[HN Gopher] Firejail: Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox
       Firejail: Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox
       Author : varbhat
       Score  : 123 points
       Date   : 2022-03-27 14:11 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | throwaway82652 wrote:
       | My main issue with Firejail is that it still uses a SUID binary,
       | compared to bwrap which has supported rootless operation for a
       | while now. If you have to use SUID I think it's no better than
       | using the same functionality in Docker or systemd, which are
       | probably already on your system if you're a developer. Though I
       | would love to hear if anyone has any other use cases where
       | firejail really shines compared to the other similar tools to
       | manage namespaces and seccomp.
       | It might eventually be possible to relax this restriction and get
       | rid of the SUID but I expect they would have to really clean up
       | the kernel API, and that takes priority over fixing the userspace
       | sandbox.
         | goodpoint wrote:
         | > If you have to use SUID I think it's no better than using the
         | same functionality in Docker or systemd
         | systemd: yes, but firejail comes with friendly profiles for
         | most applications
         | docker: not at all, it has a much higher attack surface
         | Hello71 wrote:
         | firejail is also super super insecure:
         | https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-
         | list/vendor_id-1619.... the vast majority of these are
         | _trivial_ bypasses, like  "what happens if i mount over
         | /etc/shadow". everyone that can access firejail has a one-inch
         | wall between them and full root access. by default, installing
         | firejail gives everyone on the system access, so installing
         | firejail is basically the closest thing to making everybody
         | root unless you manually configure it to only allow certain
         | users access.
           | tome wrote:
           | Maybe this is a stupid question, but what's the point of an
           | application that's intended to make your system more secure
           | but actually makes it less secure? Do the firejail
           | maintainers not realise? Or do they not agree that it's
           | insecure? Or what? I can't reconcile these CVEs with anyone
           | ever wanting to use firejail ever.
             | tedunangst wrote:
             | I think the assumption is that the user, outside the jail,
             | is already trusted. (You're running this on your personal
             | laptop, etc.) Therefore it "doesn't matter" if they can
             | abuse firejail to get root, they already have that ability.
             | (Not an endorsement.)
               | goodpoint wrote:
               | This is the case for most desktop users. All the valuable
               | data is in the user account.
               | If the user account is compromised all valuable data
               | (password, keys) is gone.
               | Gaining root is hardly useful to an attacker.
               | johnisgood wrote:
               | Firejail offers private home (i.e. not your actual), and
               | disallows running executables within, etc.
               | tome wrote:
               | I see, so the system gains strength against untrusted
               | code (Zoom client, Javascript in the browser, etc.) at
               | the cost of losing strength against the local user. If so
               | then the benefit is really balanced on a knife edge! If
               | the sandboxing is not implemented, or fails, then the
               | untrusted code can run with root privileges!
               | folmar wrote:
               | For typical single user with DE it's not that much
               | tipped-once you can write to real $HOME you easily go to
               | have root through replacing sudo password dialog or
               | similar. Most desktop-targeted distributions drift
               | towards the console user having a lot of privileges
               | already (but not directly root access).
         | traverseda wrote:
         | bwrap is SUID.
         | >Bubblewrap could be viewed as *setuid* implementation of a
         | subset of user namespaces. Emphasis on subset [...]
         | https://github.com/containers/bubblewrap#user-namespaces=
           | chlorion wrote:
           | You can toggle between the SUID and unprivileged user
           | namespaces implementation at compile time. I think most
           | distros are shipping the unpriv'd userns configuration, and
           | if they aren't they should be.
           | throwaway82652 wrote:
           | I don't know why it says that, it's explicitly not: https://g
           | ithub.com/containers/bubblewrap/blob/34a8c8bc870783...
           | Distros without user namespaces will probably still ship the
           | SUID version though.
         | loo wrote:
         | An SUID binary written in C, no less.
         | the8472 wrote:
         | You can't spin up a veth network device without a suid
         | executable. A better approach would be to have most of the
         | sandboxing code run unprivileged and only call a more
         | specialized suid helper for the networking stuff.
         | > Though I would love to hear if anyone has any other use cases
         | where firejail really shines compared to the other similar
         | tools to manage namespaces and seccomp.
         | It also supports sandboxing X11 and dbus. So in that sense it's
         | more like flatpak than docker.
           | throwaway82652 wrote:
           | I was under the impression the X11 and dbus sandboxing was
           | done with Xpra and xdg-dbus-proxy, which are not part of
           | firejail.
             | the8472 wrote:
             | Yes, but firejail integrates them, docker does not.
               | throwaway82652 wrote:
               | Good point, that's very helpful to know.
         | gnoack wrote:
         | +1, escalating privileges in order to drop privileges is
         | counterintuitive and risky.
         | This was the best possible solution for a while, but things are
         | getting better with Landlock introducing unprivileged
         | sandboxing for file accesses. There are helper libraries in Go
         | and Rust at https://github.com/landlock-lsm, and it's easy to
         | play around with it with the landlock-restrict example tool:
         | $ go install github.com/landlock-lsm/go-landlock/cmd/landlock-
         | restrict@latest       $ mkdir /tmp/lolcat       $
         | HOME=/tmp/lolcat landlock-restrict -ro /usr /lib /etc -rw
         | /tmp/lolcat -- /bin/bash
         | The web browser I'm writing this from is sandboxed using the
         | same example tool, so this works for bigger software as well.
         | :) (Full disclosure, I'm the author of the go-landlock
         | library.)
         | I'm having high hopes that this'll get used by a lot of other
         | sandboxing software as well. :) (If you run into issues, please
         | file bug reports, I'm interested to hear about it.)
           | goodpoint wrote:
           | > escalating privileges in order to drop privileges is
           | counterintuitive
           | A lot of valid solutions are counterintuitive.
         | neatze wrote:
         | To me it seems there is contest right now between bwrap +
         | selinux vs firejail + apparmor, no idea to what degree this is
         | false observation, but I prefer to use firejail + apparmor,
         | because configuration is less obfuscated (in sense) and way
         | easier to tweak to my needs.
       | danShumway wrote:
       | Also consider Bubblewrap, which is what Flatpak uses under the
       | hood. There are a couple of meaningful differences which may or
       | may not be important to you:
       | https://github.com/containers/bubblewrap#related-project-com...
       | Personally, I like that Bubblewrap doesn't require the same level
       | of privileging, and I like the consistency with Flatpak. It feels
       | like an unnecessary increase in attack surface to be running
       | completely separate sandboxing tools. But, there are also
       | advantages to Firejail, I'm not saying you shouldn't use it.
       | Reminder that unless you're doing complicated things with X
       | sessions, Wayland is an important part of sandboxing and you
       | should probably assume that any graphical malware will be able to
       | break out of a sandbox on an X system (not because it's
       | _impossible_ to sandbox X, just that if you 're dabbling in this
       | stuff you're probably not sandboxing it correctly). Honestly, you
       | should probably use something more robust than either of these
       | programs if you're worried about malware. I just think it's
       | easier and safer to use a VM and importantly I think you're less
       | likely to shoot yourself in the foot using a VM (although it is
       | still possible for malware to escape VMs depending on how they're
       | configured). I'm not a security expert, take that advice with
       | many grains of salt.
       | ----
       | A lot of these programs (in my opinion) lack really good
       | documentation about how to work with them. You kind of need to
       | know the basics of how they work before you start. I think if
       | anyone ever wanted to create a really detailed guide about what
       | the different options are, what the considerations are, stuff
       | like that, there's a lot of opportunity there to single-handedly
       | drastically improve the accessibility of these tools. Most guides
       | I have seen assume you know already know how the underlying
       | permissions, process isolation, network stuff all works -- even
       | some of the better guides on Arch
       | (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Firejail,
       | https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/bubblewrap) are just not
       | accessible unless you're willing to go down those rabbit holes
       | and figure out all of the terminology being used.
       | It's not that the documentation doesn't exist, and once you
       | understand how the command line options work they're kind of
       | nice, but all of the documentation is kind of spread around and
       | hard to find and there's a lot of pulling up manpages and looking
       | up words that get dropped with no context -- if you happen to
       | know Linux security even just reasonably well and you're ever
       | looking around for an unmet need or niche that's possible for one
       | person to solve on their own, then this is the kind of problem
       | that could be fixed with like one in-depth blogpost series.
       | There's just a real need for more tutorials about this stuff that
       | can be shared with people who want to do manual configuration or
       | command line usage, but that don't necessarily have the
       | background required to just jump into the Arch docs. I've thought
       | about trying to make one, but I am very nervous about giving
       | people bad advice since I'm mostly self-taught on a lot of the
       | security stuff.
       | I haven't checked back though since I started using Bubblewrap,
       | so also maybe I'm out of date and there's more documentation
       | today.
         | ByThyGrace wrote:
         | > It's not that the documentation doesn't exist, and once you
         | understand how the command line options work they're kind of
         | nice, but all of the documentation is kind of spread around and
         | hard to find
         | > then this is the kind of problem that could be fixed with
         | like one in-depth blogpost series
         | In the case of firejail the documentation is officially a
         | selection of blog posts _and videos_ in their wordpress
         | website. While they cover a number of popular and general use
         | cases, the software is complex enough that a good number of
         | corner cases are missing.
         | But in-depth, ideally, is something as well written and well
         | presented such as the docker docs. Blog posts get buried in SEO
         | spam and are unfindable.
       | makeworld wrote:
       | Happily using this for Zoom, I don't trust their security.
         | staticassertion wrote:
         | Why not just use the web app?
           | smallerfish wrote:
           | The desktop app does better image processing on your camera
           | feed. That's about the only reason.
             | Shared404 wrote:
             | I've also found the UX much better on the desktop app.
             | Currently I use the flatpak w/ settings tweaked on
             | flatseal.
             | It's not perfect, but better than nothing.
       | asicsp wrote:
       | Previous discussion:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25052341 _(214 points | Nov
       | 10, 2020 | 48 comments)_
       | jchw wrote:
       | I'm using Firejail as an additional layer of defense on some
       | machines.
       | It's not a silver bullet, and I get the feeling that the jails
       | for Firefox/Chromium are not terribly constraining.
       | I also don't think there's a good way to poke holes for things
       | like libnotify or links in browsers that go to native
       | applications. This is a shame; I'd love the ability to have a
       | link from Firefox under Firejail to poke out and run in Zoom or
       | Slack under their respective sandboxes, or just to get native
       | notification boxes.
       | Still, I think practically it does a lot to limit the blast
       | radius of potential attacks, especially if you don't expect to be
       | explicitly targeted.
       | mwcampbell wrote:
       | I wonder how practical it is to use a VM per application instead.
       | Of course, Qubes has already done this, but it uses Xen. What
       | would be the minimum practical overhead per VM, when each VM
       | needs to run a single-application GUI stack?
       | egberts1 wrote:
       | Better off using ipfilter or nftable namespace filtering.
       | bigyellow wrote:
       | staticassertion wrote:
       | I hope eventually, with systems like landlock making sandboxing a
       | bit more accessible, developers just start sandboxing their
       | software by default. 3rd parties maintaining policies is less
       | than ideal.
         | gnoack wrote:
         | I hope so too :) There are libraries at
         | https://github.com/landlock-lsm to simplify that, I'm using
         | these productively for a few months.
         | (In fact, I'm sending this from a landlocked web browser. :))
         | This also ties into the discussion thread about firejail being
         | suid-root - Other than namespaces, Landlock is an
         | _unprivileged_ sandboxing mechanism and doesn 't need to
         | escalate privileges in order to drop privileges.
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | Honestly, user namespaces might be scarier to me than setuid
           | lol hopefully one day that will change.
         | the8472 wrote:
         | Landlock still falls short of pledge() in some ways, one of
         | them is that inheritance is mandatory which disincentives its
         | use in tools that spawn other processes. I hope that linux will
         | adopt something pledge-like one day.
           | staticassertion wrote:
           | Not sure what you mean. Why would you not want inheritance to
           | be mandatory?
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2022-03-27 23:00 UTC)