[HN Gopher] Sorbet: Stripe's Type Checker for Ruby
       Sorbet: Stripe's Type Checker for Ruby
       Author : joeyespo
       Score  : 93 points
       Date   : 2022-03-28 18:04 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (stripe.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (stripe.com)
       | areichert wrote:
       | I remember having mixed feelings about Sorbet when I first joined
       | Stripe in late 2018, but by the time I left, I found it
       | indispensable. Especially after the VS Code extension was
       | released internally... holy crap, that made such a huge
       | difference (vs having CI fail 20 mins after pushing up a PR
       | because you forgot to run the typechecker script ahead of time,
       | ugh).
       | This article also made me laugh, because it reminded me of one of
       | my small pet peeves about the Ruby codebase at Stripe: the fact
       | that you would often find `merchant`, `account`, `invoice`, etc
       | used as method parameters that represented the _ID_ of the
       | resource rather than the resource itself. So Sorbet definitely
       | helped with that, but it also could've been nice to just write
       | `invoice_id` instead... :P
       | Makes me nostalgic though, good times!
         | clintonb wrote:
         | I also joined Stripe in 2018, and thought Sorbet was a waste of
         | time. I quickly changed my mind when I realized how many
         | incidents it prevented. Now I want types for :allthethings!
         | itslennysfault wrote:
         | This is exactly how I felt when I was first forced to use
         | TypeScript instead of JavaScript, but I can't even tell you the
         | number of hours it has saved me. Now, years later, I can't
         | stand using regular JavaScript, and would never recommend it
         | for any project that will be beyond a toy.
         | hardwaresofton wrote:
         | Is there anything you can think to say to convince the old you?
         | I have a few friends who haven't yet seen the typing light.
         | I also think Stripe's API (external) should not be moving ids
         | and objects. Given some payload in which 'account_id' is always
         | present and 'account' may be the object (using 'expand' IIRC?)
         | or not makes a lot more sense to me.
           | jez wrote:
           | My experience has been that the people opposed to types won't
           | be convinced to like types by anything you can say or have
           | them read. In all of the cases where I've seen Sorbet be
           | adopted, the process looked like this:
           | 1. Ambitious team who wants types does work to get the
           | initial version passing in CI. Importantly, it's only
           | checking at `# typed: false`, which basically only checks for
           | missing constants and syntax errors.
           | 2. That initial version sits silently in the codebase over a
           | period of days or weeks. If new errors are introduced, it
           | pings the enthusiastic Sorbet adoption team, they figure out
           | whether it caught a real bug or whether the tooling could be
           | improved. It does _not_ ping the unsuspecting user yet.
           | 3. Repeat until the pings are only high-signal pings
           | 4. Turn Sorbet on in enforcing mode in CI. It's still only
           | checking at `# typed: false` everywhere, but now individual
           | teams can start to put `# typed: true` or higher in the files
           | they care about.
           | 5. Double check that at this point it's easy to configure
           | whatever editor(s) your team uses to have Sorbet in the
           | editor. Sorbet exposes an LSP server behind the `--lsp` flag,
           | and publishes a VS Code extension for people who want a one-
           | click solution.
           | 6. Now the important part: show them how good Sorbet, don't
           | tell them. Fire up Sorbet on your codebase, delete something,
           | and watch as the error list populates instantly. Jump to
           | definition on a constant. Try autocompleting something.
           | In my experience trying to bring static types to Ruby users,
           | seeing is really believing, and I've seen the same story play
           | out in just about every case.
           | One final note: be supportive. Advertise one place for people
           | to ask questions and get quick responses. Admit that you will
           | likely be overworked for a bit until it takes off. But in the
           | long run as it spreads, other teammates will start to help
           | out with the evangelism as the benefits spread outward.
         | brandonbloom wrote:
         | > the fact that you would often find `merchant`, `account`,
         | `invoice`, etc used as method parameters that represented the
         | _ID_ of the resource rather than the resource itself
         | I've encountered a few Rails projects in the wild that do this.
         | One solution is to make liberal use of the `to_param` method.
         | This method converts objects to strings that are intended for
         | use in URLs. Of particular note, it's the identity function for
         | strings and numbers, but returns `.id.to_s` for ActiveRecord
         | models. Using this within definitions makes your function
         | polymorphic for whether it accepts a model or an id.
         | If you do this widely, would probably be best to monkey-patch
         | in your own `to_id` method.
       | hiphipjorge wrote:
       | We've been starting to use Sorbet at Figma and honestly it's been
       | pretty cool! Sorbet is definitely not as good at TypeScript
       | (yet?). It's more verbose, doesn't support things like recursive
       | types and records (shapes are experimental), and it doesn't
       | inspire the same confidence TS does but it's definitely worth it
       | to add it to your codebase if it's big enough!
       | Also, it's fast! I'm in total agreement with the point made in
       | the article. That makes a huge difference in developer UX.
         | jez wrote:
         | I have some concrete ideas for how to fix shape types to make
         | them not incremental. Just a matter of finding the time to push
         | the prototype over the line, and do a migration on Stripe's
         | codebase to fix or silence the ensuing errors. It's one of the
         | most requested features for sure, and I think once we implement
         | it Sorbet will feel much better to use, especially in smaller
         | projects and scripts where you don't want to have to define
         | `T::Struct` for one-off data structures.
         | weaksauce wrote:
         | huh... didn't expect figma to be using any ruby. what do you
         | all use it for there? I'm mainly a ruby programmer lately but I
         | used figma for my last project design and it was really lovely
         | to use so good work!
           | flyingswift wrote:
           | Most of the backend is written with Ruby
       | ffggvv wrote:
       | kinda funny how stripe is hyped so much yet they still use
       | ruby...
         | clintonb wrote:
         | Is the implication that if Stripe started with another
         | language, the company would be worth more? What's the problem
         | with Ruby?
       | henning wrote:
       | tootie wrote:
       | Types for Ruby, types for JavaScript, types for Python. Why
       | didn't we all just stick with Java?
         | xtracto wrote:
         | Young people are coming around ... I used to write code in C,
         | C++ then Java, C# (.NET v1). I could never understand how
         | people could implement large systems with dynamically typed
         | languages such as Ruby or Python. They are great for smallish
         | scripts, but once your codebase (and team) grows, they become a
         | nightmare to maintain.
         | In my experience, large codebases of those types of languages
         | have a lot of "magic" thing happen. There's a lot of implicit
         | stuff that one has to guess or spend time "following the code"
         | to understand what it is doing.
         | And I say this after having built a major lending platform from
         | scratch in Ruby, including a major Machine Learning scoring
         | system in Python, having to maintain with a good sized payment
         | system in pure JavaScript, and nowadays dealing with a major
         | trading/liquidity system in Ruby.
         | They are fun languages, but once the code and systems start to
         | scale, static typing really helps. For that reason I've seen a
         | lot of these endeavours try to move to TypeScript or other
         | typed languages.
         | klibertp wrote:
         | I was asked a version of this question by a colleague at work,
         | namely: "if types are so great, why didn't Python/Ruby/JS
         | include them from the start (ie. early '90s)?"
         | That's because the theory of gradual type systems was only
         | worked out in the '00s. Before that, you could have a static or
         | dynamic type system, not anything in between. Common Lisp did
         | have type annotations, but they were hints for optimization,
         | without any guarantees. They were also local to subroutines
         | only. Dylan[3] is an example of an early implementation of the
         | idea, but Dylan was several years late and, without being able
         | to compete with Java, died without ever being widely used.
         | The proper theory was first established by J. Siek[1] and W.
         | Taha in 2006. It's distinct from nominal static typing which
         | uses a single top type (like Object in Java) or generics, and
         | obviously it's different from both purely static and dynamic
         | typing. It took almost a decade for the idea to start gaining
         | practical implementations - I think the original was a made for
         | Scheme, and one of the first implementations was Typed Scheme
         | for PLT Scheme, which continues on as Typed Racket[2] today.
         | Typed Racket is unique in that it enforces the types even on
         | the untyped side, by wrapping values and exports in contracts.
         | The idea proved to be useful in practice, and started being
         | adopted in various (non-Scheme) dynamically typed languages,
         | starting with TypeScript for JS and Hack for PHP. On the other
         | hand, some statically typed languages also became gradually
         | typed, most notably C#. The implementations continued to
         | improve, shrinking the parts of their respective languages that
         | could not be statically typed. In dynamic languages there are
         | still features that cannot be practically expressed in static
         | type systems - most metaprogramming and code generation falls
         | into this category - but they are generally "good enough" for
         | day to day coding.
         | Gradual typing is useful in the same way static type systems
         | are useful: it can prevent certain kinds of errors by marking
         | known-invalid expressions without the need to run the code (so,
         | for example, can help you find errors even in code that's not
         | covered by tests); it helps in writing tooling for the language
         | (eg. go to definition, find references); it helps make the code
         | clearer for the reader (no need to break into a debugger to see
         | what kind of value a given identifier refers to); in some
         | implementations it may also help in optimizing the runtime
         | performance, but that's rare. The "gradual" aspect makes it
         | easier to adopt when the codebase grows larger - the bigger the
         | codebase, the more useful static types are, but by the time the
         | codebase grows large enough to justify static typing it's too
         | big to rewrite in a different, statically typed language.
         | In short: writing small projects or prototypes in a dynamically
         | typed language is faster while maintenance and expansion of
         | large projects is easier in statically typed one. Gradual
         | typing lets you go from one to the other without a huge cost of
         | a full rewrite.
         | [1] https://wphomes.soic.indiana.edu/jsiek/what-is-gradual-
         | typin...
         | [2] https://docs.racket-lang.org/ts-reference/index.html
         | [3] https://opendylan.org/index.html
         | rco8786 wrote:
         | It's not like Java is the first or only language with types...
         | ecshafer wrote:
         | I've worked with Ruby + Sorbet, and also with Java. I would
         | rather write Ruby + Sorbet than Java right now. Ruby is a
         | really nice language.
         | Though Java still has some great strengths, especially the 8+
         | functional programming features and the concurrency library is
         | great. If I could use Rails with Java it might be a different
         | story though, since I hate Spring.
       | jez wrote:
       | Hey! I wrote this article. If you have any questions about Sorbet
       | or Stripe, please don't hesitate to ask!
         | cmer wrote:
         | I added Sorbet to my codebase right after reading the article,
         | but it seems to be expecting that I annotate every single one
         | of my gems. Is this accurate? Is there a way around this?
           | jez wrote:
           | Somewhat. They don't all need super specific types for every
           | method they've defined, but Sorbet does at least need to know
           | all the classes, modules, and constants in use in your
           | codebase, whether those come from code you've written or code
           | inside gems.
           | But there's tooling (first-party and third-party) that will
           | either download or generate RBI files defining constants that
           | come from gems. `srb init` is the first party solution, and
           | Shopify's `tapioca` gem is the most popular third-party
           | solution[1].
           | Unfortunately, because Ruby doesn't have import statements at
           | the top of every file, Sorbet can't just do something like
           | silently treat unknown imports as not having a type (like
           | TypeScript and Flow can do), because then it would never be
           | able to tell between "exists but unknown" vs "typo; does not
           | exist" for constant definitions. This definitely makes the
           | adoption process a little tricker compared to other
           | languages, but it's generally a one-time thing once you've
           | got the tooling set up.
           | Also if you're ever having trouble getting the tooling to
           | work, there's a lot of people chatting about Sorbet daily at
           | https://sorbet.org/slack
           | [1] https://github.com/Shopify/tapioca
         | sankha93 wrote:
         | Hey, nice work with Sorbet! I am one of the grad students who
         | worked on RDL, one of the early research projects related to
         | Ruby type systems. What are the next set of challenges that a
         | tool like Sorbet needs to solve? I see you mentioned meta-
         | programming in the blog post, is that something that is handled
         | well by Sorbet? Sorry if this is already handled, I haven't
         | been up to date with the latest features of Sorbet.
           | jez wrote:
           | Thanks for your work on RDL! The post didn't mention it, but
           | Sorbet still owes most of its type definitions for the Ruby
           | standard library to RDL's original annotations. We just
           | borrowed them and changed the syntax.
           | Our general approach to metaprogramming at the moment has
           | been two-fold:
           | - Use ahead-of-time code generation powered either by runtime
           | reflection or ad-hoc static analysis to generate RBI files
           | declaring things that have been metaprogrammed. - Build type
           | system features, errors, and autocorrects that encourage
           | people to structure their code in ways that doesn't require
           | metaprogramming to solve.
           | Metaprogramming is definitely still a sticking point, but the
           | existing solutions work ~okay and the rest of the upside
           | Sorbet provides make it worthwile to power through.
           | Next challenges:
           | - Make it faster. While the post was talking about how fast
           | it is, it wasn't telling the whole truth. Turns out some type
           | checking operations in a 15 million line codebase are still
           | slow, and we're working on making those faster.
           | - Add more IDE features. At the beginning of this year I put
           | a lot of work into making Sorbet's parser more tolerant of
           | syntax errors, which helps things like autocompletion work
           | better. We also want to make more code actions, autocorrects,
           | and refactoring tools, to bring Ruby in line with what you'd
           | expect from other typed languages in the IDE experience
           | - Add more type system features. Shapes and tuples are a huge
           | unimplemented feature still, and people ask about it all the
           | time. There are a handful of other type system features
           | (happy to list them if you're curious) that would also let
           | people write idiomatic Ruby and still have good typing.
           | Lots left to do!
             | mwint wrote:
             | I write a lot of Ruby for work, but I'm not sure what
             | "shapes" are - do you have any good reference where I could
             | start reading?
               | jez wrote:
               | It's what TypeScript calls object types:
               | https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/objects.ht
               | ml
               | (Ruby and JavaScript mean slightly different things by
               | the word "object" so we chose a different word.)
               | Flow also has a distinction between exact and inexact
               | object types:
               | https://flow.org/en/docs/types/objects/
               | where the difference is whether other, unspecified fields
               | are allowed to hide in the object, or whether values of
               | type `{foo: number}` must have _only_ the `foo` field,
               | and no other fields.
         | burlesona wrote:
         | `srb init` has had a lot of problems since Ruby 3.x, and while
         | I haven't tried in a few months it looks like there's recent
         | issues that it still doesn't work
         | (https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet/issues/5332). Is the advice
         | just to use Tapioca instead of `sub init` at this point?
           | jez wrote:
           | Hoping to have this specific issue fixed either today (or by
           | the end of the week at the latest). So sorry for the delay in
           | getting around to this!
         | vhodges wrote:
         | What is the status of the AOT compiler? Still moving forward?
         | Stuck for lack of resources? Release planned soon? :).
         | chucke wrote:
         | When is RBS support coming?
         | felipeccastro wrote:
         | I tried adding this to a new Rails project with no luck. Is
         | there a sample Rails app with Sorbet fully configured (i.e.
         | most gems typed) available on github for reference?
           | jez wrote:
           | Unfortunately I don't know of an example repo, but I do know
           | that most projects (except Stripe) who use Sorbet use it with
           | Rails. There's a #rails channel on Slack--maybe you'd like to
           | try asking there!
           | https://sorbet.org/slack
         | lasvad wrote:
         | With Ruby 3 releasing with RBS, for new projects, whats the
         | current advised path? Native RBS or Sorbet? Can they co-exist
         | and if so, is there a point to using both?
         | Sorbet is something I've been interested in using for a couple
         | years and finally got a round to actually trying it out. I
         | tried to use Sorbet with ruby 3.1.1 but unfortunately it didn't
         | "just work" which I think is crucial for mass adoption. I want
         | to give the benefit of the doubt and say its my local env that
         | causing issues with Sorbet but in a fresh `rails new test_app
         | --api` project, I'd expect `srb init` to work without errors...
         | maybe I need to give it another go, curious on your thoughts
         | above tho! :)
           | jez wrote:
           | We discovered a bug in `srb init` for Ruby 3.1 recently that
           | a teammate of mine is working on fixing at the moment. It's
           | likely that if you tried again in a few days it'll have been
           | fixed. Sorry about that, totally agree that the out-of-box
           | experience should just work.
           | I wrote up an FAQ about the state of Ruby 3 and RBS here:
           | https://sorbet.org/docs/faq#when-ruby-3-gets-types-what-
           | will...
           | The tl;dr is that RBI files (not RBS files) will probably
           | always be the preferred way to declare types for third party
           | code (because it will always support exactly the same set of
           | features that Sorbet does). We have some people in the
           | community look into teaching Sorbet to read the RBS format,
           | but the existing parsers for RBS files are written in Ruby
           | and are very slow, and there are some ambiguities in the spec
           | that make writing a third party parser that compiles to
           | native code tricky. You can see an attempt to write a fast
           | RBS parser in C++ here[1], but again given that RBI files do
           | everything we need them to right now and we have other
           | features people are asking us for, we haven't prioritized RBS
           | support incredibly highly.
           | Sorbet works completely fine without RBS files!
           | [1] https://github.com/Shopify/rbs_parser
       | Fire-Dragon-DoL wrote:
       | I tried using sorbet on our project, but the type system it
       | supports is way too poor. The most glaring problem is the lack of
       | support for duck typing, only nominal typing is supported, no
       | structural typing.
       | For key parts of the code, there was no type safety where we
       | expected it.
       | In the end, it felt far from being like Typescript, we opted for
       | removing it, instead we added some runtime type checking and we
       | document with YARD. Far from ideal, but that's the tooling
       | available.
       | The gem integration is terrible currently: we wrote the gem,
       | fully typed with sorbet, but for some reason the type checking
       | was completely ignored in the main project where we referred it
       | bbrree66 wrote:
       (page generated 2022-03-29 23:00 UTC)