[HN Gopher] Show HN: Appwrite - Open-Source and Self Hosted Fire...
       Show HN: Appwrite - Open-Source and Self Hosted Firebase
       Author : christyjacob4
       Score  : 168 points
       Date   : 2022-03-22 17:37 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
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       | 20220322-beans wrote:
       | From my quick research when I was selecting the next backend I
       | was going to use for a project in the past, and today reading
       | some responses on this page:
       | - Appwrite is written in PHP. Just because something is open
       | source, doesn't mean it is extensible, scalable or otherwise
       | written well. I haven't seen many popular projects written in PHP
       | recently. The only time I used PHP was in university, where the
       | PHP application was the target machine in a CTF.
       | - AppWrite doesn't yet have their Cloud version, so they aren't
       | ready to be a "backend as a service" - it's a product that isn't
       | ready "as a service". That's why I didn't use it, and I can see
       | similar sentiment here on HN. I'd be willing to try it out when
       | it's ready.
       | - It's not built on Postgres. Their comment about Supabase using
       | postgres did not include any real substance: "I'm trying to be as
       | objective as I can, but building the entire ecosystem around a
       | single product like Postgres ( even though tried and tested )
       | comes with its own downsides...". The downsides of what AppWrite
       | might be that they're rolling their own database... in PHP? They
       | may not be database experts, and there's lots to think about and
       | fix when building a database, and Postgres has been tested for a
       | long time.
       | - Not much progress is happening on the GraphQL side:
       | https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite/pull/974/files, whereas
       | Supabase has it: https://supabase.com/blog/2021/12/03/pg-graphql.
       | Overall, it seems like the project doesn't move as fast as its
       | competitor (primarily Supabase) for features I care about, and
       | perhaps this is caused by PHP?
       | Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts about my comments, Eldad
       | and team.
         | fiznool wrote:
         | Not the OP but just wanted to weigh in on the PHP point. Just
         | because it isn't the coolest/hottest language around, doesn't
         | make PHP any less suitable for a project like this. Laravel in
         | particular has been a game changer for modern PHP-based
         | backends and sites, and the language itself has been steadily
         | evolving and improving. It may not get the column inches of the
         | likes of Phoenix or Remix, but it is stable, battle hardened
         | and fully suitable for the majority of use cases in 2022.
       | u2077 wrote:
       | I actually bookmarked the repo a few months ago but never got
       | around to using it. Seems like a great product.
       | As someone who is building a small project for personal use (and
       | has been frustrated with Firebase in the past) how does this
       | compare? Will it be easy to switch an existing project over?
       | Also, what is the plan for pricing on the hosted option?
       | EgeAytin wrote:
       | Great work, I just cant see authorization feature. How does
       | Appwrite handles this key concept right now ?
         | christyjacob4 wrote:
         | API keys are used by Server SDKs ( or Admin SDKs in the
         | Firebase world ) to authenticate and perform more crucial
         | server side tasks using the API https://appwrite.io/docs/keys
       | cercatrova wrote:
       | Any comparison with Supabase, which is also a backend-as-a-
       | service? [0]
       | [0] https://supabase.com/
         | spankalee wrote:
         | Supabase uses Postgres instead of a Firestore like database, so
         | it's not really a clone of Firebase.
           | cercatrova wrote:
           | Postgres supports jsonb which I've used with Supabase to act
           | as a Firebase analog. I just pushed all data into a JSON blob
           | rather than setting up tables, it worked well, pretty much
           | the same as how I used Firebase.
           | christyjacob4 wrote:
           | I'm trying to be as objective as I can, but building the
           | entire ecosystem around a single product like Postgres ( even
           | though tried and tested ) comes with its own downsides...
         | stnguyen90 wrote:
         | Couple of points here: https://medium.com/geekculture/appwrite-
         | frequently-asked-que...
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | Both products are great, at Appwrite we created the majority of
         | the product from scratch in aim to have tailored made dev-
         | experience which was a big reason for starting the project from
         | the first place.
       | kiru_io wrote:
       | Seems pretty cool! One question, how do you finance the
       | development?
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | Appwrite started as an open-source project 2 years ago. Last
         | year we started a company and got a $10m seed from top VCs like
         | Bessemer and Flybridge (ex-Firebase investors) to help us grow
         | the community and speed product development.
           | tr3ntg wrote:
           | Congratulations. That's incredible news.
             | christyjacob4 wrote:
             | Our amazing open source community keeps us going
             | vincentge wrote:
             | Thank you!
           | pan69 wrote:
           | Just out of curiosity. Why would a VC invest $10m in an Open
           | Source project? I'd like to understand more about this model.
           | You must have some path to a commercial offering I assume?
             | sauwan wrote:
             | I'd assume the Redhat model, but who knows.
               | eldad_fux wrote:
               | Yes. Luckily a lot of amazing open-source companies like
               | RedHat, Gitlab, Sentry, MongoDB and Elastic have already
               | demonstrated multiple ways to build successful open-
               | source business models, this is one area we don't need to
               | reinvent the wheel at.
             | cercatrova wrote:
             | They have a cloud offering. Personally I'd rather pay for
             | someone else to manage devops than myself.
       | spankalee wrote:
       | This is the first "Firebase clone" I've seen that attempts to
       | implement the Firestore database model. Neat!
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | Thank you! Actually the Firebase has done an amazing job on
         | making the DB scalable, and we got to appreciate their work
         | even more when working on our implementation.
         | yeldarb wrote:
         | Is there a compatibility layer or migration guide for people
         | looking to switch?
           | christyjacob4 wrote:
           | Hi, at this point the process is not so straight forward and
           | you'll need to use the Admin SDK from Firebase and the Server
           | SDK from Appwrite to manually copy your data over. We do plan
           | on making this easier in the future.
       | robertlagrant wrote:
       | I'm pretty wary of this sort of thing, but I've got to say, what
       | you've produced looks awesome, and I will be thinking of a
       | product to try it on!
       | I know it sounds silly to say this, but the polish and content of
       | your website really helps. Very, very impressed.
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | Thank you
         | christyjacob4 wrote:
         | This is some really heart warming feedback! Thank you from the
         | entire Appwrite team
       | christyjacob4 wrote:
       | Over the past few months we've been trying hard to make Appwrite
       | as simple to setup and use as possible. Your candid feedback has
       | been crucial in shaping the project and it would be great if you
       | can share some features you'd like to see in the project going
       | forward.
       | What is Appwrite ? In simplest terms, Appwrite is an open source
       | Backend As A Service (aka BaaS). Appwrite is an all in one
       | solution with all the essentials you need like Authentication,
       | User Management, Realtime Databases, Webhooks, Storage, Cloud
       | Functions, SDKs for your favourite language and it's light
       | weight. Appwrite even runs on a Raspberry Pi. Most importantly,
       | Appwrite is self-hosted which means you own your data and prevent
       | any vendor lock-ins.
       | Talking about Appwrite's features - Realtime Databases and events
       | ( Recent benchmarks have showed a single server handling 1M+
       | concurrent connections )
       | - SDKs for iOS, Android, Flutter, Web ( React, Angular, Vue,
       | Svelte etc.) Python, PHP, Node, Deno, Kotlin and more
       | - Bring your own Database - Use your choice of SQL or MySQL
       | databases ( MariaDB, MySQL, MongoDB and more )
       | - Database permissions for finer tuned access control
       | - Storage API with built in encryption, compression and antivirus
       | - Bring your own Storage - Use your choice of the local
       | filesystem, DigitalOcean Spaces, S3 or an any other storage
       | provider of your choice
       | - Cloud functions with support for over 20 runtimes
       | - Webhooks to connect with 3rd party APIs and services
       | - User Management and Authentication
       | - Multiple authentication methods - email, 25+ OAuth providers,
       | JWT, API Keys
       | - Completely stateless and extensible architecture allowing easy
       | integration with your existing backend
       | - A Dashboard, CLI and VSCode extensions to manage your server
       | and many more...
         | qbasic_forever wrote:
         | Wow, that's an impressive set of features! I remember kicking
         | the tires on the service a year ago and liked it but didn't
         | have a big need for it. It looks like a lot of great stuff has
         | been added in the time since then.
           | eldad_fux wrote:
           | Thank you so much! We've been working very hard the last
           | year, and looking back - yeh we did add a lot of stuff :)
         | lfkdev wrote:
         | Godot support would be awesome
           | eldad_fux wrote:
           | Something like this? https://github.com/GodotNuts/appwrite-
           | sdk
           | :)
         | vincentmarle wrote:
         | I was about to throw in the towel after evaluating Firebase /
         | Supabase last week for a new project I'm working on and revert
         | back to good o'l Laravel, but Appwrite looks _very_ interesting
         | and could potentially solve my problem so I 'll definitely
         | check it out!
         | Just one question: is there also Postgres support?
           | eldad_fux wrote:
           | Not yet, but it's coming soon. Appwrite is not coupled to any
           | database or other under the hood technology.
           | kiwicopple wrote:
           | I'm curious why Supabase didn't suit your needs, especially
           | since you're looking for Postgres support?
           | (Disclosure: supabase ceo)
             | kpennell wrote:
             | For me, if I want to move quickly, there's just so many
             | great example React + Firebase projects out there. It's so
             | easy to get started, even if I would prefer to work with
             | postgres over nosql. I could have just missed it in the
             | docs or elsewhere, but I couldn't seem to find a really
             | easy to follow todo or chat app or something like that. I
             | created a database I think and then just had little idea
             | how I'd tie it all together with my front-end. So I went
             | back to firebase for an MVP.
               | kiwicopple wrote:
               | Thanks for the feedback. We have these -
               | Examples: https://supabase.com/docs/guides/examples
               | React: https://supabase.com/docs/guides/with-react
               | Is this the type of thing you're looking for? Perhaps
               | they could be more prominent
             | vincentmarle wrote:
             | Basically the lack of cloud functions (need a place
             | somewhere to run my backend code ) and the Hook Events
             | being in alpha. I know you're working on it but for my
             | project these features are critical.
             | When Supabase Functions are live and Hooks are stable then
             | it will definitely work for the app I'm working on.
             | ctxc wrote:
             | Hi, when are Supabase Functions expected to be released?
             | I'm quickly reaching a point in my project where direct DB
             | calls don't cut it and I don't want to muck about with PG
             | functions especially since I'm familiar with other
             | programming languages. :(
             | Some suggestions: Using Supabase took me 5x the amount of
             | time it should have taken me, honestly. 1. There needs to
             | be more official snippets, PG especially. Create view,
             | modify table, change constraints, and so on. If I'm your
             | target demographic, it pays to watch issues raised/FAQs and
             | integrate it in the UI. For example, I'm not very familiar
             | with SQL and PG features. I had to learn the hard way that
             | RLS does not apply to views. Basic for someone who knows
             | DBs? Maybe. But I'm someone who wants to ship my product
             | and my expertise is elsewhere. Would have loved to see this
             | info in the UI.
             | 2. Some things are just so hard to find! I spent a lot of
             | time looking for something so simple. I think it was views?
             | And also something under user authentication, I don't
             | remember. Maybe you would benefit from user research - get
             | a dev who hasn't used Supabase before, watch them build
             | something with this and then address pain points.
               | kiwicopple wrote:
               | Thanks for the feedback. Extra snippets are a great idea,
               | especially with Row Level Security which is a bit harder
               | to google for.
               | > when are Supabase Functions expected to be released?
               | We're doing another Launch Week starting on Monday next
               | week. You will enjoy Thursday's launch
               | johnhenry wrote:
               | Supabase Functions launching Thursday, March 31st, 2022!
         | Magodo wrote:
         | Thank you so much for Appwrite! The community on Discord is
         | very helpful and the self hosting guide is great. Very unlike
         | my terrible experience with Supabase who seem to do their best
         | to cripple the self hosted option
           | tr3ntg wrote:
           | I was hoping someone here would compare the two. I might have
           | to give Appwrite a try after all. Supabase's self-hosted
           | option was wack when I tried it a few months ago.
             | vincentge wrote:
             | My honest two cents, which is biased, so take liberal
             | amounts of salt.
             | I think Supabase is verbose. You get to dig around the
             | PostgreSQL instance, write SQL, etc. I know people that
             | live and die by SQL, so if that sounds like you, Supabase
             | is great.
             | Appwrite is more about simplicity. Our SDKs are simple, our
             | UI is simple, our Documentation is simple, heck we even
             | have a 1 line deploy: docker run -it --rm \ --volume
             | /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --volume
             | "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw \
             | --entrypoint="install" \ appwrite/appwrite:latest
             | Use a part of Appwrite, or all of it. Heck, go dig in our
             | code or checkout our open sourced Functions runtime. We
             | don't care, we just want you to do more while writing less
             | code.
             | Both have their audience, both are great, see which one
             | suits your needs better :)
             | eldad_fux wrote:
             | Our self-hosted solution was designed to be easy to setup
             | in both development and production. I hope you'll enjoy our
             | single command installation.
             | Also, self-hosting is at the core of what we do and once
             | our cloud solution is out, we don't plan to add weird
             | disabilities to it.
             | 20220322-beans wrote:
             | What are the issues with self hosting Supabase?
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | I put this on Supabase's launch post too, but would you
         | consider supporting a more traditional compute model? i.e. the
         | ability to run an always-on docker container that runs a web
         | server or similar (similar to dokku or heroku). I realise
         | functions are the new hotness, but as far as I can see for non
         | hobby projects they mainly have downsides any very little
         | upside.
           | vincentmarle wrote:
           | From their readme it looks like you can host it however you
           | want:
           | > Appwrite backend server is designed to run in a container
           | environment. Running your server is as easy as running one
           | command from your terminal. You can either run Appwrite on
           | your localhost using docker-compose or on any other container
           | orchestration tool like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or Rancher.
             | nicoburns wrote:
             | Hmm... I think I'm not quite the target market. For me the
             | whole point of a tool like this is that I don't need to
             | worry about maintaining this kind of thing. All the guff
             | around auth and functions is just stuff I have to put up
             | with to get that hosted niceness.
               | vincentge wrote:
               | There's two ways to address this if you don't wanna
               | maintain/host.
               | There will be a hosted Appwrite Cloud option =>
               | https://appwrite.io/cloud
               | There is a way to do 1 click deployment on Digital Ocean
               | Marketplace:
               | https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/appwrite
               | With these options, you can put off the whole mess with
               | devops, infra, and hosting to someone else :')
           | eldad_fux wrote:
           | Yes, this is something we would consider in the long run.
           | Functions are great, but not for every use case.
       | turtlebacon wrote:
       | Love seeing open source projects evolve like this. Great work
       | guys!
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | Thank you so much! The community support has been such a major
         | part of our journey!
       | vinibrito wrote:
       | Sounds too good to be true. Are you saying that I, as a web
       | developer, will be able to not touch devops stuff?
       | Does it work out of the box with everything included?
       | Because I really like only writing business logic.
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | Our aim is to try and reduce the friction during development as
         | much as possible, but still leave developers max flexibility to
         | build any products they like without limiting their creativity.
       | peppertree wrote:
       | What's the pricing model for cloud.
         | brandonroberts wrote:
         | We'll share the pricing for Appwrite Cloud shortly, which will
         | be transparent and simple. The open source version of Appwrite
         | will be free, forever.
       | fareesh wrote:
       | What would be great is an agnostic layer that's just the real-
       | time sync that you can plug your existing stack into. Sending
       | json up and down your websockets to sync things and handling
       | offline etc is tedious and slow.
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | That is exactly our plan! We like to decouple the different
         | Appwrite components. This allows us to offer max flexibility
         | for developers and let everyone use the server the way they
         | like to. Using the REST API, Realtime or GraphQL with or
         | without offline support - your call.
       | peppertree wrote:
       | Maybe I'm looking in the right place but I couldn't find docs on
       | scaling. How does Appwrite scale up WS connection pool, workers,
       | cloud functions.
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | All of the Appwrite containers were designed to be stateless
         | and easy to scale with replication, scaling the under the hood
         | database is as easy as connecting it to a managed cloud
         | solution.
       | leros wrote:
       | Do you have any plans to support relational database
       | functionality like joins?
         | christyjacob4 wrote:
         | Yes we do plan to add support got joins, transactions, atomic
         | operations and geo queries soon
       | bikamonki wrote:
       | Strictly speaking, if I spin up a droplet on DO and install
       | Appwrite on it, it won't be a BAAS anymore, correct?
       | Sorry but "self-host your own BAAS" is an oxymoron.
       | IMO, developers who chose Firebase do not want to manage servers.
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | 100% right, we are working on a cloud edition that we hope to
         | release soon. That said, their are a lot of use cases for self-
         | hosting, and its also very cool to be able to deploy something
         | as massive as this on your own localhost with a single command.
           | bikamonki wrote:
           | Awesome, I look forward to try your managed service.
       | aerovistae wrote:
       | Before I even look into it, I'll tell you this: the headline was
       | enough to grab my attention on its own. I strongly feel this is a
       | badly underserved niche and I've had major issues with Firebase's
       | limitations. You definitely have a winning idea here in this
       | user's opinion.
         | christyjacob4 wrote:
         | That's great feedback and more validation to the problem we're
         | solving. Glad to hear that. Would love to hear if there are any
         | specific pain points with Firebase that you'd like to be
         | addressed. Being an open source project thats the biggest
         | advantage we have over Firebase. The community!
           | aerovistae wrote:
           | For me the most painful part was latency, and especially
           | cloud function latency. I wanted to create an entire API
           | through cloud functions and rapidly discovered that they have
           | major issues with "cold startup". A lot of people have had
           | this issue~
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42726870/firebase-
           | cloud-...
           | I found a lame workaround by setting up a cronjob to ping the
           | API regularly, but there was still bad latency for cloud
           | functions that were interacting with the database. It was
           | 1-2s of latency, which was a total nonstarter for my realtime
           | collaboration code. I had to go write a socket.io server by
           | hand instead.
           | Also, there are extremely limited tools for
           | observability/monitoring/logging of cloud functions, as well
           | as for plain API interactions with firestore. I could see
           | that trying to track down issues through that toolset was
           | going to be nightmarish. In my opinion, for any app that
           | scales beyond a small personal project, it is an absolute
           | must to have good tools for inspecting logs with error rate
           | graphs and stacktraces and so on.
             | christyjacob4 wrote:
             | Thanks a lot for taking the time to type this. Really
             | appreciate this.
             | If I understood everything correctly, may I ask why you
             | were using a cloud function to build the a realtime
             | application rather than relying on their realtime database
             | directly ?
               | aerovistae wrote:
               | It was because I needed to run validation over the inputs
               | sent to the server, and then update other data which the
               | user themself did not have authorization to access.
               | christyjacob4 wrote:
               | Thanks a lot for clarifying . Makes sense :)
               | combyn8tor wrote:
               | You can validate the data with Firebase rules. The other
               | data can be updated with Firebase functions. They listen
               | for state changes on the relevant data and then update
               | the data that the user does not have access to.
               | aerovistae wrote:
               | I'm sure it's technically possible, but things were
               | starting to feel hackier and hackier and already the
               | latency was a no-go, so the value proposition was
               | becoming less convincing. I'm still using it for user
               | auth though, that seems to work well so far.
         | rectang wrote:
         | I'd consider myself fortunate if I never have to deal with
         | Firebase again.
         | Firebase simply did not behave as documented. Whole features
         | shipped that were just wishful thinking.
         | It reeked of high-level management applying pressure to ship-
         | now-no-matter-how-broken.
           | wfme wrote:
           | My experience is quite different to this. I'd be interested
           | to know which features behaved differently to their
           | documentation?
             | rectang wrote:
             | I most vividly recall unit testing, storage emulator, auth.
             | For example:
             | https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/issues/5086
             | > _Steps to reproduce:_
             | > _Step 1: Read the documentation for setting up cloud
             | storage unit tests
             | at:https://firebase.google.com/docs/rules/unit-
             | tests#storage_
             | > _Step 2: Attempt to write unit tests following the
             | examples in the documentation_
             | The reporter describes _five_ problems which will thwart
             | you when you try to write code according to the official
             | documentation.
             | How did these docs ship? Did nobody ever try the sample
             | code and verify that the features worked as advertised? Did
             | nobody write any tests to validate that the features
             | actually worked? Are there no policies in place (e.g. "new
             | features require tests" or perhaps code review) to prevent
             | such mishaps?
           | vincentge wrote:
           | Firebase is great for Hackathons =D
       | fiznool wrote:
       | I was about to ask how you manage to support so many different
       | language bindings, then I noticed that you've built an 'SDK
       | generator' [1]. Very cool! I've not come across this concept
       | before - how does it work?
       | [1] https://github.com/appwrite/sdk-generator
         | eldad_fux wrote:
         | We use twig templating syntax as an agnostic language that
         | allow contributors from different coding backgrounds to help us
         | build the SDK templates. Then we use our API spec file to auto-
         | generate the source code and push the relevant code to the SDK
         | repos and package manager, it works really well and help us
         | maintain a big amount of SDKs with little overhead after the
         | core templates are done. We actually plan to have a talk about,
         | it's really cool!
       (page generated 2022-03-22 23:00 UTC)