[HN Gopher] Open Golf: A cross-platform minigolf game written in C
       Open Golf: A cross-platform minigolf game written in C
       Author : 10000truths
       Score  : 318 points
       Date   : 2022-03-24 13:23 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | hackernudes wrote:
       | Kind of looks like neverball/neverputt (https://neverball.org/).
         | d0nd0ne wrote:
         | Here comes the nostalgia
           | DrBoring wrote:
           | Zany Golf
         | parasti wrote:
         | Neverball also has a browser version that's compiled directly
         | from the C code. (Shameless plug, I'm one of the developers.)
         | https://neverball.github.io/
       | teh_klev wrote:
       | This is excellent. Can I suggest a couple of improvements?
       | 1. Maybe have a "par" for each hole.
       | 2. Be able to better see the layout of multi-level holes, i.e.
       | the ones with slopes.
       | Other than that this is a really nice lunchtime distraction.
         | taurusnoises wrote:
         | Loved it, and would concur that having a better sense of what
         | the hole looks like from above before the shot (or being able
         | to click to see the hole from above like a map) would be
         | awesome. But, I loved playing it. And, I sucked.
       | jll29 wrote:
       | Nice one - amazing what's possible in a browser today! Also,
       | impressive how lean the code is in terms of the small number of
       | libraries need.
       | bspammer wrote:
       | Seems really great, I played all the way through. Here's a couple
       | low-hanging QOL suggestions:
       | * Use right-click for the camera control, rather than left-click
       | away from the ball. It's unnerving to have the camera change
       | while you're trying to line up a shot.
       | * Show a shot counter, and assign each hole a par.
       | * Slightly tune down the friction. I had the ball stop dead on
       | slopes a couple of times, and it stopped way earlier than I
       | expected on slower shots.
       | quaffapint wrote:
       | After spending my career working in higher level languages, I'm
       | always impressed by what people can do with languages like C.
       | It's not just for drivers anymore.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Once upon a time such kind of games used to be done in C, after
         | being done several years in Assembly, hardly anything to be
         | amazed.
         | queuebert wrote:
         | It was never just for drivers. Most of what you use in high-
         | level languages is just syntactical sugar for things that might
         | take three lines in C instead of one line in your usual
         | language.
           | samatman wrote:
           | Three uncorrelated lines, two of which take a buffer, length
           | pair which is also uncorrelated, calling something with
           | undefined behavior if the buffer and length aren't the
           | correct pairing.
           | But yes.
         | hnlmorg wrote:
         | It used to be the norm to write games in C. In fact it used to
         | be the norm to write them in assembly, C was seen as a higher
         | level abstraction that sped up games development once upon a
         | time.
           | deagle50 wrote:
           | There's a good Diablo 1 "making of" video, the lead developer
           | talks about learning C while coding the game in assembly.
           | I'll try to find it.
             | foldor wrote:
             | Yeah, I'm pretty sure most game devs of that era were doing
             | something similar. It seems that once games went 3D, it was
             | too impractical to do assembly anymore. So basically a lot
             | of early PS1/N64/Saturn games were likely some pretty rough
             | C code if I had to guess.
               | meheleventyone wrote:
               | It's less that but that the C tooling matured to the
               | point where it was actually good enough to use.
               | Particularly in terms of good enough output. Tight loops
               | and often called functions were and sometimes still are
               | (in SIMD terms) written in assembly so they could be hand
               | optimized.
               | More exotic hardware also relied on the vendors providing
               | a C compiler and the quality there could vary wildly.
         | bcjordan wrote:
         | Putters, too!
         | [deleted]
       | juliushuijnk wrote:
       | Nice.
       | Perhaps a level generator based on some ascii art or something
       | would be nice.
       | That way more people could add levels in merge requests. Or even
       | add a level loader where you can import a list of those levels.
       | sastraxi wrote:
       | I'd love to hear more about the lightmapping interpolation for
       | moving objects. I wonder what kinds of efficiencies the author
       | had to find to make it performant.
       | modernerd wrote:
       | Any recommendations to learn to build cross-platform games like
       | this?
       | I work on frontend projects day-to-day. I'd love to build a
       | simple cross-platform game in C/Zig/C++ for some variety and to
       | learn lower-level programming.
       | I've looked at Handmade Hero in the past but its specific to
       | Windows at the moment.
         | modeless wrote:
         | It's all about the libraries. Use Sokol and Dear Imgui and
         | you'll be cross platform.
         | jstimpfle wrote:
         | Handmade Hero gives good advice how to modularize to make a
         | game portable. For many things you want to achieve, you can
         | have the platform call the game instead of the other way
         | around. Essentially it's (asynchronous) event driven
         | architecture which enforces modularization.
         | Think of a system as shipping data packets around, then it
         | should be much easier to see how to swap out the platform
         | parts.
         | ryandrake wrote:
         | This might be obvious, but one of the key activities is to
         | minimize platform-dependent code so that most of the game logic
         | is portable and shared across all platforms. So no Win32-isms
         | or Cocoa-isms or <unistd.h> littered all over your game.
         | One way (out of many) to do this is have a cross-platform
         | interface for each non-portable thing, with separate platform-
         | specific implementation files that you swap in depending on
         | which platform build you're doing. For example, if your game
         | has sound, you'll probably have a platform-independent sound.h
         | the rest of the game calls into, and then sound_windows.c,
         | sound_linux.c, sound_mac.c, etc. files that contain the
         | platform-specific implementations of those functions. Repeat
         | for graphics, input, and other things that cannot be done (or
         | you don't want to do) in a portable way.
         | Another thing is the game loop. Back in the DOS days, when you
         | were the only thing running on the system, you implement main()
         | did something like:                   while (game_running) {
         | do_everything(); }
         | Modern platforms expect to be in the driver seat, and will
         | instead call into your code, so this turns into something like:
         | function windows_call_me_please() {
         | do_everything();         }
         | Obviously this is a simplification, and there is a lot more to
         | it, but hopefully it answers some basic questions.
       | jkbf wrote:
       | Level 20, but wish there were more. The fun ones were trying to
       | skip most of the course from the tee. Throw a leaderboard on
       | there and no one's going to be working.
       | Great work, awesome orchestration of cross platform libs.
         | confident_inept wrote:
         | I think the game not having an online component is one of its
         | charms. Simplicity in nature and execution is the obvious goal.
         | Have you seen the leaderboards of any online game lately? They
         | usually get wrecked by cheaters and defeat the whole purpose.
       | tln wrote:
       | Cool project!
       | Was this inspired by Golf with Your Friends? I've been playing
       | that a fair bit, it's pretty fun and good value.
         | adamrezich wrote:
         | looks like it doesn't (yet?) have networking support. my
         | fiancee plays GFW almost daily after it was on sale recently,
         | it's a fantastic casual to play both with friends or with
         | strangers online, pretty chill community
       | omoikane wrote:
       | That was lots of fun!
       | I wish there is a replay mode so I can relish on my glorious
       | strokes of luck.
       | shimonabi wrote:
       | It's great, but the hole is too wide.
       | The ball shouldn't go in easily if you hit too hard.
       | DrBoring wrote:
       | Error report: on hole 3, I was able to ramp off a bump and hit
       | the hole with enough velocity that the ball clipped through into
       | an underground area.
       | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
       | This is excellent. Sokol is so very elegant compared to
       | alternatives.
       | fredgrott wrote:
       | Extremely playable, nice work!
       | haunter wrote:
       | Somewhere in Japan a lawyer picks up a pencil
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NES_Open_Tournament_Golf
       | juice_bus wrote:
       | Very well done!
       | kennydude wrote:
       | Very nice simple golf game. Refreshing on mobile where there's
       | nothing but the game :)
         | moron4hire wrote:
         | Odd. I couldn't get it to work on Edge, Chrome, or Firefox on
         | Android.
       | scoofy wrote:
       | Love it
       | clearing wrote:
       | Between this, Elden Ring, and my rediscovery of FFXIV, I now
       | firmly believe there's a global conspiracy to stop me from doing
       | a single minute of work.
         | [deleted]
         | torh wrote:
         | Hi, have you meet Wordle? :)
           | sodimel wrote:
           | Hi, have you meet Semantle? :)
           | jjuel wrote:
           | But Wordle takes what 15 minutes of your day?
             | acolumb wrote:
             | Not even for the average HN user.
             | ilikepi wrote:
             | It's not just Wordle proper, though, it's all the
             | variants...Nerdle, Worldle, Heardle,
             | Dordle/Quordle/Octordle/etc...
             | [deleted]
           | clearing wrote:
           | I was doing it daily for a while. For some reason the
           | acquisition news made me stop, or maybe it was just the
           | timing. Maybe it's time to get back into the zone.
       | UberFly wrote:
       | Lots of fun. Then I got to level 12... :)
       | padobson wrote:
       | I tried to analyze the running app with the Firefox dev console,
       | but the GitHub hosted page said there were no sources!
       | Browsing the Sokol Github, it looks like it's compiling to web
       | assembly. I'm not very familiar with web assembly, how does one
       | normally debug it?
         | flohofwoe wrote:
         | With the sokol libs as platform abstraction it works quite well
         | to develop and debug a native build in a regular C/C++ IDE and
         | then only cross-compile to WASM. Most bugs are platform
         | agnostic and would also happen in the native build. For the
         | rare case that problems only happen in the WASM build, regular
         | printf-debugging usually works well enough, or in case of WebGL
         | specific problems there will be validation errors on the JS
         | console from the browser's WebGL implementation).
         | (disclaimer: sokol author)
         | modeless wrote:
         | I haven't tried it but Chrome dev tools supports debugging C++
         | compiled to WASM with DWARF debug symbols.
         | [deleted]
       | b20000 wrote:
       | waiting for the first post that says this should have been
       | written in rust
         | ______-_-______ wrote:
         | I'm waiting for the "programming language in the title =
         | clickbait" crowd
           | Narishma wrote:
           | They only show up when said language is rust.
       | dblohm7 wrote:
       | Why "Works best with Chrome?" It works fine for me in Firefox.
       | 10000truths wrote:
       | Just to be clear, folks, this isn't my project. I saw this in
       | /r/programming and it looked interesting, so I thought I'd share
       | with you guys.
       | tpmx wrote:
       | The main game state machine is a neat read.
       | https://github.com/mgerdes/Open-Golf/blob/master/src/golf/ga...
       | eashish93 wrote:
       | Addicted to it.
       | mythz wrote:
       | Impressive to see C being able to create x-plat 3D games that run
       | in Browser + popular Desktop + Mobile OS's.
       | Typically there's big companies with large dev teams working on
       | accomplishing such a feat & this project does it with with a 50
       | year old language and a handful of libs
         | foo92691 wrote:
         | What's the TLDR on how to compile the C code to run in the
         | browser?
           | hoten wrote:
           | Emscripten. If you use something like SDL porting is trivial.
           | Working on a project to port a 20 plus year old c/cpp code
           | base to the web. The tooling was like 98% there but I've had
           | to upstream a few fixes or find a workaround every now and
           | then.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Not to diminish the value of their efforts, welcome to the days
         | of 16 bit game programming, naturally minus the browser part.
         | Plenty of retrogaming stuff to learn from.
       | treesknees wrote:
       | Cross-platform except for MacOS
       | https://github.com/mgerdes/Open-Golf/issues/3
         | ryandrake wrote:
         | They seem to have a build script for "OSX" but maybe it's just
         | incomplete / work-in-progress? It uses glfw, which I know for
         | sure still runs on Mac because I use it in my own cross-
         | platform graphics projects.
         | JKCalhoun wrote:
         | Web Inspector on Safari showing failure: "Worker load was
         | blocked by Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy"
         | orangecat wrote:
         | Builds and runs well in Asahi Linux :) Frame rate isn't great
         | without GPU support, but totally playable.
           | whateveracct wrote:
           | Absolutely crazy that Asahi Linux beats MacOS on even one
           | silly datapoint of compatibility lol. Open source is sick.
             | flohofwoe wrote:
             | TBF, the only reason why macOS isn't currently supported
             | seems to be some minor build system details (e.g. the
             | toplevel CMakeLists.txt file has explicit support for
             | Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and Emscripten, but not
             | macOS).
         | [deleted]
         | coldcode wrote:
         | Works fine on MacOS on Chrome, just not Safari.
       | torh wrote:
       | Wow, this is neat.
       | hyperpallium2 wrote:
       | Request: since it's open source, put the android version on
       | F-Droid as well. https://f-droid.org/
       (page generated 2022-03-24 23:00 UTC)