices / uber-distributed architectures. I can
       | easily imagine this causing folks to consider this as "the way we
       | do systems now" and taking it to extremes.
       | The low barrier as well for 1 engineer to decide they want to
       | just get busy on a weekend on their own and build something is
       | another way I've seen this proliferate.
       | Nextgrid wrote:
       | The reason why "we" are doing this is because in a lot of cases,
       | the tech is no longer used as a means to solve a business problem
       | - instead, the tech is the end-game itself and complexity is a
       | desired _feature_.
       | The market has been distorted by endless amounts of VC funding
       | for very dubious ideas that would never be profitable to begin
       | with, so now you have 2 solutions: you can spend a few hundred
       | grand building a boring solution with a slim amount of engineers,
       | realize it doesn't work and quit, or you can keep over-
       | engineering indefinitely, keep raising more and more millions,
       | enjoying the "startup founder" lifestyle while providing careers
       | to unreasonable amounts of engineers with no end in sight because
       | you're too busy over-engineering rather than "solving" the
       | business problem, so the realization that the business isn't
       | viable never actually comes.
       | Which one do you pick? The market currently rewards the second
       | option for all parties involved, so it's become the default
       | choice. Worse, it's been going on long enough that a lot of
       | people in the industry consider this normal and don't know any
       | other way.
       | I've commented/ranted about this before, see
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30008257,
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24926060 and
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30272588.
         | Zababa wrote:
         | That was an interesting insight that I haven't read before,
         | thank you for sharing that.
         | fdgsdfogijq wrote:
         | I hate to tell you, but new technologies like react and
         | microservices are very useful. Top tech companies regularly
         | design whole systems using microservices. Its the legacy
         | companies with legacy tech stacks that fail at it.
           | Nextgrid wrote:
           | I've never said that those technologies or processes have no
           | use at all.
           | However, in a lot of cases they could be considered premature
           | optimisation.
           | A bulldozer is also a useful tool, but in the real world
           | nobody uses one for small jobs better suited to a shovel
           | because of how expensive it is.
           | In the tech industry however, VCs will be happy to bankroll
           | the bulldozer for you so that it becomes cheaper than using
           | the shovel. All else being equal, I too will pick the
           | bulldozer at least as long as I'm not the one doing the
           | maintenance it will inevitably require.
           | Worse, give it enough time and the skill to use shovels will
           | disappear, and now everyone will be using bulldozers for even
           | the smallest jobs, with all the negative externalities
           | attached to them. The only winners are the bulldozer
           | manufacturers.
           | yakshaving_jgt wrote:
           | New? Are you sure?
           | React is about a decade old.
           | Microservices is between two and _seven_ decades old,
           | depending on your definition.
           | None of this stuff is _new_.
             | fdgsdfogijq wrote:
             | This is a good point. But actually, I would argue that
             | people against these technologies still claim they are
             | "new".
         | amackera wrote:
         | This take seems to be predicated on the idea that VCs are out
         | there funding teams just because of the technical complexity of
         | their codebase? This just doesn't seem like the reality to me.
         | If it can be done better for cheaper, VCs will tend to fund
         | that team.
           | rwmj wrote:
           | _> If it can be done better for cheaper, VCs will tend to
           | fund that team._
           | That might be true if there was a shortage of VC money so
           | they had to choose their investments very carefully. The
           | reality is there's a huge amount of money sloshing around
           | with few good investment opportunities.
           | vinyl7 wrote:
           | I guess the question is then, would VCs give money to
           | startups who say "We're using JQuery and PHP" or to startups
           | who say something like "We're leveraging AI and machine
           | learning to deliver product via MERN stack ontop of AWS to
           | give us web scale architecture"
             | Spivak wrote:
             | I think this is a really warped view of VC funding who
             | sorta kinda in a passing sense care about the tech stack
             | but where the focus is almost entirely on the business
             | side. I was at a company that bought a tiny little
             | (originally) VC funded shop that actually was maybe 1K
             | lines of PHP _total_. The secret sauce was they found a
             | desperately underserved market that just needed _something_
             | to collect and organize data between unconnected parties
             | that took hours to do manually. Damn thing sold itself
             | because it cost nothing to run, had essentially no
             | maintenance costs, and _made_ their users about 10k
             | /user/mo from the hours it bought them back.
               | Nextgrid wrote:
               | Businesses like the ones you speak of are gems in a sea
               | of crap. They exist, and in that case tech stack
               | definitely isn't important.
               | But for the rest of the "crap", AI- & blockchain-powered
               | crap is more shiny than other, more boring crap, at which
               | point the tech stack might be more important.
             | bcrosby95 wrote:
             | Do VCs care or even know about tech stack a startup
             | uses/intends to use?
             | AI and ML is one thing - it can mean a product that
             | couldn't exist without it. There's nothing about MERN vs
             | PHP that indicates that though.
               | mst wrote:
               | I remember quite some years (somewhere between a decade
               | and a decade and a half) ago having to do some truly
               | horrific things to make things work on AWS that would've
               | been trivial and far cheaper at the time if we'd just
               | bought a decent server and stuck it in a colo somewhere -
               | specifically because my customer's investors were all-in
               | on AWS as the only possible way to do things.
               | I'd note that today putting that workload on AWS would
               | probably be a pretty pleasant experience - but yeah,
               | sometimes investors absolutely -do- care in ways that
               | you'd really rather they didn't and you just have to suck
               | it up.
           | Ekaros wrote:
           | Do they pick up cheaper solutions, or the faster and bigger
           | aiming with more marketable pitch?
             | Nextgrid wrote:
             | More marketability definitely helps with passing it on to
             | the next sucker, so it's a valuable feature that shouldn't
             | be overlooked. The next VC is likely to be more interested
             | in the first AI- & blockchain-powered application running
             | on AWS InfiniDash than boring Rails on Heroku & Postgres.
             | Cheaper solutions would be a good pick for something that
             | has a very good chance of success and thus doesn't need a
             | "next sucker" nor media attention, but those are very rare
             | as typically it would be bootstrapped and not involve VC to
             | begin with.
             | mst wrote:
             | My mental model: The VC model is about making a spread of
             | bets where at least one of them will produce a huge return,
             | so the average investment will be in a company that's
             | irrationally overambitious.
         | phpnode wrote:
         | I think this is a bit naive. Startup founders do not care about
         | providing careers for engineers, and usually want to stop being
         | a "startup founder" as soon as they possibly can - they are
         | chasing huge exits and being a founder is incredibly stressful.
         | The real reason that microservices are so prevalent is that
         | they became fashionable, for exactly the same reason a
         | particular item or brand of clothing becomes fashionable -
         | influential people were seen using them and so regular people
         | aspired to start using them too. At a certain point in the
         | popularity curve, _not_ using microservices becomes a
         | controversial viewpoint.
         | They also suffer from what I call "conceptual crack". There is
         | a certain kind of idea that really tickles some kinds of
         | engineer's brains. Microservices seem like a such a clean
         | solution, each service having its own single responsibility, so
         | easy to draw on a whiteboard, so neat and tidy. Other ideas I
         | place in this category are blockchain, redux, and V=f(s). Clean
         | and tidy ideas that are compelling conceptually but result in
         | nightmarish levels of hidden complexity when they're put into
         | practice.
           | michaelt wrote:
           | _> Startup founders do not care about providing careers for
           | engineers, and usually want to stop being a  "startup
           | founder" as soon as they possibly can - they are chasing huge
           | exits and being a founder is incredibly stressful._
           | Imagine you were the founder of a business you've now
           | realised... isn't going to be the next Google.
           | Your product hasn't failed! By some metrics it's very
           | successful! You've got investors who value your company at
           | $10 billion, and they're ready to loan you $1 billion.
           | But also, you've never made a profit, you've tried the most
           | likely routes to profitability without success, similar
           | businesses have suffered sudden implosions, and you'd have
           | gone bankrupt years ago if it weren't for the fact there's
           | chumps who'll work for you for free. You've got no plan for
           | how to pay back that $1 billion.
           | But so long as you keep your mouth shut about that last
           | paragraph, and accept the $1 billion? You get a high-status
           | job, a thousand-person empire, and a fat compensation
           | package.
           | Why would anyone climb off that gravy train?
           | philosopher1234 wrote:
           | >they are chasing huge exits and being a founder is
           | incredibly stressful.
           | Are they really? I think they're workaholics chasing an
           | escape. True success is the worst outcome they could imagine,
           | because then they'd have to tend to the rest of their life.
           | Why be a serial founder, if its so horrible and stressful?
           | Why keep working yourself to death after your first $10M,
           | $100M, or $1B? Why is it never enough?
           | People have self-destructive instincts that are disguised in
           | socially acceptable (or worse, praised!) forms. We shouldn't
           | ignore the actions of founders when trying to make sense of
           | their words.
           | metadat wrote:
           | What is V=f(s) ?
             | phpnode wrote:
             | View = Function(State), the original idea behind React. I
             | use React every day, and I enjoy it, but it hides
             | nightmarish complexity to preserve a semblance of this
             | original, neat and tidy idea.
             | [deleted]
           | Nextgrid wrote:
           | Startup founders don't care about providing careers per-se,
           | but they care about the clout and connections that comes from
           | founding a company with 100+ engineers mentioned at every
           | cloud provider's conference as opposed to a scrappy garage
           | with 3 greybeards hacking away Perl code running on rusty
           | bare-metal.
           | CTOs and engineering managers care about their own visibility
           | at said cloud provider's conference so it gives them bonus
           | points for their next gig.
           | Individual contributors want to take the place of the
           | aforementioned engineering manager/CTO so they'll double-down
           | and learn the current stack and "best practices". They may
           | not even be aware that there's any other way or how
           | unefficient it is, as they've _started_ their career during
           | this madness.
           | If any of those people have stock options, keeping low and
           | going with the flow is a sensible strategy if they don't want
           | to lose them by getting pushed out for speaking against the
           | groupthink.
           | There's rarely explicit malice involved at any specific stage
           | - it's a market-level problem. The music will stop at some
           | point though and we'll see a readjustment.
         | goodpoint wrote:
         | > providing careers to unreasonable amounts of engineers with
         | no end in sight because you're too busy over-engineering
         | This is so spot on. The amount of unnecessary complexity is
         | becoming ridiculous.
         | preseinger wrote:
         | This form of nihilistic cynicism is so dull because it's non-
         | falsifiable.
           | javajosh wrote:
           | Generally agree, but it's not cynicism, it's pessimism.
           | Specifically about human nature - e.g. that people will
           | encourage complexity simply to protect their jobs. I think,
           | at worst, people will NOT make an extra effort to reduce
           | complexity. A sin, but a small one in the scheme of things.
             | Gigachad wrote:
             | I don't think any programmers are worried about job
             | security right now. But I would say that having advanced
             | and shiny tech is a very compelling feature to a job. I'm
             | seeing generic Wordpress/php agencies really struggle to
             | retain developers because no one wants to work on wordpress
             | or php because it's not a long term career. So places which
             | do the exact same websites in Rails and React are doing
             | better because even though wordpress might be faster and
             | easier, you have to pay people more than you would if you
             | have cool tech.
               | javajosh wrote:
               | I feel like we're on the brink of nuclear war, and I'm
               | thinking about asymptotic behavior of webapp stacks...and
               | I'm okay with that!
               | I would guess that both PHP and Rails/React (and Java,
               | C#, Python) folk will have all the work they can stomach,
               | if they can stomach it. Consider how in-demand COBOL
               | programmers are these days!
             | Nextgrid wrote:
             | I don't believe it's malice per-se. The market sets the
             | tone and everyone has to follow or be left behind. I've
             | mentioned this in another comment:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30760146
           | philosopher1234 wrote:
           | Falsifiability doesn't govern truth.
           | If I claim you felt angry when typing this, can I falsify it?
           | yakak wrote:
           | It is time intensive but not particularly hard to collect
           | data from job postings and types of exits start-ups
           | eventually make. I find it hard to get a good quick
           | estimation since it is hard not to think of key examples that
           | fit my personal expectations.
           | smegsicle wrote:
           | it's nihilistic if you find meaning in microservices, and
           | cynical if you don't think there's a weird tech VC bubble..
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | I think it's pretty absurd that you could in/validate many
             | startup hypotheses with only a few hundred grand. You can
             | _maybe_ pay for two engineers (plus overhead) working for a
             | year for that price, but you 'll also need someone to do
             | your accounting, legal, product, etc work.
       | thinkharderdev wrote:
       | To me the core point is just that all access to persistent data
       | should be mediated through a service interface which implements
       | access controls and restricts what operations available in the
       | underlying data store are exposed to other clients. Whether that
       | qualifies as a "micro service" seems like mostly just a semantic
       | game.
       | nawgz wrote:
       | This really reads like a bad-faith interpretation of
       | microservices. Of course microservices suck whenever someone
       | starts a new one to do something that shares code or logic with
       | already existing services. Likewise, of course monoliths suck
       | when people just willy nilly add code and modules for each thing;
       | low quality programming is low quality regardless of where it
       | lives
       | Real microservices implementations don't deliver so much from the
       | proposed statement about synchronous web-tier request handling vs
       | asynchronous compute workers in my experience. A few easy rules
       | to guide this development are even touched on in the article, but
       | treated like they could only ever be a tenet of monoliths.
       | Very strange.
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | Honestly, we originally did microservices because it sounded like
       | a fun idea and because it would look really cool in our marketing
       | materials. At the time, this was a very shiny new word that even
       | our non-tech customers were dazzled by.
       | As oxidation and reality set in, we realized the shiny thing was
       | actually a horrific distraction from our underlying business
       | needs. We lost 2 important customers because we were playing type
       | checking games across JSON wire protocols instead of doing actual
       | work. Why spend all that money for an expensive workstation if
       | you are going to do all the basic bullshit in your own brain?
       | We are now back into a monolithic software stack. We also use a
       | monorepo, which is an obvious pairing with this grain. Some days
       | we joke as a team about the days where we'd have to go check for
       | issues or API contract mismatches on 9+ repositories. Now, when
       | someone says "Issue/PR #12842" or provides a commit hash, we know
       | precisely what that means and where to go to deal with it.
       | Monolithic software is better in literally every way if you can
       | figure out how to work together as a team on a shared codebase.
       | Absolutely no software product should start as a distributed
       | cloud special. You wait until it becomes essential _to the
       | business_ and even then, only consider it with intense disdain as
       | a technology expert.
         | ejb999 wrote:
         | Couldn't agree more - just like NoSQL vs regular old SQL -
         | don't assume you need a NoSQL solution, until you actually
         | prove you need it. probably 90-97% of solutions will be better
         | off with a relational database; boring yes, but they 'just
         | work'. Choose NoSQL only when you need them, choose micro
         | services the same way.
         | If you 'think' you need NoSQL or a MicroService architecture -
         | chances are you don't.
       | CraigJPerry wrote:
       | >> A Technical Solution To A People Problem
       | I think the author has correctly identified the reason but the
       | given explaination is wildly off base. There's a much better
       | answer to this and interestingly it predates the term
       | "microservice" by around 40 years!
       | In 1968 the Conway, Melvin E. had his paper "How Do Committes
       | Invent?" published, you can read it here:
       | https://www.melconway.com/Home/pdf/committees.pdf (since the
       | article author mentions Waterfall which also has an excellent
       | paper behind it; this one, like that, is super readable and
       | accessible).
       | TL;DR "organizations which design systems (in the broad sense
       | used here) are constrained to produce designs which are copies of
       | the communication structures of these organizations"
       | hoob0y wrote:
       | glouwbug wrote:
       | The last microservice architecture I worked on consisted of 7
       | python repositories that shared one "standard library"
       | repository. Something as simple as adding an additional argument
       | to a function required a PR to 7 repos and sign off on each. When
       | it came to release we had to do a mass docker swarm restart and
       | spin up because the giant entanglement of micro-services was
       | really just a monolithic uncontrolled Cthulhu in disguise.
       | The business revolved around filling out a form and PDF
       | generations of said form. I felt like I got no work done in a
       | year and so I left
         | abledon wrote:
         | but boy could your pdf generator system scale. Boy could it
         | scale...
         | umpalumpaaa wrote:
         | Have you considered not sharing code between services?
           | glouwbug wrote:
           | Yes, I came to learn that microservices would probably
           | greatly excel at sending JSON strings back and forth. Then I
           | wondered why we weren't just all using Erlang
         | abledon wrote:
         | One upside in dealing with this mess(and understanding all the
         | intricacies, pains etc..) were in is being able to laugh at the
         | kafkaesque situations people find themselves in now, like your
         | story or other blogposts.
         | root_axis wrote:
         | > _I worked on consisted of 7 python repositories that shared
         | one "standard library" repository. Something as simple as
         | adding an additional argument to a function required a PR to 7
         | repos and sign off on each_
         | This is an engineering process failure, not a failure of
         | microservices or shared dependencies. You should be versioning
         | your shared library, that way you only need to make a
         | deployment to the service that requires the update, leaving the
         | others pegged at the previous version until a business or
         | engineering need motivates the upgrade.
           | paskozdilar wrote:
           | While we're at the topic of engineering process failures - is
           | there any research/literature about software engineering in
           | general that describes all the hows and whys of large-scale
           | programming like that?
         | pkulak wrote:
         | So... you worked on something terrible that people called a
         | "microservice architecture"? Once a pattern gets popular,
         | people start writing nasty code in the style, and then the
         | pattern takes the reputation hit and people move on to the next
         | thing (or just back to the last thing). Rinse, repeat.
         | My company uses microservices; deploys restart one service and
         | PRs are one repo at a time. There's a shared library, but it's
         | versioned and there's nothing compelling you to keep on the
         | bleeding edge.
           | jmchuster wrote:
           | Is this something a lot of people are missing with their
           | microservice implementation? You need to be able to deploy
           | each microservice independently of everyone else. If you have
           | a change that's spread across multiple services, you should
           | be able to just do them one-by-one in order. If you want to
           | rollout a shared library, you should be able to just update
           | your services one-by-one. If a coordinated rollout is
           | required, then doesn't that kind of defeat the whole point of
           | doing microservices?
         | paskozdilar wrote:
         | I have had similar experience building microservices that used
         | shared repositories. The PR paperwork was so bad that at one
         | point I've made all my services self-contained, just to avoid
         | having to modify my own code in two different places and
         | synchronize the changes.
         | The whole problem, I think, comes from the "split the code"
         | cargo-cult. We need to think about _why_ we 're splitting the
         | code, and use that _why_ to figure out _when_ to split code.
         | IMHO, code separation arises naturally from modular programming
         | - once your code is mature enough, it becomes just a piece of
         | glue around a set of libraries that you can just rip out and
         | put in their own repos, provided that they're useful enough.
       | sarks_nz wrote:
       | I found microservices had the benefit of increasing release
       | cadence and decreasing merge conflicts.
       | Are there complications? Sure. Are they manageable? Relatively
       | easily with correct tooling. Do microservices (with container
       | management) allow you better use of your expensive cloud
       | resources? That was our experience, and a primary motivator.
       | I also feel they increase developer autonomy, which is very
       | valuable IMO.
         | BackBlast wrote:
         | What is "correct tooling"? I haven't found anything that's
         | remotely close to providing a nice stack trace, for example.
         | How "micro" are your services? Can it manage to stand up a
         | local dev environment? How do you deal with service interface
         | versioning? Is this great tooling vendor tied?
           | thebean11 wrote:
           | The stack trace bit is hard. For local development, ideally
           | there's some fancy service discovery where your local service
           | can hit a development instance of another service if you
           | don't have a version running locally.
         | usefulcat wrote:
         | If a merge conflict occurs, I'd much rather hear about it from
         | git instead as opposed to some obscure breakage later in
         | testing or production.
         | dgritsko wrote:
         | I agree. I think organizational scalability is an important
         | benefit of microservices that doesn't always come up in these
         | discussions. Having smaller, more focused services (and
         | repositories) allows your organization to scale up to dozens or
         | hundreds of developers in a way that just wouldn't be practical
         | with a monolithic application, at least in my experience (I'm
         | sure there are exceptions).
         | mirekrusin wrote:
         | Decreasing merge conflicts sounds more like muting and/or
         | deferring problems.
         | Microservice fanaticism seems to be coupled with this
         | psychosclerotic view that world can exist in state of
         | microservices or as monolith.
         | From what I've seen in last 20+ years, if I had to pick one
         | sentence to describe fit-all enterprise setup (and it's as
         | stupid as saying "X is the best" without context) - it'd be
         | monorepo with a dozen or two services, shared libraries, typed
         | so refactoring and changes are reliable and fast, single
         | versioned, deployed at once, using single database in most
         | cases - one setup like this per-up-to-12 devs team. Multiple
         | teams like this with coordinated backward compatibility on
         | interfaces where they interact.
       | monocasa wrote:
       | 20% legitimate Conway's law concerns, and 80% cargo culting other
       | orgs' Conway's law concerns in an effort to feel like you're a
       | big boy org with big boy org problems.
       | Philip-J-Fry wrote:
       | I'm part of a team that is slowly breaking down our systems into
       | microservices. Our old monoliths were a pain to maintain, the
       | pain comes from overengineering rather than being a monolith. I
       | don't fully buy that our business is better now because we use
       | microservices. It just works well for us now that most of the
       | business is moving to a new language.
       | We managed to write more performant code even though we're
       | calling off to 10+ services each request. Did microservices make
       | our applications faster? Of course not, but they clearly exposed
       | the issues with our monoliths. We could make the same
       | applications even faster if we moved back to a monolith, but the
       | worry is when does it get back to the state we were in before?
       | It was not uncommon to have multiple pieces of code calling into
       | the database to grab the same data in our monoliths. The fact is
       | that it's way too easy to just DI a service where it doesn't need
       | to be and boom, a pointless DB call. Do it in a few more places,
       | add a bit of a spiderweb here and there, and you've just
       | amplified the number of database requests doing the same thing.
       | Yes, a lot of this comes down to fundamental issues with the
       | architecture of the applications, things that have been stacked
       | over years and years of tech debt. It's not an issue with a
       | monolith, but rather how developers often treat them. There's a
       | sense that everything is on the table because it's all in the
       | same code base. A lot of developers don't care to think of the
       | future implications of injecting a service where it doesn't
       | belong, it does what they were asked and the person reviewing it
       | thinks the same.
       | With microservices it feels like the decisions and behaviour of
       | them are more public and there's more eyes seeing what they're
       | doing. If someone is doing something weird, it's easier to call
       | out since these interfaces are public. Previously all the shit
       | code got hidden in random pull requests. Now the shit decisions
       | are out in the open. Everyone is interacting with the same
       | microservices, a shit API is shit for everyone, a slow service
       | slows everyone else's services down, people seem to care more and
       | make better decisions. There's still those guys who just don't
       | give a shit and make a microservice into a macroservice. But when
       | that happens it's easier to see now, it's in our faces, it's not
       | 500 lines of code hidden in a library, it's easier to call out.
       | As time goes on I do long for a monolith again because personally
       | I've learnt a lot from breaking down our systems into
       | microservices. I know what touches what, I know what shouldn't
       | touch what. The domain knowledge gained from this project would
       | indefinitely lead to a better engineered monolith. But at the end
       | of the day, microservices force these decisions into the open and
       | less architectural mistakes are being made, which is good.
       | This is also a big reason why I'm a fan of Elixir/Erlang, you're
       | almost forced to think in microservices and that leads to better
       | decisions.
       | One mistake I think a lot of people make is creating a web of
       | microservices. You want to keep the hierarchy as flat as possible
       | so that each microservice is entirely independent of another.
       | When you want to actually do work, you write an orchestrator that
       | calls into each of these services to carry out the work. This
       | orchestrator is not a consumable service, it's console app, it's
       | a website, it's a product.
       | eandre wrote:
       | Whether you build microservices or just services, distributed
       | systems are undeniably here to stay. In today's world there are
       | very few products that can run on a single machine, whether it is
       | for latency or availability or redundancy.
       | That said, the challenges of building such systems are real, and
       | the developer experience is universally quite awful compared to
       | our monolithic, single-server past.
       | It's for that reason that I've been building [1] for the past
       | four years. Would love your feedback if the OP resonates with
       | you.
       | [1] https://encore.dev
       | TameAntelope wrote:
       | Some people just like to be countercultural for the sake of it,
       | and apparently the author is one of those people. Is there a word
       | for reverse cargo culting? Cargo hipstering?
       | Not the apt, "The cargo is from a plane!" but rather, "We never
       | needed any of these supplies to begin with! We were better off
       | starving!"
       | It's wholly unsurprising that the next series of topics the
       | author plans to discuss are mental health. That makes _perfect_
       | sense, given the rest of the article.
       | tiberriver256 wrote:
       | I really like the way Uncle Bob described Microservices in this
       | article: https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-
       | bob/2014/10/01/CleanMicros...
       | He made the point that micro-services are a deployment method not
       | an architecture. A good clean architecture shouldn't care how
       | it's deployed. If you need to move from plugins to micro-services
       | to be massively scalable your architecture shouldn't care. If you
       | need to move from micro-services to plugins to make your app
       | simple to host and debug, your architecture should also not care.
       | This strategy has been implemented in frameworks like abp.io very
       | successfully. You can start your application as a single
       | collection of split assemblies deployed as a single application
       | and move to deploying as micro-services when it's necessary.
         | mirekrusin wrote:
         | Also linked from that article [0] [1]
         | [0]
         | https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140604121818-6461201-seven-...
         | (I think that's it, original link doesn't work anymore, this
         | looks like a copy of it)
         | [1] http://highscalability.com/blog/2014/4/8/microservices-
         | not-a...
       | master_yoda_1 wrote:
       | I somewhat disagree with this article. Microservice is great for
       | complex software modules. But some jokers in industry starts
       | writing miscroservice for every small function/method in the
       | code. It's better that microservice should be designed by
       | experts.
       | dastbe wrote:
       | > If we think about resilient systems, the most resilient systems
       | are the ones with the least number of moving parts. The same is
       | true for the fastest systems.
       | in some sense yes, in some sense no. a monolith with a denial of
       | service vector in part of its functionality can suddenly take
       | down your entire fleet because everything was exactly the same.
       | in much the same that domestic bananas are more or less one
       | virus/bacteria away from being wiped out (again), a monolith very
       | susceptible to any kind of correlated failure because the blast
       | radius is most likely the entire monolith.
         | goodpoint wrote:
         | > a monolith with a denial of service vector in part of its
         | functionality can suddenly take down your entire fleet because
         | everything was exactly the same.
         | Just like a microservice can bring down the core functions of
         | your service because a single component locks up under DoS
       | zwieback wrote:
       | If you're going to complain about something you need to present
       | some data that backs up your point, this is just a bunch or
       | rambling opinions.
       | A lot of software engineering is about managing modularization,
       | I've lived through structured programming, OOx, various
       | distributed object schemes and now this. Basically all these
       | mechanisms attempt to solve the problem of modularization and
       | reuse. So, the fact that new solutions to the old problems appear
       | just means that it's a hard problem worth working on. I'd say use
       | every single technique when it's appropriate.
         | vlunkr wrote:
         | From the article: """
         | If we think about the fastest way to execute some code, that is
         | a function call, not a web request.
         | If we think about the best way to make sure we detect problems
         | at compile time, that is by using a library at a compiled
         | language.
         | If we think about the best way to understand why something
         | failed, that is a full stack trace.
         | If we think about resilient systems, the most resilient systems
         | are the ones with the least number of moving parts. The same is
         | true for the fastest systems.
         | If we think about deployment and management and upgrades, the
         | simplest systems to deploy and maintain also have the least
         | number of moving parts. """
         | You don't really need any data to back this up, it's all self-
         | evident.
       | edgyquant wrote:
       | I see a lot of people acting like microservices are some
       | conspiracy theory pushed on us engineers. I've never worked
       | anywhere that pushed microservices, the places I've used them
       | they tended to be additional functionality we could easily
       | decouple from the standard backend. Even if they were I like the
       | idea of microservices, having everything as abstracted away from
       | each other as possible. Also would probably make code easier to
       | onboard, just get a junior up to speed on one service at a time.
       | paxys wrote:
       | Incompetent teams and engineering organizations will find a way
       | to mess up both monoliths and microservices. Great ones will pick
       | what works best for their specific use case and be effective at
       | it.
       | The only correct answer is to not waste time with the decade+
       | worth of pointless internet debates on the topic.
       | simonw wrote:
       | If you're going to embrace microservices, you need to be VERY
       | confident that they solve real problems that you currently have
       | and that they will result in an improvement to your engineering
       | velocity within a reasonable time-frame.
       | The additional complexity - in terms of code and operations - is
       | significant. You need to be very confident that it's going to pay
       | for itself.
       | throwaway984393 wrote:
       | If you don't really understand how they work, you get blog posts
       | like this. Microservices add many design benefits that prioritize
       | rapid independent work. Monoliths add many design benefits that
       | prioritize simplification and tight integration, testing and
       | releasing. Both exist for good reasons, and both have to be
       | implemented properly. _Neither of them is a silver bullet._
       | But the real reason we use microservices is they're just more
       | popular. Nobody wants to recommend something obscure or old for
       | fear they'll be laughed out of the office. Nobody can hire tech
       | people to work on 'uncool' technology. People like to follow
       | trends. That's why we are doing this.
       | commandlinefan wrote:
       | > teams want to make their own choices, dislike code review or
       | overbearing 'architects' above them, and to a lesser extent want
       | to use different and newer languages.
       | I'm not sure this is 100% correct - or, at least, has never been
       | the case in the 20 years or so I've been working with
       | "microservice" architectures. There's always an architecture team
       | dictating the form of the services themselves - usually much more
       | so than a module in a monolithic application. Part of this
       | standardization is usually a set of languages - you can use
       | Python (with Django) or Java (with Spring Boot), but anything
       | else has to be approved by the committee.
       | That said, I agree with is ultimate conclusion that microservices
       | haven't lived up to their promise. The usual justification for
       | microservices was and continues to be "we can update one
       | component without disturbing the others". I've never seen that
       | actually happen. Every time one component changes, everything
       | that depends on it has to be retested just to be on the safe side
       | (and most of the time, something is found).
         | pintxo wrote:
         | Well, if you don't have tests to ensure a service adheres to
         | it's original promises, then yes, you'll need to run the full
         | integrated system (I would probably do it anyway, depending on
         | the context).
         | Reminds me of the fun time a major financial institution had
         | one of their internal services provide fully 6 historical
         | versions of it's api. Interestingly, they had not a single
         | (automated) test for any of these.
       | tootie wrote:
       | > A Technical Solution To A People Problem
       | I spend like 98% of my time dealing with people problems. I will
       | trade technical optimization for communication optimization every
       | single time.
       | Jtsummers wrote:
       | > If we think about the fastest way to execute some code, that is
       | a function call, not a web request.
       | No, the fastest way to execute some code is a goto. Be careful
       | with arguments from performance, that's how you get garbage like
       | a former colleague's monstrous 10k SLOC C(++) function (compiled
       | as C++, but it was really C with C++'s IO routines). Complete
       | with a _while(1)_ loop that wrapped almost the entire function
       | body. When you need speed, design for speed, but you almost
       | always need clarity first. Optimizations can follow.
       | > If we think about resilient systems, the most resilient systems
       | are the ones with the least number of moving parts. The same is
       | true for the fastest systems.
       | I suggest care with this argument as well. This would, naively
       | interpreted, suggest that the most resilient system has 1 moving
       | part (0 if we allow for not creating a system altogether). First,
       | this is one of those things that doesn't have a clean
       | monotonically increasing/decreasing curve to it. Adding a moving
       | part doesn't automatically make it less resilient, and removing
       | one doesn't automatically make it more resilient. There is a
       | balance to be struck somewhere between 1 (probably a useless
       | system, like _leftpad_ ) and millions. Second, there's a factor
       | not discussed: It's the interaction points, not the number of
       | moving parts themselves, that provides a stronger impact on
       | resilience.
       | If you have 500 "moving parts" that are linearly connected
       | (A->B->C->D->...), sure it's complicated but it's
       | "straightforward". If something breaks you can trace through it
       | and see which step received the wrong thing, and work backwards
       | to see which prior step was the cause. If you have 500 moving
       | parts that are all connected to each other then you have
       | 500(500-1)/2 interactions that could be causing problems. _That
       | 's_ the way to destroy resilience, not the number of moving parts
       | but the complex interaction between them.
       | duped wrote:
       | Stop talking about how inappropriate microservices are for
       | applications that will never scale, they're a goldmine for
       | consultants contracting with "CIOs" that every middling sized
       | company decided they needed because they heard about ransomeware
       | on Fox News. Billable hours out the wazoo, converting totally
       | reasonable monoliths into microservices that can't be maintained
       | by the clients and will always go over time and over budget.
       | jedberg wrote:
       | I'm a huge proponent of microservices, having worked on one of
       | the earliest and largest ones in the cloud. And I absolutely
       | think that they provide huge advantages to large companies --
       | smaller teams, easier releases, independently scaling, separation
       | of concerns, a different security posture that I personally think
       | is easier to secure, and so on.
       | It's not a surprise that most younger large enterprises use
       | microservices, with Google being a notable exception. Google
       | however has spent 10s, possibly 100s of millions of dollars on
       | building tooling to make that possible (possibly even more than a
       | billion dollars!).
       | All that being said, every startup I advise I tell them don't do
       | microservices at the start. Build your monolith with clean hard
       | edges between modules and functions so that it will be easier
       | later, but build a monolith until you get big enough that
       | microservices is actually a win.
         | foobarian wrote:
         | > Build your monolith with clean hard edges between modules and
         | functions so that it will be easier later,
         | This is unfortunately very easy to override. Oh the rants I
         | could write. If I could go back in time we would've put in a
         | ton of extra linting steps to prevent people casually turning
         | private things public* and tying dependencies across the stack.
         | The worst is when someone lets loose a junior dev who finds a
         | bunch of similar looking code in unrelated modules and decides
         | it needs to be DRY. And of course nobody will say no because it
         | contradicts dogma. Oh and the shit that ended up in the
         | cookies... still suffering it a decade later.
         | *This is a lot better with [micro]services but now the code
         | cowboys talk you into letting them connect directly to your DB.
         | vsareto wrote:
         | I saw lots of churn working on microservices that were pre-
         | production. When it's like this, things are more tightly
         | coupled than the microservice concept would have you believe
         | and that causes additional work. Instead of writing a new
         | function at a higher version, you had to go change existing
         | ones - pretty much the same workflow as a monolith but now in
         | separate code bases. And there wasn't a need for any of these
         | microservices to go to production before the front end product,
         | so we couldn't start incrementing the versioning for the API
         | endpoints to avoid changing existing functions. A monolith
         | almost doesn't need API versioning for itself (usually
         | libraries do that), but it's effectively a version 1.0 contract
         | if translated to microservices.
         | antihero wrote:
         | Why would you advocate for microservices over services?
           | eweise wrote:
           | What's the difference?
           | jedberg wrote:
           | I grew up using unix where the philosophy is "do one thing
           | and do it well" and I think that carries over well into
           | microservices.
           | But honestly I'm not sure there is much of a line between the
           | two. I've seen microservices that just return True/False and
           | ones that return 100 lines of json, which are arguably more
           | web-services than microservices.
           | I honestly think it's a distinction without meaning.
             | abledon wrote:
             | " Hi ___, i saw your profile on linkedin and wanted to
             | reach to say our team is looking to hire a 'Senior Boolean
             | Microservice Architect' "
             | dastbe wrote:
             | it really is a distinction only made by people trying to
             | sell you something or sell you on something. service-
             | oriented architecture is leveraging the power and the curse
             | of being able to connect computers over a network to solve
             | foundational scaling limits of hardware. How granular you
             | want to make things is a design decision.
         | goodpoint wrote:
         | > most younger large enterprises use microservices
         | Which ones? Amazon uses roughly 1-team-1-service, not
         | 1-team-100-*micro*services.
         | Facebook famously built their main service as a monolith.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | Younger. Netflix, Dropbox, Stripe, Slack, Pinterest, Reddit
           | is working on it, Smugmug, Thumbtack, a lot more I can't
           | think of off the top of my head. Also I'm pretty sure Amazon
           | has teams that maintain multiple services.
             | goodpoint wrote:
             | Then I'm glad I keep dodging the "cool and hip" hype-fueled
             | companies.
         | jka wrote:
         | > Build your monolith with clean hard edges between modules and
         | functions so that it will be easier later, but build a monolith
         | until you get big enough that microservices is actually a win.
         | I'd like to see software ecosystems that make it possible to
         | develop an application that seems like a monolith to work with
         | (single repository, manageable within a seamless code editing
         | environment, with tests that run across application modules)
         | and yet has the same deployment, monitoring and scale up/out
         | benefits that microservices have.
         | Ensuring that the small-team benefits would continue to exist
         | (comparative to 'traditional' microservices) in that kind of
         | platform could be a challenge -- it's a question of sensibly
         | laying out the application architecture to match the
         | social/organizational structure, and for each of those to be
         | cohesive and effective.
         | littlestymaar wrote:
         | > they provide huge advantages to large companies [...] every
         | startup I advise I tell them don't do microservices at the
         | start.
         | I think you nailed it. Microservices are a solution for
         | organizational problems that arise when the company grow in
         | size, unfortunately it's not rare to see small startups with a
         | handful of engineers and 5 to 10 times more services...
         | closeparen wrote:
         | In what way is Google an exception? Are you saying that only
         | one or a small number of different binaries run on Google's
         | production servers?
         | Google famously has a mono _repo_ but that 's different from a
         | monolithic service architecture.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | Yes, that is a fair distinction that I simplified over. You
           | don't really get a lot of the gains of microservices if
           | you're using a monorepo, so while they do have multiple
           | binaries/services, you still have to check into a single repo
           | and wait for all the tests/etc. To be fair I haven't visited
           | Google in a while and maybe it's changed now, but at least
           | decade ago it was very different from how everyone else did
           | microservices.
             | eweise wrote:
             | The past few companies I was at, we discussed whether we
             | wanted a single or multiple repos. But that was a separate
             | conversation from microservices, so I don't think its
             | unusual to have a monorepo with microservices.
             | singron wrote:
             | Each releasable unit can wait for whatever tests you want.
             | Usually it's just the tests for that unit. Google is
             | actually a good example of why monolith/microservices is a
             | completely different concept to monorepo/multirepo.
             | I.e. you can put your monolith in multiple repos, and you
             | can put 100,000+ services in 1 repo.
             | timmg wrote:
             | > You don't really get a lot of the gains of microservices
             | if you're using a monorepo
             | I think the two are completely orthogonal.
             | At Google, when you check in code, it tests against things
             | it _could have_ broken. Not all tests in the system. For
             | most services, that means just testing the service. For
             | infrastructure code, _then_ you have to test many services.
         | javajosh wrote:
         | _>...you get big enough that microservices is actually a win._
         | Can you speak more about the criteria here?
         | You may be implying that microservices enforce Conway's law. If
         | so then when the monolith divides, it "gives away" some of it's
         | API to another name, such that the new node has it's own
         | endpoints. This named set is adopted by a team, and evolves
         | separately from that point on, according to cost/revenue. The
         | team and its microservice form a semi-autonomous unit, in
         | theory able to evolve faster in relative isolation from the
         | original.
         | The problem from the capital perspective is that you get a
         | bazillion bespoke developer experiences, all good and bad in
         | their unique and special ways, which means that the personal
         | dev experience will matter, a guide in the wilderness who's
         | lived there for years. The more tools are required to run a
         | typical DX, the more tightly coupled the service will be to the
         | developers who built it. This generally favors the developer,
         | which may also explain why the architecture is popular.
           | jedberg wrote:
           | The first part of your comment is accurate (and beautifully
           | poetic). But I don't believe the second part follows from the
           | first.
           | At most companies that do microservices well, they have a
           | dedicated platform team that builds tools specifically for
           | building microservices. This includes things like deployment,
           | canaries, data storage, data pipelines, caching, libraries
           | for service discovery and connections, etc.
           | This leaves the teams building the services focusing on
           | business logic while having similar developer experiences.
           | The code might use different conventions internally and even
           | different languages, but they all interact with the larger
           | ecosystem in the same way, so that devs at the company can
           | move around to different services with ease, and onboarding
           | is similar throughout.
             | javajosh wrote:
             | _> they all interact with the larger ecosystem in the same
             | way, so that devs at the company can move around to
             | different services with ease, and onboarding is similar
             | throughout._
             | But big enterprises inevitably lose "stack coherence" over
             | time, through drift but also acquisitions. Finding the
             | lowest common denomenator to operate and modify it all,
             | while maintaining a high level of service (uptime,
             | security, data integrity, privacy, value), turns out to be
             | a tricky problem - just defining the product categories is
             | a tricky problem!
             | Well I for one would love to see such a thing properly
             | functioning. I've seen two attempts, but neither were
             | successful.
       | mathgladiator wrote:
       | As I build out my infrastructure for Adama (my real-time SaaS for
       | state machines), I'm leaning hard into a monolithic design. The
       | key reason is to minimize cost and maximize performance.
       | For instance, comparing Adama to the services needed to build
       | similar experiences offered by AWS has interesting results. Adama
       | costs 97% less than AWS ( https://www.adama-
       | platform.com/2022/03/18/progress-on-new-da... ), and a key thing
       | is that the microservice approach is amenable to metering every
       | interaction which scales linear to demand whilst a monolithic
       | approaches condenses compute and memory.
       | fdgsdfogijq wrote:
       | I think the real reason is that cloud software development has
       | enabled microservices. Meaning, if you arent on AWS or GCP,
       | forget it. But if you are, its a paradigm that fits very well
       | with cloud software architecture. Those criticizing it for the
       | complexity, probably just havent spent enough time in code bases
       | where it makes sense.
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